Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 5, 1961, p. 1

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wffiffitwffw m mttt v elohlyseyenth yejrno is acton ontario thursdav october slh 1961 atllhl4 kmxmui rlu4 mill hv tit lttt omhv twinirlttimil ottawa twelve page seven cent i i stare ihwu umihousc church batdment wn filled to capacity sunday morning following the anniver sary lervlce when the ladletof the church terved lunch pictured above left to right are aart john crelghton preildent of the woment auxiliary at the tervet mrs william mitchell presi dent of the womens missionary society and a w benton treasurer of the board of manage ment award 37115 arena contract centre const ruction under way at 11 xpoclul council meeting luimly uyreell lo uvccpl mm lender fililuv evening the flnul hurdle in of j b muckeralu ami son the the community centre planning 7l 11 lender in fur the miiiil uiih tuken when council unnlmcmhlrucllon plumbing hem lug 145 fathers sons attend scout banquet view films films on gliwell park in hug- land miiowii by seu scout skip per george gonlcy of oukvllle highlighted the father and son ilnniuet tuesday evening rnm- sored by the seoul group com mittee present in the uulun uudltur- lum fucllicoccusloiiwtiw 145 fathers ami wins the scout and juiiti- mothers auxiliary who cnicivu rr the dinner win foiled sol up additional tables tu uccummodulu the large crowd rev a ii mckenzlc of knox presbyterian church guvo the blessing after the singing or the queen u lousl lo the queen iiwjrjmj ii anticipate fiveroom addition for acton district high school a fiveroom nddilion to acton district hluh school will receive consideration by bnnrd member during their- november meeting following a recommendation by principal e a hansen monday evening during monday nights meet ing mr hansen gave n complete breakdown of the present en rolment at the sellout noting 165 students weiv presently enrolled hc pointed nut there are five grade 9 classes three grade 10 two grade ii one grade 12 anil one grade 13- the principal i rented that mm iv a classrooms are built lo nccom modntc 35 pupils comfortably und any extra students in a room would cut down the teaching ef ficiency it was suggested the pmpuscd liveroom addition include u laboratory three standard elass- rooms ami a cafeteria board members agreed to review the pmhlcm during their november meeting at present in the school there are 15 teaching areas including the home economics and indust rial urts rooms and the uadtlor- lum brigade future shady recruits needed now first aid louims under the sponsorship ot si john ambul ance briuudc proved lo be a big disappointment wednesday eve ning when only two volunteers appeared following the disappointment superinlendent k s hail point ed out that une mure ell oil would be mnde tu hold clashes ifuukjm iviaoattu ixm usxa u- ntutvsa lift ban on school restrictions open door for public applications remiiciton lor use ul hinh school property by students and stall members only was lilted monday exeninn when a previous resolution was rescinded during the october mettini when chairman v s force trus tees w ckn rev d enuel and w swackhanier weiv present and trustee 0 mot fat absent the txseintlint resolution was approv ed j to i ubs and asked if this would come under the same category as mr duties would be chaining ttir the lessons frown but not enforce chairman force noted the de partment only irowneit hut tiki no set down any regulations principal e a hansen suggested il the lessons came under the jurisdiction ol the night school mighl possiblv be okav it was fonneily tiseul schihil pinper night school tv was lestneted to student -i-l- ulhtiriti fuilcd lo recognize ivdiesuuder siifl suixrvision audi bl as a subject solving stall mem- rt tniui enquired the cost i til operation to the board lor new ridmjor school classes and alter l reiew ol tigiuvs it was lecided to postpone decision tin acini lies i hers under tin at ions wilhin the district may make application lo use ul the pnirklv ni sdllk toms ht tit lit hoaid loi appmval is subject to the sent ot the board rev vngel in shinsoring the ixsotution lokl his cot leagues that in the eai ty cars ot the sehihils existence certain deci sions ol policv hail to be made but since the