Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1961, p. 2

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sdmvttolp a place news of last week make ut wonder if acton is overorganized or underpopulated the si john ambulance brigade t hav ing difficulty weathering he itornrts of con tinued operation with a minimum of 16- required to keep- the brigade in operation and only 13 on the roll the future it in deed cloudy unfortunately the brigade li not something that is dispensable they offer excollont service at the park and public evonls that couldnt be duplicated any other way but quite simply they neod interested people the homo and school association foldei up inst week after several attempts by thl executive to- breathe in the needed spark that would ignite public interest and support there is an important area in which this organization can be effective but it requires pjjbjic a por s and interest again quite simply it needs interested people for the socond time the emergency measures organization staged instruction in a basic rescue course and eight men were on hand for the instruction the work could for you be helpful in doens of emergencies even if the russians navar direct an atom bomb in this general direction in time of disaster and emergency there are nover enough train ed people this proect too is important and again it needs interested people if it is to continue now on the brighter side of course the night school showed an increase in enrol ment and is operating quito srttoolhly theres talk of entering an intermediate team in hockey circles and the boy scouts had a suc cessful apple day so while we might be tempted to take a critical look at the com munitys spirit it isnt as simplo as that the community spirit doesnt seem to be ailing yet there just doesnt seem to be enough- people to keep all the wheels of all the or ganizations going we fervently hope that if theres any one within earshot who thinks theres nothing to do in a small lowp theyll take the trouble to look- into one of the many organizations which could use some support theres a niche for everyone and certainly plenty to do in acton up down and around introduction of the department of munic ipal affairs manual for assessment in north halton municipalities this year is certainly bringing about some changes like everything else assessments are on the way up of course theres nothing wrong with raising assessments if youre also lowering mill rates the problem seems always to be that municipal councils hard- pressed to find enough revenue not already committed look at the mill rate and deter mine how far they can go without being completely unreasonable when assessments are raised there is sometimes a tendency not to affect the maximum mill rate reduc tion its just about 10 years ago that heltons assessors went to work on the basis of the assessment manual they have now discarded at that time mill rates were in the 60s and 70s and the assessment was on the average doubled that brought a wonderful reduc tion in the mill rates whacking them back jnlojhe 30s the pendulum has gone th full turn again though and now were back into the 60s and 70s and raising the assess ment again this time the assessments are taking major jump6 on the business industrial and older home properties newer homes have a tendency to escape any major increases it is unfortunate that industry and com merce should receive too severe a blow at a time when north halton municipalities are hoping to share in the development indicated to some extent to the south it is however inevitable since the form of assessment now being introduced here has been in use in the south of the county for varying periods of time we fail however to understand how it is possible for georgetown to exclude itself from the use of the dma manual in a county system it seems only reasonable that all should be used alike we dont like the new assessments any more than anyone else who is increased but we didnt think the municipality had a choice in the matter has georgetown mr average patient if you were an average patient in an overage public general hospital in ontario last year the employees of the hospital spent a total of 124 hours every day work ing directly on your behalf salaries and wages for these employees represented 65 cents out of every 100 it cost the hospi tal to serve you the drugs and medical and curgical supplies used in your treatment cost eight cents of each dollar food was six cents and the remaining 21 cents covered every thing else linen laundry light heat de preciation interest etc only four cents of your dollar was required for administration of the hospital apart from salaries and wages these figures are revealed in the annual report which has just been issued by the ontario hospital services commission the five most prevalent reasons for ad mission to active treatment and convalescent hospitals were maternal deliveries accidents poisonings and violence diseased tonsils and adenoids complications of pregnancy fe male diseases in i960 accidents poisoning and violence supplanted diseases of the ton sils and adenoids as a second major reason for seeking admission to hospital during the year 155157 babies were born in the prov inces hospitals a total of 948374 adults and children were under care during 1960 in