Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 20, 1961, p. 7

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atsj neat got you down check the want ads cool bargains c tmiii j kiwuii i 4jujl kmmnt contl miscelunfcolls continued real mtatb cohllhued 1 cza u uowttetffessfl towwwww classified advertising rates no charge for announcement or blrlhk marriages dunns and engagement in memor inrtiii 7jt tlu 10c jwr line lor vcrnes arllclen for hale rent etcstc a word minimum cash 50c billed 7sc box no to thin office 2sc acldlllonal coming cvonlfc 75c minimum flrnl five llnuss each acldlllonil lint 10c card of thank 71c lur flrtl 5 linen each addltlonnl line 10c accounts arc rendered monday following imicriion latest insertion time im pm wednesday phone 600 births marriages deaths etc born cannon slrnlton mil kav can non are pleased to announce the birth ol their sun donald louis on july 14 1061 u georgetown hospital weight 6 lb 4 t7 died sunter suddenly u liciton on thursdav july h 1961 harold peach suntei ol liu ton deal father ol bitty mil mary stepson ol mis i vv it t suntcr 61 ospiingi mil hi nth er of eiretf ol acton mil ai nol of n funeral scimcc was held it the rumlcy shocmaku limit i home on satuuliv it 4 p in in teiment cetton ttmiin elliott at the llillnn cinlin nlal manot milton on wctlncs da july 12 1961 bcntimin stephen steve llliotl helov i ed husband ol riorence pitt man ahtl dear father ul mis im mrmoriam- moort2 in loilng memoiv ol our dear tfninliei and giiuul molhei i llllan moore ulio passed away july 21 i9v deep in the hean lies u plituie ol a loved one laid to test in memoiles fiame we shall keep it because she lias one of the lust i mlnglv 1 1 nvmhc 1 1 d hv dmigli let men lil j uk i iul i nut si ui e a 4 661 4 mcliucill in fond mimoiv ol out deu dailgnlci nut in mil claughlci lvnila7 anne who pus mil imiv suddcnl july 29 iisn she was 1 llowel tun sunt lot cailh sent hue hut loi nubile did mill keel hcl whin lie lime lii i niith and took hit with a smile inungly leniuiihtiid h mum mv daddv ill john niul vninilma litlhui a4 6s68 tai dot in lining mimmi of i ilini htisbnnij and liiliu wil ham u laiboi who p issctl is h july 21 1 1916 sotllv tile ll ims iii million i ill gcnllv ui iuhei mil in istiu hum ill ouicth uniiinhiiid ihtougli the vitus with luiini ilimiihls mil unseen li us iir iimimhiiiil li will ann iliiightu jmii john g ill mil john i 4 6167 mil nl i 1 ii isuuil mi mm us ol the one nl loud nl m mi i hill llllll p isstil 111 l lull 21 im fiom llospii il hul to lliuink list chhi took him lioiiii lo hi ins hh si ui iimii in ivopi mil pi mil in nil but cud diiiikif ui must put hi i isnl ins pun hul bioki oui in ii is anil uluk in usls in pi ic e fill ski p his lilt illlhv mc sh ill ilu in knp i u ingll ii nu nibi i id in iihi k i i mil tnd m u on i ilhi i mil mothc i i 4 0627 moori in loinil milium nl i ill 11 will mil mollii i i ill ainilli moon i ho piss tl 111 i nisi mill h iii mi ik i iilnitin on lull i pis i slu link no otu liti i 1st liiiutll sin s ml ion llm to ll nit ilu hi until elks iitu optiltil a lot iii wiltt s ml loini lc ollin sil mil think til oil ihi things mill usui lo charletuolmis ircni mil wc unnilu win miii hul in di mrs hamilton pocl ada both k of