Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 10, 1961, p. 2

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1 reexamining all drivers summer silhouettes it w announced lait week that in ell probability a new and periodical examina tion will be required of all motof cac driven the ostensible obect of the mow it to cut down on the orgy of death and destruction on our highways on the face of it such a move might appear laudable but we beg leave to doubt if it would be effective we believe it was elbert hubbard who evolved the epigram that the fear of the police is the spinal column of religion such we also believe is the attitude of the reck less driver toward traffic rules if tae police are not visible why bother withthe rules notice it yourself you may be driving well within the limit but you unconsciously slow down when one of those holsteln cars shows up so it would be with the reckless driver when under examination with the examiner sitting by his tide he would bo extremely careful to meticulously observe all the rules at a retulr he would pass his exam with firttclett honori and return to his reckless routine with a self approving sneer at how easy it was to get away with il it would seem that the present demerit system rigorously enforced is far more ef fective than a periodical re oxarnihation could possibly be and would not involve the extra expense of the latter the head of the o p p has asked for a sizeable increase in the number of traffic offlcor force to give a more effectivo check up on the highways it would probably be not more expensive than the conduct of a couple of million yearly examinations and would probably be a lot more effective the ridgetown dominion beware young at work mr ribicoff a member of the kennedy cabinet has created discussion by hi state ment that the laws concerning employment of children are too restrictive to illustrate his pomthe tolls of his own careaivwhieh apparently started as early as that of davy crockett within reason a bit of work on the part of boys and girls at a fairly early age does them no harm perhaps the greatest loss in the shifting of population from the farm to the city has been that farm children used to have chores to do and did them fairly well even the littlest child being a hunter of eggs one has yet to meet a person who had to work at an early age who feels that he suffered therefrom there are people who remember the rt hon arthur meighen as a man of great capacity he was a year older in university than was his great rival wil liam lyon mackenzie king the reason for the disparity was the young arthur meighen had to take a year out to earn some money for the furtherance of his education a misfortune for some young people who have to start working too early is that their education sometimes ends when they quit school others never cease to learn all or nearly all of the current crop of bank presidents started to work in banks when they left high school or even earlier yet in a gathering of the learned it would be difficult for the casual observer to tell the difference between the graduate of an ad vanced school and a graduate from a tellers cage physically it is highly probable that boys and girls who are protected by law are underexploited mentally it depends on whether there is the native urge to keep learning one interesting fact that has recently come to light although never concealed is that grattan o leary the editor of the ot tawa journal never had the privilege of attending high school yet tiff ts properly considered as one of the best informed in dividuals in canada and as an orator a worthy follower of the notable irishman after whom he was named he is an edit orial writer who is ever willing to give good advice to governments and others a former canadian who now occupies a preeminent position in his field in the united states sometimes tells of his exper tence as the oldest son of a large family in the retail business the store had to be opened at 7 a m wood had to be