Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 24, 1961, p. 7

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gdttontel pz n the good old days the silverware we cannot help buf have a measure of pride in the fact that thlt paper hat been accorded canadawide recognition by fellow weekly newspaper publishers we sincerely hope that you at a reador advertiser or correspondent will share in that feeling of pride because winning honor of any kind it not a one man or one woman achievement just as a runner has trainers a boxer sparring partners a baseball club a team so a newspaper it a combination effort it take an interested staff loyal correspond ents advertisers readers and contributors to turn out any really worthwhile newspaper when we accepted trophies for the paper in hlx last week it was irnpressive and encouraging but it was not without thought of all who make a paper possible it is helpful too wo hope to the munic ipallty to bring honor under its namo while we were honored under several hoadings the title best all wound nowspipor is tho most satisfying a good front page or a good editorial page doesn i mako a complete nowspaper which is what wo roally slnvo for our thanks to all thoso whpivavoukon the lime and trouble to express thoir con gratulations they are appreciated and servos to slrongthon tho challenge to continue to produce for tho town and district a good newspaper with a contribution of the co operation and holpfulnqss indicalod in the past the role should not bo too heavy a one east coast west coast weekly newspaper editors like other groups need a convention once a year not just to chart association policies and proiects but p exchange reports ideas and share a better understaruig of difficulties across thlt very broad lancr last week this paper was represented in halifax where members of the canadian weakly newspaper association held their annual convention there were the htifmi of business that had to be dealt with but more important were the informal discussions western edit ors were kept busy discussing the drought conditions eastern editors talked about tho problems of the fishing industry and declin ing coat production never having gained any groat first hand knowledge of the west we were inter tilled in the onthe tpot reports of drought one publisher noted the drought condition wat not as bad in some areas as others where it was bad you could stand in soil of talcum powder fineness up to your ankles this picture like description gavo us a lcltor understanding of what formers in tho drought areas faced then there was the discussion with tho publisher from springhill nova scotia tho name still conures up the scono of a mining disaster that rode the headlinosjjfjbb- nation for days how are things in springhill wth the mines closing down there is unemploy ment but we are improsscd with tho optim istic attitude prior to the mino disaster this man s nowspaper plant had boon coniplolely lovcllod by firo and he had the determination to rebuild and tho optimism to face the futuro in springhill a publishor from newfoundland was nohcoably concerned about tho forest fire situation in his province as ovidenced by his perusal of news roports the broadlh of canada has its problems but while we heard gripes never heard of a publisher planning to ab andon his province or his profession something for everyone suyvi utd sftfce its exhibition time again and after an annual jaunt to the world i largest event of its kind it gets our stamp of approval whether it wants it or not sua here were some negative comments we could make like why there was an am erican flag flying at one side of the band shell or we could comment on the real beamy of the gardens free for the looking and wonder why the sweeper we saw in the food building threw the wrappers from he coffee sugar on the floor but there were bigger and more import ant things that far outweighed any petty criticisms attendance was a family event for us and it was a pleasure to find some mid- wey rides that were designed for young children they got more fun from them than we used to get from the ones that scared anyrider i was with some tamenty that wo took in the grandstand show with youngsters but we were pleasantly relieved in