Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 30, 1961, p. 7

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you dont believe in santa use want ads to fill your needs 4i classified advertising rates no charge lor announcement or birth marriage deaths and engagement in memor- lm 75c plu 10c tier line for vernes artlclm for ale rent etcrc word minimum cash 50c billed 75c bo no to this office 25c additional coming cventu 75c minimum first rive lines each additional line 10c card orthank 75c for first 5 linen each additional line 10c accounu are rendered monday following insertion latest insertion time 100 pm wednesday phone 600 births marriages deaths etc jefjings allan and bann are happy to announce the hirlh ol their daughter sandra lvnn 6 ihs 6 o7s on novem ber 23 19ai at georgetown memorial hospital allonby mr and mrs robert allunhv are pleased to an nounce the hirlh of their son irivherl james november 19 1961 at georgetown memorial hospital kaohlfn mr and mrs theo dore 11 rnchlin of toronto are hnppy to announce the birth ot a son on sundnv nov ember 26 1961 at toronto gen eral hospital gunn jim and pat are pleased to announce the arrival ol their daughter karen lilla beth on monday november 27 at guelph general hospital a wee swtcr for linda died wallace suddenly at guelph on friday november 24 1961 george cowan wallace of r r 2 guelph beloved husband ol menu bavne and dear lathei of gary and lynn and brother or john unity saslc alex guelph ken guelph jim k fasl lansing mich norman guelph and christino brittun acton funernl service was held at the rumlev shoemaker funeral home on monday nocmher 27 interment nassagaweya presbyt erian cemetery b hilts at guelph general hos pital on thursdiv november 21 19ni james richmond hills ol r r 3 acton belov ed husband ol clan carule ami dear lather ot tellord floyd stewart cvkcrl the- mll mis keen walvitnc mrs thelma ta loi mrs furla genoe mrv lie norc parker mis clea ricmine iiul mrs llrva moulton funeral scmcc vis held at the rumlevshoeinakcr funeral home on monda november 27 interment fairview ccmeterv acion andfrson passed awav early monday mornintt november 20 1961 at his home 2s palmer st guelph farl fnieison anderson beloved husband ot jean doris cuiunnngs deal lather of mrs tied speai margaret of acion mis ar thin wtkul lorraine ol win- ona md fnieison anderson or r r v acton hiorhei ot al ice mrs arthui fvans ol winghani fdlth mis david holmes acton mis mearl foster ol welland 1lsie mrs fd siejjinan ol diivum ann mrs harrv foiestei r r 11 itterson john norman and neil all ol guelph robeit njl william both ot acion ami rolamrot onnstovvn ouebec also survived b 10 iiiuul i children service was tuui i rum ihe geoiye wall luneiil home guelph novembei 22 al w interment wihkllavvn cemeterv nfllson in campkllvillc at the home ol his daughter on sillirda novembei 25 isvpi jonathan neilson beloved hus himil of mar ellen stark and dcsir lather of mrs an ben ton isabella of limehousc i and mrs willitd tiieenles charhilte ot campbclliiu 1 brother ot mm george pearson i marv of milton ami william ot hlllsburgh in his 84lh scar the tuneral was held al the macnab and son innetaj chape bronte si milton on moiutiv november 27 at 2 ph interment was in eveigreen temeterv m- ton b t tauds op thanks wt i wlh lo thank my neighbors and friends tor cards and well wishes the blnji bee wi nnsso- gawtyn the acton ladles lor cards tfntl ridwont rev mr fle ming olso dr chamberlain dur ing my stav in the hospital mrs edith frank acton 1 a237197 in memoriam swackhampr in loving mem ory t our dear mother who passed awoy 10 years ago to day november 30 1951 ever remembered bv david and mac louise and frank mar garet and stan an and nan clara antl lvle and grand children a2372ii wilds in loving memory ol a dear husband and father james wilds who passed awav december 4 1957 god look him home it was his will but in our heart we love him still his memory is as dear today as in the hour he passed away we often