aclonwid mr biinhril rupp violet of hamilton tuneral service was held at the rumlcvshocmakci runeiil home aelon on saturd iv al 2 10 p m interment riinicw cemitii- madill al ymk couniv llospi lal neumukct juls 11 1961 john albeit mulill ol manill i ont in his 100th t u ik n hush ind ol giiiiiidt chiptllt dear lather ol mis jack mi laggatl ldni ol canulcn delaware mis ou willi imson alma ol mount albut morgan ol ballmalatl st mk of los angeles and douglas til highland lrcck iuniial sn iccneas hi id sundai jul 16 inlermtnl mount albut ciin- tcn knight at thi giulph gum il hospital on thuistl i juli 11 191 hazel fliihiih dunns reg n beloittl villi pi l mil c knight ot p ilnursion ele u mothei nl douglas ot ihotiitul sislei ol mrs arnold mush til edith and mis iiiol spurn kalhlien bnili ol gut lph john c dunns uul tlu i tit mrs mcimu bums miiiiunj ol ac tun tin tune lal m is hi til horn tlu i genrgi wall ruiutil llonu iu lolk st giulph on suuulii it tenioon willi iiitiiniuit in rik k wood ci mi ti i- gardiner on juls 14 sm i st michaels llospit ll tiilolllo man a aiihuis i iu ot cur miphtrsun an toiiinio tl in ghlei ol the i iti ml mil mis j annuls tit alton witi ot the late riiink gto iluii i bilov etl mtilhii nl alui mis oi ersl rita mrs j uk ii ism helena mis mi km purtsi ohio mabel mrs spm i mm settc mis fml dun i uul kenmth ol hamilton ill u bister ol maigaut lilbol mib el gibson mid joseph ot c ill lomia funnil anil iniiimiiii in lot onto tucsilav elgie at his nsulnui 4 thoin elllte am tollinto on sun dav jul ihhcvil rohirt flgu retired csr tiaiilling treighl agent member ol sipissuie lodge af 4 am no 420 grc north bav in his 80ih ear be kind husband ot l uu i beatriii rider biloinl tiihn of frances mrs j d bmhan copper clill ont robe it b of scarhtiro and tin lati don- lln mrs r i huiinginui dear grurtdfather ot jaik bueb anan ol lopper clillpclii anan ol oiuua robot i a elgie scarboru a shirks buchanan of copper chlf di11 brother ol annie mis a fool of clinton ont service nit held on wcdnes day afternoon at two ocloek jt the trull funeral home ihi danfbflh ave toronto inter ment waa in pine hilli cemeierv witlioiu iiliuni in s ii eooillni though out ol siijht sou it nil still misstd lomtl still ouis you will hit with us in nitmoii until iht mil ol linn 1 ninjl iimtmbiiiil bi i ins h mil tin ilon r son ahin iliuchtiis mtiiul 1 i ii e it uul lie i m 1 4 hsvi cattnci or t1iavks rtmiau ednhtl- tor saij ilipplei part span lei phone mm u46aij i or sa1 i ouehcc huitti with pipes sullahli lot cottage cheap lot quick sale maine jmw i n4wls i oil sa1 i walnut dining room siillt i icutim ilcancr tur blnaloi halt divci phone 71sj lr sam -taigt- slrilcclilc pup liuieis tint liu a cola 4s one fiilson s10 pikijh rockwiiotl iii sit i f4l a4sww tor sai t lcuhhii si imps mink to mdii fail delivery si imp pull and inks dills slit lime i in mill st phone ml a 46 6149 1 1 i or sap shcaffet pens al w lis i usilnl gilt foi nnv ota sum a complete assoilment at tills si illomrv ui mill si ac ion a46miltl i or sai i riispbeiiiis fusil pllklll i iii v wl dellmi oil i ul mis jt m solium n ilk iluuii alton ill j 21 in mis i isu vl 1 1 ink 1 imphilmllc ul 4 2171 i 4 mm asphalt shingles 1 in i 210 lbs tin color jh os squill