Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 31, 1961, p. 2

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gditoip harvest time wmmrwmtr i i uumg the dropouts with so much public money helng spent on oducallon in canadafrom 1945 to i960 tho total increased from 186 million to 1426 million ihera it increasing concern over ihb problem of school dropout the youngsters who do not take full advantage of thofr educational opportunities an indi cation of the magnitude of the pouern it the recent statement of ontario bevjcetlon minister john robarts that n his province of overy 100 pupils who enrolled in qrede 9 in soplember 1956 only 35 reached grade 13 in september 1960 another sig nificant statistic is that for the whole of can ada only half of thoa who enter grade school parry on to enter high school in an etlempt to sort out the reasons why so many boys and girls leave tchooi tho atkinson foundation of toronto hi re cently financed a study made by st cht- ophor house a social service orgviliatlon that operales in the midtown section of tor onto it is interesting that a preliminary re porj on this survey published in the toron to star makes no mention at all of economic reasons as a factor in school dropxouts a contradiction of the frequont charge that many canadian children must leave school and go to work to help the family budget a few of tho dropouts were simply slow learners a few mora ware round page in i square holes youths who might have done well with trades school training but were at sea in academic courses or vice versa but the main reason why the st christ opher house teenagers dropped out of school wat found to be just plain boredom and apparently the chief cause of this lack of interest in education lies not in the school system or with the teachers but in the at titude of parents the newspaper story puts it this way when the majority of young sters who felt they could go no further were asked what they thought they were qualified for most of them said unskilled labor fac tory work car washing shipping etc about 75 percent of those who drop out of school and find a ois either on their own initiative or through the national employment service say they enjoy working but would like lo get further training a significant factor here it that a good percentage of parents are in different as to whether their son or daughter works or stays in school perhaps a good point on which to con clude is the remark of some anonymous sage to the effect that those who ask where the younger generation is going should consider where it came from business slower if business grinds to a slower pace this wookond it wont be surprising we can im agine that merchants will put in one of their busiest weekends and be no further ahead financially actually this is the weekend the new provincial sales tax gets its baptism in on tario what day does it start well we really arent sure most of the literature seems to say the tax goes into effect after september 1 and that would be september 2 but don t take our word for it then too the merchants will have to be a lillle snore adept at figuring what three por cent of everything is and consulting a chart to bo sure they hove the right an swer of course customers will be eyeing it all carefully too to be sure they arent pay ing unnecessary tax there may be the odd thopper that will want to pay individually for hems under 17 cents to avoid paying the tax on a to il grocery or similar order and if dad takes the family out to din- ner hell naturally want separate checks