all hospitals of the province public private federal and nursing homes temporarily approved by the commission to provide care fot the chroni cally ill this was an increase of 42 percent over 1959 these patients used 11555922 days of care 58 percent more than in the previous year the number of admissions to all hospitals and approved nursing homes if ontario in 196q was 151 per thousand of population as compared with 148 the year before and the days of care per thousand of population increased from 1 835 in 1959 to 1898 in 1960 the average stay for active treatment patients in public hospitals rose from 99 days in 1959 to 10 days in 1960 the total net allowable cost of operating all hospitals and other facilities paid by the commission amounted to 188532725 an increase of 30868102 or 196 over the comparative figure for the previous year someone elses money the greatest comedy of errors that ever happened is the description applied by david mansur former president of central mortgage and housing corporation to the moss park multimillion dollar public hous ing development in central toronto intend ed as subsidized lowrental housing with the added virtue of being a slumclearance project the redevelopment project it now appears will be very highcost housing al ready the federal provincial and municipal governments have jointly spent 5000000 to acquire the land on top of thaf consn u t ion of six highrise apartment buildings is budgeted at 8198000 of which 10 per cent will be provided by the city and the other 90 per cent by a federal government loan as now planned the fouryear old moss park project will not be of much help to the large families in the lowincome group that presumably it was intended to aid of the 884 suites 90 per cent will be bachelor one or twobedroom apartments even for the smallest space the estimated rent will be 89 a month and for the few fourbed room apartments it may go as high as 114 a month governments spending someone elses money rarely are good spenders the acton free press publubtd by the ouu printing end publishing co lid pounded in 1175 and published every thursday at 59 willow st acton ontario member ul the audit bureau ut circulations the cwna and the omurioquehec niviminn nf the cwm a adwrtimng rales on request subscriptions payable in udvunce 1300 in canada j400 in england and other cummunwculth countries soo in the united states and other rurciyu countries single copies 7c authorized us second class mail post otlice department ottawa tb only paper v published in acton a a dills editorinchief david p brtlt managing editur business and editor i al office phone 6 0 0 acton the good old days poppies for peace for remewbrmca for assistance suyvt tnd sfuce youve probably noticed that this column has taken on a little higher lone of late theres a certain je ne sais quoi a soup- eon of noblesse oblige ana dash of summa cum laude that wasnt there before and it isn because im scared of that lady in bcamsville who reamed me by bill smiley inside is the tiny boy wail ing piteously outside are his father telling the child who doesnt understand a word of it or anything else how to unlock the door the mother screaming a i the la- l her to do something before baby suffocates in a bath room the landlady moan ing wringing her hands and imploring the father to get him out but not lo break the lock toilet and you had to wash with your stomach against the sink because the extra weight of the water would liavc torn it right off the wall 20 years ago taken from the luue of the free prwuj thursday nov 1mi the regular monthly meeting of the mury r moore alru guild wan held at the rionie or mlun doris blow this week liter mclellan led in prayer and the scripture wan token toy mary ritchie secretarys report wits given by isiibel mcleod and lit er mimjllun took the bunliuii part of the meeting an interest ing reading vntt tjven by joyce dimtcraull und u helpful luht toy mrs h mutnprliw mi jbltrk irnvf on intelligence lent arid u siiiitl time wiis hud bv all the reuulnr meeting of the acton junior furmern was held at lome nchool in the form of a hulloween party prueu were worr by laubel swookhamer gor don lodlie irene ond annie alt- kens blanche mclclnnon henry nelllt mckin mcctillough el- uood johnstone murguret mc- pluill und betty allan howard fiwllrcr conduc u few games alter which luricll wits served ditnclnir concluded n successful evening miss im 7 bennett was guest spenkej ul the united church young peoples meet inn on tu esday niuhi ami used as her theme lor a lalk the 23rd psalm the theme was furlhercd when miss ruth gibson samtuie psalm and mrs j adamsun read it as a scripture lesson bluest boost at one time to the tree press fund lor the lon don england sick childrens hospital came from the high school dance arranged bv tile pupils net proceeds amounting to 9155 were turned over lor the lund the students took the project on their jwn shoulders after making up their minds to assist the fund in some manner the winds arc sliehtly cool hut the sunshine keeps things bright and cheery and glistens through the colored leaves still clinying lo the trees 50 yearsago ttkim from the waue of uw free preu thuraday nov 2 1911 it wan a wellcontemlfcd root- bull match on thunkfitfivlng day at the purk when the eatons foottnill club from toroniu cume