Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 31, 1961, p. 4

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tt acton free prt thuraday augutt 8ut jvoi expect thousands for show steam antique display saturday mlllon is in for a big wwekeiul if only the weather l line special features both iloys or the planned ontario steam anil luk bovtuul i lie turn f lhi lemury offklaln uere hoping to gel a tiruln thivuhlnii unckrwav but kljseltaltos rnkn fh the grahr hm ll been vwt 1 stx nwmtti w ill this eir llowevei thrvt- dov and salurtlav guuraniit wmt bv providing two usm v minto onllqiw ir club ha i gu it tnteoil w t v antique lor hourlong parade will tw on bind but if tin wealb l r 1 i iivi tr is nmul tlu re n be more lluhlinhi or the ixtn si nlu unlii be the liirlnj pinlc i rtu 10 um nn tlu- mam streets as- rub cr it j j nmh sieim tn ims liun- uul in cxpcttc que tars tmie hulling ml pull i sh f mt or tht pis mn the tottn into w i isu nm oldlmtr s appetite there parade itaws the brmt st suiuil n1 mmuj alu ulls at i pm and tontmiits to the rate iratk at tlu fnr ismunds i arming iniunl 2pm thoiis mils i ol spoliators in ixpnuil t inkt in tht piruk the intique ilivpla knnth tht fair grounds grimls mil is anojhtr hip fnluri ut tht tetk enl among tht iiunis to hi ihuun ait gm tollnimns old glasses ind ihim siutnim tools niiing mi hine s mult ol old iron horses on hand an inpi mints hie betn madt to hung in a tttltr lufttr and if miu havtnt setn a driver irs ing to bilami i lumbtrsome multi ton hi iktltss stnm mgine on i plink ou limn t seen anv ihint mi dancing too on the triday tuning dure jnv will hi squill djiiung thsplat mn okis unikrut ir n uool i iimbs skinning stun finpl ui tring pins nagts i mllis snutl spinning uhiils inl shuts suisil h i folk is indk fl mile i stulkr inli in moulds h b i ir lmis inl ill dilmt tml in old timi fuldlti s imlist uul situidit mning i tlmit villi elim i tht iltan all the smirl it mill ii i si imilts p ir uli ii croi tsupt foi the i ike pln it nils on riibtit haltqn chiefs at convention malum counu u is uui npn ttnlcd ai th cinadun mwh lion of fire chut s annuul cun cmiun in kithtntr for four daw last walk chuf e cle ment ol miltun chat juk ton of alton chut doug wilson of oakmlu chn1 gcrnv wn of trafal ir and chuf rtp liu ol burlington tiprxstnttd tht count at tht husint vcssions and divusmoris serve on committees chuf ilson 1- a mimbtr of the board of dinxtor uhik chief niwlon scrid on tht lin prxxennon uimnmia and chuf clement is on tlu exhibit torn mittix for thu l jncniton that uu 39 lirt thitlv tr m usl nd ut gathcr to disusn mutua problem- spcxxhii- nun heard b man vpeakrrs on industrial 1m pn icl icn tht fin marshal s uurk cplosjts brxjihint apparatus traming of tirxmtn anniuii m piobjttis at lev ting firvintn n cfuiiini firvrntn propant ju emmmt build hl itul iti ns vtandarditd tirv tkpartmv nt todtv ht pi j1 ml vhl v id l jnl public rvlali ns entertain ladies rhik the mm aitttidtd busm ts ssi jus and dim nsii itions ol f n quipmtnl ihk wornin urn muri i nul b kitvhtntt fire biij kil s 1 idi s iumii ir uith t mjis tashi m shuws and banquets four exhibitors win cne prizes the humvin show it thl cm nli in in mil exhibition ti- ronio on atmum 24 and 2 u is one of the lirgtst on record as u held were p madid betok jud a m birr of kmptille the st w l re show n b ho ex mihilors lirgel from the 11 c niniies of sestcintr il ontario fur wllleh the c e is demtliat td as ihe ch tmpionship shou villagers go game up in series with dundas 1x1 miou tsamt of hormt hulfltto mo miffing antique tteam hriher competed dur i the activities anrj prloj were ditlripuled ma lh wkend at