Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 9, 1961, p. 4

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pounding the sports beat c baseball with the first flakes of snow unrllriu lo fall jo wants lo talk baseball j pete mcmullcn thats who tor the first time in its long history the llallon county baw hall avtouuhon is holding n fall meeting the placc milton leg- ion hil i and the date is novem- 1 registered for the juvenile lions it will be their third uome theyve got two exhibition losses tu hcspelut under theii bells but xorlhe midgets and bantams it will pe a first appearance both the inst mentioned clubs have had one praeike hut lil he lee tinrv was ber is an increase in team enrolment has prodded league president pete memtillen into executive action thtrtvacxen clubs registered with the association the past hcasnn almost double the normal enrol ment problems have also multi plied the meeting will attempt among other thing to en lighten new members or the ainoclatlon on uome of the privileges and responsibilities which go with league member ship harold townsley was one of the seven veteran plavcis with miltons intermediate hockey club to be honored at a special j riders over the weekend niphi imlutijl tin sinn wir routines as we predli it will be n familiar story for ihese two tenrns again this sea son all the othet clubs in cen tres with artificial ice will be a lump 01 wo ahead of the local kids next year with a sparkling new artificial ice layout oper ating the acton kids may have the jump on them even this season will probably see a de cided improvement in the qual ity of minor hockey played in acton shocked looks on ihe faces of local football buffs can onlv he itlnbuted lo the drubbing toronto argos were handed bv the reiuienated ottawa rough presented with cnginved mugs which look suspiciously like thev have been made to hold suds others feted at the banquet in cluded ait melinson tied leav er joe mccann munav gienke doonev huns and juhnrn lleipel all of them aie familiar names to acton and distiict fans doon ev fans of touise was a net mindci with acon intel mediates in ihe- immediate postwar veais coming hcie from georgetown wheie he ptaed a laige role tn eliminating acton the pievious season harold townslev has plavcd with miff on teams since acton intermediate hockev folded up this season fans can expect lo see harold back in an acton uni- foim foi the first lime in ii years when he plas lor the acton enlrv m the wo a a he was one of the prime movers behind the revival of intermediate hockey here sick ness has prevented harold from taking an active a part in hock ey activity as he would have liked to in the past few years hut fans here hope he taken an active part on the foward lines for actons new hockey club starling to kick over the traces and show thev are still taslern canadas best ffkithall squad argos hopes of taking the eastern conference semi finals suf fered a oll satuulav but ihc hope to diau on overconfidence by ihe ridets to nail down a berth in the finals hamilton i list plate i mistier and considered h some to be 1 ical thical was downed b lasi place mondial saluidav but the alouctrc vicloia was 1 hollow one ti cats henched taldnev lot the last scheduled game and used a canadian quattcibatk in his place latest rumor to permeate local football huddles is that marc laferrlerc has switched his allegiance from home town ottawa to those rough tabbies could this be true marc r two foumtr acton intermediate hockey players were among seven honored by the mil ton hackay club lilt yvdncuay night actons harold towns icy left joe aaccann and lornt doonty fvn chat with canadian amateur hockey association president jack rox- borough left and club president stu fitzpatrick right during the evening 4iaaiihibkauaiiosbbtik six team group old rivals in int group tour acton delegates attended a special meeting of the western ontario athletic association last nifihi wednesday in wingham ai which groupings were anang- ed