Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1961, p. 1

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jutw ffitt v r elgrfysevanlh yearno 16 acton ontario thursday october i2lh 1941 aillhld hi mmmui class mu tv tlw lost qlo diwfrwmtl eight pageisavan canfi ultll hkiio houwhold safety wat itraiiad during thalr blitz tuesday evening when they called at very home with fire prevention literature pictured above left to right are firemen doriorc friuell ken hodgion and bill knight a they explain the common hazards in a homo to rovl dwight engel mrs engel son tommy and daughter miriam nearly every family welcomod the firemen and received tha literature it it hoped that ovory resident will become more fire- conscious not only during this week but each week of the year r iatmtilthtaahttjgajajtuiabamuht assessment deadline assured assessor removes all doubt doubt was lifted regarding the completion of actons assess ment rolls by november 30 tu esday evening when assessor johrt ladouccur6llflednourrcir the deadline would be met pre vious to this assurance some doubt existed the assessor was empowered to work 16 hour overtime with pay for un ad- djllunul wowcek period whin nuked by councillor o v bntbeau if cumplullon of ihe usucssmcnl roll could be guar unlccd with another overtime extension mr uulouceur an swered yes review situation tuesday evening the situation was reviewed with the assessor pnmni it was learned that 273 houses were mtft to be inspected mr lndouccur alsu told council that after ihe property inspeci lion was made computations were necessary plates had to be mule and the roll run off me informed council that tev eral call backs had been made firemen inspectors blitz town to seek possible fire hazards at homes where the husband and wife both worked fie hud been unable to find anyone home and was instructed to leave ihese unwtlhc last in or der fo make as much progress us possible j mr uulouceur explained that wards two three and four hud been completed and only a mjn i mum of worjt was left lo com plele the rolls in ihese areas lie stilted iheri wen 273 tails to- make in wutd one overtime extended council decided lo continue with the overtime puy for the assessor at the surne rale pre t fire chief jack newton de- pstly chier mitk holmes and six firemen accompanied by cvcn fire insurance underwriters and g l de laplanlc supervising en glnccr of the canadian under writers association staged a blitz of industrial and rammer cial business places wednesday murnlng in search of possible fire harards the program was in keeping with fire prevention week the men pointed out safety factors to company and business managers and stressed ihe impor lance of safely factors at all times in order lo prevent fires following ihe bliu members ol the acton and georgetown fire dcpjartmritts at well as inspect ors and other invited guests en joyed a chicken dinner ai george town where discussions took place regarding tire prevention count ywlde the hliti was held in aeton and georgetown this year and other centres in halton will hold fire hall open house- drills and distribute safety pamphlets every third year two towns in halton stage the blitz of industry and commercial enterprises und cr the direction uf the halton fire prevention bureau tuesday evening acton fire fighters distributed fire prcven tiun literature to every home und fridav will conduct fire drills and displays at schools in town and district 25 year service pin awarded cam leishman by works depr cam leishman caretaker u the federal tost oftin in ac ton had 25 cars of service re- cugnlzld wednesday october 4 when donald teller district supervisor lor the public works department of ontario present id him with a 25ear pin mr irishman is the seventh public works employee in ontario lo icteue this award on januan 7 1962 he will hae completed 2tt cars ol scr vice his duties hitmn huk in 1936 and include i winn un ol the post ollicc and customs office luc ued in the vtmatold lcdcial build my on mill stixd receives omgruluutlons piescnl lo concjatulatc the caretaker on hi m ircl uue postmaster goielein mckcovvn and assist int postmistress mis chris britinn the popul u care taker is asstsud in his dolus bv his wilt mts jean le ishm in ui shares in tlulcrcdit tor the immaculate appe iiaiue ol the bin ul nit both mi and mis it ishtu in paid tubule to llu post olluv stall when they remarked thcv arc a wonderful group of people to work with besides his duties as caretaker mr leishman acts as crossing guard for the public school at the post office corner where he is popular with the children cnib canvass ringing ol doorbells has be gun lor ihe annu il time lor funds lor the can uli in nationil institute lor the blind about 2s wihinlcci cam assets iroin holh ac ion biaiuhes ol ihe iodp lnc until ihe etui or the month lo complete then calls thioucji oil the town f oi the tu si turn in dustiils arc being can issed loo ind the response so i u is term cd m u t lions the carlv dnc h is aluass bcen success tul lom ac tomans bencth trom ihe c n i b program mrs a t nculun is in ihutic oul tin pctson not contacted tur a don it lou should c ill her satuidiv is open house at the tuc hall and every cilicn is uig ed to inccl their lirefightcrs and view the fircfigliling equipment questions will be answered and tea and cookies seueil church pa rude sunday winds up the week with a miss church p trade in georgetown at which representa tives of every tire department in the county will be present chief newton and deputy chief holmes this week turcucd the importance uf being fire solely conscious 52 weeks every year and nut adopt a careful manner only during tire prevention week two moose black bear shot weigh in at 2350 pounds two moose und a black bear were bnggetl