fict wa wore amazod at the success with which jack arthur had put together a show that appealed to all age levels what oldster or youngster isnt thrilled with the precision and color of the r c m p musical ride the grandstand show can certainly not bo accused of ignoring canadian talent olympic stars toronto policemen a half hour pageant of canadian history involving army navy and air force cadets as well as area high school students music by dr leslie bell and of course the rcmp stamp the production as canadian there are new buuildmgs and new fca tures too ono of the most impressive things that we were able to leave the grounds after the grandstand show without any frustrating traffic tie ups this is surely un innovation in itself the ex is many thinij to muny people it probably always will be mv hut tlu i k h is hie nine wild uk kwl lui situc 1 livid ikic is i stinknt twmlv mid u us ico 111 i lit isc n ii wis 1 1 ins uli itd i lusl uikiul il mi hid i ku beets in ilu kin culu room or k in a while wi h id a lnnsiiii iccl til the mui s tesidcnee wtun ui wen illimeil id line lll is in on 1 sinul i illei mum mil til ilu in mitt i mil i iisin hit id tn the luiniiiuii loom in ih i d us ul iiimiime ind ii lui liti unshed dim l ilk in nu ihotil llti slcus ol ak mdn i ilu huttkllos til the kit h ink in pins ui the i ii mil on n in fit niw ot k ills vnii woids would kill mi tin illilltu kill ins ul i mm lu his iitst l united i i mil i w i ki nd ol unb ik v ilik dj ituh iv in 1 ik lilv c ui iilt in- in d no iniitu it inc ilu n h ios in simiik uiiui ilu i ilkuuu lu diiiavil twiv loulid by bill smiley dislj milled hul dignified i vv ilkiil out rcidv l held link in tlu honks mil hiihid on tin lieuheiv mankind hut moild i s lllileh money die idy sluil i was c uiyhl up in th il wild fit v il maveaie it aim ol mind i mull ir to ihe et ip shoot ir who h is lost hill his p iv i iili k on tht w iv home i tthei you i iv to l i il httk tit you tu inline a lailiue tjibuvviiig family lies mil moiil principles out mil window i walked i iidil aioiind ihe coi iu r ind went lo i hid movie ilu oiil thit hut shocked i ik ciiv u totd l ni lo tht ids 1 iol i tic lirsi slunk wlilii i piodiuid mv 7s mils in ul in ii s i doll it ind a hill sine i id ilu mhiiik ladv well vihi know how it is you don winl lo look like i hiek so mill id uij flu it lir s tutsd i s din in i through eluieh id icelh i paid sud tilings uiuldn t lvlii s iy to in v own vviti hul il w tsn t mil il i u 1 1 ihe urn h ih il i w is sin kid mm ilu it tl whulpiiol ol vui sin ninpi ind fivvktiv ihil his turn td ilu 1 1 v into tin sodoni to s iv imllunn ot loiuinit di ol out i inn i ik in si 111 in n 1 walked p isl lot tx miple was a plicc with people talin nil i suit- there llnv wtu sitting at tables nyhl beside ihe sidewalk eating awiy just is thouiih lluv win foreig ruts and hid no inoials at all just i ft w ilooi s down t infill up hv who knows whit m id iinpulsi 1 tin ul tl into a i in son v i i m i lo on win n i u tin mix t ih it i w is otui pusnknl ol tlu youiv mnis jlihk ci iss ol our hill ill i fill i w ivl 111 siiull llun lohv- ni besides i vi l nil on i o spjtt back in 1941 taken front tha laauai of th free lru thuradav auguat u 141 three bentons one of them a hiihy only two months old a cuntd lie- r lout injury and death by u few inehus when a motor cur belnnuinu to- dr w g brown toronto went out of control unri mounted the curb at the corner or mill unmnlo streets the luxldont occurred lute iiul tluinuluy of lurnoun m is anne dunn and mrs r p wut min were standing tin the side wulk in front of win ofcoper s store in ics curriure with miss dunn wlu her niece- utile rove mark hurron twomonlh old dauuhlur rf doetor ind mn ne vlllc llarrop the ear ol dr drown cjrnu fiom number 2 hifjliway und when it reached the cornur ihe driver heeminijly tost control wild drove the car over the hide wulk doth miss dunn iu0 mris walton were thrown in the pavement dy a mlruele i ho hum nor of the ear i aujjht ilia lower part of tht huiiliy und ihe little one was only raikttl up on ihe pillow by tlu impact dnth miss dunn und mrs wul son were badly bruised ami shaken up hul escaped without lurlher urlous injury three prisoners who csefped irom the ontario reformatory tit