Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1961, p. 2

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gduwtolp9 golden interlude 7 the good old days the thanksgiving holiday i over it wat e weekend of beautiful weather and one thai wee conducive to the real iplrlt ol thanksgmnfl even tout u bratlon of ihankiglvlng ii now pail it iaem reasonable that the ipwit ihould be contin ued we listed tome ol the things for which we might be thankful not on on day tot the year but on y day of h yew ihe lonoth of tlw list was dictated more by the yv of time than by the feeling lw complete some of the ihingj on our to be thank ful list could perhaps be included in youni were thankful that the voice of an individual or a group can be heard by those who oovsvn despite feelings of frustration in eomplln- ing this that we are given the seasons in due course despite our constant complaining about the weather end the order of its occurence that we have the records of history from which to see the mistakes of the past though we frequently ignore the lessons that history would teach us that we have the right to worship one god despite our differences of religious form and interpretation that we still have a freedom of choice in many things though at times we seem anxious o deplete the number of choices by referring the decisions to government that there is not the hunger in this land that is known on other continents d spite our shocking waste giving thanks that there ass people who volunteer their service in the common good despite the fact we often abuse them in their efforts to serve that we have the power to commun icate with each olher in tong and speech though wo o often misunderstand each other in our careless use of that power the we ha new generation pi- lowing to take our place though wemay 19 inattentive to them or over indulgent that we hv an enthusiasm af iplrlt that helps us meet each now day though we may not utilize it to the best advantage of ourselves or others that new paths are opened to us through science and man s inventiveness despite the fad it is not always used for good that we are surrounded by fresh air though we do much to pollute it in the name of progress thatwejive limbs to move us and help us in our movement though we do little to encourage the good health that would continuo that physical fitness that we have the landscape beauty of spring summer fall and winter despite man s efforts to clutter the view with products of their own making that there is some being supreme that dirocts our destiny despite our vein thoughts that we alone should exercise that control for these and many other things we re thankful and we imagine- you will also find a measure of thankfulness for those things within this list changing mood it is too bad tharf bertrand russell 89 and til should have had to be sntviod to seven days in a london jail for stepping up past a nuisance value his civil disobedience campaign against nuclear weapons it is not he first time that the earl has gone to ail on a matter of principle though this time it is unlikely that many people in great britain or here in canada will see much point in continu ng to support ban the bomb demonstrations russia s resumptions of test explosions of atomic bombs has shown that such demonstrators are in the wrong country it is significant that observers in britain report that the mood there has changed from escapism to realism from apathy to anger khrushchev s closing of east berlin his resumption of nuclear tests and his warn ing to britons of the hazards of their amen can alliance has created in london a mood said to be reminiscent of the spring of 1939 the british are fearful of new aggression in europe but they wil be pushed around no further for a nation that stood up o bombs end rockets through the six years of the second world war and half expected to be blown off the map then there is great courage in facing up to the potential horrors of nuclear war contrary to his intent anti americanism nas