Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 31, 1961, p. 1

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eightyseventh yearno i p slslsul acton ontario thursdav august 31st 1961 anlhhtl krcnml cum mall u ihn pnil qthm ivnnrtimnt otuwa eight pagesseven cents stuff photo nfw unifottmt were worn by eight members of the acton junior pipe band when they appeared at the fergus highland games saturday pictured above prior to leaving town rt left to right mary lou creighton joyce rennick lawrence duby danny holmes helen cook phillip caddick loader michael ross and bob foyers the band was rained out before they could play but their uniforms were admied by the large crowd nrnnwiniiwwiihii wti nxxusi1lir w r u reveal 300000 track plans prepare township liquor vote details of ihc 3500000 harness ruclng track proposal for camp- bellvihc nncl the vole to be held jon liquor outlets for nassagaw- cyn township were fully explain ed monday evening to about 125 township ratepayers a random crosssection of 10 per cent of ihe legible voters the nnssagaweya vote yes committee called the meeting in the form of a barbecued chicken dinner at the new million country club sixth line nassngaweya unnamed group huns burnhard solicitor for an unnamed group promoting the construction or the track ffrtcf the crowd the- track and grand htuna would he constructed on 400 acres of land northwest of the highway 401guelph line interchange encompassing all of luts 8 and 9 in concession 3 he said the owners of the land had invested their property into the venture rather than selling to the firm the track woujd he a half mile long and it was hoped the racing season would last from 42 to 60 days each year construction would start early in 1962 and it would take six months to build it is understood the track would have its own fire and police pro- tection departments water tests have shown there is sufficient water for the project poji1 hi y v closed the promoters arc consider ing making the grandstand a closed in building arid if it would be the first of its kind in canada and the second such building on the continent it is expected yearly taxation oh the buildings and property would run from 250oo to 50000 charters to operate the track would have to be purchased from the ontario jockey club and the track would be supervised under ihe ontario racing commissions rules there would be parimutuel netting several township residents would be invited to become di rectors of the track mr bern- hnrd said and shares woutd be lay plans nassagaweya townships vote no committee is currently formulating plans to launch a campaign against the township liquor outlets vote calked for september 23 to dale rev harold marr of campbellvilles presbyterian church and rev robert hancock of ebenezer united church have held discussions and several have volunteered to serve on the com mit lot a meeting will probably be held next week the group circulated a petition naming jack mcphail of camp bell ville the chairman of the committee and filed the peti tion with township clerk don mcmillan offered to ihe public through a firm of underwriters not no liquor no track if ihe proposed september 23 vole on liquor was lost n- only partially carried the hack would still be constructed he said how ever he urged those present to support the track and the vole because the availability of liquor facilities would make the track a better success financially anil the operators would t be able to compete with other racks at toronto hamilton and fort eric which have liquor licences it is not a question of no liquor no track he emphasiz ed but it is almost necessary that the licence be obtained outline vote speaking on behalf of the vole yes commit lee bob smith reported there were 1258 j elegible voters in the township and lo be elegible a voter must j be a british subject over21 who resides in the township on the day of the vote and also resided in the township two months pre vious polling booths will be open 9 am lo 8 pm dst saturday september 23 and a vole would be conducted in lic polling divi sions township clerk don mc millan hv law cannot release the official result of the vole un til 1 pm the following monday the questions on ihe vole re late lo the sale of liquor under a lounge licence a dining lounge licence sale oi beer jma wine hydro light bulb sale ordered discontinued attija hydro eluotrlc commu nion main decision during their mccuinu thursday august 24 was ihc discontinuation of the sale of light bulbs -commls- sionscrs agreed to sell no further light bulbs because or the scarc ity of demand sctretary mrs autlrey urqu- hatl requested permission to have a special button installed on the calculating