Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 27, 1961, p. 3

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informed guesses uuit pholo golden wcdding anniversary was observed saturday after noon by mr and mrs harry bailey queen street the couple wero married in shelburno 50 years ago and have resided in acton for the past 18 years over 90 assisted the couple in celebrating their anniversary at their home mr and mrs harry bailey celebrate 50th anniversary many hnppy memories of 50 1 years of maniiie were recalled satin dav when mr and mrs i hiii rv ijailey queen street celebrated their golden wedding anniversarv over 90 guests in cluding lainilv and friends were present to honor the couple during the reception held on the lawn the couple cut a wed ding cake made especially for the occasion hv a daughter mrs ii i win loml llnpeville and an miriivtrsii cake made by hntchcns bakerv mis bailcv wore a gift corsage ol vellow roses presented by mis geoi ge musselle while her husband lavored a boulonniere ol white carnations given tv set included in the manv gills and ctmgritiiilalorv messages was a telex isiim set which thecouple hope to enjoy ery mijchi a wel- ccirm- vlniior ti the octasion was mrs tom mills tit dundalk who is 94 she was a luster mother to mr bailcv when he arrived in canada i rom england at the young age ol in mr baile and bis bride the former nellie orvis eie mar ried 51 veais ago in shelburne presbvtenan manse hv rev j a mckenie wheie lhe hed 32 veal s beltii e mo nig to at ion ik vcus ago the couples setiet lor a happ nun i iige is a sense ol humour and lt leai n to give and take ihehiide ol 50 wars staled ii i had another 50 cais to live would slill choose man iige uu with the same partnei ruikc five children the luippv iiuiple claim raising lainilv leli link- lime lor hob bies bul the gilt ol a television set will allow them more pleas ure mr bailey prefers the west erns and sport programs while his wife enjoys mystery plays and seiiuls the baileys have five chilthen four daughters and one son 10 grandchildren and two great hiandchildrun who were all home saturday to enjoy the celebration their daughters arc mrs bertha kenter at home mis elwin hood olive hopeville miv wood low schaldcmtisc beatrice victoria british columbia and mrs kennetli travis gerli ude of ptirt elgin their only son bill resides in georgetown anniversary gilts i rom the family and friends included a lawn chair three lamps pillow slips chinaware designed with a gold pattern travelling alarm clock and blankets manv cards were also received by the popular couple retired in 1950 mr bailey worked as a carpen ter while residing in shelburne and after moving to town was employed by the wool combing cumulation until his lelirement in 1950 in his younger eais he plavcd football and still retains bis i u lei est in baseball and hockev among the ones helping the couple to telehiale their annivci- sarv weie guests fiom geoi ge- lown port elgin victoiia bc shelburne weston toronto hopeville feigus rotawood hol- stein oundalk and acton sufvey predicts halton population will triple to 216000 by 1976 hullon uiifl icel mny triple their population between 195 a and 1976 nccordiiiu to the first ecuiv umlc- sjirvcy of ontario since 1957 uliiclyhus just beert released by the ofiuuio department of econ omics the 340pafic study suimests hat theptilulvn of hulton in 1976 will be 216000- us compared with a 1956 mkuiajjun a 68297 it in noted that ftie figures ate merely informctl guesses bused on estimates made in the ontario submission to tbe royal commis sion on cunuclas economic- pros- lects modified by changes in trends concrete facts there are sonic interesting con crete facts on hulton as revealed in the study the countys population in 1956 had a greater percentage in the luc range i7ld than any other bracket only 26 of tbe popula tion was aged 65 to 69 but 4511 were 70 or over haltons population in tbe 1956 csriyis figures showed mates and lemales preltv well evenly bal ancedwith men 507i holding a slight edge over women 493 between 1951 and 1956 the coun tys rural population climbed i rom 12972to 20420 while urban population jumped from 31031 to 47877 the average hulton fanjilv is made up of 35 peisons and- tlie hirth rale or 2927 pct 1000 pop ulation exceeds the provincial average of 264 it is exceeded only in sections ol norlhcrn on tario fewer horses the countys farms have exper ienced chances too the number of horses in tile countvbas de creased from 2700 in i9si li 680 in i960 catlle swine and sheep have increased in quantllv while milk cows have shown a slight decrease the production of limeslone has taken a liemendoiis leap from 283 ions in 946lo 1962777 in 1958 surveving llu pioiiniiv maim luhii inc the iipml antes al though manulictuiing is widelv ilispensed from one niiumlitv in the oilier the olden horseshoe ol ontario which extends from oshawa in the niagara peninsula contains tbe most concentrated structure ol