out the victor over the lo cal boy with a 21 score a inrue crowd waft in attendance and now an excellent name played the fir tit ttnnwfall of the sea- iton arrived october 27 and in spiti uf the heavy fall it had dis appeared by noon no doubt we will have indian summer next the puuuljncchil constables sworn in by reeve hyndk last week to aiuadm the regular staff evidently had a very salutary ef fect in deferring the imodiums of the lawn from the perpetra tion of their usually hilly and often offensive depredations the citirent appreciate the ellnrts und trout he huhit will continue in the future during halloween night if the young men who insist on crowding the doors at the pout office and mnlrxttrttf the young ladies continue this prac tice they are in for a sudden re minder by officer harvey ihi is a most ungenllcmiinlv habit and certainty the- voting ladies do not wish to he whistled at a ihev attempt to push past to gain entrance u mr o a clanidfje local dairyman has won manv prizes with his thrcevear old roadster and the fine iiiiinil is hcing sought hv manv horsemen for breed in ti purposes the roadster j is one pi the best ever seen at neighboring fairs anil mr oar- ridye served notice of his intent ion not to sell the animd the first charjie lor a case of drunk and disorder i v conduct since local option came belore h p mooie j p on monday and the man was fined s2ix and costs bringing the lolat amount irp lo 810 in all this sort of action cannot be tolerated and any future cases will be dealt with in the same manner out a cauptcof weclcsago no the reason for the new note of gentility the touch ol sophistication is that the sijiilevs have finally arrived years of struggle and poverty of hardship and privation have paid off we have made it we have acquired the status symbol the nadir ol nothingness the acme of asini- nity we have two toilets when i think of what we have gone through in our pursuit ot this pot of porcelain at the end ol the rainbow i could cry lots of these young newlyweds nowa days move right into a new home with a real bathroom upstairs and a powder room on the ground floor we didnt even have one toilet of our own until our youngest was old enough to he sell supporting in the bath room lets see when we married the old girl and i took a fur nished room in the city close to the university 1 1 was even closer lo the redlight district we shared a bathroom with the eleven teen occupants ol the second moor kery one ot these was a haggyeved slal- tern in a dressing gown who spent hours eei v dav irving onions over a gas lire on the landing just outside the bath room door our next abode was a three- room hat in the factory district bv thi lime we had a earol1 sun dont ask me turn that hap pened i ts a long stwrv here we shai il the bathroom u nh onlv ibe landlady she was a bit peculiar hut nut a had old skill she had wall ee a habit ot sucking sniill and a passion tor ml k ne t u rut l inc you had to i limb over old settee and lower ouisell i nun an ancient thiua cabinet to get into the bathtub that bathroom brings back loud memories once i was gi ing the bab a bath i had snapcd him and he was as slippei as a speckled trout he eeled out ut in grasp kerw bunked his lace on the tolls edge and bellowed his mother lushed in snatched hi m examined him touiul hed chipped a lootlit i piumpuv iricillubuak- ccry hone hi m head another time the same fetd who could just toddle got into the same hjihrooin und manag ed to shoot the bolt from the in side 1 kuuu its a classic si l na tion and has happened to others dpi if ou want to know what hell is like before vou gel there try it you can imagine what hap pened my wife went a bit psy chotic alter all those years of fruitless pounding on the doors of shared bathrooms we wound up with a bathroom that would not have disgraced a sultans boudoir complete with shocking pink fixtures motherofpearl ffyknucklesndmtlhiriljjj seai antl a 51 bil1 ni professional directory and travellers guide medical tvsr wnvkco ww virv funeral directors i broke the lock all the skin commandment in that orde but we got him out from those exciting times we moved to a small town and life declined into a series of dreary bathroom- sharing in various old houses with other young couples and their children all of whom seem ed to have kidney conditions then came the great day when we had a house all to ourselves the bathroom ap parently had been installed in honor of champlains first visit oh it worked bui you had to take the lop oil the tank and fiddle with the bulbs every time you flushed the thcrplu v dr wg c kenney phystctan ami sunjeoar but all thats behind weve moved into a house with a downstairs johnnie and theres a new grace and elegance in our domestic life however its taking a while to get used lo we somelimes find ourselves halfway upstairs before we re member it and are torn be tween going on up or going back down a tough decision and i still find that the min ute i get established in one ol t h cma n d ll doesnt matter whickbrieuieres kid beating onthe door and pleading in agonized accents oflice in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 70 residence 115 church st e phone iso dr d a garrett physician ond surron corner of willow and hiver st entrance river st arton ont phone 238 