uielph un monduy afternoon were recaptured in acton on tuesday night after 30 hours ol ireedom alllmuuh the uroup still hid in ihur possession a 22 rifle ihev had stulen from an aikell fanner lluv offered no resistance when confronted hv a it loimatiiiv uuaid at the cnr eiossinu on mam street all nluhl monday and all rl iy tuesday ontario police and re tormatory yu irds combed the iri i when it was believed thr nun had not jonc any further about nine o clock thursday ivenuitf gordon smith slopped lor a few moments lo talk to one of ihe uuurds und shortly aller ihey noticed he hiree men who were slopped by ihe juanl tlu lseapees offered no itsisl in tt ind were soon baek in their tells on guelph c ipl a j duchanan had the honor of he i nil presented lo ihe duke of kent when he made his visit to toronto last trlday and uisplllcu soldiers at manninu pool back in 1911 i susptikd i vv is in i pullv i in i lu tblt lo u ii ill to iluithiluiid pi ui ilu nun ill ik ih uiuniuki ot ihti i winl in lu i itist piopk tl 1 1 utlul nielli hul il will ii ivt a basic freedom freedom it the right to be wrong not the right to do wrong prime minister john die fen baker told weekly newspaper editors in halifax last week the prime minister found an interested audience when he talked of freedom mo elio impressed us with the government s attitude to maintain the unity of the western nations in the face of tho growing berlin crtsit l the prime minuter s comment on free dom struck a responnvo chord with weekly publishers and co mcided with the sched uled unveiling of a plaque by the govern ment of nova scotia the plaque was to honor joseph howe who in a famous trial m 1835 defended himself in an action for criminal libel and established forever free dom omhe press on january 1 1835 howe published a letter accusing the magistrates of haldax who administered the city prior to its in corporation of neglect mismanagement and corruption the magistrates determined to prosecute him for libel two or three law ycrs to whom howe showed the not cc of trial told him the case could not be success fully defended he borrowed book and i spent two weeks preparing himself when the case opened howe spoki x and a quarter hours in an ingenious atul masterful defense will you emii the sacred fire of hbeity brought by your fsi thers from the venerable t ihle of btikin to be quenched and troctdi n out on the simple alters they have raided i eon uic you to udgc me by the pum kj of english law and to leave an un h it kit d press as a legacy to your thildu n the verdict was not gu by ind thr freedom of the pros- was established m a small room m naa scotia there have been abusos of tt but it s st ii one of the mighty bulwarks ag i nst ihe tot il totalitarianism thflt is communijin the 1 4 weekly pipers that en it h ri j sm can have i trie power or infkince n re lation lo more than 500 ihit siivi th j to pie of canada mi the communihe oi t df the orbit of mighty metropolitan complexes the acton free press published hy ihe dim printing and plibluhln to i id tounded in 107 and published cmiv tihiinii u it si willow m alton ontario minilnr ot the aiulit hun in of tirvultion ilu cwna mil the ontanooiurhi division of the cwna adertimii ritis on reqiusi suvmriplkin piahlc in aihamc juh in tmuli s 1x1 in ihe united stales sn months tl 7s single topirs t authorized as second class mail post olluc dopait ment ottawa the only paper tvr published in acton g a dills editorin chief david r dills managing editor business and editorial office phone 60 0 acton i ku m i ii mtilii i h im ilu ir nil l mv t hi h ml io i in im uli iiul i lnl in n mui mui kll how it is ullill mill it it ilk ll lll ii- irt slilllltllk siiulliin- in i vi i ins in mi ip mil mui iv oil t n t 1 1 i vmiil illll i il s iv 1 in ilu ik on tin uvt kt ii 1 i sltllk im ilu i mis iiniii up m ink ti ii mis i is uiie is llnisi ul i ilivinil shhltllt hilt oh js ii il u i i vt ti ill soli sum in i iwn ii ui i i u is i iu u ill ol i mi i i u mil ismh l iu 1 tu til ii m mi i i h k nl iu hi tl us m hill ill llllt till u 111 s i ml ul oik l ims i iui ml i iii 11 us with lllm it ii h i i i r i out ii i il un w l i i 1 i is is li o i is i l i ii ii l ijll l i l 1h i lip in hi i iii siuik i id i u u it i hi ilu