Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 7, 1961, p. 1

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eightyseventh yoarno 11 acton ontario thursday september 7lh 1961 llltest it lumna ctmm mall hv itwimat offl iwfmrtinmtl oiuw teh pqgessajven cents iuii tholo rire chief jack nowlon and his wife were honoredlast week by firefighters prior- to-theit- moving to toronto the couple are pictured above seated as deputy chief mick holmes pre sented a telephone tabledesk anct hassock mr newton has been chief in acton for the past six years and his services will be missed in tie department r- inkutmvtfiairimwwnaili vj fair ladies sponsor fashion show toniqht in rl school auditorium firs l fall fashions will be dis played al the first fashion show or the season tonight thursday in the robert little school audi torium clothing ciimes irom the cameo shoppe anil the sponsors nrc the ladies of the fair board funds raised will be fur their projects including support for the community centre mrs ewart lcyland will com mentate with mrs mel mccul- lough at the piano during inter mission there will be a variety program including an oldlashion- ed number in old dresses sonps by vic brlstow and dances by students ui mrs joyce carpenter all types of fashionable appar- cl will- be shown ranging from swishy party dresses and costly- looking fins imilaiion to house- cunts also on the list are season able millinery coals daytime dresses suits separates and sportswear accented by approp riate hags and jeweflcrv snmc of the clothing just arrived at the cameo shoppe this week in- be patient there are iw sihiml clays thin cciminp year with three l ihem hdne o tar that leaves jusl 1 96 mure days ol lessuns lill sum mer luilitfays no contract yet the joint building commit ice of the community centre burned the midnight oil again tuesday evening as thev explored the vari ous avenues by which il will be possible lo award a construction lender the problem lacing the com mittee is how in build the build ing with the niouev available previous lo the lender call the architects had estimated the cost at 45000 the lowest tender from a contractor was lor ss4000 all bidding contractors hac submitted suggestions on how j the cost u the building could be i reduced suggestions hae in eluded rducing the sie ol the building and paring ihe services to be installed at tuesdays meeting the archi tects were present and a icvicw ol the i contractors suggestions was made the committee tic- idcd to discuss his proposal i eluding a very new mantilla- shaped while stole an imitation persian lamb coat and a soft imitation mink stole are expected to bring ahs on stage everybody among the models preparing for the show tonight are mrs jesse mcencry and her daughter beth mrs waller linham and her daughter linda mis stan matthews and her daughter-in- law mrs don matthews mrs r l davidson mrs mac svmon mrs frank mrs chris briiton mrs g w mckenzie mrs ralph denny mrs mclennan mrs wilfred waldie president or the ihauiai it lady directors mrs clark arm strong mrs lloyd mclinery mrs fred kentner st ms- storey mrs alex near sandra davidson maureen sargent judy abram pauline marks marilyn madill and nancy ail- ken township to sell horsedrawn traders perhaps it woi the recent antique reunions that prompt ed councillors but nassagaweya township has two light horse- drawn graders up for sulc now casting club plans minstrel show talent seeks further sometime in november some where in acton a minstrel shuw with the traditional blaektaeed arlistsiwill entertain the public this week the sponsors of the show aclon lions club sent out an appeal for further male talent to date a number of local entertainers have been engaged hut thc special entertainment committee is looking lorward to more aclon and district males volunteering their services tor an evenings tun anyone able lo play a musical instrument sing dance juggle or amuse the pub- male lie will be welcomed many aclon oldsters will recall the minstrel shows staged in the town hall and how they packed the auditorium the lions cluh hopes to repeal these performanc es in order to raise hinds lor community betterment anyone interested in volunteer ing thejr services in this worth while cause are reminded that casting begins immediately and arc asked to make a plume call alter vi pm to anv of the fol lowing ui uie marks 88 tom mullen 926 ur allan lauder 1075 enrol 1236 for fall term enrolment in ihc wo kiblle schools urul aclon high school reached a total of lis pupil on opening day tuesday thu how an increase or e over ian junes figure and another record high year al the robert utile chool lolul enrolment increaied to 514 wllh it pupils