Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 30, 1961, p. 14

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14 th acton frma prau thurwby novembw 30 1961 spfflk rye pku at the acton bowlinglanes by km hulfard high school nov 20 with jim bullous 777 and john dunn 640 leading the hit parade hot dogs with a three game win from comets look over the top spot comets made with tingles dot earle 243 keith andrews 204208 but couldnt muster up a win gary musales 208 and 206 solos were the best trundling in the rocket- fouler go but it was foulers on the right side of tho 2 roll ter ry mauilcs 67j trlcount paced electros for a iwo and lolails win over dunblowlns mike mattock 231 solo slood out for the latter league nlnndlng hot dogs 40 comets j6 rockets 32 dunblow ins 29 foulers 26 electros 26 and bob drinkwalter222 headed up the win boots grischuw booted in a 221 solo for the los ing iii impacts die beaiem broke the third place jam wllh a two and totals win from scrap pers and occupy third place all by their ownsomc beating ihe pine for die beaters were rose cook 608 cyril lcighton 212 or- val darby 237 and hank eurle were scrappers best league standing geom 37 bell ringers 4 die beaters 32 hi im pacts 29 scrappers 29 flexible 28 baardmor nov 20 joyce mosaics 751 303 doug rues 610 theres a surprise millie fabian 211 and ermo fovro 204 helped hep cats grab a two and totals win from mugwumps who snared the last canto for a saver bill buchanan 612 tinnlc mosaics 233 don woods 222 and bert fowler 205 were mugwumps best primroses hung onto the second spot with a two and totals win from john- nvs crew helen lesueur 660 dennis crooks 263 and arlie white 207 paced ihe win the crew scored in the singles jovce buchanan 206245 elmer white 231 ed parent 277 and john rob- son 212 seems as if everyone picks on the untouchables these nights lucky 7 touched em with a three game loss eva williams 669 helen yaleman 602 john dennis 212 jake vanderkooy 205 alex commando 243 and pat wail- die 238210 were on for the 7 un touchables- best were al roach v 600 arch papillon 215 fred crlpps 217 ond bob brown 212 strike aheads moved up into third place at the expense of hi hopps who dropped the bundle roger murray 660 harrv rogers 206201 bill howell 243 gerrv lamarehe 200 and alec patcai 202 were striking for the aheads sheldon bennett 200 and phrl lesueur 248 sied hi hopps face league standing hep cats 45 primroses 38 strike aheads 35 johnnys crew 32 untouchables 31 mugwumps 30 lucky 7 25 hi hupps 16 lsglon ladus nov 20 flip flops didnt wjlch out fur watch outs ami came up with the short end ol a 52 go mamie allens singles ol 207203 slood out for the win ners svlvia folev 210 and dot eirle 207 were ditto tor the los ers after getting clobbered in ihe first no blows blew hut in the next two ami picked up ihe big share of a 52 go with jen with iv marlin 246 heading in the win lm brulshaw turned in a 683 tricouni lor the losers league standing flip flop 38 watth outs 36 jets 25 blue springs nov 21 carnations went on the win spin ami their three game win hum glads got em in to the lop sput fran thomas 200225 and terrs arbic 235 were up for carnations sophie oehlrih got into her howling shiies in nine to roll a 6ts for glads with beisl joulan lois blown 200 eileen fimk 211 and doi slapleton 200 astrv got lhcmclc some lliuh need ed points with a two nul lotas unl trom viokts chen i moi ton 73 and mmne oum jt tnpled ami soloed toi violets despuc adele nolans mv nan is jensens 204 and amlict i i- oiihaits 20 munis weie tuinlil- etl tiotn lust pluc when rosos look em tot the two unl totals i leanor cos 220 ami mall kill nagel 208 pwed ihe roses win league standing ciruaiion 44 minus 40 roses ts violets u glads 30 aslers 27 no blows 271 601- hard industrialcommercial nov 22 ledgers got back on top of the totem pole wllh a three game win from firefight ers frank irvine 676 gino dc barlolp 617 and bill shannon 627 sparked the win bill splelvogel irled to stem the rush with o 240 in the firefighters causes but no dice with the return of bro ther deforest carl and deo to the al delivery lineup the a- oners lied ihe first game with pauls mens wear then look the haberdashery kids into camp for the next two dee de- forest 663 and had deforest 400 double delivered for al ch peycha 614 was the lone tripler for pauls with 614 with don grein 833 310 and bill john