Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 27, 1961, p. 2

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wft s 7-r- celebrating canadas centenary recently the bulletin published by the royal bank of canada contained some in teresting and weastlmuletlng discussion on canadas centennial we are reproducing it hero for our readers to people with impereeptlve minds the emergence of canada as a nation is remote and shadowy but to those with a feeling for the force of history it is as close as yester day the hundredth anniversary of the con federation of tho provinces is a mere six years aheadof us and plannig has already begun so that we may celebrat the event on a grand scale we cannot be content to have only parades and pageants these are part of our expression of pleasure but some projects of lasting benefit should show to ourselvepsnd the world that we plan for a great future suitable to a great country the year 1967 can be a wonderful year like a break of open sky and sunshine in a cloudy world we should look forward to it in the spirit expressed by prince philip in an address on a similar occasion there should be general public festivities gaiety and nioyment because there can never be enough excuses to put troubles aside and to refresh the mind with unrestrained joy there should be a humble thanksgiving to the almighty whose influence over the lives of the people has made possible their peace ful progress our celebration of events of the past ex pressed in the oy of the present will be broadened down to the future by ogr erec- tion between now and the end of 1967 of tangible evidences of our pride in our his tory and our faith in our future this con structive activity will also exhibit us to the world as ongo ng people building upon a substantial base the appurtenances of a hap py ife the celebrsion is not one to be arranged by the federal government alone but for proyinces regions municipal ies arid as sociations of ciizens hav an objetiv it yvill mate the centenary more interest ing if we give a point to our plans our iim might be for example to expend our opportunities for advancement in education health science tie ars and the exchange of ideas we can if we set our minds to it uncover ereat in our national life which have been neglected we can find splend d ideas mhich heve never progressed past the dreamed about stage if we mate up some of our cuhuial defcht during the next s x yens tnen ve shell nee that much more to celebie m 1v67 vyr a at tit-s- jijral def c is they re triirq ucr b zowvry settled nearly 350 ye eo a c po united nearly 100 re try- ifiojip rae by tntt t me organia- iioti ikc n p rtel poperties for tlie pro crrv o mii p r balet and all ex ri v j oj o i iajt for hie tram j ol it fc trie development j i oy c j e j oy 9f0jfil and 1 e j oj jet s t i fli v y o fjt rd rarble t- t yf t of t r r f ew of i f evr f f tt it 1 kjtct ft if jt aoi i af y vy us syj i ifi u j i j j 1 vve sjui i o tev fi jj ltoieo fl a ajcxlof ii ol real natl 1 fret 10 rr ff ft li ait ti t ofy fj ei ot the tl tl em tirj 4 nie jet tenai y ici jtji e 1 1 at i v jt l i o e tele tifxi eef y veil iit f i fiy yi i oi i in o ji t t el mjiir iuyt f t fi an j tttj- el a bentixi wiole a v f of i ujon pojfont wlnrti as produred and arifd by fhtditn in fhrxl ftorn codtt tu fosl hi iv4i anij it slill re nwffiljtrfcdfui itv vliff fig rit4rri of th tdtl and pitsent and future jt canada she wriotff rrntufitts are gloried wtiote young ijanneit tar outbome are the heralds of a splendour in the ages yet unborn viduals needto prepare for our par- patioitand our onoyment but govern- between now and the beginning of 196 we might produce films and publish books for distribution abload to induce people to visit canada tn our centenary yoar con ferences could be organlied by business labour science agriculture education gov ernment history and professional groups and associations to be held at different times that year in widely separated centres from the pacific to the atlantlt ahd interested people frorrj all the world invite to attend it is not too early