Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 14, 1961, p. 1

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tents midway mushroom in preparation for actons 48th fall fair eightyseventh year no 1 2 jtietv sttt acton ontario thursday september 14th 1961 aullinrlriiil na rermitl clin mall liy tin pout okirp nninrttiwiil oluuva eight pagoj f seven cenlt istaff phnlo hard at work fair board directors and assistants erect huge tents for exhibits this week end the tonts were pressed into service wh n il was learned the arena would not be avail able this year exhibits formerly shown in tv arena will be under canvas this year the lent are located usl inside the park gates tnis week snow fences are beinq erected and the midway is beginning to spring up in prepiration for the fair this weekend ttbl sch oo construction start deaf anticipate competion by 1962 ontunn public woi ks minislci ray cunncll announced i tl iv that the first stage of construe tion for the iuw ontailo school for the duil tn milton would hturt immediately fyid construe tlon co lid of hamilton his been uwurded the h 817 000 con tract activity on the she ii is ilic ul blurted survlvois hiu rmislild und bulldozers no st ntmg ic rip up the ground loi the new school mr connlli said hit first st ilc of construction niniprists the iunioi school s i al i i e suit iit t hosrpilul administration i lundtv und boiler pi int hiiiltlmcs lit hoped t tut i tht piocct would be stiff icicnllv advanced bcloic llu cold xventhu lo en iblc siihst m tiul work throughout the u inlet months he mi impaled lumplt lion ol this in si sulc bv lile 1902 fzvcnluallv 4 so will ht h msul in the new itsukmul school 200 in the juuioi school 200 in the high sehool and so in llu kindergarten he said niddme on the first st igt pioiect w is keen with h inms sttknu the job i ud s hid wis lowest ik expected th it when st iis txx i und thicc an c illctl in inline veurs the total cost ul tlu sehool would ik in tht ncilhhoi ii iud o jio 000 000 the mli is on llijjixx i 2s llu funnel kingdom loin stuiih ot hallon cinlciinid mnmi mi cunnell hailed the uil mm on ihe sthool is i sup loiw ml in pnniduil tlu spmd ii mi mil inpiiinl lot th il tlultlun he said tlu popul itum t pl sion suite tht sttoiul git it wi il ul pie ll taxed the utilities ot the school fin the de il at bt lit ilk the milton sehool won ul tlo ninth lo alleviate the pusinl silu iiion the junioi sehimii will ht tlu fu st lo he lohsliuelcd this is a ont sioitv nlrne tine consisting til elassiootris dormitories and dining iininis the elassroom see lot is rhoul 1s9 hv 100 leet with 2s tlassiihinis large aclixil it s i nun i h thin loom pi oct lion mil cluhroom hbi irv leaeh tl li lining ind te leheis luutllc to township ci issiihiins ot ihout 10 tluklien will plmiiii hichk uuli ulti il in slititiiou i iitlul eontiul ol sound in tnsitpt nun il tie is is tssentl il to le ithlllg dt tt elllltl an this will ht tssiiitd bv i he pi in i nil eonsti ueiion ot the huilduils spccld put ml ions inu been i a ken lor i he s lie e ot these ehikhtn who elo not lespond to spoken ilntttions vehieul u iril fie will he itsintltd wilhin the pcllilltlcl ol ihe e uliptls ind pio- hibittd in ait is whiit childicn mnjil be pi ixhil broke windows youths charged twi 17 yearold youths were ipptehended and three separate chaigcs laid against each follow inn die breaking of a window nl he tiostv fyccc ind nnofhet at beardmotc guiudhousc ihurs d iv seplemhei 7 constable ron rupert invest cited the htcnkige of a plnte li tss wiiulow it tlu