Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 21, 1961, p. 13

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flower display enjoyed by wi induct rev maxwell friday intended for lat week after a months rcceii the womens institute held their fall meeting on wednesday evening nt the home of mm d ci rohertdon with 17 members und three vluilorh present mrs 12 aiihibuld presided und mm k stuhblngton rend the minutes and numciuim business let ters btmlneu seiulon mrs awrey wns mimed dele gate to the aren limventlnri tit juclph due in luck of lenders it wns decided not to hnve n 4h girls ilomemuklnb club ihis rn a rug displny is being entered alactun fnir und mrs c storcv and mrs e archlbnld are to be in charge mrs e plshcr mr w mflcpherson und mrs s fuller were named a committee to urrange an exhibit at erin fair resolutions to be presented nt the aren convention were read hy mrs e tisher and discussed siifgeal community meeting a letter received from council reeommunltv lot was discussed lit length and it wns to be sug gested to council thev itll a community meeting at v inch all inlefvslcil miyhr ati thflr views flower display mrs haines root til mimosa wns a puesi and gave a crv interesting demonstration on the making of nufical flowers she pointed out anyone with mittciial wire scissors etc and a creative mind could produce beautiful flowers lhal aie liaid to delect from real ones a few pieces or wood fibre a little plastic gadget and a lew turns ot the hind and a erv lenl carnation was made and also h big red rose mrs root also showed seieial other bouquets she had made including oriental poppies apple blossoms afncan violets and geraniums mis ttvlni exiended thanks to mis root for her novel demonstration resume thichrcn it was agucd lo resume the blmonihlv euchres starling in october mis n ailwn mis c shut pies and mis a tmslev assisted the hosless in serving refreshments i ocol view mr and mrs bvron bruce and familv msited on sumlnv willi the formers sister and brother in law mr and mrs john ket rigan at brights grove neai samin word was receded of the death of elwood peavo at erin the deceased was well known locails as he farmed loi a number of years on ihc second line on the farm now ownell b wilfied aw rev mrs c store accompanied bv mr and mis r l davidson nnd mi and mis w j medon aid of acton isiied on suniliv with hei son and dnughieiin law mi and mrs tdd storev nt onllla 1 atei she was a guest with anoihci son bruei at rarne where she attended the christen ing of then daughtei jud lvnne miss joan aitken left for dun ins when she is on the leaching staff of the dundas high sthoot miss joanne smith icuuncd lo her teaching duties iku dunn mile miss doreen cooke returned to whiib where she is on iht staff ol the high school dimne cooke resumed her studies at queens university kingston word was received sundnv of the death in a toronto hospital of mr j opsahl who- lived on the highwih mr opsahl has not been well since lie was in a car accident over a venr ago underwent operation riekv stewart eldest son of mi and mrs alex stewart under went a tonstlet tom last week at st joseph s hospital guelph mr und mrs a bulloch re nnd willie spent the wetkend at their cottage at kearne vlsitois during the weekend witlv mi and m geome giunelx included miss ceeile bilton mi arid alls bob stater ami fumilv guelph mi mumiv mekitnck waldemar mr anil mrs gordon billon and fumtlv pushiuh i ak anil mrs mar hastings and son george of fyrgus mi and mis k kloosier nnd fumih mi and mrs win kloos ter and familv attended he wed dine of the former s son peter to j inie westerhock in toronto on salurdav at lend shower mr d g robertson attended a shower for miss fdni perks at guelph on thursdn eenlnn whose marriage to alan robert son takes place on friday evening in hamilton mr and mrs 0 stewart ae companied mr and mrs i kihgsburv of bnicedtile to thorn burs on sundnv whre tv visit j el with mr and mrs mail rod mrs w robertson relumed home with trvgsn and is present iv atavina with ner danuhler and tnnin law mr and mrs duncan kinsshurv i mrs nlev st at limehousc visited on sunhav with her son and dauahterln law mr and mrs wro islev and familv mr and mn w mcmillan anent few lv reeentls with relatives in midland mr a sinclair sr mss ella and mm a sinclair jr nltenelcdthc trousnenii lea given by mrs yeftlcs foi her duugliler barbara whose wedding to grant simlnir takes place on saturday in guelph burry clarwe jr returned home from tillsonburg where he has been woiking nl the tobacco harvest nnd is now attending john ross collegiate in guelph gurnet bruce is also attending john ross school in guelph where they are in grade 11 mm n ralhbun or hillsbiirgh relumed lo her ditties us leacher in ihc senior room al the local school paul donaldson ol orion is lunching in the junloi room mrs u ellis has been engaged as caretaker congratulations lo mr and mrs martin van dcr heide on the arrival of a daughter on snlurdny nl guelph hospital car accident jim tnnsley was involved in an accident