Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1961, p. 1

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eighty seventh yearno 19 ttm jsttt acton ontario thursday november 2nd 19ol v autliitrllifil mi fltrmttf clftm mall hv tint rnaf nrilitt rfermlrttimitt chlmw eight p0 seven centt hukfluiu guest spcakck at ihe 1 1 6th anniversary services at the united church sunday was dr lavell smith of toronto who livod in acton as a boy he is pictured at the memorial desk with miss m z bennett in whose honor it was given to the church and mrs c l poole widow of a formor minister of the church commission airs planning arena wiring fairs bill award final contract for centre rushing to finish arena project m rtfmrtwh imuhw jukjim 17000 square foot addition announced for micro plant i in ii in av t2tclt neat wiring in the rcir section r the arcni should be completed bv the ond ol this week hvdro tout mission incrn hers kaiiilcl dm i ni iiilii meet ii thmsdiv ociobci 26 the town hvdio dlpailniliil has been installing new lints and rlptiil iii old ones in this section supei mundciil doug mason re pin ltd his depar tment was hard al u and lit had arr ingcd tor u win k bee last s ttuid is when sever il beard more tannery em plovccs and one fricinan had 10 al though mi mason could not five a dllinile dale ol compk tion or his pliuhc or die cum nutnity centre work he vn almost positive if ihl work hie weil salisraelorv cvervihinn could ik cciniplctcd by novcm b 4 split ralr biip nino ri ud i picsidtnl ol the ailon acjiculuiial souctv was prist m ind asked cnnsidcrition ol a hvdio hill siibnulted to llum loi 41 si he pointed out this com ilci spotlight install it ion icsioi hum ot pouli to tht ud hint ami ollui vvumc install tt ions in in ikinc i itqiit si loi liiihtilu ition ol i ilcluition mi bi ud i told tu commission 1 isl vt ii s pnvui hill ii ul imoimlul to j7 lit pointed out and commission ninnhus ajit ed tit it c omnium tv ciiilti hinkl me uki 1 1 ions ui li 1 1 spmisihli loi i in p mi i shutoll il i ik ud h mi oimmssitimi supei std 111 it imiiuk c i nin usponsihti lot oil itui lis i ill loi i lu hill i ihiu u i luuii i ui hi i iiiissi iii mill it he told chairman gordon beatty we will truss that hi idge when we come to it when it was sugijtslcd the com mission hmjit their decision on a spin ol tht hydro bill until tountit appnntd mi biaida was told to del iv pivmenl or thi hill until lurlhei consideration eould bt ytven during the meeting a lengthy discussion took plate regarding planning for the hydro dtpaii men workers and ehairm in gord beattv questioned the sup- mvrtvvtllllltmw iiiliii1 mm nr liinlllrtd to assist with the wok 4nlentknl reguding ihis sub jeet mtmbtrs agrpd ihe anhtipat ed lavotl of oneman wathrecl ly caused by the aek of ptann ihg arvd toresvght supcrimcn dent duug mason received ex pile it insti ui turns regarding tht impoi t met ol a pi innt d woi k piogiam in oidti to keep his dtptirmtnt upcialuil properk another point of disiussion ii isi u htn tht than m in chate id tht stiptimtendcnt hid t ul td lo oulei equipment nccessarv fur completing ihe cummunil cenlie winne piocel prior to icavmc lot holid ivs mi m ison expl 1 1 md in h ul m ult stvcial phone i ills ilmtdml tht ecju ip menl hut h id f tiled to ie leh the proper pel son al the conclusion ol i hi discus sum the supci mtcndeiit vcis tcild nothing pi i sun il h id in m in undid in the discussion the lollouing aieounls were appiovcd loi pa ment town ot ac ion 78 47 rccciici gen of cm 2 so j mcc ilium semtt 20 62 j k johnstone mcleis 2 so j r keainiv cmp 