Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 24, 1961, p. 3

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personal notes of actonlans villi ing outoftown polnla and of vulloft in acton home mrs wc8 wolte lis spending a few day in town the guest of mr and mrs e s force 1 mr mid mrs jack mayhew and if son of reninw visited mr and mrs don ryder recently mr and mrs david dills and kathleen arc vacationing at woodland bench this week vistfrn6trsrlvrw hlnton on sunday were bro norman hln- ton and mr chris chlnohara plre chicf jack newton is at tending the fire chiefs conven tion at kitchener this week miss mnry grischow and miss sandra hargrave are holidaying al the inlcrprovlnclal girl guide camp at doc lake- mrs john wood- spent the past week visiting mr ond mrs vi wood and steven in st cathar ines mis murgarct cuuison of mil- ford bay spent a couple of weeks holiday with miss mary wilds l mr and mrs norman small and jimmy of niagara falls were sunday visitors with mrs r m macdonald mr e j hnssard has been a patient in toronto general hos pital where he underwent an operation recently mrs james wilds visited two weeks in vineland with mr and i mrs norman wilds and mr and mrs bert kenyon mrs f a mclean uf tilbury and mr donald mclean of oak- vlllc called on acton relatives and friends on tuesday mr and mrs nurman wilds and mrs james wilds visited in paris with mr and mrs jim dob- bic and mr james dobbie mrs wes storey and pirls spent last week at caihew bav orillla with mr and mrs ed ward sturey and family mr and mrs arnold weaver linda susan and miss carol hickson of hamilton and mrs e phillips spent last week at balm beach mr and mrs wm spielvogel and daughters colleen and deb orah visited mr and mrs james spielvogel and family in north bay the past week miss carol patterson and miss bella roszell visited last week at bruce beach with mrs a c stewart and mr and mrs william cameron mr and mrs c r prosser of bracchridgc who have been at tending the convention of secon dary school principals at king ston visited al the home of mr and mrs g a dills at the week end utter to the editor mr albert ford was o pallunl in guelph general hospital last week mr stanley matthews has been o patient in guelph general hospital this week miss esther taylor locul cor respondent for the guelph mer cury left by jetliner from mai- ton airport saturday evening for a 10day visit to the place or her birth plymouth england this was her first trip byair and she phoned home lo her mother a few hours aftev landing and re ported a pleasant trip visiting with mrs c k browne oyer the weekentl were her uncle- and aunt mr and mrs bill brain of sarnla this was mr and mrs brains first visit to acton also visiting were an uncle and aunt from lundon mr and mrs bill coulter other guests were mr and mrs c ire land and mrs w frankum of woodbridge i mr and mrs keith martin were guest or honoi recently when the community of arkeil gathered to congratulate ihcm as newlyweds the bride is the for mer marilyn tolton of arkeil gifts weec presenterd and an ad dress was read dancing was en joyed after which refreshments were served mr martin is on the stafr or the robert little public school mrs c w mason has returned home rrom a visit with rela tives in burtalo ny montcalm nj and scranton pa her daughter mrs m ramsden or scranton has recently relumed rrom hamburg germany where she was the guest uf her son-in- law and daughter mr and mrs m f smith mr smith is serv ing another two years in ham burg as chief of the political division or ihc american consul ate visiting mrs kay alger is a new zealand couple her cousin ernest ralls and mrs ralls from whangaivi northland this is their first visit lo acton for ihc travellers who arc on a world tour which has already taken them lo britain and continental europe from canada they ex pect to go to the united stales a must tin the usa itinerary is ralls town texas which owes its name to a branch of the ralls family mr mac sprowl was among 1000 progressive conservatives who attended a preview of the exhibit of the department or energy and resources at the ontario government building at the canadian national exhibit ion there was also a reception al the oueen elizahclh building where the guests met the hon robert mccauley minister of energy and resources