Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 10, 1961, p. 1

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i 1 tlghtysvnlh yoorno 7- jfctt fteess acton ontario thursday august iqlh 1961 aultuvrliml a tumnd clftm mmii itv the intt ofllr kwimwtnmitlt ouw eight pagesseven cents ur ptiow golden arrow badge was presented to patrol leader rodger udoucour of the acton scouts monday night and was the first ever presented to a scout in ontario the badge is the award givon to a patrol leader completing a six rrtonth extensive course provincial headquarters waived tho latter portion of tho acton scouts training in view of his high standing pictured above loft to right during io presentation aro tommy mckeown sid new- ton member of the group committee rodger ladouceur jim ledger member of the group commltleo scoutmaster bruce williamson and haryoy taylor 1mhlk7xxuzuii j- r-uxtklii- wv open arena tenders next wednesday will award contract as soon as possible in order to speed up constrne- tinn of the comnmnily centre nn addition lo ik menu council tuesday eiilled a special meeting for wednesday august 16 to re view lenders which are to he in the hands o clerkadministrator jack mcgcaehie just four hours prior to the mceiiiiy council ajired lo invite non- council members ol the spec ial building committee as well us the architect and engineers for the project following he- special meeting and a review ol the tenders architects and en gineers will thoroughly investigate specifications and advise council a special meeting- will be called ns stum as possihtv to award the contract no fire agreement council also learned thai a special meeting of the tire com mittee with township council representatives regarding a rural i fire agreement hail been unsiic- cessftil in reaching an agreement mayor john ii gov reported the township representatives ngrccd to terms tor the proposed oneyear agreement but would j have to consult their respective councils bet ore giving the green j light to the threeyear proposal j another meeting with township representatives is expected to lie held in the near future and conn- cil is hoiwful ol linaliing a soft- uble agreement at that time i during the meeting council also learned the street marking program had been adopted and a contract awarded white parking lines and cross walks will be painted on the main streets the weed inspector would be notified to cheek a few prop erties where objectionable weeds are growing the water trough on main street south could not be moved to a new location at the park until a directive had been given bv parks board 109000 resort permit boosts esquesing building building permits for july in esquesing township lo tailed 257870 with 109000 that figure covering the development of twin lukes resort club at spcysidc equesing council at its regular meeting tuesday agreed lo study a request from milton for tax exemption on a piece of land just north of the base line antl west of highway 25 the triangu lar piece of land had been pur chased by the town several years ago or a park the situation is to be discussed with the town ship assessor 25 o women a letter irom the attorney generals department directed that 25 per cent ol those selected for jury djitv should be women the matter was retei red to those responsible for this selection purchase of one eighth of an acre of land was approved at lots five and six and consessions seven and eight to straighten a jog in the road council agreed to study a re quest from the oakville district humane society for a grant the society noted they answer calls in the township and were provid ing a service norval residents complained that highway work on highway 7 had made the sidewalks in that village too high and several could not hae access to their drive ways the reeve and road superintendent were to meet the department ol highways engineer lo have the situation corrected the ukrainian camp near acton asked that the road lead ing lo i her property he oiled since they were expecting 2000 cars to attend a festival scheduled lor the weekend in chicago g w mckenzie elected to high ys mens post a chattel member ot the acton comentiun at chicago limn ys mens club and a consistently tliursdav julv 27 to tluusdav active worker in the organization august v sincv he lust joined g w mc- mr mi kenie principal of the kenie main street north was robert i iitle public school has elected bv unanimous vote to an envious record with the ys the position ot- area tee-ptv-t- mens club since he mist joined dent during the international haxing scivcd as president with suit pw o w mukcnzit charter member of the acton ys meni club was elected vicepresident of the international yi mens club during the annual contention held in chicago donning a typical convention hat he points to the area on a world map which will com t under his jurisdiction the local club district goveinot international director pioiuotioiij chairman on the intei nalional scholarship tuiul t coordinator ol inter national club sen ices such a rcoid letl little doubt in the minds oi the nominating committee prior to the mi wen- lion ol the acton mans ability to tollill i he ilotics j seiaing in tlv oca capacitv mr mckenie will supenisc di strict goieinois in thch reguttis eat ol i lie mississippi including the mai it ime- quebec ontario plues in the iniied slates caribbean and south america although the new area ue- proulent doesnt expect u he isiting all these plues he anil cipates iloing a heap ol cor- ivn4muncc one ot his main worries at the present time is deciphering leiieis imm munin- es in the cai ihbcan and south america beginnme september i he will be one ot tour vicepresidents in the world one ot his tiisi chores will be to attend the regional coinen- iinii in ohio in vtohcr lit point ed mil the mnvrniions uv staged on weekend- and his new psi lion will ui inlet fere wilh leavh- ill s lnjl ei kiolvi mi k kenie is tthiking lorward to a visit liom his supvtioi the