Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 20, 1961, p. 8

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t ft thj acton fraa preii- thurtday july 20th 1961 bauinamd 415 at holiday school raise funds for korea vucnllon bible school wan heldi insl wctk at balllmiracl church i with 115 on the roll on average nliondarite or 110 charus ben ion win lender and mrs luwr nsslilnnl for the senior gmup hukn allen leniher assisted by miirv biker marilyn madlll dlinn swlndletuirsl mllelixd wal son lender nsskleil hv linda swiekhamir mis ceeil story mrs turner leader assisted by simon allan niirte gllbeil on trltlat night parents uid ntiwine interested were invited to see- lilt work iii it tilt thlldren hid done mi bealon led in i sintinu some- of the pieees illtv hid it initd mis lumer also ltd m seunl numbers tith umnp 1ml 1 put and elell reeened 1 eelllllelte ml he ilon vers giatiousk flunked ill uho hid helped make this ie ition uiblt seliool sutli a sue less money for korea rt iine mint lie who hi iven ittnuling nimerstls tn toi onto w is present mil llu ehild ini hut lollixtiil a niie mini ol inoni toi linn lo tike honu to i is sister ui kon i who ints to iv i nuise thiii unl who is thi etrl tin voiini peopli s onion ol this ehariii ire itelptne lo put through school the ehililnn were ill u unl to i dixit i up ol in n on rt unv mine 1 tx th inked ill mil sinp jisus li mi in koix in hi it his ihi 1 isi nt august lor koix 1 takes srlee ri mv mine i e imtnl with mr ind mr- be run lot the vkiml lid took the si nil mi part m e hure h mirel nionitne i ixiii ie i l tin ined v inn htm off lo europe m ss i vti siitw mj thtve ol r iufrvr trims tt b pi m vi o iv mhl lor lnatul in i witl a so hir o sir soumins f aj mix riui irx hohdai nc v r in apt on liki be uvsj gone to scotland vtf tat jjmtesort atr bii p u m mt mr ill m- i in irsi i j t nul b- r j td sit h pr ind mix r j v r s i l it bel vsvkvi lae mix lexi jamitsein lilies tljissi je l b p v l- 1 i ill dealt with roll call was answer- i d hv is members recipes using berrien a letter wan read from mm ady irom ahurhi ho hud intend ed the lust meeting while visit lug hei son here the nutting elosed with the benediction mrs shortlll was in chutgc and nil cnloved some names kltklnu the shoe tossing the hall i unit others the social eommlltie of mis milncrv mrs p smith assisted ivy the hosleks eel veil ii lovilv luneh and all enovid u pleasant da hv the water ordination of women hostess fill thi julv nulling ol the i vtiung anslhars ol wms was mix i ivvnod snow roll tall teas iinsweixd bv the mini ihis pi i si hi hillowid bv ii litisln ess ilisiussinn mis n j lid tin dio lion il and pixsititeil n ix ullnu entitled out ur the mouth ii was m uitiiuuini nliili willi tin ptiiposi ot sluiwniu th it bv hav mi i full chi isti in lift wi tun bcxonii bitter and eiiiiilnd hit n in iveinys mis vt nun ton rt id two paptis on tiliipelxnei tnlilhil altohol stiiilus ind bivond mil slioixs tin topit wis piistnt d bv mix i shortlll vvhn spokt on ihi toiitieiviixv ot the onlm iiion ot woniiii in tin pixshv tin in chiiiih vn inliiistui distusston tollovviil llu meettne instd with tin htiiiditiiim till kivviil hv the sixiil hnin 1 xteml bvmputhv ibi svmiviihv ot thi iiinimiin nv is txunli i lo mi unl mis mole in m idill in llu pissing of h lot nit i s lulu i mi m idill it mount ahxtt osvtlmm vlcettitf at cottage t v v si j bur julv tnixt rf j m bjsks sollat at be iei iic p svljir mix t givc3 ftciivf opctvixi vv ith tht ihtsnc vur srxxsl and the lord s r- jvt in eiisun mrs blaik ul isc ssjsp uri s ijt the clt3u v ltlh xi if h i ueit s- ji t tsi in n uttct to the ed if of everton