from the waitress for the meals under 1 50 to avoid paying the tax hell want the same treatment when he has his car repaired the labor will have to be separate from the parts at tax is paid only on parts if the pace of business slows this week end it will be ustjfied and if you see mer chants with their heads buried in a book of regulations and a little slow to answer de tailed questions don t be surprised quite seriously of course the tax cannot be avoided it may be cumbersome it may be obnoxious and it may fray tempers but when youre looking arourid for someone whom to vent your wrath look inward at just what you expect government to do for you if you expect government to give more grants and spond more money ust remember every cent government gets it gelt from you and the sales tax is only one way of getting it no we don t like it either another holiday monday is labor day it is o day that has been introduced as a holiday to honor the workingrnan like many holidays we now mark there seems to be no effort to attach any partic ular significance to it undoubtedly its in troduction in 1884 was hailed as an op portunity for parades and other displays of goodwill to workingmen today the holiday seems lo find its only- area sginificance in a long weekend and a chance for many to attend the canadian na tional exhibition where labor it honored much the same situation exists with civic holiday dominion day and the old empire day actually labor has a history it should be anxious to recall lrom the dartc days of the industrial revolution in england to these enlightened times the workingrnan has gained new status and benefits a day of 16 hours was not uncommon as the in dustrial devolution gained momentum it wasn t until 1833 that children under 13 were limited to an eight hour day legisla tion in the u s in 1938 recognized 40 hours as the maximum ordinary work week today about 6z million people make up the nation s labor force by some generahz ed mathematics that gives halton a work force of about 34 000 the equivalent of the county s total population at the midway point of the decade labor is entitled to the significance it receives from a special holiday but if hoh days are to have any particular importance other than the day before school starts the last holiday of the summer and the day we closeup the cottage ihose re sponsible will have to get their message across each year a long weekend one person will be killed on canadian highways every hour and a half this labor day weekend if last year s record is dupli cated the last long weekend this will b the most dangerous according toth records these safely suggestions which are particu larly valuable to those contemplating long trips over the holiday weekend 1 take long trips in easy stages don t try to travel too far in any one day 2 avoid fatigue by stopping often for coffee or by changing drivers 3 avoid the main traffic arteries wher ever possible 4 if you are tired but cant stop over night pull to the side of the road and cat nap until you are rested 5 when travelling with children take plenty of books and quiet games so they will not create noisy distractions for the driver 6 study in advance the different dnv ing rules of strange cities where you may be driving 7 if you have a blowout or other mech anical failure continue slowly until you can pull completely off the highway 8 set out flares when making repairs on the highway at night don t block other drivers view of your car lights 9 keep your speed within safe lim ts especially on wet highways 10 when in