stone 681 als snack bar figured for a win from reliable taxi but the taxi bovs scored for three wins with jefr fryer 748 and fred kentner 612 being the pacers league standing ledgers ig a 49 pauls mens wear 46 als snack bar 44 reliable taxi 35 al delivery 31 firefighters 5 acton ladies nov 22 standings are all shook up in the acton ladies as a result of lovell bros making mincemeat out of the vets with a three game win cameos won two games from prouse motois but dropped the singleton for totals mccallums service gave ihe zero treatment to lamb real estate top triples on the nights plav were marnie mellor 672 charlotte holmes 614 siel pev- cha 601 marion storev 655 he len otlerbein 617 catching the singles were joan barr 204 jean mcphail 201 nan hurst 240 art- ene bruce 246 peggy lawson 210 flo frver 217 helen holmes 200- 203 marion- jerome 201 peg bad- lenline 201206 marion pope 217 doreen mclnlyre 219 league standing cameos 37 lovell bros 37 prouse mulurs tft mccallums services 36 the vets 34 lamb real eslale 0 acton major nov 23 last seasons champs tenpro are up in a tie lor lop spot thev look tiger cits lor ihe works rjob brown 701 tin gout coulighan 679 bill town- send 640 paced the win t cs lop trio were don giein 6s6 pele homer 616 norm moi ton firelighters put atton bil- hehnul ihe eighlhall lor the iiim two billiuds lecoveivd in the last and took totals hot trio lor fiietighleis were john krapek 704 mick holmes 682 jack pink 662 for billiuds leo mscnlliiuav 775 t16 bill shan non 681 ed nugillown 668 do minion hotel picked up seven points lioin aeion soccer club wilh dee deforest 711 1271 hank earle 693 dies peveha 648 i highlighting leugue standing acton bil liards 52 tenpio s2 tiger cits 49 dominion hotel 32 fiietighl eis 21 alton soccer club 4 acton friend nov 2 slowpokes hail in- uiliihlcs down tor the inst acton mixed nov 24 turtles still lead the pack in the mixed but eagles clipped their lead a bit wllh a two and totals win murlin oeh- lrlcb 207 bob launby 214 rievv for eagles ron whlthum 615 and ben rculy 245 were up for- ihe losers terry musales 205 in ihe flrsrrdortnompsomioiri rhe second gave stragglers the nod over atoms atoms won ihe third stragglers made with the odd point for totals ileen grant so loed for atoms with 208 clippers won em all from raiders they were pressed in ihe third hut managed it by 10 pins gord thompson 232 nuncv jensen 240 clipped em off for clippers pearl jackson singled for raid ers 217 league standing turtles 44 stragglers 37 eagles 36 raiders 35 clippers 31 atoms 27 thursday toppers nov 23 wishful thinkers won the first then tiger cats went on the prowl led by verna arhics 658 and won the next iwo and totals ivy martin posted a 613 on ihe happy hopefuls score sheet but busy bees were buz- in the pins and scored for the works ruth masales 212 soloed for bees yvonne hamilton 213 and pudge jordan 210 had blow ers off and running in ihe lirst but they came to a sudden halt and cameos grabbed ihe next two blowers made for the totals on ihe strength of ihelr first game jennie clendenning 208 ada peal 224 were cameos best league standing tiger cats 44 blowers 40 cameos 39 busv bees 39 wlshrul thinkers 37 happy hopefuls 32 tesnnunder nov 25 lucky strikes didnt strike it lucky and reptiles won both games mavericks brouirht down the eagles wilh a double win devils tried lo win em both from flintstones but dropped ihe second game top doubles in the saturday morning whoopdedo were bob browne 172199 371 sandra franklin 152208 360 steve gov 172171 343 fred landrv 142189 331 bob tur- kosz 173137 310 frank mor ton 168136 304 sandra slinger- land 150151 301 dulene john ston 118177 295 lorna mac- phersun 163131 294 helen har ris 137142 279 league standing luckv strik es 31 devils 26 reptiles 24 flintstones 21 mavciicks 19 eagles 14 headpin hilites good day for acton on the in- tercountv scene acton mer chants went dixie plaa wav and look dixie bowling for two and totals acton combines were at home to the brampton brambles and won em all actunettes en tertained the dixie debs and won two and totals wilh the award winners it was don grein winning ihe pauls clothing voucher with an 833 tricouni jovce masales scored a double winning the slreetsville drv cleaners award with a 751 triple and picking up the ledgers lg a ducat with a 303 single the liquid refreshments ol seven up reinhirts and cocacola