Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 17, 1961, p. 8

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i- gdtttlp9 our thanks to you sheaves of gold the good old days i back in 1941 we consider it quite an honor to be med one of canada top weekly newtpapen while we canl help feeling tome pride in the announcement made today we alto cant overlook the rejpomlbilitlei and greater challenge luch awardi carry with them our success obviously cant be measured simply on the basis ol awards a newspaper could win all the trophies but if 4t failed to wo renders iho achievement would cer tainly boa hollow one compclilion for these awardshas again been keen and the winning papers dis played at conventions are always closely studied by other editors for ideas and sug gestions that might improve their publica tion of course there is plenty of tcope for improvement in this newspaper as there is biting th by all accounts there is in russia an upper class lhat is denied few of the amenities of life the group includes artists of all sorts the engineers and scientists the factory managers and their government superiors and ol course the party elite but apparently even for russias upper class the amenities of life do not include good dental service evidence of this is the extent to which the members of a touring russian ballet company availed themselves of the free dental service available under brit ains state health program dancers who appeared wjth the lenin grad state kirov ballet during its recent successful run here says a new york times despatch from london cost the national health service slightly more than 100 for dental treatment enoch powell the minister of health gave this information in the house of com mons in reply to a question from harold gurden a conservative mr gurden asked in any end we can assure you we will be adding these improvements when they are possible and practical our hope is that we may continue to warrant through this nowspapprs interest and content an increasing number of read ers s no newspaper is self sufficient and ours depends not only on readers but on our faithful correspondents ndvortrjir imrfnt- ployees pulling together a newspaper is like- welding a chain with many poople farming the links everyone in a plant or district helps make a successful newspaper and on this basis wo extend the thanks of the free press to all who make our canada- wide wins possible e hand if iho minister realized that those who paid for the lervtce objected lo it homq abused especially by queue jumpers some of those who paid had to wait ihiee months for treatment he sflid mr powell said that the seivite was primarily for britons but that the stranger within our gates w as given emergency and good samaritan treatment he added that ho was considering whether cases such as that of the dancers could be avoided except for emergency treatment he laid free medical care is not available to visitors there is a good deal to be said in favour of eastwest cultural exchange but the bri tish public can hardly be blamed for feel ing that this was a case of the visitors biting the hand that fed them in particular and bri tisher who had been nursing a toothache for three months would have a right to ask if being a good samaritan to a free loadmq queuejumper was not carrying too far the obligation to be his brother s keeper w fv y months for caution wrwwv xtn irsrwifniwvmwwmn sccpat utd sfiice records show that most farm accidents occur during the months of july and august and that more than half of all farm accidents throughout the year happen to young people those under 21 a booklet has just been published on farm accidents based on two independent surveys by different farm organizations and governments the conclusions to be drawn from them are substantially the same farmers ought to fake extra care while they go busily about their work during the sum mer and what is probably more important they should see to it that the young people a forcefully reminded that the