Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 9, 1961, p. 8

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g tha acton free pns thursday nowmbrylh 1961 the retarded child t think about you a lot rumors mole november 12 im pbl a medical expert but to 24 ls retarded childrenn week in canada thlf nevipa er u pleated to reprint thu fol lowing article on the thought of a parent received from the canadian association for retard ed children i think about you a lot you probably didnt even no tice me but i remember you well i think about you n lot it wai a cold snowy car-bit- insr windswept day you sat op posite me on the bus there was your father you sal very close to him i remember how he reached over and cleaned the mist from the window behind you so you could turn around and look out i remember how you smiled thai timid grateful smite i dont know why i first no ticed you bui there you were a niqclooking youngster your age twelve thirteen i dont know but somehow you were a little different there was something strange abuut you i didnt know it then but i know it nuw you are one of those lost children lost in the darkness of the mind i didnt look at you directly i sneaked glances i looked out of the corner of my eye frank ly im ashamed of myself may- be 1 didnt really want to sec you maybe i was afraid yes afraid that vou could have been my son mv son im pretty proud of him strong healthy good re port cards thinking of him thinking of you theres a pain in mv chest why why arent all kids given ihe same break why will some never- have the glorv ol the rulllhinking rull-function- ing mind whv i ilonl know i onlv know that vou were there and i was ihcre perhaps it made me a little wiser a liitle more understanding a litile more thankful i hope so you could use a lii tle more understanding you and thousands more like you all part of that host of child ren uho foreer wil live in a grev world of the mind never feel ing or knowing the jov of razor- sharp thought always held back always mentally retarded i do know thai they have found more than 70 causes why you could be retarded i also know that you can never be cured but thai with special training and with kindness and with patience that you can be helped to a ful ler life a lire to whlchyou have every right i know you con give love that was easy lo sec the way you smiled how your hand rest ed on your dads orm how you sat so close to him and his a man beside you i think he was love for you must be very vcr deep too i look a onal glance at you and got off the bus the cold made my eyes water i wonder now was it really ihe cold poets corner thducttts of the day when i look out my window the picture that i sec is a dress of green red and gold on every pretty tree and when my eyes gaic upward into that heavenly blue it makes me ihink and wonder why the worlds in such a stew is someone through the devil telling vou god is just a myth cguldyoir sir and view such landscape and believe that tale forthwith if the leaders of our nations could forget material wealth we humble creatures would not be so conscious of our health people are building shelters they think this will save theii lives their tensions are built up so high they break out with the hives but think now would you want to live when its lime to step outside all vegetation is dead around and your friends lie side by side i think it best to take d stand and place our trust infhim who is our hcavcnlvtather and turn away irom sin mrs w early this sundays church calendar rr vrrssrrmcrnjb the chuich of st alban the mattyr anglican corner willow and bower rector the rev d h west ba lst 185 jell rev ave phone 265 sunday november 12 1961 the 24th sunday after trinity remembrance sunday 8m am holy eucharist 9j0 am runilv eucharist and church school sidesmen eric lvnch geo wi iv i ii xi jm remembrance ser- lu sidesmen win dcnnv lieu riuntun 7 w pm evensong 8 tttt pm youne peoples all are welcome baptist church acton pastor rev james m rudd 39 nelsim couit plume 206 m ni1ay nov im her 12 im 11111 a in muming worship ihe gieilesi wirk it art 7 110 p in evening j ice a man tmuhcs etcmitv 0 45 am sunday school mk p m new lite mission rillv dublin slieei i nllcd cluiiih cuclpli wcilncsdiv 4 pm mission hiud iluliv c- ml jim ispluieis 7 ml p in haplis 1 1 1 vrlt i ellow ship all aie welcome united church of canada acton ontario minister the rev dvvight i engel ba bd organist mr george elliott ma sunday november 12 1961 divine services 930 am and 1100 am a nur sery is provided for intants during ihe ii oclock ser vice the church school 9 30 am the senior school for those in grade 5 and higher 1100 am the juniur school lor pieschoolers to gtade 4 7 0 pm young people meet all over 14 welcome presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew ii mckenie b a b d minister v- p a hansen ba oigmist and choir master sunday