doubt yield the right of way to the other driver the acton free press puutekad hf the mua mattag um pubuthku co ltd founded in ii7s end puhliihed every thursday at 59 willow si acton ontario member of the audit bureau of cticulatuiiu the cwna and the ontanoouehec division of the c w nx adwtlaiaf rates on request subscnplhim pavable in advance 1300 in canada 4 00 in england and other commonwealth countries 5 00 in the united state and other foreign counin single conies 7c aulhuritad u seiond cum mail post ofrkc department ottawa the only paper ever puhllilwrl in acton c a dill editoinvchlef david b dill manaami editor lit the good old days suat utct sfetcc business and editorial office phone 600 acton inxe just hud to u i k tliroitph noul untun in i worn hi whuh null mis 1 oi piges nl line pi mi ami i ust i lit uoitl a ule uuisljk ii wis like luilhinr tin uj i sw imp in a pur ol k ikin hip w uk i n with i 100 pninul suk ol wt i hsh on m huk 1 hi onl thin llu noel convex nl lo m tlui houis mil limns fit i ulin u is sonililunt ol vvliitli 1 vv ts il u ulv vv nc 111 1 1 v mm n i ilk loo mmh ovv i m n l iix inji t h nliliisive win n 1 s iv tli il i mi nunk in ik in i st k niil k ohstix it ion its e is to ul u i iinet iliins mil 1 il m i mi m ih it ill vvoimn i ilk i o nimh o nioit tli in i w mi in in ins ill nun vvrwn sh ik s ii ulv md i m hi n j il i hun li t turns un hi sillili u i iv stilish slit im uk ins ill llu m ilts sin his uu kn vi and l nisi nu in ill ihi nun 1 i ii i known 1 t m i it s nu thin ol i siiulv ol this m in inuiu ot qilll l lit spt i iii ml in 1 mv i ml t illst his lit h svil i i i ll obsii v nions h in ii i i tiki 1 loo inn li mv s si i s ilk t o nuith inx wit i ilks t i nuk h mv moth i m i iw i ilks t i mu h unt nix strntttiniihtr is mm i iv llltl llll t i x tk kt i i i pi it 1 ni n iix in t hi snuli ihuul this is rs m i iv in uiu 1 1 sluv pli n mi n n wlmh i ihrnki is h id m oiwh imin impi i ji w n 1 i hi t m ho i m i ullpk st it u th vvnv ih t it will ih il u pi ili m h ir 1 i r i n it w ism i i un n i vv ill i n v wlui tli i h i i t in ik hi uiu i in 1 m i 1 n win d w mii n t ilk ii m i is ii hi lltsi i t 1 1 s ill 1 itouh it 1 il h iifst 1 v l ni i us i 1 ul i i i v ill i kinii it n n ol pi it t i milt m is ul titk m h itiiitu ii v iik mu i m i i i i 1 th m t ik p n w i in n i ii t i ti l st 1 t 111 ii i 1 1 l lit iv p s ll l ll l i ik ii in u lis un ill tut i t nut s in mi w isd mi s mu p i i it ii 1 s mu pi t h i s ni t t k m hilt v itss ih l i uh l jii il w miit n ihi i v i t p i i is i w ni n i i l iltllt ss wuh hi ipp ii t t t must xv nun t in an 1 il i mi n it siit un th it this i i bul thin iitt ss ii ik 1 ht ihmlul thiips t tin lilks ui tin tit tiips is i sinhol ha alls will wuh tin xv n ll flu inti i mm ihli ttlt ph nit uhhum li ins ihout tlothts uul pitkl s ant whit m usii mij to llu inn art n issiirini sounds in a in fiom n issliiin shui it is not thi t ilk of wimiim thai si tuls niiions utlm into uniiiltilitinj wars ll is not the by bill smiley t ilk of w inn n til 1 1 mil clfltlcl s i 1 illpll ml 111 1 pllllill ill iii s ll is 11 i tilt t ilk ol wouittl ll it pi lilt s mill ilkml st 11 v i tl 11 mill ill lilt olhtl uioiis th ii ins t us i hi si tu lights if tin moil cm vv m hi lit pioiliklil hx the 1 1 1 k in ol m n ii is tin t ilk ul il xvonun ih it hushes tin rhjlill il ihllil tlllt soollles tii oil pi i s mi in p un 1 1 is i he ti kin ol vv mien th it keeps hush mils hum polxini mil i i mini ss i n ihe 1 ipt ll is tht t il k in ol wiitmn th it pioihiees bill st ho ils