Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 9, 1961, p. 3

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popular tv star cliff mckay beperf speyside riding school by roy down clin mckay popular stn ol televisions count rv uyle music show holiday ranch has a new holiday ranch ncu hcic cliff has puichiscll 1 1 hum jj spcysklc and plans lo open i riding school ihcic next vtai a veteran cnieilainui since the enrlv tlnvs of le happv oann rudlo show clill has spent the inst eight n nd a hall yens on television you can catch his how fi icluvs il 9 oclock and kce him leud a parade ol country music stars through a hall hmu ol line music and equate danc ing or you mifiht catch him it the spoyside ranch up on the milton mountain he calls it wa tuning with laiheilv pndc as his 16vearold daughtei palli rides a 1000 ohm so bluk ace thiough the liekls and mei the jumps shows promise all niv kids icw tip with horses clill said hut when they got into then teens they tound olhci inleiests palli how- howedhotthprormc a fine hoisewoman if tiophics sihci tiavs pew- lei cups shields oi lust sec ond and thud plan i ihhons nuan pallis a piomisini hmscwninan she is indeed thai hci mom is crammed with close to 200 awards irom hotse shows and jumping competitions horn balti more buffalo syracuse royal wintei tan cne and olheis all ovei ontario she attends gymkhanas throughout the prowncc and often in imitation lathet than loi competition against mhei voiintslcis she could easily out cliss but she has heen named lunior champiijn so man tunes she cant rememhei how many more time for riding the lamilv lormerlv lived in islington hut with the coonti laim patti has mole limctode tile lo tiding she rises at 10 am eeiv iav and goes out to iuik with hei hotse blackie lot i while heloie she cite lies the lnis loi acton high school rilm it ili sihool is out in the af tei- noon she heads home dons a pan ol cans and lakes b1il k li mit again until daik this week blit kit- goes lo llu uoval at toionio anil pain i peels to hegin the competi lions lliete indiv blickie is the hest ol ihe lout hoi ses in the mcka siahles aiui last vear chit linn cd down an olfei of 10000 u him hehas i pi omisingniai u hut she wont be teady foi gm khanas tinlil nel veai mil eaul si 1 1 1 any leal compel i lion until 1jm chms idea l a i uling sellout is a place white miungsleis honi the aiea cm henelit liom eipahlc insiiticiion and compete in small shows thai aie judged hv cl eians ol ihe hunter hoise hiecd his piopeilv is huge and well suited loi iidmg and lumping it lining and he realizes theie aie a lilt of miung people in ihe immediate aiea mteiested enough to attend ihe school ricitulcwie limine the hum clill puiefiased is a 26 acre site pail ol the alcock lai m nm th ol rs suleroad just west ot spevsule loi net he also has in option on n addiiiona 2 aies adoimng lite heaulilul 10 veu old lieldsloue house arc two hams clill is convening into 11 mollein siahles ihe huildei was di beat he a humane soeiilv plliiiil who had limit ihe two barns to house ting kennels heal cnlilaloi s windows and all clill eoineikd ihe oiu hun to stihles with slid ing diioi s and special walls his laim has eontc in h iiiih foi anollicl laeel ol clill s mi salililv tv eommeieials re eenlu clill sel up his own te eutding aiul sound oiillil lo wnle ami i dm se queue es loi ikiio and 1 v ailvei lisemenls h up saniiuj u ill by making a li shots aiounil his lai m ami was amaed when ihe punt was done to gel olleis i loin iwo nthi i itl in irrs lo use ihe local ion as a selling loi then lilms i ik- heldslone house luuk open ileitis and lows ol lm i gieens make a pieltv selling uhethet ouie selling nieulhid ugaieilis oi ski hoots cliff mckay of holiday ranch fame has a ncw hobday ranch at speystde and plans to turn his 26acre farm into a riding school fr uniors next year above ihe veteran en tertainer poses beside his gypsy wagon wi h gord collins and his daughters joan coyle and path mckay on three 6f the ranchs four hunter horses patti is an expert horsewoman and has won ribbons and trophies in competit ons around the country response good camassers weie met with opt n a i ins 1 ut silav eciung when a house to house hht was mule lo seek hlootl donoi s i o dile om i 200 lilinis hac ol unleeied anil atlthlional names aie cpeei d lo he atliled tonight niuusdi ihe ys mens cluh will e am ass waul ihtee and ehanuian vie paliiek is impel