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 30 wellington st actoii ont phone 079 office hours 08 pm afternoons by appointment phone 600 nltmt or diy bruce e shoemaker mtfr i optical and hearing aids e l buchner ro optometrist contact lenses hearing aicts 4b mill st e acton in acton wednesdays only 200 pm 0 00 pm for appointment phone 115 dr lavell smith guest speaker on anniversary guest speaker at the iwo spe- cial services sunday marking the united churchs 116th anniv ersary was ihe rev j lavell smith toronto whose lather was minister ol the methodist church here i rom 1902 until 1906 he spoke lo several after the ser vices who remembered him and went to see others he recalled he lived with his family near the entrance lo the park he had been here once hctorc in the in tervening years al a special ser vice in the morning he spoke on who is responsible mil in the evening his subject was the neglc ted third person mem- be i s ol other congregations join ed in the evening service dedicate new gowm sew dark led gow us lur the members ot the pinior choir were pi e sen ted and dedicated as m viiung girls stood at the ltont ol the church rae west picmdcni ol the choir niude the p eseniaiion the gowns were put i based j iih proceeds trotn alt i hi showings ot his afri can siiaii lilms and the senior choir loiiirihuied the colfjiv then the girls hied into the chow lott to join c senior choir and lake a solo part in the anthem lilt up your heads bv willan george klliott is or ganist and choir leader brain surgery may appraising and insurance aid retarded child new judge milton solicitor george f el liott o c was named halton couni court judge monday lie has practised law in milton since w28 and lived all his life in hal ton nasty but nice tact u the ability to sav the nastiest thing in the nicest way several members or the north halton association for retarded children attended a special meet ing in hamilton three associa tions hamilton burlington and north halt6n gathered lo hear dr a finlayson superintendent ol the new hospital school at cedar springs which serves this area speak about the school ami various aspects ot mental retard ation his first topic dealt with re search into the liiirly recent dis covery ol phenylketonuria com monly known in professional circles at pku pku is a type ot menlul retardation which oc curs possiblv once in 4000 child- cm and is a disorder ol melubol- ism this can definitely be diag nosed and the process largely ar rested lu caielully designed diets at j he present lime he advised obstetricians are studying pre- 0 maturity which associates itself with mental retardation expert brain surgery to improve the se verely retarded too is a con lec ture ol the tuture there are now 7000 adult and menially retarded children being cared lor in six hospital schools i or finlavson spoke of the tre- mepdous growth uf parent giotips und associations not onlv in canadu hut also ip the united states and ehylund there atx now 700 arc schools cater ing lu the mildly retarded dr finlavson gave visitors in sight to the problem being ex- perteneed al ihe hooi nigs of various department tu ture projects und objectives and concluded himmalk by showing many ilideft of the tchool the evening was interesting in formative and once more mem bers were made iwire uf the tre mendous work others ure diung in caring fur thuse leu fortunate than themselves f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 05 appraiser iind insurance ovir so years in acton dental qr h leib deiitnl surgeon office corner mill and frederick street office hours by appointment telephone 10 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office ba mill street office hikir o m to 0 p m closed wednedny afternoon telephone 148 legal c f leatherland qc burrister solicitor notary public office hours 10 00 am 13 00 pm 1000 pm 5 00 p m saturday by appointment only office 22 phone r 151 acton a braida ba barrister solicitor notary public 173 main st s acton out phone 576 ojftc hour 6 pm 0 pm 1 pm 0 pm saturdays 13 cork st e ouelpte ta 4h43 office hours 0 am 5 pm ha ui maya t am is am chmopractor david w gohn dc 25 mill st r phone 1053 lintrarue on willow st office hours mon wed ivi 1 lo v pm tue thur am to 6 pm saturday 9 am to i pm robt r hamilton optometrist 70 si cjinrncs squuri ujixih p i appoinihicni phone ta 4180 houin iliilv ijuipl wed m miin st north ckowanown r if appointment phone tr 7w7i eilnesiliv l 1111- pm u m in mil iri 7 p in 9 pm auditing accounting lever hoskin chartered aeeminlanli 11 main stm 212 kn 5iw uriinptm flu gl 1uc trmiti 1 km t3 ttaviums guide gray coach lines coaciieh leavf acton suuhiiili june llisthoinul 6 31 a in diiu except sun mil hoi i h5 i in ii h a in 2u8 p m viih p in hs p in tv p in i0 0h pm sin uid hoi 1 westbound 10 27 am 2m pm 2s7 pin s27 p in 7 27 pm v 12 p m 1 1 32 p in 1 02 atn iii sh sun iimf hoi l railways canadian national lislein sliiidud time ktst bound 6 44 am lo toronto daily ex cept sundav v31 am lo to ronto except sunduy 707 pm lo toronto daih except sal and sun 801 pm to turonto sun day only wrtrtwund im am lu stafford daily ex cept sun 626 pm to stratfurd daily excopl sal and sun 707 pm in sjalfurd daily excopl dun j2j9 am lu stratford 7 days a week 222 pm to stratlord saturday only

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