actons new intermediate hock ey club was included in a six team inlei mediate cm ml composed of lrin elotta fergus ilrislau 11illsburgh acton thursday tonight sees all three acton minoi hockev clubs entered in the 1 make then off ic against oakville in the lake mehopoiis beat bits the pinior foot ball squad at acton high school plived then inst game of ihe season tuesdav thev sufleied a 126 defeat it ihe hands of geo 1 gel own bill ale confident a win when a 1 et tit n paved lomoi 1 ow fi ida tlilii own giouiuls it and home sei ies with poi count to decide an intei school championship last e11 al ton captured ihe honors and ihe pap icounlv league eitowners are out for revenge il 1 96 1 62 debul milton and geoigetow n intei met sports 4 the acton free press thursday november 9th 1961 the adon dekgaus ross pal limine rob mai shall til t ootid and gcoi lie haggelt wcie ilisip pointed that mount i oust am i istmvcl wcie not iihiiuilci hi the gi oup 1 he se teams ucrl nisei led jjn another ji oiiping to line it sticngih a meeling mxl week will diaw up a sehedute loi the leims the lust games will piohahk ik pliv j ed the inst week ol december ross nelson idylls is coincn ei ol the jioup allhoiilrh no ollicial date has hi en announced lot ilvw opening ol ai ton s in w comniiuutv cen lie it is cxpiclcd iil will be a ailablc in the inst week ol iv cc m be 1 a iluc whu h will com e ule with ilu ictuin ol intciiikil late hoi kev to ac ion ml minor hockey notes midget tlrm pniuill lui ilic mltlyils wis in mrllnn meni itisi ihuis diiv ttcnt bos vcc tint lis inn lui a spl 1111 i lu- iiuii i tics lav 11 lull 1 in ckniilimn iifiii the hos yut uihiium slssuiii un tlci lllcit belts liisj iiinu of mil iilirilnll is thuisilav i1111111i11 atlun ilu lillll ihlcis oilailk 11 mo pin cs leui- iik j tkion ii ill pnk- iny lot 11 7 p in shnp thmks tic tluc id nin insm- wlm his hili iiijilnni nil 1 inn miiin iikis 11m1 iu ixins 111 mu hist liiytic hinil dunks ilsn lo mci ncsslm nul albeit mn shill lui stippkinii 1 it tiinspiiii tl pitllllees three deleitnles fmni ailmi lep lesemiiid the dinlun mullet mil jminilc hnektv teinis mil tun msitnis wilt ininiii ihe nei 4im1 deleuiles ihn minded the 2hlh innnil omiia inieiiiip 11 ihe kni i ilu ml hntil in liiitiiiin uiisminliv the muitinlil jlmkev i eiiutie no the le1e11e helds klllld imtll litem utei notts siuviil kev iniesti iie pitseni inilndiii the hetuli iiil l a ii a dm a woaa nl i local reps are in atfendance at 28th minor hockey annual i ihe 2klh annual meutlnu of the led the sport in some phase and onlmio mi no 1 hockey asjocia ml sutke left the ihoituht in lion was he i it salurdav at the mind of the minoi hoi kev exeiu- kin lduatd holel in loionlolive lo hfinit loi til tuiv iilcas to and included 111 ihe lecoul itnn iciaieuie cauiphetl pixsldeilt ot loul vveie a nilinbei ol local ttetit i lemen 1 a reioid 414 deleuates repies entinn the teams muted in ilu omiia in i06l made ihe nieetnil one ol the lines ever held in the lhoup 1l wis nuted tin utunili pusident i 1 ink do 1 heitv ol ihutuld liking nci ihe post of piesul j ml lot ihe l 62 season is jul i inns ol gall last u 1 111 s lust ui picsulenl lollowinj in his footsie ps is albt it u it kins o 1 ivlci hoiputih who 1 now hisl in pusuk hi mu doiill tittci son ol slnltiil second uipus idem stan mokes i uiidon is thiul ue piesklt nl i new executive j new exi uihve meinhei s named 1 aie jim kink lev ol napame mil stu re idol ihaeibiulli who ont ed i lovd davidson of hath 1111 mo ii a i ii i ami nathan phil lips mavot jil lotnuto sev- 11 il of ihe deltmtcs and visitor aitiiilled the n ii i panic belween ihuajjo hlaik hiwks and roron- lo maple i 1 ils at ihe aniens at ntfhl it is estimated over 7lx pi 1 sous sat down to ihe din in 1 11 whuh ihe yuesis were an- noiimeil and ihe final vote re- liasid ihe pitsidml of the tiicouuiv hockev leilrue vvh noininaled loi ihe exeiutive hv thi oakville minoi hockev as- soiiiiion bill ihe nomination was mil 111 culv iimuitll and ther-e- loie