Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1961, p. 5

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ebsp personal notes of acronlons visiting outoftown point and of visitors in aclon home please phone items tot lhl column to mrs dowdlng ut mo or leiive them with mi elliott ut the stationery store in the old free pre building they are always welcome mrs w owen if weston is vis iting with mrs m w ilintnn luke avenue public school hoard members and their wives enjoyed dinner together at lichee gardens in toronto monday mrs cltire pressor and clniight cr marion of jjrnccbridgc visited in town on the weekend mr and mrs a m macpherson s peril i few days last week with friends in applcwood acres mrs e g franklin unci daugh ter janice are home nyain after vislting relatives in england mi mac armstrong of toron- 7 hie past week wtttr ittr jtiiter mrs g r snmerville dr and mrs j ralston visited iheir daughters tit parr sound nnd sault stc marie recenilv united church young people enjoyed u halloween party at ihe home ol the rev and mrs dwight engel saturdav evening p c archie and mrs macpher son and sous ot si thomas spent n couple ol duvs iccenflv with the formers parents on arthur st mr and mrs benjamin frank lin or joyceville spent the week end with their daughter mrs wil liam sproston mr sproston and family mrs stella adamsojn of gall was ihe guest ol mrs m tavlor during her stav in town she at tended the nnniversarv services at acton united church mr and mrs george robert son attended the 14th annual meeting ol the cooperative med ical services federation ol on tario al cirlelon place recenilv the season at ihe guelph coun try duty concluded suturdav nighl with a dinner and dance in the club house members from acton and their wives weie among those attending recent guests of mr and mrs j ralston were mrs norman phillips mrs nina phillips and family of pownsson mr and mrs a sparks ol cnoksvillc ami mr nnd mrs morris roberts ol camphellville mr charles cutis entertained some relaiies and li iends on sundav to a uun dinner tin- guests were mr and mis frank cults of oakville mi and mrs weslev rut ledge ol terra colla mr and mrs cliflord iiuhaui nl alton mr and mrs hluond johnston and lamik ol acton and mr and mrs iawreiue gibbons and familv o kitchener black face problem for minstrels the old songs that made the mississippi i ie i boats lluit mi bouvantls hikes that will tickle your laue ihiough the lone win ler das toetapping ihwhins thevie jjll pan ol a minsiiel show aiul the one ac ton lions present thursdax irulu ami saturdav noembei m decern her i u 2 will he no ditleunt lromtne traditional show thai has enlei lamed audicmes loi de cailes at a recent practice nl the ac ton minstrels ai st albans pai ish hall quite a discission de eloped aiming the peiluimeis on the merits ol the dillctcnis me thods ol blacking ones luc ioi the show the diiecloi assined participants the chom coloi would come oil with good old soap and w aici convinced one clun istci minsiiel expeiieiue was the most vocal he tcmilicd thai his fuack tace hngcied uidehuilcu toi das alter his last show in lui said he pointing to his cats mime ut that colui is siill in iheic aiuheiues need nut he pei imb ed hovveei mie i ions aie as sming eeiunc that uul the niiiiuin ol ihiee dehghtlul nights will reman with them tut weeks alterwauls suuie weie tin with mc oils after a threeweek vacation in aclon mr and mivs ted jordan have returned to mcdicine lint thev visited with her sister mis flea itlce to vlor nieces miss es ther taylor and mrs les huhv mr duby and family dv swimming instructor trom glen mhor camp entertained eight girls from- her summer swimming class satuidav in to ronto among them were har- rfirasyrn7trrrpal stevenson and sandra sinclair miss sawlv campbell look the girls to lun cheon al the nanking icslauiant and then on a lour of the rank ol commerce building ospringe gauinafad banquet guest aided iri rhodesia for three natives months tin- biillinnkul ymmn peoples union held iheir ihiul innuiil hunqticl il ihe illllllkifaci unilctl chinch on fricbv evening a tliliciiiu lurkey ilinncr was serv- eel hv lliu hallinnliicl wa m 18 criiliiisiuslic yunny pcuplf unci i which iheir iliicts the chiilnnnn tor inr i hive ihe dinner was oelheri linmcnd i ihe piesitlenl ut ihe lirunp toasfs i werepropused h juvce kcnward and del 1 instead while sccrctatv diane swieulletuii si jive arepinl the rcature if lire evening was the speaker mr jim stockton ihird year emmanuel college student writ along with 250 other studenls trom camuln and the us participated in operational- crossroads this is a movement takes students to africn months in ihe summer lo work side by side with the african people in their labours operation crouroadi i the aim ol operation cross roads is to get a few students ol ihe veins activities mr j vv flrom ihe western world lo learn shnrlill spnke