Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 30, 1961, p. 2

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th acton free preti thursday november 30 1961 nassagaweya reeve deputy acclaimed vote monday oh council school board john mllncwai acclaimed reeve nml john rohoiuon a deputy- rwvc m i he nninhwoyn mirrtin- nllon nitvilnii in brookvllle mori- tliw ivcnlim vnlrrv mimilnv will nnfne three cuuncllliirs from the sliite of six contestlnii the powlilonv three school boiiril repreienlallves will be chosen lor two yelir lerikm from the lour ciimlldiile six in couiwu hue runninti for council lire wm j coulter chillies thomson dr b d yoiinii john hinrv ross uirdon tinil rojiinnlil austen seeklnpschhil hoard scuts are horace blvth calvin mcntvre i r mcphuil nnd mnrquls ornlleb a crowd or iihoiil 60 was pre sent tor the meeting which veler- nn observers termed n good crowd reeve john milne reported on county roml woiu done in nlissng- mvcvii as ehuiinmn of the countv roiuls committee he noted jitqs- r45 was spent on county roads this year he urged the residents who had nut seen it to lour million manor anil noted the new countv rmittlinl was under construction report on projects deputy reeve john robertson reviewed the widening of n sec tion or the puslinch town tine nnd the pluting of 10000 vards or prnvel on township roads he re ported on his representation on the 12 mile creek conservation authority the advantages to nas sagaweya of having a deputy- reevc and the plans for the new countv building charles thomson described work on the widening of the esquesini town line improve ment at the railwav approach on 10 sideroad 1700 tur road sand ing s2000 for snow plowing and 3200 for calcium treatment development rood dr b d young complimented the number of ladies who attend ed and praised the evident inter est in nominations he reviewed plans and progress on having the moffat road to the base line a development road the township buvs the necessary land and pavs cost of construction so far the jdhn a mawe nuatweya reeve for tlic survey while lite depart ment of highways pavs the whole department has taken over 12 miles lor a uiclth of 86 reet wm coulter reported he had hoped more detail would be a ail- able on the race track but nn executive meeting was planned or inter in the week and so new information was not available declines position a r service nominated for reeve declined to stand noting he had commitments tor two veirs that would not allow suf- licient time for municipal woi k john henry reg austen and ross gordon all indicated ihev would seek election j t chis- holm declined to seek election lloiace blvth a school hoard candidate reported work on tin ned school had been prcttv well linished an extra classroom was necessarx in the auditorium the calibre of teachers and applica tions was increasing through the central school xvsicm and have economics ami manual naming classes had been started in co operation with acton school cost calvin mclnlvre explained the ti m john robertson nkfrwey depjyreve ntw brookvllle schtmil hnt csl s20a700 with funik provided bv 10000 in debenture s0000 fmm the clerpv nmrvi 125000 from an ukiiimilut surplus nnd i0w4 i mm ihe ilc of i he old schiwds nnd the biilnnee from cmunl funds j r mcphail reported nn enroll- men l ol 205 il brooluille and 06 il cimpbelhille picked up bv bus are 278 for bnutkulle and 50 toi campbellvllle mauniis orheh unhealed edu cation was a biji concern lo eveiv- one and lie would seek election high school report duncan moflatt ihe township representative on ihe acton ois- iriel iliph school board reported a lour room addition was neees- sarv at acton ie noted surveys ol the pupils expected to uriulu- ate horn iiiule cijihl indicates the need for ihe new classrooms nassijiaweva would bear 16 per ceni of the cost lie praised ihe tact that ol the 1000 in bursaries and scholarships jivcn at the recent commencement 5w had been won bv nassaawea pupils don mcmillan named chahman foi the meet inn explained briellv ihe new assessment method conversion to dial system forces police tape recorder police telephone calls will be finsvverccrlivtrrciffphoiretlnvel ing and iviortling machine alter ihe conversion to dial telephones in december police calls will be answered hv the recorder witch he police are out of the oil ice and outdoor