the pioneer power reunion a largo crowd pulling wogoni privided rides for ihe kiddiei ard when pat vlilted ihe tcene to catch a glimpte of iho antique machines i sing one of thi- sto nn onrjinf the lrorje novor ollernptod at work pictured above are a few of iho machines during the to sluo threshing and reset contest a dance in the evening concluded i powerpacked steam engines compete at antique reunion 1 uony duffcrin last t ir iterloo nosed out p 1 1 in the niniv heitl eliss it te r the lutei hid won for 22 tonseiuiim e irs this eir the pi lelllt wis il nn etremel slose with iterloo on top peel su nid i ml virk thirl the two i p herds were so well bllinvetl th it ihe belt out ork thuuth he lai er herd eont until both the gr md ind rtsene grintl chimpion euws and the grand i lrulrs l ch lmpi mi bull bruit h ilton i uillintit n wellind uentworth grt 1 mettln ind haklimand 1 ii wed in that tirder f uir hilton count exhibitors pl iee j in the winnings m ir i 1 el ishs t ell bros pliet m i h i 1 third pl iee in the minor ir in bull eltss ehije r ilph i i jrd uf milit n hid third in l ik jiss i ii eows three e irs ind un i f nir not in milk t if mtkt f n r il t okfcthird lor threx e ir old heilcrs inmilk md the c imphellu it farm uf te rje md i s e mil in the junior i ii ling cr e jnipi iitiun ancient steam thrtshlrs apd unique car prtierved b en ohuslaus bekhtd smokt timitid shneking whistles and competed fndi and saturday during the pionttr power reunion t the firm hume of les lowe rr i cimpbellulk hill lisln of aelon u is honoixd guest during the reunion when he wis recognized as the oldest thresher present mr las bv was i pionunent figure on the stcim thresher in his ounger elavs ind ret ilkd man interest ing experiences when he sighted ihe intique engines cirs were p irked in two fields is visitors mucked to the site some to catch their lirst glimpse of the out dated m i chines ind others to utiesh then memories of the operation c ime i is clicked funoush is fans eip lured pit tures of ihe intique equipment at work ind children were trc ited to rules on sonic of the engines keen competition competition was keen is d for post ion in enjoy flight ottawa holiday maigo in ing returned to her home 1 1 om a holidav spen l in ottawa 1 irlo was iccompinicd bv her cousin biliee neil ind the two vollnj folks clljoved the trip home hv plane in othawa h leivtr uutkmrs rov curric visited with unior vc ultng heir mr and mis g innun in osh m i last week m irkne ining is mending the i glen mohie e imp on lkctm i oe lor ten d vs mi mil mis tinl tv cuiiu uul mi uul mi s g m lc hi own spent i recent wce kend it ii llihui ton mrs rov tinl iv dm iph md mr ind mis ind i ivt up m i klllfcs ilk v site el u ii litis w till mi nut mis f d d iveiiji nt vult in georgetown mi s a miki nu uul miss nallci me k en u visilt d llu n uinl mis alice ii iv ids m it i le town un siiiul iv mr uul mis chllt ul hi wn isiud with mi ind mis oi i ii brown ac ton on suiul i the rices uitl euntcsts nc it is everv ishor v itched ilm mini i lure stc im engines hull l lo se tie as they were being opei ilctl bv then owneis mr i owe who is eonsukud tops in his nicch tine ii field uul rev r o l silimm r r i guelph weie in ehire ol llu progrim uul kept ihe m issive engines hulfing md puftin throughout the d iv is drivers clgeik slokcel the hoikis lo is sure plcntv ol stc un lot llu optntion of lnleiesl to ihe i irge ctowd was i sc ik v diking model ol l cnr sit im loeonutlivt built bv mi lowe as it i in on some requires stitches two cars sideswipe a gcoilxtuvvn woman requited lout stitches lo close l l ish in the back ol he i neck lollowing a twocai lccidcnt