lo ihe vouny pciihe african situation tirsihand pie on bch ill ol the conuxcealion then return to iheir respective voicine appreciation lor their countries and tell olher people work and reminding ihem thai mr stockton showed slides of ihev are ihe chinch ol tomorrow his particular project ihe mill- mamie buck wins first place township tublic speaking n congratulations to m a r n i e buck who placed in si in the public speaking cun test lor i be township al hilkburg last week her subiecl being john adams ihe second president ol the united stales and lo bobln bruce who was touilh with his speech on uranium halloween party j the sen inr room with l be teacher mrs n ralhhun held a hallow een parlv on irulav afternoon the junior room with the teacher paul donaldson held iheir pirt on monda al let noon contests tic is tei c and no cd first fuchrc the li etkhre nl the sea- 1 un sponsored b ihe womens ins 1 1 1 nic ais hekl l night j with ten tables in pli pi ies weie awiiileil to mis ru ytjung and mis oswald meadows and in mess i s ken stubbing ton and oswald meadows sundav visitois with mrs t tines and out is included mi ami mis ross fei guson ami latnilx mr and mrs win mend- eisnn aiul fvekn ol belwuud mr and viis iludi mcmillan health program enjoyed by nassagaweya women usual mr and mrs hanv armstrong ol guelph j at fergus meeting mrs will red awre district scuclaiv ol cent i e welling ion j womens institutes and mrs d j g robettson local district di j iet lor attended the- feculue meeting on tuesdav al lei noon al- the home ol mis rogerson ergtis allan smith is now com ales- ing at the home ol his patents mr anil mis- russell smith al ler a recent serums illness while a patient in a toronto hospital mis t fines entered the guelph hospital on mondav the health convener mrs john llenrv planned an intei est- ing meeting lor the nassagaweva womens institute whuh v as held retentk al the home ol mrs william fiasei moltat roll tall was answered b the latlies telling what gives ine pep wit it ai ied answei s 1 he memliei s weie pleased to wel come mis collins ot susse tai- glaud lo tlieii meeiiug mrs col i ins being a isitor w uh hei niece mi s k firker dining the business discussion the committee in charge told ol ihe plans to enieriahi ihe litis hands al a dinucr and eiu lire parlv in november the leadeis loi the senior pioiect sew lo sa e lepoileil thai the ai tides to be made weie those paiiitiil iulv suited lot baaai s plans weie made lo begin it the last week ol tube i and inviie those ot the conimuniiv w io weie inte lested to join the gioup mis j rului tsun was appoiul ed iluwei convener plans loi the annual halloween pari in miookville hall weie discussed and membeis decided it bold it halloween night shiii duet tor tcpoi led on the di- let tors meeting held in milton also the aua convention held in guelph mis ilenrv had all the ladies take pin t in giving inlormation on- model u mends in dot luring main t ntnmnn ailments i liesr pioved to fie mieiesting and stir pi sing a contest using ihe let- won in mis a flank bs i tank was tnortesv con- w he sui gei mi vlsiled with th he cxpetts in undeigoe on tuesdav iihi mr on s la i ler tur thciinliw mr ranis juionlo gieg millson spending a lew m jackson vet n slew ai i la evening sisiei and hro- uu mis fail l guelph with mi keys 5c1 store made you while wait hintons engagement mi and mis wish lo annouik ot iheu dauulile aiuhew ad im chllord sierrilt ihe enuitiiment 1icii lll iii ol mi mil james ail tin millnn onliih weddine in lake lliu- 111 kno picsln lei lan chinch ai nin al lull pm neceinhei 2 for appliance and tv repairs manning electric call 230 acton district high school commencement the faculty and students invite you to attend their 1961 commencement exercises lo bo held in the school auditorium friday november 3rd at 815 pm guest speaker mr joe connell gen ser kitchener waterloo ym ca our roie in a changing worid high school slucfenfs and parents are invited to a dance foilova inq ihe comniencemnent exercises dola pxumenieal centre in nnrlli- ern rhmlesia central alriea ihis is a eenlie being eonstrueled hv various churches tor the nam ing ol aliiean men women and children in chiistim fdiuation other slides ol inicicsi weie those taken in watioin congo and vome pittuies ot president moise tshomhe mr sloeklons special inleiest was in agt ii iilluie shite he was lormei lv a i at mer near pat is ontnio anil is a giuliiiile o oac much ol woik was in an advisoiv carfaeilv on soil mil- rilion ami nllhaliou as well as animal husbandry new neighbors weleime to mi and nils pat- tei son who moved i mm sti eets vilte to jallmalad lo the home vacated hv mr and mis ham mond mr and mr thomson have bought a laim at helwood aiu will he moving theie whik bursary miss vm dublin 4h susies i are sewing separates ihe hnblin summer susies held their ihird ltleelinn at mtil- lals on kilindav october l ihe