Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 31, 1961, p. 6

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r potmdmg the sports boat 77 two wkekh of inactivity ion ifixlintf of busking in the wuinn summer htm lit n georgian buv rewtft obturvlna spoilt cwnts in various towns uml hpetuhiunit with the natives on the merlin of wal handball tliim leave thit wribe lirpreparod to j i luminal c readers in the local snorln beat however in deference lo the gent who mi ably conducted thfc plllur ll p wo kwie nml who boldly called hit tunc by innoununii tliul hamilton tiger cuts would uiplurc the eastern fuolhait championship we feel we must inrv on with mime kind of a column ulhcit of shucldv con w us will shakespeare mitfht unv hrv nl ill to put the ucortl htrnltihl wc not at lend am fool bul i clinics while awav thnl information is for l host who think liuv bellini some in nidi iopt- when they hear who were plikinft lo take the eastern fool bull title and for the bene fit ol itisi wicks unler sunshine was spotty in the latter pait of the holiday in inct the sun in case he didnt notitc seemed to have fled after two weeks of milling it over however nml milch dl ciuudnn were going lo pick ottawa rough riders to repeat their feat or last year and lake the eastern football conference the rougbles are late starters but when they get going it going to take a real good team to slop them and we fall in see one in the eastern confer ence lor the grey cup lnolc like a western learn ibis year and we prefer it to be nameless until later in lite season aitir that round nl slick intf mv link out uls swiuh itt itfhlli sublet is ni uiied hit in htanie v hen ihvftrcmin linalk eliminakd the junior taimers from plaviff onlention in tht loun soflhil iiteinl tlust two ua ins shiml the iuilhh eetlai most ol lite slim in tire filiieis l ilk l on i ik ii re sen is in llu ni mi tm il si i its milh nonunion little i look like n lottdli dilleunt uuu limn the one that lloumkted in in base ment as we utiu this the luidl eieii and llu liose toil in e uh h in wmi 1 liimi s ntimt nl taiois the firemen but ltsi t n n eham puuin til spill 1 lett nl slump ate still no push out espeeidl in the pikluiil tlipai initiit the winner of course bus the dubious honor ot meeting tlnnvs tanners in i lie finals the tanners have been keeping sharp with a scries of exhib ition contests it will tuke a rcid effort from cither of the semlflnallsts to knock them off but these tilings happen all the time in the playoff basi i1ai i inihusiisni mm lealk skims to iuhimnii mi iium patis until ilu pi noils mil aiound t lu me ieh ins lot in statu i iiim ltt n pi iiuil lo sin ill i rowels most itl l in season w till llns wis pnlk diu to pi km attempts it ule i iisine tin pinus but u si tins in lx iieiitial in must tithe i tt title s in tile k iliu 1lnl wttk llns seliut ittetldetl an uite i me ill itt pi not i in twie n mull mil uul 1 hoi nton m mul land 1 li hliietnis uoi lull and ttu i utiu h isi h itl t ie itl wis sim lolllldt il in t his i niluisi ism is loiul mil i mil iiiuiv midi uul with uh did onlii firefighters in softball finals hymen i pitching overcame u ll del lei 1 in the eighth to win 1 and eliminate thornton both clubs played baseball on a par with what u plavud in the hal ton ximuielalion but wc were more inleresled in the kiml ol promo- lion that hroiiuhl su many fans out to the game it wasnt hard lo discover the midland elub hid aniind truck do the rounds before the game and also ttlilied is scnieis thir ing the