sit anil think ol him when we are all alone for memoiy is the only friend that grief can call its own ever remcmlvered bv his lov ing wile lillie sons and daugh- icivinlaw a237128 coming events st alhans wa bazaar anil tea saturday december 2 230 lo 5 oclock home baking anil sewing door prize in iuvton memorial hail a217l ballinnfnd wa bazaar saiur- day afternoon december 2 home made baking new and used clothing fish pond alternoon tea church basement a237206 turkey shoot ilallon sports mens association saturday december 16 12 noon gord lee farm llornhv tiap and largel 12 nauge shotguns b292 2011 carl and florence cargill are celebrating their 25th wedding annivei sary at brookville llili friday nighl december i all relatives liiemls ami neighbois ue invited a237li si josephs c w i annual christmas baaar saturday de cember 2 from 230 to 5 pm in the church hall home made bavlngl yancv goods penny sale fish pond lea table and doll draw v a22 27178 mr antl mrs charles gncsc will be at home to their ineiuk anil neighbors on sunday ivv ember 3 from 25 pm at their home at r r 2 actoh on ihe occasion of then- 50lh weddng annivcrsarv a2 7202 acton scottish dance t lub cluislmis dance parlv decem ber 9 robert lillie audilot iiun 730 pm visit ol young scottish country dancers from rosedalc presbvtcrian church toionl bring and bliv gilt lthle box lunch admission 5lc childtcn 25c all proceeds lor reludcd childien ol north hallon 2 37213 km sau cenmntml for sale new aluminum storm windows odd sles avail able starting at 14 up also lots of wood norms while they last come uarlv and take your choice mcmiillen sales phone 66 109 mill st e a237207 for sale snrga glass or stainless steel pipeline milkers vacuum pumps bucket mllken and doane designed pole bums sales and service horace tom- linson brampton glendale 11275 b6693tf viking floor suspended type milkers electric cream separators stainless steel no oiling call john vandermeer r ri limeluiuse tr 73s2i a187 for rale 1957 plymouth sa voy 6 cylinder automatic and ratlin this car has less than jo000 miles on ichiiilt motor and transmission has new brakes all round and new wiring this is transportation you can depend on for only 1795 tr 86573 b292016 for sale typewriters bv smithcorona portables as low as 16995 typewriter ribbons for all machines carbon paper sev- nil qualities typing paper and scratch pads enquiry invited for typewriter rental dills stat ionery 56 mill st acton a466350ir repairs to all makes rental ma chines bv the week portables used from j2950 see the latest singers sewing machines free home demonstrations towne sewing center georgetown tr 74331 acton gordon hardware ltd atf for sale for sale 1952 dodge for sale call 1020 altei 6 i2v72lu for sa1 e lilge sie clean stove 4hurnei good condition suiilicc phone 632 a2l720s for sa1 e bovs liulv equipment lot sale phone s a 21 j0s tor sai f bue budge in pod sland and vigc phone 630 a2v7201 for sail tin kevs nun wil- let is ttukev faim over 20 ihs 39c joe allen enn phone u2m2 a207095il for reht for rent apartment tfcall- able immediately easy to heat phone 610 ao24wl for rent 4room apart ment healed phone 596m a2372l4 for rent downstairs apart ment gas heated inlaid linoleum on all floors can he had with gas range and electric refrigera tor if desired large lot imme diate possession phone 145 a 237212 lost and found lost a wallet beige with sauble beach on outside blond group cards seriously needed phone 1021 daytime 1020 after 6 a237209 wanted wanted to huv propane gas heater thermostatically con trolled phone ulsler 6 9765 a237127 wanted hallon poultry products dealers in live and dressed poultry and fresh eggs custom killing phone milton tr 84401 nil help wanted for salb rubber stamps made to order fast dehver stamp pads and inks dills stat ioners 56 mill st phone 603 ato6 349t t beejay car sales special gals 50 oas free with any bfejay car purchased q 58 meteor rideiu town sedan v8 automatic 57 oldsmob1ie super 88 se- dan hvdromatic transmission