other guests from halton counlv in cluded sandy best mp leslie clarke of georgetown and john depew uf oakvillc tomlon studio newlyweds mr and mrs donald bard are pictured follow ing their marriage july 22 in ebcnezer united church the bride is the former margaret grace ferguson of r r 2 rockwood following a wedding trip to the pocono mountains pennsylvania the couple maile their home in guelph bardferguson vows given during double ring ceremony in i double rinj ceremony in ehenezer united church satur day jnlv 22 al 300 pm marpar jt grace nut mountains in pennsylvania the bride wine a lose colored nhcnili dress i linen with white rockwood birthdays highlight conuraluliilimis lo mr and mis sliftiley harris on the arri vul or 11 son at guelph general hospital august 18th also cuuyra i illations- to mis margaret morrison i lie oc casion ol her birthday august 17- at the home of her daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs oscar dnjber hut i her congratulations to mr henry m cooper on the occasion ol his 75th biithdav auyusl 21 dr and mrs k waller have returned home irom a three week holiday at their cotlaye near ottawa miss klainc connor is holi- davinij at the home of her par ents rev and mis u r con nor mr and mrs oswald meadows and nancy and mr and mrs mclunis spent ihc weekend a i iiiyci huron entertain groom- in- lie mr and mis clifford mea dows entertained a number ol friends ol mr kenneth hepburn saturday evening in connection with his lorthcominii weddinu in september to miss ueltv per kins of guelph mr and mrs r t johnston chiistie st spent the weekend at niagara tails ny mr and mrs ilenrv gooyers and lamilv spem sunday at london with mrs gooyers sis- ler and brotherinlaw and fam ily mr and mrs michael mcbride ol vancouver bc are visitinu lrieiuls and relatives in rock wood and vicinity mrs loua pjerce visited lrieiuls- in guelph las thursday congratulations lo glen greer the acton free p7m thursday august 24th 1961 births visitors com m unity events ere li on was united in i acccssurii anil writer explains parties invites public to attend marriage with donald gary baal the bride is a daughter of mr and mrs lindsev ferguson r r 2 rockwood and the groom is a son of mrs muriel bard 15 hooper st guelph pink gladioli and while limine decorated the church rev a e black of guelph ollicialed or ganist mrs i black lock accom panied soloist john k itching who sang the lords piaci and because corsage il while gardenia and pink rose buds on their return they will reside in guelph outoftown guests al tended irom windsor rockwood aur ora king thornton beaverton loronio rich vale kitchener and guelph engagement mr mil mrs clark paul wish tarrela gown clll1 ciiven in marriage hy her la- thiii ilaiijjhlcr maritaret mar iner ihc bride wine a mreelie lo mr michael oriellv lcnlli gown ol while lissuc lisoiv i mr and mrs charles do lallela the lined bodice leaj oriellv toronto ontario lured a scooped neckline anil long lily poiul sleeves the set- rauphnivulf in waislhanil was enhanced and t highlighted wilh scroll buadworki trimmed with linv seed pearls i i f ri l parcrnc the skirl was designed on prill- ici hji rai3uii3 at presentation aldershot grandson u mrs frank day rockwood on his scholastic results at wiiterdown collegiate by oljlnlnlng over 80 per cent in nine rimers he has been awarded a 400 scholarship and an additional 50 for highest standing mr and mrs- ken spence and family have returned home after a holiday al iheir cottage at tur key point a targe number of people from rockwood anil vicinity attended the opening of the canadian national exhibition last friday weekend and sunday visitors included mr and mrs jerry tjlanslield robin ami randy of surma guests ol mr and mrs fredl lambert i mr and mrs neil lambert and family bieiula lynne anil maureen of hum i i loo wilh mr and mrs f lambert mr and mrs maurice hurd of weslon mr and mrs don timms anil son brian guelph mr and mrs james turner teeswaler mr and m rs i van s t u 1 1 to- ron to miss da miller anil mr mur ray meagher waterloo return home mr richard harris returned home friday afternoon in com pany with his nephew rev c gordon harris of dixie following his two weeks holiday in north ern ontario at kirkland lake in company with his nephew george a harris and wife and daughter nancy he enjoyed