chopped fires had to be lit and all prepared for fa ther when he arrived at 8 it was a quick rush to school up the long hill and at nopn there was a run on foot each way so that the boy could have his own lunch and keep store while his father had his a similar routine followed the regular school hours and the store hours in those days did not admit of much leisure before 8 or 9 o clock there were also a horse and a cow to be looked after this was a little easier in winter than in summer for the pasture was some distance from the stable and tn the winter the hay had merely to be thrust down from the mow this may have been exploitation of the family by the father but the family ate more regularly because of the effort that had to go into the business it would be impossible in the present state of sentiment for there to be any step that would lead backward to the days when children of eight for fewer years worked in rnines and in similar places divide and conquer it is of their own making but there is no doubt that west berlin an island of free dom and prosperity must be a terrible ir ritation to the communist powers not the least of the embarrassment is the stream of refugees that flows to that island and on through the 100mtle escape corridor to the west by all marxian logic the flow should be in the other direction to the workers paradise behind the iron curtain following khrushchev s latest threat to sign a separate peace agreement with east germany the stream mounted to a new peak of 3 000 arrivals over a single weekend mainly of course the refugees fled through fear that the berlin loophole might be closed but all spoke of food shortages and farm ers told of rum of the farms through bureau cratic bungling smce the forced total col lectivization of agriculture last spring in dustrial workers said they abandoned their homes and possessions because of the con slant pressure to work more for less pay others forecast that the east german gov fnnienr v ii soon impose the internal pass port system identity cards valid only for a local district that will mean the loss of freedom of movement vsithin the country however the communists revival of the berlin crisis probably has motives other than simply to close the escape route and wreck wejt berlin prosperity perhaps china is pressing moscow to act tougher perhaps moscow wants a war scare to distract the attention of the russians from food short ages and other economic problems more likely however the main motive is the old one of attempting to divide the western powers there is no legal question of the allied military rights of conquest m west berlin the united states the united kingdom and france are fully empowered to garrison west berlin to protect the city s independence and its people and to have access to the city these rights exist until they a rn linquished by treaty or violated by fone of arms nor will these rights be lost to the allies if russia signs a separate ptnee treaty with east germany however it now appears that east get many backed by moscow w ii soon ch m that the allied rights of conqutst do not include freedom of civil an tnffic to wt st berlin this would be contrary to tht ac knowledgment def nitely g vtn by russ i n the four power agreement of 194 ir is a point that would make a n ce case for an international court of law but the com munists are not vntl ng to debite the po t in a court of law they hope that bli uer and double talk will scare us into t bick down on berlin and br ng d sun n the west 4 the acton free press piilltrttil by the dm priaulug and puhluhlni co ltd founded in it7s and published ncr thursdas at sg willow st a tun ontuno member ot thr amlii burr tu or circulation the cwna and the ont it uou tx v division of thr cwna advertising rucsun request subiription pavublc in ulxjnn sj 00 in in ill i in the united sum r months 11 7 single nipus 7i authorised tu second class mail post otitic dipan nwnt ottawa the aaly paar aumiati la acton g a dills editormchicf david r- dills