machine to compute the sales tax which takes citcct september 1 this was approved hydro superintendent doug mason reported that line re building had heen completed and informed the commission work ers were busy painting wood work in ihe shop he also re ported several other necessary items which were being attended lo mr mason was requested to complete his proposed winter schedule for submission and re view al ihc next meeting the following accounts were approved for payment onlario hospital 2650 j k johnslone meters 12895 hepc of onl power 1113607 bell telephone 4oj0 rec gen or canada 920 henderson busfness ser 900 dills print pub 3225 federal wire cable 2465 town of acton 11406 can tire curp t 483 thompson moiuis 385 f prousc motors j 1210 j mccallum ser 1153 win knell cu 2682 reliance electric 142500 moloney electric co 75200 bill toth shell 486 tulh motors 430 j r kearney 45618 ellis howard lid 3273 powerlile devices ltd 1350 knight industries 31961 westinghnusc co 8436 w cunningham mill 678 confederation life 46499 van gils const renl 11000 payroll 143661 j1669l23 telay community centre decision review plans on tender revisions tfhe proposed community cent re addition to aclpn arena re ceived n seventiny hoist monday evening when revised tenders and suggested modifications from four contractors failed to lead lo a decisun by a joint meet ing of acton council and the special building cutnmillee mem- hers a careful review of revised bids showing ihohilications from the original plans siihfurllcd hy ihe architect and lower lender prices failed lo satisfy the coin- mittee an additional sevenday delay for further consideration and investigation was agreed lo as members sought means ol erecting ihe proposed building al the estimated price of 4w0ooo the previous week ihe special committee rchised to ueeept ori ginal tenders on the basis of be- igiuriimrriiimnwtfniiiwiiwmiiiiinirifin hah photo whats cooking or better still whats burning could bo tho caption for this picture ev erything was under control as lion pete pap lion hidden by the smoke and lion jack do- herty barbecue sloaks during tho clubs famiy picnic saturday games and contests kept children and adults amused throughout tho afternoon and a campfiro singsong and dance in the evening concluded the program ing tmi high and requested the contractors to submit a revised hid listing all deletionsind costs the original tender from j b mackenzie and son submitted according to ihe architects plan was listed at 56816 plus three per cent provincial sales tax on materials and the revised bid with deletions was culled at 40 900 contained modification the tender contained certain modifications from ihe original friun including a smaller auditor- urn and substitutions on mater ial the original tender submitted hy a j mccarthy construction company was reduced from 66- 400 11146800 l ariss and comp any submitted their original lender for 162400 which- wre obituary e j moore native of acton burial in fairview friday old faithful firefighter headed department past six years u j moore a vigorous graci ous i igurc died in washington dc wednesday 23rd august alter an illness of less than three weeks his friends and acquain- lanees in many places will miss his chuerful interesting letters lur he fcrpt in touch with a host ol lulk all over the world ten yeavs service with the acton fire ivparlmcni was re cognized last night i wednesday when tire cluel jack newuin wis honored hv fellow liretighters during a dinner presentation at the fire hall itdcl newton win is leaving acton saturdav lor hi- new home in toronto where he is ehiel en gineer with the toronto star along with his wife was present- rd with a combination telephone table chair and a hassock alter moving to acton from standout township in 14 he joined the liiv department in 1951 served as secretarx treasurer in 1952 captain and secretary- treasurer in nm and was ap pointed ehiel in 1954 he has held this hist since that time lifetime membcrmhlp chief newton pioudlv boasts of i lite lime meiwbeinhip with jhr lundys lane tire depart- men i in si a tit lord township prior to taking a position in toionto he was employed at bcardmoic and company as chic engineer anil was in charge o the company titv brigade his zeal for luxfighting was renewed shortly alter he arrived in acton and frequent visits were made to the lire hall to view equipment soon he had donned coal and hoots md was taking orders from the chief in spite of his previous experience his knowledge of firctighting techniques and fire prevention has gained him high honor nut only among other fire depart ments hut with l lie fire mar shalls office as well determination wins out atter taking over