price of carelessrss is often painfully high it s t ts the people involved m farm rc cie- hc suffe too often we hear of e art nt hat results m hardship c r ci for a young widow and her oo c- de and if it werent for the generosity and willingness of neighbors to pitch m and help many is the farm that would go unattended through the summer because of an injury to the farmer what js even more disturbing however as this booklet points out is the fact that farm accidents are increasing while the farm population of canada is actually de clining all of us have a duty to seelhat this needless waste of manpower and time m our country s most vital industry is stopped and our duty extends beyond that even for we should not be content until we can honestly say that not one farm accident in canada was the result of carelessness farm families farm communities and organizations must work together contin uously to make farming the safest industry in canada oikl n pi in n lime lluu was i tails who hail no usu toi pets mk lolkil hfl ls in jloimil it the ihiuifhi dnj m ilu- house hoi lip mi in al ilu n nuiition ol i its slu look it willi equal ilisjust upon biulliv hulls hunskts puiiki pis aiul lahhils into the overhead c ca uch t costs busi- o cc ec and remit tax pay- 4 ne cf speculation is o it- a r foyh caned tan fooa-o- tne average 0 129 com- rit sts 00 a ea a u hat m tie if ao c tf dy pasvcll for some proa e eep se the- figoe does not ik uie tin peneii ony out of poefcet cos o tee ng ne tax obligations imposed t y iie hree iees o governmenton the average he cofipaneshave 11 4 full ime employee on tax boot work one of the costiest items not strictly a tax fnflte it ttr dedadon from wages of hospital insurance premiums the average expense nee s 1 under 3 000 a year per company ever one ttnrd as much as it costs to collect a much greater amount of personal income taxes the rato of costs to premiums collected is 3 30 rje- cent wnch means a bookkeeping cost of 33 for every 1 000 remitted for firms with fwer than 400 employees an area where there are not i many electronic computes to do the payroll work the bookkeeping cost is 60 per 1- 000 of premiums collected another non tax expense mentioned in the survey is the cost of completing returns for the dominion bureau of statistics few companies were able to pin point this ex- pense bot one with 2500 employees est mated that preparing the data required by the bureau of statistics added 4245 to its annual overhead other firms noted that the dbs information comes high bejeause unlike taxation information it is not usually i vi able from accounting records the heaviest burden seems to rest on those firms that have to collect a retail sales tax one company collected 2 390 m sales tax but spent slightly more on collect ion costs another frm which spent 96000 to collect just over iwice thit amount noted that most of the cost arose fom the vork involved in distinguish nq tixable from non taxable goods deduction at source may a eni a hirjhly efficient and painless way for the stale to levy its various assessments but in i ict it is pretty costly and ultimately of course thai cost goes into industry overhead and like the cost of thu taxes that mdustr y pays is borne by the consumer n the prices of the goods and services he bus slu alwiss 1 1 1 mu il she wis t iiiinu ii i e seen hei while slu su thai iiirjttlirtat own in 1 1 leinls si 11 u h a t al s sioni u h wnh hei loot oiiasuuialk i ilu in iuls 1 tt ilu- loom io u h wilh hei loot k lasionalk i iht in iuls u it ihe loom to in ikt u a ilu i al wiiiihl w itnl up il the otlui t tut ut ilu lomn smlilt ills hut slu il iuti uhnii to kit knif it ahoui tout sens ajjo some llinij hijijft in il mus luh sut w i tl oiu ol ihusc motional huk 1lips loiiinuiii lo the si tt tiling lu kiuw sht tis koiiui i j i lu i liush uul unl uiinlhat mis bos slttull hist a tloe nul ih it u le ik pi is tin- ilu i s l i nul ih it kuls 1 lit pt is lilt unis i iei hi s is i hlu i hall lu u li 1 ihnii tin stlult ihitit- as