Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1961, p. 6

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yfrvt fry pi the acton frea press thursdayi october 12th 14 pounding the sports beat campbellvtll merchants hie yankee f he onlnilo baseball ahkoelutlorts jnlermedinte urtlci fumltheil their new club hcmxo with another diurnpliinship i weekend hwlr seventh in hie lam nliw-yuun- slmdlnu a streinu port 1lre dull 21 on ihcir own bailiwllks the merchant won the ontaiio inlermedinlo a major chim- plnmhlp sunday they walloped port hope in the nnsxirawcyi mclropnlk salmday iji it was two mralkht wins in ihe best of three final- like the new yoik- yankees they overpowered purl honv with home runs in the rirstyame or ihe series gray field jack jbiklnuand of lourse tail cairns rujinliiftj ihe four banners cairns atbycenin blast in u five run sixth injilns sundays finale was a thrillei with campbellville sconnu a pan of runs in ihe rirst inning and then bclntt held scoreless for ihe rest or ihe name porl hope run- aoed only one run olf the south paw offcrinws or jack roberts probably no team from nat ion county or any other pari province for that mal- won ao many ontario hai the campbellville air record for a vlllase almoal unbelleveable lerlba and fan from ac ton and dulrkl can only look with awe and wonderment and wbh them many more years of baseball i the campbellville iluh is mil finished plavinn baseball el however romemher back in the month or aliens when dunilas and campbelhille squnred oft to pick a halloo counlv associa tion champion the merchants won the fust pame handily but ihe second wound up a v deadlock at that juncture both clubs had in iin ttepaialc xvixs m the ob a pliv- ofls dundis to senttir and oinip- bellvttle in lnl a matin in ensuini weeks dunilas iip turcd the ob a senini chain pionship while the merchants cupped the lllle in iheu class slituulix at 2 10 ihe iwo learns will altempl lo finish the set ics off each club fresh hum then respective title hunts it will be another of thou paradoxes relished by the ob- a if ihe int a champions po lish off the senior champlom which most fans will concur shi most likely to happen milton red sox were uimnl from the ora lnl a senitmik snturdiiv when wallacebtug tie feitcd them 16s m ihe deciding same ol the best til three senes loth cams had uon home oaiues pnoi to the weekend hxtriie wnlldcchurg fcocs miiysemi e h of ihe title against the wtmiu of the rent rcmul laud sci ies it wu a disastrous weekend for mil ion teams the juniors nnd the foe wees were also knocked out of the running in oba final reams of copy ueie untkn nbotit this mus uoiui scuts hut the spiii is si tines itttiui inul in tic to i ne enthusiasm in what must have luvn oik ol tlu most colottess ii thise aniuial ilisskn the tirsi lew jimns uu stiui i duels tutween the piuluis ihe loin th uinksl ik kmgil without doubt in ilu uukees mondays tilth and linal liuiiu saw some real inning uhu h most tans delight in hut auu it was sinetk i new 01 k slum al4ej ijie tilth inning miliums ot canadians siawd in imnl lit then 1 st is dm nig some of thi most glut imis tu tumn weal hi i in i us tliukul i lien pool inuiith i s and wmulu id wh roger mans duln t hit a home itni me did hit mn and c a game winnei tun sonulum it voutdn t soinpau lo last eu s spine tingling suits ganus it wasnt difficult to cc win kth yanks wtn a pennant after the third game htm ever it took a little lirmginar- lion lo picture clnclnatll national leagu champions fans who follow ihe hit tunes of torontos baseball maple leals go i ii brief plimpse of fonner toumto butler ken johnson who filched part of an inning ihnl cooled down the hot yankee hats but was lilted lor a pinch ipltei in ihe bottom half or the inning t johnson wtis one of ihctxmfs lop moundsiuen until cinunatll called him up tn ihe lattei part til ihe season he won six and tlosl iwo in bis national league appcaiantes annihcrtnrmcr 1 cafrekton howard was a big factor in ihe vnnkec tclorv with his fine nil lound plav ll- was the yankee hcmli st length thai lipped the ganlcs tn their lavni however lopez and blanchard demon st rated that although they sit on ihe bench