ul ol leaching i ik 100 ma i k am one not home w in n earn asse i s l ailed ean siill tlon ale hlootl h alieiuling llu ilnm ihiusdav movemhet id at the i egiou atitliioi mm tw acton free press thursday november 9lh 1961 knox 116th anniversary with speakers dinner two guest minkleis special music by the cantphellvllle male juartelle and young people horn almoin heights itcibvlci ian cluinh maiked the llftth auniversarv set vices at knox preshytei inn 0111x11 sunday special speakei in ihe iimin ing was rev john i nule ii a ihb minlstet of iweedsmuu pieshvlei iun chuich oiange mile jijosi ministei loi the e ening stasejic was re william kcutt duncan ba hum aim out heights pieshyleiian chuuh in ninth loionto during ihe mm mug sei lee ret nule took as his suhteil ihe standaul loi oui chuuh and icviewed the chinchs toun dation inmi ils inception spi nal music loi the ntoining was supplied hv ihe choti inulei llu diuuion ol organist l a han sen gunnel singing pnoi to ihl evening similc rei dune in ami a nuihhei ol miung people liom his ilnueh led the mngiegalion in a gospel song seuiie dining llu seivke the tamphelh die ipiai telle tioni si davids pieshvleiiau chuuh sang selei lions llu giitsi minisiit look ar his stili et toi ihe i i nm sl i v it e i hv kingdom tiinu as n em phasint llu impoiiaiitc ol chi ishamlv mondav tviniui a low suppii toiuludtd llu telthi ilion ol llu juyrmets irv when the t milts aid assistttl h llu lulus hie i ong 1 1 gallon uiluul loi llu dm net and muhi a laigt gatluinig wat i h iii mais onluiu llvtho paid tnoie lhau ik million lo lidt i d and pio iiu lal got i iinu nts in ilho loi llu pi iv lie gi o using wait i mm i hi is in i ut i alt powe i it us hvtlioi k i li it pi mis stuff ihouta beautiful horses ride the trails at cliff mckays holiday ranch at speyside the tv en tertainer has a 26 acre ranch with plenty of op ti range evergreens and a lovely 30 year old fiuldstone house here marianne mclntyre joan coyle and patti mckay are shown an three of the horses in the centre is blackie the one path will ride at the royal this week l a speyside pupils now ready if faf open house at sihool six end men acquire drawls rulh mussel le has somehow he c ii ahle lo plumh the depths ol the 1 ml p sun tlli- in piailues lm alon i ions hi minsiul shiift in lluu lusi ap pt ai a i ul lu fou otlu l llu mlu t s ot l he list on motulav evening rasttis samhu boius lamho snowhall ami amos wlu spout in- soulluiu iiii1iuils like llu wu e taislii on llu hoi loin si tie j ot ihe mason dixon luu 1 lu vl atluiuil suulluin a u nis a nil thaw is lo r aloiv w llll llll ll lt 1st spilt ll ol ml i inlet loltiloi and llu eoniiasi is amaiug i ml an while iliui loi tioigi r vlussclle atldeil ailollui puu till eennpnuni lo ilu i hoi us on won 1 tav ml ulilinl a la pi uul i i on tin tout p it i haiiiioin songs i plaviug il haek lo ilu astonished e hoi us a tn t he v had pohslkdj tin lumihi i s oil c oilulli ills wl l l w lile a mil vai met hlfc musl win miipilsi i mux hlmild st i will wiih mi i m mm i s in i ik j hoi tj ji is lilltkllll lit tsclllllll lldu wutild simiiil to llu aiidiliki koii is i i holll satisht tl luwivii ii kups in w llh id lo ilu valmdai uhuh shows tuilv lliin v ks i main lo llu iiil hig mollis luiisdi surrounded by prizes she won at various horse shows in ontiino and soulh of the liorder is patti mckay 16yearold daughter of cldf mckay ol snuysidt when shes not at high school in acton paid s at home working out her hunter on the jumps at the farm she s the proud holder of close to 200 horse show prices and awards childrens babies wear credit terms specialty shop 200 down up to 26 weckt to pay junior modes 14 mill st e acton ont the man from the mutual life footbnll ia fun for tho boyn and for him ho touulios hib sons good sporthinuiihhip mid it givoo thorn all a ohiinoo to pluy togolhor but lifo is not nil piny for tho inun from tho mutual life ho has othor roala ha holpu people plan ahoud for a bound naouro futuro hos n lifo lnsurnnoo counsellor an ozport in imb fiold a valued fnond hd the mutual life as8urance company ok canada the tonifhiuy wij the ouiiluinjtng dindind ncotd mui2 rcprchvntatlvv john i htyit 23 mil in st north acton ontario telephone 623 room 1 iiil- pupils mailc a muia liitilkd vviilii us do on the hul kl m hi ii i 1 1 1 it ckii i h i ul tunli i huh iv iiilii shiu ii is well tthk uul tjllllt lilloi i ul i iihtul is uail i hi op en ihutsi