Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 24, 1961, p. 1

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t ttt felghiysevanth yearno 9 acton ontario thursday august 24lh 1961 ten posvn cent hui vfcataa lorne scots bruit bsnd en- lorialnod vliilori el ac i on perk sunday afternoon when they played several telectloni cool weather hampered many pao plo from vliltlngthe park but crowds at two ball game and playors at well enoyed the marches and other tunes play ed in the top photo it the reed section of the band as they play the thinjtpd line march and lower photo shows tlio entire band acton park has boon a busy place this summer and during the hot weather picnics were numer ous tho bathing beach was crowded on weekends and fishermen reported good catches softball and hardball games have kept the base paths well packed on the two diamonds the wading pool has been a popular place for the kiddies and slides and swings used frequently acton arena is a place of much action at present as preparations are being made for installation of refrigeration equipment council attempts to slash labor costs adopts onceaweek garbage pickup four hour delay 130 ton diesel engine crowd watches crane crowds lined the c n r cm i open sec i inn or track bankment tails sundav mottling i al this point the hog tswiuh to watch in a laigc ilusel uiiu 1iu1 mciioh ol ttuk had hull lifted u mo tun ilk ski height j uiimuil and h is upnitcd a -dumic- tn us mul h ih tn g lowing a ikiadimnl last ol ihejvahui i ik dam uaihid ik open malum si l urn ut nuk the k til iliesil train v 4s tasihound 111 cd musing ilain ili to a runs scvual piggvlnuk ins vton ul the mo ton uiiik pulled intt the siding saiuija i m tun ut iv the irani was imi evening at 8 s pm wink m iiivillmg last ami m mu wis inglur i w nnjjnjiuidilu jiahiuee omhe tin liatn when tlu pass n i it it i wis stopped iininnltaiitv sit pulled out ol ilk malum ih ttiiis ol i ik ttuk wen dunaid tlvtghl pioendid tin ilk sulin ukl ins uppul hadlv bv tlu to the sitti ll wllcle tlk iii mil illk w ik i is ol ilk hijvv tllgllk ilk runs lot til ilk pulling units vv n t north vs south derailed crew work llll iii pill lllc lid lllccl liiiik tku it lill lllllll ilia nul it ihis point inotlui spin hni vwis uti hitl to illm trains tu bt pis iklmul iik sllllilll tin inlu ti 1111 i- immil in av 1 1 n itiuiii tutu lltillls wlktl iiiiilki unit uiniil tmin in iiiiilu mil lbs u mi piihi tu us ili stinitiun siiihii unit nttv tlu uimiiiin hill hlllllt mill within hi hinu i mil i luir 11k ikiuiiil inlili has uluiiki in lll lluk 1111 ki lilt k iv l ll k k til lllllllllll ll ll kolkllllll llllmll hill 111 iullil 1 iii lm till t lillllk i post office nearer to let tenders soon lliltun mp sandy best re- poi tcil this week lenders for u ikw i eileril post office in actun mill be uliertised by the end of this nionili it uis disclosed that dcmoll linn ut i lie furmer storey glove luiildmk mi bower avenue may be a pnt of the tender the loiistiuciion wink on the new building mill possibly be a part iitttie- interwork i i ist imk innuunlemcnt ol thi piiibise ol the former glove simp binliling was made prior to that purchase was completed of the tunntr ilsidefkc of mr arid hs kenneth knox adjoining wlun lunipletcd the new fed eill building will he located on llie site ul the present storev lii building with access to tin pnkme lot at the rear beglnnlni october i vnrbiihi ww only bo collected unte 11 week following councils decision tues day evening explaining the reason for the move mayor john h coy told council the expense was too pio- hiblllve fur a iwoduy a week collection und also noted that monday appeared to be the big day he pointed out that most resi dents gathered their garbage over the weekend and as a result or being at home to do this garbage collection won the heuviest ujc first of ihe week expenditures high council agreed that cxpcndi lures for collection were high and ll was agreed to put the new method into pratlae until the end of the year in the event the new program falls to work out 1962 council can review the situ alion again various methods of easing anv immediate problems incurred by residents was resolved by allow ing the gale at the dump to re gialn open during working hours five days a week in order for merchants or private