his n nne was mil im hided in the hsiinjis a referees clill tabel of pnston doid llllll s lo he heltl in lltamploii lliwes of whitln wis oswald lltl this month in the omiia ol i on si and i in i ssi ilu of ovvin sound lo 1 1 i 111 ilu nl 62 ixieulive gaiv mil cod ol 1 01 i t lipir imlo hi iiik lilwfcmalivfatits seth v0 rnfvv0 v4vlm jiiviznilk 7 wen tv i ins liom ai ton uu on hand in hispiut siiiiulav miiht to sn acton s luvuiili i ions rose in 1 hihiiiou lo ik sp li 1 c luh of 1 11 1 k sic ihis as an in diiahon of a i nee lollowitil loi mil i illtls lills si isdll 1 he ki epe 1 ileblcij lo all upoi is o ihe ptihlu alum ol line this lohils iaue is m loi i l inn s l lit this space will he wci k loi minoi hoi k ou have anv phone ihe 1 1 11 724 m pin each news ii tnlnrtn lhon tusi puss allei 6 s l tricounty v in in midget games released horejiiles plaved lo an 8 all diaw an exhibition this week lions play in sin bin lose to hespeler juves coach ben bivhss took acton lions luvenile hockev club to hespelei loi anothi r exhrbiiion pame satur dav niljht the 1 ions came biek on the short end ol a 2 si on a i tei a last anil lui inus e on test whu h w as man ed hv minv penallu s al one point dm mp the se cond riei lod live hespelei pla eis vveu loined hv three i ions in the penallv box the ai ion pen allies vveie eostlv two ol the hespelei eoals ueie moivci with i ions sc 1 v iiil sentences hespelei look the lead in the lusi live minutes with two goals vv ithin loin seconds and tin scou staved al 20 until the end ol the lust ehaptei at the s 20 mai k ol the second suma lies pelei added anoihei ian johnson rook a pass inside his own blue line and with a iumi solo ctloit deked the lies pelei elc k use u t a shot fk horn inst inside the otlui blue line thri sioied and put ilu i ions hack in ihe pame that was at 10 os penal tint costu the lions put on ilu pressim then but it wasu l until the live 1 minute maik of ihe last pe thai m veu old mel v mai tinned denis gibhons pass a well 1 1 nu d poal making 1 tod hall into 1 in scoie 2 it looked then like the lions uphill battle to tie ihe siore might succeed but penal ties at this iiinituic handed hespeler the game on a platter with fvo lions silling out penalties the hespelei ciew banged in a goal al is os and 4s seconds later put the game be vond reach with another ihe game was the last cxln bit ion lot the lions until to nights 1 hutsdiv opening ol the ti icounlv hocke league in oakv ille w hen thev open the schedule anoihei 14 viar old imiied ihe club loi salui dav s contest in the person o johnnv gov hi lined into the team well and slowed good eontlol ol lite pile k ac ton lohn i eathei land g rill daw kins wavru bow en ron mellon ron malcolm ian johnson garnet roscll tcrrv itc 1 house denis gibbons johnnv cn mm in marshall inn mcdoinld rav bustcll boh ritchie following is ihe schedule the acton midgel enlrv in tn colin tv minor ho 1 eigue thins nov 9 8 10 p m acton al oakville loi the ke 22 7 8 p m p m p m p m 8pm ac ion wed nov al georgetown mon nov 27 al milton sat dec 9 al hespelei sal dee 2 al oiangev die sal dec 10 at biampton tues jan 30 pieston acton s home scheduled later time is known supplv i releree vislring the releree in chief 4 penalties in one game a i game suspension a ihe lasi s minutes ol c allies a i game suspeiisi acton aeton j 30 acton al games w ill he when the 11 ue each team to leleree light in 1 game high runners allan hall and keith ranncy representing acton high uchool in the ontario federation of secondare school athletic cross country meet both turned in outstanding performances last saturday competing against teams from sudbury north bay ot tawa caledonia haggersvlllc toronto strcctsvtlle and many other centres ihe two acton boys running for the first time in intcrkchool meets both plac ed well up in their races running in n meld of 217 allan hall placed 16th in the junior one and a half mie nice keith ranncy came 25th in the senior three and a half mile race out of a field of