long drives his firstsundiiy i here he went over into ouebec province through rouynnuranda cadil lac malartic valdor up to amos over to macamic back down to rouyn and home lo kirkland lake covering some 300 miles on civic holiday he visited ttie district around kirkland lake through a lol of tywh hind where fires had left iheir mark fallow ed up by new growth also pst farm land wilh houses and barns in a dilapidated condition their is great hay country surround ing kirkland lake and in some sections there are piles of fltdp wood adjoining the- back roads spruce trees of all i sies arc grow ing following the fires poplar irees are quite conspicuous on his return io toronto wed nesday morning mr harris made a brief visit to some form er neighbors members of the lynch family who wenlio toron to 20 years ago he also paid a brief visit to his nephew rev c g harris of dixie who brought him home friday alter- moun nobriyjwgyvorries no parking problems no lzong walks whektvou go by bus to the ml august 19th to september 4th the ontario safely league re ports thai tv star dave gar ni way is a firm believer in auto mobile seal bells he not only uses them himself hut has work ed out a foolproof plan to make sure his passengers use them too the belts in his car are wired for sound when the ignition is on the horn blows continuously until ihc passenger either buckles the hell or sils on it so far garroway reports he hasnt found a passenger who prefers to sit on a scut belt direct into the grounds reduced tf round fare auv trip includes admission for childrens rales see your agent leave aclon leave exhibition 858 am xlfl30 paw except sunday x immediately alfcr grandstand ivrloi mancc daylight time ixhibition passengers travel ling on regular buses will transfer al toronto bus terminal to buses running into ihc grounds tickets and information at wiles confectionery phone 207 lines mowing imvaril the hemline in a mnie etteel her heailpieee was eo-urilinal- i li maleh ihe weilliny eovn on tuesiiay evening a pivsenla- a while lallela cap sprinkleil lin was helil as ss nu 6 wilh illulli euliiivil iriileseenl sehuul 11 christie in hniim- new- paillettes anil seed pearls the 1 ivweils ul lisl salillila mr anil eap was allaeheil in a silk illiii mrs allen iarsims sion hmil iullel ellmw length alter pnressive euelne wa veil she varrieil 1 lumtitiet ol enjoeil mr ami mi marnui den- pink sweelhearl ruses and white nis mr and mrs meiiui me- slephanutis letnl and mr and mrs ilenrv me- one alllndanl 1 l ll piv cuuple uriilesmaid mrs merivn cnn c l lev whe a ireneh lilne eiislal i latlli and 1 sieial elle shealh diess wilh maleliine 1 uverskiil atul while access fowl prices ffrcdlvc aug 23 24 29 26 fresh chicken cuts legs breasts lb 55c maple leaf skinless pure pork sausage lb 49c maime leaf mild cured peameal cottage rolls 59c 1 i cryovac lb aclon ontario august 21 i96l the five press acton out dear sir this is tin open letter and an open invitation lo ihv public re garding the teenage parties we nave been having on saiurita nights here lor some ol ihe teenagers in ujwn we would like to invite public ly any or all of the teenagers parents or anvone interested and especially i hose who are cain- plairting lo come and see exactly how the parties are conducted they are well chaperoned at the suggestion ol the teenagcis and ihe back yard wheic ihcv are firemen answer sunday calls acton liivtighlers were kept on the run sunday when the siren sounded un two occasions to make ihem don hoots and coals and rush to answer calls i the lirst call sunlinoned ihcm lo the home ot mr and mrs stan norton church st where a space heater became overheat- cd no water was necessary and in a short time everything was under control atul the truck loaded with tircmen returned to the hall quick tihir the same day tircmen made a quick lour of he block when the siren- sounded and an alarm was given that a fire had broken i out ul ihc ab supermarket on aim si j rushing around the corner from thclirc hall lircmen were groffed al the store by a number of people who informed them a lighted match or cigarette had been tokhcd into the open awning but no fire had resulted two holes were burned in ihe canvamt awning but it was un- necessary fur firemen to ulighl from the truck as no flame had developed held is well lighted