Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1961, p. 12

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itffafaifffli w vwnf pflrr jljmlihllkji s3 tt kewifl fre press thursday oacember trny 1961 at the acton bowling lanes by kan hutford high school noy 27 jim bulloughu 65j gave hoi do the edge for n threegame win over foulem gary mauilea ms wait nullllled bv the ulnulcu or don hrrl 267 vic roach 238 and gerald tmck 229 202 and dunblowln were a three time winner over rockelu cometh dropped ihc first got the hecond by nine and the third by 12 ln for u twegame win train flwltj with jane mccrei haloing a 22s electros got the singleton total with terry moiiules tnmdj inn 649 lmutuc landing hot dag 47 cornels 40 idunblowlnn 3 ro cketu 32 elect rut 29 foulem 26 boartjmor nov 27 hep call lire lup t hanging onto fln1 place thvy touched unloiuhawn for seven point imiiiie fnblnn 200 jove- mnwilc 204 ed junks 216 and ermo favro 20s203 pointed up the win al uunch hi chuck sunter 207 were the loners best joyce buchanan 618 and ed parent 698 paced johnnys crew to seven points and second place phil usueiir 644 and kav james 2w20i for hi hopps were in a losing muse primroses failed to mukc chumps out ol mugwumps and with tlnnic ma mies 731 bert fowler 644 and bill buchanan 206 the mugs grabbed all games pilmruscs tried with helen irsiieur 62s dennis crooks 228 and arhe white 235218 uivkv seven tried to gel sex en but strike aheads grubheil the middle chukkcr getting lucky tor the seven were pat waldlc 69s john dennis 208 jake vandcrkoov 205 helen yulemnn 254 ioi strike aheuds it was bill how ell 232 roger murray 241 sieve fllsnik 209 league handing hep cuts 52 johnnys crew 39 pnmroscs 3h strike aheads 37 mugwumps 37 untouchables 31 lucky seven 30 hi hopps 16 loaion ladiat nov 27 dot carles 601 speur headed flip flops two and tot als win over no blows wulch outs lust to jets bv 19 in the first dropped ihe second by two then powered hume in the ihird game to grab one and totals phyllis attgells 618 triple and lois gordons 22 solo lur watch outs were tops in this go laagua landing flip hops 43 watch outs 39i no blous 29 jets 29 bluo springs nov 28 carnations had a hot trio millie stitt 738 alice mc guines 635 and dorothv milson 627 and it was a luo and lulals win over mums rating the as sists jennie ctcndennmg 20s wanetla smith 204 tcrrv arhn 2zs adcle nolan 632 nanvv jensen 2i2 auclrev llrquhart 218 and wjlli hcvviti 313 urn mums besl eleanor gov 262 and shu lev hunter 2s2 sparked ro ses two ind totals win ovc violets glads vv lapped up tin first two from asters in shuit order but asters tound 1k range in lie finale and made it bv cnouiih to snare totals sharon ovvm n34 sophie oliii rich 239 paced ihe glads b11v i jordan s 626 stood out lor as tcrs league handing cum hums 49 mums 42 roses 40 viulils 3 glads 34 asters 30 micro plastic nov 28 die beaters u crowding geons as v ixsult ul taking said cioih tor two and totals rose cook 623 cvnl lcighion 202 hem sduthcit 201 highliishied the win boh drinkwaltir 212 bill li-nmp- 217 234 were up foi geons lc bv jim gibson s 638 riexihles won the mini two irom snap pers and made it roi toik scrappers won the thud 1111 1 when hank larle onil darin and herb cook hit 222 206 and 218 in that order bell ringers rang up the first one then hi impacts look command and stashed avvav two and totals mars cooncv s 710 and bodts gnschow s 202 were high lor im pacts leo mcgillowav 624 buue cargill 231 and