in the village on thursday evening when his cai collided with n telephone pole- when he swerved to miss a cut his father albeit who was a passenger in the car received a head cut which required several stitches considerable damage- was done to the front of ihc car induction service the inelu tor rev thomas maxwell was held fii dnv evening in knox presbytei inn church with n large congregation from bolh eiln nnd the local church present the inter modcrulnri rev mills of caledon nnd toronto wns in chnrge of the service anil wns nssisied bv severnl ministers ol the presbytei inn rev d sinclair ol dundalk led in pinver and addressed the minister and con giegalion stressing the pari cnch must take lor n successful nnd helprul pastorale rev nule of ctinngcvillc prencheil the ser mon and rev mills narrated the steps lo the calling of n mlnlstci and also conducted the induction the lunioi choir vvilh mis g sunler al ihc- organ sang the king of love mv shepherd is rev maxwell pionounccd the benedicllon rev nnd mis max well nnd three children were introduced lo all present nfter which the ladles served refresh menls and a social time followed rev and mm maxwell arc- holding open house at the manse on rridnv afternoon and- evening and an invitation was extended lo all lo attend large congregation rev maxwell commenced ins minisierv on sunday moininp al the local chinch when a large lonnicgatlon was piesent com munion service vvis observed rnlhff photo adrieklne nurse georgetown won the j b ledger unior showmanship award for the best exhibition of a dairy calf in the boys or g rls class 1 2 to 16 years of ago she is pictured above receiving the award from mr ledger pigs comtct carliagn moic than 100 vius ego the law in foiomo pcnmiieil pies lo niujlme 111 the- slleils to lit as gnbage colleelois ind theie vvcie so main 111 it visitois nicknamed live ilacc hoglnwn noncompetitive displays associate ag rep guest speaker during 4h club final meeting the final meeting of the acton 4 11 call club uas held in scpl 7 it ihc laim ut fuil sttmtmlle unh 14 nilnibcis pi csen i last minulc details foi clubs jchicvumcni clav it acton tan were drscusstel dining i he business scssjon uhuh uas pic sided on t b pre suit nt russell mtirriv sccriim rrank anthnm teid the minutes and talkd the toll fnl liming the introduction ol the host club leidei nino biaula inliodueeel douglas bui nsiele ssociale apiieiilturil represenla ie lot mtllnn couni who look haigc ol the rncetingg mi buinsiele cummuued vulh i deiukcl tpe demnnstialinn il the j n holstem tow explaining such points as breed and dan char ae leristics din it mpeiament and the desnahle featuics ol a cou hieh in lelaied to high pioduetion and showing slum ai n members then placed a ol loin eai olil holslein n milk lioni mi soniei held ami oial leasons on the j ass die manager coach host team paring com- wiener if oast climaxing a hmy season on the ball diamond acton pee wees were hosted bv their mana ger and coach during a com wiener roast saturday ecning septerrvber 9 al the home ol mr and mrs pete val cosponsors of the team mana per pete vale and coach eddie ouens wltc kept on ihe hup b the vouthful plaers as thev munched hot dogs nibbled corn and drank pop throughout the evening portable barbecues supplied the means of cooking as the oungsters crowded around cag erl waiting another semng as the manager and conch seareel hattttme for a snack themselves butler dripping down their arms and mustard smearing their faces the tinpp plaers could gorge themscues to their hearts content mr vale and mi od ens sponsored the baseball team which proctded ihe bos with baseball all summer long before the charcoal embers had died down the two men the plaeins wen taken bv mi buinsule and two elub leadeis oltieial plaemps ami leasons weie- eien in ml bui nside ihe numhcis eompkud a linal wiilkn examination which coei cd all phases ol die pioltt i ol lowing iiil iiiil tinp it 1 11 sh nunis we ic siimtl in tin host w ho was ilianki d on be h ill ot tin elllb h miss jailel alike 11 the acton 4 ii alt club was sponsou d and oi naine d b the i ae ion aei leiilluial smul uiulei mil pohe k s ol ihe onlai u w pai tnielll ol ael leullllle were bus making plans for nixt season and hae high hopes ol obtaining sponsors for nunoi baseball to allmv otingstets to compete in outoftown plav non eoinpetilim ilisplas the i all lau this eu nvalitil in tntt iisimn pu iiiu foi i mi ni main hou i s ol p uiisi ikiiif woik wenl into the exluhils and die puts and ladies wen pi used iiol unh in the lau diiuinis hui h main ol i lu mmtnis as well lollowmji is a lis of the i vlibll girus 411 clim njassayawesn 4 11 ouls mis mnllat r r t ninph ikilu hinnoikbiun 4 ii mis mis w i inhain uiok i i 4 11 tils mis iii i a oils til email mis i a utoka ii f leenian 411 fn aitbn rvk thuridllv stfptmbf 31 1961 11 munafab foster child photo report highlight wl monthly meet idnlciided for last week ny ol held til ol ihe j the sepicrnhei meelln wohiens institute vvn lite niirttr of mrs john snow