8 30 r pmoluih j5q1 maudunuld elite ltd 89057 bell telephone co s2 66 theh i p c ol onl h 72 4ft vin gils cons 110 00 rtetiei dm ol c in 200 ss g mcktoun v m so 84 i it ismt i ol on i 28 ii l p c ol out 21 6s pivroll 1 4nok9 a 17 000 hqunre foot addition 19 thi micro plasties plant k s lor completion toy late twimbi r jack ketd gen era mnnagei reported today that the actual construction of the addit ion wilt beflin within the next few days sherwood construct ion of hamilton have been awarded the contract and will complete ihe addition by the end o december the building will be built on the north end of ihe iprcttcnl plant on main street north and will continue in line with the ex isiing plant parallel to main st ol concrete block eomt rue tion the new addition will be ucd piunarilv for storage 6f raw mitcnils and finished producu this additional storage wfll al low moie ol the present plant to be liiilied tor manufacturing with ihe ariival of additional equipment only in the new year p rod ue tion will lc inci cast d new lines will be added to the t isllng products manulaeluied in the present plant established in 1946 micro plastics was eslahtishut in aeton in julv 1946 bv juk rcid and alf long present 1 with the coiwpanv and j ick sun it in a building on wallm ave since that time the pi mi on wallace ave has been exp md ed four times and nmv eovcis in area of 30 000 squire feet in 1957 a new 14 acre silc on mun street north was acquired and i 40 000 square fool planl whs ci eclcd the new addition of 17 000 leet will bring ihe total ue i ht ing utilized by ihe conip mv to 87000 square feel orion pipe the iprpe with the slnpc is the major product o the wallace ave planl the mun srl ml is used for the minulielurc ol the urtltfafmju eomp mv s iiiln i inns ol ilx pi islic t xtl usiolls mh in i m ul i s loi i inusl vti vtitktil tin tttk mopi isti ion ol lluihlme imdn is i imiliil oiui is ol tin loiup mv in ink rud all i onj n i i i nk lm i out i ik t loi the com mtmilv centix piote1 was uanliil by couiuil at i spend wi dmsdav 4 vt nnvg nucting 1 lu it ink i of a i ri unci w is ii cipltd loi till tlllllllll vmiim ot tilt htm uist sittloli ol till luuldmg woik on llu tlnliitil nisi illalion will piotud iinnu ilialilv iloug uuli tht c uist i in l ion o tin building pi his md sju i ilit 1 1 inns wt u picp ui d hv t ngiim is of out mo llvthn also tppioud it i hi sptinl i ui u iitounis loi ilhng wii 2 tttn imoiinl uiur voik on llu piotit md i pin lilss p imiimll o j ii m ii km u mil son on tin ik w com iiiimifv cinlii huililiii- remembrance day poppies go on sale friday to help veterans families 16 hw 2 county office cost 7 60467 1 si id his xu cov lutj pi ud m uplioii 1 1 sii iuil n llu mru i llu t oin opi i llloiis ul u llu pow i sluil itoi ition m unt poi linn ol tin split hi in tdi hi ii il i tli i i nil uiulii when isk i tloll ll ii ims point t nin john ttu mi mbi is lu i tii ill i ivoi ihk a nm ioiuu il hui lu iu hi hi on i loiuli hit building lender lor j7b0 4h2 2s us let mondan b hilton cotmtv council and cons tun hon ot the iu v emit house mil ulininistr ition huildmjv should hi stilting mthm iui mitks aiihitiit m aiuisiiont sud thil is soon is the out ii id vi unii ip il bo ii d ipptovts tin i pt ndiitiit l hi i oust i tu tion mould hi pn it tin siti on mil inn s not ill i is km mi 1 lu i uiit has puuhimil sili il k 1 1 s tin ttu ist 1 iik il onl u io st is i siti loi tin structute ln mmiiltnti i u nis mil i to i niiln in ill will sh ht lilt i lute mil uts iwaultd i opt con sii iu turn c o ol h million was low imldtt on tin li iu i il