contest to let the fans know who was hatting ele post en were displayed in prominent plates adieilislng the game an ad wjk ipseiled in i he uveal pap er and the radio sialmn in lluil area plugged ihe contest those methods were once a pari of the baseball scene here but lately about the only way you can lell when an in termed late game is lo he played is in hear by word nf mouth or by accident ly wandering to the park on the night in question although ihei lost to dun das in the league plavolfs in two sttaight panils n is our leeling that ihe calihic of baseball the local elub is plainp dt scries far more silpputl than thevarc yet- liny nou ihe ob a plaidouns are in silhl i u mote lhan are tillering into tht pttk latch arc i rite rested in the plight of the meichanls thei face a round rohin with oakiilk and dumlis now lor the nghl lo enlcr senior b plaiolfs and iheir chances ue good why nol drop down lo the park- when the merchants are plavlng youll he surprised at the calibre of the game and it will give the local cluh encour agement when its most need co- how art things going on the milton ctjunii inlet mediate hase- hill t hamnionshin sines well campbelliillc won the tu st game ot the best of three tint hut thti wtic life and tttalh to g mi a lie in llu second v inie ol ihe scl at oundas thev h nl lo usoi i tti the ir c puiu h ig mi the home run to sail age the lie stall henelersoil one of tile best all i omul plain s in the hicii uh u kill the hiscs cllipt homel in tht ninth since campbell vlllc bus been assigned imcoc to oppose them i ihe o a lnt a claas pluy downs the series has been postponed for at least a week bruci avdrcws his been hmniug up llu it ie ks i llle wtekellel oil l hllt to look 111 the ii lek 1 1 stills lo see ills n uiie lii mih toionto d idles t tinualli thiow the ink m the tlir eelton ol billet kteld who ako tollipe letl 1 in at ton sptt lisle i won the i sop uh itl optll it vilello on s 1 i llun in bull ilu sun el u built taptuutl the two mile ii milii ip ii in bnltalo i ti tighttis tuitk ami tie itt inn t id j w in ilu link ni i iith iiiniiti in iht title ol w lit gat up is nun h in 4h u els to tlu othti luniltin nut still- won h i limki 12 nds uihii lu tuinttl it on in llu i mil 200 thlx column would like to throw a htniquct in bruce s dlr ectlon quiet unit unassuming as he u wc feel the world of tiiek u nil field ik going to hear a hit mon about the andrews bt in the future edge dominion hotel 20 tues ih 11 tciim druntiitll piluici iluel wliltli wtni llu lull nliu in ninus acton riivliuhuii elim lnnlol last vcirs ihumpkin mlnlun hold leim 1iiliiiv nlpht in inml ufc hie luvfl lrowd ivl ihi mlthiill siison switc uls 20 ll uiis the llilul uinti ol llu lust or llnii mml tinin ol llli ailon so lb ill avulitlon uul llu- vim scnl tin ilullplitus in to iho tinils iijiiiii rinilniiiii tiniums ulu linisluil in ihl pliif tluiinii tlu simson tlim yimi ol till liim ol llm linil mi is siliidulid lor loiuuhl lluirsil i fllngliir 1rcdily spin ml in tin mouiiil ui lonniiui ol i m tllv aiiluhiki uho iiiimil in ins snoml nmu liiiim win lor ihi m luilihliis miic lull iilnc loj hit win tjkv plhcll lllllosl tliwltsslv llulll bootmi onlv oni ihmio mil irukinii out iitihi luls i rxnn llu oik i mis ol lil phillips pomin ion molds iinklinn i mill ii mil 11 thi hotel nxu iiiisiiiilii il in lluir ililiil 10 thi siiouil liimi of the series threw ivn ihing at ihe wmniis liey iiuild i niiislii hut tin mmuu iiins wcie nol yoinu lo hi tliniiil aiiliilmlil lilileil onlv om inl illii