origin ol tlie scihhii times hae changed ami the pol icy should do likewise up lo i he present time mu scimol activities have all been commendable but there aiv others equally as conimendabl loulil he ascertained ill order to i decide on a possible ivutal lor classiihims receives bon uh i pi incipal hansen in rermrling to the boa id recommended that stall teacher clarence rognvaid- son be recognized lor his etloils i in conducting a special geigrajv i class rum 815 am until school stai ted in the morning mi hansen explained the reas on lor the extra class resulted but knowng the schml hoartls u l ihc ivqiiiivdupliiins poliev the ruling vvts never chal- hai cn mci eased t torn thnv lour and in order lor nianv ot the students who weiv short one option lur their grade 12 rcrlili- cate to acquiiv ibis the teacher had volunteered the extra class the hoard ixcognized the teach ers ellorls with a j400 bonus payable in two instalments llo in december ami the balance in june tins tee cium expixssed his alarm regarding setting a pieced- pohev the ruling lenged staled mr fngel for lutucutlon tiusiee coon siateil his disip proval ol oxniiit tip the schoil to the public and chairman f s foive stated he was in the hoaid to piovide education not to opetatc a rental agency anyone desiring the use ol school pmponv will now have to make application in writing to the board and agree to such lerim on md conditions as the board may 1 hl pncipal al establish luiiu lime ii time bridge ixuotu an- application iixnn teacher w d coates tor use ot a iihipi to teach britlge lessons to a pros pective class ot m was reviewed and tkvisitin tlelaved until tuiiber intntmalion cotilitbt ohtarned the btuuil tcarneil tnnt the teacher that several persons hul contacted him ivgarding giving bridge lessons and inteixst grew until an anticipated class or 30 is expected mr coutes explaincil in his letter that accommodation in a private home lor this num- a request iron clerkadmin is tialor j mccicachie lor use ot the gymnasium lor a nomination meeting was deferred until 4 he request was received in writing according lo the boa ids new policy school dumiigc property com mil lee chairman w cthin leporled the damige oj two plate glass windows at the school anil told the board repairs had been authorized he also noted that authorization had been given lo const rue l shelves in a room oil the gymnasium in acconimodalc sports equipment accounts totalling were approved lor payment und uiiichu hullicient interest was shown it would be ncccufcury to discontinue classes mr hart alvo ekpreid hi concern that the local brigade laced a pohhibility of bcintf aband oned unless more recruits wore enlisted to boost l he member ship since their adoption in acrtt the brluade hau been quite aictt ive ut every public function and ottered ihelr servlcett free ct charge al the bathing beach and iluiing the past few years have attended to many minor casual- lies unless public interest ifc shown lira greater extent thun ut prcv cut the aclon divwinn faces a great possibility til being duband- ed slated i he superintendent as he emphasized the need for more recruits according to statutes laid v by headquartrm a division must maintain a limited number of members in order lo continue with their charter next wednesday at 8- pm at the ymca one more attempt will be made to encourage citiz ens to lake a firstutd courkc failing this mr liarl cannot av certain the future of the dtvisiun in acton cam ieimtman caretaker at the post oil ice received his 25 yeur service pin today was proponed mnsler iv cere- monles for the evening was ro- luriun and group conunll tee member jim ledger who wel comed the futhen unit nuns to the banquet und urged everyone lo lake an active part in the promotion of scout inn in aclon ravuws ac 1 1 villas mr ledger reviewed the pant summers activities in the rout ing movement hlnce it came un der rolurlun ttpomorship he noted u succehulul hummer camp hud boen held ut it and bend he told the lathers it was the hope of the commit lc hold another rotarlunspouhored camp next year in the north every father wiih invlled lo uttend u itcout or cub meeting ut the scuul hall und witness pro ceedings mr lodger slated ad ditional construction would he ncvenkury al the scout hall in ihe near tulure