were won bv darlene mccuidv jeanelle spues bob turkos anil steve gov thai anugos winds it up adios one o a semes emergency measures know the facts about radioactive fallout vv tiijjirxai perhaps ihe most publicized aspect or a nuclear explosion is the resulting rain of radioactive particles known as lalluut fall- ulil consists of particles of pul verized earth stones buildings and other materials which are drawn un inlo the lirchill al ihe lime ol explosion and made radio active the dust is caught bv ihe wind and drills wllh it much like snow fallout trom 5megaton bomb could seriously el led an area of 7000 square miles there are four laclors which determine the amount ol radia- tiun reaching vuur body ironi fallout thev are a the lime that has passed since the explosion b the length of time you are exposed lo fallout c the distance you are from ihe fallout d the shielding between you and the filluul time ridioaetiv itv ripidlv loses its strength in lalluut alter the ex plosion after seven hotns ihe fallout has lost 90 ol ils strength while alter twu days it has lost 99994 of us strength however if the radiation was high al ihe beginning this olln could still he dangerous radia tion should he measured bv ex- perls beloie ihe individual as sumes il is sale lo come out stay in your shelter until you have been told by radio lo conic oul distance naturally the lurlher vou arc iruin the lalluut ihe less the strength ul its radiation shielding the most elleclive piolection is lo place some heavy material between yoursell and the lill- oul the heavier ihe material the belter the protection fall out shelters such as that recom mended in blueprint lor survival no i aie the best hut lairlv el leclive hellers can be buill rrom many common materials ulher than those mentioned personal dangers from fallout radioactive particles can il in contact wilh the skin cause burns alter a few hours ii taken internally with luod your voting influence is respectfully solicited for trustee acton public school board vote roy kirkness tuesday dec 5 1961 micro plastic nov 21 bell rmgeis real is rang ihe win ivll wilh 1 eo m cillowav 711 ilol fule 21v and iikule eveiv game a winning one from flexihles jim gibson 2w2tmlvi sehnbcrt 266 siv ed flexihles tiie eons lioppct the lust one hv nine pins then went on to win ihe next two and slaved in tusi plue aiuhvv grisihow 600 hem ilietner os i ivvo games then missed on ihe linile i ill alkulson soloed loi slowpokes vvuh 222 beavvl ilimct dittoed loi ililouihililes wilh 201 as did hob hiown 2m viidiev llisin 218 john chap man 208 and anne thomson 218 gave sugar jels ihe edge oiei vikkctv haks tor a 2 go binie i avvson s doug widdis 206 and don ivfoiesl 22 weie iks best fhiilie wilkei 211 bath smith 241 in ihe second paced bel buovs lo then onlv win popoveis wilh sheila uoellinc ill and llelh bieais 214 won ihe iwo olllsule ctllikkeis league standlnu i ntoiu tiihl is 48 vakketv jk 9 popov eis w dell bui vs il sugar- jels w slowpokes h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 36 cork st east guelph fhona tayler 27150 your support and vote will be greatly appreciated tuesday december 5 1961 vote j bert w for council pocket sized signal set latest bel development the nearest thing yet lo pock el phone service will be intro duced here at ihe end of novem- berrthebcllhoy npockctsixc trunslslor signal set is bell tele phones new instrument for people away from llielr homes or offices who dont want to miss important calls essentially its an extension of the hell on your telephone vi 1 icwi or water produce illness alter several days produce illness in ihe unpro tected individual alter a few days will we be affected the question asked by many halton resitlenls is if a bomb is dropped on hamilton will we he allocied bvlalloul from il and if so lo what extent j this is a difficult question to answer there are so manv ils that it is impossible to stale the chief lactor is wind direclion we would nol he badlv el levied if ihe wind was blowing avvav irom us ii however the wind was blowing north we would come under a heavy rain ol lall uut it is alvvavs best lo be pre- pued for anv emergency and to work under ihe assumption that ihe worst will happen ii the wind is blowing north when a bomb hits ilaniilion just how prepared will von he more inlormation on filluul shelters and- wav s to get tid of the dusi will come in