news items much appreciated lions sponsor dance in milton x dulii itmuillilk little cits u in i tht consuls b unl and s ieii c ul ivibkins jr in mil n u ni s mini iv nieht is v 1 bv iton i ions club i tit iisir uul ihi consuls iv h 1 i exd ixxiplion l llll ni ihsv iv lilt lis il nut s ii ihi liijon hiri thiv ire kl i iv p u is ui it bin l vi irsh id pt mo viitm shiiiitl six teimilson tnss uulwiviit c 1 i c mill is diunis tins i i p inutile lo o il ivvn i ix vnis jt i cniiin itu 0 it h is 1 ikw llll 1st lit ml 1 v i i it gill til tht vllou diss tor desta ind his stvel il usir hi s ii his tixdlt hi his vvurki i ihr uithotil c in ul i ind i i s rkiio si in in cjoi in i ph iiinnitv i d tk vvllh car t n ist tjirou tin hi tl c tts holidays weddirigs visits of interest mtumrltirtohtrl5mondnr tended the wedding of the lilt ler nephew ralph laldluw lo gltnda nix on saturduy ufleis mon at st pauls church bramp ton mr ond mm e flutter anjl mr and mrs fred archlbuld at tended the wedding of mm hsh trs tttphew cliff swnln lo joan llefremon at woudbrldne on saluiduv mrs bert- rohtiilson is put- gresslng favonihly following sin utiv ul gttelph hospital lust witk mr and mis cxiidon allktn and hinirjv and rev a loivmuu lnvi n tumid honu lollovvlnn u itndav holiilav at i ike iapiii i an john sim ol lomnlo spuit llu unkind with mi and mis i sit watt mi mil mis arnold smite i ot niaiiua lulls i kite tl on siliiidav with his niolluj mis i sunti i i indu mtkinit iliuuhui til mi aiupmis noiinun mtktnlt undiiwtnl a totislllnlomv on linsiliv moiiilng at iiulph luis pit il mi i hilts hid to t e i in iv to llu iiulph hospital on mood iv lot llll tile i lix utile 111 john altken txtuitiid on sun tkiv lo cenlialii lor luiiliii it imiii with tin rcai mtss i intla leiuiisoii is as sisiinei with dalk vae illon dibit sehiiol in inn united thutxh this week i iinla is pi mist i tit the iiinlois ant is also hilpuil with the ti ills everton umehousi church services tea sale wm5meeti ng ofl nf erest mis jus orourkd pluyed violin utcotiipuiilmenl to ihu hymns and u violin solo benutl lul lie ur somewhere ul lime house pixsibvlerlan church cr- tvletis on sundiiv mis roughley wus ut lite pliino rev a cultlei will preiich on julv 21 as rev n young goes on holidays litis week alex titles of totonlo has been lioliduvlhg willi the j w nitidis ml lllltl mis bell minimi uul mr bill coiliiaiii vlslttsi mr and mis j oiiiiiioii at mtiilntd im slllul1v llltl 11 l ie mile tl llle klllit letiuloii at jlloinhtiiv mis win i liiuk td tetiin town spent the weikend with the jas oltoiiikis siictcmiriil tea snlo a veiv sueeesslul sllliwlletiv tell limr 11 iklnu suit wus split many lovely gifts for saturday bride iuiimx in i m tnjiiik liisl sit iiiilm missiuli i i miin in i im il mam idm iv nits i nun hit mis uul nu mlu is ut hit liiiulk i lu u u is inisti ii tin mis shuw ii it tin hmik ol mis i til hill i llltlllllllsl 1 llllsil tlihh his shown jt llu honu of miss inn ktiil alton n pii suit itioti tmrn ihinlihuis anil i pusinlillon hv llu ivnutoslal lihunttk vacation bible school closing program friday tht losing ixiitisls ul dml v ii iiion bible school mil ikiii iitttiv lliiim ut the ciuikii ol hi ist oisuplis bnm t huu lilt pilsiiliil toi tin pitn tin luhiih intluiltd iuli thoitists liunul ihiiinu tht slsmims pi mo mimhiis h lunsi i nulhl ul uut lnul i mikinu iml two pl ls b tlll sli1uhs till 11 iii i loi hi i ni- doik sumi nut ktith l i iik kminbur a yih was pusmtill lu ihu ilnxulut mis john alton in tht tu idlers uul thinks ilso iprus sud lo miss llli uillwms mil mis h u i- hoi op uho lii in missiomrs topus uih moimiiy mul to thi ptiiilm mhiimi kins bui