november 12 i9m 945 am church school 10 00 a in ministers teenage bible class ii 00 am diving worship sermon llienie the perlect high pi lest prvmiurscrv children cared for at knox manse during ser- ice junior congregation ages 3 to 7 years meets during sermon 630 pm youth group meet ing 800 pm adult sludv group at the manse acton pentecostal tabhinacle 33 churchill road paoc rev kenneth j reid pastor 75 cook st phone 649w sunday november 12 i9m 1000 am sundav school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evangelistic tuesday 8 pm praver and bible study thmsdav 8 pin christs am hassadors you are always welcome fellowship baptist sunday school for intonuatum call william rochester 112 churchill rd phone 1180vv sunday november 12 i9m 3 00 p tn sundav school in a ion y mca classes tor al ages thursdav 8 p mcoffljite prav er meeting christ died for our sins romans 5 8 all are welcome christian reformed church rev j nulma ba bd minister 301 oueen st box 46 phone 698 sunday november 12 1961 830 am tune in to the back- togodhour ckkw1320 1000 am english service 230 pm dutch service 345 pjn sunday school all are welcome ha he john wilson of norval best plowman at haltons junior farmers match in soptomber was awarded ihe milton milling co silver tray at the annual hallon plowing match on satur day october 28 george swanp of milton milling right makes the presentation 70 ha i ton dairy farmers take part in association during the pas war 70 ol malions dairy farmers havebcen inking pari in mie dair l ileal improvement association this program which combines pro duction per cow along with cost of production records is assist ing dairy farmers in the emintv bv using the produiiui ligtir- es per county and corrrnaiing the com of pruiluction figures with the couni and provincial aver ages dairvnien using this pro gram arl meeting the cost price squeee three associations halton conntv has three assoc iations p w chisholm is sup ervisor for the i la i ton l as sociation george w mccormack is supenisor lor the mallon west association and howard king is i lie supervisor lor the halton centie association the project is sponsored bv the ontario department of agri- t nihil e as a service towards cl- licient ix production hach month milk vields and hutlerlii tests aie computed ami iciotils kept on production costs al ihe end ol the lactation records aie i oinputed for- each cow although the associations have been operating at lull member ship theie aie now a tew mem bership opeihngs available i rneis interesieil in this piogiam should contact am ol the stipei visors or the extension branch ol the ontario department ol agi icultuie milton tons little international d friday on fred nurse farm hutlun countys lllllc inter national pliiwltitf match wan held october 27 at farm of fred nurse seventh line esquesing early morning nin disappeared during ihe afternoon and a cool wind chilled a large crowd ol pcetalnrs who attended to see the mouldhoard competitors struggling to carve fine lurrows in dry ground entries were up slighllv irom previous years and tlie farm im plement and equipment display was ihe largest in the history ol ihe show two steam engines were on hand one lo run a sawmill and one giving free rides lor the children hornby wi served the noon lunch and op erated a boolh on the grounds again this year theie were on lv thice en i lies in the horse class- ebenezer es the banquet and presentation of awards was heldit sa-warl- town hall on fiidav evening winncis were as follows joint er plows in sod open ii k jar- vis agincourl stan mav horn by and linvd mav millon t me lius in sod open doug reid biunplon william hosliavvser malum donald dunkeld clare muni n nil hill speck lloinbv open mounted plows two lui- iows or more w k thomas thornton john wilsort norvjl bob armstrong brarnplon kellh leslie georgetown anil wavne heiod caledonia mounted plows john devins mono road harrv blander mal lon murray han is millon john devins wins the torontodomin ion bank burlington special iiaelor mounted plows two or more furiows for hallon conlest- auk only eleanor tailor bur- itngjon hon brander nona don blander noi val dvvight mav hoi nbv miss taylor wins ihe iil ons of canada pin lor championship tiat loi s in soil open carl diceman wooilbr iilge don cation br imp i on 1iank diilk mono road and lee wil kinson malton carl dwemaii wins the roval bank o caruida bur iwiglon special tractor- utility ernest ir vine it actor ut 1 1 it v bill speck hurnbv eleanor lav- lor bur ling ton john wilson nona i don biandcr noivil dvvight mi lloinbv nrlor ut ility i lass open william hosi- ravv ser mallon keith leslie georgetown donald dunkefd claremont doug reld bramfv ton rob armstrong brampton rov craig mono road wayne herod caledonia w k thomas thornton and lee wilkinson mallon donald dunkeld wins ihe norton and turner ptfclil for bcm crown