nui lloiubv on thuisd i mrs kuhken king of george town vv is injured when hti c u uul one ell iv en b llu old shot i ol ii million sulesuipcd on the b isc line lisl west ut lloinbv mi s king u is in iking i lett tin n is the shut leu p issell police slid d nil llc lo tile ells lot ll led si ikk 600 feet of hack the cnjinc re piescnted kx houis ol wink on the pnl of ihe builder hot hcef dinncis uul rclitsh mints wire sciied on thi giotuul ind speel ilois could he seen itlll unit hot ilol in h uul is thev mused i hot lie o pup dodj iiil the stc im engines 3500000 track fcniitumikl from pun out onlv undei i dining loom lieen ee tile fc1 llltllll o heel mil pub lie house licences i or sciv ing men onlv uul hi m inling ol heel ind public house i lee lie es while w mien lie uluiillcil 60 per cent i uh question uitisi ix c ir lied bv w pu cent ol those who vole he uldeel th ll llleie is no lu u llltee the ll lek will et 1 i ll e he c even ll the vote is slic cesstul is this is up lo the 1 iquor ctmitiol bo ul ol onl irio it woukl not me in i hotel on everv c iiner is some icsuknts te ued ii w is sufcesletl bee nisi the i t bo would tovciii ill mil ids mi smith sud the yes com i nut ice woukl be opcnuifc in of i lee 111 tile township hid would piovuk ti uispim i uihn on voiihl tl iv in t losing in vv lined die rlie sis ihe e imp ll ll should be i ek 111 e ulip llll he uracil i ic unst muil sluiiiif farewell party a im well pirtv md pre si nt i tion honoud mrs j tck newton uicnilv mis newjion wile il tlu popul ii count illoi ind hri i tut i is it ivmg with lur hus h mil in like up icsideiici in o itllllo llosteil jointlv by mrs gordon cuirii uid mrs c f clhs the t ithciing wis st igctl it ihe cur i k home when in evening ol com l whisl wis cnioved com hiding the g imes mrs newidn w is presented witti i how ci cciilicpictc uul i cup uul s met i bv the 14 incnds pi e sc 11 1 luile ll was sc rv e tl to complete in cniovabk wen mg cumplkllvllld liiiwnudlutlti uhik u one gmuc lead in their lust of tluiu wrlctf for the 11 i i ion couuiy chumjilimivlup hy difitillny dutulufc 123 in camp lullvllle on sunduy uftennwni the utummifc lurucst cmwd sw gurry held u mt hile ind ii my up iiih lllh win o the t ison as he lit it diuhiiis lo ihru inns nil flic hits it walked lui and hiiiru uul 10 three ilurlert i shields mcmillan find bur rows nil worked for fjtindii md lulwetn hum uave un 12 tuns olf u tills lluv wilkid thim hit one hjiiir md sltmk oui live mutln lilt wo slnglis for fhiri tint gunny hoincred md mi ill ill mid wtnon slriukd si in htudtrwin hud i perfect day lor camphtllvllu evllh i liome i tin and three singli s kin will cut wamngs 0a traffic offences provincial tmd miinkipil nolici dcpirlmtnts throughout the pro v ime have betn iski d to lou r llu hi mm u on iridic offi nk rs ind quit trvmg w irninj nofifis lor i iw ml r ictmn i ik il police lore s r prttd i ll if piosielillins ire ilnttn while ihe figures lor traflu u cidenis lalahlies injuries jrid prop rtv d mi ige we climbing highi r md higher we have strict ortl rt lo be more sevete intl vet mlend li e irrv ihtm out sjid pl clinks wilkinson of north hal ton o p p moore ai wlnunive find bill caiuiw all doubled md slnukd i imer ditdgt dud su klntf each lilt wo mngkti and jack i uklno and i ail cairn each sinulcd once rvcry c impht itvttu starting player ckicpt pitthtr field got it le ist uiu hit frrnrleu bll implm llvilli plivid irrorlcsi hall hun w t veiv ulik for llu miu id lo do however f itld n i link out id km ft wf n t iulit put outs m tl r outfit id five imps to th iiilw id th pittlur llutw out ri win h i ft only two round b ill r f wlut h w i fi i if i it