Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 17, 1961, p. 1

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fcft tm prsess clghtysnrh yeerno 8 acton ontario thursday august 17lh 1961 aulhmtoil bwmmi cum by ih po1 cmiun otu tan paget saven cants h fwjifc i 4 aon naw crlow vt ready and cubs line up tor morning pancakes during i kept busy frying the pancakes as hungry youngsters returned ihelr first camping trip on the weekend ojer 21 pounds of time and time again for refills in spite of a chilly turn of the flour several cans of baking powder and gallons of syrup were weather cubs onioyed ihe outing and returnod home filled consumed during the sunday morning breakfast cooks were i with food tired but pleased with ihe outing okay artificial ice plant installation our tenders received for new building jifcmttncrkijr cix the installation or artificial leu in acton arena moved one slep closer lo realization on wednesday evening at a sne cltu council mecling ihc propo sal of j 19 mackenzie fur the ice equipment building was ac cepted with minor reservations the 14050 program iticludui ihe construction of an equip ment bulldlnii on the northeast corner of ihe present urena thlu building si tccl long bv 12 feel wide by 10 feel high will home ihe compressor and related ice equipment as well as the elcuri cal transformer station the building is so designed thai it will replace the existing wull of ihc arena in this area and iup- porl the end gahlc also included in this phase of ihc progrum is the installation of a concrete header trench for ihe main pipe line of the freezing system us well as a portion of the drujn age system save tax the resolution passed ii ihe meeting calls for the contractu m iiif house fall fair in tents arena to be out of bounds this year tor ihc two days or the fair ihc entire arena pro perty win be tented olt and de clared out of hounds lo the pub lic this decision was reached t a meeting between tall fair officials and chairman john guv of the community centre build lng committee on thursdav or lost week this step was taken to ensure ihc salctv or fall fair patrons jind exhibitors during construction or the building to compensate foi ihc loss ol exhibit space fair officials- have- already completed arrangements with the guclph tent and awn ins co- 1 erect large icnis on hthb grounds m accommodate the classes normully exhibited in the arena tentative plans arc lo house homecraft domestic science and baking classes and school child rcns woik in a tent 25 x 50 feel equipped with showcases and plvuood backdrops another lent 14 x 28 leel will be used to show guiin roots and vegetables mil flowers and ihe commcre lal feature in ha tenl space lor cuimmiiiil exhibits will be provided as required arrange ments aic presently being made- with imlro supeiinlendent doug mason lo siic the tents toi lighting and iwenlv loui hour police protecliun will assure ihe safely or all exhibits three yeare of chance for hall superintendent r l davidson and his committee this represents the lliin ch or plans in as manv seats i ol lulling the- collapse ol the cm 1 ing rink ihe 10 agricultural exhibits leix- shown in the areni proper along vilh commercial and indnsliial displas this aixa will no be available this iu because construction is expected to be 111 pioglcss on ihe neve community ceniie llalfccnlury mark niteelors ot the tali boaul ale- looking torviaid lo ihc- compk- tion ot the building anil iltiuu plans aie tniderwas with the co operation ot the acton chamb er of cummeixc foi a full scale agricultural and industtial show lo celebrate the haifcentury mark or aclun fair in 1962 move troughfountain to park no filtration plant thisyear khau assessment deadline extended extra time acton council acrc pi sin led j aodav extension fur filing av sessmem returns and assessor john ludouccur is bus making numerous culls each du tn oulci to meet the extended leadline in ordli to compute the returns clerkadministratur jaek ml geachio and town orficc maiuii juc t hurst along uith the as aevtor ure woiking saint das the pro metal deadline lot filing returns in seplembci w but the extension will allow the asses dins department to hie linil u turns cm or bctotv nomuiki 30 it is hchcxed the cundcd -deadline- tan he- mu and- tine hnokcel is hoiking igoious lv in ordci to compl kq presents coat of arms for county court house hallon count v council was picscnlcd tucsda with a mat ol aims to hang in ihc new loui t house anil administration olhcc dcpim reec herb mcrn ol oakutlc one ol this cai s couneillors made ihc pre sen la luii in numoia ol his luc bro i tut w hailand mur ot mil ton a hie long umni resident lln plaque is a rcphca ol tin bi itish coal ol a i ms which a j oi tls the ionl will ot ihe com t uumibl in l ik pi csi nt loui t ihhisl on blown si mi i ion mi met i cplainccl ihe oi igin and development ol the coat ol arms and its man s in hols hallon he cluuklld must have chosen lo h m this special eoal eil aims treatise uil iouuu s loe ol animals was borne ou4 in tin mam