lu st is u ilolis nut hi suit s lu st is ilvt i s leei n ju si- mltllt ii i llthlisiisius is ilus ins ii i this t ost linn i lol ii iiioiu i ii i ui aluisc i loss t t i ih it hi istili is ilu u st is a nil hi it k sp iuk i pup umi i llli lit ik ss is m imuil pi is h is hs tin itsi on t hilthni s tin t piimit ol ill tlu i rim 11 by bill smiley on i it- 1 hush mil al his ilue ol husuu ss lusi ihout the time he si is old i not iih lo si 1 1 1 tuirij is ith ills he ssas killed h a lunk i he kills sseie iiitonsolihle i ik inolhei siuldt n1s thsiosi led that she uloieil the jiup si jil hillii is anil hei its tilltd ssith leais eseis lime his naine t auie up toi nionlhs that ssas in be ihe end ol pets it ssas loo much lo htu so list wiiii ihe inibs tliu fillet taking ads ant ape ol a das sshen hei moihei ssas out ol limn aimed home ssiih a st i ass in hi tie slras kitten mei m didnt hal- the iuls to kuk ihe tinny out inlo llie snoss shed toiinieit on this er niolhet diilnl eillui when she jil home she lou ten led tmj nil ol il lu i sill wnh iusinp jjemial hell and hlasimy ihe datl loi not 1 lie kilttn ssas named pipei ami lie ihnseil oiue in a while u iiosseil the fathets mint ihit tht tiealure mijjhl he i jul hni is usual he asouled ihe issue and hoied lut the htsi coiik ihe spmij one nielli ihe fallui ili iht souut iu out toi ttu usual and ht sanishtd ihmijjh ihe dul sluott llieie in his iuuleisstil tailing loi tudl an hum in iik nun in njj kilts tin lit il up ltd i iittiulttirntl- loi ihe nem touple ol stetks lilt u ssls 1 lot ot ktlslls hiouiul tliit lioust in the tas iinu ihe htlle liii tkti titltt lu i tt t ss ith a hiooni auttst iht whilt bundle hlu k am jiu i pk t its who haunted ihe s nd and seemed lo waul to n hi isuh pijxi al nijjhi tin t mills k ii like huniin pu ts in ilu iuiijil lioikikii ahtnit uk i iiuplne sshile ihe hstnis h its it d all around in a toss ssetks the sshole ihinp t is obvious the kids ttiit lijiht on dlni pijiei lu hut il sas pnii thai i lie ho kittt n ssas a 1 1 111 lit l it lilt ss t ho ssas ok t g a d about h other days i it lo siianpli ot dtossn ihe hints ol u i lahoi y s ill i ill u stiikd hniimll against toin hie mil u uk al i his point a iu ss huai ler i nit t s oiu slot s i ht hov in litis faiuils hail a huthdas toil ui up i lu lads in anoiliei ol iiiosl nuntal sunilis mils iktide iht il suijiiise linn ssjlli a pup ihett ssas a mad sliiiii lilt hul ihe pup a toajhlatk spaniel was ilu le on ihe huthdas and ssas pioinpils na nit t imivhov iik slliui willi ihe adsinl ol the pup pon ok iljiei ssas puslilci inlo ihe hkkioiinil despiic hn ton diiion tiuil ssas some ear lhat slu il hase a mistarriatt out ot sheet pique hut thev illkned ss i thou i lint stnse jf tit am a i il iinu up mhtient in the piepnant lemde in the middle ou ihe niphi sshik the fmihv ua -stas- inpvssiih liitiids al a tollage she htjjin to hase lu i pains she managed lo keep most s ol i hem up all nipht the luk finilk tlotcil her cts nbmil six ssuh no nesss set rum ihe maleinits svaid which ssas ihe stat if the tat al scstn am she ssas assakeikil hs a shriek hum hei itauphlti pipei s hasuip hei habits the lust oiu s sshitt il looks us like a iliiiosaiu u i thin setonds lst is kid ill the sit m ssa ilu tktt frwrt ih imu of ih vr vrw thtlfmlliy auguat ii l4l a upetin jrriln nl 10 toai he innieveil ithappv wrgmii ol lulwfeii ww uid7w ciltlllvltl llleh svlvth inul funtllliit ul tin uniiuiil pi i- nh on fluitmliiy ot llfjutlmiuiv uiul dun jinny pi io nupei purk in dull ii if i ruin kfioiilv rfim hjfmi t ttih wuvlieja tnfa kiillittf ammlhlloii mid onijujiiv flh lulu ill the nfumwwni llifnt wtfiv race hinnir nwtmnlnn ami omltiv loiiiehu lit klip iverviiii iniluit ond liiiii liiiburil aen lliu h loviiv tl ill hiijijhl wilt iimiinjid iik ifitn tintvid hot fa in ailon dioilly uflpi ilinr ullmk llljlhwav iminiim ilm on no 21 iflyhsvflv him ihm ornplfuit h fur hi hfvivfif uiui ifut wwit wmlmnmi vnt i id iwjflri tin nhehh fiim lliiri lo aj on ihr imw tmiil f a iiiiii ii rilt