Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 6, 1961, p. 9

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i pre tmmgu july h wl v busy the farnteh aw very haying the wudlnu puul at the park i j a popular spot for i ho tiny lot surveyors were uilr the lle of the now liquor more lust week i qui ur number of humot artf beini kitprovetl with a fresh coat of paint temperature on the domin ion day weekend 50 yean tujo was over 100 degrees the heavy rains this spring anil eark summerthjw residents continually cutting grass acton distrfcltligh school ikutd held its final meeting for the sumuvcr monday evening except for an ocftvmal child enjoying the twlna a klldci the school grounds are abandoned far the ummer hull- duv boy seoul from acton were joined by a few from trafalgar sunduy when they left for tr 10- day camping trip to grand bend in spile of notice in the pap er lat thursday several put out garbage tor collection monday if you are going away for the summer holiday dont for get locheck ut the rfoe press unit have your newspaper fur- warded r traffic was heavy over the holiday weekend- und many veh icles heurlng united slates plat es were prominent throughout the urea the bell telephone dial ex change building- on church st is gradually being completed and the white brickwork udds a striking touch to the neighbor- while miss madge chapman hood is avcav mrs jack chapman will he taking her place in the lib- there seems to be some mc- rarv lvi ln hc hg hoped fbr i county museum the ham jun caretakers at all three i the alexander propertv near schools are husy cleaning was kelso dam is presently getting ing and gelling everything in ion consideration and it could be a worthwhile start v hult ptiulo 160 brownridge descendants attend 1 1th annual reunion at brampton fair grounds urder tor the tall lerm i service on shore kulw riruj at yp weekend ineany rinlsnea ust sunday members of the united church young peoples c sen- hurch ahore it the frenchjluexjnnonhern ihmc cvmpleicd biii inside paint- onlarii they were spending the weekend at the summer collage ralffvhiv tsevn completed for v h l the rev dwighl twtmp area l the rear and necl t w hc isolateil dnvcwiiv u elein strcci land- v adc an lmprcsslvr change siapmc is nonu tmishod and jnwsphere for the service of inside iniinvs installed bull- i p- jokts are levcllim piles ol earth he group were mary beth and lasl lyimutc louehcs aiv be- bell building nearly finish the ncu bell telephone dial i nurvn ioun ml iximplclnj ahead ol schedule hv g t ihet ch d lonwmw i friday iw v u lhc he and irjkiorv cvptvi io haw ca cry ing imjlcrd nnhcn ekmriv compam will bo installing ihe- dial equipment in ihr building and the sictti is cvrclrd u pu inui opera turn witnctimr in dtirmhcr bible school starts at disciples church mr and mrs archie parker ol rirriev visiird rreentlv with the latter mother and brother co- 1 0 apcresons cornert lm on june 27 worshipful mash ellioit garolvn hibbard donna pendleton pat bluhdell paul mcgcachie hans van wiuenburg oiman and paul elliutt john wood gerald weick and david lidkca with mr and mrs engcl and jack mcgcachie they lei i at 4 am saturday morning for the long drive jewel presented to allan green lox- 467 acton met in the mr ind mrs jut plusha milton unr sundti isitur uith mr md mi harr jcstin mr and m ikmo suuart and tamih numfj thursday of last lvk to itfir nevk humc in curvph i mr and mrs chis bf and fatnil o burlington sptnt the icvkenj with mr and mrs j- p btnham mr and mr v chas fcunlain fvrnrra nnct 1 bro alicy gordon in the master chair visitors from lol 1331 guclph spoke on the good of the orange order bro allan green was presented with a past masters jewel in honour ul his three years in the masters chair bro samuel hub ble ul lol 467 was presented mj an honurur membership certificate 160 brownridge descendants gather for annual reunion on saiurtlny a happy reunion was held by the bixnvnridije laniilv at brampton fair grounds fumiiv and iriends tti the number uf 160 gathered to eelehrate the 11th reunion uf this branch of the bnnvnndffc fumiiv since the first one was held on july 1 iw7 at the old humcmcnl- un 4 ctuices- sion 7 of esq ucs inu township this farm was humesteutled 142 wrs ago by thomas brtnvnridtje who emigrated- to canada fnim yorkshire in 1819 he married eliza ward of islinyton and o- evtherthey raised seven sons and one daughter on the homestead 7m descendant descendants of this pioneer family now number close to 100 including over 40 in the sixth generation born in america william ihc eldest son tiflk founders of this lamily in cana da moved to michigan ahout 1882 and established another branch of the family there sev eral families from michigan attended the reunion mrs minerva biggar and miss mary brownridge of milton both close to the century mark in years were unable to be present mrs ransom brownridge 72 of milton was the sole representa tive present of the second genera tion born in america mrs mabel widncr 85 of brampton was the oldest woman and ellery brown ridge of brampton in his 80th year was the oldest man