Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 27, 1961, p. 1

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acton ontario thursday july 27th 1961 auotnru4t m scwuj glmi mall ly tint lot offlm dprtumnt otuw eflht pages sevan centt staff phota lions club membess wore busy lads from oarly morning to supplied and not one driver was reportdd to have a dirty wind- late night on saturday when thoy hold a gasarama pictured shield when he left the lot lionettes dressed in thoir attractive above sro a few of the patrons lined up for service during the coslumos handed out free treats to the youngsters afternoon wash jobs and gasoline were part of the service lions wage war on cars raise 200 gas wash cars during gasarama blaring music jovial clowns and attractive tjiru dressed in gold and purple uhnrtic outfits attracted a large crowd of mo torists last saturday when tin acton lions cliih staged agas- arnma at jack mccallums service station tired and aching muscles re sulted from the tedious but amusing 12 i hour day put in by club members as they washed cars served gas and cleaned windshields to raise money fur their community betterment fund an estimated 200 was net ted wttcn final tabulation was made baftta early beginning at 7 jo am lions donned white service coals and rubber hoots to take a whirl at being service station attendants during the day three members carefully hidden beneath grease paint and- gay clown outfits entertained both children and adults with their amusing antics waving brightly colored bal loons they directed pasng mo torists to the scmcfctstatipn lot- where other lions swarmed over thu vehicles lo give top service when driving away linn ears were spotless from stem to stern children accompanying their parents were handed balloons potato chips chocolate bars pop and popcorn by pretty lion eltes in attractive purple and gold uniforms ah the while music blared from loudspeakers placed around the lot lucky jjratiu- tickets sold previously by the lionettes proved lucky for three acton motorists when a tlraw was made later in thecvening during the legiun saturday night dance winners were first prize 25 gallons of gas fred laing second prize cocktail set lloyd buhner third prize a complete lubrication job boh loulett the draw was mldcby the three clowns in the event anyone was puzzl ed ns lo the idenlity of the vlovvns i urns were taken by pete papillon alec johnson and liddje owen one motorist in particular received a surprise when he drove in with his volks wagen immediately clowns lilt ed what normally is the hood on most vehicles and prepared to pour gas in the tank luckily they noticed the trunk space and spare tire in lime the motorist was quite relieved however lo learn the whole thing was in fun laughs were many service was fast and business was boom ing during the entire dav ga rage proprietor jack mccallnm could sit back in an easy chair and watch someone else doing the work brinks armed trucks begin bank service an ominouslooking steel truck with bullet proof windows num erous locks and driven by armed guards made its appearance in acton tuesday and was met by i minus stares as jt drew up at the bank of montreal suddenly the front door open ed and nut stepped an armed guard rwho entered the bank and returned shortly and headed for milton today thursday the brinks express company begins serving the bank of montreal from its toronto office j during an interview this week hank manager william mckay reported the now service would he speedier than sending money- via the cnr money express iff is anticipated the bank of nova scotia may adopt the same ser vice but decision must be made on ihe return of manager walter woodhurn who is on holidays on tuesday the brinks drivers made an empty run lo test the liming along the route v food important but training essential as first scouters wood badge course begins blue springs scout camp loca ted three miles west of acton of ficially opened its gates lor the first scouters course last sun day when 31 scouters and six headquarters crew arrived to he- gin their wood badge course the scouters arrived trom as far west as saull sainle- marie north i mm khklaml lake south from windsor and easl i nun ot tawa the eightday course will provide plentv ot aclivilv and training for the scoutcis and in eludes an overnight hike las line 24 hours this friday morning held before over the gain a uplodal a voluntary service one til thi must hupi nl ml aspects ol svuutmg i s a s mills duty lo god atu i sum lay m ii nitu everv scout in camp isiui d the church ol itis dcnoi tiinaiii in in ac ion in cant lhc hae then own el luitvh c lufvl ami eir the training period is scouters will not only omplele knowledge ol training methods hut w ill return home a lew pounds heavier with appetites whelled aicording lo the quarter master wlio doles out the loud c ery morning 120 pounds ot meal will bu consumed 320 quarts ol milk 41 pounds ol but ler 120 loaves ol bread 350 pounds ol iresh and canned vege tables and i mils a variety ol cereals and other light snacks such as cookies cakes and the odd piece ol pie all iihki is pur chased ideally lor each course the sioutcis are divided into palidls each one sell von taiucd iinder eaiuas the patrols have their owncampsitc and do their own coiking