unl beltei hospi i lis 1 he i s n i doubt bout it tff h nii mil rvks rtur ei idle inks the loost oi sonit thmi 1 ike tin we uhel tie itll mil l lts we e m look lol vv ml to thi i tlkint- ol women is i sun tiling mil while it m ix ii ix llle helves to the slinking piiml it limes it vv ill not llkelx do tlll wotui mv pel iii ulellt h 11 iii ils onl useful ts i wtithir v iiie around oiu house tin uiilx linn the old mi slops tilkm is when she s m ul and when th it li ippens xiu ill know enough to lie id loi iht stoi ill e ell us tor llu 1 ist 20 xi us or so of his lilt mx did pielimlid he vv is so de if he unildii t heir i woul mx mot ik i s ml and the lonji i 1 111 m lined the mole i lespiel his intirc unmiiy back in 1941 tukcii rnintllllf imlirtlf thefrre rrem 1 1mrttduy st- pleiiilttr 4 1941 ihrce eiis wcu simiiuslv dim aye if in u i nhor div aeeidnit eaij ot aelon m u llu slnth ijiil dlllillu 1 leaiend eolllsnill i wo htites one e isllnmiul ind one westhoiuul stopped almost opposite eiieh other on llu liiyh wov to elninu ixei s mil two e us ll tvelliiih heliuul the i ist hound bus slopped while ilir drixets wen heinu txehmed a ihnd i u li hi iiiiih itisl i uled lo slop and i unmeet into the pa i ked elm lis h idlv tl un iing the niltldte eai cliul 11 mop ol aeton invesltk iied the intsli ip imtl ll is likelv llle e ise villi hi he nil ihout itiithei dm mu emu i pioltedmys thiee otilhs who lse ipid fiom ouelph kcloimaloi v last week and well re e iplilled in atton shoillv dleiw nils iuu kueil in uldltiouil two vt us senleni e m k oil shin win n i hex wete belli in ltd ll w is pointed out in m ii l si l ik w ill then ii eoid wis i linohvaotn mil it tit it view my ilnu p isi the suikn e w is pioiidmlll l ll duim the bond ol idiieihtni nneiiny i insd iv iiihl w 11 ctlmoil lonk ihe oith il ifliit ind vv is sum n m is i in vv liusiie md v middliton did likewise lolluwui ills ui liukll is slllllllv llllslll ilol ml son ll polled 111 il m llle i ix i m ml i i win me kt iu u hid h e hose n is pupils to iiie ml ihe etlllhllion is ju sis ol llle i ill i in ho ml i in v vv ill liiov i lour ol llu i x and a luinli mi with thi tlju i lots dtiiuv i he ii xisil imtilniinl in both publu md illpll st hoos is hi in r this ai hi in 1 is i i in public sihuol 27 pupils luvi ieisiind m iln eihl i ult s nnl ii ihe hih s huol 8k studliils h ii i ni illed lo d ik i lie hind lo hi ip the elnldli n ill llle suk c inldtin s ilospil d in i n i unl vv is boosle i iiin llns vvitk md this linn bv tlnn voun ehilihtn who utn ik li i llilli ll to help llle liss loillitlltt m ibbx kuinlix hetu ind ji in wilds s up i booth otilsiik tin johnstoin rumkv siou mil sold told kmotiuk siu kt is mil olhei ii lie us winn siks hul bien i mliplelid ihex liiinul in 126 ii tile i lei pi ess toi ihe lllllil gad about it will be different t wtt k tin ihiklieti ind 111 it lit is will he link it seho- i ilu exhibit kin will hi oxel i i imillil i veti md the pi le li will li ivt tnan tiu oiu toi l s iiiiui il i ill i in ui be in id i w ixs ni ton p u k on st pi i nl i is md 16 1 l ivt in t n il mn to tin p u k i i thtv iu n iw hiuldin il th n il tin inn i mu ukli ii i m tin ite m ikui iquip ii 1 llli iv iv iii mis ll ive hie 11 m 111 i hi uiu i ol touisi ihi ill not in us ihk lot th 1 i fdi pin posts ibis e ir iittt ul i i ill i ui in t t n snnii v h i u i li ul in lit n i w n t n tiist h id i t in il s v ll lilt u wilt t in s ik id n okvillt uuilim1 in iss i v x i iii l 1 kw hill is utll s p lit lies it milton 1 ir i r i ivm1 1 tit hist i ilu t i 1 h iv ill tt