loltowing steps next week know ihe warnings and have a batterypowered radio said c s keith bell manager lor ihls territory we also con sider it a step toward iwowuv pocket telephone service ir someone calls while you are away from your regular tele phone the bellbuy sounds a gentle beeping tone- the beep lets you know you should go lo the nearest telephune and call vour olllce or ulher piearianged place very valuable bellboy service will be partic ularly valuable lo such people as doctors clergymen sales and service personnel and contiacl- ors mr kellh said the new service is elfective in- iloois or out it keeps ihe user in touch with clienis or custom er at all rimes for example if un important cull comes in for doctor while he is making his rounds the person unswcrlng hi culls immediately puis the doc tors personal signal on the air this is picked up by ihe doctors bellboy and his nlbne and he knows that he is lo telephone- inuiiujonuspomlble the personal signal receiving set weighs only seven and u half ounces and can be carried easily in a pocket or clipped lo ones bell it is powered bv three small meicurv cell halleries which have a life of about 750 hours or loughlv three months aitonoff switch contiols the power an other switch permits vou lo turn olf the tone signal alter ii is re ceived in 1960 there weie jiiw known scholarships ihd bursaries valued at tl i s54m available lo canadian uuiveisitv students your vote for w j benson will be appreciated on tuesday dec 5 1961 o for trustee acton public school board make it a date december 5th j to vote n ryder for hydro commission for the progress of acton vote jack hargrave for reeve your vote and inhutnci resmctruuy soucrffd on tuesday 6c 5 1961 to the ratepayers of esquesing township we express sincere thanks for acclaiming us your 1962 council a hearty wish for a merry christmas and prosperous new year to all reeve wilfrid bird deputyreeve george leslie councillors walter linham wilfred leslie george currie i- deputyreeve h h hinton respectfully solicits your vote and influence to elect him to the office of reeve of the municipality of acton this year i have served on acton planning bord credit valley conervlion advisory board for parks and rcration north halton urbn board north halton regional planning group hallon county community welfare council halton county council and its committee of finance and welfare and emer gency measure assessment and planning as chairman of acton council welfare com mittee by negotiation i saved acton 50 on ambulance contract plus obtaining favor able rates lor ambulance service to george town and milton hospitals i negotiated a contract for badlyneeded additonal ceme tery land approximately four and a half acres at a price of 4 coo instead of prev ious quoted pnees of 16000 to 20000 and at the same time this purchase elimin ated a registered plan of subdivision which could have been very cosly to acton as your county representative 1 1 i have argued for reduction of excessive county grants to hospitals 2 have taken a fair and positive stand against county representative demands of southern municipalities 3 have promoted welfare on a county basn lo avoid duplication of welfare services and to obtain better service and administration of wejfare ata lower cost to our municipal ity 4 voted for the lower priced county building to cost 60462 25 instead of another plan estimated at 1500000 and next year i will examine if this cost should be padoutofcjspildl cvcrd shofltetm- and avoid excessive interest charges to the county 5 regarding assessment my views tfiis year have been m favor of the principle of ecju vied assessment for fairness but i have been concerned that grading has been toe high i also feel very strongly that acton should fight for a county depreciation factor on the basis of fs location in the rural north of the county and for having no hoipital in its area i am also concerned that with our increased assessment under the dma that we will pay more than our fair share of the north halton high school debentures than georgetown who are not assessing under dma assessment manual regardless of the county equalisation factor my effort has entailed attendance by me on your behalf of over 150 meetings to date this year all of which i have thoroughly enjoyed vote hinton tuesday dec 5th

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