Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 7, 1961, p. 4

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pounding the sports beat acton merchants privntcly mif fed tit watting no- long for a plny- orf hcrit have been norlflcd the flmt biimc or the haltorv county senior b round robin will dun- ins onkville und acton litis been set for ac ton snlurduy dnruhis the club which ell- m inn toil the merchants from icukiie playoffs will supply the opposition game time is 2 30 the acton club- hits men practicing diligently in prepara tion for the series which will likely resume the following wed nesday probably in dundns acton fans think the merchants have a goqd chahec of taking the round robin particularly it they get the pitching the merchants are at full strength for the first time in six weeks and the rest albeit long has prevented the club from going stale trkbah1y dude li ndsn v wi 1 1 nominate cithei leflhjndcr bob bratliiln or his running mate and the winningest pitcher for the merchants this semester hemic cain lor the opening assign ment against the tough dundns club we hope hes going in have all the clubs hitters in the line up to bolster the pitching sinlt against a lean like the grit tons the merchants are going to need all the heavy lumbei thev can muster and we hate to see hi l ling power sitting on the bench oakvllle the other club in the round robin is also a strong team it should be a fine series all the locals need to make it a good series will he a large contingent of tans to give them aup port see you saturday p hector lambert running he hind home plate ajtcr the lau son hos pclc and mam had executed a crisp double pla lot the sofihil tanners couldnt re strain himself irom uttering iru words championship chim pionship to the opposing bench tuesdav night and nidging b tuesdavs game hclioi imi t fai off the maik it wouldnt surprise anyone it the u pw a tanneis took the acton sot t hall cioun tonight in the thud game ol the sciils it wont sin pi isc me it won l sin prise voir and i doubt il the tiremen will be suipnsed the firelighters with am kind of clulih hitting and tightening up in the inticld might lue taken the lirsi game ol the set but thev were outclassed in i he second meeting 71k pilijiing ol butch ruhmoiul who is ilso a guelph dauv oueen stalwait put the fuemenofl balance and tow aids the end ul the game thev swung intilelv at some of the last balls buuh was htaving this series has engendered some rcul interest from funs and we only hope the firemen can extend it tonight with a win if only to see many fans in the bull park uguln the interest and enthusiasm him ex ceeded any of past years are confident the locals will start to climb the league ladder with the new signing lat saturday gait albioh plaving way over their heads blanked the leafs in a well plaved contest gait holds down second place in the 10 team league future tames for the leafs will be played in acton park rather than irt the high school grounds tlcats big win over toronto argos in labor dlv football action has increased the conh dence ol at least one hamilton backei to reiterate his endorse ment of the tabbies shoving a newspaper with the results inside under our quiver ing nostrils he muttered told vein so dubhnski even it was the exargo of course who was awarded the tv accolade bv hamilton spec cditoi bob han- lev appearing at left offensive- end an unfamiliar position tor him dubhnski went ovei for one touchdown and was on the leceiving end tor another kev pass weie unconvinced were still ottawa fans we want the rough ics to win you know vh were one of those loud flag waving canadian who like to see canadians play canadian football and the rough riders ore the closest club we can see which gives the can ut ski en a chance both campbellvllle and milton have entered protests with the oba over games thev have lost in the fust round ol the plav downs its the first time since thevve been in the ob that the camn- bellv lie club has entered a pro test thev won the lust game ot then series vith simcoe but an umpires ruling cost them the second game 43 the villagers t laim the score should have been s4 in then lavoi tluv did lead s4 at one point but a simocl plivci appii en llv intoimed the ump that one ol the ml i eld hits had hit a base i unnei 1 he ump upheld the plaver and tilled the two ptev khis runs did not count milton meanwhile lost 74 in their first int a playoff with tlllsonburg nnd they dispute the eligibility of one of the tlll sonburg