radio power steering and hi ikes 57 chevrolet 6cvlinder se rial standard nansmission 56 rambi er day bed seals 55 volkswagen custom all beeiav cus arc win- leried salelv v becked aiul winv our exclusive 12month vvarranlv ross bali fntine and htrb jobb beejay car sales oueen si it churchill rd phone 1149 open f venings free christmas turkey avilh everv autoinohile puuhased between now and dcenlhei 24 new vol kswvcins ik9s miv he tinaiueti 6 tinhke plan help wanted earn voitr spending money and sllll have vour evenings free reliability selfconlidence ami salesmanship are acquired when voti hanille a cilohe and mail morning paper ionic fitly customers nets v700 roule available in acton phoite 912m a2227168 help wanted the demand for avon gilt sets is the greatest in history capitalize on ihe de mand he the avon repiesentn- live in vour area gooil rural or- eas opco in acton district start now write or phone mis m stock 78 duchess avenue kit chener shcrwood 24169 a1957057 employment wanted empioymfnt wanted man available for employ ment- will consider any kind phone acion 1169 u237ij9 miscellaneous kitchener upholstery ex pert reupholstering reflnlshing and repairing of all kinds of fur niture for free estimates and prompt service call walthos groceteria 8532830 acion atl floor kefinisiiing we now have a modern sunder and edger we will refinish yuur floors or rent you the equipment to do the job yourself j b frank phone 377 47 frederick st s acton atf upholstering chrome chairs chesterfields restvling and icbuildmg modern and an tique furniture odd chairs car and truck seals call triple t ipholstci ing co rockwood 8564369 i a23720011 reimer upholsteryspc- culizing in reupholstering all tvpes of furniture best quality material fine workmanship piompt service also furniture refinishing and rug cleaning phone 88 marks grocery acton atf walnut ranch ltd allan carey highest cash prices paid for alive or dead cows and hors es lie 124c 61 lie 78 rp 61 24hour service 7 days per week call collect waterdown mu 96691 atf for sale sheafter pens al ways a useful gift for any occa sion a complete assortment at dills stationery 56 mill st av ion a466351tt for sale small greenhouses toi hobhv gardeners complclelv erected guaranteed waler and wind pixkit come and see the one in oui shovvioom on high- vsav 7 2 miles west of highwav 10 phone or write lor turthei intimation gl 13837 k fab- er r r 2 brampton a22 2 7176 wide selection i wagens ill lxn warranli used vol ks ilh 2000 mile cakp8 or thanks qur recent bereavement leaves 15 with grateful hearts towards neighbors and friends yui- helpfulness and comforting ex pressions of sympathy will al ways be remembered mrs fred spear and asu7im bob anderton for sale chrlstnvns insur ance insurance that guarantees i to sour tamilv that santa will be around tor many years to come john llovd representa tive the mutual life of canada phone acton 623 a2o708l special asphalt shingles 3 in 1 210 lbs any color 685 square selfsealing j765 square tenpro distributors ltd acton ontario phone 519 atf manv outstanding hie car values i l8 oidsmobll f 98 4dooi hardlop fulls powei equipped i97 mfrclrx 4noor sedan automatic and radio 1957 ponthc liurvntian 4door sedan automatic o cvhndei i owner lisp tord passenger- station waeon autoinaltc and radio manv more to choose irom with ho money down and easy terms bob cross motors r r i milton tr 82373 corner no 10 sideroad and 25 highwav b29 paconi dead stock removal pavs jl 00 per 100 ihs for dead cows and hoises disabled stock moie according lo sie and con dition old horses 5c a lb small animals removed fiee 7 days a week 24 hour service just dial operator and ask for zenith 9- 7950 we pav the loll charge lie socbl 5lrp6l all real estate business for sale country itore and residence all uii one lloor grocery and hardware good setup for man and wire properly ii 1000 phis stock and equipment apprxol- matflv 13000 roy mcconnell rraltoil hlllsburgh qui phone 8554411 b23 600 full down payment 