aiiim it swuhols in tin coat i ms ik suggested the lliill oil tile lift sitc leplcsclllid t rat ale u s li ish hon s kit sli tamed on ih si ul j bui hnion s thi iiniioi iiv i niss il hl i muimlll lou klltll ihc lop ixpil illis i it uul loss hi t wnii hoi s and an the old hntsc trough drinking fountain located on main street south is destined for a new loca- itunin ihc park followinc de cision by parks board thursday evening august 10 mayor john h gov enquired about the relocation or the ttough drinking fountain and was told as soon as town work men could find time the anti- ttic i mid lain used in the earlier horsejjfijj buggy days and enjoy- couple hospitalized after headon crash following a headon collision ut thebruwvf a hill on the tattttlr line north in esqucsing below the uktainian camp sunday mr and m rs dean lesl ie bowcr ave were tali en by ambulance to georgetown district hospital rushed to hospital by men ol ihc gem tie town volunteer amhukiiue bngadc mr leslie diner ol the northbound car i ad i broken wrist chest injuries and bruises his wife a passenger tn ihe ear is in fair condition w ilh a bloke n right knee head and faee lacerations and bruises the southbound car driven by john cabcr of toronto was re luming irom the ukrainian camp following an outing at the time of the accident passengers in the cjabcr ehielc included mrs cnb- ct and childicn ihe driver suf icicd an inuicd knee and his wite i bruised arm hjcither was hospilahcd 1 constable tlinn dnlxr of the north ii ilion oj p delachment unesiikaiitl and estimated dam iyc ul c tell vehicle atj1000 ed lo this lime by actons only horse nell of masales dairy could be located in the park a proper base is to be construct ed and ihe piece of equipment preserved for use by citizens no nitration yet during ihe meeting members entered into a discussion regard ing ihe installation of the flltra nun plant for the wading po first ordered two years ago final parts of tho equipment ur- rived thu spring but will nut be installed for this season may or john h goy told the hoard town workmen would possibly find time to install the system this fall mrs g fryer secretary en- jiulred if member thought life partis should wear lettered ier- sevs for proper identification while on duty at the swimming area she said that several visit ors had voiced their difficulty in contacting life guards because they had removed the jerseys on account of heat the secretary was instructed to stress the im portance of wearing proper jerseys board members learned that an offer lo purchase the balance of the 400 baskets used in the dress ing room at the park had been re ccned the proposed purchaser offered the board 47 cents upicce as the baskets cost in ihc neigh borhood of 30 each and some- had been sold at 1 it was agreed to maintain the si price chairman r ft- parker stress ed the need of grading and oil ing the race track at the park as reccnf rains have made large pot holes on the track caretaker rov arnott has been attempting lo keep the potholes idled he said to have the materials on the site immediately mi that all possible savings on the provincial sales tax due to commence september 1st will he real bed the ice equipment building is to be constructed of cement block with a precast concrete roof the complete ice installa tlon is now estimated lo be 25000 refrigeration equip ment from callings breweries will cost uooo j a uckc will hupply additional equipment and install the system for another 14000 the equipment building will eost 4000 the balance will be required to re wirt the present arena and to install a drainage system and prepare the lee sur face fotir tenders were received for t1iefvfrjictlon of ihe com- munlty centre building on the west end of ihe building firms who tendered were a j mc carthy construction of george town j b malkcnie of acton len arish and co guclph and sircon construction ltd or to ronto tender prices ranged from 153990 to 66400 for the original contruct variation of prices on the alternatives possible in the original contract varied widely the plans and tenders have been returned to the building committee for study and recom tnendalions the tendered pi ices for the building were cause for some concern gord bcally of the eight pass ji i i ibtiwimwtn jkj announce grade 13 results giulc 13 examination nsulk annutintcd lasl truliiy shtiw that clulit aliciii hiuh fcihuul suiclciils will receive ihelr uracluallim diplomas al lommcnllnient five nl these completed their year by wntinu and passinu eluht papers or more their first year in urade ii to receive u diploma a slu dent must pass eight or more papers ol ihe 21 listed below 12 wrole ctiihl ur more papers and were ellilihle for a certificate others wiote from one to seven papers following aie the results not indicating papers failed andrews bruce tl eng comp 61 7hiiojv 61 duby laurence g enu comp so fcng lit ss llislorv 50 geometry 67 trig and sla ties 61 botany 51 physics s9 chemistry 57 fr aulh s7 tr comp 60 gibbons denis n cny comp 53 geometry 55 trig and sia