by an ac ion hunt inn parly of free last week when they invaded the roresls at chap leuu for a week william bill sheppnrd sons doug and mel of ac ion jim in iks gcoige unui and bud holt king biaed the cold we uhcr and returned home with approxi malclv 2 s0 pounds ol mouse and hear meat when the pulv lift wcdncs d ly october 4 the sun w is shin ing and open shu necks and short sleeves were the older ol ihe da when they aimed at their destination on thuisda snow began lo tall mil- the hunt crs were almost templed to make tracks lor home j un 350 pound beur insle ul ol uns thc decided lo li l the li ol lor wild l imc on i i ul i jim i tubes b cged the 0 p nuul beu which stood seven led lan on its hind kks aceoiduv ihe hunicis it look ed like ul clcphtul as it chained down the p uli the hunlct s guns h ul a two d rest sunil i and moud i as no l unc w is sighted hut tues d morning doul sheppaul aild cd i notch to the boll ot his tit le when he downed the fust 1 1 weighed mil had a so moose pound sp in 1h it cuiiing ihe tinned lo the ii lellt at i 000 nch hoin huntci clllllc hin- ss vtal inn for mrvtc wu prtmntod fo cam lelihmn last wmic by regional inspector don telfer of the public works department mr leishman is caretaker at the federal building which houses the post office and customs office pictured above left to right are postmaster gord mckeown mr leishman mr telfer and mrs chris brltfon assistant postmaster py with the events of the day and cold weather was shrugged off as they planned for the last and final day on wednesday lait minute shot wilh only a few hours to go bcfoic they packed up and re turned home mel sheppard sighted a large bull moose took nm and dropped the animal in its tracks to bring the total to one bear and two moose when the hunters had packed iheir gear into iheir vehicle and checked into the department of i inds and forest s check i tat ion they had the 2nd and 53rd mo ose bagged in ihe urea shortly after arriving at home the men were busy preparing the meat for freezers viotimly agreed to tinned cm nln prtnent salary swsolih ouist goran sandal will be guest speaker at the y s mens club tonight he arrived in acton wednetday eve nlng and is guest with club president william wilson and family mr sendel has been an active member of the ymca for the past 31 years and is secretary of his home y s men s club in norrkoping sweden he is pictured above on the left greeting mr wilson ja-avj-g- fjjlilsci approve acton location for huge air raid siren an stoo jiound air raid siren it slated to be initialled in acton site tor the warning signal in tire force electric co property on church street tuesday evening council ap proved a riquist from ihe royil canadian engineers of the- cm i dian army when it was learned arrangements fur locating the si rcn had been made with torn pany management the large warning signal des enbed as equal to ihe siic of a volskwagcn car will be mount ed on a special pole and trig gered from civil defense head quarters in oakville emcrgcnclea only council was assured the siren would be pretied into kcrvlee only in the event of an emer genev however tenting ftignah would have to be made after in stall itnm liohcii ml a llillum or no 2 works department rci and 1 cicw surveyed the town and agleed the location chosen would be ihe most centra the siren will be elev ttcd so led ofl the ground and is expected to havc its own distinct sound as opposed lo the present lire si tens when tlic program is com pleled il is possible the warning sign tl will be used in cunjunc lion with halton s emergency measures organization rule in thin overtime exlernlon will stniul imtll council meeting on october 24 ul which lime the ailualhin will again be re viewed council approved the annual by law suiting up i ho machinery for ihe annuul election clerk iidmlnulralor j mcgcuchle wan named reluming officer nomi nation night was cslablinhed for november 21 und in the event it nccchnary clccilon will be held december mh polling placai the following were named is polling plaech with deptily re turning oimccih ward one pouig mibdlvlv ion i acton llnltcdchurch wilh mrs vera ingles an deputy re luming officer no 2 ymca mrs nan hurst r wurd two town hall with mrs hurrlct hclwlg deputy re turning ufflecr ward three luxlon memorial hall with mm may dumurch deputy returning officer wurd four yjmca with mrs annie anderson deputy return ing ufflecr amend official plan a by luw lo amend the nfllc ial plan of the lown of acton to mukc ulluwumes for erection of u liquur store received flnul approval application to the de partment of municipal affar for appjoynlwlll now bflmila- when thin approval la receiv ed the planning board will m requeued lo hold a public hearing lo reone ihe aria in question following thlt the council will take tops to ratono ihe land othar btulmu council also leumed that new i reel sign erc- led recently are quite attractive and believed lo fie un usual to the motoring public that u portion of sidewalk on llrock st was in need ot-re- pair this was ullllmrlzcd lo be done that complaints had been received regarding wilful cum- auciu- u properly under con struction that artificial ice would be rcudy in unoihcr six weeki mayor john ii coy informed council on nrogrcsn at the cotn- munlly centre thul ihe fire agreement wilh surrounding municipalities had been forwarded to the town ship for signing but had not been returned tu dale the clerk administrator wu unuhle to attend the meet ing due lo illness officer man ager j t ifursl recorded uw meeting nassagaweya pupils study subject at aeton school g sendel swedish ys man guest speaker at acton club guran stnekl swedish refrige- riliun liiginelr and stccretary ul ik nuirkupinu yh mens club in sveetlm will be guerst peaker at the ys