present while little marily joan mcnabh of georgetown rr 2 only four months old was the youngest de scendant present panel of photoi a picnic basket luncheon was a awav on pciictane and ltrtu- hulidn sav mrs clara blaiklnck toronto is tmltnj milh mrs john alton and mivc jtuic tovell venation bihlc si houl opened on mndj tor tvi vccxks a chuith of christ disciples story clan holds 37h annual reunion man kudiijivis wck re mwed ami runmiskko were lioine injimd vkhtfi inenibc- ft the siiie c ian gathered lir then 37rh annual reunion held al biihtkxdle llit assagaaeva no business done council has fun headed by maor john gov on water skis six members ol coun cil imaded lake bcluood last thursday and enjocd a steak lr water skiing highlighted the evening and the maor was ap plauded uhen he managed to sri mi top t the water alter the ihinl ir after delicious thick steaks were deured the group loured the lake before returning iccenlh siine l siiior ituintkis mw u l4ie stoie belle 1n ikiiiald iff onto lish iliownlee toiuiiim aeius coxe ion ul- 1 puk huiun acton ind ivoh wilvni loionti lttl nr tlii- uir iloh mnncnlee ot tontiito mis altis hi ni mis allen ol alton had piswd awix thilv iuiiulil miluicl waa held ixan and art mclxud violin ami piano selci lions sofina and ilen hnanlie miii and guitir nuin rxr jck dhigai ivah and john mi lend bagpipes warren biifwnlee the llnor was then cleared foi tliitcing alter which maigaivt and mel mccullough capahb mracl lunch to end a ery enjox j hie da for all in ntemoia o4 thes- nieinrxi races lm the children weie held in the ailelno4in while the men plaxed horses lutes those taking part weie mariy mileint aiul his mns menrmi ixan llenr and ait also j mi okootktf and l and rnv arnold evening program pi op am conxeneis mis iciuge rt own lee who is heiselt a line t xtotinist and mis james o ruin ke tggamed the piojiarn lor the exening whteh meluded nianx line mnnlvrs b the ehildien andy frank conei alula led them on then pcrtoi-mancc- ik n brim nice is nl 12 wars old and is trying his giade h piano e animations this ear lie has also won sexeial medals aiul scholar ships- karen oroui ke won a bruivc medal lor piano this xeai as well as a silver medal last vear for ice duroihv anne orourke win lirsl class honors thksear plus a gold nwiumor- violin at the peel music fcstixalj the prtgram included the lol- lowing numbers piano solul nabcy mccallister violin duci f karen and durothv anne orour i nitvocal duets mildred rciwc v harion and linda mclivn violin i andy frank piano solof ilc violin solo david vocal duel dorothy and old lima mtuicj ocean steamship tickets cruises now hooking lor spring and summer sailings book early f i wright s w mi mn acton ontario phonf- m served at nikinj ilv the womens association ol norval united church following which a mo ment of silence was observed in memory of those who had passed on since the last reunion inelud nig several slajwaiisof i he family who had been very active in or ganizing arid promoting earlier reunions of the family as part of this commemoration an al trac tive past presidents panel had been prepaid i with photographs of all former presidents of the lamily association and was dis played to view for the lirsl lime along with ptctrrres of former re unions and lamily groups greet ings were extended to friends and relatives from near and tar following luncheon a hue pro gram of sporls was directed by joseph h hrownridge of norval md his energetic sports comtnit- following the sports program the group gathered on the rack stand for the traditional reunion photograph then adjourned lor evening supper afler which the following officers were elected for the next reunion tentatively set for the same time in 1964- imhiediate past president j- ward brownridge rr 2 georgetown president lyle brownridge lans ing mich first vicepresident earle k bmwnridfe lome park second vicepresident joseph e brownridge norval thhd vice- presideht willred f irvirf tomn- to recording secretary john h brownridge corresponding secre- lary mrs earle k brownridge lome park ireasuivr min rich ard bailey historian wilfred f irvin sunday memorial as hud- been done billowing the 10ss and 195ft reunion a lamily memorial service was held in ashgcove united church al 2v pm sunday conducted hy rev koberl w irvin a fotirlh gener ation descendant ol thomas brownridge who preached on ihe theme unless the lord build the house fhey lalxxir in vain that build it misses jenny mae arlene and oianne daughlcrs ol mv and mti joseph c brown ridge ol norval assisted with two vocal trios afler ihe service in the church a special mural tribute was de posited on the family plot ol john fisher brownridge- second president of ihe brownridge re union association in 1910 and 1912 and beloved lather of lillery wllberf austin and marjjutttr who were present on this occa sion this was a special retrjem- brance in his honor prepared by kllery brownridge of brampton and deposited by him with the assistance of jus sons john and joseph al ihe conclusion of the service and presentation of this iribule most of the relu