inspections are re gular and a keen eye is kept on the urease pit underground rc- i rii a i ion and f ires cleanliness is ui important feature ol tin- course and the headquarters crew is constantly on the lookout lor i stray piece ol paper ur some reluse dumped in the wmng place hop all day instead o a bugle a loiul waif ing siren wakens the scouts prior lo 7 am lveryone is kept on ihe hop until lights i ml at ml pm during the l raining periods not a scouting stone will be lei i un- turned including the billowing ex ercises pioneering lope work mapping cainplire skills general j leadership and mam otheis the iiiuiv started this week is ilie lust ol six ihis summer last ing until the labor it weekend included on the courses will be trimp and pack scouters the present course is under the leadership of dr harold good- lellow sault sainle marie assist ed bv george chirjrwin north bav peter kallaste smith falls joe llibberi toronto walter ha- pur gamebridge and bob taylor north hay okay plans hire engineer order plant as arena project three steps nearer imrllumcnldtlun of the com lilunlty centre hullillng prouram inoveu three ktepa closer to runll- willon bjl ihe nctimi of acfim council- on tuesday evening ine three steps were recom mended by the speciul building committee nnd iiccented by coun cil the purchase of a 60ton refrl iteration system wus n tnujor step this equipment is to bu pur chased trom cnrnnij breweries for 13000 a 40ton system would lie sufficient for ihe muticliil ice at fhc arena but the uvuilnbilily and the price and ihe extra cap acity in the unit which can he purchased from curlings makes this equipment very attractive the cost of ihe equipmcnl new would be belween 112000 lo jl 3000 a sectind step was rniiauinu the engineering firm of j a locke to dismantle the curlinc equipment inspect it and install ihe system in the acton arena the cost of the locke contract will be in the neiyhborhood of 14000 this price also includes new equipment necessary for the system which is not available un der the carlinu purchase the third major hurdle was he acceptance of the find plans and specifications of thm archi tects for the communilyvlteiilre the plans are complete cxcepl for one drawing the clerk was authorized id advertise for tiers on ihe- prnieel on llu celpt of this drawing it is peeled tile iciuior can will be out immcdialclv and- lenders shnilld be in by the third week in aug ust an agreement was authorized which will tuip ihe fire depart ment with twoway radios being supplied thrniiuh liie liinergency measures organization the new ten- equipment to be installed will welfare committee reported k provide instant communication the progress to date in establish es between all fire deportments in i inn urt agreement rorumbulance- the cpunty between the fire hall service minor points are to bo and trucks on lc rcihd or at discussed with the operator 6f fires and between individual the service and the agreement i rooks at fires the capital cost will be presented to council for of the equipment is being borne bv hi- county and emo- re sponsibility for maintenance cost has not yet been delermined bert hinton chairman of tlv jul ajaatkmjrt-iatiiaujiijkuaiii- new hall for ballinafad voted at monday meeting ballinafad will have a new community hall a building committee was named at a public meeting mon day evening in the church base ment a lull house proving the wonderful interest in the com munity there was much discussion- on whether lo build a ucvv hall or wart lo buy blue mountain sehool mr greenwood of orange- ville gave an estimate on erection ol a new hall alter a vole the hall carried on the building committee are john hancock paul wilson c e snow not man sinclair mrs izrnie mcfncry mrs frank smith and mrs robert mcencry john brack was elected chair man for the meeting with mrs lirnie mcenery secretary give opinions among those there to give opin ions were cam sinclair reeve of esquesing ttiwnstup george wal lace reeve and mel barden de putyreeve of erin township their views were greatly appreciated mrs mcenery thanked them fdr their interest in coming and also mr greenwood mrs mcenery had opened the meeting and mrs gibson moved its adjourn ment the project is supported by ballinafad womens institute imwqhfrvra ratification report ciium alarm reeve jack margrave read to council a wrlrtcn report from the assessor on the progrcsh of his reassessment of the town under thc dma manual the report was cause for considerable alarm by council members mr ladou- ceur assessor suggested the as sessment could ftnlv be completed tor 1962 laxatlorfbichirintf woman for clerical work by hiring- atliartliine assessor and by requesting a twomonth extern siop on the dale for bringing in ihe new assessment after dismissing the subject at some length the clerk was in structed lo lake all steps neces sary to be sure that reassessment is completed by september 30 the assessor reported ihnt all industrial and commercial re assessment had been completed along with ward residential re maining to be completed are wards i 2 and 4 residential more btml neu council also authorized the duke of de vonshire chapter iode to hold continued on page five iitttfiiiijjixwi open 27000 hall for erin township predicting that erin township must move