stllsilling sl i squall it oil loi i ish jinpro distributors iii alton out nu phone si i ii i or sai i sin gt longinoxu piptllm nnlkiis luiiimi pinups but kit milkers c ish links ikinels slllluils ill i doint ik si mil i it m buildings c ill llin in tomlinson snipi dnkl bi implon l uul ik i i27s a tl ior sai i tptmilis in sniilh c oion i piilabhs is ion is s7 its ii pi mi id i nbboiis loi ill in uhniiyae ii bon p ipi i si il ll qil llilultl pill p ipi i 111 i s i iu h puis i nquitt milled loi ivpiuniii re nl il ditis si it umiii s6 mill si acton 14ams0ii wl lllsll tt txpilss oui mill ill ippiti i illon lo ilu alton i ui tiiiiiiis tin i lie i r pioinpl uul it llclclll lispoilst to out c ii tot 111 ip 1 hi 11 oui lloum llellllki i uichl tin john i llnl uul hn h u i sniilb i 4u 2 i r pthnlthm ikos rfiilul mu- i inn s in hit link pint ibks used hom i2is0 sn ilu i iii si siniii i s sfwing machines i i i i loiiu di nionsli ilions dnson si winc i nil r fl orii i own tr 71111 cton rdon hardwari 1 td ill m w si ptic tank pumping service opil uul in william varcoe r r 2 rotkuood ill uu ii 6 4 ids iv4 ii 61 new 61 volkswagens i coming events 1630 00 tlu ii ilhn iiiinni il1 s tl ii pn miii t club n uul b 2ith tolililit i s ik i 4 i ml ottuul opinine ol inn toini j ship mluulllml illllklllll il hills bin eh 1 iu sil t lull 2sb pl s 10 pin ii in itilm r i i ui st spi ik i ml n k nu i i pill i bini m uul n nijit uul inn j mouil i it mill in urn t i is p in 1 000 i i kpoi in ss nun biis consul it inn sstl biistel i ukpol s00 lot top inn in is numbits oitsol uion ssil sb u iu n illb i utile 20 c tin s h s2 ailnusmon si i tec bu li uu viluil 1 il1 hi il 7 10 p in i ill mis oekituktl s i it umll l ii ills tsponsi ml in mil n kins me n ilcl ligton i4smi2 summer properties for sale rant or wantad aeroway motor co ltd 7 lliihu u s li i iiu i t for rint cont store for rent 14 mill strrrt acton poskishioii august ii apply to m iaixant 14 21 fqr rent afartmrnt mill stixiel nbom c unio shoppt 2 room itpuitim nt apply to m pai i an self coillaincd n4 ior ri nt heated mpu t nicrtp itntrnl location down limn bidioom kitclun llilng loom bathroom domestic hot wale t a buy iln loi sullahli ltii ml alsi olftcc lllnion building mjii st applv ii ii hint in phone 221 j oi 221 w a 6482 1 1 wanted wan iii suing anil slide usui ihiklii n s set ihont 14bw 14 6617 wan i ii ci iss a moioi mcihimc apply c inaili in lm alton b4 660h wan 1 1 d to buy appi mm lie iv 10 ll us ol tlom i oi ill ll i i ha it id lo hi nil riplv lo 1 mi 2r1 i4 6629 wan 1 1 ii loom luiini ilioni 2011 1 ri nt til iiooil lilt i 6 pill 1 but it uion i 4 6628 want i l hilton piihiiicih ik ilus in iim mil ttussiil poiiltiv uul lush iggs iislfim killing pbotit milton tr 8 4401 hi miscellaneous cohllnud rflmi ll upiioisrrryspe uillling ip aupholhtulug till lipcs of fuiniliiic best tualltv matt tint fine moiktmiiislilp ptonipt silvlee also fill lit i vii c lellnlslilng and tug cleaning iluuii 88 matks iichiie alton a ll paconi deadstock removal i li no 80 t 61 m hp 61 lis jl 10 pti liiititltid lor ili ul ioms ami liuisis mou lo nlpplis luioullng tji lt anil tniidilloii old hoists 6i jb sin ill mini lis tinioinl tut ol ihugi 2t lioiu snilit 7 dues n meek i ol pionipt si lln pliotit i