for the yankees they would he first stringers on the rosier of any other team ottawa rough rtdeis slatting in lnl iiilu stride aie once again m lust pi ue in ihe i astern i ool ball iiinleteiue tied wilh hamil tons lading tig i cats toronto atgos thevie tailing by three points aioiicils appear lo be out ol the pasoll pit ture lls going lo be a photo loi lop spot in ihe league with argos figunng thc aie as cittil leil lo it is anyone else and with tobm role slatting lo til i hts receivers with strikes ihes ma not be lat wiong for the record this scribe still stands pat on ottawa us repealing icugue champs beat blls teigus thisllcs willi altons barr inscoe in ihe line up won the lasletn can adian intel media i e i a i osse chunpionship b whipping vvil liicbiug 2 24 in ihe two game loiil goal linal senes clunk mm i loi met i a i n em her ol ac ton iiiili medial bota tilths was ihe uiaestio w ho gtiuled lltitilsville hawks to th ontaiio lnl a luiosse title he is a son ol mt and mrs 1 lod mint mill st lotmeilv ol hunlsilk htm mcmillan iletk ol nas sagaweva township mtw lo new voik lo lake in ihe lust lwo gamis ol the woi id sei ies in yankee stuluim brtki kuld the toionio win kid won tlu i thanksgiimg da mile niad i ate in diielph and set a new ictoul lot tlu iieni to boot hlntf llultt bantam hockey in aclon will bo sponsored again this year by acton firomon chalk talks are held 6ach week and last wednesday was t ie first ol a senes until aclon arena is ready for practice piclurcd above left to right are danny hartley glenn holmes and john dowdiny as they observe carefully as managor harold tcwnslcy explains the ice surface layout take port hope in two straight campbellville int a major champs n a icnilil 2 1 ball game be ion a latge uowd in poil hope n sundav af lei noon campbell ille won the onlano intetmcd ile a matoi championship k rnbetls campbclkilles peicnmal championship builffi huoked up with poi i mlopes mike harnson in a gieal hull ei s dutl robuls gai up one i tin oil eight hits lie walked two uul stunk oul uiiii mean while hamsun allowed iwo inns oil nine luls he walked one and stiuik out sewn looks like a spree i imei drdgc opened the garni with a soil hit oi thud base mki came lo thud on k n mooics double to untie both men smicd as i ail caiins iloubl ed lo let i until it itiokid like ihe game would kf r l 1 iau i u id lnl tin campbtii wn rirsr oame tuuk with iuu mu a cuu pbelb die iiouiuki pot i double and a smgu jnk i ak hope ml in the in si ganu ol ing and i u i an lis hunu ud mil intinuediatc a maim lin stan ikiukisyp laline ham als plaid in campbillville u ilon and sfu king iltiubkil anil saluulav al lei noon i ken mme singkd gaitv i leld unit the louli j loi ihe wnneis mil put on a loomoui i in u was a shh masiiilul bspla is in allowid null al lluitl bas in i ik sitli one inn oil ht luls ik hit oik but n uis iun kl butktii p battel walked llvo arul stiiak 1 u i cauns honu i was his oul f i2ih ol i hi season and is ust vvakeu haiiisou in and i om iiliiiihi tlu ilub idoid llolinan all toiled tin poll hop and lutween ibim allowed m r iiiiiv oil 10 hits thev hit thue battels walked six and stun k oul si lend from start cuupbellmlk took a 10 kul in ilu i ii si inning and hi i u id s owiiuig houil inn oii the lei i held liue in the bo i night school news with tcgutrtilinn for night school iiiiskc uiklnu place to- nmriow evenlnu tiiiluy id 7 pin the nlghl school executive uiges iiiuoue inteiested lo lit lend in oulei to be iihsiiicd of at tending l lasses other em uses being imighl ibis vcut hae been hslellpievi nuslv mid ibis week inds ihe rsl of i muses being taught prior to christmas ol iuleust lo manv town and ana lesulents is a new louise this eai called ihe aimchan iitiieloguo this couise will com pike illustialed talks bv viiiuus lommentatois and various coun tries throughout the world will be covered dining this ionise wieklv subjecls being taken in this course will be mummied m he alton i tee piess anil iinvonc uulstde ol icgulai students who dislie lo alletid loi a leilain subicll may du hujuir nujumal lee i low 1 1 at i to in a well eir and it villi be taught bv mis vv c havward cuelph she is a niliubei