ist i t 111 i ll iv 11 ll it id ill 111 ul 11 v v us i 1 is nit t mv i i k i s w 1 k b k wuh ni t i th i n w ii l i 11 mil v i i ni i 1 i hmi is s t ll 1 isll tl i ll i premier douglas convention guest for halton ndp i i h it w is it t in itl t i i iik pi i in iht is til mii ii it u ii niht i ll h i w 1 m ii un i t i l t ii l t itt h is i i n v i t ihi hi iktl tk ii i s i i iu i t mini in oik v i pi i n i pi i l in mitlon 1j ub i i ii t pl 11 ktl i 1 i i i m ii l c ipui i l i s is sixt dili ni s in rvy 1 an 1 milt n d v s in i p i t d tl pl llpllsillt i list in n mil mi iloni i it 1 1 t tlu hi mini nil hi is sin 1 i 14 pniniii r c 1 mi nv o ui is ut siskititu w ll vv ii ht lllisl spi iktl mil iht miiv known hilton eandieltte s i ii is c nl ktnik iu ot oikvilk i iiuhii u stuitsxiik iuai si h i 1 tin lonviiition is lo bo nj ijittd don iie ijiks ot the hunt union d tonxintion it ottawa wuh folk sinyers and pipers round inn mil the puiljiain hixe been m mv ehmies lhrouh the uileixeilint t us llle event ot 19h wis leiund tin hist aetoif i in evil john m wtfttn oiy imid a nam load of i ui visilois tiom loionto md the kov il cuin idni s ll mil pl ix id lot the f ui on lie stiolld il iv 1 wish sp u piimitlid nn 10 iik link sunn o i in n um s th u he lisltll is ht m in 1 1 ii tie i llltl 11 would ils i hi m isi mi list n i i nli i t i sunn ol th isi t ulv pi le willllels linn wiii pnis f i ii tin h si hill it i ui pound pnnts md in iiotks horn oin poinul to lit inn pounds bniili in ihosi jis wis m uk ih iln liiinus vsivls unl time w is klin loinpitiii ui 1 m ul d m hihti i m mx ot iln pnis t ii i in wot k von won kin i i vt n in r nii w unli i vi h it ii ii d nv i 1 nibi mikiv w is hut i lii 1 1 win quills of dm ist mi tl st i ip 1 mi md s uiu il tht i i iks iu tits wi still liml tod ix iksi pi n m uislup is u mi bx m it ui i it s iw ii t i ii i in ii is ill it 1 i xd k nniv i i tin h s it i s v stl nl oui 1 nip i w is w n in dim m w il mil l u r 1 lit si s o i i iu n ii in mx inti i tin iim unl m mv thitits is 1 i k h i k n iln in t mi i in i u iv hi iv vt its io i li i n mu i il ivhihil us t ili ot i i in slu vs m i it un h ii n in lib w 1 1 pi in s id 1 m w i ii i hill s put i v i 1 ui v i i ik on sitmnu tins phillip diumni nl thspl v 1 i iu i uh i u h i 1 1 milt i in his t unit i v it spxdt i i hv h ixlubii in liml v il jii oi iioi k in h i i n tu in il tppli urns bin sh wi 1 h list i ivtuns in i hhtitif mx th i h ul tsi t um i i i in i un in si hil ui liluid in in tl mil illilpll llktlv vi is lxlll sunn siktiions on iln pi ui is llktlv jim sx moil had in t inhit ot h uilw in unt willi mi johnson h ul an ixhilnt of i m ni tin i thin wen llkilx otln i s vihuh 1 i inuol rei ill nu know at ton had othu ijiis botoie i9h whin ihi wen ittlll tied with fsejuesum ayn enltur il soiietx anel iltern itnl with cioryitown in holding in uiiiual tut hut i am wtmki m a w ix huk so i had bellei quit lor tin- week back in 1911 tnfcfcn frtmrlhtf ltirof thtrvn vrau rhumluy aiifut 31 1911 j urns mecall who arrived lieu lumi hit old count rvi stx et il weeks iyo and was hcuxg inleitiiiud hv fieellritk parrel i hit he i il his home on main st ihustd tlil hospii dilv extended h sit iluttt 20 some bailvcr til ensils and ai titles and leavinu town vvilhoitl s lyum goodbye a wiiii ml w is isshed toi his ar itst on iilunli when las he ii ti- liom hi w is at sturgeon i ills si imps ol this eliss should he piomplh depot led toi sonit tmie u h is been held bv ut udmou ami co that llu di nn iye fiom ihe dove lc i the i laiutetrv on main st