the reins as ihicl he was determined to build up equipment and lirclightine knowledge and stuck to his guns until his goal was achieved today acton can boast ot the jack newton lowest tire insurance rate of any other comparable town in size in ontario his last goal to provide halton county with fast efficient and top notch tire i protection was a long battle for twoway radio systems in all haltun county department vehi cles finaltzalion of this came i when county council approved the move recently chki new ions ambition lo iin part i ire prevention knowledge i in e cry ones mind led lo talks t and displas among oigmia- tions school children as well as j home and industrial inspections community interest led to the i purchase ol a puwu address system and this has been utilized m mam occasions tor sports public tiiiu lions and emergencies according lo the ijiiel a coin munitv should never lose sight ot having gintd uptodate lire lighting equipment maintained in the hesi ol condition readv to operate al all limes wifes viewpoint according to mis newton her husband was married lo ihc iiiv department more than lo her as most ol his time was spent at lire meetings repairing equip ment or naming a rookie in the department his size stood him in good stead at christmas time and ever si lire he arrived in acton he donned a sanla clans suit to plav jolty old st nick at eon- certs ami parties several times he has been called to repair re frigeration breakdowns lor var ious merchants and at anv time a helping hand was needed ihe chief was johnny on the spot goal accomplished one of his ambitions was to organize a ladies auxiliary and during the presentation he saw this fulfilled when the cold plate dinner was served by the newly organized group of fire menk wives e j moore horn in acton in 1881 the only son ol llarrietand ii p moore he attended public school here later travelling each day to the high school in georgetown after serving m apprenticeship in his lathers print shop he later re icivcd his tinat high school edu canon at albert college in belle ville and i corn there went on to victoria college on graduation he became as soeiaied with two or three of i lie early l rade papers in the foionio publishing world and in ii4 joined the stall of the methodist book room where he served as advertising manager i hi imgh the transition days ot lunch union umil 9w when he mined lo the uniied slates since that time he has lived in philadel phia llasi aurora ny and lal- lerlv washington dc where he has resided tor the past 18 years l- j had a tender place in his heart for acton and whenever he returned to canada always found his way back to the old home town for a few hours to renew old acquaintances and watch the progress of various community developments he followed with great interest the activities of the community as reported in the free press which he never fail cd to read from first to last para graph early recollections many are the stories he told of life in the early days ihe ride to the sugar hush on the afternoon freight skating on the lake in winter ireshly ground horseradish his first enjoyment of buttermilk sucked through a dandelion stem irom a pail ho was carrying home from a near by farm breaking a path through the deep snow from his home lo the free press oil ice in the early hours ol the morning where his job was lo light the fires and then returning home for break fast the lamplighter filling the lamp wi i h enough oil tu l no industrial fair display tent them burning until 10 oclock only fishing wilh his lather on showery afternoons e j never grew old in hi outlook lor he loved lite and alt the beauty of nature and fri endships ol music ami books and especially his church whether in acton- or in whatever part of the world in which he lived he gave enthusiastically of himself and his talents to whatever pro ject he set his hand and mind and despite the intirmilies ol advancing age and ihe crippling effects of strokes he maintained a cheerful enthusiastic outlook which was a constant jov and encouragement to everyone he will be sadlv missed by his many liiends and especially hv his beloved wife doioihyful chcr formerly of toronto whom he married in washington in 1943 a graveside service in the acton cemetcrv will be conduct ed hv rev dwight fngel on fri day lsi september at 2 pm acton fall fair this year will lack an industrial display spon sored by the acton chamber of commerce fair board president nino braida reported this week that lack of tents lor housing the displays caused the decision during ihe past years exhibits have been housed in ihe former curling rink and last vcar owing to ihe collapse ol the curling rink roof exhibits were