llu hi si innlnii whui llu inukiiihin iiilliiteil thin sik hi- hi- uis lii tiill o hill point willi lols ill i nun lluolil lownskv il llimlil hiiulliil nilil thllths million in c1ioi anliihilil illownl livi on hulls lluouiih ihi iiiik 111 niniis it in up loin hits imt slnuk out oni phillips mi in whili iflikil llulij luls iiiom iii till wliks lllil wlllflitl simll l i in mi ii ktl h nunsii uul nl on he liiiis i luioi ih il miljil liiiulii iikiu in ill tin lis ulnli mjl lliiminioiis ji uuliil sii n tin uinmis svoinl uh iiist nut uhu piomcl lo hi ihi mm in ip slim l liuil hisis ninil inn in ihi siionil liininu hill spklwigil uuiilinii uh ilu inn to siioml as huh ikiikk iiiine llu mull whh inoihii mile iv miik hohnis vviuiiutl 1 wilk in iiliiiti the iiisls sirtllv mil 1 isl ills iliiu vi is plikul up wllh no iliimi lo uiiki u pi iv 11 hoini apil liuil to snonil wluk hut spulvoiii i sioinl il slivill i ii lllllll the i il til vshtii tlu 1 1 1 1 1111 11 iililitt auoihii will lliiv il siniiil 11 oil vvilh 1 siillik ii110ki lownsliv vvilknl mil willi two oul i ilnk spiil ioiils inlulil lul illowiil diivil lo sum in insiii inn 1 tin 1 lu lion i 1 11 w s ouh 11 it l 11 hill id sloil i lllll 111 llll 1 liisi iniiiii win 11 jill i 1 vii j 1 1 llll io fit iii lllllll siloiill llll tiiknulliiiiilis inl uul in vvis i ilunvvii mil 11 ihi plili hv 1 l the aclon free press thursday august 3 1 si 1961 hullil limn llu 111111 of dill spiilvuuel in rluhl fluid will duvul wuh ihe llivmeir lop i111 hit wllh lliixii hlu in loin trips dim splulvuiiel mul huh doiuk eaili lulleiiiiilj a piir 1 01 tin doidlnlons jcit frver i il phillips j 11k dullouuli unit aiulv wllliiius euh lontrlhutid 1 siiilile n 11 ii iiiitiliiitiis 010 mo olio 2 11 1 horn llolil 000 000 000 0 4 1 llielluhliis p mecrlhlnll u i pink ir i i iiulmiv 2h in 6 v aiihlhilil p w duvul hi ii rovwislev ss n splelvoiiel rl t spulvoiiil ih ii uixlils 1 m lloliius 2i ii ooininion llolil i greln us u mu11011 1 j trvir il u phil lips p b jiilinsion p in ft j lliillouiih 2h a wlllluuis ih r loukiiv ii c pivihu if g juniii ih t shullls scottish music for birthday siiiltih tunes filled the alt it hit home ol mi and mis many luiuiiihun r r 2 ac ion tues d iv tvciimu when i surprise hnlluli putv was helt lor mis itiihinsnns muthei mis k gn i u pi estun iint l kohmsun d uiyhttr ol tlu imsk uul seeiill of the i i nun 1 in nit inlui s ol the at tun 3iimiit pipi ruul clonned theh pi ud kills md ruw blit k jackets anil tntet tamed 10 friends and ulilies uiih scottish music at the euiieliimon ol the musi i it pmiumf torn and wciner wcie hathtttpitd playdown trail for clubs from halton association toum iliiiivd in the hiillnn cuiiuly huwhull ahhihiuiiiiii huve now reiichid the end ul their hiheduled pluy in die loop mid tiheudy niuny huve none on lulu the onlurlu pluyduwim while some huve been cllmlnuiiil hy ilulis wllliln ihe leuu111 svnlur brieii tlnxu i lulu will mil i llu loi ihe iluhl lo iipnsiiil the leniiiii lu the senior lerlis with oukvilli onks dundiih meiihunu uml alton menhiitith the lompilllois in u round 10i1i11 serlis whlih il ih expelled jwlll lie sei up llils week ihe only opposition lu till all told six iiiliiis wijl vii em county luwn piohulrfy thi lliuiii inlenueilku a mujur ciinphillville miiilinlls will mul biiiuoe llils suniliv ul cuinphillvimi in llu lust limn ol i in i r sinks vvilli tlut i lull mil ihi two learns will ntiiin lo simioe lot a monilav holidivi llll all tolil six enlins will vii lor ihe oda mile in this suns inlennedlule