over 200 runners many of them experi enced the course was laid nut at boyd conservation park at wood bridge ontario the legion is going to sponsor minor hoi ki v kigtii this sc 1 son pa lie 1 lud al le 1 pie v ions veals regisii alion foi ho s 8 to ui is in the it giou auihtoi 111111 fioni 11 12 a m saluidav nov cnihci i8lh with the acton boy scouts bynrucc williamson would like vol e aim ol seoi not 0111 to trai shoi tl ouse ic d is 1 1 lie that we p ol main ol ails as kadi to leahe the l hauling we 1 1 spec lal 1 ue iiilulls 1 hough shall need the mu picscnt in the u us en and the 0m mi as maltcis poi lance 1 w he the vanish must he looked ol paiamoiint 1111 scout i aw inns k bv which all that i piupo the ic th 1 ol s101 lion hos nnhiicd w 1 1 li the who c in lake i in 1 di 1 s in hi woi id wc hiu tlu dual this is 11 training mom nu nl not the nl anus to become i ine men seollt place in si lask mg lo ham mu scouts to think nul ol im mug ilu 11 munis lo ward ilu unlinaiv intiiests and i pliasincs ol normal adult iii e i ouile a number of bins whin lu leave school find lluv have nu 11 c ic isuic lime av ail iblc ihiotigh tun rover scout pro i u to lulp show tlu m use tl eoiullic t is pldgcd these aie the dungs we want our scouts anil out sous 10 take wiih them in l manhood i lu people ol ac ion have made a t tin conn ihution towatds ihts nul in iluii glial suppoi t ol tlu scout 1oemc tit on apple dav ou have proven h 11 vou hue a kei 11 in tele si in scouting and a 1 e a si m 1 cc ol stii ngih lo ilu siollts as lluv gl apple with tin pin sua nu run itul spn itu il pi ohlc nis at tun ian i on ippion h to manhood i 11 v and jim whilsou of si bom 11 l mi 11s as hi isuiu and sl 11 tri count v llepi olln 1 low us wiih le mis mil 1 1 1 d 111 lln 1 1 1 ounlv hoi ki v le 1 glle witc will lipitstultid with a iiumlk 1 ol gi ink im iisjh hiding i hill hutu tl tin hjjul winking se 1 1 1 t 11 v slat ishelwfl ol ne i i i c ountv h ague atti ruling rrtun biampton i he in counlv i giu is one ol the i 11 gi s of ivpi union ilu m ii a oig 1 u 1011 and is c id d veu k as lop proving giouiuls foi 011ng tioi kev plavcis imni ive wei up to lln iiiwmle ige hiaekel pee un 1111 h iiilain wue adtled to lln li uui s itiiieiuv i ins e11 lot ilu 1 11 si lime tl h 1 si veial veais following insi luvenile and llun midgi i clubs ihe i ague- hi iw h is ovi 1 2s teams 111 ms links iipicsiiihng some eighl towns giiesi spiakei at the dinnei was i 1 ink si iki managing duct lot ol ilu m011i11 d tinadiins ol ihe a i ion i hockev league mi si iki noli d ihe canadiius oigan iiliuii pin smhmuh into lulping soiili i oik hockev 1 lubs across tlu doiiuiuoniii lln l6lm seas on he stressed that il this was not lu ipuil hockev its no good and addid il the gionp had anv nli as he felt sine hrs assoi iali s would woi k on i hem altci all 0111 uileicsis an uili 1 wovi n a plavc 1 inusl make the pio tanks in older to prove him sill lull voir the minoi hot kev pi ople inusl lust tic vt lop him il has in 1 n disiussid in limit vllls mill possible pio spiiusoi ship ol aiiuluu hoiktv has kil i kiiuv thunli it llallow- i t t 11 par iv w is in id oiiobu 31 i plavitl games whuh nu hided a tasimg tesi llun vvt ate a box hint li whu ti eaikgul had bioiighl lor in im ii and in 1 itiend aller suppi 1 we dunkitl hu apples in a bin ki i ol ve itt 1 a pi ie was given joi the ik si tosiume mai- gu mackenzie won it she was ed as a muuiiin i he pu tv willi laps mialtby u9983fsfiyfllrocktvood giani i how onh permit nassagawi va township jssiu tl one building pi 1 mil thu mg 1 obit a 1 000 pi 1 mil loi a gar a il bungs tlu uu s tol il lo v id soo s rlglitful mils iimi i it md place ml llllt pi nmim lln 1 iki 1 11 nhltu il 11 in llii ilk lion 1111 t im s1011i in ihi lui dull 11 s ll xlll evebton winter in florida for w mcneills mi ami mis william mc sc ill let i on moiulav to spend the win lei in i loi ida sundav v isitoi s with mi and mis i v hciiham wen mi and mis chaihc ik am t iinik bui hugion mi and mis lack motell