light will mash on the police will return lo the of fice and fiom the recorder de termine who was calling tuul then take ihe police action necessaiv the new nnswerlng system is nec essaiv because under the present system the hell operators turn on the police signal light and the constable then calls ihe operatin obituary consider second new esquesing school limehouse sketches soon debate hornby i i t i i u- u mii i vpr tentative plnns for a ocqiul new school in esquesinn towtt- ship school nrca were rcvieuvd wednesday november 22 when school board members met at he home of trustee r j cun ningham members had previous ly agreed in the erection of a new school ai limehouse during the meeting members learned that tests taken lor a waier supplv at the limehouse ilte indicated that a reervor- might have to be installed lo as sure an adequate supplv ol wa ter the second proposed school mav possiblv be built in tin hornh atea alter a suitable site is located during thv nutl innsevural iic were tiscusld but no decision was reached sketch plans soon the board members will me wirh the architects at the lime house site in ihe near future and sketch plans are expected lo lv renclv soon the hoard expressed their sor row when thev learned ol the sudden death of llovd doan ol si mans who was killed- si urdav in a car iudeni in thv citv of siratlord mr doai wa- engaget just two weeks ago assistant stippu principal lot the cjien williams and spexad sehtiols other decisions made durie the meeting included installing a heater in the slall room at ntor- al school and floodlighting ihe spevside school night school over for christmas rush night school classes ended lor iheii christmas break monja and tuesda some courses flowei arranging and anucha i tiielogue aie mcr m an j the classes had ml lee anil luiuh following the long luihtlai period classes will matt teun januarx 8 ami l and some icu loui ms v ill st u i then tiee larms treate wealth order now you tolve your shopping problem with a faw trekei of your pan you delight your frisndi by giving lhm th me publication you yourself enjoy a subscription to the acton free press a gift that repeats itself with a new issue every week 52 weeks of the year if you order foday we will have time to send a gift card in your name for each subscription you order subsctlption hiices paid in advance km i year 3 00 in canada 00 in england and ojher commonwealth countries 5 00 in the united states and other foreign countries remember a gift subscription to the acton free press is easy to give and inexpensive too george c wallace was guelph trucker funernl seiice was conducted hv the rev a wriflht or guelph nl the rumlevshoemaker vim eral home on momlav novem- her 27 lor georpe cowan wal lace ol rr 2 guelph who died suddenly on friday while diiiini home irom work he was a hmker with oawlord transport guelph he was horn in nnssaiiaweyn son ol ihe late william wallace ami chiisiim touh and was mai i ied in sussex new hums ukk to the lotmei meine hayne wlm sin ives him also renrain- inp are a son gary and dannhler lvnn sisiei cluistjna hriiton and brothers norman guelph john unity sask alex guelph ken guelph and jim itasl lansing michigan men of 1643 ralterv formed an honor puard at the itinera he served oeiseas in worltt war i pallheareis uere art pinder james crawford clarence hreese fred dkkison charles merkley md john gov flower hearei s ueie don soil lair a ieachman and joe cm lie i mermen i was i n nassajiaweya presbyterian churth cemetery a preslntcrian he was a mem ber ol buffalo iodev guelph lie coached a minor baseball team in guelph and his plaeis came to acton together lo pi their last respects iesmninioimvi for informnthm willi no ideal npem t nrrimilth vh in lv tp nrrti 1 t service will no lonker be avail- able cost of uv new system is a 12v00 imlnllalion ihaiue and j22m pei month also at the tuesday count f i meet inn the siyniny of ihe liie ilkieentenl for ljai with the lowntnlpi of fsqufslnk niihshh- aweyn and hi in was uuthmied the new nurecmenl calh for nn annual eharie of 1000 plus 101 per call the flreeitinlt k-rmln- ttet december 31 loftl nnd the clerk was nslnteied lo tiollfv the tiwnihlps a new nreemenl would have to he neiintlulcd lor 1062 council also agreed to spend us lo have the town civsl on the three in he entranei lo town repainted chamber ol com