to- start planning we asmdjyidui ticipnliorr a menu must also look to their bookkeeping a national anniversary like canados is too big for casual methods a party for everyone this centenary is for everyone the celebrations will not be alike in all parts of the country but all will be marking the same happy event everything should not bo scheduled to happen on the first of july events should be spread out throughout the year to suit the weather ihr regional interests tho spec ial days and the stale of readiness of build- ing proects in every section of the country this will have the big added advantage of giving all of us the opportunity to share in more than one event thus learning about one another there can be festivals of all kinds at all levels with every community and organiza tion featuring whatever is a natural reflec tion of its people it is not enough to de corate the main street and public buildings we need to use our imagination our art and our energy to produce dramatizations of canada s past we can open up and mark the old trails and canoe routes which were the first links in exploration and settlement cf cur country we can arrange for groups cf entertainers whefhave sv ills and crafts and arts tpcal of their own part of canada to visit other parts- we can start now the pons events which wilf have their final tilts m 1967 how is all this to be arranged not by a dictatorial central organization but by the grass roots participation of all our people in planning and carrying out once a broadly representative central organization has laid down general principles then local groups should take over and plan their own celebra- t ons in their own way n the central organization has been work mg on the plan since the canadian associa t on for adult education and the canadian c lizensh p council started the whoels turn ing in 1957 in may 1960 the canadian centenary council was organized as a na tional nongovernmental body its purpose it to provide expression and involvement at a national level by voluntary non govern mental organizations in planning for the an niveftary of confederation in 1967 th purpose it to le altamed by stimu lai ng interest in appiopfiate observances at ti celebfat out by establishing pnnciples si d obef lives dflj direftiihj publir attention tij then by encfjuiajiiifj ind atsittuiij in the i tidtkvfi of itnm ploi i tt whiih tilt lie t oiied to eiodkdti oif txirtl ilcluits by aujng as a national ileariiifj lioutu and in tyiiiiatiof i llilie by pioviiliiiij jlldlllllini fa lints and ttfvuts ai aldil cinv- t tct ulve buei tor of itia canadian c ii il t ip council it siieldiy of the anailian couiiiii hit adiliet it iottrtl blalioii 0 ollaa jitll o eiilefid y box imio why celebrate we hove idten foi r dlidl dil will be tfdijtil enleiidiy bol il mill ill d few of ihe tjooif ledtoi it nvfiy ii llm j t i ii lo idle r it no lidpn lo il u t l i i ttillij ilylol we do liol with lo appioaili llin tion bdtlieii in the ilifwy evenuij retrospect yet it woolil bo wmiiij m the lettoitt of yeblcnldy bttfoui to we i dii well look bail dml dtl h lint atfnit oui hie loddyi whal we ledineit tot ihe inline i ii nlllhllli il in u liukl flehld inilil of it to liy nun tow in ilik s nit ii ivu the acton free press published by the duu priming and publishing co i tit founded in 1871 and published every 1huiiiliv al v willow st ac ton ontario mcmhri ot tlu- audit llutriu uf circulations the cwna ami ihe onuiloouihu- divimon of the cwna avlverliilnu rile m rvgurnt ijubvcrlpllons pjvuhle in jdvnnvcttuu nr l inuli jmm in ihe united slates six rruinltn ii 75 xinyle coplei 7c authorised as second cluu mull poll oil ice depart ment ottawa ttie only b4wr mar publlalwd in acton g a dills editorinchief david r dills managing editor tjsinss and editor i al office phone i a 0 a c t o n sunny sunday mmsbir- ssr mm wpr y xa rt rritr suycvt utd stce im in ing a kind r tri7v rrtixctl up lilc iikl ilns on the- sutfstce its sensible enough i to to4slrcs and sludv lnud all uick on ullkcruls i yt homo for a couple ol rcsllut uticsh ing days wnh mv lamily theon ucallvy