lives and family iriends present adjourned lo the brownridge homestead for re freshments and a brief family visit before dispersing lo their scattered homes the visit to the homestead brought back fond denntc hauraace agency brings you better valu in practically every kind of insuiance you ned auto with local urvice our homfowner policy protect ybu arjeinu theft as wall as fire liability windstorm etc tv aerial no deductibles in this policy except glass which has a 3so0 deductible one policy one agent one company you pay only one premium semi- annual for full details be sure to have a talk with us bill and harold 39 brock street acton phone aii for an appointment robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists furmuriy e p head phone guaph ta 42071 58 st georges square niinuuc tolulliil tho when iwo trucks driven hy harrow anil toronlm ilrlvln collided un lliiih way 401 nuar hornby munday moinlnij i uuilinuliins ill i cuiluri and parks cdinmlllli has askid lihiii cil tiv pinvliahc an additional 71 acres alongside mhu 40 acre uiw vllle ink ii is hoped lo make ihe park a lull 2110 hires al sunn iiiiiiiv dale memories lor many ol ihose pre sen i who had enjoyed many happy visits ihere in hyuone days now owned anil operaled hy s ward drown riilue ihe hosl on litis iiccasion it has been in ihe family lor all bin two of ihe 142 years since il was established bv thomas drownridue ihe ori final settler ironi yurkshiie knoladies donate to deaconess home knox ladlotiald ueinblud in ihe church parlor on tuciduy umornoon for their monthly meeting mr a m mcphurson prealdod and openod wllh u uimhi ihouuhl for ihf day the worship service included iht hvmn suvlnur like a shep herd lcuil lis and a scripture lesson chosen und rend by mrs ii crlndelt a prayer period was presented 1v several members mrs w mcarthur mrs it i davidson mrs k m mcdonald mrs j dennis mrs d kennedy and mrs i anderson ftyjcribuik the worship concluded with a silent iribule to the late mrs w hall wild was member lor lujiny yeajt mrs mcphcison read ihe lollowfnii verse from a ravorile bymir or mm hattirr when the day ol toil is ilone when ihc race ol llle is run jnlhcr itranl ihy wearied one hest lor evermoii diirinn ihe business corres- itoudence was read a teller was received innn mrs c i joiies who now resides at pen mar- vian in pails reuiludinu ihe ladlet ilf tin ihvllallon lo vlsh her and iiliu ihe annual plcnic iheie mils will be arrauued al the inly meellnu when mrs a i murray has invited the tftoup lo her home lor ihcvmcclinu and a pot luck supper miake oonulinn a donatiiiirol s2s was made lo the furnishliih youiiulllcc ol tin new ileaconess home under con struction in toronto oilier husi ness arranueuients were made jor iwo wedtlinus lo later lo dui1iii july mrs j dennis was named as buying convener- lor holh weddings the relurns irotii ihe tjnicjtji bakinu sale weie bronchi lo ibis mcclinc the ireasurer reported 174 received to dale the coop eration of all ihe dumb mem hers who assisted will ibis pio ieel was uratcfullv ajpicciatcd the meeliuu closed willi the beat the sales tax buy now any of these al reconditioned automobiles 1959 olds 88 4dr tedan automatic power i steering radio 195b meteor rideau tudor automatic 19s6 ford custom sedan automatic tutone 1956 ford custom sedan automatic 1954 gmc i ton pickup truck thompson motors phone 69 acton ltd acton 45 main st at bower tt fy wm w6th v niiknaouwryn tuvvnshrp il imtflo in building permlta hu ln juno the permlla include three new homos one collag und un alterullon fu dale in jmi ihe townl ship hm issued js4vx worth of coiislruillou permlls hvmn niesl he the tie lhat hinds and the ijirds prayer the uroop adjourned to ihef kitchen where the table won iili iracllvelv set with dowers audi loud hv ihe coiniiilllee of mrh mcphersoii mis i orlmlell undl mrs k dmlils a suiprlui hiirjtif day lake was donated hy -auonvmwiis-iiiumlhir-ln-lhmnr-tir- the preslilrnls hlrlhduy creel- f inus were sunu lo licr and ulsn lo mrs a j iluchanun for her i weddluu anniversary j free 20 piece set we regret last weeks errof uur free offer should have reed 20 place set not 1 place melmac dinnerware with the purchase of a coronado washing- machine 9 pound capacity with pump and timer only 14995 buy now and save 3t ad ditional sales las effective in september s3- hardware 43 mill st phone 49 we keep the spots and wrinkl your clothes keep that immaculate look to keep you looking your very best custom cleaners t day service except saturday la by i am out ny i pan cahh and abry main st n phone 373 bank of montreal familufi mance lowcost lifeinsured loans actons best food centre before you leave for summer vacation be sure and shop at ab and take along a box of bargains lakeside 3soz tin matoes 21 deluxe slices kraft cheese jumbo cucumbers choice peaches 2 d0ot tins blue brand beef blade roast short rib roast lb pko 31c 2 for 25c heinz cooked spaghetti laioe oranges 39 45 1soz tins 2 for 31c size 113 53c doz large head lettuce 10- 1 wieners be sure and shop the a- wat wpmew

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