ion ii ul it j4 ml 2s w p i udi i itl ol ii iniillon h ul low pi in on met hau ital woi k il vi 2jm in 1 pi in 1 lull u 1 ul iii itltodlo u is ovl on l lllll cll il 72 200 1 im ui k o kllk n pul ki vc ikll mm t p milm 1 oui llu i hisli ii ii n 1 k i k is limi l ih ii ljlii lll ii j ii lmi c inn mil ms ul ii iki jl tn is ill ill 1 1 il iii huilitin toi m impii ssii 1 1 t nil in i on st i t il i n in i ik i isioiis tlu olklllli itptis lit i tll 11 ul optllk hsvillill llu i lit tlu it w is no p i lu n oi 1 1 ml mtt uutw i in llu hiulihul oiil two suit ilnnis alihilnl ainisli nv pomlid onl thi sh ipi ol tlu huilditv did not k ml ilsill till uei liont inliiiui hut iplun d ill it in i i nio m si i i it w iiulow s on thi houi ol llu mui i housi j itoni tlooi toiild ik uldid i i hit d id it in these d ivs of strife and un test filled with war rumors and world tensions let us not forge t those who gave their lives duf ing p isl wars eveiv vcar on remembrance day november ii two mmut es silence is obherved lo pay tubule to more than 100 000 can adians who were killed in war eu cry one wallwear apoppyu way of kjiyuis thanks to tfcpic who were killed each will re member in his own way per hips veterins will think of com i ides as thev were a few seconds before their death wives will remember the long wait for hus hinds who went to war and nc ui illumed parents will think ol bos who were so young when l lie v lelt home lor the inst time some will think of a father who wenl aw i such a long time ago m m who stand with bowcil lu ids and wearing poppies are too oune lo i e member the last w u hac no knowledge ol the pin tlu paid bv so manv or hie not been dtected directly nit i ihcliss their tribute loo is pud the etcrans who gavi l he ii lies lo oiler us freedom 38th year 1 his novimbci marks the 18th t ii suite tht custom ol wear me i poppv lor rt mctirbrttnce di w is in iului iled in canada re nit mhi met md the poppv art itu k ibl bound up with each nihil hie iusc o the fitness ol l he ihouem that the memory ol c m ul i s t tllen ean best be ho- iini i il bv issurmg that none ol ihtu until ides still living- are illowcd to sutler want and dis miss ihinuch ihe purchase ol pv ti ixoiie c in share i pop- sisling not only cterans huig and their families in need but families of dead vclciaus who are finding it a si niggle lo sin vivc many of thesee families an not entitled to assistance itoni he government hut are given i hi i ping hand through this earn paijjn poppy day friday poppydayin aeluu being held friday november 3 und is sponsored by the acton legion under the chairmanship of ed continutd on laac hour llu ioo n thi ui iiiiia came in foi some discussion und toiii- til iguiil lo ittpt llu mihmitled pun nl 51811 hv wsinn nrurll nip iilots ni llu pjiti hlllg and totimgol i his innl wnl it nil llu ptoii t is pio- gitssmg il i sii nl pm iii an t itm i lo inn i tin i iu ditmi in i di i 1 1 1 iu 1 1 mir i iiiws aic this twik insi dime tin hydio lim on i irk an tn mm at the building 1 1 iiisltiiuu is hut bun uist dli it md 111 t ipiipment ninm is lu ui vtml i isl w e k- i ml oluiili i is wm ki d on the wn ink in i hi i ipiipnii ul loom mil on llu h iiiiiij in i dl ilion in llu iii iu n i work t oiillnuih i his wu k llu h i iids it ihe i isl i ml ol tht in ii i ik hi mg nisi till d nut iii ii i sni i k i itv ilkd with llu 1 1 1 t i n i nl s md j ii i ot k md o u dl ii luill hi l wi i k mil in jti i hi i imng of llu t leli j milts nl pipt mi the ut sml ui ih i iii iking t tiiipiiu ill h is ii t ti oist died i llu 1 1 1 1 v niff iluiiu halton county