Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1961, p. 10

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tttmr pibt from bitch george e elliott sworn in as judge in nn imprwmlvo cvromony wllncmoij by over 100 gulu mil ton uoltcltor gciorcjct e elliott wu uvjom in nuvtimhttr 25 tin county jiulue of malum surro gate court juduu or hullon and locul muntoi ol hit supreme court or onlurlo the irudltlonul curemonv was thu culiiiliiutlon or u 33ycur tun er in law fur i lit 59yuuthilil nu tlvc noil of the county fellow menvboru of tutu million county luw society county countllluis und county utile lulu illwlrlcl juditcu filvndh und luliillvvu till ed i he court room in the milton court house uu the new juduu uworc the tilth or of lite on n bible thin once lielnnrjeil to hk mother jlldm atlanrl juiliic w i sclivyoiicior prcul dlnfi juduu ol the tlllrkl ofllclu led ut i lie ociuulon ollim indues included jiulueu lulohfnul mc- comhi und sweet ol humlllon jlllllie cluik ol wulllnulon coiuiiv und juilue ciriini horn peel colin iv million mlliiiulliile k m lunudon nccunlutl the uit ond illui with die vlslllnu olll cluk coiuiiv miiuiillliin unil liuuds ol umntv iltipiiilniunu filled i lie jurois sen o iliinkliiu the ludues cliulr uoiile ovei 40 liiumlnm fit the million inn mil uownciel in chilli ut the lioiii lit the com i room rev j n mctim ol oukvllle halton growers participate in fruit tree census program n lifelong friend of judge fllloli wim glvn fhe honor of uuvlnu the opening pruyerx urn socluly protldonl dougluu mcconnchlu ol oukvllle welcomed the guesu on buhulf or the uoclely und intro duced the dignilurluh including a grenvlllc tjuvlfl oc itf iunp- ton lepivsenllng thu luw sue lelv or upper cunadu honor judge robinson alllmuuh lormw judge wilson n robinson wus unuhle ihioiiuh illness to ntlend rurllniflnn oc llovd plngle mude n piesentii lion lo him of un engi lived sllvoi ttuy mr rolhnson rcsiuned this veur due lo ill hieullh judue rohlnson wns most tout irons und coopeiullvc it was u pleiisiue lo nppeur h him siildmr7tflnule odtl id veuis on i he bench the trnv wus liincilluul in uc knowledgumenl ol i lie vuhiiihle sei vices pviloimed on hehull of this county oinil the pinvime ol onlurlo a foimer inw purlncr ol judge flllotl t a lliilclilnunn hud i lit honoi ol piesenllng the new iudgc niiuie piesldlng lodge judge flllnil he stild hud shown until inn inteiesl und hud lulth i ii ik muled out his duties dur ing ins 11 veins in luw in million me lemmked thul lodge fllloli hud hi en instiiiuienuil in celling up ihr iiiunivs hist luw lihiuiv ill the cum i house hughes cleuvei who is the sen f t mulr trull and vege- tuble rxlenslon sruclultst in llnl tun counu has unikiiiiiecci thai cummcicuil liult uioweis in llal tun will lake put i in a hint lice- census stinting pecemhei 1 tonmiei clul i roll gioweis in ontaiio and the extension iliuiuli ol the out iiiiio depniimeiil ol agiiiulliux will cooperate in a liuil tixv and grupevine census li is ilu veins since such a count ecus made dm lug the 111 si week in he cemfaui census tortus will lu mailed to each i mil giowei it tun the oftice ol the i xleiisuin riant fi in milton included with the lorm will he a sell addtcsscd mid stamped em elope plus a shin i lettel ol explanation nth giow ei will he asketl lo lilt in lilt lurm as it applies to ins ill t haul und return it in mail in tin mumped nddressed cnvelupe fruiltt covered in the census will be apples pears plums cher ries niul grapes there have bten manv chnnges in the lndusti since ln stiv r t mull new vurielies hncc been introduced some liuil farm safety council sponsors competition j m tmliii chalrnuin ol tin- hnllnn farm sitetc council inn