players pete mcmul- len pust president of the oba und a milton resident is buck ing the red sox protest bent bits georgetown in iciintdiales look dunnville si in the tost game ol the oba plav downs vip lvnn ml la ion i pitched big lacing ccnt at mospot t pat k neat bow main tile saiiucliv willi ii aieulsiui uiu and motoicvctes tcatmcd dnvet will be imlwig heimiath and his poise he rsht commenting on lack ol gains h the blue softboll finals tanners two games up fnvorltcs of two of the largest crowds ever to watch a softbull merles in town acton rirefightcit are nevertheless two gamut down in their best of five league finau with tinny mosaic u pwa tanners despite being outhit 15 7 in the first game or the sevies thurs day the tanners emerged with a 9i victory the loss seemed to influence the firemens play in the second game tuesday night when with butch richmond throwing bullets past them they siucumbed easily by an 1 12 vcore the third and possibly leading game of the series is slated for tonight thursdav and unless an upset is registered the softball league crown will go to the tan ners knocking off dominion hotel in convincing fashion in the semi finals lans credited the firefighters fielding vurth the big improvement in then plav this outside of two or thiee scintillating catches in the cent re garden was notieably absenl in the first game ol the sei ics six errors the hook n ladder squad boot ed six halls in the openei uul that enahled the- tanners who were weak at thv plate to chulk up a win with is hits registered the fhemen left 10 incn stranded on the basepaths while the tan ners stranded eight bill williams pitching foi the firemen turned in a tup jt77k eyloi l vicldlng onl seven hits over the inst seven innings tied archibald finished up by pilch ing two hi i less innings bruce cargill huiling lor the tanneis was nicked lor is satet ics but strong support fiom his males kept runs lo a minimum both teams sceired thiee runs in the fust inning and the score remained tied until the louith when an ertor at thud a double bv bob biuce anothcj misciie on the mound a walk a bobbd at first and a single produced lour runs lor the tanneis the firemen plated one in the sixth while the packinghouse woikcis duplicated in the hot torn half the threatened again in the eighth when back to back singles bv dude lindsay and a i wo bagger i mm fiank spiel vogel seined two inns but the tanneis got anothci in iheii half to linish it oil at 96 scolty mcctisiall as well as shining in centre field was the top battel foi the liremen with ihree hits in live trips while johnny turkos bill spielvugel herb dodds and dude lindsay each hanged out a pair law son and bob bruce with two hits apiece paced the tanneis at the plate t the acton free press thursday september 7th 1961 villagers grab first tilt in series with simcoe camphellville look a game lead ir their best of three senes with isimcoe when thev won 5 i in campbellvllle on sundav southpaw cirn field was the winnei over last cars in termed tale a champions as he limited them to lour hits while sinking out eight walking one and hit l ing two battel s jac k roberts who came in with two on and one out in the ninth stiuck out one iind totted the next man to gtound out to himselt waid went all the wav for simcoe allowing five runs ofl 12 hits he walked thiee two in tcntionallv and struck out seven lovedav homered lor sumoc watd doubled and coats ami pond singled ken moore hit a double and acton muple leafs meet stonev creek dnlteis in a league soccei match this satutdiv ai tin high school heie the sith place i eats ate looking tot a w in ou i llie dulleis who ate oiu mug auai of them in the e tr ml the aeton dub will be stieiiglhetnd toi satiudav s gimi bv the liulllloil ul tin t e new laces i mm tin lph se me bello mkui ehih leal otliciak the bom bet s in a leeent winnipeg hamilton football game winni peg sports ctliliii jaek matheson saitl the bonibei s j an belle i than hull gelling to then cais at let the game soie arms anclrmiselcs aie in stoie lot a number ol laiheis this sundav when iluv elon spikes gloves and iips in plav then sons m a challenge match at the paik aeton pee wee ball team who wtte ousieil bv milton ricentl will lu mate lung then skills ag aitist then tatheis and the ganu pioinisis to in quite inleiesting four days respite skaters start again summci skating school at the guelph culling club ended sun da but skaters who ate ver kren irke some acton giilsrha fill long to wait beloie thev ie