a milton rid sox idle lui llu i past iiniple ol wieks llavi nmv i nl wind ihi ihih wlikh t in v will mul is tillsonlnuu ajid llns suns is ixjkilid to nil iimli i wav this unkind i om oiliir ilulis an lonlislliilt tin iliaui pionsliip in this lpoupinu intemiadlutc ii fuorinlowii collnn uios an tin ii c b a s iipiisinlalivi in mils loop mil h ivi siiiilii i sn lis wuh diinnvilli tin vvinnii of this suns will lio 1 iinsl piliolia lot ihi ii pinviiui il lllli infennedlule c fllonli biavis an in lln pio uss ol ilimmatml caliitoma at tin nioniinl in llns iiiiicoiv and will next meel ilrhil suulli river alllsiun niiviimlle or slnllu in qui si lor ihe title junior a major lllll llliulilll will llllll osllmwll in lln llisl loinul in miin uroup willi die siiks ixpulid lu slurl on tin wiikind a lutiil nl nine nihil nililis an also lomplet junliir ii milton junior uul sox uie shtt- ul in no auaiusl avliinr in the hi si loiind in this ilassiriialinii and tin wuinei will lio uttaiii si kiuusvillu loi tin liile llu ijsjnis ihm iii tt ins of ill us iiiwspiiui lioin cinaila tilalt ihoto tons of earth have been removed rom the arena floor as workmen prepare foundations prior to ihe installation of the artificial ice plait a large bulldozer is piilurid above load ing one of ihe town trucks dur nq ihe excavalion workmen struck m old well and sever al loads of coarse qravel were required belor- llie trouble could bo illiniioatid fire fighters smash hotel sin ulmi liom tluu iklt it in tht lirm e mu ol ttu hist ol thin stilts with oominion lloul i itt iiphuis ttttl llu ti up on i hut stl i with i it soinulin 2 k ioi ovt i llu innkuuis in i mult iu ustkts ki iniis to t ikt i lu tlon sollbill tiitinls st mi tin in krcddv illnpi i litowui i sttmit w ill up ih hind i iidih ithihims wui hit pit i hnii- i hoi i tlu smokt t litis wtlt lltvtl in iiin tlltll itilt lwo niih in llu lust it imt wilt tiuuiih lo win tht 1 4 mi u si hui tlu ukuil ihitt in llu tout iji ihtit inou in llu titlh stlllt in tlu slmll uul piktl up tuotlu i ihitt in ilu st u nih i his w is h utik tl phillip t mil 1 ikt his onppik ni on ilu nioinul ilnflips ihu w i si t ii hillt i bui otitis u 1 1 ti i tl inn even set crew 121 1 iii i ivhu is p ll llsl ill i i j link is i i i uluh ikl i s onv il m ii iovvnsliv ss spnlvo rl 1 spnhvil ih ii dolils c 1 ullll ikl m g tf llllllls jitsi s oh hills campbell ville vssimcoe h ni ni in first oba elimination c iiiiptu ibilk will tuttt ttu wtit ill in oik tun so u wntikl o h ink iiiutli tu pi iotls this ipjk ii th il llu piulune si ill wtiktiul loi ilu uiiih uuintvu is in m sh nc alihiiuvh tlu tit m- u u un billing ivti if1 is i phtti llu u mi wtmh his iiiutl ott nun u us ik tlii hist hlots h ull in ih i isi 1 1 ion i h 1 1 ul i h it ihi n u ss tu tjiu in th in in hllt stilus t hi tomiiii oul ot ih i t ns uul llu lulling his lis slump nut in n ih thitil ktii r h lu i p isiihuik to it ui opposiiioii i toiu h i kid sturi milled iti i u ul will puhhl i i thhl hi lllll k mutiny issiimtut in sun llu u un s i i k tin miii l i mil llui ii unillin loi ukui lie illli l inbuilt h m uul i wuh luk kolvits ih nij- his ihvii pi mil m uh ithl i itlul nth tt is wluh uot i iiij i torn i stout tit h rfilnu nl st tins i k intlti st ilu tlub will k tonipliit i t ikuniniiu lloul i phillips p lis w kllkl vllllts l ullsl sltll mill i vu j ltl i ii ok it in ss h johnsion ml 1 lu lusi v mu will tn pi it tl in itjmplvlkitk sim 1 1 s lii ii u pin with llu stt in i tonttsl in smuh m i iihu l i ml tunic avm hit tint will t nit i