thu ubililiuiis olkinil u uh moininti i iuni to thu i ri t irikd hi mi mi s school in guuph tlk tiul uunnij ol fning wis to help defray the ex pensc of the sxhoo told of work on thurdii morning mrs pup- pir uul mrs cluk of thu ru t iided childiens suhool suniu d ik suhool ciiu iph wure visit or i iu ition sihool mil spoku to ihu gioup ol ihu woil ol thi soiutv in ciiulph iluv ilso vis hud with i iuh ul iss mid wcu rii ill intuiustuil m ihu villous ui ills buiritf i night imunts uul liiuiuls iri in vilnl lo ihu dosing proej un ol llu d uh viuiltou hiljk suhool it ihu llu isti in rutoimud cluuxh tuniotiow uvuning rudiy il h p in jiored by ihe w a at the home of mp piittetvotl n couple of wutk u0o mr and mr rmnk nunek viis who luive buun nuikliih their home wltlv htr pnrtnts mr and mrt pool moved to gcornelown insl week mr mul mm john kenv huvt biuii holldiivlii ut dorset the piitt two wlcuh mr nnil mrw mtciumtiind ru lumud htim holldiivh ut slvetn lllvi i inst week wt m t pli used o st i mis inbv nboiil njjiilii lomuwiim stir hiv hi mkhiii hospllul it lew wttllh h4u 12 m wmh llu wms nut ul tht lomu ol mis iuii union on iiihisiihv tvunlnu 12 nllihilhuj mis jim nobh uiid sulphik mm khk pntikk lid in pinvii and mis s infoid it id fi im tht sludv niiok he ttxl woidiwiih jm s tloil i hi hoslt sh vvvid uliisli minis ifin tht nu i linn wt t xii ml svmpiithv to tin moitiin m idllls in flu passing ol his hiinditd viat old lallui it nt wmmki i hospliitl i tsi wit k us well is in nun of llxbi idiii u ullui in llu t wuik mi i like j tnsst u is i iiiolh d il loionto ii ii lit is lollie foi his si i ond siuiiiiii i ionise at wetlcllng mi ind mis trl hill wi n mulls il llu hiwislmon wrd dlnii in llu alton ivnli uosi il t inn ih uul llu iuuipiim lollow ucttbi to thi tplto urges new hall for ballinafad recalls happy social times doe balllnrd need iuii a few ithort yeurn ayo bullliut fud was known far and wide for the wonderful bocjui mid huppy times ftpent in the uotmnunlty in the hall built by our fore fat hern forevenil yciirh thi nhovt mentioned lnrtl has been unfit for uh lo hold any event whatso ever i muny memimii in a urowlnu enmintinlly llki baulnufad the cub and simit liioup h only one leanon why wi met a hall we iitid a iih utlonal eenjie for om tiiiiayiis iiili in tht imlsh hall on s ihu duv mr hill was mom sin m lor bin loiisln mi i h irlul spetil llu wi t k i ud wllh mi and mis fioidou pike antl famhv at ihmiiuiou llu a l patliisoiih mil miss maiilyn pat lei son of koukwood spent llu wiekend al owi n soiiutt and wiuiton dlslilei pollock and campbell mtinuriilluiers til high grade mfmoaial5 memorial engraving 63 wilr tl north oait tclcuhunc 2i 7910 a plate wlieirl we inn lioltl a brltlul omwm fur our lifielv wlelb lultl willrt 0111 llellr llillp in lull lcle ihiiil llitlr tinnlvtr nrlm there nre numerous oth- er ottuslonit when we do need untl should have a community hull v you mnv huvc an opportunity of hnwlnii yoilr inlercsl and vololtiii yiur opinion by attend inn a puhllt mcullnu in the ixtsc- iiiliii of bullinnfad united church tin miinduy tvenlnu fly 9 oelock oin who u inlercled caroline nurseries garden centre wl of aclon on highway 7 south slda one stop for gardeners in hot weather chk your avngrmni for uliirl aphidi and spidor mile cloral detlons ror all occasions open 9 a rn lo 9 p rn run deiivexv phone 37 anytime life assurance is exactly that aiurne of th csmferlt of llfo for you andok aituranco of tho comfort of ufa for yourt dual purpose investment plans by commercial union assurance company limited iife underwriter ldgar force 145 church st acton phone 7 srvic up ah go one stop here keeps lilii