ol the guelph hoi i- u ul t tn i 1 sonelv and has won mmv pnes lor hei fhiwer ai ranging 1 he leaihei inlenils lo spieiane in a r rarigemeiils ulth uig h it l lloweis weeds eti liom gaidens and the cdimlrv sidi al cluislnias lime spenaf nangemeiits appnipnate fot the a iuw com mason will be cnusliullcd bv ihe cat is i hi siudeiils both above ionises are laugh i on monday evenings tuesday clusses an net popular loutse al ihe nigbl school is ihe metal ctall uul a leotgelowu woman mrs i r miiehell will be the in- shuetoi iniluded in ibis lutirse will be all tvpes ol hammered kippei ni in ass including ename lling on logjvi i lemerilaiv lew i liv will als coilisc woodwiirking is expelled lo be a poptilu ehoiei ol night school latiging is npciled i allendeleisiss this lynn mclaren first winner mvp award tiotgt i own lnl i tin ill ile man ageipiului i vim melaren has bun awauled ihe cluck jcwdl liophv as ihe mosi xaluabli plav el lo a icoigi low ll team t villi who look oiel geluialslup ol ihe inteiniiihaii bench altn c link kwetl suieumbecl lo a lu ul al iicic while lunning ihe iiun in ihe league opeile i 111 ac ton wis the onlv cousisteiil w inning bin i 1 1 on tiorgc town tiitt i imdi u s who wiu knocked horn the it jil ivdowns bv dnnnv die mil mu plavid loi cton in uimidiitis pi ioi lo the loiuii lion ol tlu icoigtiown team high svihni utchi i i vim is also co uh ol the eoigilimu high school tooth ill tc mi one oi avttm highs aull opponents amu tuist i in v lotel him 1v gullv ll eouldlt i be eihli u ih i snuli he wc ul i i lit to it aiki tuklnl ilu thing thit louldn i be done vlkl bv gollv he loulelll t do ii be situilai to thepiivmus dav s meund made it 2 0 contest which tanpbcllvllel iv seoicd then onlv miii won bv 12 i mis the lrsl two in i akmg u nun up had scoud but iluu ie harnson shul i ik dom and k u imnlli sin campbellville was toned to i kl ul n 4 make those two runs siarul up ampbe llv ilk s bgst inuig as ihev subscouciitlv kit nme lu mh when ilnv siondf men sliruukd l ius ineliuluig a thiee inn hoiiiei bv 1 ai i can ns i ik v meanwlnk robuls was pitch j jdded lour in the scicnih i nip- a master lul game and onlv three nuns in his leant males gave lum am liouble in the in si si vui innings as he bad kc pt lour tills scattered m lu iwo slilke outs to si ii i ihe ugh i it the re wuc iwo poi i hope singles bill robuls stiuck out ihe iiem baiui to end ihe threat score one run with one oul in the bottom of the lulllll poll hope s ins base man i owe iv ii ipkd down tin nejii hild hue and ilnui smiled linn hoini to make it 2 i a walk pul the ptttuifud tv lug inn on second ami winning i mi on lllst ihe iki bitiu popped to the shot stop lot u sec oiid out and ihe n hoi man a hi puuh hiltu gioimdccl oul to second t e ml ilic game ciiltnu and rav uakekv c kii hll iwo miules loi poii hope i owe i v ll ipkil and shai c sle vcnsii and eil uakckv all single il oilcc icad caiiiphclujiic kill motile hid i iii t mlljs i kb douhkd and singled lot c uiipbcllvillc wingiovi singled iwkc sin king liipled tiul i itnu pic ike and i avuilc llaitulum smiled bowl bowl for ptsature bowl or haallh make it a saturday night date go bowling acton bowling lanes phone 697 member 0bpa 10 main si he thumbed a ride back to get an appli cation form for up holstering at acton nfghfsehool slinkmis nut m is iuiutl 111 it thomis i c 11 it i liulnsii iil arts umliici ii tin lliyh sliiumi will mstriilt in this ciiuisi ll is llfiplcl ll klll k 1 hlskmii si with cfi ihuiy hum a in imiilii bv i hi mstiikloi uul sttllllllls will vmllk iiimii ii ish iikiis up iii piiwci units in ion inv pitiils in iimlii likin lllll liuiihl llns iimlriiilnr fur mil will be mrs hliliiuil sliirkiv guclph she is i uriiiluili of- miilbunuld hull insiltuu luiilph the cuurse will inni piriv lixitk huir styling inikliip cil inits btulgetlngi liliir fonils liiirhecuelnb and i timi ul mu 11 ill ihiniiw spiiklnii ciiuimi- l ilsu ixpniiil tu he i pipular nun si this vin wilh iishislnnt liiiiuipil nf thi lliih slihmii ml- iiiili hiini hiuik the teacher it will lu i iimiril utilise tlur- iiiji ilu lust six itssons prior to t liiisimis uul iliii chilstmnt iliiiiiiius uul liulii ship will be