men meeting tonight thureliv whln ouar thomn miii tlisiru i fcuvlrnor from kileluner anil 12 scarborough ys men utll bt present mi sendel arrived m acton vetliesdii iteming on the s w bus litini turonto and is viil n uilh acton elub premident william wtkon and family the swedish visitor it- visiliny notuh amenea with aiudfttanee imii ihe bishops fund which is sponsored jomilv by yi mens clubs throughout the world bv me ins of this fund y men de siring to attend the international conventions receive financial assist inte if de tired monev for the bishop fund it rafctt hv ca efcmatio 01 sale of used stamps to collectors mr sendel u a mamed man and stated in an interview mm utes alter his arrival in acton his vaiti vas continuing with a portion ot his secretarial work bv compiling the news magazine and elealini with cormpondencr he his been an active member ol the ymca in sweden fur 21 cars and strongly recom mends the v to the youth ol the nation flew by jet his trip hv jet airliner wu a pleasant one and his flrat im pression of canada will be a memorable one as he vnu seat ed directly behind the captain of the plane when it approach ed nova scotia not anjy could he see the coastline or canada hut he caught a glhnpte of the radar screen indicating the tame from the time he left copen hagen airport and arrived in new york city he vs airborne 10 and a hall hours he attended the international contention in chi eago aluny with 42 other dele gales from europe three month leave mr sendel is eniovmy a three ironlh leave of ahsence i mm his employment hut during his sla in north america will have to compile a tcrnlie amount of in formation to present to clubs throughout europe his vjsit to acton will he 1 hort one is ik still his siei il plates m onlaito 10 1s1i before returning to the states lor other engagements with s mens i latawka21kilauiisuu j uhj c of c honors past prestdent a hirbocued dinner and gift were added attrjliions last ueck whin rc duiildvisl mil lami iv receive a surprise mt tnm members ot the elora chamlkr of commerce a former president of the chamber mr west rcumil a handsome armchair mm presi dent norm stallord on behalf of his former colleagues follow ing the presentation eservonc enoed a dinner consisting ot barbecued chicken scalloped po tatoes and all ihe trimmings pro vided by the msilorx at the con elusion of ihe dinner and a lengthy chat everyone enjoyed a tour of st alban s church present from elora chamber were norm stafford william gliddon george hughes hugh walnd frank moynihan charles sturrock and charles miller clubs bcfoic depirllng for home tomglll he uilf gie tin illu siriteit t ilk on various europ ean aspects ot ys mens work mil members aie looking lor iv 1111 to in enjovablc ccnmc attenduncc at acluns robert 1 illlc public school increused last week by 100 pupils as grades seven und eight pupils from nassagaweya began special stud ics tour davs a week students scramble from ihe familiar yel low and black school bus and eagerly tile into the robert lit tic school lo lake home econo mics and industrial arts train ing these subject are not avail able in the nussugaweya schools and ihe ac ion school has well equipped classrooms to teach the subjects classes arc held monday wed ncsday und fridav mornings from tf4s am until 12 15 pm and tuesday afternoon from i pm until 2 30 pm home cc unomics is taught by miss helen mrs e smith named festival president election of new officers and plans for the spring music fev lival highlighted the fall meet ing wednesday october 4 when the north halton urban music festival committee met mrs w d e smith acton was named president lor the coming vear and will be assisted bv mrs bishop glen williams vicepresident miss dalsv i ol ster acton secrt i iry treasurer mrs i edwllh milton convener of music supervisors and mrs appleyard limchouse cunsencr of trophies plans were made for the i9a2 lesetival and members reviewed the growth and interest of the festival during the past few years a large entry is antici paled again next spring baker and industrial arts in struction is given by doug wld- dis arrangemenla by boards arrangements for the rural pupils lo take training in acton were completed between the nassagaweya und acton public school hoards and an agree ment wat signed recently in the beginning three ctsssm were anticipated but attmev unec was so great it was snry to add an additional elaal lo aicdmrnodale ihe pupils ana prevent overcrowding in classes pupils from nassagaweya are transported by school bus lo tha door of ihe robert little school the driver waits at the school until classes are finished ajul then returns the pupils lo their parent school interest is keen among the rur al student this is their tint opportunity lo lake ihese sub jects not available at their own schools siaiinti iiiiitsssiruasaa hommrtmjj baptist fismf sptdttr the hon john root m pp lor wellington will be guest speaker sunday october 15 at the baptist church when laymen ol the church conduct a special service mr root is a member ot hills- burgh baptist church and form er president of ihe baptist con vention of ontario and quebec his l heme for ihe evening wut be canada and the church taking part in the service as well will he men ol the church and churlcs landsborough swill give selections on the comet mmm tiajs- krn mamomin display fhalr loot followlncj svse s hunllng trip nasv oiafjlaag moose and btack baar wtsra baggsvd by flvst inarptlvx last wsjak iv sjjcaaa row knaaling are william sheppard and ton mai tack row laft to right ata doug susapmrttc jim forbai gaorgttown and bud holt king tha shappards acton ansa raawanla am amst marksman and basldas bagging wild gama cop many striata at turfcay sheota t h

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