3hedroom brick hungnltiw with large kitchen full sized base ment with oil furnace ond laundry tubs one mortgage entries for j88 moulhlv includ ing luxes j970o full price farm 100 acres with good brick home river close lo a main high way asking 112500 lull pi ice mary gibbins phone 233 acion 274 arthur st victor mccallum real estate rockwood area 7rnom home sup porch hydro space heater basement 165110 fllh price with 12500 one mortgage at 6 lor the bal ance carries 50 monthly tax es 197 venrlv acton attached garage owners sacrifice 3hcdlooni hi u k bungalow 4- piece style hath dining lien full basement oil liiinace re duced lor quick sale to 1450 full down payment one inoi i gage loi ihe balance al 5o asking onlv ii04s0 make an offer on this lahuloiis pro pel iv farms etc 93 acres 71 oom home good barn newly painted coinei lot stream cedar hush own ers sacrifice al 11500 lull price with 4000 down farm vacant immediate possession sydney k lamb realtor insurance and mortgage broker 8 mill st e acton phone 524 legal notice to creditors and others in the etate or laura luella miller late or ihe town or acton in the county or llulton widow deceoaed all parties having claims ag ainst the aloreniciilloncd estate ol 1 aura iuella miller who died on or ahool ihe nineteenth day of october 1961 are requited to file proof thcreol with ihe un dersigned solicitor foi the exe cutors on or hetore ihe ninth dav d december 1961 alter which dale ihe estate will be dl liibuted having regard onlv to the claims then filed dated at acton ontario this twentieth dav of november 1961 c f i fatherland oc adoii ontario solicitor lor the executors a22 3 obltuahv mrs edison smith buried at fairview funeral service was held ul the ruiiileyslioeiiiuker funeral home on monday afternoon rjoveiilht 20 tor alberta bert c smith who dletl november i7lh in hei 85th year she was tile daughter of the lute lticv tushiitiliam and alan mann dear sister of oeurge mann uf acton one son wilfred antl one daugh ter dora predeceased iter she is survived hv her husband two granddaughters phvliis mrs allan harlincr of porl ar thur and shirley mrs ernie molt of winnipeg and also seven great grandchildren she was horn turd raised in acton hut after her marriage to edison l smith theydlved in porl arthur until nine years ago when ihey returned lo live in acton at 296 mill st east the rev dwlght engel conduct ed the furieral service pall bearers were john allen thomas ware john munn al bert ford lvle mccutcheon john biickman interment was in fair- view cemetery erin offices filled thursday a number uf cllicns allfntlttl one of mil quid est nomination imciings in a lonu time thurv ilav fvcninp in the erin municipal huililinii clerk margaret y ah- hui was chairman of he meeting reeve frank johnson reviewed ihe years work norman wnnu principal of erin dutrlcl hir school ant donald kirk wood chairman of the hoard snokr on sclmql problems nnd ambitions william marshall chairman ot hie public sthoifl board spoke lor the public school reeve johnson teporlcd on ihe progress imd pos sibilities of the credit valley con servation authority which will be meeiinn dinner in prin de cember t returned to office reeve johnson was reurned lo olfice aluni with his council wil liam mayill james miller clay- kin justice and james robertson new liuslees for i he public school will he cieiirpe sanders returned for another term mrs o sullivan replacing o griffiths and chester smith replacing w a marshall r j mchnery was appointed lo the hydro commission hold mock election robert little school pupils in prades six seven and eight will conduct a mock election on fri day afternoon and from names of actual candidates standing for ihe municipal election tuesday will choose representatives of their choice the last two years the pupils have duplicated the public vole choosing the same candidates this year pupils are interview ing candidates lor the election friday morning those conduct ing the interviews will speak for the