tliiiviii over ih pr lype ot lopjllny nul hoilld h n l ulhplin il lie mi l llie hmn i iitiiiln lo lliv i mi inlut io llli llliisll i il arilr fl ll il mn lor hi soldi r omfori omiillh lo pioviili rttrjh till the hoy o i- lie mi i f jllljlli i 1 llv mmimjll im iii hi n lo h i hny ii i i ihivjin pmini n hi iri iluf llli f jiiv i he moil v vc1 ik irii 1 1 loi viiioiii oraniaiiri in io n ml driih i vmi hr h fi aniif imp on ilu ii own hfih lo fiifihr lie vtyit i mm 1 if ii sdav t tttiiff ohmmi il lojeihii n rtii ijrill io fur ilu i ih jus arno- m ivim was i ho- m pn il ml of ilu re uioup ud wilh in mijll m ji llf s ll ill hi vflovtm 1 a iom nd vn iintv v 1 s- i si i t iyll jam s mole 17 ol lost n w kith il win rl ills t ar till in i os r 1aii e uul i iishd mio a dit h piil sjiilh ot sor s d sh million s hildas flight a t oinpiiuon hi ilu ii ai ih iini- willkmi iuk ss is ihfown i le m ol the s hn n and s apt d with nliiloi iuls mil hniises f oioni i j a mi sis m was tdkd and par ihe i auir of ilrath in a hr nioiihae of ilu tuny jo iiupiest sill hi held ut oi duly lo njioils f mjill liu iiis stlaljllj oil it ti arid iiitotlti back in j 911 tun from ih mmm w ih tr rrtm thunjuy augual it 111 urtw mviid ha nmtiniiiil wilh itw dii iililun in run ilu- hiwl llylilliiv vlrtn hlirirttilm wiuku of ih ijiuhiiii inhlhlmin in inilnr fin tutuiiir in hiv- u tllfll llli imv friiiii ilu ilullim id lilvfl tllllllim ilu hiiiiiihi piuili of lh hi tlthtimlii1rhrttit wdi held jf uiliiy ofiiukiiii ul vjurreil ptiu ilu- wiiiiihi uuli iklllilfiil mid ilu- imllnit in ulr iw l ui lllllfh illjuviril ijllllr- llil pftlli iii- iihiiii ifiwil iii liy rvifyif- piulll ulll u lpilllrffl ftl in llllflil unw siivl 11 iii tmlt illl f lll iimim vlf ifl mu ill il il i iii0m if hhi ifl ihinil fixlllflitf iiii ifcllllr ivrblng it tfifr llil auiii iii hiif linimi iillill imiuffl iriilr at jum mr iii llillfd tr i mlfu hi v ji 4 1lh li it ilcll ii iron iii t ho ft irr i iii lit 1 fh in in iii 1 iff illyll ijmjl if llli ii fl 1 in f- l ii ii or fl 1- jr ri i f e ij i t i a ifl v jf 1 ttlst hut tlu sisior isv nty 7 amhi t b if t y r p i hum ii pi hifi h j h iu duiii tiind h i j ir j tin i i irk 1 1 ss ill hi iffi ihtr fl vs ml i in p i is ittif i ills ih if the rie of luanm lor l will he a null iissfi ihin i j s i scar al ihe nitetuif on monilav lrr ire futlv sliriiilifi tht nteipls and mpthlitiin for ihf veir ii was toimil thai hv et onornii at null- lumifmt all expt uridines i an lu miti vsith a late of 20 mills on llie doltai professional directory and travellers guide punreal marctown dp w g c kenney phflclan and sumuon oflicr in symon woclc 41 a mill st k acton offlr phmi- 78 tlriidpncf 111 church st phone iw dr d a garrett phyjncion and surtfnn corner rf willw and fliver slt kntrincf rlvfr si atton ont phnnc 2m i tlu p it i lu s stootl aiound in a t iivle ssauhinp the sshulc ni toi miiiu antl likliiiii tiill ikss anisal lo the et ho ihe tussuis ot hnth is no lonjer a mssuis to iht- ni riitu s iu moral to this stun but i tonkin t ht lp thinking sshen i ssas home last ssetk tiul 111 it it ssas i a i hei odd for rnv ssile ssho ti iltd pets loi stars to tit dan uij atiendantl tjji tsso lhiklit n a st it s 1 1 1st led tat i hue kiiitiis and a hi ami ikss pup bs llie ssas thtts insnuls ssint a losels kit t l n youi tlume ot stlnte put pie m hinulk st x ni ik i think it appeals hui the kit i n ih oss n iiv k al toi a is puspom il mik n mi tt is dr robert d buckner phslclnh nd s4ir8nn t wrllmhln si acton ont phnnr trrn orftr tr-ttr- ft pm afttnouni by appoinmt nt phonp m0 ftldht or day bruce k brvnkrr mar omcal and hearinfl aids c i buchne r o optmnptrllt contact ipniwji r irinjj aitli 4jj mill st k acton in aclon wwlntdayi only 2 of pm 0 m fir jfjiotnum nt tte 1 1 afprilslvo avi inflltravff f l wright 20 wilbur bt acton ontario phon p ft anprnmr and insurance over v ypm in actrn dfvtal dr h leib dental surji on ofricrcornpr mill and frederick street offlrp hnur br appointment tflfjhonf 19 the acton free press poblmwd