j i fohlr pl ty f h in i r iind hill th iiiim id hid i 1 i ii vn in h j nlh mr u v u r immdi 020 frfl 10f 2 imp ii w 041 urt 12 lis 0 lurid i stuui a m wm m burnfwv r 1 vf p i r irriptll dl f id irft uiklfk london fair to- crndon 4mrm keys hintons 5c1 store made whiu vou wait jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks concrete brick cinder biocks clay brick sand stone livestock ind fertilizer farm service nd supptles dump trucks for hire pcv clau fs f fully intufd phone 251 acton i jem i drivein f i theatre i direction the jem is 12 i miles west of aclon on no 7 hilhwa half w iv between rockwood and guelph turn left at foibes ir ige lit rnc il the dri ve in sept 12 friday saturday the world in mis arms gregory peck plus the kettles in the ozarks sunday mionite show sept 3 four d man color wilh lee aaeriweather plu deadly mantis greg stevens free playgrounds children under 13 free snack bar shews nightly at dutk always cartoon coach fare 505 co nq vodriiav sptatibor 4th to sufj rot rn fo u co 6 r n j 1 1 13ti 1 0j iimttci j local oij t zj cinadian natiotiil tht ic ill m td i unions u i i to u t ti in uul ritiii in s hi h ciinies i h ibil 1916 thrtsher tebultt last mrtrch was ono of the many an i que steam enq nes to conpetw last weekend at the farm home of les lowe campbelk lie clnsstd ns i witerloo 70 77 hp kit tcjument s owned ind oper lied by gl berijon md la ig eden aadls and is st ii be ng used at the r sawm 11 h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 36 cord st eait guelph phon taylor 37 iso broken mower blade kills two year old peillcc this kiev lilted ixltel sle t pies alliums u uh ml u- livwn nuivvus t tlluwmc llu liable di lib t i lm e ll old islington ki n it urn nt u ksjil iitwn nn suiul irk eveninc the ht robe it andieu sinyk tun hail ihen pt mntf n iti lawn while his tnlui k 1kh jtii ihe pras uith t i inn mtaci i the blade truck a sinu md broke ritthl at the dtiwnhalt fullflnf half ihe blaik mrt ihe front of ihe mower md tinkii the boy on the forelurad aliluuinh wu ruhed to mdtim diiiki itftlftbe boy vur dead oil school starts soon give your childrens cloth a rfrthr court at custom cleaners sam day sarvlc tatunlay la by l am flui by s pan cash and carry main st n phoni 173 11 dont saddle dobbin with a leaky roof poor hono hit reward for a lifetime of hard work is rain in the face why doesnt the boss get the roof fixed even a hone knows that leaki left unattended utt get wone if money i the problem all that i needed it to apply for a scotiabank farm improvement loan a scotlabank loan n available eauly and quickly for repairing buildings buying new machinery upgrading livestock and many other worthwhile proieos don t wait to get your farm in the shape you want it visit your bank of nova scotia branch manager soon find out how a scotiabank farm improvement toon cars help you thi4p1nk 0 novr scotia in stationery office supplies and equipment and backtoschool supplies ring binders zipper cases ball pens sheaffer pens pencils 2 b to 4 h refills for ball point pens and mechanical pencils colored pencils crayons exercise books plain ft ruled fillers index tabbing pencil sharpeners special sheaffers school pen clear plastic barrel cartridge refill a limited quantity while they last 98c typewriters new and used a good selection at popular prices ask about rentals daily sales record for keeping complete details of the new provincial sales tax records gooo for 12 months sheaffers skrip ink all colors only felt tip markers range of colors each staplers 29c 39c lo 1100 69c and up rubber stamps made to order omici i 56 mm st j

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