forward with the pro vince hon john rtiot minister without portfolio and mpp for wellington dufferin and a native of the district officiallyopened the erin townships new 27000 hall tuesday evening during an impressive ceremony joining the residents of the township were members of fe deral provincial county and municipal governments as rev pclhnm of church of christ disciples hillaburgh dedicated thebuhding to- the common good or the municipality mr root during his address outlined the history of the early development and government ol the township terming the open ing of the new hall ss another milestone he outlined the first survey of the township and de scribed a number of the earlier settlers and means of paying tax es other speakers during the ceremony included alfred d hales mp for wellington south harry worton mpp for wellington south members of erin town ship council township road superintendent henry wheeler and contractor for the building william hall chairman for the evening was reeve george a wal lace who is also warden of well ington county at the conclusion of the pro gram the large audience inspect ed the new building after which ihe womens institute served lunch vacation bible school closing program friday the auditorium of the christian reloimed chuich was -filled- last iriday everting when parents and friends watched the closing pro gram of tlje vacation bible school for the children the evening was lopped off with ice cream this is ihe third year the bible school has been held and this years attendance averaged 125 with some days up to u0 of ihis at least 60 do not normally attehd the christian reformed church this is ihe rev jelle nulrras second year as director the ses sions lasted mornings and after noons lor the past two weeks climaxing with ihe open night youngsters stayed at the church for s lunch anil milk was distri buted all ihe teachers remained lor lunch too lo supervise friday program the program friday inc lulled numbers by all the classes with solos duets anil recitations linda ralston was chairlady and read the scripture first on the platlnrm were the youngest tots of ihe beginners class with their teachers mrs j iooyenga and miss grace proper the primary class with mrs h haenberg and miss a kant- minga reached the stage by iliviil- inginlo two gioups one on ihe platform ai the beginning and the other progressing to ihe troni as i hey ivciled alternate verses of scripture they later sang unacpmpaniexlr thelunjifs under miss j lawrence and mrs j krul ex plained each week hud been different the first week they studied david and goliath and the second week jesus birth his life and miracles they had 11 jarge flannelgraph map and placed on it cards relating to their litudy they had made irv gentousmnshmt instruments and accompanied themselves singing alleluia a type of castanet was made with pop bottle caps si rung close park blaming untreated raw sew age for polluting a river running ihruughjlwillow park norval park owner wh louth sunday afternoon closed the place for the first lime in 20 years and claimed he may never open it again to the public pasiied buck sunday afternoon he turned away 40 carloads of patrons and posts a sign reading closed be cause of georgetown sewage mr louth claimed every govern ment official he talked to has given him the run around or passed the buck the park is a popular spot for picnickers ami has been con stantly in operation for 20 years across a wooden frame there were drums and cymbals the rev j nutmas intermed iate class had made a large panel relating to their study of gospel of st john with a line or num bers of the chapters and many mixed symbols representing thexo chapters members of the class took turns with a pointer point ing to the right number relating to a certain symbol and if thay- were correct- o- buoer twuitdeav thcy had studied 21 chapters in the two weeks stained glass panel displays of work in the various classrooms were fascinating the young people had had ample lime to accomplish worthwhile projects during the school most striking of all was a stained glass window a panel of colored bihltcal pictures backed by- illumination this was modc- by i he primary s t uden is all the students received certif icates of attendance mr dcvries representing the consist orv of the christian school society thanked ihe teachers heartily and presented them with gifts the program closed with prayer by j kamminga representing- the consistory of the christian reformed church the vacation bible school proves very phpnlar and benefi cial ach year and will likely be held again next summer added features special prizes boost acton fall fair interest united church disappears after 86 years foresee christian education building there added tcsiuivs and larger i piie numcv are expected to boost entries in this years fall fair and the piesideui seeietarv and directors ate looking toiwaid to the largest lair iilmanv cars prie lists aie expected to be published early in august a i ready the t gieen amusement cent tx has been engaged and a large midway is scheduled to in set up tn prospect park the fairs begins fridaveiening september 15 and continues on saturday september lf classes in rnniv departments have been i wised and in the junior section new classes added to encourage