cars going at alton union your imptrtal fm maur aro you lure your car i tfe for that vacation trip check your car check accidents stop and think ddl wft was f jt time your car wit trvitd leave car tbouftu behind vrli 11 o ir i thi vf f us it if f l- f j i v f if f if f j up si i if r r 1 f sr 1 acton motors your studebakei and used car ocalct 6 main st south pimmm a 7 m 1 v tlun 1 i lu fy roy 5 as smart is a whip yos sir a rcgo ar ch p otl tho old block why already he iiav ng s money so hecan go to college thtit i r t t ye s r a ch p off the old block vojn t be surpr sd if he gets to be a big tar on tht football team he s just liko tho old nun now boy tell cm where you ro t our money bpeak up boyl the brnk of nqvh 5c0tih rv- stop trouble before l starts an ounce of prevention ii worth o pound of cure ii especially applicable to farm tofery so many accidents can happan around a farm to you your hafp aven your hveilock it pays to eliminate every pottibta hoiard take very precaution it alio poyt to have adequate miuronce to protect you from financial loii when ocadenli do occur ji accident insurance liability insurance livestock insurance fire insurance this advertisement sponsored by f l wright appraiser and inturor 20 wilbur st n phono 95 dennys insurance agency 39 rrock st phone 455 wood insurance agency 124 mill st e phono 585 july 23rd to 29th safety makes sense check your farm now for safety and profit the eighteenth annual national farm safety week will be observed july 23- 29 it should be observed every week of the yearl check your property now point by point and see how it rates then make your farm a safe place to live and workl for a safer harvest do you 1 im in ihc id lo ovoid canfubion and hurty have qiiin bins uiid nuchtnery in good repair ond ready for use 7 see ih il jhioldj w gu irds arl in place over power shifts onc drive mcchini m o such machines as combints and giain etcvators 3 alw iyj shut bff the power before lubricating ad h sting or ck in ng combines or any other machine 1 wilk irouncl the comb no lo i c certain that every one s lie ir before starting it f yes no 5 ciiiry i f u extinguisher and first t d kit on hciclors trucks antl combines know how to use them 6 avoid extessivl f il gue take a mid morning and n kl jfternoon sn ick 7 prink plenty of water and take extra salt to make up for perspiration losses 9 m ike u i i tr t ci j nig tr lcks ire cjuvj t j u j 10 g vc exra ser v s c j j enced operators 11 g ve tee tgt vo v t rtcog l seer t ie e s j k exper ti il sirt j a dt 12 kttp s i i u r vs lys e ie s c u e i t j who ca i j vl j 1 3 e iforce e l qtoej e bits i ui w ago 14 obey fr j ti li f c 1 wht i h t i t j vesr e j r on put c roj ii t 15 use re i f i qs oi tracf i c n oor ss ot s w n ov ji i wren mo ig cc b es wt t t r sfruet ens i n t v s b i y tor dp fcde wear a hat and sli rr to protect you from the sun clothing should i t well have no loose ends lo catch in machinery rci t j s c e dr o 9 ice i s 16 use extrj l en n vork ng neir tpcse i mov partsotpornbte elevatcrs and wagot u odje 3 1 7 tae cafe to avo d buits ip a s a tsj mov ig and pos t on ng portable elevator tho following local firms sponsor this ad in the interest of farm safety week ab supermarket acton creamery limited acton farm supply baxters drug store canadian tire corporation astocjat slot dills stationery store ednamay ladies childrens wear hintons 5c to 100 store lightmans department store lovell bros meat market manning electric newtons 5c to 100 store franklin prouse motors limited tenpro distributors limited ymmmmmmtmtmfmtim mrwirblswwmf ht tttoh

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