dot lailc 2l dittoed toi rinixrs league standing geons 3s die beaters 37 bell ringers 36 thank you electors of acton fot vout suffott and vote in tttf ttcqit munkwal hjctton the compliments of the season les duby hi impacts 34 flexible 33 scrapper si lndotrilcomwrclil nov 29 als snack bar took over first place wlm a three- game win trom flrerightepi with an assist from al dclfv erv who look the woiks from the crslwhlle leaders ledgers 1 gjl reliable taxi handed pairls mens weill a setback via the two and totals route knocking off the filcounls were a bll johnstone 668 atgiccn mwttrtrt givln 748 316 wllo near 653 leclgor11 jim bullough 636 wovne mason 663 frank irvine 672 al delivery dee defoiesl 685 cnil doforest 615 bob tay lor 631 reliable jefr rivet 727 pauls jim gibson 613 clies pevcha 767 jack mcciilcheun 698 league standing als smuk bin 51 lcdgeis iga 49 pauls mens wear 48 reliable taxi 411 al delivery 38 i iicllghlers 1 acton ladlos nov 29 a jovous cloud ovei hangs gasoline alky mccal lum services with a 52 win from lovell bros ihenhv lump ing fiom lourth to tirsl plate marlon sloiey 608 and donna krnpek 207 served em up loi meciilluins risle swill 62 3 norma robinson 240 likewise d foi lovtlls lamb real 1 stale was the hot team thev shut oil pnuise motors wllh nan a win dinnnc splelvogel 604 kittv al len 661 ina mellon 620 309 and doreen mclntvre 214 211 wcic the shutteroilers tor lambs taw pinks 233 solo toi pioitses was lonesome cameos won ihe first vets the second and 11 was a close battle lor lite decidti vvilh vets getting the nod bv four pins for cameos jt an mtphall 234 anil maig lolh 203 were tops toi vtts il was pig gv livvun 244 nut vcina ai bic 226 league standing wvciillum set vices 41 camtos 39 lovell bros 39 he vcls 39 lamb ral estate 37 prouse muturs 36 thursday toppers nov 30 tiger cats made cv erv game a winning onehom tin busy bees vvilh vcrna arbic 653 and nantv jensen 203 sparking the win the decs lined hard to unncx the last spasm with elea nor goy rounding out a 643 triple with 268 but lell shy bv two pins happv hopeluls vvtit zero on the stoic sheet until the last game cameos won the insi two doieen lauder 216 lor ca meos and ivv mariln 203 tin hopefuls were best blovvt r- salted avvav the 1 11 si fiom wish i ul thinkers when pudge jor lin madi with 316 thinkeis yil he equallti on ihe strength u lil marshalls 224 and thntlud the third when mars mikenn rolled 255 bluvvti s snand iht odd point for totals when jol dan latkcd up a 731 iiitount league handing ligtr ol 51 cameos 44 bloweis 43 wishlul thinkus 41 busv btes 39 happv hopeluls 34 acton major nov 23 gold coulighan s 812 303 dave johnsons 674 and bob blown s 620 toi ten pi 11 was no ditt vause atton billiauts had jell fivei 771 bill john slime 757 spike spirts 731 lil mcgillimav 710 anil it was a si ten puinlti lol ihc tilt huvs tigti cals had no tumble in winning ihrtt itom iht sottti club bill williams 642 mikt bctimit 682 don gum 62 wcit cats lop 4rlo theres hope tor ihe soccer club pele schlpner trundled 606 firefighter mop ped dominion hotel in the rlml then the waxowlcx wallopers ovened up by 17 plnn in the se cond and then won ihe third go ing away tops foi ihe hole were hank earle 644 dee dcfor- em 618 jack pink who couldnt make up hl mind whether he wa end man in ihe nilnslivl show or a bowler hit 639 foi the hone totem league handing acton bll hards 59 tiger cats 56 ten pit 32 dominion hotel 37 firelight era 2j soccer club 4 acton frlandt