trosty freeze ind a gu uilhuusc window at ihe heai dnioie plant the two vouihs one f rock wood and the olher i mm acton were plek ed up by ihe constable after a e u license number had been obtained chutes against each inelude wilt ul damage over 50 wilful d im ipe under s0 and drinking while under aye they are slated lo appear on the charges ifiv m igisliatc s court september 25 mussive lenbvnow fence eal lie ties tides and games 1il springing up throughout the fait gi omuls in preparation lot ac ions 48th fall fair i riday and saturday this week dueclois xfnd officials have been busy cr ccjinu huge tents for the iiidav evening exhibits installing snow fence for show imps and ties for ihe caflle sheep and swine exhjhhs tfe t green amusement coin puffy lhlt an setting up rides uul flumes and excitement is reign ng supreme us the lair d lies jdraw closer yaa spile of arena renovaiions and exhibits having lo be dis ratepayers protest smell it iiiiil pollllllou o i iii h clltllull leetlxlll i iii t h hi t i 111 ixxells uul elt till tin n ol i lie il i 1 1 cotinl couiuil iskliil ill pi opt 1 1- i elt it l u u in ol tilt mi i n it i p ill u lo 1 1 uloi st i pt n pixels pitstnitil i 0 n inu peii tion teqiitsnne u iiion il hospii i moil jo i squi sllll lowuship swtepsltkes hul lllinttl ii oxel totnu il i is witk pioitstme hit to tt iltoii ci uni coinuil tui dumping ol oluitsit hi ui tl neai i ulxiee tlu ii hoiius outsult aeion t hiii i tli in pt i mils wt 1 1 i ut t knu mi sim in poiiikd illit m l xmnwmihol ui lihit hl been iud ituisl lihll1 k lllsjkt lh h lulnifu i imn wluh kptllud will piobimx bt lu ml stpmiihii 2 s iiuph s ot iht lupud ii ul ouiu tilt i dtoi i slu w is l n usitd but llu ikpiiiuuiil niiliot it tl i ill nl in u ii il lh ilthhis in ult no u pi ii i ip if niisi tin tt in v iux torn il pniitd piiinissiin lo ipslixiti u ullitiii iiil v x us ill it nisi ilsi bnl si i i e im lint i mks mi his i til i ii iht 1 ise 1 lilt in u 1iilii m x l m s p i w i 4ti llu links iik hide lu lpuirtie willi 1 llu i it 10 000 j ill mi links plus two i l th b vi ls lu uhml l illon links tin two s0o0 lu w il in i ii m tht lisl l dl ii l mks i i ml pcc george smith receives gold medal a council commander of tho c in uh in woodmen of the wot id loi the past 25 year voice smith aelon received his p it conned commanders cold nicd il tuesday evening mt smith tinned the organ izn lion in p06 ind recalls when theie xxcie oxer 200 aetvc mem hers in the area today there aie ink eight fell tn acton five i us ilo he received his 50 xe ii pin iik niedd w is piesented by ch ults k browne another past conned comni inder who recciv td ins medil in 1917 other nuihheis in aelon include geor t m inn i 0 rvdcr mrs jim wilts mis a smith william wdlei ind j iek greer maze of wires in new exchange a peek inside the new ulal exchange budding reveals a mare o xures sxxilchcs controls and 10 experts oiking at a bmk put in in it tempt to meet the pet ember dc idhne for the switeholr to dial in acton iqinpmtnt nianulactured in noiiluin i it e 1 1 ie main plant at monlieal his been arriving for tlu p ist iwo xxeeks and work nun ue nisi illine the equipment is i isi is it times one ol ihe sulv fe uures for t t i hoi kmen is glasses the nun iieu i shot isicjitcd its only i s dt l measuie ol mutest to lot il readers is llu i it i lh ii juk wood formerl i i at ion is liiilial superintend till ol the x t sic in urea for itihtin i iteitit and is im tin eh lie boss ol he acton pro- lie t sorry ncuh articles omitted thli xeeek will apcur in next