lics 50 latin aulh 51 lalln comp 82 fr aulh 69 fr comp 70 goahic john r german aulh 60 german comp 62 gordon doreen r lug comp 61 eng lit 76 history 54 botany 71 7oolouy 6c lalin aulh 79 latin comp 78 tr aulh 80 tr comp 73 hinton robert a eng comp 59 eng lit 57 algebra 67 ge ometry 56 trig and statics 66 phvstcs 76 chemistry 56 tr aulh 55 tr comp ft ktrkness barrv a eng comp 66 lng lil 58 tr auth 54 lawson peter n lng comp 51 eng lit 51 lindsav donald t lng comp 69 lindsav jim b lng comp 57 macphcison j uiucc lng comp 51 manseak trank w algebra 51 gcnmctiv 58 trig and sta ills 59bilunv5izoeilugy57 ptnsics 55 chemistry 51 dlr f ae i four national awards for free press at ton s oci i lu lop c imp ncii lot a t oimmiiiitv tintu itinwd mo union ill uioss tin donun ton ihis wuk when eompt tition ttoii is uu lronnmn l it llu nmu 1 1 ji it hoi it iiiiivuiluiii ol till c auadl ml veekl easpipels ssik i ttiou in ii ihl i i ot tlu hit hull llu 1 lie pl ss elite red a pi i si nt it ion in i jx ill ioinpi t n ion lot a com niuuiln miki awaul uul ie eeuid i lout pi iu iom- tiny against 1 enttus uct all rihind paper the ch ii us ci tlk elip toi tlu ixst all ion mi nop iv i and tlu m a j urns shield lot ihe tn st ttont pajze in the eutula lion 1001 to 2000 iltss eome to ihe ailou lli pi ess as well as ihese two lusts hit ree pi ess was aw at tied a seuond lot best idttutial pajie mr mil mts jim dills puk 1114 lilts ilteltumml to ik ihhile tiom halilax tonight will li iv siv laie tas tntnleil eel lit i 1 ites lo tivate sitik in ihi u 111 ije as well is thi loill itttl luates lot vl ion ttu v knpud lor 1 ik canadian champion milton ihe titnidk a dunn ing iikinoi tal troph lir itrsl pla in iv nsi all round news paper m the 2 001 to 000 elas and a eertifieale tor sceond plaee lit ihc bcl iruni pagi ccuupcti nun a certificate is presented lor each win luckit the three heavy trophic for first plate wins are era ted and sent wparalek mil tuns firkt place trophy is u vcrv the competitor actons thue awards one in i k h ol tin i hue el tsscs ul com x uiion lot newspapers of thu sii welx aieepted llv mr iiul mis jim oil is m hail i fax on momt in lor lcst iron pajc aeton in lumplaec was followed h the kimherlev news of kim- ixil lit and the manitoba i l uki ot poitae la prairie miia- itoh i llu malinlm maebcth ahicld lot lust dilon d page went to tlu pott i itfiti times or port el ui ontaiio followed bv acton in miuiul pi iee ami the- kam suk times ol kammick sask ihiut ai ion lopped contestants lor tlu hest tiont pate lollowed bv a lie liti sceond place between the k i nilv r le sews and the muutohi leader with the rim tv reeord ol rimhcv alberts thud miltons wins piestniations in ihc higher e i uul it ion e i iss meludins md ton vneti made csterdav wed- uesda t milton s first place tvst all nitind paper was follow ed b the cariboo- obierver of ouesiut bc secmd and the w0 hams like tnbune nf william lake bc third the frank howe ilea i tic shield fur beat front amjt u cut- lu the drvden rhfatimi divden onlano fallowed by mil ton in second place and the cari boo observer third the community service cooa- petition is a new one for the free press and i open to ail tinm c hi this also the wav to show how the newspaper took a part in the dmc this may lor v0 000 was a puulcr however a scrapbook was rather hastily compiled and the entry was awarded a third out ot 15 ehtnes in first plaee came the dc loramc times ol deloraine man itoba in second plaee the reel river valley echo of allona manitoba and in third place acton other entries included al listun atikokan brampton bots sevain man granby palmer ston precollandj4ixthjic i eluding much bigger ibbbv flato lord sak mm line overhead the scrapbook sent in was put together at the i ree press ollieel the night be i one the deadline jul 25 while another in the scries of meetings of the com munitv centre committee uas takine place upstairs this tune it was the building committee i with the arehitect into it went clippings rum the papers start ing oer a year ago with the col faptx of the curling rink and dc melioration ut some of the old arena it showed how the idea ol repairs grew and grew into the vision of a new front to the arena with artificial ice a longtime wish of the towns people there atk pictures of fdgene braid signing the first ujooo cheque the clock indicator de mo it ion of the old front and all the others that were in the paper including the architects sketch editorials the question and on ft iir t l y my article which ipwtonnd dona tions irom groups in the town and thtoulth ihe eounliyside ae counts ot meetings decision and the eclebiatton dance a eopy ol the jjrecn and red extra that went out just bctoie ihe eampa ign started copies of all the donated articles ol printing done by free piess i tnplovecs on a grand total ol 200 hours ol their own time wtth no eosl to the community centre commit lee including booklets window stick ers and canvassers kits with this went a lew short sentences on caih page explain ing the progress of the campaign the