additional parlicij pat ion the ohiccrs olhtit mens and ladies divisions haw com bined their efforts in order lo make the fair n huge success j shght variations rules for exhibitor afc busi- cajly the same as other years with only slight variations made in certain classes ponv classes re expected to be the largest j in years with provisions made especially for hkf younger exj hibltors i in ihe horse classes special i contests will include those ol luaw and light road hack limp- lis open work and junior wink ing classes saddle horses and jumper classes j in the beet cattle diisinn special awards will be gixen this wai wilhh he bank o montreal liophy being awarded to the- tuiud champion mate in i be ahculenn angus show f braida j anil sjoiiauii present their chal lenge trophy to the grand cham pion female in the angus class challenge trophies in the continental feature jim ledger will present his ihallenge trophy for the grand champion steer ot all beef breeds j and the bank of nova scoria challenge trophy will be given in the exhibitor with the cham pion steer or heiler shown by either a hoy or girl under 2l years of age all challenge tenph- ies donated remain in the pos session of the winner for a vear and an individual trophyts kept by them the dairy calf exhibit this year will include jerseys gucrn- ses ilolsiein and pine nx a rshiies a spc iil in llu t lass will ik- he addiiiuol a dairy call in three divisions open lo any bo or girl the t laton award consisting ol a silver trav and lea set will ik- given to the leading livestock exhibitor wuh points a wai deil in cat lie sheep and swuu classes sheep and hog exhibits aie expei ted to be larger than oilier eais make more room the boa i it anticipates the lugcm ejiiiv in ihe poulttv class es ihil iliieetois ate making plans to house the amdiiional exhibitv l the poiiltty division will com prise hens chukcus ducks j gcve and hl stock j the commercial lay feature will be contlucted as an educa tional display with each entry cont titling live pounds and shown in a cellophane bag fach entiv must be accompanied bv a card staling the mixture and approximate cost of seeding one acre commu on page tight lunhlynlx years ago this month the united church building was officially opened this week the condemned structure lit being demolished ihe demolition is to be com pleled by august 19 and the land nidied lor a parking lot im mediately plans lor the future i ill lor the erection of a new l in im un fducaiion building wlnic the old church stood the building was condemned iwo veais ago alter a large piive ol plaster from the ceiling l i ashed to ihe tloor following a sunday morning service engi neer s iewed the si rue lure and advised ihe church board the building was unsafe tor further occupation this decision sparked a cam paian to erect a new sanctuar and inst year the line new edi- liii was oflicially opened poi- lions nt ihe older building were utilized tor sunday school class es ami church services were lield in the ymca during the con stiuction c4 the new church ughti dm alter the old church was ctm ilemned- worket removed low ering corner piers lights were dimmed and activity around the building became lisveach sun day pevvs and lurnuhinfls were re moved hy voluntary workers and some given away others arc be ing stored in the free prefcs building on willow sti this week reg arm is haw demolition con struction guelph began tearing down the interior structure and removing salvageable jxntions ol wood tuesday a hole appeared j in the roof and workers began i removing shingles and boards leaving only joists standing er ect wailing their doom many older citizens stood sil ently watching workmen demol ish the structure as they londlv recalled memories of earlier years back in 1873 following a series of success ful special services held in the old frame church on church st it was devided to puivhase the lots on mill st and erect the new building the cornerstone was laid september 17 1875 bv david lewes one ol ac ions early settlers who operated a flour mill at that lime rev j c stevenson was pas tor at the inception ot the move ment fur the new building and rev gcqrge w cavert was pas tor when the opening took place july i 1876 rev dr ives new york fam ous divine for opening churches was engaged to preach the open ing services and solicit sub scriptions toward the debt people crowded the church and it is reported the attest minister was successful in racing the en tire amount of debt in promises however it was not until 20 years later that the last mort gage was retired to make room for the recent church building additional land was purchased on the east side of the old building and houses removed to make way for the new structure in eit her years one of the houses seived as a butcher shop and later in 187 gemgc stod dard opened mi ovster parlor in the trout section of the home formerly occupied by ihe laic mamie masales this was the first time oysters had been serv ed publicly in acton the passing of time rite deter ioration ol the huilding and the growth ol the church movement have taken their toll and ihe old landmarlc is last disappearing wstt- demolition started this wk at uhi iikmi fcjyjvk m3 arlua wimiskf9mim9ffmmimy j3tib

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