shown jn ihe main part ol ihe arena this year the arena is being renovated in preparation for ihe artilicial ice plant anil communi ty cen i re building and fair lifftird ollkials arc using tents for exhibits lormerly housed in this area five new trophies five trophies will he present ed this year lor the cattle ex hibits with r a mcnair thistle- lone farm acton presenting a challenge tmphy tor the oirand rchnmpton wtu in th uci anil under 21 years of age the winner for a hoy or girl 12 lo ifi years of age exhibiting the best dairy calf will receive a trophy from jim ledger and ihe hoy or girl under 12 exhibit ing the best dairy calf will re- ceive a tiophy irom r a mc nair free night school course to lucky fair draw winner some luekv draw winner at the acton fall fair will have choice ot any night school cojursc tree it their name is selected this lea i ure was decided tucj- ia- evening during the meeting ol the night school executive as well as lormer courses five j additional ones will be added i to the roster this year new i courses available will be power i mower and boat motor repair armchair travelogue choral sing- i ing leadership and public ing and mosaics although a list of instructors has not hien completed it wi be available lor next week as well as courses taught final plans lor the fall fair display were made and enrol ment forms arc expected to be ready in the near future nowdhat the sales tax is al most in effect here a reminder thai there arc only 96 shopping days left until christmas how and f braida and son donating a tiophv tor the irand champion male in he shot thorn shovvr in the dairy call exhibit the aclun branch l ihe bank ol montreal will pieseni a liophv lo ihe besi exhibitor ol a dairy call to any boy or girl over 1ft repeat awardi oilier trophies awarded again this year include the ocncra foods kitchen and acton free press trophy for the winner oh ihe jam and jelly contest in ihe commercial cattle show jim ledger of ledgers iga will pre- i acton man honored i 1000000111 visitor i at toronto cne i taking lime off f rum a busi- ncss trip george gidman aclorr fxidcul visitedlhe toronto hv nihil inn thursday and hail the honor of being ihe millionth iv ishor and received 7534 j mr gidman who is a coowner of a plastic industry in norval received the nionev representing a days bank interest on 1000 100 from a sanitation manufactur er duccd after modifications were made to 56800 final lender viewed was from sircon con struction company indicating a 3905 reduction from 53990 to 49995 careful study was given each lender as requirements were re viewed in detail and committee members agreed ihe prices were still prohibitive it was suggest- ed that further canvassing should be done in order to raise addi tional money lo cover unforeseen costs a commiitcl will compleje these calls not made previously the memhers agreed that com pletion of the building for this season was impossible but it was thought sufficient progress could be made in order not to hamper hockey and skating on the arti ficial ice ihis year the lender from j b mackem zie and son gave nolice that a 20week program would be neces sary for completion of the building exhibits e cause sent a challenge trophy for the grand champion steer of all beef breeds and u challenge trophy presented by the acton branch bank of nova scotia for the boy or girl exhibiting the best steer or heifer the bank of montreal challenge trophy will he given lo the grand champion male in the aherdeen angus class and k braida and son tmphy for the irand champion female in ihe same class the a j mur ray and son trophy will he awarded to the highest context- ant on aggregate score in the 4li calf club achievement day midway confirmed acton fair board officials have received confirmation from the t green amusement company and rides and other amsements will arrive prior lo the f air for ihe kiddies 10 rides wilt be avai lable as well as other amuse ments work crews have been organ cd and be i ore long the park will be bustling wilh activity as pens and stalls are erected and snow fences and other protec tions placed the fair this year is anlicipat ed to be ihe largest to date and officials are prayjng for good weather see you at the falr nvi yiaks in spire time was ipant by d c snail waterloo to m ihis quarter moctel robert ball 1920 iteam engin an ongirwoby trada mr snail is koanly tntemted in hit hobby and showed the model t the antique ifeam diipfay at the farm home of lea low the miniature model burnt wood in the firebox and ma in taint anywhere from 80 to 135 pound pressure it was one of many miniature operating models et m dtftpjay jr

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