declined in the face of khruschtv s threats to the discomfiture of the commun ists who helped organize them recent trafal gar squire- meetings have featurod more slams at the ussr than a the u s nat many weeks ago such assemblies mainly painted the americans as the foes of peace in all this there has been no prompting from the british government the british people are content to let the communist countries have their communism tneir mood is not anttcommunist but is firmly anti aggress on almost startling is the statement made in a recent book on inflation by melchior palyi that wage earners pay the cost of wage increases perhaps this is too broad a statement but if all the wage earners in the nation are granted wage increases and the result of such wage increases is to bring about price increises ii follows clearly that consumers who are wige earners are paying the cost of their own wage increases the low man on this totem pole is of course the person who is living on a fixed income hl is not in position to demand the ones who pay comparable increases others who would suffer are the ones who don t get the r de mands in until the price increases have been in effect for some time back in the first world war and its after math the school teachers and the civil serv ants were the victims of prtces that were getting out of line with their salaries nowa days it seems likely that the teachers organ izations having learned someth ng from their pupils of yesterday are r ght up in procession the retired teachers are the ones who are not benefiting from the current in crease in the cost of educat on car populations admittedly these are not the best po6 sible i mes here n canada but you would never know that from the statistics on auto mobile registrat ons there is now nearly one passenger car per family in the country a total of 4 000 673 registrations in 1960 according to the new issue of the report put out annually by the canadian automobile chamber of commerce that is an increase of 205 000 from the previous year and en increase of more than a million over he past t ve years when all vehicles are included we had 5 255 000 reg strations in 1960 it is a significant s delight on comparative i ving stindards that only four countries in the world have more automobiles on their but to get back to the vital statistics of this country s car population despite the talk of hard times here we were able to spend roads than canada has and those nations have from more than three to more than ten times our popular on the un ted sues 61000 000 car reg strat ons n 1960 the united kingdom 5 550 000 france 5 520 000 west germany a 680 000 for ell russia s claimed advances of re cent years there are only 638 000 cars on the roads there less than one s xth of the canadian total russia apparently pots the emphasis op production of trucks last year the total of registrations of all veh cles n the ussr was 3 983 000 the f gures for japan reflect somewhat the same s tuation 345 300 passenger cars and a total of 1 696 500 registrations of all veh cles more on new cars in 1960 than ever before in our history i 1289 073 000 to buy 447 771 new automobiles for an average price of 2 879 per car the acton free press tiiblrt by the mb mana aarf haauawac co ltd founded in ist5 and pmisvt even thursday at 59 willou st actoa ontario member of the audit bureau of circulations the cwn4 end the oalanoqucbec division of the cwnat advertising rate on request sublnmkmu pavablc in advance s3 00 in canada 14 00 in england arid other commonwealth countries 00 in the united susies end other foreign countries single cueics 7c authorised as second class mail post ollui department ottauu the oaly taper over puellahf to actoa saa g a dills edltorlnchlef lv david r dills managing editor business and editorial office phone 60 0 acton ptela bylblhm tsylm suyevt utet sfoice whit did tm tin on thinks kmn da this i u i hopl mi didn i iust loll jiuund the house ill du dunking bt i uid v ih infc a gioup ul thitk shimultitd thilk skulled