kiekv and karnlv ginlph uh ml and mis loidon nln ami son i loi 1 mrs i d tmpu 1 ilalhnilad is 1st ting with in 1 hi ui in 1 mi ro llunllev i mi ami mis time edwarels j and tanulv ol gmlph visit d on sundav with tin laitci s pients mi xnd mis mbcrt wm mi and mis led jcsttn pals and isaiiev v isitcd im sundav with mi ami mis james milne and ljmilv ol rtukwuod mrs clu a blu kliv k tonvnlo spent a lew davs with min john allon and miss jennie tovell i sundav isiiois with mr and mrs percv peavov weiv mi and mrs cecil holmes and miss ag nes holmes of limowel mr and mrs harr reed ol uinibeth mr and mrs gordon schmnli ol hcitpclcr aod mr and mrs archie bagg of guelph george harrap guest during rotary dinner acton rotanans wen ptivileg ed tin sdav evening during llun wee klv d inner nice ting to hear 11 excellent address bv george harrap an official at tin h k porter plant entitled renum bianci dav dur mg a srfng song guest ro- fanan bill cmi inm the george town dub acted as pianist the attendance was down b toui imembeis since the hunting seas i son inieilcied with the meeting i caniinued liom page gin tufhl loists wen proposed lt the r ptl venison waidin hv reeve i t illev ol ucd nig be hunters re oakville and replied lo lu tin iuin bui billowing reports ie wiiilm ut uiiintv council hv a r j1iusda evening ilnv will sirvici and uplud to hv reeve h l l in stilu ui 1 ls l r 1 lliiimiu 01 vton and l nu in s bv then tin past wardens bv rum john c hai lion of milton ami n plied to bvk dick lohn wilson ol halton junior i aimers gave two vocal solos and liowe is were piescntcd lu tin ladus at ihe inad table hv di put rec v c s h hinton ol cloii wrllud bird of lsiuitsing and john i ihott ol ttcoigeiown fete warden let us do your holiday cleaning early get your clothes all ready for the busy holiday season that will soon be here check your wardrobe today well do our best to satisfy you custom cleaners sm oiy service except saturday in by 10 am out by 5 pm cash and carry main st n phone 373 careers for voung men in voiu canadian army ii vou are between the ajje of 17 and 2 mk single pet full ml 01 ma lion on i e nine- earn oppor luiiil ic s with ihe canadian ai m vult our local army re cruiter ut the canadian le gion in aclon bclurcfti the hours or 10 am and 2 pm on ihe 10 november 1961 goodwill used cars illiy with com 111 scr wv li mil kci spcciloniclit mile- iifif hmk wc lo not rttull iioh pulliv cnilscrn or cum thut hic heiii in a mijnr ciilllhlmt uc will hiippl name and ad- irchx of prevlthih owner on rciiesl ialh tir lihletl covered under i 1 aram i i i warranty for one year 61 i nul ul ii i s7 c lu a iloul mi s vpi i i il 7 pkniiulh 2 ill iii 57 niik sup i 2 ill in liil 4 di c iniili u vim ill olds snpi i a ill i i mil 4 ill sul in ss miiiiiilii 2 ill ii i hunk 4 ill- si ii h 7s 51 4s slls tlls l 2s 5sis s llls slsd ls slli s7sll s llin h 2 li ii i si i il 2 tli ss im 2 li s4 h 4 1 ijhi m l iim si l ni h sin wll lm pl h i lull pit k 1 lil 4 ill sil ill m h t 2 ill lip h si i i i a ih s c in m i il nl i i l k up lllll pi k lip vs j7js j vis 54sii s2s 17s j2js si is sims franklin prouse motors 351 qiiin st p actom piionr 16 fob appliance and tv repairs manning electric cll 330 bowl bowl for platfur towl for hwrthj make it a saturday night date go bowling acton bowling limes phone tt member oectji it main st hockey enrolment acton legion minor sports for community recreation saturday november 18th froty 10 am to if noon i acton legion auditorium age group from to 16 years not including present ouha players managers and coaches neededl remembrance day order of service saturday nov 1 1 form ilinn nf pirod for lit on aid il othtr on tn 1030 am acton legion auditorium 1045 am service at cenotaph 1 1 am church service acton united ckurch haitonville service 2 30 p m at canottph rockwood service sunday nov 12 t 1115 jn rockwood unifd church remember to wear a poppy on poppy day friday and saturday novimu 1 and 4

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