tntpinationa piesident imm california at the disirk 1 mm en lion in kiichcnei i the man who has taken mr hrtwmwie s place as mordmaor t cfub services ot the interna- tional ys mens club is expected j to visit him here this weekend mr and mrs roy nuvlnr and fimilv of santa monica calilnrn- it met the mckenies two ears ago at the convention in cali fornia and again thi eur at chicago council signs threeyear ambulance plan 4hour servicercallstateihllfliptovei first golden arrow badge presented to r ladouceur a young teenage patrol lender with tho first acton scout troop rodger ladouceur was honored monday evening during the scout meeting when lie was presented with a golden arrow badge this is the first time the badge has been presented by provin cial headquarters to any scout the golden arrow course is a comparatively new one a per- sonul letter or commendation will be sent trom headquarters to the acton scout in view of his achievements the second phase of the train ing was waived by provincial headquarters and the badge awarded for his merit recent ly the patol leader obtained his first class scout badge during the first phase of training he led two overnight camps and his training continued at the scout camp at grand bend the golden arrow course is divided into two phases and is considered by scouters to be one of the most important and hard est courses to study and pass should aim for it when presenting the badge monday evening scoutmaster bruce williamson informed the scouts that one of the most im pnrtanl features of being a patrol leader was to lead scouts and not drive ihem work with them and not order cooperate with other leaders and know how to run u iroop tamp the scoutmaster luld the other members of the troop the award was one which every scout should set his aim for and informed ihem it was the highest award they could obtain with the ex ception of the queens scout badge po upgraded to class 10 a steady increase in the sale of postage stamps has earned i he acton post office an upgrad ing from nine to id classifica tion according to postmaster gor don mckeown before a post of- liee can hecume eligible fur an upgrading it must produce a re venue of 60000 per year in stamps for three years and the acton branch last year netted 118000 in stamp sales seven fulltime employees ore employed in acton with part time help liuctuating irom one lo five employees the announcement of upgrad ing was made this week by the canada post office there will he no change in the stall or system us a result ol the change the new badge will be worn above tme left hand shirt pocket and stand obi above all other badges on account of the promi nent position it holds it pictures a gold arrow on a green back ground following a munlhbunonth ambulance arrangement for the past five months acton council tuesday signet an agreement with vernon dogtie operator of the royal city ambulance gtielph lo provide ambulance service lo acton residents lor the next three years at an annual cost or si 800 according lo terms of the agreement the town will pav only 1050 lor hie balance ol i9m as a credit amounting to 750 will be allowed for rental paid to djte this year w hour service rfhe 24hour service will trans port patients to gtielph toronto hamilton georgctnvn and mil ton at the following rales to or irom guelph 15 to or irom toronto 35 to or from ham ilton 35 to or i nun george town or milton 18 an extra charge will apply il oxygen is used according to the agreement ambulance calls may he made by only a eertiliuil practitioner lo cal police or lite town clerk ac counts will he settled by the op erator issuing a statement lo this town oltice and in lurn the town olticeis responsible lor collect ing accounts in the event either parly wishes lo lerniinale the ton- tract writ leu application must be made and sent by icgistered mail request 60day deadline extension to complete assessment computatioln a request for a 60day exten sion for filing assessment rolls will be sent to the assessment branch of the department ot municipal affairs the assessot was given one weeks holiday his first in two years and 300 was authorized for payment for computing assessment rolls on saturdays this action was taken during councils regular meet ing tuesday evening a lormcr emergency direc tive from council to cut oil holi days tor the assessor and pay overtime wages lit town oil ice stall to complete the rolls by the provincial deadline september 30 vas waived council learned tuesday the assessing committee hail held a staff photo august 10 deadline is drawing closer for the demolition crew tearing down the old unit ed church but by the appearance of tho building workmen will moot the deadline fascinat ed spectators glances are becoming lower and lower as the building comes steadily down reg armishaw of armishaw bros of guelph heads the hot and dusty crew harold laura wilesmerchants celebrate 52 years in business no master found for fuzzy puppy a liny ball ot iuj with bright eves and pointed nose discover ed in be a collie pup was be ll iended lor a short time tues day by opp constable ron rup- eit ol i he acton detachment when il was reported wander ing in the ilenlea area the constable with the pup in his arms and a cold wet nose under his chin attempted to lo cale the owner but to no avail cecil rubertson local dogca tenet was called and took the little pupru lo his kennels at glen illiams he w ill attempt to liud a home for it hydro off holidas caused cancellation l the hvdro commission meet- ng tonight thursday j grade 13 students are ani- uush awaiting results of their last vcars work and arc watch ing ihe mails closely lor a sign ol them principal e a hansen is alo anxious to receive a copy ot the results starling in 1909 actons oldest businessman and merchant har- ild wiles and his sister laura vill celebrate 52 years in the tobacco and confectionery busi ness this friday at ii mill street the store also serves as the gray coach bus depot former