cordon mckeown chairman ot ihe ncout group committee was introduced he welcomed every one and extended an invitation for everyone lo assist the scoul movement in acton a loasl to the lathers was propvised by tnxip leader fieorgi wure and responded lo bv franklin prouse rover scoul hill henry led ihe group in a singling alter which senior scouts presented a fckit when guest speaker george gonley wum introduced he toll his audience boys are our most important product and told bow leader were ruined to take care ol the scouts by means of he film he showed mem4ww atlnis olri ouiden as sisted the scout and guide moth- en auxillury in serving the din ner special gucslh in al tendance included rev dwight lingel rev a h mckenzie and distriel commissioner of the boy scouts bub gardiner nml ventilating ol the coiuinuu ityi ceplre building mi the west end ol the arena with this liual appioval the only hint left lor hie whole pto jecl is atltial cnuslt in tion bv the contraclnis mondav moiniuti workmen were on the site ex cavatlng lhefiasiiiuiil and lues day eumute otiiiugs weie imhired aliuoht oinplete at the east end ut lhcmirnii the tonslllh tlon ul llie etipuiiui limiill is piartiiidlv lomphled workmen applied lite moling on mondav and tmsdav j ii i oik and company woikmeu me hiisllv engagedi in installing the ice milking eijuipinent in ihe new hiillding ihe two main itliinei- iml headei pipes have been lahri- ciled mil ate being inslitled in ihe hiader litinh at ihe east end ol the hiiitdiiiu awull truiu formers in th equipiueni building ihe elei ti it al loom awails tin- in hlallaliou ot thi liaiistormiis ihe uiideigiound iiiuduil his been laid to bring the hydro wins iioiii ihe paik i nuance lo tls elei li it d loom all mnnige hlriuider the ice siulaie has in in insl tiled the uiiwl till has ihi n plan d and the iniil six itu ties ol mil h ite been pot on tin- aieui siulai e woik vl to lie linished on the piojeil imhitles linat levelling of ihe lie siulate iulallilion of ihe iipi- on the in- soilate com- plillon ol the lir rquipllienl ill stall tllon ot ihr xli hit al rqlip- inenl uiil tin- i oitipli tion ol i ho fiiiuniuiiiv ctiiiie building at the wesl eml okay sweeps nassagaweya township council has approved a plan to legalize hospital sweepstakes as a means of supporting hospitals monday evening councillors pul heir stamp ot approval lo a peel county resolution petition ing ihe federal government to legalize touches to finance pub lic hospitals township hunting licence is suers don mcmillan norm mar shall h e purdv and ed jen nings were named by jivlaw flection clerks were granted a m increase and accounts totall ing 71845 plus i roid superin tendents voucher ol 237147 were approved organize basic rescue course classes to begin monday oct 16 informed the hoard that miss sally thornton would be the school nurse tor the vear and recommendeda dek be obtained lor the nurses room i week arrangetiien i s have b pleleil tor a basic rescue course to begin in aclon mondav octo ber lv the course will be under the supervision ol the county ot halton fmergency- measures or ganization it svill be headed by bruce mcgicgor county co-oidi- nalor acton and- djtiicl residents including auv 01 ganizaliojis will be ahlc to take this training at ihe ymca arrangements were completed lor the training head quarters ihiough the mavor and the y mca board weekly training training will be held every monday evening at 8 p in continue through the winter mouths aiuoue ih veais ol age training centres training centres arc beiru es tablished thmughoul hajlon lourttv on the same basis and through a teamwork effort it is hoped thai each municipality can cooperate in the event ut a disaster the course can be an advan tage lo lircmen police organi zations and the individual citi zen staled mr mcgregor a he outlined ways and means for everyone to pitch in and help being able to cope with an emergency is an important issue when lives are al stake the co- u j oulinalor stressed as he urged evei vune lo lake an interest in he training board approves rezoning paves way for liquor store ai ion pi mining hoaid thinsilav evening agieed lo re commend the icoiiing ul two lots on umglield unad liom u2 residential tu ci cuuunett tat the two it 2 lots aie iiuw owned bv ihe liquoi