weeks issue of the i rce pre a shortage of space prevented insertion of all news intended for thl week i expect record fair crowd exhibits under canvass pi ivetl in itnls tlu i in lid il d is eoitlideul this mils t hi will be one ol llu best to d lie m iy tn john ii gov is stated lo open llu i in s 1 1 tn i tx illt j noon wluii il xx is mule i stood ihe hen i would tun be iv nl tblc this ve ii on u ton nl ol pi i p ir it ions loi the coiiimuilllx t e iii l e llu bo ud im tube is in ide it i ulgi itltihs lot it ills to displ iv ex hihils loinuilv lioiistil in lju urn i i lu onlv exhibit whu h will ht missed litis ve il is the itulusliiil itispl i sponsored bv llu hanihi i of commute guilds will hi pi iced fin i 24 lit ii 1 1 h isis o issuie no v mil ilisin i ikes pi ue ir poiiltiv l it tie sheep swine exhibits ue e xpcclcd lobe lugei ig mi this ve ii itul ihe hoise coiuputiliuus xvill lop olhei veils utoiding lo inleievt stunvn by cvxlllljllois cumpidte outplay at ion boy stouts tie pi ox id ing i e imping displ iy ind will st i up i toiuplete c liupsilc ill the ji ii k on the s line b isis is llun sunimei e imp at puuiv i oust me ds will be eooketl on the spol ind displ iys ol h uul xx oi k exhibited pa i e nls ind in i nils will h ix e in oppoi hunt v lo sit how i seoul t imp is ope laled ii illon cotinlv civil dtleiisc butft itioio power equipment for the new dial exchange on church street is being checked over by two northern electric workmen during tho installation a crew of 10 workers will spond approx innately 17 weeks preparing the station prior to switchover to dial left to right are joe mol drew and jim richmond the power equipment rochfics the power load from 110 volts to 48 volts for use in the station will h ut in i xhibit on the giounds ihis vi n in oultr to ujii nut the pi tbl u xvi th safety iik isiius in llu l ve nt of i local oi ii iiion d 1 1 isis a i ii m siltix i xhfbil will be on x h xv n i ult i llu iiispu es of llu hilton oiuilv i nut sifeiy mm il mil til tn v ollut innnva lions h ixe bun uldtd lu the exhibits moki money i vcr sn it t ii v mis w swiek h inu t ii pot is i nil it s lor the v tiious i ompi ntioits ue mowing in uul tlu pi ii tuoiiiv this year h is n it iud in ill lime high i he 1 1 id iv i i nuil show has lu i n dispi use d xx i lh lor i his yc ir bul h ill i xlubik in llu tt nls will in opt n uul a ton t iiiuis b ind will lii i i iu 1 1 1 lu midway will in hi inik with lights is llu i ult s ui i tr inu s w ill be opei iliiil poiilh y t xhihils will lu opt n uul mlu i displ tys open lo ihe puhlu s iluiil i s pit vt im vx ill get mull i w iv with i p u idi i nun llu uiuuil inu h in the i ur pounds vxilh s nits gil ults cubs ind hrownus dunirled doll biicj ii s huxt its uul 1 1 icy i ii s lu ut ii hv at ion miens hind uul ail m junior pipe hind ptits will ht iwiidtd lor the in si dti t iit i ituvilt buycle uul doll iuil v it llu eonclusiuu of ihe pu itli diitt tots w ill i u t ii irgi of imiotiiuiiig uul llu simk puatlc xill ht st vi il it 4 p in s tlui d i roi u v tub im hi bt is will ht on tlirtv 1 1 llu p u k gilcs mil fin iiiui w ill din el i irs lo piiknil pints si john ambu i uue hi ig idi im mbi is will be on duly iliioujhoiil llu iwo day i ui in i ist ol i me i h lie v willi im d di 1 ids completed i air ho ud itu inhtr s in eonfi kill i i ir1 iiowd will he in tt ii nde nee pi nxiding the xvea titer lelll mils pie is ml retail merchants protest garbage pickup change difficulty which countered with a monday gubige collection wis outlined in a letter torn the