residents to irankport excess garbage between collections to the dump svscttujua regulutft waterworks two readings were given a by law to regulate manage ami con trol the town waterworks wys- lem and lo have three lornier hvluwsynpculed during coun cils tuesday evening meeting some ol the points covered in the by law included proper service installations connec ttons lesponsibililtes lo the lown and homeowner water payments and schedule or water rales the lengthy bv law coveretl a varied held of points and was given the first iwm reading befoie the bylaw becomes ef feclive council will have the op- portunilv of hearing h lead once- more alul make anv final adiust nients before it becomes eflecltve at the third reading al the conclusion of the read ing of the new bv law mayor john ii gov informed council meiilbeis this is the culmina tion ol about lour vears or study and hud irrttit ll anyone be lieves anything has been missed now is the tune lo mention it stop interference a resolution cut tailing anv committee chairman 01 member of anv parliculai comniittee fiom giving illinium m ihe ad ministralivc or work stuff nflhe town controry to resolutions sparked a healed discussion the resolution was supported bv all members present with ihe ex ception of deputy reeve ii ii llinlon and councillor w j mc lend the majority of councillors agreed thut any decision made at either committee level or coun cd as u whule should not be al lered unless in the event ol an emergency only then could a change be endorsed by ihe mav or und the chairmao of ihe com millee involved mayor gov 1 also clarilied the position of clerk admimslruioi jack mcceachie when he slated the clerk is nut authorized to change anv policy on the sane liun of only a chairman or null vidua council member to sell town ijil rollowrng a directive fionl the planning board that a piece ol properly owned by ihe town he tween properties owned bv hal rv shorlill and william rinliv on churchill ruud north was not in anv future planning level opmenls council uilhorled the cierk to advertise the property lor sale two high schoof students travel 80 miles in small homemade craft take a six fuot lall high slhcuil student add a five foul six com panion put ihem m a 10 fool luna humimadc sailing vlmmei raise the sail into the wind and you have ilc ingredients tur a rfcal adventure in this ease m 80 mile voyage complete with roufih portages james ironsides aciornpanied by lhum randy lidkca deter mined to make sailing history when ihey launched the ironside teift christened hairaloaf jfaio the swirling union of the fftifenlh river sunday august 6 and set out on their 80 mile voyage to north bay portage rapids the craft loaded with tanned goods a water supply and other necessities rode the water smoothly until rapids were en countered after sailing upwind for five miles rapids pioved the roughest part of ihe trip and a series of portages were made as the sail boat with its heavy equipment was hauled up banks and literally lamed through bush after a path had been hacked out on one ocasiun the craft was hauled up a 40 foot embankment for the most pari the trip was on foyuble for the nautical ad venturers and after sulcessfullv negotiating ihe rapids the trip was termed a breee mend hole in hull at one lime both seamen un waist deep in water in n at tempt to keep their boat ava ironv tagged nicks another lime saw the boat receive a hole in her hull which was not noticed tint il after their course on the river had been resumed a quick tup uxshnie lor immediate re pairs wire made one ol the win si slot ins en unintcicd during the in age saw waves breaking about five i eel high over the boat the sal l lots headed fur shore lo en toy six hour wail alur lluy s t sail again ihe wind had dn down and paddles were put use to complete the balance ihe tourney lo norlh hay three new teachers hired for two public schools two new toucher will grcel pupils at the robert little school und one at the m z bennett school when children return to classes oi the fall turn tues day septembei 5 new teachers new ilicheis engaged tor ihe ruheit little sehool include miss helen landsborough t aetun gul who completed her training al lakcshutc teachers college foitinto and mrs mane andrews who taughl here lor three vears belore leaving