onliol itn ud ol on latin uul aie illllliedialetv lo tin- rear ol ihe i lot owned bv llu icmo lioniuig on oiieen sfieei east il loiiglield load ihe u ho atquiietl the two 12 lots when il was apparent the sie ol the w building ioiihi not he bulll on ihe ci lol mil uieel ihe irtpiiu tin nts ul the zoning by law the planning hoaid heltl a pub lit hearing lo whit h piuptt tv l in he lie i hid been ill vited pieseiil at the meeting we murray blown ot b i iudlow ami pai l mis an hi let ts ol ihe i cmo sloie to explain lo tin- planning lioaitl and lesidenls he ptoposal lor the use ol the properly view exam results at board meeting a comparison ol students re sults at fasier and jifne examin ations was reviewed monday evening dining aclon high school tmards ol tuber i nee ling and members epicsscd ihcir pleasure wilh the results a comparison with faster and june examinations aie listed be low oradk ninii total enrol ment 134 total papers tiicd i no total papers passed 812 master lot ils were ii ik hied and kl6 passed oradk 10 enrolment ex ams tried 727 exams ptssetl 5v june toials-7k-iud- gkaok ii total eruolment s eams ti ied 27k exams passed 229 liasier totals weie 292 and 226 iradi 12 otal eiiiuimenl2h exams ti ieil 2 h exuns pas 190 liaster totals were 2v 171 cradk m- total eniulit papers tiietl 151 pipeis i xi master luals weie i 109 no ohjeellnmi when polled bv the iuuuiug iloinl the lesidenls ul m aiea cxpiessid nu ibieiiion lj zoning ul the piupei ly fiowevei ihe lesideflls slionglv utgej tln- ilaiiniug houd lo tusuio the iiupihv would in- well landsi tp ed and maintained noun lliaida suggested i have nu objei hum to this hul i sug gesl the ilanning hoaid gel some issuiaim e ihe prupei ly will be well tuaiiitailied and i would suggest a liltli inoie lniflsi aiilg in loiiglield road mayui loliiniv oov i think tlieie ullld be a lent e alonp ihe ivcslejly side of the iciio piop ill v peter papilluu we du want it inaiiilauietl soine ol us wuik pi etl y bald lu keep olll in is nit e ted tvlei s i wuidd pieter a niie sotliled ale c in- x f tu the i vie i pjnpit lv with al till- obsirtimed view mr iliuwii aithileil i think you can res i assuted hat the i ho will laiulsiait and main- lain the ptopei ty in excellent con- dilion e aln suggesled a t oin plele laiidi apun plan would be piepiti il lur the dmil hiaiinu nu the appliialtnn lo lentie the pinpei i y ray aibit einpuieil il il would be possible in have a vehicle en 1 1 ant e in i in pi np i ly itoin oiieen slit r whit h would icdute the liallu- on i hilh kihi by v mi hi own san i in t inunal ap lititit ii bad in i ii made in the hep u linen i ul htjliwiys lur an euliini e uefiihe heipicnt hie mi i elai v wiiitrliut led to it i 1 1 v mi i i niv hat i he claiming llnairl i no piepaied in let ntuiiieuil the koinilg of lnl im plan ivih horn r2 to ci e iiquesli d in iii- applli illuu npies nl lite new oilipiled plan be invui ol at inn aie to be issued tn i at h llieillbei ot the 11 liming hnnd t cliiiinian llillnii llhnlf pie sid ed im the hnnd ineeiuig at which wi ie mayor my deputyreeve hindu i tank piuuse huuh i owe bert wood anil secretary jack m ivailue hydro approves scheme to promote electricity at inn and area residents pur- ing at palmei si mi u iubr ii t basing an ciclii ic itryer this it wh leal ncd i lie hvdiu de- winler iin be assured ol plenlv pat iinenl vcmild be painting the ot warmth tollnwiug the llvtbnlbhl slaiidanls dining tile next i commissions tie isiuil in pn- few week- impale in opei m sunshine j anuunts lotalhtjg 142634 special ibis atllun was midel uvl p i during a special meeting ijldayi evening j llndei ihe new st heme ibre pirlit piinn- t iflls vyjjt sbaie ihe t us i ol an clet trit blanket mtb i he lot al nun in is i siou blanket niunilu liner and nlaiin ilvdio willi every pni chise ol an elei ilk diver pal ed rons ineive in clcitin and blanket lice in on hi lo pio- 1 mole ihe sale of elect i itily vromolc ijcetrlelly larli this stimmci a inn sel i mii the ml over is eligible to take th tuisey mr mcgregor staled this inspectors the board learned also that five inspectors i mm the vpart- meni ot education visited the school anil ohserved leaching ol french and english street signs i new signs desiijnating the names of streets arc being ber of pupils was