ounb gonllis nn mn i small broun b ill buk ind forth on a 1 irt grxen held some elis ago i deelded to set aside th mksfciinl di is m miui d d w ul li in ih inks ii ibis stems leoll tionir ou in i is well know th u i also torn bint unh ii remeinbl nice di whieh i ilon i eiiiov on veinbei hh bee iiisl u s loo e ul mil bk ik ind s id ikeii as a usiili e ieh thankstiiny i luin tin thoughts tiidu m i tiom llll hnellill tlecll ol till toll lou ist hum the i unbow ii tint skulking dlep tiom ihe sun ami si ulim ot ihe parti ulee st ii t le el woods ii ill f ieh e ir 1 ti 10 spend th inksei me or s mu put ol it in it me tribe i iri uul jimiip th iik its not i p u lieulai l uiiljous pi mlii lion tiits is i i ilk ii e lit l the d l be i me ullcjl ue lo to ehuiell iii i the mimsui leinuuk ns ot all vm hue to be thank ul f ji ind ot ill the st umlie people in lilt h let in i we sit till it hi mime lejit iiitr oui biu b i on md e ls hit ikf im in i wishing in d ut it sh ri s t t 111 i r r ollt itlel ell i sin kt by bill smiley th uikstimiig div ind rtndei kntthv mil tedious thinks th it nu ilnldien he not monnliid idiots ind that iheie soil in i he link ind lood in the i ml uul i kw doll irs in ihe poeket when ou do th it it s ilihitiilt to keep i louell ul supelslihon ol ihe ktyitkwood uiel out ol iiil whole business what i do is ioiuenli tie on ill ihe lood lllllles fll ll h le h ippelled lo me in the p 1st ind live thinks lor thnrn for e imple i m thinktul ill il i ii id the puenis 1 did 111 us a pieee ol blind eh illee hid i w is luekiel ih in most 1 ituiicjj i lot ol eoutl tilings lioni tljeui mil i just wish ihe hul lued ioiil enoueh lo le ilie h m molliei i iiilhl me lo hold m he ul up uid it ou h ien l s inn thiiil lood to s i ol i pci son s n inn li int m d ul taught iiu b e ullple some thine th it his pioved even moie ilu ible how lo t i ll jul u 1 1 h a w onian w ho ne v e i st ps l ilkine nd niv voiuh u is loki too f lib ill in the i ill did lilg me lelv willi i lust 1 ve kt ullll tviivihuil i tould etl niv hinds on t ii nil i the sin ill llouis uul d mg through sehool net die r nine oil with the bos lo 1 e lint d hhi l ill lei l niiht nd sp irkine ihe hi in turn wen tie wlio ire ill mo tin n w iii gi n olt to the mm imt i el shine tiiiipii i i lisp ni i nl well ilisuistil is hi k t i hov i d in t ll ip el iwn i nd ilu n the v ii uul ill ih dt ii r t hit in us h i n k in 1 the hue luiu in i l ll tile h l s nts u si il he ll mils wile killed mil il huil sonu hul now i livl ih inks i it i he 111 th u rhe ii ilivtl liow okl uul b ild ind sunk ell illieked hid pot belluil hid ii ml eed llld slek the it w is lols lo be ihink ill loi lllel tile w ll loo s ivs his hlile nole thai s been push ed in honl ot nu nose i iliee lis been i happv wondeitul e ptiunee tvei d iv ot our mini ee ind llleiesnot 111 in lellows ean lpe ihitte like ilul with one ll uul mil llle olhei iwisl lil up between lllell shoullltl 111 ides then tlleie wile llle bless u1ls ol 1 itlleillood to be think iii tot two i lit ones we l il vi i 111 t he hie hi ow n ius uul w illhie loillut ot lllell hi lllel llld the swlli 11 itllle ot ihtii il id tul tin ip is ilu i lluv vt t ist onlv iboni ss00u t ieh to l list hut the dividends ut siai tin i i how li uk in i t in now wt u niv son s s tks and do when i mil hnd i p in ot mv own mil i in suit i won l be out eeipt d le i duk ud tell live lv vt us in the llevvspiptl business llld i sup pie l ill 111 si mill he ih in kt ill ill w is iuei ll 1st whipped sh 1 e mi hid r evill tlstlelllttd dm me ih it i vt nihil die uk t p klll his 11 si mil i ill the ll t ilillsulelh e ul it ills sin i i 1 wll llle tlun mio ilu ti uhing in 1 thinktul i hk ilu v uinesu is ii w ulel be pille lit 11 ll t me di j ii i iul in u itiolh i i ll illksylv 111 l nu b iii i i ve niv lueun l i t u h he lb up i n iji inklul i i i wlstl lluv i 1 1 ml iw e iv i back in 1941 yki from the lau ih iw kr thurndey xi le imi mi i nil ouy ma of tin clmihii miii tithuul or lorn nunc hunillcon hu ulcnlul u tiimilin