back on the ice fall school be gins ft ulav fbabeth force will pi act ice- each weekend and whenever she can dining the week this tali seveial other aeton gnls at tended summci skating school linda bi aida shai em bi adlev and sallv wilson the lust two ate planning lo stall kill school light awav two singles lor campbellv ille slan heiitleison banged out thiee singles llmei diedge anel slu king hi i two singles while al wingrove anel eai 1 cm ns each singled once rootnotrs once again field had the opposition popping up ihetc weie live on 1 1 ic ul iks six ml iild pops live to shot i slop diedge and so a ion w ith the nine sir ike on is anel a bat leis mlcilcietilc this onlv left six outs lot he ml ie ul hall ol which weie handled bv the pit chei r h r simtoc 0k1 kll 000 i a i cvlle 102 002 imk s 12 0 ballet ics simcoe wat el anil pond campbellvllle field rob cits 9 and wingiove crisp pitching the slick i icldtng tanneis made the iilcughtcii bats look weak in the second game of the seiles tuesdav butch richmond get ling piogiessivelv st longer as he went along went the distance on thehtll foi the wnmcis allowing eight scitteied hits omv one ol which went lorexua bases veteian dude luulsav went the louie lor the liremen and he was lagged lot ii hits nnd as main runs he walked six balteis the tanneis look a 20 lead in ihe lust inning and thev weie nevei headed t hey plated live tnoie in the thud ihiee in the seventh anil hnisheel up with a single in ihe eighth ihe lue men meanwhile seoietl singles ai the second anil toiuth each time on slmc hiis tockwooo scarojd lad dogs at large new fence visits in news t hill was ihe gaipes leaduv battel with thiee 1ms while del wallets and bnicc caigill with two apiece weie ihe olhei top tanneis will duval and mick holmes were at the lop ol iik hit paiade loi the liunun with two hi is apu i e in thiee linn s i bat tanners 9 tanneis i ue i ight tanners it firemen 6 r ii r v10 4iu 01 7 0 mm 00 1 020 ft is ft rue fight 1 anile is riremen 2 r ii i 010 100 00 2 8 1 20s 000 ii tl ii 2 mnvlti paul button had niislorttinc to fall ofl the mill dam ledge and break his right ai in foi i una t el y ot ik neaibv lesuicd him fiom lli water dr k b wallet was called and soon had a seated bov at his home ti lends of mis stuart mcdon aid icgiet hei illness at piesei she is a patient at groves mem oiial hospital fergus a numhei ot the loud goldeh age members of the guelph club al tended the ic opening of ihe clubs new quailcis on seplem her 1 l r miss sheila hosrtftg left tin fi idav morning lot wala wala wheie she will be on the teaching stall of the public school loi 1961 62 term miss sat ah rolahdson w ho has spent a tew weeks visiting in usa has lelurned home sec wrestling seveial wt est ling lans tn the v illage motoied to foi onto last ihiusdav evening lo see whippet billv watson deleat cvclone smith in ii minutes anel is sec omls ai the tasl voik aiena mis ld hailow had as hei guests hei stsiei anij hiothei in law ol vie lot li bc mis lames whiteside of van cotivei bc is on a visil lo hei bioilui anil sistei in law mi iiul mis cieoige ha ne and helen bavnc mi ami mis ken speiiec mi u mis alheil shulhs weie al the c n l satuielav s loi ihe an i one show in the village recent weekeiul nul holidav v tstloi s- mi and mis aiclue speais and ihe misses speai s ol owen soinut mi ami mis ted owens ol iiiiul vallev mi and mis i leel di and childicii ol anias lei miss phvlhs moigan ioton lo mi aiul mis james idgeilon theibi ant lord mi 4 maruaici mor nson guelph mis ada waller hamilton rev c g hat i is dixie mi and mrs david maltby and children woodhritlgc mi t mrs geoige ciuk- shank miss gertrude watson hillsbuigh mis w j jacksouol ospiinge at home ul mi and mis tied lambeit otake notice charges are pending lot a mim ber oldoguwueis such dogs ate loaming ttuough vegejable and lluwei gatdens at theuovvn liee will despite township aiu village laws piohihilmg any dogs ijin ning at taige owneis of ihese dogs wandenng about had beltci take notice new fence impiovements have heen made in the erection ol a new picket fence at the cenotaph plot cot net ol guelph and main streets as a tesult ol heavy tains ninth of rockvvood rivei side pai k adjoining higluvav is partlv under water causing inconvenience l jim milnes huuh mi and mis a k 1 homa hoi idav ed fot a weejt at caeh poor example main a voiingstei pets behind the light hall bv taking the wiong cue i torn his eldeis frank carney and sons ltd hardware plumbing and heating rockwood