nil ll 7911 no i hill t i i inn a ll walnut ranch ltd allan carey idem sr cash pricps paid i hi title oi ik ill etms mil hois is ii i2u 61 i li 78 ri 61 i hunt si 1 1 li i 7 litis pit link c ill nilliil wai i rdown ml 9 6691 i i ii highest cash prices paid lh l old i misn i inum dead stock removal di iii tons hot sis tl pit 100 lbs old hi llllll hot sis si pel i lb sin ill mini lis ii moii tl hn ol ill li gi roullrl24 limn si i mi i ill nillnl llimiipton l i 1907 in lph i a i 2878 i i i us pi t ll i 2 us 211 w 12 1 in iu i n i i 0 i ii tender si llnl t nidi t ll ilu oil in ill until s 27 1961 lot mill 111 tntlmll it tin until isi mil clock pm loll ilu supphini ol a one or 1 va ton truck si tki pt willi lmli uilu hoist spu i he idotv i loin this m uiutu c pud iu i in nbl lint olilll i uv si nut in icss mlv i kubtit m ii sh ill cli tit in in ift mik cik ohisli v llon atilhoiilv 22s m im siilii millon oni help wanted hi i p wan i i d ci in liumi ir 8 9740 i it tick i 10901 f j bennett son -generai-contractors- spi li lin nim litmus it lces alllllllolls rn ii il mil ro nu ke llliule lllllg iblllc is in real estate cohllhuad private sale owni r i i aving town full purchase price 9000 moduli 1 httliniim bungalow oil iu it slut ins and setcciis 120 wl 4 1 loi i road pliiuti 118 a 4 owners sacrifice 1000 tui down paymi n oik mniiunlt nnlv nl iii iv mw 1 lutltunin bihk btin y iluw lm ljt i sluihtl i i v 1 l f ntnni klu inn 4 plm b 1 1 li uiih v mils piiitb tit tin itnl aluiiiiiiiim simiiis niul slittns lull b is nu ul nil lm iiik i 510 i iii i down paymi nl oih mm in ilk niil 1 in ill ikiiii bi k k biinjiiiloh nlii iiiiiinin sluj ms niul slitliis tk i oi id it 4 pit 1 1 ill i mil i kit i iu ii lull i tsi nu ul oil li farms etc nl w i iminf 100 kks i ii i slolli lldllsi imiotl b ii ii vmiiult i hi ii w ltnud l ii din soil askliim u2vh hill pin i ti mis legal- notice to creditors in iii ealkte al dora irwlil lata of i he town of adult in ihe county of llallmi diteoaand all pm iks having ilulms ag alnst the llm emt titliinc il istati ol dora irwin who till il on ot iiliiitil hit kllh dav of manh 1961 inlihtuli mi uouluil to i lie- ptool iihicoi with the- tin dtrslgmd sollijlot lot ilu ail mlnlstiatoi on ot iu loi o hit 8th tiny of july i9nl ul iu wlikh date the cslnle ulll he distil hilled lining icgaid onlv to tlu ilaltus- tlun llktl dati d at ciimlpli this 29ih dav ol lulu 1961 a i1raida ii coik st i in lull hill sulk hoi for 1lu ailmlitlhtta lm albn t irwin t 2 1 notice to creditors in the niite nf al fxandir mifhfior lute or the town of acton in the county of uul ton deceaavd all p it iks it iinii 1 1 lints in ilu si tlu ilnkim nllomtl tsl hi ol al i hanoi r midrldor nho lit il on ot iti i 1 1 tlu h4th tl iv ol aptll 1961 lltleslllli ll lttllll ill lo ilk piool llinnl llllll t lie lliuktslglltil solltlllil lot ilu ailinliiisii mix on oi in lou ilu 4th tl i ol august 1961 din iihlih tl iti tlust t si in ulll in dlsii hum 1 1 haling it g ml oiilc lo uu t minis tin n mini dm i i it nitlph this llili tl il ol lillv 1961 a iiraida ii oik stint i isl fitu lph out mo soliilitii foi till atlmmls it ill iy m tt jinv ann i lib il tr 86003 16i hi lisuk lt vlllliill real estate iii i hi tuiplou i fim brwipion i 14 for rent