Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1961, p. 1

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elghtysevenjh yearno 23 ht jvttum jfttt ft acton ontario thursday december 7th 196 alllhahiml k luetwtd cum mall by po1 cwflc dapahmrat ottawa twelve pagessevan cents inttm cast of acton lions clubs first annual minstrel show poses on stage after their third and final performance saturday evening in the robert little auditorium the hall was packed three nights running for the hilarious show directed by ruth musselle and her fatherinlaw george mussello seated in the front row at the extrome left included in the photograph are the chorus and six and mon interlocutor jack doherly choreo grapher mrs joyco carpenter pianist david bonham organist paul barber makeup director r r parker and llonettes who gave out programs and those beautiful girls in the front row arent htaw thai about turn monday as hs board again closes to public aclon high school boatd made an about turn monday uvening when ihey veiled 4 to i to return to their original polity of restiicl- ing use of high school properly to supervised school activities ond use bv staff this action followed a ienglhv discussion sparked by chairman e s force who informed mem bcrs he had been lonfuscd re garding his legal right to vote when the school use policy had been changed dining the octolv meeting then the resolution to restrict use ol school propeilies was rescinded lie said he had erred in not asking for a nega tive vote as well as the recorded positive ote and in not exercis ing his own powers word of explanation at the october meeting chair man force and trustees rev d enge c w swackhamer and bill coon were present with trustee d moffat absent this amending motion to change boatd policy to allow use of school facilities bv outside groups was carried when trustees engel and swackhamer voted in thr affir mative although trustee coon ttatcd his disapproval to ibis change prior ui the 8lii being called chairman force did not call a dissenting vote or vole himself when ihe north halion high school district boaid which in eluded aclon georgetown and milton was absolved in favor ot a separate board in each town acton foimed a district high school board which included re- presentalion hum the townships of nassagaweva and esquesing last scar after the sepaiale board was formed a pohev was adtxpled lo limit use ot school facilities to supei v iscd school activities or slat f membeis at the octtibei meeting mi lngel sponsored an amending motion to this allowing use ol school propel iv to oiguniahuns vviihin the junsdiction of the aiea boa id which was approved his aim ml ing motion was seconded hv trustee wallace swackhamer ev quesing township repiesentalive at the november meelmg trustees moffat and swackhamer sponsored a motion asking re consideration of he amending motion at a full board meeting and this took place mondav dunng this mondays meeting mi swackhamer informed the board he had consulted several esquesing ratepayers regarding their view on opening up school properties lo ou t sulci s mil re ceived onlv one afln tnative an svver he staled that in view ot ihis independent stuvev he would have lo alter his thinking on the subject and vote against ajlovv ing the lacilities lo be openeov to the public mi engel said although a lull boa id had ml been pieseni when his amending motion was ap- pioved it ums evident a quotum existed which in parliamentary procedure is considered as a lull board for voting power chairman torce informed the board he was not certain it as chairman he voted as a trustee and had another vote as chair- man in the event ol a tie a let ter from the department of edu cation darified ihe point the chairman has one vole al tlv lime ihe question is called and in the event ol a lie ihe ques lion called is ciinsideied ilcleat- ed the than man also thought since a full hoaut was nol piv sent al ihe lime the amending resolution was appioved ihe mo lion should he considered again taking exception lo this tuislci engel stati d this is a bad idea giving each memhei a veto he ixplutiid thai anv mcmhci loulil possiblv absent himsell liom a meeting on occasions when con lenlious issues wetc lo be voted on duncan mollat sud he would nt lonsulci use il the sc hoot without ihe pusliice of the cue liket and pointed otii it inighl mean ihe caielakei wouui he al ihe school eveiv night as well as throughout ihe dav i kel we a iv going lo tun into dilhetillies if we open up school laciltlics he said could profit tiuslee engel declaicd in ic fusing use ot school lacilities we are choking off cei tain activities or gioups which could pioht by these facilities lor the benetit ot the entile community mi coon informed mr lngel his point was well taken hut his pohev was adnumstiation of edu cation he staled it we are go ing 10 opeiate a spoiling gym nasium and il it can he done to salislaction i am not against it it it involves another caretaker being engaged and an approxi mate si 100 increase foi heating 1 1111 opposed he also poinlcd out