managin editor business and editorial office phone16oo acton v s the good old days back in 1941 back in 911 taken from the ssue of the free press thursday august 14 ml dill inn llic civli llolidiv auon ind gcuruiluvvn clubs held riliullv himcs ill hie buwlinu 11104ns here willi auiin endinu up the siitors 11 the inil nl the cl iv jnsiph holmes iml d m llinileison wen slops loi ills anon uuns ind were conuino taken mm the issue of the free ryess thursday august 10 111 anon 1irc brigade tmiompm- ml hv ailnn ciltcns uund went to brampton vesiertlav to pjr tnipjli in the lily fiiemcni de moitstulion dure aitnrtllnn 1o upon hoih the titemen utul iiil hiindsnun were received quite uraiiouslv is iiilv ippe ir cd in the plllul ftz photo by blhfr tayior supzi zad stce after ncirlv is j irs of com pilil bcwuliimi nl 1 think i in hi ginning to urulirsland the old buikim it kisi this summir 1 m l ikinji si tout sc m pst no li jla an j il fits hi i like a suit ul mi long unikrwe ir 1 tisei u think oil iclid the u i slu ill i hie tusi sik is a worn in oi hn ium she hul t i ii la ihillop ut pun lush m jin oi kv iusl 1 isn i in ikinp inhilli mono ill u ivi1 t i ooll luoltfjl i itlui oi duln i do the t in in s u i nun tin house but il u isn l un ot l hi si things it u is hi i iusl sin liisi ill mi is ps holiiu il is lhi ioim lis ill lx linmnt to i ill nil i p n tun lun i ri j in i ikm iikm iii till i s till i e si t mill soiitiiluul t tiuili ii ibiiul i hi in is lholllh i ll t ikill ill i on i hiloti tlun 1 ii ihi 1 th u m wilr i s a v ilkin t is hist u mil th il slu il h ul pi ii in ill ii i oik ot i ik nun isv s i uiit ilisitinsin it k isi unu onl i isi hnk 1 ii thtd in it ii this t u sik s hi i n stilliiiiil ii nn m in h uoi il tonipli s ik kills s i xi toiitd i t ilt 1 nit bui now 1 in ti line il in pwtnil il 1 l 111 st l th sibils 1 s s 1 m n iii s th il th p i hi v h is oi i c unpi us 1 1 1 n i i til in i i i ii his i il i w v ll lllti i 1 m it t upli i s in i lu inu puu i lis i t h iji i nl i h ii s m i oi i ut si s ik i 111 s h jk i s ii w i mi s i pi ihl ii i i i i h i t sii uinhs m 111 illj i ul it j ii is i till in in 1 nil m il 1 pl s i n i ts u ol i i is i u 1 u p p i milhl t i in it thi t u pit 1 1 ll u litis ts nsll i v p v lu i i tn bthtis in i i u i i s 11 s m h s li 1 t h i u i s pi ii i ii i s mi w i i i 1 ui ii m n 1 hv t ti 1 h i iii i v n i i n u h ip i iii i 1 111 u s h iii i k k u n sh n- i ins u is 1 u 1 1 1 s i 111 in t 11 ii s k by bill smiley rilvir minitid its impossible i ii i i t lilt t mil hush ind in till si ti iks a snonil n niion is thi sulkr nv i k to i his is otii o m i i ii iii s mil 1 ust il ol lm i sit rmsi u nij i in u it it i tilt it tiiknt nut ud null hlood mkl stilt un iinlv h indsonit ill ol i stukk n mil m iu hiu lm- h isill htlpiril hitttih on m i lift shi sin k ks d ii ijnl i nu h a k to im i until t un m nil ot it on e hitn i h nidi i ful hush mil hhik ilu kids st md h h ih lirili pittousk ind i i oiiti nil v initnt mi to i iki tht m shi mm i up tin otln i t pi ol ludiuil riiiiion is r it i in ih ilmn tnd il ills too 1 his t dlsisls ol ionukllll- mliself ol s inn thine ih it is not u us s ir h ti ut bui this i t he in ilonil i i ihout tht p isi s m us s i nii is will itli in i t no il iliwextr ilu st in mild ind li umkss u n i ions so u t in si i ih it it s not pit but rm hid ihout whom lm uinuin td its dirtittilt to unikrsiand ii h i pel son t m ht ill ihtsl i u s h it h s nut iru is n t m d gad about hi i md still hi s i pstholo il anoihir ol tin liouhks is il slit s ob lotlsu 1 pissli iiplli 1st it vtoops jlis i mule i u w indt 1 1 i ow i in un l il in noits u lu it il slit s a sti iihtloih ml e is in ie iv this is i pit ml lu i i loiihodin iln td in rilisiitss 1 h it is somtthin thlj to h ipptll ol mill ink it is sum i ol i he mis l smptoms lie ikprt ssiiin uu no ipp ntiil n ison upsti in little tlimts snips it itttmpts it kinduiss mei ii noihnit it ill iuious ed sin ik ol iiuilis this is out pi ut pi klitilk m sun