ihe president mrs triilc mcln erv presided the miejlng iipcn edavlih the wl ode maiv slewait colleltand ihe oil call answcied h one ndianlauc ot iiiral llvlnu two minute leporls wire plien bv ihe lilffirenl eoineners ev eill items of business were- deall with ihe seeielaiv lead a lellet ickardinii the lillle iiiil tlie wl are sponsoring llei pit line was ineliised cuirenl eveuls wen- yiven bv mrs arihle melntiv mono given the mono was liiv cii hv mis william klikwood man is na live lo ihe sol anil the itirlhei we sliav from ihe soil ihe fin iher we slriv from god mrs c fl snow pave a reatlinu on 4 ii club en if iralnlnii mis jesse mclnerv cpoiled a aood res ponse in oiiianilnf a 4i itouie rionoinlis eliihr mrs ilwmid snow is lo he her assistant the npeetlnu closed with the ouccn rile- social eonimltlee mis win mel tan mrs rov swlniirehinst and mis leu ja- miesoii seived hinih all enov- til a nut heal ol shoilbread and lock iindv f ath leeelytd u spiln or liiallui hiiniiihl from- sjtoiland bv mis i to lamleson who has tisl rtiurntd iroin vls- iiliili her familv in stoilanl cnnxriitulnle neuflywttl coiiiuaiiiliiions io mi and mis mow ml lliinillon who were man ud in itilliiiilad tin ned chinch- on s inn lav on their iiliun from a wedding trip lluv will itslde in it orjietovvn mrs joi mat i hews has heen confined lo fieorut town meruoi- iil flospilal loi llie past week at last tcpoil she is impiov ini womins iimstitutr ii iniioi khiun wt mis w i niliiui llillinalnd wl mis i siiulli k u i leoielown siln i wood wl mis ciiiii wil son dublin wl mis chi is billion nrr or nins aviiat- hie ol a canadian si 2 oi s hill is onlv one vcai tueti tli iioinin iiioiis last loii ei and a jiih hill lasls11 velis robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly e p head phone guelph ta 43071 st si 0rg squtr jem drivein eat re i dri dlrecllin ihe km is i2i milts wtsl ol at ton on no 7 llihwav hall way bclween kot kwootl and uilpli turn left at loihts iiiane to an ivt at ihe 7iive- lu friday saturday spt 32 gun for a coward fred macmurray everything but the truth maureen oha free playgrounds 33 children under 13 free snack bar show nlnhlly at duk always a cartoon it i um lo qet your car st for winter wf ii romplr trly win- ouint it anrl put in ihe proper ariti frcof fie ife not orry slop in tocfayl prepare now for safe driving all winter acton motors acton 6 main st s your imperial esso dealer studebaker sales and service phone 17 i mm kerr ba solar heat budget plan smooths heating oil costs over 10 full months nou you can take he midwinter kins out of heating oil payments by urramj- tng for the ii a budget plun for mir yearly supply of economical b a solar i1tat ileatlnti oil your years heat inn bill it equalized oer 10 full month ut no extra charge muke your arrange ments nou 10 equal payments from september to june with no carrying charge ba solar heat budget plan agreement pnnunts will k in tin qii il monlhlv instalments spn id tlu inn in il 111 tit uk ills in uk iqualisid oli itu rcmumnti muntlis il ilu lynnuil hiulgct rkmiiul idi ixampk pivmnitson a nudtitt itiutnuni initilii into in utnibtt would ik dmdid tgtiilk oti tin siiii iliiuuniut nunuhs biulmt ntiiod ol sip i i ut jun- i laiiunts mi budtn1 attr stpiimhcr win l i the amitunt ol tuh pimnt will he bastil in ihc istimiii turn loi the smson a haiuu thoguc bmik will hi sitppli keep an attuiau atviumt ot ill piments made a complete statement will n mailed io ou in juiu builit piuk an stnalt balance in mini laour or tii that time d oil d t loiiminip hi p ou phone 9 after hours call i the lose ot ihe rs will ik sltikd at 364 thompson fuels servicing your ara with ba healing oils and gasoline nassagaweya vote yes x committee election day sat sept 23 polls open at 900 am and close at 800 pm sample 1 2 3 4 5 are you in favour of the tale of liquor under a dining lounge license for consumption with meals on licensed premises yes no sample are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a lounge license for consumption on licensed premises yes no sample are you in favour of the sale of beer only under a public house license for consumption on licens ed premises to which women are admitted yes no sample are you in favour of the sale of beer only under y a public house license for consumption on licens ed premises to which men only are admitted no sample are you in favour of the sale of beer and wine ve only under a dining room license for consump tion with meals on licensed premises no in order to obtain the required 60 affirmative vote we need everyones support may we respectfully solicit your yes vote in favour of mod eration in a licensed controlled outlet on all five ballots registered nurse for baby sitting service for transportation and general information please phone ul 49911 or ul 49921 nassagaweya vote yes x committee lloyd chishchm cmpi0n mngt be sure to mark all five ballots with a plain x using jhjencjisjippjierlltmpojiljjh v o t e yes x v o t e yes x

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