candidates during assembly in the auditorium and dining the allernoon ihe election wdl be held principal c w mckenzie be lieves by conducting a mock elec tion the children become belter icquiinted with procedure and learn how lo mark ballots the acton frca pttiu thunday november 30 19a1 jack ridley cartage concretc brick clay brick stone llmhd concrite blocks tihoin kibtts sano uvktock me fertilizer earm service gne supplies dump trucks for hire ecv cltf es t i phone 331 fttiy temd acton join our chriifmas layaway club villi our ftanement toy innd games toys trucks sjeiphs toboggans doll carriages dolls trains and musical toys push toys mechanical toys cooking sets elc a fhlall deprttll will hold any article until december 22nd hintons 5c to 100 store short li sheet metal plumbing and heating contractors car wood oil anil gas furnaces shcelmctal fabricating of ull kinds favestroughing all ihe necessary pipe and fillings for ihe heal ing trade oil burner service pumps piessiire laun- div and sump hot waler heaters witer sofleneis complete slock of pipe and litlnilis septic tanks and beds shop 184 churchill rd n phone 464 acton ont let us do your holiday cleaning early oct your clotlwt all ready for th buty holiday uaton hat wlllaaen b har chatli your wardrsba today wall do our batt la utlify yoo custom cleaners stmt day sarvlta excapt saturday in by 10 am out by 3 p m cash and carry main st n phone 272 auction sales auction sale notice to creditors and others in the eitale of walter broadbet lute of the town of acion in the county of hallon gentleman deceas ed mi parties having claims ag ainst the aforementioned fstate t walur broadbent who died on oi thoul the iwrniv tilth ila ot october 16i are retvpr- ed lo tile proof thcrcul uith the undersigned ruvutor of the fstaie on or belore the ninth dav of december 1961 atter which date the estate will be distributed ha ing regard onl to the claims then filed dated at acion ontario this tvventvfirst dav of november 1961 c f leatherland oc acton ontario executor a223 of furniture tools etc the properu ol the estate ot the late mrs laura l miller 23h mill st e acton on saturday december 2nd ai 1 w sharp the following rca victor 21 inch tv ued 2 ears modern corner walnui whatnot like ncs walnut chnl cahinci like new droplcat ki chen table 2 chairs new ihu mimnui coronado electnc wa sher like new good motlal 4 pljte ekviiic stoe with auti malic lontrok motfal annv like new hoover vacuum clean i cr with attachments nearlv i new old style hoover vacuum cleaner gnod condition a minster rug 9 x 12 axminster taller nigs vpiete chesierlickl suite lound oak rxtenvton liable oak liuflet b oak diners walnut hall table studio couch j leaihci um tbair oak rokei iwuker rocker captains chan i neve fihjisiool singer drophcul sewing mkhinc hall mirrtr halt ti eo 2 old cupboards i pine mantel radio mantel liiik k elettnc cllck kitchr table wcsiinjthouse 7 ft ret lib erator several small lables sm niuih steel bed spring ar mat trcs- steel bed spring and mat tress mahogany dresser and wash siand several iud chairs f drapes electric heater kit- then stool popup toaster iron dishes china glass cooking i utensils crock bedding etc tools ltc simpson clinlm pover lawn mower nearlv tjev small hand tools garden tools garden hose step ladder 50 tt steel cable other small articles thu a good clean lot anc well taken care of terms cash no preview frank petch auctioned b23 tel tr 728w thank you ratepayers of esquesing in acclaiming me for another term on school board mac spr0wl may i extend compliments of the season to all to the voters of township of nassaga wey a during the past four years as a member of your township school area board i have en deavored to give the best possible value for your dollar spent on education if reeiected i will continue to work for the betterment of education in our town ship your vote and support on december 4h would be appreciated cal mclntyre r

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