warden alec phillips who is lo be host lo ihe annual wardens dinner this evening thursday al oak vllle will be wearing his now chain of office for the first official function the beautiful s c formed of jriaplo loaves was presented lo him at the conclusion of a special mooling of county council monday here reeve jack har- grave and deputy reeve bert htnlon of acton admire ihe new chain run again council boards polled nomination d iv is only 21 d is awav and inlcicst is spu dime positions vill be open loi no mination ol m ivoi lecxe tli putv reeve six councillors lime positions on public school bo ird and two positions on acton hvdro i lectiie commission during the pislweek ihe ai ion tree pi ess pollid picsint tmin ctllui s md mtmheis ol othit bo irds ullose icillls eplle lllis yt n tht following is the iisull n the poll maur john ii cio i un giving cla seijous lhouhl in making ijiis m 1 1st e u is 1 municipal ollici il riii j ick ii 11l1 ii al the pre sin i tunc i hut not mult a dceision dcputn riec ii 11 hiiilon i mi prepared lo si md lot ol lite ll it is the ijislle uf llu m it hi 111 w ill ik si md ullut v un i hi si il llu pu i tlll o- itk u require 300 blood donors for nov 16 clinic at legion blood donoi s 1 1 needed i nils io uiuw tlu red cioss sin u i suppk ol whole blood lot hospital pa tints tlu appeal io alton and distnet citjeps luis oui this week und 300 do- n us ue iiiiuiitd anvunr nu he tie i ii ii mi this frex blood sup plied in donors the demand has hi i n so grt il during the p isi e ii the suppk is ixinning dm e i klsu low i ti ii ii branch 197 is miking us iti tun i appeal lot tu p llu elinu is nu thurstl i s ie nihil to m the lecjun aud iitit mm c irnasseis will e all house to 1 ousi ptint in tht chnrc and in hipilul ol mmlling al itjkl vm niens willi the ages accepted ti mi 18 in cs chairman vic pal tuk is hopelul that manv young it residents will volunteer to n alan main ol tht nlrf liiihfu id stud 1hmo apmi day suged by the boy 5cout and wolf cubs saturday wai a big success and present tally indicates proceeds of 250 and additional returns are expected to boost this io the 300 mark one local resident is pictured above as she makes a purchase from a cub and scout during the blitz over 20 bushels of apples were told during the day w ho have been forced to drop out dm to the age factor c tn iss eurmmttrefc were set up md the loi lowing organ i a i hon npnsiniativtfc will be in jihuet ot this section e t i marks lions club will be in 1 ihurge ot ward tuo william i wilson aeion yfc mens club i in charge of ward three and george ware newton hunt and amlv woijh i eejon upm i ims iii chai fee ul w juls and lour with hi inpion ol ihru othtr lit is will h tin vassid bttwten the hours ol h pin i ml 8 pm tiumi u nov emhti 7 w ird thru will hi e in vjssid d urine the s uiic houis thurstl i sovtmbet 9 donating blood e in he ulv m ucaous to donors is tluv in given bltmid tvpi i irds in tlu tvnit ot i piisnnil itiuiiti v these e mis m n utilv i ulihli and thiit is no tinu inst btlote tht projki tvpi blimul is supplied i mrs w linliv is in ehiri ot reiiplinn musts mtl rieisii i i tion thi liciiin lulus uil tarv will he on h mil in pioul tea tollee and tihikles in thi donor cloak nom sitpuvision will be in charge ol the aeton wonitns instiiu durin llu il pcopk- touniillii v i ik lu m mv n uiu m lm munu ip d this m it cniiiu i hi m i t ink i ll ivell i dec id d tinu nuiuillnt willi hi l mil i1kmih iii i mil ii i p si iivi lull lm hiisui ss i i mi i i ii snuu d nib i hull i si hldlllf i loi nllii i i nil lllis it mill ill 1 i iik