has eon miniated llu w iters ot i mx 1 ike and ihe use of the w iier his miured ihe lannagc ol le ilher btardmore s neuotm lions io hrve iht jlove lealhtr i iiiiutv elosed ji ixe been torn ph letl mil ever wine e one e uned niets ihe llosllit of ihe uuh is 1 i v mr j ch ipm in who has been in in i r of the l inneiv h is elosed oul iln sioik ind ihe bin id in will in t losid shoi ik vv ii sioux md son i hinted ire llu minus of he tjlovt h ttlui i inne iv md ii ivt in idi in mgeiuinis lot their em ploi es 0 he ihsoi bed hi olht i indiisiiix hi town mis ihout is m miis h id llu suioiis misloi mu lo hm a hint slu ii in ihi etllii hie ik down miller tin mi thi ol ih s is6n s hint ow i km iss ins ol ftuti win destioxed an nnloi 1 1 m ih i in ut ns i i iu t this tnni ol ve u mi s oidim r h is workmen iniiii in li instoi nun tin oil i hold l iv t f u loi v budding il mill mil wilhui streets inlo i tlouhk hruk tinimmi t h ti id lommissi mers it roi kw ul iri i idiiil ilu side w ilks it rotkw jot this week hill the i is i le ll de ll of eoirmu nl lhiouhoiii ihe v ill it n iln in mm i in which uioiux is hi in spi nl this xi u sixuil loin thuvis were tie li tid in mr j ihn w liters torn in id this wt t k mil llu identity ol ihe persons is known if ihey do not e in i 111 ike restitutio l f il w ll il the x look immtill he uiion will hi likin lo prosi ink this it i ion it is been oin4 on for soim him mil should not invi lo hi loki tied bx in one professional directory and travellers guide fun dibfctort rney- h iti in ind suit nn of ii in smii n h1 ik 41 v ii si i ail m offin ill mi 711 hi nil nc 111 chmr i si f i mm 1 ill dr d a garrett ph r in tnd suru n c rnm if w llim mil hmi st i n ml itn r si aim flnr lh mi jill dr robtrt d buckner ihv i n in i s i n tl 11 ml ii st ac n nnl hi i i on hi r i pm r i s i aii i m nt plkini- cm nifht nr d ly bruce e sliuemikir mgr oitical and iiealt aids eubjjchner r o onl mi in t c ntn i u n ll irmk ahk mi m 11 si r aelim in ai on wnlnisiltm only ml p m iilki l m i r i mlint lit pli nn ll robert r hamilton oiiiuiiitrut f i x iiiuni d mimtosino ami innlltan i f l wright 20 i ir st ait i i ni ill i hi a i i th li n mi cn i il it in t ni dr h ieib i 1 s i n off r mill t il i ik si 1 o i i- b pji i n nl ruhiiilm 11 dr a j buchanan i it 1 s in n ni i f i n s i i oft 11 ii i i in t li i m i i i in j n ift i i a til ph in hi c f ieatherland qc iu r ti r i s i r n i ry iutil i olu llou i in k im iiio pm 1uimi pirn 10 p in sitnrli by n p n ni nt onlv off 1 1 j ph mi 1 11 acton -nttbrlmi- rn m nn st n gi irii town ont olf c ii ui- lll i in t ii pm m n to fri iwiin b ippiiinfmint ci ill satin u iv ir ip ii trii nt pit im ph mc iu 7 iin hirinl attolnting liver hoskin t i t i il ai ii it nts i l s s jij kinu st w i i pi tt r i mt i i i i ll 1 414 hi 4 111 11 travellers guide gray coach lines hadlls ll wi ctn 11 t ll s l ll 1 1ii1l t itl imil 111 i m ill i xi nit sun and ii i i i li i in ii u a m nil i in mi iriu t tl llll i u pin hi ml p m isun and ii 1 wi i unit ll 7 i in u 17 pm 47 p n r 27 pm 7 27 p m j 1 p in 1 1 1j p m 1 ij a in i i j i in tti sal sun and ii i a braida ba ii i r it r s i i l r n lirv pulilic 1j m n si s art n onl phi nr 170 off cp h ur fl pm 0 pm 1 p ni ipm saturdjyl 11 cirlc st f ouelph ta 4ej41 orflcf hour otfm spm saturdayi 0 am 12 lljn railways canadian national daylight saving tim eflstbound 44 a m to toronto dally except sunday 1033 a m to toronto s07 p m to toronto 9 01 p m to to ronfo sunday only westbound urday only

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