opening ihe gvmnasiiim it die school would he taking je venue away liom the ymca is a charge 1 01 the facilities would have lo be made iiustce engel icplied ihe boaid would ilwavs decide on each application individually in cone lusiou chuiiiian i 01 ce mloimed members then put- pose was lo administer i61 one main objective scholastic edu cation nol siiished mi engel said he would be pui suing lurther the subect ol opening the school lacilities lo the general public ii this is uur viewpoint 1 ad vise taking a long hard look al the night school mr fcngel said and mi force agreed 11 could be classed as adult re- cieation ir l jc3ecrr may delay high school addition use stone school temporarily a decision hv members of ihe stall ol acton district high school will be one ot the de ternuning laetois on whether taxpaveis will be asked to prv their shaie of a pmposed foul- room high school addition estim ated at 60 000 mondav even ing hond members instructed principal e a hansen to eon- suit his stall lor their decision in b passing ihe ptoposed ad dition i01 a vear 01 two in favor of utilising classiooms in the vacant stone school lotmeilv 1 occupied by pupils ul the robei i ei i tie public school members learned that in view ot an austeiitv ptogtain adopted bv council this vear and the building of a ice initial wing it gcoigetown high school which will ahsoi h some acton student- when completed lhe wetc ot lei eel use of looms in the old stone school on a temporary basis bv aclon public school boa id two months ago ihe high school boaid was wanted ol the iik 1 casing cniolntent and need lot additional looms by pun- cipal i a hansen and steps win takm to seek inlotmalion liom the lirms ot barnctt and riciki aiclutceis ul the present high school unanimous agreement when the v c 1 ba i ol let from ihe public school board was re eeiveil boatd members unani- c miinued on paae five unitedcar r to establish plant here plan production start for march 62 whats the news two phone lines jangle relay results 200 times almost 200 calls within a lew hums came in lo the tree pi ess office tuesday evening almost every one asking whals the latest on the election and thev all learned the lalesl liom the iiim lew who hcdtd nothing yet to ihe last jusi before mid night who heud every ihing hgitics and all 1 the two telephone lines jangled constantly from 10 lo ii wilh slightly kwei calls heloie that and aflci an exlta opeialoi al ihe hell olliee helped channel them pilsumably many died to get one ol the two phone lines anil couldnt one person tried seven 01 eight limes with no luck he said none of t he calls w ei e it nig foi ihe infot million was given out as quickly as possible sum wete writing it all down reac lions of subdued c beets 01 sighs came cleat ly over the line although the election seivice was advertised foi tuesilav night the tusl calls came mondav asking loi nassagaweva tesulls which weient available moic phoned wednesday foi final to tals lalesl tesulls wcie phonetl 1111 medialelv ward by vvaid and ol lice hv office fiotu ihe town olfice where they wete being has tilv tabulated many phone calls weie inleiupled lor word ol a change a new total or the final lesull united ciirr fastener co of canada ltd will develop an in dustrial operation in islmxt square feel ol space in the can ada packers building with pro due 1 ion scheduled lo start in match 1962 pi is idem r m heat ey told the i rce piess this week we are going to be pioducing on a completely automatic basis automotive oil filler cans for canadian oil filler manufacturers we will be the only company in canada producing in this manner and expect lo serve ihe require ments of the canadian trade ihe president said the oil liltei cans aie a new producl for united carr paslener on which piodudion is scheduled lot maich 1062 spray cup also moving to ihe ai ion plant will he the spiay equip men 1 for gold coating liquor boitle caps foi the canadian and ametican mat kel moulders of ihese caps will ship them to us for coaling mid we then forward the caps lo ihe distillers for as sembly to their bodies this 40 per cent of voters cast ballots during municipal election tuesday one thousand two bundled and loitonc people didnt bother lo vole when teeve deputy ieec council hydio eomnnssioneis and school boaid were elected lues dav jnsi 40 pel cent of ac ions 2087 eligdile voters 846 put in the 1962 slate polls opened at 10 a m and shut at 7 10 with business slow i irsl results geneially came fiom ward one subdivision 2 incliid ing glenlea subdivision whete only 107 out ol n eligible 392 ex eicised their fianchise mayor john goy was again in by acclamation with him atound the council tabic wdl be jjlu hargtave who held his seal as iccve despite stiff opposition liom last cai s deputy reeve bet minion deputy iceve bill denny who last year headed the polls in his f irsl bid for conn cil council lot s i es dubv who headed the pull lollowed closely bv george batheau i tank piouse j beit wood mam peal i tank loth si buck in suddlc two men iiinmng lor ofhec foi the lust