manulicluring activ- ilv in the province the two ec onomic reeions in ibis area n- iiinted for about 59n ol omar s selling value ol laclciry ship ments in 1958 mat mnnufncturing the 1958 figures on manufact uring show acton with 18 estab lishments empldylhtf 934 tor a payroll or j3195000 andproduc- ing j 1 25 1 1000 of goods burlington records 54 estab lishments with 2054 employees u payroll of 17153000 and goods of 30606000 georgetown had 24 industries in the 958 figures with 1244 eim rjloveesu payroll of j4809000 and production of ji6645000 in the intervening years george town has expanded very rapidly milton hud 15 establishments 888 employees a payroll of j3627 000 and pioduced goods valued at j13235o00 according to 1958 1 igures oukville shows 48 industries 1869 employees u payroll ol j7 338000 add production or j3i42a 000 mlltnns top wage on the basis or these 1958 rig ures milton bad the highest av eruge wage ut 4084 followed by oukville at j3926 georgetown lit j3r50 acton ut j3485 and burl ington ut j34r2 i he growth of manufuctiu ing in unllon bus climbed irnm 4004 employees in 1946 lo 10752 in iush with un annual pavioll ot j4204iooo the melnipolitun region which includes hulton onturio peel iiul york counties uccounteil for wo uf tile value of building pet- mils issued in the piovlnce- in i960 detailed liguies bv counties iverc not included in ihe report motor vehicle registrutions in llallon qulidrupletl iiom 7263 in 1946 in 31898 in 1959 or rroril ls ol the ontario total lo l7n in ihe melropolilun region fliete ale 3il7o ol the lolal olltaiio vebicl- es atijndiii to ihe ontaiin snr- vev 94 of llallon homes hiic leleiision or 20000 sels in the 2i00 households twotype demonstrations given at calf club meeting july 17 the thiid meeting of ihe acton 4 h calf club- was held on july 17 at the form of calvin aitken rr 3 acton with all members present cltih leader nino biaida introduced the hosts and praised them lor theii support lo the 4m piogiam he went on to explain to the members that maplewoud farm was engaged in the com mercial production ol beet cattle using a hiuhlvhred sire to up grade the quality of his piogcnv mr aitken welcomed the niem- beis and expressed the pleasuie of the lainilv lor bcini part ol the 41 movement in ilaltun county vicepresident murray tail con ducted the business session and invited the club to hold their august meeting at their farm at rr i campbellville secrc- laiy frank anthony read ihe minutes and called ihe ioii type demonstration club leadei smtlv huchanait ol molfat conducted the instruc tion period anil using the herd siie gave a detailed tvpe demon- stiation ol a scotch shorthorn mate pointing out the desirable qualities to look for in judging beef hulls he repealed the dem- onstialion with a matuie lemde irom the maplevvood herd instructions on the proper mooming of beef calves lor the bowing and on showmanship were earned out wilh the use ol takes present i v being raised as club projcus bv thiee membei s ot the aitken unity mr buchanan 4ok up ihe woi ksheet which included ik questions on the phidumion aiul marketing ut milk poik and beef in ontario at the conclusion of the meet ing lelreshments were served by the hosts who weie i hanked on hehall til the club bv murrav tat i umtwousi accident visits ofjnterqsthere stclu johnkun of the sixth line is wearing a cast idler break ing her mm in a fall lute inst week mr and mrs ted brown and lamily were uueslkat the don- aldsonismond wedding and re ception in noival presbyteriun church last saturday congratulations to mr and mis clifford mcdonald and to mr and mrs bill campbell each ol whom had a little sou last week mrs gordon flanagan was hospitalized for a few days last week we aie glad lo- hear that she is mrs mills spent a few davs in loionto last week with mrs i ian is who wis iccently bereaved mrs al inglis and tenv spent last week in buffalo al tlriving over for the- weekend mr and mrs win service spent a lew davs last week wilh ihe russell mcdonalds and all enjoved a motor tup lo camp bonier and colllngwood miss iiuda clu ke ol george town spent pari ol last week with miss gtil gilmoic mis adam mall and some ot her family aie slaving al her collage heie mis e sanfotd and mis j san foul aie hofidaving at iheir otlage wanbashene mis flhel thompson ot toron lo is holiday ing with mr and mis w mitchell the acton free prow thursday july 30th ival band still tooting but soft pedal concerts ieuv to pctform ln holidays and new members learning tojoot horns have play ed havoc wilh planned concerts for acton citiens band this summer residents will however be able to on joy the music of concerts sometime in august ihe oakville band here this sunday not iiitc conceits he regrels having lo cancel senile engiicmenls bin stressed ihe band will he able to begin at ihe paik alton bandsmen will plav a re- turn engagement for oakville augiisi 27 band president ted tvler jr t poinled out this week that a number of younger