and william hosliavvser ihe best finish award john wilson of norval won i fie esso champions traclor plow speiiil and ihe millon milling aw aid for the highest contest nit at he lecenl junior matib ihe bank ol nova sco it i speiial lor ihe ivst lidge in flu mounted plow l lass went to miiuav hai iis ol millon and uiuiav for- the thud cav in a low wis named voungesl hal- ion contestant toi the george e elliott spenal ron brander was second stan mav was lust in ihe hoise show wuh41 r jams se cond and i lovd mav thud home interphone system available in district soon church tea bazaar termed big success intended for last week a short and varied program with mis m malum as chair- lidv opened ihe annual tea and bazaar held in the ebenezer church school roonis mrs ma lum spoke a few words welcom ing the large crowd in attend- aiiceamlrca a sh thanks giving poem the dunbar bovs entertained wilh two songs in a lighter vein mrs m hakward and daughter jov sang duels wmnilred dun bar rendered a piano solo elji- elmae patterson violin solo sah- dia blvth vocal solo mrs m moffat leading jan malum pi ano solo bibv chrysanthemums taste- i nil v arranged bv mis m hav- ward tkloraled ihe lea table mrs r hadcoek and mrs p kiiching poured lea other all lowers weie arranged through out ihe rooms the well laden tables ol handiwork home bak ing 1 1 nils and vegetables sold raptdlv and a nice slim was icalied foi this effort the rev r hadcoek arranged a meeting lor the women of the three congregations of the ehe- ncer charge lo introduce lo l hem the new loirn set up bv ihe general council for ihe wo men of the united church a few questions were asked but even one present seemed to think this change would be quite acceptable to the women of this chaige a nominating subcom mittee ol iwo from each congie- gallon was chosen and this com millee will eoniact wrimen irom each group who would lie willing to stand lor nomination on itie olf tc iil execujive a lew membei s of ebcneej womans association moloied to eden mills prcshv lei lan chuich to share in lellowslnp with ihe eden mills group iri celebrating their 70lli anniversarv ol ihe wms vl a mrs h gilhcitson had com- v rvrrr tvi pil a history of this group f main street n from its beginning anil this was very interesting to all ihe revj williamson ol guclph was guest speaker 1 harvey laverty heating plumbing and eave5troughing repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners sales and service rockwood phone ul 69934 rockwood 24 hour sarvlca bazaar baking 7bt tmmi u fmt 1 qu smitt i a diwltion of dairv farmers op canada 147 dftvvnporl rod toronto 5 home interphone a new communications ser ice with such features as dooranswenng handsfree talking and eleclron- k babvsitting will be available here by midnovemher avoid ing to c s keith bell tele phone manager for this ternioiv the sstem was rnai kettested bv the eompanv in hamilton dm ing the spring and slimmer and jesuits induated a demand ln the service home interphone vvoiks en tirelv through standai d lele phones including the pnnvess sets willi separ atelv mounted loudspeakers built inside eaeh telephone t in the svstem is a microphone unit dooi answei- ing listening in on a sleeping habv rounding up the lannlv wilh ihe until uia gel it all can be accomplished sniiplv bv lilting ihe neatest i deplume i e leivei in the house when a call tor one person is answered bv auothei the per son who took ihe ill win hold bv lifting a small buwn bv turning another button this per son can page the person wanted over the intercom system the one the call is intended lor can then answer at the nearest tele phone 1 tie intercom calls can be answer eil w iihuiii touching telephone the foreigners dominate foieign ownership dominates all mior bran lies ol nianulac- tunng in canada except pnmar iron wl steel 7s per cent can adian owned textiles 80 per cut canadianow ued and beve- lages 8d pel cent canadian- owned pollock and campbell minufjciurers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north gait telephone 62i75r0 if you hava baan mitiad during the canvas or live in tha rural araa drop in to tha clinic al tha acton logion audit- orium thursday novambar 16 your bbod is uraanlly naadad clinic hours afternoon 2 pm until 430 pm evening 630 pm until 9 pm how many are bank customers a safe guess would be every one of them thats because in canada practically everybody has regular dealings with a chartered bank doposit accounts number more than 121 i million or better than one for ovory dult and on the books of the banks at any one time are 1800000 loans for just about every personal and commercial purpose through 5000 branches from one end of the country to the other the chartered banks bring a full banking servicowithin the reach of everyone the chartered banks serving your community

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