re t ul mcivh uits xx inch w is ie id tl acton council tuesd i exen inc the appe il hv the metehinls piompled a iciigthx disliission ol the xx hole suttee i the me ix h mts 1111111 obct lion xx is 1 ilsum of llu monti ix eol itelioil stoits lie closed moll tl txs uul it xxould be possible some ol the ineich in is would hixc to put the 11 gathilt out if ler stoic ciosuil s ituul iv d itllionn this xxould le ixe tilt l ubige out ill d iv simd i xxhuh thtv itll won let not pie vill be en still 1 p 11 1 ie til tt iv pie is ml ip onecaxxeekj pi n mtt loi the xxteekiul council iletliletl to hold turn willi llun pitxi his deelsi in mil llle tile thtt ixxttk moild i eolk t t oil i it si m ixoi gox puntid out lh it 1 tlu pi ipnsitl sthenic xx is not sillslitloix thmcts totilm in 111 ult me kit howtxt 1 lh il ui uc xi dioiis i mm- tht pi osi d dm xxould di i it llu xxh l 1 it 1 xxhi h w is lo m iki tlu c 11b il tolli t ti ui uiou 1 1 miomit tl in 1 to tllow tht town wot ks th p 11 inu nl 1 he l le i xx 01 k x 1 k lu xxhuh lo iiiul 1 1 ike llu lown woi k in x in i ixx 1 1 ul it ind e jllliol llu xi iti 1 w 11 ks th p 11 1 nunt xx is given its thud uul applu it tin it ic ulmg i he b i iw meoi ikp 11 dm 1 poi uts ill the inu udinc tits p i im nl in ufe to the picxiolls bx i txv ox tn 1 til x 1 1 tlu list 10 xt isi mil mikes in 1 poill llu bx 1 ixx inuth c isici to mlei ilmu s 011 pit l otmli d t 1 street name cw slittt n iiius lot slut is xxhuh ut tl picstnt 11 t tonliii u uis lioin end to tint moxiii tun stt p tl si 1 xx ith ixxo it id in s lixi u hi llu h i tx i hi bx i iw now ltk s lo ihe toiiiilv i tide 1 ind on his ippiox il xxill ii t hi n i 1 loiiiu il lot its thud sin 11 in i hu tl it itlin poitions ol vx 1 in si slutls in included 111 llu i i mi i eh live ik will ol the lor t p 11 inieiit villi j chik j m gt llu lown tpp ip 1 m 11 111 i ix il 11 in llu nib 1 0 i 1 1 xx 1 1 iii xx 1 hlpl ill id iii h 1 nu 1 im subsidy iniplttttl in i he ui ol llu vi 11 i xpeii 10 nls s 1 f u h is atti- in 2 h ot whit h the llu 11k hi ll ii s pi h o oi lion u hu wn ti d tt il oiiwt ms p 11 ii 1 1 ht v ilk v loth h x ill he 1111 d h itnbtr hx th miinutptl i 1 ptittid is- i llu 1 ind lour i wnl two will i 1 x llu 11 m 1 i iv ind xxaid 1 iitid regional planning found only answer to urban sprawl municipal conflict ml d 1 im 1 us luiui wnht 1 is xv 1 b nn tui- hi sol bul lh vxh luiuu d ut ts pl 111m 1 i lh iiil lit und 1 h 111 nil ltoll phutu styutt fok school are shown by marilyn marks linda swackhamer and nancy anken at the caneo sboppe fashion show sponsored by the udics of acton fair at the robert little school last week money raised is destined for the new community centre hill u uul i 1 muni ipdiius i pnuni lnltss a farmtr relies m muldlcton when lluv stilt pnlnunt ot munuiptl m his 1 uiilol 1 j 1 hilt l e sll ui on uppoi lullllv sales ot his tt delllindllll ntxx sliioois i sp k i lev pt hiniiic t mils bin spi iwl mil t tun 1 i ul i hid i md fu must change his sehool bus iil1u to the dooi i pi iiinnv t 1 ml untitles tnihui issin it lie sin lev lop uiliic sx ste 111 ol farm manage die and ohcc piotexiion m i mi ii is th s 11 vein h n 1 mi itle iiuiii 11 11 nil il h ninl nits nitiii to cltii his expenses said iw ucsi xxeek uliie colleeiioii ip pk sin ix 1 pi tblein mil v ih mi s i 11 1 ud p in hiv tlu sptikti tfuv xxeie sttkinu nihni id tn ik 1 d 1 n uiih nix t 1 lin it ih 11 1i i 1 me is noted the big capi with t hi tic mou spue noun 1 1 nv m mi pil i 1 1 sit tl xxn 1 ti ns ill 1 1 il 11 1 1 i l k il i 1 uitl ix xx is