ttu oh 1 pt ttlowns with ml y mu un t i lis rti uu htt w mi lost tllltl lutl iwo llu itllfv lossts t r lin ih c sluiliis 1 i uiiklu nil i lik i i m ptvthi 2l thorn in ursh ntf rrmn ih h ut i tu w inns titil iuu nl i un mi ilu st tt iih w ilh lu s li h l i iklll i p iss ml i s m m hi plllll ps s s ill il ihu t lu h uvt i ui in i in ui ii tps i ilu pl lit tounuov llonuts i t i link ilu w it nit is link i lilt pi lit wi u s i t i its ill ul hill spu vi t i h i pin ol i us t i h wlnli ii u it i w i sli t ill ippi tl i llll t i un h mil t1 wtlt hut il i timnl mil john n i ui kos nik i plulhps ihitt in s u lil ttl him toi lop sp 1 on ilu hi p u itlt t m iu ii i tit is uhil ilt i ml in wi ti i p in ui i r iss m n i n nil lui k sluiln t mu ip tt i u tt i 1 lilt 1 111 i iul i k ii i l n i tl kh ihti hwi t t i in i i i i i ii l 0 outdated con 1 1 u itt itp tu uijs tl nn i mys 4iuu hints tnul tiki i tt rttiptrs uul oilui jikuiu uiuus untltr s ii lit dihiiin oi m ilu uin iht wttk tliinnv ilu u mwatum to ttu buikliu wiu tl b hill wonp ot tlu ro it i itt phu 0 1 ill uul wmtti laton iatatotiit ami lh pun d edition nf ht publu hbi m uvrr diocnxl the luo editions wtru umki th fhxrins uhen workmen took oft the siding u make altera harvey laverty heating humbinc and eavtstiouchino repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners sales andsirvice main street n rockwood hioni ul 49934 rockwood 34 hour service goodwill used cars iii willi com 111 so ul tin mil si shiilimiilir niikiiki bnk wi tin mil nliil lixls ptiluc milsiis or tiis lluil havo ihiii in a liiajiir nil lliiuii wi ulll htipplv muni mil tiiltlrihs nl piivluiis livvn ir un niiuihl 1 uh en lisltil nvinil iinili r i ml 1 vl imihmuiihwii loi mu m i ll vkwii i ii i i h n llu h wi i s i ik s il v s i iin ii ii i s l i v n i s hi is ii ii 1 s plv ii ii i so iii k sm ss s i st- vikmv ilhi ss u si ii i 4 1 lll iii llu s i 11 i sll i i it i 1 s i i i s s il v s vt i i i ii 11 i 4 111 s i i i 4 ll k s i 4 ilvill lllll s 1 4li s i ui s4 hui k s i 1 p 1 1 i ii s i i i mi si ill i 1 111 s i si i i s i si i 1 i i i i ii i ii i klip si is tl i is si 41 s is tl 4is t lis si ils rs t is ss is s ifls t us ts 1 s is s s is ss is i t is t is t4 l- t 1 franklin prouse motors limited uick opm til 9 pm robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists tunniilv l p iliad phone gueiph ta 42071 58 si georges square t facilitate your filing with printing find it read it um it file it quickly ease and speed your record keeping with easy to read speedily filed printed index cards and forms call us now for samples and sug gestions tho acton free press 59 willow st n phone m0 1tei at old woodbine sept 4th to sep 16th re i urn i arc 310 chide admlulun express buses saturdays and labour day leave acton 1 1 25 am djyligiil tunc luturil afltr 141 ituic aik about regular daily bui service to toronto i ilklls lllll lllllll iii lllllll ii wiles confectionary piionl 207 16 993ffvfflockwooo 3 lets go bowling league bowling starts h soonii anyonewishing to join league male or female coilldcl bowling lanes management in the meantime tale advantage of open bowling starts september 1st acton bowling lanes 10 main st n phone 697 see us before you build or buy supplies free estimates no job too big or too small supplies ror the doityourflf handiman or experienced carpenters custom work a specialty reasonable prices quality workmanship pas n acton lumber supply company 11 main st s mom ssa ii- miiiiiiitim

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