darting in kindergarten at ihe end of june 41 pupil were enrolled including 42 in kindergarten at the m z bennett school 356 puplli enrolled tuesday including 42 in kindergarten lout yeari figures were higher jro including si kindergarten pupil puplli enrolling tuesday al ihe high ichool reached the 3m mark ehowlng an increase of 16 students over the antici pated enrolment or 350 lai i junes closing figure was 306 at ihc robert utile school grudo seven and eight pupils rrom nassagawcya will take industrial arts and home econ omics according to arrange ments made last term by ihe tw schoo boards being introduced for the first lime nl ihe high school are geography in grade 1 1 and music in grade nine adjust public school boundary will save 1 700 m teacher area top test marks for bus drivers bus operators and school cus todians were handed a bouquet monday evening by high school trustees during their first mcet ing ol the fall term bus operators e g tyler sr and jr were lauded by the board for their excellent results during recent tests by the depart ment ol transport when they were graded in the highest brackets for bus inspection and driving abilities it was learned that over 40 per cent refusals were handed out by the depart ment during the tests caretakers rudolph spiel vogcl and ken mckimmn received praise irom the board lor the excellent job rcfinishing the gym floor on their own time boarti memhers viewed the finished job following he meeting and a letter of commendation wusjo he sent both caretakers and bus irivcrs two trophies 12 medals won by margaret slaven pmcintt in cinjuiitiun liulninc imilik ituliutinu one itrty only into wir scxeiiafiirukl ihc best divtil siollislj dincci mjiimivi shivcn it u actim big- ovation- iippil inphoihii in ihc unilcill she i- ihc iliuchlci ul mr uul slalcs uwr the weekend when mis t slivon inil his been she wiin iwu irciphies uul 12 likinj iiiik inc lesson- lor ihe medils i pisl iluee eus she his been 1 in seheneelulv new yolk she populn enlenuuei 11 iiiiuv us plkcd lirsl 11110111 ill icimpiiil uul ilislriel ilukes during lilors and won 1 irophv uul her visil in hie sliles she wisj lluee niedils taler in hoslon yien 1 ireinendoiis ovalion irom mtsstehusells she won ihe do- ihe lupe aineriein uidieiue phv lor ihe cbunpion seollish she is ippeirins in t01011i0 lunevr in uu mult ljiala imliv i 1 hurs hi seollish nassagaweya lists liquor vote fees kemtmeration for returning ifliccrs poll clerks and enumer ators for 1 lie seplemher 23 liquor ole in nassagaweya township was set by the township council at its meeting thursday evening deputy returning officers will receive 16 poll clerks 14 and enumerators 20 cents per name rental ol polling places was set at 10 with double pulling booth locations at 15 consider move council agreed to nolify the 16 mile creek conservation au thority that it will consider closing ihe roadway into camp- bellville pond if the village trustees aprovc the move the aufhorilv wants to take over the pond and close the road for use as a parking lot two and a hall acres -at- hai ti nui lie purchased for a ball park several years ago and never used were sold to m i mullen tor m reeve john milncwas appoint ed lo the halton county muse um hoard a g rax el pit licence was granted to mt hieedon fire i insurance 10000 was renexved u the equipment building a saving of si 700 was made tuesday evening by tjje- aclon public school board when mem bers authorized n change in area designation affecting 14 kinder garten children rather than en gage a halftime teacher due ui overcrowding at the robert lit tle school when ihe board learned that 76 kindergarten pupils had en rolled at the robert utile school and 42 al the m z bennett school trustees were faced with a possible expenditure of 1700 for a partlime teacher or ullei ing thb boundary col outrageous a letter from the school in- re tor advised not inore than pupiu for kindergarten and niggested this total might be reduced lo 16 considering the suggestion impractical finance chairman tom watson remark ed hiring a parttime teacher at a cost of 1700 is outrageous the taxpayers wont stand for it al i ik conclusion of the regu lar meeling board members re viewed the area designations for pupils attending ihe robert lit tle anilm z bennett schools and concluded lhat since only 14 pupils would be affected fred erick street xvould become the new boundary line all pupils living on or east of frederick street eligible for kindergarten vill attend the m z beiineli nchoiil this year grounds for suspension principals g w mckcuic ami w d llmer smith were given a free hand to suspend any pupil guilty of any- of the luiluwing misdemeanors persistent