impossible and stalled this week by town york reqtwstwl consideration of a room at the school he pointed mit that lessons onlv would be given and nu actual playing would take place trustee coon inquired if the department of education frown ed on teachers taking outside men the signs clearly indicate the names of streets and visible from a distance signs are being placed this vear on mill st from the inter section of mill and main sts to churchill road and in glcnlea and lakcvidw subdivisions i a thoine chic rescue in strtictor will be in charge or the training and will teach basic res cue tirsi aid and other impor tant aspects in rhe event ol a local or national emergency in an interview with the coun ty coordtualor this week it was learned that every citizen should take an intercsljn the course and be lullv qualified to cope with anv emergency which may arise mr mcgregor stressed the impojlapcc of this know- a re ell ge in the event ot a fire flood hurricane or natural disas ter and pointed out the import ance of citizens being able to assist firemen police and emo officials when they are called upon to do su anyone in this area interested in taking ihe couru- can contact j t hurst at ihe town office tor further information announcement was also made this week ol the appointment ol george macaulay george town as deputy coordiuaiur ol hallon county mayor supports courme this week mayor john h gov urged every cilien to take the basic rescue course as he out lined the importance ol liist- hand knowledge in the event of a disaster the fmo has been organiz ed in halton county in an cflort lo acquaint everyone wilh the importance ol survival and it even one life can be saved through this raining it is a worthwhile cause he staled mr gov explained that organ iatinns can plav their part in the event of a disaster by serv ing cotlec providing blankets assisting rescue officers and bv having a knowledge ol first aid fair photos this week ihe stall ot the im press had the oppm t unity ol viewing photographs taken bv richaid llaiiis tlurutjj ihe at- inn pall pail mr huiis is the dean tueeiu of ioriesp4 indents lor the lice ii vd press anil is an ajdent camera mr ian ailed operation sunshine allowed putihaseis nl a mnihmaliim lieect lelrigeia tot a tiilam ainmint nl tiee pmvisiniis lor ihe appliamc coin miss miie i s discussed a pniiosed iuw iate for eleitriial heating and it was agreed to re view the ptopral al the next staggered noon hour subject to change the 40nluute nihin iwxir adopted ul aclno dlmrtcl high mtiiooi is ltrrctril lo change rometlmr in the nvur future unit ludenl wilt tiijuy an ho minute ihami iktiiki mmhi as plan are xomplvli principal 1 a hansen re ported ihu week i tut du lu canilllaiion o inter gmdc ptirls activities shut ihe adop tion of in htaggitid ihmhi lumir it lia been nceturv to revise the fcehcdulc and when lids is complete the inn kit cut ing per iod will go lulu effeel at preieul grattrs 10 1112 hold their ikmhi hour from iij0 am unit i2mj pm und grades nine und 1 3 go home from 1230 pm until 1 10 pail council seeks 30 mile limit through stewarttown village esqulsihg council thu week iked ihe county ry r o t educe ihe speed ltnilt tltioiiiih ihe villic ol slewarttown to v milc per hour the action fol lowed a protest from eaquesins womens institute about speed ing trucks being a kafetjr uaurd to children walking aioog the vide of the road to stevaroown school council will ask that the 10 mile per hour limit be aaferced irom the check line to stewart- town school on highway 7 this is a builtup area wilh no side walkstor children and as thc institute protest claimed the suction from one of these big trucks is enough to pull a smart child off his feet a letter was received from mrsr beryl flynn of acton protesting a foul odor or the nearby beard- more tannery it was iliad staff phut- fathtr and son banquet for scouts cubt and tneir faihet was held tuevday evening in the legion auditorium pictured above left to right are guest tpeaker george con ley sea scout skipper from oakville assjstant cubmaiter jcttie colet regional commissioner bob gardiner and tcoutmatter bruce williamson scout and guide atotheri catered for mdhungry eduitt and boys during the evening 7 t v a

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