d ia moiiiinl it s istin lime iuii ll i htlk disttiibin in si i soitkoik oil klloh so i it nil loidllll iiliu hefoit ui1t its but hi it unk si iiihin ilu stul in ut h im i e hiu to il in tin lotust mi but i m looking ioih inl to k unin tin ps thololit d mot ii is hi hind lur i ikinji up pi nine ilu u in ind hi r ilirowin i pi i luih hki lin ind ttiiik ill oti nu 1 1st s 1 1 lu el l iiiliu i ii till vim in is w t t i hum just here and there wink tu ru s ins hiu r i suuns oh ul ih in lion i ii i 111 in in sii ik ji i s nun i 1 1 unk k r ii- 1 ml m j1h1 in ton uu i hi pn oil ii ii il in 1 mil in i in in l in in t i mi i 1 1 lit i n u n i il lini 1 inn i i inu po uu i is j ion mih hit f il po i it is nnl h v n in c i i ii i lis i i i 1 u us i in i in in 1 in nsi i s pi uuis i l i pi in i in liililli ills ik i p o in s l iv h i i s nn sn i il i il ik c nsiniiu i is ltss m ki lt n 1u i is p i onl it i illni h is h i u h- i n is n oi s ii 1 i nil ins in i nu ins i k i ii s u t i is k i ii i ship it hi p i h is h i on i m i k 1 i i i lis ik s in iln 1 i in s ii i in s ms i ni s i b u r x i h in hi ii 1 1 i i i 1 h l midi iii s i t i 1 1 i v ill il li uis t m b hul d os ulu llml h i u s 1 h s 1 11 lt 11 ii 1 i tt ml lll h ll i i r i i i k i in mi t r i i i i 1 i k st i i i i i u tp 1 t i hi t is nu r i sh ill k so hi i v u v 1 k i i l v i i ik i t n 1 i i i l i i i o i l 11 i t i i i i h r i n i h i h ks i iv vi i u i m n wt t it iiii 1 t 1 hi i i i i c s 1 11 t v fc u ttl ml t lb i i s s tht i i 1 t i i ci ik i 1 v s 1 ki mp n i 1 i hi ti tjx s n r m i n iv 1 in s ii pw li 1 i i i tnisili h i i 1 i s i i it s j i w i u 1 utpl 1 1 s h v l ill wll 11 1 i 11 i usl i v i i ull i 1 ki im is u lnducvl r y toft ms i ul t ilu lmoi n 1 1 xpt isum in his bu ou t hi d oik t x vfi thlllki t i tninthiiau i h mhir t illuu on is hnuv ivkisttis ot jm jndiui ltt ejru ly t t p p i tt i j it i i k s h m i h ism l s s t w v i p i llm x 1 ill lx i ii is i i i t u 1 1 i h i i nt ss p ni i r s 11 fc oil s i it 1 h s i n in i i i n hi i id i i x t i p it n o i ir i i i u t f oti idiu s j nu h in rn s nl n s s mi n s t hi i u nc h mp s n pi n itt c cjtrship in thi provuuc jii i o ih i i hn in i mwiii he pla he hjs muiicl in in ti 1 kril ktiiiiiuib i id puhhtr lite i h mid no hint i llu ir ii i t ul i ht hitn i m jkt inv pn ik moris n i i i ilu tils itltl suioill w m ij hits tlljivcn it jl hill ltsllt ll 1 a urt kj h j uiijn wiubj lumu u h 1 s ri o in i i i i t 1 l hi ii i lu 1 lattdhv pihlis on both ttmis foi iheir fine t fruits the needier oeiitrid tiiesdi jriemoon when ilu jimsiinu 11 rintiltplni used 10 tike m itei iils o tlil no bee imc limise is 1 huekei ol hot tir wtn iwiny riimd mr blair uho wjs vai inu lo ltke it oil the lilt u is thrown oil the roof when the fr1nuw0rk weru over torlun iilclv the hot lir missed him whin he fell anil he istpltl what miyhl hte bun serious hums as hell as othir injunes the hiiz eaini il ind bmyo ir 1 111 tti d b tin stiktuis comlorts commit lee diew 1 spkndul unwil in at ion s mud iv nijihi the pindi his one o tht hi si mi lit u p links hire in some imil md uu tiuipuuut liom c imp hoiikn u is on ilispt il uu paik loi tnoiu lo in sptii tn l nnis ind inuist me tils ni u pn un 1 ik nl it ilu ptik is will is biiilo hki ilu i iijji t itiwd in it 1 1 ml inn u it neil ilu 11 full sh in ol 1 nu r tiinnn nt compk u it turns irom the ikiuhl will hi llstd to pio lilt eoilltoi ts loi the sold it is dunnp tin it iil ir touneil mniin luisiliv iemnp tt wis k 1 lied the 1kh ulll lot the town oltui hid ixtii uistillid is 1 i ui the 1 nuilmtl l tonsoh il iiuv i ik munit ip il of u is in oiu tilllle tills it noil olloviid ilu n sijii ttioii itttnth ol r r ihtlloid is limn iitisuui dm inu ilu nui line miss ikriu sptijht his otliiidu ippomlid tit istiu 1 ind tolkitor ol 1 ixts tht atijusl iikihiil ol thi at 1 ni worn tiis ijistmitt his tu id tn thi p 11 k in tlu loi m ot 1 pit nit al lei 1 shot l busiikss distiisstoii tlu minibus unui til j mu s ind 1 ms prior to a