ihat s hit pictuit i slog n round sill lck in the liiv iil il i lihoi long anil laic omi m hixjks i in lontlv and liusli t 11k n on ludav alleinoon limp lxtuuisilii and teil tlil 1 la id lot the tool tioiih ounli uihil- t ik in a long uiau sip a long looi di ink ami teioup m siiciigth toi anotlki haiiouing llul it isii i like ih it it ill it s just iik opposili olivmi ik it i livt ith l ik n iu ltd piiitsinn ot a monk i sniuiii in iht shndv mini in iik i i rung and hsiin to iik mult d sqikal ol nus i u id all night il i want to 1 l it ulitu i in liungiv i sniuki ho lags a ila il i dam vwll iil hk il is lll ih i h i th il llu iu li ii it ling a sulm i hinidu d ikk iv t i in slip ouj mtu i iu ill idl digit ol lilt milt pi ol in t i mug ind i nu i t aiij id ol nu dii v d ii uuiulil i in ii i t jiimi i il ui hum vmihoiii i i hild h iniiiii i ing on l in h iihiooiu ilnm in igoiiv tlu ininiiu i n l ui t i l 111 ill p dill o ul llllllm i 1 hid kit k i hi iii inln i i oi i i u mi h i i in sniokt in hid il i with i i iii ml htillllil tl k m tl iii ii iki d is i nu ii iu inoun ni i in di ip u loss tin h til in h ill hi i it fill i mi i i mo i i i uul i ip uili i i pi i ii u iii lllulht i i i iv dili ind iiliign hoiu tlunwsiu hv ind i i ii iiigt i him iu ih mi luiu iiiiu h nioiii s i im up lo i inln ii t lung so ii i ii i iln- ml ul tlu mu k ih ii im imii mi luiu i unit hi i h i g nil i ii m i h i- hi in i i ivti h ii s ih il w k i lid mill i i ii u hi tk hu t ml lk i i ill i il mill uilllniil spi inkling ii ill nii ihv xlui l i lll wllill ta i s h mil 1 ii iw lit i ini iii g mill i k i ill t hi u i p iu i hinj mils i nit ilinii l lln 111 ii 11 t iv sum ii vv tl 11 is g tl ii mil hi ii i i ih u i mm h ivmi i tvil i ihiig douil hi i ih iii i un i ul smi i vw vmit m td ml il is lit ii mix mil id ih ii llli iiumh i iii i i m ip ii i mi 11 imii i higln lo dunk lull mi t hoin in ni hi i loh lo huhih i mid it ipilli llllstlt ss s i hi iii i ii i i lltlu i mm slipp im lo an minphsh ihi m h u h ut t h hi oigu s on ihi i ho i ii i im s pi lid mm iimno ilu ix p t nib in iimint uul hiiut slu dik sn i i pl tin hut shi siill thinks o nu as iu ga d imi lug ititg si misl nu i h i lis ago and u ins s lo in l gi old wolf most ol his t mgs go iu who siis u iohs ik ku ilun rahh assui ing hit wnh souk indignation thai hik it a thing in n uiluol lui iitind allet slu lias tlu iked mi m muiak the duel twyliu lloi mii- by bill smiley r ino times ihe meod the kuk in diivmg hei u i tlu l u is lull ol lattlts iik lawn is binned lo i trisp antl thtit iu hoicks ot visilois ihmit to tl stent m tioak builont plas ihe attomp ininitnt tin touist is unpossibh haul i m woiking like a tlog the cilv is an mltino and i in suk ol icslaurant nilals tins ancient thant as jtaimliai antl l4istinsiiing as elr tarrlts on tar into ihe night ot r utninilfss puis til 11 i tot tll oi amlhing t ise thits ii nul and ue tottti oil lo tutl n ish ahoul a in i lut si unk tlosul m cms lk ii oik ol till kills is sh iking nu vigoioiish aiul isk ing vhil time are we gonv swiinnung l id ll is 8 i m soiikwikii oi mini lln imm pu ki d up l iu notion i hat im i ii i ii i wnkiiiil is to hi id mi d to logt tlu uk ss lld soukiiow oi olhii th il s about ik w i il tin us oui h sun tl i nighi i iok ind fn1 hki a siks miniftr who his bun enttrt uning a toupli of ou ol limn iliints i in unburnid again tliiit isn t i iold bur kit in thi housi ind 1 bun on a 6hotir tuadmill if sv unining bowling ti unpo- hnuig and nxik out- aiound 10 ihit night t tlants a iv d i aped on thir bids hkj a touple of wet lowiu ihi old ciiil is iwnmg uitda antuthe tal who is prximt b i ik un is biddid dow l tor hi night it is unit toi did u ii ins 1 it in houuwoik so ru v m gt il doiii b i 0 so hi in i up it 0 so hi i in dni huk lo itu iii toi in ikuii i llin i m tun uliip urn ij in i 1 ou but iompaid to h in i istk smiplkit it m iki i liisuil wnk ihe uuk nd i liomi is tbout is usitul as i i mg hinih otl i momut ni n m hi ll with oik h ind w u pu ing on otii iimim i s w i i oilu i gad about z v oldtime garden parties 1 iu u ins lii h iinh urn