lor mount forest al ihe m 7 dennett school the onlv new lace on ihe teaching stall will be thai ol miss audtev allison who halls hum godench ami is a giaduale ot stratford teatheis college listed i below i 1 list ot llie leacheis and gtadis ik will be in chatgc of il both sehikils robert utile school rob it 1 rule principal g w mekcnii giuk ft assistant pun llpal doug cnpelaruf grade 8 keith mai tin grade 7 mis a andrews combined gruk 6 and 7 kcilh hlaek grade d mrs doieen bvi tnian gruk s mrs mai iie while grades 4s mrs ora cope land giuk 4 mrs june dobcrlhcln grades 34 mis ncia jones grade 3 mrs rose mary black grade 2 mrs grace reed grade 2 miss helen lands borough grade i mrs jane gamble grade i and miss olga kntidsen kindergarten doug widdis will leach industrial arts as well as some uasscs ingrade 8 and miss helen baker will share her time so per tent belvvcen ac ion and milton teaching home lconomics music supervisor again this year will be glenn banks the public health nurse miss mane cappmn will check pupils at both schools m bennett school m bennel school still w i i liner smith pinicipil will teach u 8 waller dubois gi acc s7jl lilu3icauugiadcs 67 mrs joanne tinner grades s allan capper grade s miss heather jackson grade 4 mrs glenda council approved installation of ibe assessors phone in the tnwrt offtlc and transfer of an extension line to the present lo cution in the town halt for ute by council and any oiher meet ings ft was also learned ihe pur chase of additional land for ce- rnelery use js being made and methods of l ran vac ling the pur chase are being checked street signs councillor les duby chairman of ihe roads committee inform ed council that street designation signs would he adopted in the immediate future in three areas in lown al a cost of 230 coun cil agreed the program was a neecssllv and councillor frank toih von ing his support stated i would like to see thii done as soon as possible ll was agreed thai other areas in own could not he completed at present due to the cosl involved hut would be taken care of as soon as pos sible it was pointed out that tests at the proposed water reservoir on churchill road norlh proved there was a water condition at the is fimt level on lop of the hill further study and altera tions will have lo be made may or gov noting ins amazement at striking water staled this is consideretl one of the most cle- valed places in ihe area and yet we strike vater further study is lo be given this project before it is imahed assessment extension al ler liea ring the assessment it turn deadline for the town had li4en extended an additional 60 divs council learned that ward lour assessments had been com pleted hut compulation of this area was yet lo be finished they were also informed the assess ing department was positive ev erything could be cimipleted by the extended deadline reeve jack hargmve noted county louncil had endorsed ad- p option ot a county museum ui board and suggested a tvpresibv latlve be appointed rom acton 10 sit on the new hoard mayor gov agreed ihe town should have representation und suggest ed someone be contacted after the current holiday season green light given a bv law authorizing the c rec ti oyi ol a community centre re ceived the green light as council gave final approval clerk admin istrator jcck mcgeachie was auth orize cl as treasurer of ihe special building commitlee for ihe com munity centre lo pay current hills amounting lo t2912 for ex penses inclined lo dale regarding lie community cenlie hiiikhng eoitncit endorsed i reso author iing the sign- ing ol n agreement with the i 11 lock company for dismantl ing the ice plant at cartings bieweries and erecting the equip- ihe arena at a cost of county approves voting power hal ton mm i t ouiu it this week lound a suluthui to tlu incqualkii s ol voting pnvii at count v kil and skni tlu oniti tu legislaiuu lo appiove a pn jte bill ukuamiig i ik upkhiii otlehl ot hui linton and llu meiged oakiilk liaial u the eollik d slh dud th it two additional eleputv ive v s ih piv tided hum v ki mini ip ilit each new ek puiv uoi itouliui twt vtiu s on ouiu ina in i v iik ntttvv vmulkl iihu sv tlu luiltlth i til emintv eouiudlois imm lo 20 am give ihe two soul ik in ctnlixs to tius in opimisitiiin to a total ol t vous lu id bv mdton aelott