members i an opportunist is t man whu have joined ihe hand and are when he hnds liirnself in hot proiifvsslnu tpiite- vell but aie water deudes he needs a bath the asphalt topping m c n r crossing at oueen is a v ast improvement er ihe stieet this sundays church calendar caroline nurseries garden centre west of aclon on highway 7 south side one stop for gardeners in hot weather check your evergreens for black aphids and spider miles floral designs for all occasions open 9 am to 9 pm free delivery phone 37 anytime the church of st alban the martyr anglican hivtn tin- ltiv ii slukiirf i til st ii iili lnfricv st itlntlu- uli5 hi- nimii nuii i ii li ilium si m 11 1 ulili ilol s hi 1 111 1 1i v i iklllllm 101x1 i ill millins ml i 111 null h all an wi-uiiiiii- united church of canada arton ontsrio hiv dwlklit fiikci d a minmttt mr gi-nri- klhmt oixanil and chuir miilor sin1vw jliy mill 1jcl uukli iii sriilii- his i in suiuli silllh1 tin siiuii sin hull acton pentecostal tabernacle xi chuulull iluail r a o c kv kiniilh j krid iitor 7b lok si iluiuv 640w mmhy jl i y olli 4rl idlhl i in siiihiiv slhnl ii hi iill miiiuili viniii 7ik p m i vinywimii tuimiii i in t plilii mil hllik- slmli tiummii 8 pin cltiim anilii suioia you aie mwiv wcimiiiii christian reformed church iw j nutni1 101 queen si n a bo mniwtr bux til illonv una baptist church acton vator jamtni m rtldri 30 niuun court khullc 206 sunday jliy wth 4ol 9 45 am suniliv siihhii 1100 am muming woruiip 700 pm exerting wunhip wcdncmlav 7v prayer praise and bible study all are welcome slnlmy july mill 11 8 30 im tune in in the uu k locnnllltim piotniin on- mjui- dial ckkwu20 lit 00 i in lnelish sii-iin- tim kuih i min boliili gikis jiiilniint seal i m p in dutili seii ue- tem lliexs j 012 i lie man j ut lan lesmiess i 1 3 4 pm smua sihixtl i 1 presbyterian church i in canada j knox ciurcii acton i l rev andrew h mikonilc ba bo minister mr e a luiuea b a organut and chou- master sunday july j0ili ixil 1000 am church sihimil churih schntil in be iliiscd lurinp august 1100 am divine wuislilp guest minister rev crfiirgc c vais st gilcsghutvh gait theme what on eiirth ii he church doing juniur conyregalion ages 37 meets during sermon thank you we mcmullons sales and home improvements wish to thank th citiiens of acton for their response to our racent ads in the acton free press which proves as we have said acton has the community spirit we have usl returned from a weeks vacation and are prepared to oiler agafn our services to discri minating customers colored aluminum 3 track windows aluminum doors siding aluminum wallmaster siding brixite siding cedar grain asbestos siding stone finish stucco complete contracting service free we will buy you offer r and your family a free meal in any restaurant in acton for any order of siding windows stucco or any job no down payment up to 60 months lo pay call now for free demonstration phone 66 mcmullen sales a home improvements manv einnlnvees in vaiimis plants atcstill enjoying holiday pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north galt telephone 6217580 for that smart look in glasses look e l buchner r o optometrist contact lenses fitted hearing aids eyes examined 48 mill st e acton ont wednesday only office hours 2 to 6 pm for appointment phone 1 15 acton if no answer phone waterloo collect sh 28867 y lower m price iga orange drink save 10c 64 oz jug 49 theres a simple explanation iga pur chases these products directly from lead ing manufacturers of national brands for over 700 iga stores coast to coast eliminates national advertising establishes its own quality control selling costs are lowered us a result these savings arc yours and youll appreciate the quality too j1- price ihccllvc jury 2 27 a tasty summer dessert iga tomato juice 2 49c iga jam strawberry frozen food department sunkist lemonade rink iii l0z kieulil i ins 4 49 cantel0upes 29c new pack save 10c 24 oi jar 39 iga instant coffee save 20c 6 oz jar 69 iga mild cheese colored 12 oz cuts 41 boneless round steaks or roasts or rump roasts 69 ib tahlcrilc sliced klndless 1 lb pkg side bacon 69c llconnmlcd uiul nutritious sliced pork liver 33c combination offer one tacluiitc or 8 tublerltc all i ok wieners jrjr one package ol i dempsters bc rolls no i grade hxlrn liirgc j urn ho 27u 11acii llruirnrtr crtwii can en frenh no i grade celery s 2 for 25c the perfect dense i inr picnic inhiniletl no i grade bananas 2 lbs 29c only the irish ttmc llesl sie hi do sunkist oranges 59c delicious n i trmti- qt bc apricots 39c extra a total of 3200 in bonus tapes clve i ltee 600 in llonin iijk iga beans 3 in imiiii ii iga ginger ale 2 iga foil wrap oxydol i tit ill i si kecelve i lee 200 in iduius tapes m111i1 o i lh margarine 2 raspberries 1 1 1 1 iii in am now potatoes v i bologna i i iii i ni ik cf i cirrc ira t we retrv lha right to lioiif qutntih ledgers iga is now airconditioned for your shopping pleasure yjfr i

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