truancy or persist ant oppmltlon to authority habitual negelect of duty the use of profane or improper language or conduct injurmis to the moral lone of the school in the event any pupil is suspended the principal is to nothy the parent or guardian school hoard and inspector of the suuiensinn principal mckenzie explained ihe method of distributing in high school stagger noon meal hours on experimental basis a 40 minute staggered lunch period has been adopted at acton district high school this year as an experiment to provide more elliciency in the operation ol the school principal k a hansen advised students tuesday that grades 10 ii and 12 xvould lake their lunch period from 1150 am until i2w pm anil grades nine and 13 xvould have their lunch from i2v pm until 1 10 pm pupils bringing their lunch lo school during these periods xvould be supervised in the bleacher area ol the gymnasium 1 fxplaining the staggered lunch periods principal hansen said flic system xvould he on an experimental hasis lo overcome crowded classes provide a nioic ellicicnt teaching program and coincide with bus schedules more tlmcafter school he poiulud out dial in ihe past rural students receiving de tentions had to serve i hem during spares throughout the day and xveie excused horn doing so alter school on account of the bus schedule last year school classes ended al 4 pm and the bus departed a i 415 physical training classes were also missed by ruial students op this account mr hansen pointed out wilh school classes ehtling at 320 pm adetpiale lime will be rvailahlc lor everyone to participate in inter school spoils science astronomy club meetings etc he also stressed that students desiring extra tuition can avail themselves of the teachers services between the time classes end and buses leave at 4 pm s salary surance policies displaying a small box containing envelopes mr mckenzie told the board the teacher simply handed each pupil an envelope to take home for parents approval when the envelope was return ed to the teacher it was sealed with the necessary fee enclosed and put in the box the in surance agent would pick up the box laler hoard members agreed ihc insurance program adopted was excel ten i protection for the pupils and approved ihe method of distribution set up library ft xvas learned the old stone sehool was vacant of classes this term and principal mckenzie was authorized lo huve the li brary sel up in one of the rooms a bouquet was tossed in the di rection of principal elmer smith tor his sole eflorls in redecor ating his office al ihe m z bennett school jfctard members commended him for his initia tive and fine painting job properly chairman k t marks reported vandalism during sum mer vacation when windows were smashed bulbs broken and a blackboard smashed he staled that guards had been placed dur ing the night following the last instance and for 10 days no re currences had taken place the hoard also approved acoinits totalling 1179068 learned i hat a guidance course had heen introduced in grades seven and eight engaged robert algie as at tendance ollicer anticipate higher grade 13 standards principal suggests screening process voting discussion appears mm 1 common as the weaijier in wissigaweya where a liquor will take pi ice september stales and also was awarded cost nine 737 aclon high school board learn ed crom principal e- a hansen af their september meeting on monday that 140 papers were written in the june 1961 grade 13 examinations ninetyseven of these papers received a pass rating which represents 693 h slightly lower than last year the principal informed the board hat during the coming year sliii dents who wished lo take grade 13 will be required to obtain a high standing raise percentage the present passing mark irom grade 12 is 50 which qualifies a student for junior matricula tion however iv a student de sires to take grade 13 in order to qualify for senior matricula tion he will be required to enter grade 13 with a higher mark than the 50 n passing mark a schedule received from the department of education sug- gested selling standards lor en trance lo grade 13 at 60 chair man e s force enquired if this xvould be the required percentage lor this year the principal sug gested there would possibly be adjustments rev dwight vfngel suggested ihe principal should contact the department for assistance in sel ling standards lor students en tering grade 13 the board approved a request horn aclon rotary cluh which will see students irom acton and emporium high school in pen nsylvania exchanging visits this school year mr hansen told the members that good experience had been gained during last years international exchange he point ed