kihiiiimi is- vigaweva and i stucsing tww ideas oitt after iwoidtd olis on lui eathei iik as loi siuin out itu titing owei h isk this ide i lauiicbtd b milton tkpiiiv isve john chrilhi w is apptod bv i im2 vote hurhngion takilk and ti at algu ivpusntalixi s vilh the exeeption ol bm itncum deputx revvr- got don gallagher a ul i al lie u into oiu iminu noinln i ot iiuiuu ip il e ki lois 1 llltv eieh liee aiul dpll1v lui le 1 u lit t in l tu niuiiiil tlu pi vi nlnl 1 lu pi m would have i iil iiiun nut itv i aw t niiiii t ml all inttuuip mil is i i p in hui mi a ctaduiliiv hilling ton nul ikvtlk 1 1 it ilg u skdi ol iiiiuamiig tlu iuiuiiki in llie it pi tit siaius hdillngion ol louiltv louiklllois aiul the would ll ive hull fivitl a uee voiis itn luld ikpe tiding on the and lour ikputv uivis w a attempt to pare costs for community centre handed togt thvt optise thj vl suggested solution ibe tive norlh ern mmncipalities rxpivsiiiia i tles with ihe exeeption t gen grtnwn reese liglas sugint i stuck together to approve it 1 ajrjcslrt 12 their suhmusion to tmv pus ti bill cinnnu calls tor ihe i change in eounlv repveiiiation tu become ellective januarv i 1962 after the merger of oakvillc 1 o i iv 1 1 1 e a sliulv ol tiiukti ulnnii itl to ioiiik il lot the ei ii lion ot the iu vv com mum iv tutu ihe signal building eom iioltev mondav evening ekeuk d lo atltinpi to put oms toi i mas ptoiwkil h anlutevts n ldlke 1w teljikled eost ol tlk builduv ouiuill a spetal liuitutl nuei 111 wedlledlv ot list wvek tout lukis witi nviewiit iaiiingg mom s5w0 to sns40p ihe sub mitted pilees vveie eulsetitl svtme loiuiin and it was agievd lo hive ihe special building emiumt tu ii vk w t rvi omme nil to lanitnil tilt- ii ikelsumls i during tlie meeting mondav the e hnnnlioe icccived a ilelail ed nprtil alt assets and hahi j litivs to d ite and agieed ihe new building would have to iw eice ted tor ai anticipated cost ol 540000 i it w is also agind lo ii n ssxx hi ttu wipiial inbuilt tlloil uuukillau i xpsiul mile- fair books cttu i all talr prize lists haw been completed ami dl- tribulcd to ariviia millets in town wherv tbc are available tor anyone in teres tetl in exhib iting at the fair president nino rrulda lh week repttrted the book can he nhtalnetl from any of the following hufctnena place in lown- dills stationery activn llonu furnishings sytiuvn hardware gordons hard- ware aetnn i arm supply unasays flour mill and ac i mi creamery the bo4k glvo a com pie le outline of events and lists prbtes available for the win ners in um various claiias lotd of nine voles while oak illc liafalgur would have a reeve and tines ikptilv reeves with a lotal ol eight voles north vs south a teeorded vole on the com miiiie ievirt saw the north band togithct against the south and iiiliit the move 1612 this saiel waidm t a philhpv is isuilv wheie we were two months ago iiii ikputv rieve bert mm txii had another idea he said in vuw ot the loss iu voles when oikvilk and tralalgar merge and tlu lost vtiies when ncistm town ship was annexed bv burlington burlington should be given on ixha iwo dipuix rvcxxs from the large wauls one and two and oakvtlk tiat dgai should receive m evtia depots leivc from ward oiu ik tilt in this wav the lare mi d uiis whiih htm to lack iijual lepieseniaikin in local louikik eould iruike up for it with greater voiec at the countv k v e i gni a recorded vote this motion was iom 25 vote to dure the three hour meeting saw niarlv everv councillor express ins opinion on the current status ot louniv power and many argued 1 ihe tine points of some of the suggested remedies 1 ioutuillors from the three l ouihern municipalities voiced i ihcir disapproval of the final motion which they mijd gave no cunkideration to future increases i in popult lions benlon grufe mr tim small grades 2 3 miss ami ment in nv allison grade 2 miss sheila smw8 bochme giade 1 mrs kay alger j olliee employee mrs i orna grade i and miss joan park kind claikc was gianted an increase cigaiten glenn banks will be ol 1 so pr veeek according to music supervisor for the school an earlier agreement accounts aild public health nurse will be totalling jjw7 10 were passed miss marie cappoui i pavment jl 130 ton diesel derailed on weekend owa ow nw ttacta

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