un iiihiut ul the ruyul liinuilluii air i urn- fiiltool ul the oac guilph mr duv in u luiimr pupil of muu m muuileb nl alton u loriuer niudnnl ol ac ii n continuation iuhuol und u itiuiiilujii ol mrl i a vuin hiiiiiyh loiki an in ilu wmiittki lor lunn and iiiiiiu impiiivi infill mr jmk allin ailon uiuruwuriiitl 10th pili tiiulx tin uuiiul linu u iuiiiili i nun i ilk diilrii l huu will pllis in ilu prolimiul coll usl a iuw ovm with ii unll lor hiuiliili is now homy mutullud ul hit pi jin ol annuiii producu in ai ion on mupli ave thi new cm ii will douhli ilu uupuiilv ol ilu plant wlinh i now buiv nukiny i widi runsti ol iruihll is i in lompuny pluns on udd ink jiinthir lini lo us produiu nun liiinu mjnuluilulid in can ul i al i miiilnit of tin board ol diilliiiis ol atlon till tin i isl lmiiiii mini irv i i ihilloul is imslrlllllli lo puv ill tlu pni mums a summ irv nl thi hniruis iniliutid ihi huil hid inimul i kimi inn mil din pni moniv is uviril cil a iiiiiilort dili surplus will in iniowil lo si ill mxl vi ir wilh piisidint mh svmon lit inkiil ill ilu dimlors ii ihur ii ird wolk ind un spkn did iiupir iilon imin luin dui mi ilu i ir mi r lbriiun hrunuu in imit hi inih nf ripi rukplmrrns i i ilu fin pnss this wnk in i isc inuhii is in doubt lluv it on ihpl iv in ilu window tht sti im shoiils mil tnnks tthith lnu htm husv il bi inl mini ind co i xi i iiini lor 111 ki hutls hti httn i iktn iw is s iikimn in illiruni up bi i in ilu bttls in pul to list newlyweds augerhalladay vows taken at pretty church wedding miil ill ii hiss ml i n onis i il 1 t i tun h i si v i i i ih mi ivi n sun i n st pu mh i ul i i ill in i 11 il 1 j s 11 11 i i i i is nd lh i its lknis vlliil 1 ll hi i i i i uiji t i m in i lis u hi in ills s i i i ii i ih n ii i s l m s t u i i i si mi n i i i il i m ii k i n ii ii i i i lh ii s tl is m t p is i li tlph c t n in in u 1 1 itt h hi i i th i tht hi it it i l i 1 nth t t i t it ius nl s u n mil fit i ll i t ui h s ill ipt i l i klnu in i h ipt ii i n v siuuv i s t 1 pt ills hi 1 i h l it i i hit it i stu ut il lullt silt v ll mill l thhujut t i i ist s iii a k ild sh i u wi h ilup pmk lips sl attendant milrun ul h mm wis mis jtan sltiltlui ttiiiinti aunt ul ihe hllsli blldt smi nils mill miss judith vim ii ill ul iv uul mis uoms mvcillpwai bulh ot ol ilu hi i it i i ci nvh t i nh kp ii i i ti i n i nit j i i i l t is i pt ill i t i itrvsscs with pt un p mil ind ui i b u p s mis 1 h i lit itl h s 1 lllell it i it i in v w s st ill i p 1 ii lh lil i i i itlt sll i is st is m ii ml ii ss is v ii i i i ilu hi it nl mi j ti it w is n i mul i i u s n 1 ii n ik i mu s s st 1 1 t t 1 mu ns 1 lit s st it li p pt niii pnitl hits i t 1 1 1 ti in iii lilldt h mm wis iui dinn i mi n i slu rs wtit he 1 1 in i i t hjiuuiis both il a i n hi thus ul thi hiuli in i mm s viiii millun hmtlitr ul uk ti mni reception in hall i ill ssink ilu tut 111 ns 1 ri i in ik tin thi si in i i l ts st h is i t mini s sh st i iss u i is 111 in ill is sisa in a 1as- t ii uist it p ll in i i k s nh si hit i ss u i s i 1 ljs t ssll 1 iii i lis 1 is r 11 i ii ip l th ill lli i i i i i ii i iii ui tlu 1 i ss it i i il bin ki t i s i ll t ss lib sstll i t ss i s 111 i s in 1 s 11 ss i 1st l h ii inn ih s ss i i s i i ll i ius nl 1 r ul hut it i issn iii s s ss t prt i ii nu m nun il t iion 0 uititsiltt lnu iph inn mil 1 i oiksilt i b ins ilbt in s i ix iss lilt kilblitu in 1 h i ss ul is sst 11 is a t in m1w ukaninig i oi ihthisiinds ot tear man k nd luis balllt i i ttintrnl his in ist taluuhli ol svlianl im n ss in ilu lis till ttllliax ut nu back in 1911 tmiumi from lh imuc of ihe frte fr thunutity oct 12 1911 cninpluinih hiivc hctn rruule luulv tltul frtlghl irulni have ilu- hiibll ul bloiklnn mill street utfjijn on wudiuwluv evening of lubl wmk a iruln k uwccii in huvt blot lad thw trowklny fot mure than 10 mlnuies tlu lli yin i4 ol b44lli iiltkit of tlu cntss lnu wen drinllitil thtv natur ully litu vvruthv mul thitulciitd to lukt itgul uilmn it is lldpiel ihul 4uli pretdiiu will lu