ul 69501 yoor authorized myers pump dealer children are back to school that means you must drive with extra care slow down live the life you save may be a childs school bells are ringing all over our town this week and our streets and roads will be filled with children heading back to school this means that you as a driver must be extra careful extra alert drive slowly for the sake of ihe children remember they are young eager and often unpredictable they may see you be sure you see them is a child s life worth two minutes then remember to drive slowly is a child s life worth a little attention then remember to drive carefully ledgers iga a friend is injured getting out of your ear dom your aulomobll insurant pay till medical bllut pat th wtiwer fa thli er ny tkr faiurwk qiwiflon dennys insurance agency 39 lirock si acton on i phone 455 inlif ajgonqliln park 6t month ullh mr mill imri fred duy unit ikii ilsiiiil ul uxln liljie und lliuway i- ttiv a p cuok hni returned i lorn his iiiiinilii hnlliliiv and uis nsskiiil in llii nuinilne scilc nt sl johns church by ii a mount ilulv cominiiinlim wis tllso ctltllltlltl in rev 1 a cihjki nhwnce ii u i riilhoul iiy rviulvr for niiuit i ulimsc coniltiitud sli ills goodwill used carr buy with conridhnce we do nol net upeedomettr mllcnuc buck wc do not retail tiixla police cniluni or car thul huvc been in a nmjor col- llilon we ulll supply nam nml niltlrcnii of prcvlmn own er on rcncul fnch car hitcd covereil under oada guar- antkih warranty tor one ycur ail juarantrrd 60 nnd cniih j209s v vulksilii hus h7js 17 clu 2ih ii 195 s7 chci 2 lr 1 1 1 jios s7 tlu snlin v8 jii9 s7 olik 2 ill ii 1 h49 s7 im 2 ill ii i fllws s6 olils supir 88 siil ii9s s6 vnlksullhll j791 ss mi inn nllliiii 4 ll v 8 at hoiilil ic j79s ss clu siilm i89s s hunk silm ps 1 wi ss cluv v8 vilmii jis ss loiil linlini toiih j89s s4 chu iini 1 j2s s4 hunk sul in s49i s4 pklliuulll sill in 29s 14 c ho snl in js9t 14 hunk siilin jiis 1 piinllli cunll j29s il tiilil 2 ill sw s pkiinnith snl in j2s si ihhi snl in j19s si tluv tiinli i49s si i ii imi ion pii kup j2s so piinliii si iltn s franklin p rouse motors limited open til 9 pm garage door franchise available a well known canadian manufacturer offers an exclusive franchise for residential one piece and sechonai type stool garage doors the right man for this ob should have residential contractor contacts with installation experience desired but not essential for further information on that top quality quickly movincj ateel xtra doors write to box no 42 acton free press i its backtoschopl time again drive extra carefully many chilorrn art attfnding school for the firm timf don t lft it ue their last caution can sam a lite are your brakes reliable for dependable performance and all es bential qualii1ls thai 1 0u may need for reliable brakes on your car or truck let us refill with brake fluid replace wdvn parts reline brake shoes bill toth shell service ouhn l- hows10 get ready for fun and excitement ot the acton fall fair friday and saturday september 15 16 in acton park friday night 730 pm hall exhibits open acton citizens band juni6r pipe band in attendance bigger and better midway green amusement co welcome to the acton fall fair nino swaya pmtetowt saturday features official opening at 2 00 p m stock parad livestock exhibit pat diiplay poultry exhibit prua winning displays tn domestic baking homacrafrs fcrwirs plants voabls flowart contests school children work womens institute displays potato race musical chairs wild west pony race mrs minc swackhamm ere4erytrutunr school time it a good time to renew your pledge to drive safely 4 good rules to follow i drivi suwn hi ilnuhli sur ih il iii ii ill llll l v 111 ll iii h slop ol i sl s i mil 3 otk tllr timk ki tin inlu i liiiiiiu n m al vv i 1 isliin ilvill ulkll out loi llios ti ik littlu iimilvii hlkl slu 111 ii p nilliml i iis iii ll 1 mill 20bsirv1 sks vi l i ikt i luili 1 1 1 in iii ix miii ik j mhs ill if v mi mhi iit i ti is furu i litiiifil imp hili ihinij ii iiik is hi i i v itu ti vniisthitllv lot loiiiul otk l ik ufnp ill hvisil ih ihhl lolks stit tl sijji1s is 111 s make sure your car it a safe carl let ul give ll a complete safety check we special e in wheel balancing lubrication vulcaniiing tire repairs front end alignment radiators repaired lawn mowers overhauled pickup and delivery briggs slratton clinton iron horse ftnt and accessories grants motors ml ouun t acton w- ja j

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