i ll iii l iki ll lllll u l llli ll l i i vihh in l 1 1 111 i hi til iii ill ll 11111111 in en nil hullil i- i un ii ii v i ciniil mi iiun inpu mil i il i iiiii iiii ii im iii l ii i i oilu linns nil ilu mll i i r i uli i i lii ii vw ii nu mini nu i i imps iii il iiiii 1 uiiii luiu im iii ilnlliil ui vi i i i til 111 iki lllll huh i i i ui il i lllll lllll iu llli wi ll lllll ll i llllnv willi llli ll tvv ii llv i v iii i is i i l ik ll u l l in ii ih k i h w hull iiuiilil w i iiiiu ii 1llln llli ll v is uil mi i mill ilil in lnvn in 11 l us nit ulil inl ii litl i i nlll i llli i is hi ills ullllil ml ll is i i iii w ill ii si i vv llks ll 111 11 ill iii oil slli i i lls v l 111 ill llll 111 vi l iii h lill i i lh ill i ii w is slllh i ill 1 i i i 111 i lis iii iii llllj iii i vv i i ill l l llll i i l iii ll vvll ii iii lllsl ill h i 11 s i l i i i ii vv is s i 111 l i is i v 1111 wltllitll uiv ll hs s llll 11 i ii sll iii il1l i 1 l iii ii i llli l iv iv lllll ill i i ii ll ill iiss sjlll 1 i 1 ll 11 i lis l iii ii iu- ii ii iii i ills i iii iii l i 11 i ll l i il lis ihi 111 i s i i iv 11 1 l ii viiv l ihv i i i is 1 i iii lllll i iii t hi i ll hl s lllll us i li hll ill slllllllll v 1111 s ll ill lllll in i ill i l lllll llllllllli i 1 vv is il i his iii i iv i i lllll iii i w ii llll n vvi will hll ll his iii i llilliillll ill ills llll sliici in till vlkulinnisls ii mil lluii wis 111 iv llll will ll pi im i willi ill villi iiiviiiil til pillhiiicf ill iiiii sliiui iii hiiiiili ihi ihi ci lllll is slll i ilu h lllll 11 pilllls iimi iii piilxtlll llllll it ll i lift si iii ill sll iwihi i ll n mil ill llli is ulll is 1 11111111111 tin 1 1 was vuiiipliu iwnini ti in nlil linu imiiun pnt nut iifuiiii wis iiiiilmyhi hvlinc it vvvs iiukil wlili i lio iiiiiiinil in ilium musi ul tlu vhurihis liiui uui vlclt iwik hul the ihly ill vi llli ll si i ills i 1 im i ml i ll 111 lllls ills i i 1 i s 1 mv i lilc lvv i s 1 i i 1 1 v l ii 111 ll i i mill l v li ii h lll 1 1 v vv i i i ihiiul n nil i ih 1 is iiil vv 11v iii i lllis 1111 is 1 1 1 ilu i ii s n w iii i w p i l i it tiul wiiit i i sum ii i i ic i i i ii n l in c i lllv i tsl1 ill slim ml l 11 i vv will 11 i i ii i i v l k il 11111111 ii s ul mil i t kill i w ilk 1 l si ul i i ii 11 s vv is llli lllllll t mil i 1 wi i k ii vii lills i l s t s i iii 11 i vlli 11 vv iii ill 1 lllls uul v lslt i vv lll ll ii iii lis ussil slli s il i lllll i till i si mil inllml l s nil iii hll st lull is in i ml misl v i i ll is ll 1 s 1 iii iii 11111111 i i i i i v 1 v vv ll iii 111 v p vvi hv 111 iii i u c v iv 1 tl s v i ii is i v l i i i ll i ll 1 llls il hi u s price up tlct mine of tut rrrtl mtul tuu ihu ptipci nihtkrlpilon tn i idusd sidle uficr vugiut i itwill h j5 suhirlptum lo i ngtumt uiitl plhrr tivuiimm tacrtllh tounlrui ulll rtmuln ut 4 and uihahptlim to i aim tllaii uhirlk rvniuln mi tfirl rear end crash i ii iltiiiii hi j uilis m ilh ul 4 oiuin si ailuii n- himii siv in in iiiilinl il mil llll s lllll ll 11 l m nuii mi uivihh liul siuppcil k lllll i llllllllli i ii il llic bin lino llitfhiiii 2 mlirsiiuil when hi cir wis sinick tnim ilu- rear hi 1 iir ilrmn hi 1 hninlo min the nlhfr cir re- icncil itt ilimac nurih hil inn opp inicuirilcit the good old days back in 1911 back in fwf tu ken tram the itmue of ihe free prem thumday july 21 1911 liiht saluulav a mnn from mihnn was fined fur hathlntf in the treek ut limit a biithlntf still mis filend vho attompntled him had rettted tht same treatment onlv the week beloie a larmtr who hvinn the setuiul line tomplained this veek that two vminn men fiom attnn invaded his heriv palth on sun tuv a i tut noon and piotttaled ti pit k berries muwl of the aflei mkin when ihev hud flushed ihtv boldk paradul ilawn the line ip at ton he reported that if this otc uncd aan he would i ikt so im at i ion sundav herrv piikinp is illtal and the ifftnd tisinithl be will warned not lo 1 1 peal this action during i on tin i mceliny man d is niht tht warren park sur- tv as submi l tt d the survey tomprists 6 fine building lots whith mr warren ilileliils put liny on ilu mat