un ilitevelkiirv on diilurduy ufitrrumm mi uvuhumi wwllurpiiiiiur ttir from u wuluilti ul ii nrw honu ht wuh puinliny on tlu imlh lnu tuquiffainu rrlumili iv no hiitn s wen broktn hul lu rlinvd i virv pulnful tshukinu up uul his burn uinlincil lo his honu suki slrttl lummiksioiwr mirviv is hiivlfitf ull ilu wuier in ilu jitlhatb cleared out in vuw ol ilu iruvyji up vvhh h ih hound to uimc uu of rluia duvs i isl ycfli ihis wiit not doru ind flu cimmiufiiu liu ountlrxil plenty of imujiiil tluotiihout ilu vviilut the ujunlrv n tit its he si is i jar us htbulv n toiiliriud in i tlu in iplt k ius li ivi iiuiud i deep si irk i prism tint i hi m frtifut piliun i r iiivoiu l i pun mi nt ison i unlurl li is inn id lo town ironi inn uul his ukin up risidinn in mr kil h in j s bunjj linu on m mi siieti tin ritrht o w iv doiil tlu gtr li uks dl hr minion vv is hllirtd with i ur inn muni uid si tin wlun 12 i us til i irtiyhl hkvtxiw di r uk d ind tht tots spilltd ihoijt i li c ti ults a lu ivv jfij ud w is put up i round the- iluihu- t in order lo privlitl inv pilunn ind the trim trivvs vv irkid sluuuoiislv in in ell ji i lil ir ilu lint for irtrlit i i inntiniu miss doroihv nilson pukid i toupk ol hr inelus if irish rispbtrrus frjm i hush it i irm iuuisl ilurin ilu wee kind ke ports indu iii tlu hrtr es vveil dlluious t i r r i professional directory and travellers gutde drj gc kenney 1hysiclin and surgeon ofticr in symnn bi ck 41a mill si e acton offlci pjinne 78 risidtnci 115 church st e phuni 110 dr d a garrett phsscan ond surnion cirnir nf willoss nnd rnir sis i nlrann riv r si aitnn ont ftione 23fl dr robert d buckner pl c an and surm i n 30 uilhnston st aclon ont phi m c7fl off ci hours 0 b pm afu rno inn by appoinlnunt arpraising avii ivsubanrs f l wright 20 w lbur st act n ontario phone 01 pr s r ind insurinre our 0 yinrs in att n dr h leib dmti 1 urvion off c c ir dt rn r mill and uk itrnl offm ti wirs by aip iinunent tr i fphonf id robert r hamilton optonutrnt fvi s i xani in d rtl issi a t it si 10 mam st n fi ru tossn out o f c h urs 10 in lilpm m n to fri fstuuit bv nppo ntnii nt l i id sil nil v f r ap ntim nt plftisr ph ni ik 7 1071 aluitinu accoimtinjj lever 4 hoskin 1 rti n d an uir iiitr 1 ma n si v 212 kjut sr w kranipt i n r gl 1siu4 dr a j buchanan 1 nuil bursfun of cf sa mill strcm off h urs m a m lo 6 pm l tt wilntday aft rnoon tltphonr 18 1k1al c f leatherland qc ha r t r n s lie t r n tary v ibl t off tr hair- 11100 am 1100 pm 10 011 p in 5 00 u m saturlavs b opioiiilnmrrt only oft i 72 phonr hia 151 acton a braida b bir isttr siihcllor noury public p3 main si acton onv hfionr 57 off cr ii un t p m b pan 1 p m opm saturdays 15 cork si r guclpo ta 4 xm3 office hours 0 ajn 5 p m saturdays 0 am is an- wrstbfund 1027 am ua7 pi 5 57 p in 7 7 p in ft 12 pm 11 12 pi 1 12 m 11 im r r i hul i rs m bat s ill hlhhatfj tipiion was hi ki in tin puish tl u lission ik it hash uk tsiltk hill hit hiult s nmiliii iiuiuj tikis ih tt i im uul im mint ununnt niink himsvn vsikii im psisunil suisisil david w gohn dc il mill si f phone i0m hnlrinsc on willim si offuc hours mon will fn i to 9 pm tui thur j a in to f pjn satudas 9 am to 1 pjn arlfir lftukknik l ittks fitnrkal nibfctorh phone 600 niiht or day bruce e shuemiiki r mffr optical and iifah1no aioh e l buchnerr o optomt inst contact lcnara h arink aidn a mill st e aclon in acton wedneadass only 200pm uuopm for app iintmcnt ptioni 115 i t r nl 1 r m i hill t quid gray coach lines coachtm uaw atttlm llasl jcht sasinn 1 i ithoiinil 633 am ilia y emn t sun anil ii 1 ii ll j l a j ml s oh p ll 111 t bll pm 10 ub pin s i i all j ilul i7 l and railways canadian nationalt luslinht sating tiun easlbound 6 44 ajn t toronto daily ex iipt suiulay ww am m to- ronlo j07 p m to turonto dally ntept saturday and sunday 901 pan to toronto sunday on y waatcmhibd 9j0 jn 10 stratford 6ja pjn to siratford tw pm lo stratford 12 am to stratford 7 days a week 222 pik lo stratford saturday only

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