it f iinu nt t i lli i i kiuw 1 is stioll n ii ippik up ilulos iphi i s ilk tin n ilu sights mil s inn is ih 1 a i s u in on ilu n si i u ih kl i ul hiulll tl ii ml t i hi uk stuii u i h v nt tl u ulilti i voiiu out t iii hit iii i i ills h lllllts tilt i i ml i l i tl i lit ills all it i i ul 11 ul b iuvi t ilu t mn un i ii ii hi i i t l il l iuh pi ill ipt n i ii h i ti i i 0 t i initt 1 ill ti in t it lllt it lit im iiu hlllllt t 1 1 ll i i i ill slmi mis ii ill i i i uu i i t tt it uust i i 1 ii l ll ill ii i i iimu ml i i ii u j i iv 1 i tl iilk lollk pllt uul t ll iv itnv s inu im i iu s tvs i mllld ni pi u ti tlu hulut think itn ti i in u t 1 vt is ht iiinj iln in i i i nu nl i m out ixt r i i i v k ii i t is inti ou wlni h v n i m nme un the uiml ith niixbc i ttivl tlu ti ii bioulu tlu bill hkhi mv ku- 7tv wtun thc lose in ilu bsin in in thc in iki up on ilu piiuanpltn thv u uiti jv i hiy yuniint dead rmcr for john l sullivan i upped him a qiurier m u smoking i telil nut u 1 1 hi llltll st its atul i u is mill ul it itlitn s iiiutirilu tli it it i its in ilu lihn smtt 1 1 e lit out tit ii is unihin win tlu iii hi iii iii i wit k s ismu vv ilth loi it tlu siinpk hul illtt i in vnmnt nnr mit ill trtwn th ipi- tli sunt nit i ilu pit th il is ilu i iu il it i h an s gad about back to fall activities isl l i lltt llllt ll till opining ot ilu c ui nil in n winn il 1 oiihitioii mil in- hi ilu mi n ol hi iss pi in i itvt iiiuiihs i s hoin i in huulslull mil miitlut c ui nil ui 1 mil 1 1 ill h ibutt il si miii iniuihi is 1 h im ol ti n m n ii ti il win h mils in u i ilk th i i t in thv in ioni ol tin it st k iiiiis iii ii iv ntiinhiis ih il im ll ul 111 11 i ll svllipll ll o i ht sil i lllil lll lit lit i ii i iii i o tilt sit in i il iii si i nun nts i i h i im in i lu ui 1 1ns si ii w is no t ti p i un win il ii t h mils pi n inn w i nit ii i sp 1 1 ills tin h iiul i mi siill w unit i mi i lu h units ui in in win so mn hill tlisll llllt lilt ttoutl j llllt lis mill lu lll 1 1 1 til i t llllllll lltt m 11 ninth thoui ilu huililiniis how tit is i iiul not txplort tht in pnt lists loi at nui i di t ir iu ihkt ih nv ilnli ibultd uiil it is ins wo ui t ks until tlu th mini will bt mv n k t si hot i sonu it ilu ut tllu i mn p is wt t k h is ixi n i it nun ii i 111 i 1 ill d ls lit lisl ulu iii ot us tl i iiitul lnun i n hi s ilu old i in u i tuiiih bnil luv his kin tomplucu it m tit i ind tlu rotin u pupiitd lot i ptikuv i it down tl tlu pnk woik ti tn un un impniiv tin buil i n ui i vimuuls loi hi tuu cmn iiiuniu ct ntit tlu it ill lx iiiitih ot inltiisi tuu to ih months minudiatclv aluud and i will in ike m in nips inuiuh iht ptorxss i ist wctk it is ino icpmtcd th it ihe sitt tur ton new 40 000 post olfiu intl tusiotns olliie had kin sttiind ind umk tll hkck mnt son cm demolition nl tlu prcsint buildings looks like i hus tune for us sidewalk supr mtendents around town the new fail programs at e now being announced on uuei smti hul ul i u nits to tu shul in im this ilimisinii until kin it ilk h is i i hi in i iln it uill in til wink i i r i u usli in til lo tins i it in ol i nil it hiiuu nl tiid i r t ill ilu it nn iln s soi it d mn nui ill hi di i isi s illnsti it tl wlwli d un it ilu t tluhill ui i ii ill i i ilu n u m di opt i hibn in th ilit 11 un bull lm but i di i n l v i ml i tin h u mid in t h ui v t hi ip in ii 111 ill i ii 1 1 in 11 1 ol sotllt ot iht i ilks uh h i i in in in otu t iln in u is 1 tt 1 1 ti i ti i min st t ui i iln i lull i ki i tlu i hil i it in h i i so n tin inhibit ol ippi ii li i u is 1 1 mm i i ol ilu old d ns uhn iln h imii in nu ilu un in ui uf4 t i u uiimt mih his hot tit s show m iht puis ot hum ins wh hul bun iihimit bv his poti in sonu inhibits tu jxihips nn nu iu u itltl oil will th ll is immu b i tins tt i k letttb to the iditob a p green grateful for news releases wi ton out an usl p pl l ui i i iti l n oni u i iitn on tus tdil r ix u su wt wish lo ih ink vmi i ir vuur ha inpins i t j iht inus n leas tn m ui papt r p n nniiv lo mr twm urs 2s i h inninrvii vli p mm i ut biuk cum pan limited wc appir lait ei miith nur hump pubhslied in ch past anv leleists whuh wcie mailed lo mui ind tt rtnnlv it is most granlvin to t trum in pnni oiin erv trulv a p green fire