wl il i iki 11 lip ii s t i hi c ihiu ill ii w i 1 i i iji si nllv iii i iii np hid ti il ik lot iniiiin ut immi ill t i ish dnln i hi ti jui i i ill iw mv n hi i st hi lm nllui i h in ilh i i tin schimil hoard w ih t i ins i jiii iii ih ii till lull ivvni mi lllh i i 111 si linnl hn id in id ih i ill aim si ik nu nis ih mui hi mint v so i r ii i ml mi i d i i ill mi lieu wlu tlllt i i 11 111 i i h 111 m clvt 11 st vi i ll vi ii il hood hul will h i tin decision until mil i ii tv in hi silu 1 1 1 1 si i v e i hi dli w j utnsou hllet k nil nl nlli l i ud mil il it hi ptopli i un io s m inoilu i u un i w lis ill h ink jill pu suit is io ion i it s i i mi oimnlsslnntrh stand nd in uist ill in i nu nl i nmpli ti d on llu iu vv onuhihiitv ctnlie building it llu wisi i ml ol the hum llu blot k woi k h is luiu tompli it d mi i in low i it itl i 1st 11 id iv shtl tltitjuii titws innvid in md in i ill d llu sit el liidi is lo suppni llu hisl lloni to pant cement fins wuk woikiiu n h ivt in si ilkd tlu nu i d slui tin nu ihe floor md llu win iiinlouing pommc ul tin n mm nl will ih lm imslu d ind iv nu him k wni k will i milium itlni k wntk mi llu tu it vtl will inllnw llu sii i e ll if j tor llu inn hi nn tin siu md it is txpttfid moling will imiuttliat i iv inllnw tin inmplillll o the block wmk llu pliimliiiie md in iiiiil uiiiii uiuis ut woi king it llu pini l in i hi iiiuellulg inc wnt k is ui pi tf s ntini il h is llu i hui itinn of in opt i iihil i i mi t imdtr tnusidti ition wiih llu tompltt mi lh huilding in i tie dtc emhll cnuiielllots iii i h is mi pet ilu ih ii ilu idintihsti ilivf body in oig im d s i hi it t lull si ison s iisl ul llu i tun hi he it ihid wntk p it in s ol v ilonit lis lie hi in oil miid lo p out llu in suit ol tlu n ri i in i mv nit in ii ti sii d m i ndlii i h nu i in i nit u i m ivnt j ihii former acfonife sweeps winner 1 lllllll lilt oil llk mhol j ll llimi ill il inn ii ipp a i imp lm l vii i l pu it ul i mlii i ihilin oinniiss llkii kim ul ind uiilm p ik liming i l plu s c m uuh m iv lilt 1 ink i hi l llll kit villi i til l miiiiiism in i i p hi ol iii ill vmu k qilll ii i- 111 iimi i mill llll i i ll i llll i ullipl i mil iii il hi ai i ii will l lllipll i nllui ihis 1 iii iii llll 1 1 i lilt ii i 1 1 it lllj llll iii i llll ll i r ip 111 lllll iii til iii v ii iii i ll llll i mti i slui ii nl ih pulil nit ii mi st hi i t in ml ih mil ii in ii ip iii s ii i l milk k l h il i si k i mill tkki i pi ll in m st il i htn kill 1 ut pill llll lm i i i i k imp ii i sii ii n nn i v ti mti in i ii my ii il i im s o it ink si i 1 it il nt tt is n il llu tit k i h lil i s n hi iiiy iii inn ih it mr i i i inst in th niiln nl slillc i i i tt i i vi o l it in h i vi i ink p lull kt ii sttip i iii iv 1 mil i ii s ks lit llll iii i jill i i ilk this 1st ii is ternoon and the duke nl dttnn shire chapter iodc m iik t enins appointment tards ttill ih incited and processed bt icprc sentatives from the lakeside chapter iodb legion ladies and y mca ladies auxiliart y ladies will also he in charge ot transportation tvpists aic mis w oumarsh and mrs m symun un iimw caught in the act two halloween pranksters are seen busy it work as they soap the win dows al thp bank ol montreal while the staff are working overtime most of the windows oo the business sect on received a thorough soaping tuesday night and merchants were busy the following morning washing and scrubbing the names of the merrymakers wern t obtained a the photographer left in a hurry to record other incidents on film

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