third plate win was a surprise and thrill last vear acton won a second and a third new crest already the canadian weekly news paper association tresi whith ap pears each week on ihe editorial page is i hanged this week just one small difference last weeks read i960 pnc winner and this weeks reads 1961 prize winner last ear ac tun won a second and a third both milton and acton news papers arc published by the dills printing and publishing com pany limited g a dills dasid dills and jim dills mr and mrs jim dills moved from acton to milton several years ago when he took over manage ment of the canadian champion both newspapers arc printed in the acton plant awards were presented to 0 weeklies at the 4znd annual con- marshall mardelle o i ngl comp 73 eng lit 54 i r auth 51 lr cump 52 moifil b jean lng lit 63 tr auth 5fl fr comp 50 reld harold j c lng comp 53 en lit m llixlorv 56 al gebra 51 geometry 59 trig and statics 6 physics 56 ridley j wayne lng lit 51 history 63 zoology 51 ruddik douglas j lng comp 51 eng lit 52 swackhumcr jas g lng comp 58 fcng lit 50 algebra 73 geometry 58 trig and sla tics 61 physics 63 chemistry 53 lr auth 61 fr cump 60 varey c ilcne e eng comp 67 eng lil 57 history 71 bo tany 58 zoology 62 latin auth 74 latin comp 67 tr auth 65 tr comp 68 wltiams andrew w eng comp 51 geometry 51 wilson susan m eng comp 77 eng i lit 77 history 52 ge umutry 55 latin aulh 50 latin cump 55 fr auth 53 fr cump 58 ptv paas first time highest avenge was received by ilcne varey who tried nine papers and pastcd all nine this wus her lint year in grade 13 there were four other students who passed grade 13 in their first year susan wilson passed eight papers doreen gordon passed nine papers bob htnlon passed nine and harold re id passed se en which with his grade eight piano and grade two theory en title htm to his diploma three others will also receive their diplomas as a result ol these examination results bruce macpherson who has been work ing in toronto lor a year came back lo write his last upper school paper and was successful laurence duby who wrote 10 and passed 10 papers has writ ten grade 13 papers before he- will be going to university jim swackhamer also cumplcl ed hie course this year john r goo hie is a rock wood man who registered hcic lu write german only building committee asked c b bantln of vcnchtirfittl and vcn churuttl if he could explain why ihe tenders ranged from 54000 lo 66 400 when the cot had been estimated before ihc tender call at s40 000 to 145 000 discuss price mr bantln answered he real- ly thought the price would be nearer 45 000 lo 50000 than what it is he also pointed out that the building had been en- lurgcd four feet in length and a large entrance had been provid ed since the very earliest dis cussions ie felt the lender call two weeks might have been too short thirteen contractors had taken out plans and only four tendered mr bantin said frankly this js a very poor average we had calls fiom three contractors who were unahle to meet the deadline he also reported i am not confid ent in the bidding with he so gicat discrepancies on price of the variables gord bcally said none of these figures are in the bull park as far as im concerned to which mayor john goy agreed theres no doubt about ii considerable discussion enxued ort the relative uisti of various types of construction and the meeting agreed to await suggest ions from the building commit- lee before any further xtcps are taken new post office one step closer land purchase c alexander sandy but mp or hallon announced dili morning thunday that final purchase of two lota had been completed for a new smm0 federal poat office in acton purchaae of the lot and home formerly occupied by mr and mr kenneth knox bower ave wu mad at an earlier date and recently com pletion of purchaae of the former storey clove buluhnc owned by g ii smallwood waa completed in making the announce ment mr beet elated that architectural plane were being prepared and conlracla for the job are expected lo be called by september i it le believed the building will be erected under the winter works pro gram this year the new building will house ihe local offices of lle poet office end national revenue departments which need more space to meel growing re quirements when completed the structure will be one stor ey with basement accommoda tion for rural mall carriers a parking lot for palrona will be available al the rear of the building with an entrance off bower ave and exit fro alic st ventioa km ulteubtkmind retwsmpm among the hlghllghtt was an address by prime minister john dicfenbaker and a shore dinner at hubbards cove yesterday special tours and coffee parties were planned far wives ui fas the moat part they attended publishers bwmau littchts auuu ml tiwu i witr sessions along with their publi sher or editor husbands in many cates the wives work on the pa pers as social editors manager columnists and in a variety of other capacities several are or editors in their

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