metre is aiianidnij iheie pair and repainllna of the thiee slflns p s force nnd dwliihl fnel were reappointed councils repie- sentatlves on the acton dlslikl hih sihool hoard coirrii il also author vi the tleik lo nepoliale with lames riilsion toi ihe operiiion ol ihe tie plant al ihe atena mr kol sloh is a piallfied engineer and vftltitriirtliar e ol the enini loom couiuillor ouhv asked il ihe louu had sullitient sial lo op eiale the arena until december ll llu- t lei it b niik oile man wliuld be irtpmid and that work al the menu lould be hand led or n innnlli until the iiieni operating eommlllee was esiah lishel il was det hied the loiuu would operate the aiena foi he month of december a meelhim was tai led for neil week to deleimine whal pinups would irtpdiv it i ll me no hanye in lales was made foi the month but tales will be sublet t lo levlsion by the new committee when it takes over in jimuai y count it also heaid tomplnlnls on ihe nilniietneiil of ihe doe cotilrol bylaw and the placement of sfieel siriis mayor goy illso reqttevled snp- fiestlons of names of men- ullliup to stive on ihe vaiious nppoluted boards and ommisslnns amoiinn passed loi payment amounled to 670 4s and corn urn i nty cent i e ait nun is of sv2m44 v nrputyrrnvr bob burke william f hunter council two to he elect ed in each ward ward i acclamation don lluiapei and rex cock ward 2 fred i inn kim jim mavott u pom i iiueison roher i letts knihiit j ward 9 llob meneilly jalk rifvf ian cass john t nk blow wilfied jliisbois jim ilhoii hiou v1ii i in llorin georgelown nofnlnalidns tlu- ollmvlnu mil- llu- uimli ilaui im- mihi moiiiihvs iiiiiiiiu pill rliitliiii in fiemiiiliiwii lovell bros modern meat market where quality 15 higher than the prige- free delivery in acton phone 178 8au1nafad neighbors shower euchre of interest mrs john wood was hostess lo a lew neighbors on thursday nifthl for a baby sh6wer for mrs lome thompson also a loveh i up and s nicer was ejven lo mis win thompson bolh are leav iny shortly lor their aim near belwoud the smpaihy of this commun- it yoes out to mr and mrs fred spear in the passing of mrs spears father mr earl ander son ouile a success nl euchre was held in blue mountain school on rrnlav niyhl all proceeds were for ihe retarded childiens fund your vote for franklin prouse on town council will be appreciated tuesday dec 5 1961 c a johnson respectfully solicits your vote and support the municipal election tuesday december 5 1961 or councillor prechristmas special childrens one piece snow suits shop early lay away now for christmas oiftino a small deposit will hold any article until december 23rd ednamay ladlat mid childrens wear 41 mill st phone 477 mccrae branch canadian legion bingo saturday dec 2 8 pm 1850 in cash must be won 1 21 regular games 150000 total snowball jackpot- 1900 in 53 number consolation prize 35000 admtjsiolt r 21 games 150 jackpot game 50c card 3 for 100 at guelph memorial gardens 8 pm children under 16 yr not allowed to play you get builtin bonuses in every gmc truck it i most puu and in its class this omc gaspowered truck gives you these unbeatable bonuses 1 power bonus eutajn mitix utfm g quality bonus gmcs top quillty cibs moit povtrfut its ntnt ottertd ti ttandsrd quipment mtximum tron torque of 630 tt ibt at 1600 1900 tpm develops 275 horsepower h overntd speed of 2400 rpm hih torque t low rpm or economy end totf enine hie ttduceseeershfuniupto60f a qcneral motors tajuc art strcuftr thin tvtr heavily reinforced conetruc- lion protects intulatea and eliminates rattle low step jives eaay access to hand some laakanddraftfree interiors with well placed controls and easytoread hooded instruments drivers have unsurpassed visibility from wellpadded seats umv4irt ec tho tuwd gmc stfl tilt nli l7000 wnd- i hutntd is rfttfd up lo 76 800 lb gcw a tnt oi ijir r than mi iioaii srtlp ras crtbmlnui ft i tl n i ft and statlonnry control illdnd or tist t is nr c nrj snorl 72 bbc permit lonrjir loitu wm r oj i gmc ttlnrtfd truck drsifln lor b nst- loig i if ijfoty antj ruoqd load hauling db gi t the full bonus ar on how ths mans mopty antj cconon to ou ste ojr gmc dealer soon i gmc mi tm t0uy amsm03c show tw cac tv nrtol on ftkuy mnkgi cnk locjl biuii to rtlinl v tm franklin prouse motors limited 351 queen 5f e phone 16 aimji

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