bounteous punit suppti out of the m un li ituits loi ilu iluld iiii v is iu pi unit st 1 mihk it the eoiulllsioil ol lilt i kis sh jmephs rtinthv hliumi punit iirtnyid lor tivie holiday was 1 del did stiieess the ilulditn iinimp imed hv ihni pan ills nu 1 at the eliureh hiiil vilil mil h several neiyhhoriny t irmus with wayous u eoni ivervom in the home ol mis fiioilje muthollmd al dublin miyhhubis l he altirmuin piov ed in tx ilu hill yillle and uiy ol war tkiween ilu town anil eotintiv al the etui ol the hall yaiiie the own were the vietois but the eounlrv team won out in tin iujihii wir ljamv at the loiulusion of 1 he jiames and toniesis einmine fiijomd a pit nu siippn on the spuioiis lawn alton roothill club visiiid guelph list siturd i ind tun ripiisintetl hv tlu lojkiwm plavils j nieols t williamson j wooil r tihidison m molim s r wisuilu ul s sukn j jenninys l llolnu s- j willi im son 1 ml ii itjh 1 lu ai ion it 1111 wis soiiuwhit suipnstd whin ilu iiii iph it mi tioiud out on tlu f 11 id uul tompitsttl ilu puk ol tht t iop ol ill ilu ctiiilph ti mis ilu lust h ill 1 mini stintltss lun il ilu endiil ilu j mu ai ton h ul in mi d oiu point hi inkiiv out ilu diit iph pi lt 1 s mr miuioii ik irutnore has bun spinduij tht p isi witks 1011 1 mil tlu mu tlu 1 ti 1 iki in a i isi iiunih whuh lu itttnth itnistuil huildinj mi akx mi tkli lis i it till tu d home j i tt i spindiiil 1 htik 01 so wnh mr eli irdmoii md hi iipoiis he boil lo lx in ixtelkui londition md tht spud list lit pointed out sit 1 il pluis ol lilltlesl tht two nun isi it d u in 11 kuij a i tin hi uit ol ilu noithiin 111 1 1 ik lor vieioi is muih in tiiikiki iiwluii thise d us but win 11 mis 11 ui i lodms notutd 1 pi 1 in 1 k hi r in whiii 011 ilu su 111 ol 1 yum 1 uhht r pi ml il it 1 1 unl w is not oiu pliltd ihttt b thosi tutu 1 sinl in 1 ik pi 1 sent v loi vie loi t imp 11j11 professional directory and travellers guide fiivfrai hirfctorh dr w g c kenney thstc in tnd sn ti i n of 1 1 sun 11 n k 41 m ii st 1 act 1 1 oltiri phi ni il hi dii 11 111 church st f phi ni l dr d a garrett ph r sn ind suit n c rn i w a md ii ur s in r mi 1 ri r st at i oi ill n i18 ph ni flot niclit or d ly drni t f shiimikir mar ornrai atn hfabivo awb e l buchner ro 1 1 1 1 1 oil mitrst cunut li n s olln ilsil it 11 julv is unlll i anls li nil insim 1 ill iii b v1 c irln 1 its dr robert d rucknfr pi 1 1 in in i s 1 it n 11 s it n s ac n o ill n r o ii 11 r pin af 1 in am iimn mphaisisj si inslrantf f i wright jn 111 s a o pi m ifi ait r 1 sir and lm iranci our fl 1 1 irs in a n dr h leib d r s it r 411 m 1 st i arum in ai 111 widnid in only 2 xi p in 01 i m ir nip muni nl ph ni iii robert r hamilton o 111 ulst fy t x im in d diss y tt ml m nn st v c1tk1 i n ont ok cc ii ur 11 1111 0 p in m n tn in inn n iv ipimiinliii nl d su irdjy rn jti or r m d k s- f of ii 1 s a 1 1 nt thhmiom 11 dr a j buchanan il surf n o 1 i m s n t o i h ti- l j n 6 1 m i d ui rs ijv f i on t nn c ijoal c f leatheriand oc bj s i ir r n v ill r cr h 1 1010 am 1200 p m 10 oil p m mm v n s n i11 i by appo ntrrwnl on v it r s2 ii nr r- 1 l 1 acton a braida ba ii r- s ic lor m ry puhl c 3 mi ii st jv acn or plnn- 58 of h ur p rn 9 p m i pn- pm sjlcxljvt is c rk st if osielpti ta 4 ha offlrr hmi 9 m 5pm saturday 9 jn 12 am atllltino atcotntint levefi hoskin c u ind arr uiralih limms n 212 k nu st w 11 np i t r ml 1 i ci i 4h24 ll 4 111 ii tavims quip gray coach lines iifn ifavf aitov ii rfl l s iv ng t mr fjitl mil 6 11 j m ilj v fxtipt sun and h vi a i 1 2 13 m 2m t t i mm p ll s 11 m iu pm hum p ni ihun and 1 wnbiind 10 27 am 13 57 p ni 2 57 pn 57 pm 727 pin 9 pn n 13 v m i 13 a m ii in ir sal sun ii arnl railways canadian national dayl m kvng ttm kaittkiurvd 144 tm u t trontn daily wcvt sunday i0j3 lm to toronto bjo pm to tornnto vol pm to t3 rfito stinday ony waatbound tjo am tn stratford i mam to stratford 8 0t pm to 9tatibrd ix in u stratford 7 dawa rklr pm tu stratford sat urday onl7

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