nniumiicccl thai the countll uill nponsot a cixst conipetition in ordet to obtain tin best possible ciest foi tin ruin siletc council ol ontaiio the couiiiil has decided tti nveipl one ciest irum cash ciilmlc lliltuus eulu xv ill be elcelel hull cullies in the compeuuon spun j h the halton i ii in sitetc 0111111 the millon i nut sitetc i oun cil is 111 oiguiialiuii ivpiesenl ing lirm oiniiiiiiious uiiliin llie connie lis puipose is 10 direct tnmi sileix pixigrinimcs thai w ill bcnetii halton s tarm pcoplc- fnninng is one ol the most dangerous ikeiipu urns and tin ttim one ot the most dangerous pllies 10 h 1 this should not be ixir accidents e111 be pivcenl cj txco cirs iuo ecerx tountv uu dtstrul 111 o11lit 10 somtiklill a tarm itiulent suie tins sin e pom letl 0111 ilu iui1 foi i at ill sutett m1e11 ilu siuve xt is torn pletcd coutllx and piotintial tarm sateit eimncik were toinuil to illivet lai m salelc programmes lit the counu uul pixivnut as an example ot one ol these prugraiiitues in the i11m 111 ot operuion the halton iiini salttt couikil cis ixsponsibk tor thirtx tour tann people tak ing tnst aul tourses llust peoplt ixieiceil 111111111 and uin ticates ijoni st john inbulukc while a ctvst llsell vrainol prcenl larnt kittlenls 11 tin bt a tisetul tool to pixmioti tuin snfetx this competition is open to all lann people ill halloa but onu one entrx pi 1 tannic lo ttmuiilc mteixst total prize monex ol ji0u00 is ottered gixiuing mens lime incionsed while olhets lime deueased wi ix- espeilulk lllltlesled in the iimoiuil ol iiuitist- 111 dwuiling and scmiclwniliug moisloeks loi apples in oidei loi anv liuluslrv to stieieeil it llllisl know and pie dm lis soiiiet- and volunie ol taw pioiliii is oul iliiough 11 lotinl ol the liuil iiees and yiape tines tan i lie liuluslrv gem llsell loi llie lllliux dining lm some oiliei liuil- piodlitlug pioviiues lonipletel a 1 enstis ilull fllllllis iihiplitl ulih ouiaiios will liivi 1 nation al liguie and wlll help in ttete loping expoi i 111 ilk is on a ton tillliotls basis ilu inline anil pixstnl fiuiux s will lu ip ulu 11 made antl alltl ayiti intlils 111 1 et lewetl the piotintial maikeimi groups make use of the llgiues loo when theyre negotiating lor praccitthng and liesh maikei pricw 1 he census uill show ilu it ends in inriciv plantings the age gioups und the nlimbei ol 1 lets in dllleivnl distnels ol ilu piowiiet- this inloimatlon will help icscnnli mid exiensiou people when ilu re sem hiut loi new inanagement piaeiues all iiiloimilion ausweied on tin tensils loims till be tiealid as tiintidenilil pc pni intent olluiils aix inleiesleil 111 the totals emit he sujliests that ipoweis 111nl uieu lepjits as soon us possible lo avoid ilu- iitsh ol chi isiinis mail the bible today an appeal loi more strlptuus itn liulniusii matte ixt rmlv pn- utiil ii nhkurau nuixasi ihv mtpplifs seiurvtl in sn tianus 10 ant iirncil b the ss hupe ufri nearu cxhmisied b hi linu 1 lit- ship auimvl 11 honolulu the i immune new testanicnis in alivaiu spoken un and uill be ihsinbutiil when ilu ship ii tuins to diikiila the last ot the aaitable new listanunts utu iimn out in ambon ami ixplaiement ol sup pin s is a ntaioi pnblem on the move atktid tu tht sluntaii is ilu ilitliittlix ot ilehven wlun the ship is lonstanth mming i mm pott to poit replaiemcnls hai had to wait foi the arrival of tin ship at singapore in manv plates uhere hi hope called the local mission sthools timid have used all avail able topies ol he siuptuns i ntlish is a setond lanpiiapt in indotusia ivquind in schtnils above tht fit ih piauc manv in doiusiuis use lnyhsh a ft w tultl will the bible sotietv must use liitat disttvtiiin in irving to lis inbnte the availahlt