out acton students recognized a variance in standards and pre ferred the higher slandardv in ontario he also pointed out the four students from acton had been successful in their final exams hoard members learned the battle of the bulge was over the north wall xvhich developed a hulge during the past term had been repaired no indication ot the cause could be ascertained building lhairimm william coon also told the board repairs i and alterations had been com pleted during the summer vaca- tion he expressed satisfaction j xv i ill ihe work 1 he pointed out the eastern j tint glass company had viewed j delects in ihe tinted portion ot the west section during inspec- i tion it was lound detects were not in ihe application o the tint loose putty had allowed air lo sepai a le t he c t a ling i rom t he- glass he told ihe board 92 win dows had been rcputticd and sixanes of glass replaced in the original section of the school is page syllabu a 15 page syllabus irom the deparfmenl listed suggested equipment to equip the industrial arts room for leaching ol a motor mechanics course the hoard turned the syllabus over to the principal for his investiga tion lo determine the feasahility of adding the course to the sub jects taught at the school if this is possible the inspector will be asked lo streamline the suggested list for the course to be taught at the school board members agreed lo dis pense with the 200 charge for industrial arts students this charge had been assessed each student in order lo offset a por tion of the cost of material all area high school students must come here in fall 1962 principal hansen thanked ihc members for their consideration in altering his office open gym revealing his disapproval of u- former resolution restricting the use of the high school uudltorium trustee rev dwight engcl served notice of motion to review the situation at the next meeting of the high school board thu action was taken during the meeting mon day night when mr engcl stated his displeasure and ask ed his colleagues to consider rescinding the former resolu tion in submitting his notice of motion he told the members the property should he made available to organizations in ihe district the present restriction on the use of the gym prohibits public use but allows regular school activities under supervision and use by the staff elleclive september i 1962 transportation will be proxuled all students in the acton high school area and beginning on that date these pupils must at tend aclon selumil this directive was approved during the high school board meeling moiulav evening the action was spai ked hv a letter hum gcoi etown high school hoard slating certain students in tlic cf oij area are attending the georgetown school ho titl jnembeis learned that students living xvithin the bound aries of the acton area were i being accepted at georgetown i and ihe acton board was being charged tuition fees locate all pupils the secretary was instructed to contact other secretaries ol the georgetown and milton boards m order to ascertain how manv students were not complying with ihe boundary lines and attending their designated schools i it was also suggested thai a commitleee from each school boarti meet with counlv council regarding changing the present boundary lines in the event an agreement was not satislacioiy eramosa resfricts sale of fireworks eramosa township count illurs pissed a by law at i heir august meeting restricting theuje jnd sale of firecrackers in the village ol rikkwfmid firewoiks will be on sale ui the local sloies one week prior lo the victoria dav holiday child ren under 12 are prohibited irom either buying or setting oft fire crackers at anv lime viola liors of the bylaw ate subject to a 50 fine i stmff ihitlu kp cnhoimint at tho robart little school opening day caused a steady lineup fo teacher miss olga knudscn caught by the camera as they givo particulars to the teacher arc teddy lawson and his mother mrs paul lawson pupils enrolled both morning end afternoon this il mitsknudsens second year teaching kindergarten here 0ff rtwite early arrivals at the m z bennett school kindergarton class had the choice of toys and two boys seemingly interest ed in being engineers ere building with blocks left to right are james lowe teacher miss joan park bradley mccaus- land and nancy dowling who is an interested bystander uh mota high school students may have seemed uneasy about returning to class but when the nine oclock bell sounded everyone swarmed to the doors on opening day during the day 366 students attended classes and principal e ayhansen epects a few more before the end of the week

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