and every thing is within the law the music is slopped well within the time limit and then they have iheir lunch and pop which the teenagers provide and look alter themselves then alter lunch ihev are alt druen to their respective homes so that the iiirls will not be on ihe streets alone alter 12 oclock we leel that ihev have to let some u their energy go some how and if they like lo dance and get rid ol ii that was it is far belter than to see the hoys ami girls wandering the si reels wilh nothing to do but gel into trouble we would il so welcome the pi ess id any time we hae a par ly lo come and see what goes on as people grow older some ul ustotget we were all teenagers al one time anil we all bad lo have an outlet somehow lor our emotions and energies hoping this letter will bring more undemanding and coop eration of what we are tiing to do not only lor our own teen age son but lor some ol the other teenagers in lown ami al so provide something lor tlhrtn to ui we remain yours very irulv mr and mrs j m price 15 willow sl n box 175 town allan she wore a corsage ul whiii j mums irooinsmar i lev ol iiielph ishers wer i raid and lack iyigiwm 1 a reception followed in i lunch basemeni where a tier was serxed a tables decora led will pink amhwhile mtcaiu they showed iheir appreciation farewell party mr and mrs f mullen ol as mcumi con llaliomille opened iheir home i iuesdav eenin tor a i are- ell putv lor mi lin mis leo aid wickham aful maigarel jii itancliard who ate unit ing lo ii ilfmshui g nei week at irr sell ing iheir home hi mr and mrs livd ldwards ol milmn the mother ol ihe hi ide re- 1 wkkliarn wcie pieenietl ceied wearing a rose cooied lh il coining ovenware i shealh dress ol linen wilh bolero weekend uesis i ml while atessoiies and a cor- ci the weekciul isiloi- wilh i sage ot while carnations and mi and mrv lome miichcll were pink losehiuls the giooins mo- mr and mt fliant iikioi 1 ami iher assisied wearing a leal gii ut mouni foiesi mr and blue shealh dies- ol lolunan mis mcmillan ol oiouio silk with while accessories and i 1 haes l foionio miss a toisage al whrte cai uai ions mamie mooie ol liuclph ami mr trip lo mounlalnu ami mis iuikk moueghan mk for a wedding rip io ihe po- bos ol juclvc five residents apply canadian citizenship five aclon residents will be aiming 52 new canadians who arc applicants for iheir canadian citizenship certificates they will be heard thursday august 31 irr milton courthouse belore judge w cory the aclon candidates lor certi ficates include thomas pe vries and his wife jansje de vries 168 longlield road mrs urma emma haefner 35 wellington street and jan vap der brink and his wife maria van der brink 277 main street north itll sell better if its letterperfect wo produce perfect printing everytimo htvinj i silc announcing on opening slignuj a pro motion it printing s roquir- cu clll us wc do tho job muita right jnd jl low tost tho acton free press 3 willow st n phone m0 frying or roasting chickens 2 3 111 iivuilt 33 lb with meat bails extra r 3j in iga bonus tapes with froo s6 bonui bootlar tapa ic rr liver chliklii in- llcvr pep dog food 3 m aylmer catsup 1ii tide detergent sl- toilet tissue l 4rolls ice cream h with froo 2 bonui booitar tapa illilirilu ij bologna siiud ikl in o i nn honey dew new potatoes v v iii llv imu iga spaghetti 2 s 45c masons cou gingenle lemon lime orange or root beer 10 oz tins case of 24 beverages 12 for 95c 189 orange pekoe pkg of 60 salada tea bags 75c 25 ft roll igaf0ilwrap 25c imen turkey chieken or beef 8 uz pklts morton pies 3 for 73c kruft canadian pimento old liiujltiih or swiss 8 oz pky cheese slices 29c ciiiin sllu vim k 15 lins fancy corn 2 for 29c ilk i ii snu mc 1 ll lin toddy 35c vink 15 n tins fancy peas 2 for 29c iv nil uilh siu camay soap 2 for 25c 14 1kns apple chik-tilutl- urunjic ur while otillvle cake mixes 3 for 49c kwmoiis fllimillli- p vienna 2 for 45c us no 1 grade the childrens favorite california seedless or red malaga grapes 2 29 vacuum cooled no 1 grade crisp lettuce us no 1 grade bart left pears ontario no 1 field variety tomatoes size 24 2 for 23c size iso 6 for 35c 6 qt baikal 69cj cash your baby bonus cheque here you may win 25 in merchandise ledgers iga is now airconditioned for your shopping pleasure

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