bnck co ltd- john corby adv minafter taken from ir lamt ot th vn4 rtw thurtdny augusj 34 111 mr warren dcslrcm th pubflc tu unilcrwtajul llul while the putv ik ure wilionied lo free um ot ihe wiirren purk for piinics and recreation the nates mtint he kept ciomh und frnich left in good order dlhriuiircl or this on sat tirdav i 11 is id lonklderuhle in tbnvlnieme throuuh cuttle stray inu the following nluht aiunny ihe rural mail route which have luen appioved u the one from acton to osprinue and return hv rural mail carrier couriers will also he shortly punt cd lo hiilhnalid and return tht annual picnic of the me thodisl sunday school held jl win i en park last i rlduv ufler mum was iittmdcd hy between 300 and 400 children and arown ups 1 1 was i most ticliuhlful event lvcii though rain threaten wl about noon there wan a two mi nule dnth of moisture when one of the rates wut being run hut the sun came out bright and warm and the proceeding were novrd hy nil theie was t abundance of line cookery and lemptinu dishes were nerved as ihe primary nriden were flmt called to lea und luter the adults were served a very mlercsiinu gathering wis held vchicrdav at the home of mis c c speight church street when the member of the women s missionery society ot the methodist church assembled to enjoy i six lal aftiilioon with mis thomas i aston prior lu her hiihivii lo ciuelph mrs luthm w is for in mv years presdcntof the auxiliary and took a keen interest in its work kind word of lirewell were snokt n by mrs a t brown president und- others and cordial wulici ex pressed that mrs taslon would enoy her new church relation ships in the royal cily interest has hei n quite keen since the iltttru lights were in stalled it the hfiwhng gieerii ind everyone is lakmg in active part in i iwn bowling under the art i dual lights according lo reporti the came is not hampered any by the use of the lights and players are enabled to partake ol t he game for a i onsider ihte tune longer during the cvcningi professional directory and travellers guide ritnfkal tirmrctokb dr w g c kenney phyicun and suraion office in symnn block i3a mill st k acton office phone 7h residence 11 church st e phone 150 dr d a garrett imiyticlaui and suruon curner of willow und river hu entrance river hi aclnn ont ihione 238 phone ado nifltat or d iy ilrucc e bhoemake mtfr optic ah anf hfabin4 alpg dr robert d buqcner lhyieiavn and suraeon 33 welhnaun bt aclnn ont phone 070 officr hours 8 pm af te riiooni by appointment appox1hino avd inhlbam k f l wright 20 wilbur st acton onurio ptimie ft appraiser ivl in urnrp ovrr j0 yearj in acton oft h leib dental surge m off cr cirner mill and rrdctick street office 11o4ir vv appoinunent tcuapiione 19 dr a j buchanan dental seirsenn offre 5a mill street off cr h ur0 m lo 6 p m t rd wrrttiy afternoon telnhone ii8 legal c f uatherland qc ilarrbifr a sotieiuir notary public off te hours 10 of a m 12 on n m 10 00p m 3 00 p m saturday by apftmntmertt only otfict 33 phone jlb 1s1 acton a braida ba barrister sotieitor notary public 17j xlin st s acten ont lion 576 offie hours ipm 9pm lpm ipm saturday 15 cork sl t guelph ta xm3 offlet hour ftjn a pm sttunurs im os ma- trc buchner r q oubmielrist cmiuet leruea hr irinu aida 4h mill st y acton in arton wrdnrttdav only 2 ik p m fl 00 p iti i r appointment jhnf 115 robert r hamilton ofilofnetmt yy s kitjminpd oltues fitted 60 maui bt n porbctown onl orficp ii ir 10 m vt 6 p m m n to yri fvcnmt ty rfpininlment c in ri satiird iy y it jpintm nt plrae ph ne tit ainitino aqnt1no lever hoskin harlrrrd accoijntnu st mm st n 212 kin st w brampl n t r n0 i phone ol 1 4kj4 tm 0131 ttavtllw quid gray coach lines coaihrtt lravr actos dyhahi sving time fjittvjund 33 am dtlv txryi son and k1 i av m 1 1 3j i m 20k rn sob pm 3 m 13 p m 10 08 pm sun and hot i westbnd 1027 am 1257 pm 2 it p m i27 p m 7 37 p m fl2 pm 1132 pm ii i in j 12 am kri st sun and hn i railways canadian national daylight sarvirtf trnit eattlvmjnd 44 a m to toronto dailr ep4 silhday 10 j am to toronto tot pm v ternto p9 pjn to to ronto sunday only wawabound 90 am to strotford 3t m to stratford t07 pm to stratford stratford 7 dm a t odatdord sat iu un to urdary only

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