ktl unmldialelv hit ntw tounln sltamrolki h is hti n at work in lown this pisl witk andbeinn wiv tapalv l opt i lit tl b arthur sailer one nl l lit c otmt count il s txpei t roidrniktis he tame horn cnp lantl list i ii mil has i us ot i pti k in t al this work whtn l ik ob is tomplittd at ton will h it sonii oi tin linest ro ids in ilu an i misss a j mtvjibb ind his hi oilu r w ilh mi wni in toronto list wnk iiltnding a muling of iht htus ol tin tsiati ol tin lui col bkir philultlphn hosi est iu is ieporitd to be woiih ti 200000000 the it iti consists ot c ish in amen t in toinruv mmi ilu ibk tod u iil in ptnnsvh una the missrs 1tibbs mother wis a bakir ind i mm of i hi coloml s on tui sd u thru nnks of hjulirs fi m iiulph isitiil ai i n nut in mio ibli iinin w is spint uri ik enin whui f nal sii hid bun ailditl ai- on w irn- uu k i tkluion t plu ain jtii unouil i si u nu in thi ilubh u- in 1 n h 1 wn t uiki ippro 1 i qiu h i i tit b i k i m i up m ji- i- n b takon from the lone of th free preu thutmuy july if 141 uovd primenu chatham wnh one f kv6 men chnrgel with sieahnu n cur and brmvktng and entering ihe hlncksmlth shofi of james gllmorc and nietilinfl tools prmieau was one of two mfrn pursued bv police inst week oml was apprehended in toronlo alter proxintlal police had ehiined him into the luke the new brltk addition at the wool combine plant it nenrlng oimpleuan riie brltk i wall ij finished and tilieteel blmmi kd tor ihe first floor and roof anoth er intproxemenf bclnu mode at the expanding plant ih the instal lation of a railway siding when a new spur was put in this week allowing the tracks to run closer tt the plant wj could and wh clayton tompetod in he scotch doubles lawn howling tournament nt mil ion last tiidav and brought home first place irophv this is the ihatltngt tup whith must bo de fended within 4h hours after the vihallenpc ha been given pie oivihe bitwn ivirmeilv of at ion now serving with the i oirte stols hegiment oveiseas has hi ni awaided a pauhmeni in the roal canadian humane sot icl uu htavei and in toit it lion in si ing oilu is hum deahh h drowning last sumniii mi blown saved john wilson tiom th owning in fau 1 aki it ikptired seeid di int ilti mpls h him beftire tlu latl wis hi ought to the siu- i ite during the meeting of ihe atlorr sthiml luiaid tuesday tuning appluations tor the posi uoij tt sn ret ir tri isurer vvere iikwid and irusins agixed to hire g middk tun at an an nu il s ilar of 10 following ihi n sign uuvi tt c iplam allan j buchinin it was igreed lo ap- pnn n h caon o t 11 the k ii do- 1 v pu- c t iht o tt n ijs wwk was jirrced j ii p j rs he j v pji j bsjjw jjc- aja y r c j j esc professional directory and travellers guide rrvnu pbcto dr s c- c ss i j j 1 j i i ic p vi v p c nv ii 1 v aumleu 3 c- r 51 icnjib j4c tirnr u s imk jfc ir v v i- t i vn i j x i f- vl c s v pr a j buchanan 11 it il in n h s m s ut ot ii ii h j im i i w1i1 iji ati wn tvjlh if 1h ukm c f leatherland qc iu i fi r n t4rv publ llfic 11 liri lhll a m 12 00 pm hi oil p m 1 ho p m siturluit bv fcjhimnint onlv llffip ill mi hta 131 acton otcdtm ltax acton dji ht skiing time eastbound 8 13 a m dalv excrpt sun and i hviini ii 33 m 106 pti im pm 33 im k 13 p m 10 ob pm isun and llul wcntbuund s27 pjn izl cinuliins ivvii v2j0u iiortli ol lilc nimirancc per person a braida ba darrklir solicilnr notary public 173 mj n st s ac onu phpnttmt j ttuct hiur 6 pm pm 1 p m 0 p m aturdayi 13 dirk st e guculll ta 4zm2 owcchouri s am s p m saturday mm 12 am 10 27 am 1117 jim ifl pm 7 pji 7 27 pm 4 12 pm 1132 pm ill m 112 am ifrl sat sun and ii i railways canadian national dayllit sanrlnc tuna a m o toronto daily t sunday 10j1 am lo toaonto im p m to toronto iu pjtt lo to rem to sunday only to stisamud mm km to l 12 ubvta trboetf flk l stst smi ism vi c i st c i i s i f v t iv c i 1 l v 1 c 1 1 1 v j v s i v 1 i nmsti xxv vnxis tt i noi s li t nl vic- a sj s r k k v il 1 sm im 111 n t ll os h us ii i ic i i m i ij 1 1 v st 1 11 1 1 iv it 11 thjaajilnii ih 5 ttavturt oukm gray coach lines h i i

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