by ih dill prtirtlnt and publlihlng co ltd roundel in ij7s and published ctn thunda al si illo st acton ontario mcmhtt ol iht audit iliiitati of cnvtftutionv the cw n a and tlu onutuoiii txrc division of the cwna advertising rates on reouist suhtnpnon payable in advance j 00 in cinuli s 00 in tlir united slates six months 1 7s single opies 7e authonred as second class mail tost ullue dcpait- jncnl ottavka the only paper tvtr pubhitwd in acton g a dill edllorinchief david r dilln managing editor business afsvd editorial office phone 60 0 acton l iii ii imii1iiu sin pups ik in i k miinliiil ii ill i to ii mi him mil lh his ii itmiik wilh llll il ills i mi on iiiiuiu lluiki i s uhs- u lu uk i ilk- i lmsu k l niiil iv infill l uiks ik- au ilu lks u luk s iuvv ii ill ill ls ii il lui me ikil1 shls ik 4iiinpil up in ilu lulv uul ii lui shukuies 11 siiilluil lui lies slu hil1 him tune pass d the pup veiv sliivvlv u iiiiied some smse a huiilsiiiie pieseiue am a pcisonalitv lo nut h his name lie learned lo sivim lu urn hum hi dons and lu snail al llllle ones he anompanied the kid lu schkil he went shon- plnb wit ihe lad he called s ilu a ln hand wnl ihotif i m one imlinii last wiik tul pi ui i uu 1 sik linns il vu lulls i in us i wis leinuull il ii lulls hi ins ul u i 1 lliil vvi us1 to iinpliv lilts us ul l ijlu i 1 llli i lis is ii tup h ul in iv disoinmi w n 1 muni nt mm ul the sniklllks w used lu iiet some lipus when mil plavinp i ieall one in parti ulu when n weie out plavlnn lui a twl lih ul julv parade and huk pisl i mined home hv tlun e lurm ul up as usual al ilu station lo lead the iniihers hak lu ihe kill on willow street when we toi in willow stiecl the parade marshal decided ihev had not had enough fot the occasion so he diieled the marchers and ihe hand west on willnw ahd iluii mam street the weather had heen threatening for ome few minutes just as we g along sule the dominiun hotel the nun liuki in all us luiv uul 111 heaviiis in l s hood vvat us hiloi wi mil i i iill slull ii un ki iwhh11s i bull line we wiis uniplcllv soaked and the iihlitvn ilckcl oiaucte nun and 111 u i idles weie a smrv sipht in ihei huhdav aline and the hand was no inipiuvel either when the band used lo ctu out n plav at iiual ctaiden patties the three sealed demikrlt with ihe tnnete on lop pulled hv a team ol horses from john wl hams liveiv stable was enetaited the bass diuni was seeurelv tied rsv the real seal and a box con taining ihe oil torches and the pule with ihe mcel spikex luadeil under the seals we med to plai at garden parlies at eheneer and at sudom and as far awav as con- mgsbv and quite oflen it wan conhnuad on po ten dr a j buchanan dental surcon oftee 1a mill street off ce hour 0 am to 8 p m c ed ednedav afternwin tihphnne 143 c f ieatheriand q c barrister a solicitor notjy blic offce houi 1000 am 1100 pm 10 00pm500pm situdayi by appointment only office 22 phrme rri ul acton a braida b a birnter solicitor notary public 173 main st s acton ont pfione 576 office hour 6 p m 0pm 1 pm v pm saturdai 13 cork st e guelph ta 413u offlea hours 9am 5 pm saturdayi aan is aan robert r hamilton oflrrnlrlit fyen kxminid olacsr filsl flfl main st n ri town ont omiee ii ur 10 a m to 8 p m mn to frl even nrs by atnxnnrni nt cloned saturdiy sir aijpuntmnt pliar phone- tn 7w71 aiinmvo accorvnvci iever 4 hoskin chjrtrred arcmnant 11 main st m 21 k ig st w lljniptn t runt 1 iliune cl 14k2 km 9iji ttavtlltls quipi gpay coach lines coacheh lfave acyon datltftit savinf time fatboimd 8 31 am 1d411 exrrpt sun and h 1 ii vi i in 1 m3 1 m 2 uu pin mf pm 833 tm ku pm i00 pm 1 sun and lid wetbiuna 102i am 1st pm 117 fm 317 pm 727 pm 15 pm- im pm 1 i m i 12 a m ifn bat sun and mom railways canadian national payliatit svne time eaaaaound 8 44 imu toroit dally eicepl sunday 03s am to toraltto i0t pm to tbiww pm to to ronto sunday only waatbauiul to si to stratford in pan to stratford l im to stratford 9m pan stratford w pj to atratronu mi iaa ifc j

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