ior ri m p ii tint ill u ul ihl iiitnuili ileli ill me m0 16241 tl i or ri si 4 im in ip n tun nt 111 11 ll eke t me i ss mi lilt tl lhonc sss o nimcttmn ir ll 121 lols i lllle i ilk i ri l 4 uul 1 s ill e illlilllt 11 ink li hill ill in riikll lllltll ll lilies uul e c s pie i lb met el te tl i jee huh i isl te i ills s s llliples t i up u i ullllli i ingiiilk out pliiitu ishi 44 l il 6624 timijll ip c s ll ul i ss01 hi i i want i d sit nil put llllll tklllell iv ui k in ilus lot ibll m mut te i til e l lequius li t il iisidtnts lo maki hcht tk inci tcs in ut ul outlets in tlun iu i appltc uts must be picpued iii slut immiiltilili i bis tan ik h milled in addition lo piesenl mink posirivily mil silluil anil ispitttnn not tines j sin applu lilts llltlst hill sic nil iccotil ol iniplomllcnt sobe i hoiksl iim a t it oi lit til nuikl mil 570 00 i ish n ul ilile appli 111 imitllll iii is m ilsoll rd c o pci siiine ii dcpl 211 dimiisiiim out 14 16612 female help wanted i our ciris part or n ll liml ior till trosti i tri t7r to mgi jill v 24 phom mil ton tr si21 i ir inumim privaii sai i lbitltoom bun ilon lull li isi mini lilnl btlliioom lull pun 10 900 s79 niontlili in tlmlinc i iis 1 n ii mot l phone acton 513 t2 looking for your moneys worth ior ill iii si hi s in iiomi s smi i i r1s i ii si i john r holmes building lots on m tut lltgltii i 2 lols loi tlu ltlii ol ulll si ulll i iii i prici sydney k lamb iii al ior insurancp mot ig ige htokt i 8 mill si i alton phone s24 i4 noiic i is iii ri hy ivi n 111 it ilu c otpui uion ol ilu coiintv ol hilton will ipply lo tin ligisliitit asst tiililv ol ilu pitnlnii ol out nlii it its in xt stssillll lilt iii all to llltltlllll mil i mpimi f ilu ui poi illon ol tilt county ol ii illon lo il ttft it tsntoi mw ule notice to creditors in tiikibtate of john ed ward pkarcn late of the towmhlu of irln in lha county of wellington gentle man deceased ail p mils having elulnm igidnsi tin aloicinttitlontd eel- tali ol john i dwaitl peiircit whit tilt il on or about the nlurlucnlh tlav ol jmit 1961 are required ii fik piool iluuiif with the utitkisigiit tl solicllor tor the hn tali on ot lit ion the kill dav ul august 1961 aftti wliieh date ilu i stale will bi illsliltuitid lulling itgiutl onk lo the ilaitnu thin lilnl da ii d al alton ontatlo litis nine it i old tl iv ol jul v 1961 cri rann riand oc alton oniat in solli hoi foi the i miulrlx a1 auctiqn sales it tilt ol pi isiius iilintllt tl oi lo lit ittnnlli tl lo f luiin s i it ilu agnl mil nt hi i llonu s lot tlu i iu ol ilu igt il ill mil lulu in puipmlv both it il uul piisunil uul lo hold mil itlmiinslt t tin s mi ts 1 1 tt e in dlv uul to in lullist ixtcilt iii mllllll sin h in i sons imglll tluinsiliis tlo uul lot silt ll ptiiposis is iii iv iu igiinl upon in the cotpni iitoti ol mil counlv ol ii llloll ulll hv ui on bell ill of stjell pi rsolis da 1 1 d it milton this lid tin ol lull 1961 siiarpi a miciioi s 146 m uu si milton out soliiliois lot tlu applu ml i 26 auction sale bankrupt furniture sale of cooki s i iirniiiiri siorp sl k m tin st miluiii out all nl w i iiruffttlri and ioiiipmi nl on ttiiirmliiy and irliluy ivenlngt july 27 2d tomininciiig al 7 10 i tt li evening uu itithng iu sit i in iti sums brume di