hmdeiing the cs n and the i ttniti s l ixts d nibl 1 ifi iv pts nittxvs 1 eil i 1 iiihshiiu nt tl iu xx farms while l to suit their needs i ui s l 11 t si x 1 it w 1 uicct hui l urns weie being sold lo the turner must le tin ihu nv n 11l10111i pliiuuil kxel ipein ind illivuiioiiji pit- selhiil that b tit irec loi of i tlu re pie se 111 iti s linn 1 11 111 ite is suuiniiiigup hcsuggcst l ot his t tl in pist isll i ii iwn milt hi llun u mi ed iiiiiiiil is tinning and m eeonoinie illx ft imiiic he s ud in sx isipusiiv md sisstiwtxi i m is hiimii md ihe iwo should elosine lie lltllx ell i te til i 111 ill in 111 it hilt w lie 11 llllv hiix vu c 111 4lll1llll pnirpcfcll ol hi u tl hi i iluimltet xv it ise xpcet s inte violent reactions slleccv of i tlleolllllx le i ill ll nb 11 will in t hi nve the i armcr ixpensc planning board in ot k pre i in i est tblishnunt t1 i uli ml ul oiit um 1 1 eu i ttion ot agnelli out urn count us xx is ml hind hx xisoix iu um iv m ui lee inu it itscist uive ion middle mrs c uolxn ion dipnixmxe lolloxx ne i snpixi it llu t i sud in uihan home ownci ot ncwtniikil slu vptuted ihil 1 sepiesuv lowuship hi i tl iv hxnv in i niial area u enjov the renond aulhoiitv his no ot lus ii llu nueiuv lu ii i 1 in nv eluip lixis and a hcallhx tual status olhti th tn to e ue enpells sv tk on llu lie i el i tl llle it i hi t ii uk r s cxpcnsc he ju the eltoits ot the xaiuuis teflon d pl iniiutl i lu n tlu n rkil sonit tat men u11 offf corn i hu tl pl uuiing nti uds btokc uv mil toui discussion it lols tor urban tvpe humesj iuarlx hid two sl w i pinups i i i isxxe i qiu sti inn nits ilit some quick easif but the pl mts right ie ross the in nl tiomi llihin cotmtv vikultiuil ic m ix im d t ixts required to sun- each other in siptuu iniinui piest iii illxe j ttiikis smikt vlt hllht r hcltool ctkts eli i pain ie s slu pointed oui llu mi the iiieultui il th xe loptinni tiet ieuli ol urtwin spra wling chaos whieh xvi ikxttop in ilusi in jldion he noiid ihu ovei ut h tided on the larnier s next tenv xt irs won t be on our j the past 10 xt un the xu ige shoulders farmer bul sulleied i loss oil urh in duelers who moved i iik nine and because of stilt mm into ihe eountiy tor that much petition lor 1 iud ik xxas being sought ivral lde found thev priced uut ut hts tarni by tlevc didn t really wat nirml ufe said shoieldirs if xxe wxiik together lo lace ihcse pmblems on an area basis said the speaker john pearson of the communi ty p hum ing division of ihe dc wh ii l hits iii willi i it loi p ple in 1 x i iii hi mun ip 1 lu i ii i xvn in i s tx u h i i i xx ii mi li ti h lm si i i i oiih h dl n fti 1 p t i i i it pl mum mi t mill e i l 1 bt hit llull illt i i in e ul le iii hi nillllu p llllles 111 llle tx i e iii ii e s bill eltlpll isled j i i i th tl i 11 sl hie i it llle illii miv 11 i le i ill help tllsl 1 111 hll sessions dexi ipllf i i x ii u i llsl ot uiswl is i t llsj oliilininnc tpusii ns oiu i up nnph isinl th ik i i l i piotcx i i ii jelllllll ll he is ill llu it ixx n i ships ti hu ti utei t nnps pink x mis and dumps oik ejoup ein pllisieif grxtll bill lie is bet weill ihuiuclpli houilttllles hi ollui dee lletf llle heed lo slop melio i loin spiwevluib into this diilnel ouand stewaid rogalia was presented to very worshipful brother len lovell monday eveninfj by right worshipful bro ther or a j buchanan past d o g m during the mooting at walker lodge a f 1am mr lovell is pictured on the left with his new regalia and or buchanan on the rtght t

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