business pu t ol the meet ing was oiulncled hv the ue- presidenl maiv moll at it was detiiled to bin two pairs ol stis- sois the yioup work consisted ol each liil pmniiij on and cyl- iiiil out hei skirt anil blouse mis mollat me notes on uill- ini out and maikiny uments the lontih meeting was held on satnidav october 2h at hl- ths al this ineyhnii ruh meni- bei tnok pail in making a sample blouse mis mollat demoiistraj- eil yat benny and puttiu on tac- inys notes were yiven the acton free press thursday november 2nd 196t lincfa linham 4h stitch heads n rips lumh was served tht hannockburn 4 ii home- mtlklny club yirls are well und- ei way on their ptojeel suirttnei seperutes undei ihe leuleiship ot mis k medonalil aiul mrs w linham at the hist meelitib the lullovvinti oflieers were elected piesidcnt iiiula linbain vice- piesident lois knkwood see- ielutteasurer tiudv spcnrs ii ess icporter marilvn kirlc- woudvthev ileculed lo call them- selvesthe suilu- nrips mis xiiiham aiul mis swack- hanier drive them li llespcler loi mtteiiab and ihev learned someiliiny about ililteienl labri- the lliitd nieetihi was held bav hi at ion nto coitpvakilillorts ei ine suit lair on hm sai v in nuisii salurdav nieht we aie pleased to leporl mr i eo jamieson was able lo letuin home in salin ilav i nun ieoi tie town memoiial hospital wheie he had been reieiviue li eiiment- aliei taking sttddcnlv ill on mou- dav mis stanley sim lair ot cnelph spent the wcckcnd ith hei sis lei mis noiman snu lair shortill sheet metal plumbing and heating o gar woo j oh and gas m shcetmetal litu icatnip ot allkimls estiotimhint am the neiessin and i illiniis lot tin iiil hade oil bin ner sei v ice pipe heal- thy and sump hot water heatets water sil tenei s complete sliult of pipe and liltinis septjc tanks and beds shop 184 churchill rd n phone 464 acton ont siiliirdnv october 28 nl mrs mt donultls home they were shown how lo niter pallcma and now iitnu liliiiisc and sltlrlti cul out neuritis by w roy ricmell dc doctor of chiropractic if neuritis la one of themoit pain ful and norve wrncklntt experi ences known to mankind the pln bl boring liid uk- bbig the victim i unable to proper rett or aleep every mom ent nieam vuffehng there is ot- len lou of power and feeling local inriumation of a nerve li called simple neuritis it l local ized in one spot arfl is often caused bv pressure on a nerve trunk as it leaves tle spine be- iweeh two vertebrae pressure on a ncive distant from its spinal exit eg shoulder or elbow will result in numbness and tingling ft- llic part repealed constriction and prs- siuc niav icsult in inflamation of the affected nerve the nerve slicalh or ncimilcmma swells dur- ih iiilliiiuiliiin uiul may squeere ihe scirsitiie ncne andor form adhesions publliihed in ihe public interett lo explain ihe practice of scientific chiropractic office located at 17 mill st aclon i mhj iiii t juu 3 we can prove an automatic j 4e clothes m9 dryer is best for you with a 30 day free triai in your home halloween dance held in parish hall the halloween dame liulav evening in the patish hall spoil sored brffleiew uoianied an yhcan youue petiple was lei in ed luiie success carlv n attended tnost ot them in ins- lumc then wen yines tor the best milt its iip uvai d ouii to a ncgress eompleteb garbed in blackr mrs fdwat tl mm se vu bris tol and the rev donald west assisted the vouny people dough nuts and suit eft inks weie sold and damme was to icorcl inps the dances will be held every olhcr frtdav nitht in the parish remembrance day order of service saturday nov 1 1 tor mat i on of parade for leqion and all otner organ izations 1030 am acton legion auditorium 1045 am service at cenotaph 11 am church service acton united church haltonville service 230 pm at cenotaph rockwooo service sunday nov- 12 at 1115 am rockwood united church remember to wear a poppy on poppy day friday and saturday november 3 and 4 a chance to win the dryer you have installed absolutely free 7 during the period october 12 1 961 fo november 30 1961 the names of gas clothes dryer pur chasers will be placed in a container the name drawn on the final day will receive the dryer they purchased absolutely free when they answer a modest question addvantages gas dries your clothes so clean just load your dryer and set the dial clothet line worries disappear no more smoke soot or flying dust no more dodging the rain or waiting on the sun clothes are gently tumbled in owarm current of oif rw- dry soft fluffy and sweet smelling any time any weather resolve now never to hang another wash see the new gas clothes dryers now and discover howthey save you time clothes ond moneyfgas dryers cost vi as much to operate compared with other types of auto matic dryers making washdays jusf about perfect convenient terms can b arranged over a three year period lvj united gas limited

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