il ih sjumi nui uc t lit ii hi si wuik unl dis plis i in n jilt 1 1 j iu ii is w ho ulh 111 llu mi k lisl jisl n k uiii iii in i h i w i mini lit it lhi icmlli ilnl to sc luiol i in rotmt 2 iulio pnvimi is iino ol llu in mi it iinu s i u li i hut sit j mil i is uuks pi o ilani wis ihoul ilu mulikiin allttlhim hilji 1111 wls lu jul i i uauhnu thi phtmbi t wi lim iiiwuil holh ilis i uus iiij l llsms room 4 piun io mn spelling slii pinuipil v likmi iluiilion this uctk jiiuk simii ihinks wis ipuss h mu ilimuil llu cmkl luit jiiult i i limit p si wluii this wis ikniul tlu immt nlinul h ink was on uhuh iliss il ilk nus sptlkil wis li ihuil in kluil link pnhlu t l s uiul ix smmk vi dicunhii i iikni k car hits pole hulk was mi vmikii i-lis- tin ll ikwk t11 lln huh il llllllk mi i il hii vh muki uk iiiu rfh nmil j s ikumi kk s sl dorn uamagga in ink uml ii is llu uiiiiiiui ol hiii is ilikiluiuj ilk ml ilk mkk six impilx lhil ilk ji il p luiuh iik svli iliss shiukl kl 1 hllk islllllkl nl llklllsllvcs ulmull 5 olll uuini his pikit ill si ii kuus li itpusilll sp si i slll1 ml mlkvhlll si rlmllll i lutk is i il i ii opn llnust ihuisln n imlllkl i ii piilll i i pin 111 1 1 ilium- iii uiiinili il v i iki 28 pupils h ul i p 1 1 i a uiuliu1 i mil in iuk tin kllllll llsls iikn liu uk v iiss ls vm illlllllkll skl 1111 litirituii liniihill p hum ll ikls pilk llls hi i 1111 plni iiil 1 mum ll i ul 1 mis in h us i i ilk pui ills wis 111 ul pussihk in llkllls i 111 sik ill wllls pippiis wi hsll ilillk1 in i ll ptipil 111 111 s linn ins w 1 k il ii s m pupils 11 i lll lllsln lossnlls ihnul 111 i 1 lllllllk s ulll 1 v i lk is llllilllk ii limsl lllkusliii 11 ul 1111 ii llklll ihllll iii hum s ml i lll mis iii h hi iii 1 s i litis suvk tll ittliltlll s uuulit iklll lllls1 mi li 11 in in tin i hi iii i nhts aiiniii x poll is hill is 111 isiuuilnl mill 11 ilk tiki ill tilt mlllllt lltt mlmi i ui tmm i in 1 u tltiltll txltlsts in k t ii mkllminll ilnll ilk llllll us piikfttlin sililll nil nil silt i snlllli iilmi l 111 nil lusi nl iii sllllt 11 klkillklu 11 is iii s lultllls s mill in ll is tuilltl 1 u hlllln pnlt tnuslihl lutt ml ilk immilsuiiu kltssli lliusll n district teachers meeting at dominion hotel thursday 1 lu iii l s i i pi t st in ni lu schools ol ion mil ion 1 i in nut cuoili lown uiiiuuj lluu annual osm 1 jimu t tikx lm last i luu s n i i mn ai llu dominion 1 luu i i lu niu nn wis miiihu u j atut a wi u niu cxuiukj to all in aiuiulnux in mis j tillowa pusukut ol the kual osxs 1 1 nui als nipav tuuk llu ilisii u moil aphualk dlhctihh new program i lu iu w pnviun tin out u ui si otulll v sx htttlk is pks iiu xt to lilsx llssltll muiv lslx s l ulv iu w pio iiu wlu xollsul ixl i his pioi iiu will ap mi ik situhx il in llu imi 1 pai i ol io x oiunuiili was v u x ix ii i o iiiia a siihuvi suxu pi i i am nu nilu i inun i u h ktniiis i husiiuss xanuxl w hool was luiul 1 his ini iuiiiik ilu v u wxti luanl muki willottxi a aiuj pio mis tallowa npoiuil ihanis ian io lup ilu uuikis ol ilu in tlu limiiuhiks ol oisiu i it innj llu mam ot whuh llu uual lumps an mltnni mibmls on ilu aim momhtrs lluiijiis in ilu hoim ulnni tloi us wiii lumssaiv kiaiisi in ai u lulaiu liom vion his ul llu iipul ltmwih within souu hul llilth school uu i ot llu- auas ruhutoiul hill ikuisii m hi an ltovu auiuia oakvilu womiht iclt o k r ahm miss i let miss anil llunulull luul ihui lianslci i lonvav o a uiiisiki j n fed to nilui thsiikis lliisi i aiui mis 11 oi is miss 1 changes iciuxvil llu piessiiu ol hailui vv xuaiis nui mis j nutnberb bcuu icli b uisuui i gallowa a cracked block can be your misfortune make no miitalte the weather has already been cold enough to cause serious damage dont delay the complete way remember periodic maintenance and chockup of yiour car or with any fine mechanism is only simple economy the cost is greater when you do it later drive in now or have us pick up your car acton motors 6 main st s acton phone 17 your imperial esso dealer studebaker sales where service is our business whats it all about save our bonus tape special handbill in your mail box this week ledgers iga winners of last weeks lucky draw meat thermometer miss eula peasen k r 3 aclon mrs alex smith 102 loitgficld rd mrs lorne weick 36 bower ave mrs joe hurst 294 arthur si mrs glen white so juhn si s mrs macpherson rjt 4 aclon electric bean pot james porty 13 church st

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