time hank prousc and j beit wood wete successful two men were returned to the hvdro commissions 1 ray at hie and gold mccuteheon return cd to school boatd were bill ben son and tom watson with a new corner vic brislow rxertcnient ran high tuesdav evening as candidates for election crowded into the town ultiee eag ei iv walling results voting tuesday by wards following is a summary ol voting tuesday hy wards listing each division icjecicd and urimaiked ballots total numhei of vot cis and ihe tesulls with the names ol the men elected to olliee in capitals under the rejected and umnaiked columns all ballots tor the live olfices arc totalled reject ulllll nk vottls lligiblc pc cclll wiicf 1 1 21 5 228 514 44 4 wiut 12 1 1 107 392 27 3 wuil 2 n 12 132 297 44 4 wml 1 20 10 229 476 48 0 wml 4 11 1 150 408 36 8 lulll 66 2j 846 2087 400 for reeve wdid 11 12 2 3 4 tulul j margrave 112 27 58 100 m 354 11 ilintuii 75 39 44 80 59 297 if 1 lc as 31 20 33 ir 127 l pope 5 8 4 7 12 36 tor deputyreeve w ii dlnny 20i 68 116 190 126 705 a mlm 19 38 14 34 22 127 i or council 1 duby 200 88 112 185 124 709 cj v bari3lau t 77 105 180 119 660 1 7 otii si 163 62 95 156 114 590 r prousl 164 56 92 154 98 564 j wood iv7 73 74 118 66 468 ii pi al 62 79 94 128 102 465 a johnson 96 62 51 126 70 405 l mcdonald 30 39 25 39 23 156 tor hydro commission r arbic is8 78 78 148 93 555 c mixurclll on 149 62 97 133 88 529 d g rilu s 51 53 119 76 394 tor public school board w j bl nson 199 85 116 179 128 707 1 waison 192 90 111 177 127 697 v urisiow hi 60 58 104 64 371 r k11 kiils 92 48 40 96 61 337 operation has been running in onkville for a few ycum and we are moving it to acton the company piesident told the free ptess total employment anticipated in the operation will be approxi mately eight men 14 us plant unitedcarr is n subsidiary of t american company of the same name with 14 plants in the united states and plants in eng land and australia canadian head office is at hamilton and in assembly plant is located al st remi quebec geneial product lines of the company include parts for dec- ironies automobiles radios tv clothing leather goods pen and pencil manufacturers und cos metic containers united carr will be located in ihe former wool combing build ing along with keates organ michigan bulb and walelgh i uinitutcco bell short grcuit causes false alarms firefighters kept in trim last weekend as they raced to the lire hall on four occasions only 10 find a false alarm each time shorting bell telephone wires wilh the fne alarm system caus ed ihe sirens to sound inday evening the sirens went long and loud and firemen were unable lo shut them off without pulling the main switch a check by the hydro department reveal ed no electrical or mechanical failure and the northern electric ciew working al the bell dial building were notified the same evening ihe sirens sounded twice more and the trouble was raced once again to the bell dial installation satur day firemen had a rest when the sirens remained silent but sun day at s p m they rushed to the hall onlv lo find another false alarm tortunately the siren was silent while firemen held ladies night rue chief miclc holomes con tacted the bell workers and hni been informed the trouble should not occur again the maze of wires in the dial exchange build ing necessitates testing night and day before the changeover on december 17 skate saturday watch window first to set the skates on the fust sheet of artificial ice at the arena weie the members of the intel mediate hoc kev team they luld a practice wednesday night the children who ve been watching the place eagerly lor so long will in all probability be on the ice saturday afternoon irom 21 p m for the lirst free skating a sign willbe posted in the window at the town office in the ymca with final word only 14 more sh days until christmas five year old mary watson shops at home nurt photo shopping for three brothers is a big problem mary decides that older brothers bob and david might enoy mechanical aeroplanes three-monlh- old johnny can look forward lo a soft inflated rub- bar clown sisters are fussy and one has to beeareful but mary decides on a doll and pram for anne and jane she hopes the girls will like her choice she certainly had a difficult limg making up her mind from the wide selection offered by acton merchants mothers always need a new hat or blouse and so mary tries to decide which to purchase she found acton merchants have everything a shopper young or old would desire she enoyed shopping at home for christma grandma is real nice lo me thinks mary as she tries to choose something that would please in a lewellery store the large selection offered posed a big problem but finally she made up her mind the purchase remains a secret until christmas father smokes cigarettes but then he can gel them at his restauranti maybe a fancy sporti shirt or snazzy sports vest wonders the young shop per whan her shopping tour had ended she found something to delight everyone and right at home in acton

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