tunncr mr wiles worked two years lor beardmore and company bclore he lelt the tanning indus try in lavor ol a jnccr store and ice cream parlor the busi ness was then owned and oper ated by the lormcr miss lain a ryder now mrs robert hlgie the couple operated the busi ness as a grocery store and ice cream parlur tor two vears and then mover irom their laniily home on church street t i he- business location antl began serving meals the billowing ear only within the pasi lew cais hae thev discontinued the lunch counter service- through the 52 vears lhe have been in husines both llaiold arid laura have seen manv changes in the business section and can recall former husiness people who were promtnent on ihe main street are now deceased first bus service one ot the manv memories lor most in mi wiles mind was ihe inauguration ot ihe bus scnkc through acton in 1927 the tirst bus rolled through town lo stop at his store then the ollicial ilicial town wckoinc bv geoie my nils iceve at the time and ii p mimiiv- publisher of ihe eree press as well as many other citizens and businessmen known ah tki the bus serxice extended be- i ween toionio kile hener and london ami was known as the tkl bus scrvke named alter the route which was followed mai old well remembers the i it si trip ihe hits made in ihe new serviie ihe vehicle was j equipped w ilh inei harm al enier gencv brakes the hisi time the driver applied ihe emergent v il lore the tear end mil of the bus after this ihe buses went with- oul emergeikv biakcs for a num ber of veils following the ik l was the arrow bus lines thev i out in- tied in opera ion limn l29 uniil i93h when i he prccnl iiav coat h i iocs bought ilu business on weekends and spei lal ex cursions ihe hus depot k packed w ilh people and every dv sees ipiile a number ol passe ngn s hoarding ihe bus for points out ol acton built in 1839 the building k copied by har old and lain a wiles tvas built ongiuallv by a dr mi io in aniiind ih39 which he used as a drug store with a totisulling loom al the back laler dr morrow followed in the same profession and then dr loisier ol siiailoid john sei ord used the building alier litis fm a haiilware store and i tun later il was lonvciied tor use as a barber shop thomas agnexv and george sloell londut led a hoot and si hk business in the csiiblish mem bclore moving to guelph i he building has had main oniipanls hut none with a ucoid ol service sut h as harold and laura wiles a iheeiv wave greets all tarn ilar friends nf he loirple as rhey pass hv on the s i reel and i his week thev are leceiving lougraf with assessor rid ruled out impletinu the pecial meeting john ladouceur a ihe possibility- ol rolls on time committee menv hers also jell il was imperative lor the assessor lo have a hull day al this linn as he had been working seven ilavs a week in order lo allempl completion of the rolls ii permission lor the exten sion is granted deadline lor ac- ion liling will he november 30 mayor john ii guy reporting tor the coiiuuillee lold his col- leagues he committee was forc ed lo recommend hi complete disagreement with councils earlier directive al ihe special meeting when they realized the better solo i ion to ihe problem was to lake dillereni action in granting the assessor a weeks holiday mavor gov point ed oul mr ladouceur could re lurn to work lullv relreshed and do a much belter job oil the tolls lie explained the reason for requesting pci mission lo pay ihe assessor clerk administrator j mcgeachic and oil ice manager j t hurst 1100 apiece for coin- puling the assessing during sat urdays was lo save anticipated 1000 in overtime to of i ice em- ployees lor this work the mayor lold council the assessor had been busy during ihe first four months of the year iloing ihe assessing white ihe halancc ol ihe lime was spent in i lie oil ice doing work pertaining to assessing councillor w j mcleod en- quired il with ihe tsodav exten sion the clinic would be com pleted no lime and was simply lold bv the iletk il will have to he mr gov said council would have lo nlv on the word ol the lluei- men lining the loiripuline thai the work would he lompleleil on lime the mayor stressed the im- poiltnee ol keeping a close wtlih on the piugicss of the assessing and il it was councils opinion it was falling behind dillereni ai lion would have to w taken t wettdry appal en tlv while some a real ue diencheil wilh rain others within a tew miles ol here are pan lied a man in the iee press oltue said this week one sec tion near mnmil i bnllv in need of riin nu he had heard there wete other tn ins loo wheic ihe larineis wished thev could haie shai ed the heai v and fre quent rainfall o iheu neigh- bo i s illations on iheii 2 wars in busi ness and en mvmg a lew lei su 1 6 bonis nf dialling uu reuunisc- mg citizens generally fun with i he lire pif- it wihnii lluold and laora wile inttix more veal f i oriliriuril sin i es- bus mop iust as il is tmlfv the vehicle was given m of- band plays a little travelling music v lliutini bind cunocrt may fur a rtpulir ip- itntin in i rv something new in the muicl i number ol nounjxern tie liking rid and it no acton cttiirn band chalked up another hrt last nikht i wednesday bandv men seated on the back of an onen truck toured the town and plaed a nplitup c for citlrrnv the rvavon or the mmawnt i lack of experiaaoatl i m up muntcil inntruimntn band president ted tvlerji stated this ueek the ounei plavers are propresvinp tniirahk and on ac of no scheduled concert sotarii year bands men cere delerrnined to pro ide a concert and thought a irnclliny performance would he the belt j way o accomplish thi dreiied acton imfightus ip4ked flijnuat convention atoflkville led their homemade elephant and stmokey to add to their floats for future parade wtmlt fhnta lot of interett in the par ado monday dujinrj the firemen native costume and smeared wilh makeup they the bear along the street plans are being mad

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