siiptufts v iseh suggested reading sundav deiusis 112 mon dav psalms i li tuesdav psalms 8 10 ttlnesdav psalms l i 14 thiitidav psalms 2 lo trulav i uke 10 i 34 satin dav atts 4 h2t to the citizens of acton my sincere thanks foi your support at the municipal elections tuesday december 5th a very merry christmas and happy prosperous new year to all frank toth sr lor prod king member or the hal inn county bur presented the luw sotlctyn conuialiilmlonu und html wishes lur i he future ullvr the new judge win oltuiully into ol- lice muny btbti in hlu udilieus judge illloil slieuwd hv was lilut un nidlnuiv man who owed u huge number ol illbin lo o hit ol people 1 hunk ing ills iredlnus he mentiimed his dirtier u loi mer warden nt the cuunlv in imi who hud told bis iln every mnn n u debt lo his founlrv his inolhel wlio believed in commnnlly seivlce and held a liemeiulous faith in educnllon his inolhel smels thlldivn leliihers tliurth legal hclltltu l lil cuunlv olll- ilals lormii judgeu viiimg h lends in the cuunlv llie legal profession und hlu wife all who hud helped him in the new puslllun twelvi- ttr av i piiinilse lo puv wv debit hv dedicating myself lo iho heat of my ahllliv limirrvlng out the nnihs i huve luken induv mild the new lodge he howd he iiiiild w coinleoiiu und lull in hlu dec iuioiih and nflered help in the lawyers judge pllloll ile- dlciiled himself lo ciury nut iho li ailitlonu of hellish uilcc on behalf of the law sucleiy mlllon solltllor k v jjick pre- senled u eoistige lo mrs illloll wiuden i a phllllnn nlleivd eiingiiiluhillons on beluill ol the eniinlv leslilenls a iiueptlim lollnwed with re lieshineiii served by the kuruh imai i in cliaplor il tiutid li mlllon omclally sworn into office in haltons udge of the coun ty court milton solicitor george e elliott took over his chair and desk on the dnis ol he halion court house friday novem ber 25 the bible he used for the onih of ollice is one that belonged lo ilia mother check farm wiring safety council warns al ilu hie oiileienie til the qulai u i u in sal el totiiu il hi li u ti nth in went vvoi ih i uuntv j i lavlot chainnaii it tin halion i ai m satelv coutuil pn sl tiled tlu ailivitus nt tum ai i iilenl pieieution in halion ml i iv loi mus uk ol lfm ill urates ikiiii hilumj nlmuluil ilu mil i lenie 1 lu- cnlu tu i aim sahlv cotiiuil and us alliliaud cuunlv ktmips an pioinotmn pioiji amines lu assist in iuwlihil ilu tann anhknl mu on ontuio i ai ins ilu oonleieiue was uudt i ilu t hail niaiisliip ut h i wiikihl i ai in silt l spi i idist i ui ilu oulauo li pai inn in til alikui tun mi vnhi oulliiud minv ol ilu ut uli nfli iauls uul slus std tin piuper use ol elcilikity un tin 1 11 in in his irmaiks he slilid that uu miuni ut rnm tlettrlcal l in nils in ul nu mlu i foui iren win ami uslni lit pi r i hin i i ui i pi 1 1 lusi s i it hi s a hazard v lu n lust s i un initial i v hluw in utu i u t ii 1 1 ii is tmpuiianl to de i ti isl tlu lo ul un ilu i in nil and halt an in li u tan nisiall an ulht r i in uil ii 1 ijlii luses aie usetl sul tuunl lual ma he ptnitatrd in i hi win lu t lai tin tiislilatiun uul slat i a hit dun 1 iiplau lusts while slaiut in mi a wi i lluoi unliss uu hi si jiull i lu main switch don i liuulk appliaiues or t uiih wink in i uul ul w uli wait i to the electors of acton a most sincere thank you to those who supported me in the election december 5 1961 to all a merry christmas and happy new year hugh lowe mmmmmammmaamm mors power greater speed than ovmr before remingtons new super 75 chain saw mt whiul faataat cuttias chain uw yt- new power puik amine dabvtra 420 cettmf itrok every eecond now you can cut 4 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