iu tit sums htdiuuin suites mil in sst s uul spinigs disks hunk hids i imps pillows i in nu c loilu s di vt i i nil i ibk s uilu i tblis it lining chairs sum i hois on isional hairs libit tli t oi ilions ollue i tjllip- nuiii iiu hilling disk mil tiling aliltul mil to un otlli r lltms ii rms ash hit nu ss is usti il until dis of s ill willson ai simpson i itiiitl ilors iac k iii iot i aiuiioiiiir ill lie ir 8 9211 bit auction sulci contd on page mad mkl use thi live better electrically 1 ri i pimm i si ml ail in 101 sold this past week s rostloul lm n li chin dull r nl 46 m ihi n ilin i4 do you want your property sold or ust listed sydney k lamb miscellaneous hi i inn kir rlm lun ittrnishni- i i ins huh kit inn pinikies pli ls i s i i linn r r 4 acton i 4 6621 ridi n ul ibk i in nun nine lo s ill j it tn 6 p m lo cue lph 8 pm plioni i 2 16122 for sale ior kl m i ml s in il i il k unt k r 4 ac lent i tuicnl 111 ll i 11 lie i ll is ppl hciil i hnn l4v622 i or sai i c iistoni c ii i iitios s4 hunk 49 lidii etc v tun uto miukis i24s i4co2l i or sai r lnict 21 ilioni nings itjor i or tti til ben sice tll rim i 1 it ei li slllloic ll ciuic t pi i otic inc i sh he ius4 roii lui dn 124ws cm ii2u luei bed mm i ku tlu b uh i ii k all io6l4 tor bul- one stuk ptnltc ill nisi tor svli- uniloims uu ion 971 htm tut t ibi k plmni ss 14616 tl gixi guild stc c ye a ilftos for salf lirrc glossi i prints of am stafl photo appeit i tng in the at ton free press sx7 slt 7e 8x10 sifc si 00 entpntv now at the free pns ofliec vj willow st v phone 600 a tl i ior ri i sclkoiu iitu 1 1 return he lud ipitlmcnt built in clipbiiiiils hit liiiitut tloots iu iputmciit biukluic plioni ii i ii ior ri nt i ikukii nicek luiiiislud tun 1 bcdioom home om iiit until it ison ibk tin light people phone 492 it66ih 1 ui non itpuppnt to u nu or uplicc lout iluuimuni cm llll ills ell deiois memlllkn silts ulll sell lee plltllle 66 i i sks2 kitctitsir cphoistfry fpetl rcupluilslcrinc rcliti ishuic aiul icpininc ol all kinds ot liirmtuic for tin csttmites uul prompt sciiicc c ill rutl iluks giiuita 446 aelon alt iloor rlfimsiiisg wc inim halt a mcklcin snider unt cilger we mill rclmish sour llimirs oi ccnt sou the cquipmeii lo do ihe job miursclt j b frtnk phone 377 47 fudiruk st s acton ill for ri nt mini upsiius iiiuplt scp ii hi ed all commiincts 334j insuranci 1 prcc cslimalcs on insurancrr of nit kinds if souj 4room apan are cuiistdcring j ehange trom suit thjc for vour present pohc or looking entrance heat for a new pi in contact omar phone ii parker phone ul 644a alisojl i a4oi047tf mom says electric fry pans are like kids you dont know what youre missing til you have one its so true of ill the wide array of portable electric cooktnt appliances available today includini automatic saucepans portable oens rotisvnts dt t p fat fryers and kettles these miracles of modern cooking pro vide a neverending source of inspiration to our meal planning everyday dishes turn outchef- styleand dclictou especially gixxl ix cause theyre cooked to pirfiilion in ilc i trie appliances dt signed for tin job you gt t more out of life when ou gt t the most out of electricity rvafjmilfliliuilval ut699b3wytrockwoop i

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