sill il tltcjlumcns kii fuafypet uidl l lmaraktohttteverrvwy rwtffautiebnoarr for appliance and tv repairs r manning electric call 230 goodwill used cars bly with comidhncl uc do mil wdoiiuler mllc- af back we do mil rrlull luu police cnilirfn or can thai have iwcn in a major culllilon uc ulll nupplv name and ad dress ol prcloo otier on rctiiil lih mr lulecl covered umlcr oaj4 tl armili warkantv for one year demonstrator sale imi pontic parulrnnr lr ht hutlrd uilh extras ust mm mu jxhsjo imi valmial l sliicr 4nlr sctun list u2f ovv ss i p0 piintiu sin wen ss i j 4 i s1 i rfl inul nihh it s hnuk 4 ii siilm w chc 4 ilnui 1 w xujli tuth 59 fjijkijj ion pnk up slmvs etui ill sin wen imm xpls sl stls 3 volltsvcicain bus 1 4s 57 chcx 4 limn iiuthi anits snctial v 57 pimtiic i tli ii t 1 57 plxmouth i dr 11 t 57 chcx 2 door 51 wt 57 olds super dr ii t si jx 5a pontiac mn wen 1 ok 5 volbwaocn deluxe w 5 oku super 4 dr w 7s m i hn inn puul jwi s4 hiikk 4 ii sttljll w m mllilll iikh f s4 i in i 4 th st lin wis i old 4 di sislm nl i mil ill tnit h ns lll ill kmlh jws ii i old 4 th sttlvn j 1 dux ton pitk up ll 51 ririso um pul up 51 robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists ln mi ill i t lliul phone cueiph ta 42071 si st oaorgat squara special tire sale bo x 11 jinl 670 x 15 tubeless dominion royal winter ride snow tires for most canadian caks plus free rim with each pair of snow tires 7200 value special sale 5 3 price 60 v- acton motors your imperial esso dealer and studabakor sales 6 main st south phone 17 leeflttfr at new woodbine races saplembar 18lh lo oclebar 38th express buses leaveacton 11 ss am each racing day daylight time return ffm mg iiehiclcs rarc q4u bell lines by c s keith your telephone manager fsankun prouse motors pkkobnttk acton phone i cia 47 ah awn flraa ha canada cawsad ity fanun m u by luy baattoaj aalawaat u by rvbblib mm iraib 0 by almtrk wlrlaa why nor chadt your horn for firm- hazard today and makm turm you dont givm firm a plato to start i octomr m is firi previntton wiik cooperators insurance association installer jock benuig is nc ul irw twii tout mtiunu itton wnusc jttb ii is to pnivlde you with the best in telephone service when ymi request uny chtiiiucs ur ututltlunvio yttnr service juck or unit of his fellow cruttsmcn cnmci lo ythir homu mul tliurs ihe work sklluully unci cfrklcnlly were prouil or incur men uml happy to have them represent tu m a rcpresenltitlvc of ihe livll jack is more than un inslullir he un expert in lelephonc mrvkc lie knows for csamplt uul die nui mimlern housewuv finds lie kitchen one of ihe handleal places for ui cienlon phone uul more than that he can ail vine her on the hoi loci thin for such a phone as well an ihe mitt iuluhlc llc and ciinir lie can also suggest ihe ipe ol phone lhal would be moi nuluhle for uny room including the bedroom where a bcdlde lelephonc brings a feeling of security al nlghl sav hello nel time you sec juck or one of his fellow -installer- in our iillhbimiihimkl youll know litem hy their familiar green hell truck k them to atunv you the different colours and styles or phoiu- tlial aie available they will he glad to talk ll over wilh vou if you wuh lo order u handy cxlenlon phone lor your home slmpk call u at i 29m aiul well be glad to send one of mir installen out to ee yhi 1 1 tliit untiili i tul t mi i ilu it iv on wli ii m ill i x i ilu uth m lliill uk old lnimmn lil pikt up ol nuslv f nut i hi i ii and vxll r iluu lull iii ollt iii ll pm lllltl ii tu ul imh1 hunting i ilmtiik to h a tptu k v- liw sili htnth oiik ol thtin rniv huc vhn- i il siiiu last astin keep oitur havk top identify kim i clean and inv from illot uiilv ttnpiy gun in cam uul make mirv the afftv cratch liaio a loulitl iuii un iiurulnl and carry your gun so vou miiim ilu nuiu it all turns may wr al- remind vou nut to liu m ilu- tuuciiou ol wuc and cahlc gla lnularort ot inunmnc towns ou ii he ik ipmg fci protect crvicv thai are uial to ou and people you know enjoy happy safe hunllng ihla olll lllkltlll xollll otll r ii1k h lofi o nnul miiiu and olli- iiiu nkitv iunr in hill hit kip n hsll ik t rul tv y

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