nov 30 big jawn cunning hams 939 325 346 287 lilple seasons triple recoid so lai slole the spotlight in the ac lint 1 1 lends league also paved the vvav lot 0 three game win im llu jets ov pop pops tiled vvltiroioncettnlkesoii 22942 and slella brunelle 213 slow pokes who have been iillcinit inn with bell bimvu lor lust plate handed ii to buovs this week by winning all games i mm em orv chapmans 223 solo foi ihe slowpokes stood out like n sme thumb in this go untoiuhahlcs snapped out ol llveli slump al ihe expense ol yakketv y iks and look em foi the hig shau ol a 52 go nearly won llitm ill hut dropped ihe middle 11110 by 14 pins boh brown 68j hi a vci baxter 621 headed up ihe win einle 1 avvson 212 204 and don dororcst 245 wcie yaks best league landing llniinu habit s 53 yakktlv yks 41 pupovtis 37 siigni jets 37 sloupokts 33 bill himvi 30 acton mixed dec i sliaggleis tlosctl in on the leading tunics vvhtn thev beat them for two and totals vvilh joanne duval 623 and dot thompson 240 doing the pat 1111 ron whltham 620 bob maiiin 664 and ben rodv 248 207 plnl deil along for tut lies mai tin oehlrich 682 and tom u01t h 211 had eagles on a two anil tolals win wing against llu raiders who with sophie othl nth 217 and pent i jatkson 221 maile it in the last game clip pus tlipped the atoruy lot llu inst two and then hung on to make it a tlcan swtcp bv inn pins in the linalt with gnul what am 1 doing wi ong ihompson itadiug ihc hit pu atle with 648 league standing tuillis 46 stragglers 42 i aglts 41 chp- pcis 38 raideis 37 aloms 27 tennunder dec 2 lutkv siiike liitd hard 10 win botti ganus li nn fllntstoncs bul the hints ymtv bttl the last game hv five puis vvilh totals going to ihc liuk ics maveiitks took the rnsl hum replllts bul look a hnk seal in llu- sctond whin rcplili- tame up with a big one lo win one and totals the lisl pi ui laglcs did some high lliv uul won both games tiom dtvik loi some- ninth ntttlid pmuk top 10 in ihe whoop n liolltr league well rlll micltl 170 173 343 bob tuikos isi 1 52 333 hairy oehliich 183 128 halton 4h in queens 4h members tnim hislion ex- hlhllcd the ginnd champion shorlhoin steer and ihe innul cluunplon group or tlnee sleea i ruin any county or ill sulci roheil imcrrv milton was ihe exhibitor ol the iiand champion shoilhorn steel and cartilvn gaidhouse lany gaidhoiise and llnh menv all ol mlllon weie the exhlhliois ol the chninpiiin iionii ol shoilhorn steels hal inn loiinlv had live compelilois in tills event maiilvn shenvoud iliiillngton was also exhibiting a muiiihorn sleei whit h plated in the i list pne gioup llaltons one enlrv in the alni deenangus sen i ion was chalfcjt- mailin wllh a sleu tlial plated in ihe i list pile gioup the queens guineas compell members exhibitors guineas competition 108 oncll marshall h7 m 2w kmn fuivak 140 m7 26 miki- saiutih iftklll 270 htv malnpne ishi1h 276 junt- willho iuu7 270 lliula viuv im iis 2ftj ikhi laiutiv is 24s iutiue imidlns in kv s 1 1 u vi kiplilrs 27 ivvils 2ft i luii slnih 2 maveiitks 21 l-au- l headpin hilites coniitn ut last utks f i il si hikl ktuin atiouiil ol i ai if llls 1111 tilll- llltk 1 mllltl 11 vi ts sun don a nul howln in his own iilthi who ittllnl i in 24 n ai linn tin llu ink i iounu liniil im the nun du tip av hvinli lift lai fil a howluili hiiitla iht tin is vmsiuii il was a hoht lav loi tluin llu v mmii lo akitlc uul tin oik oiuins si ni iluni lionu uilh iiu i point willi llu- autul hiitiins it wis miiiil snt wm mnlj llu siiliismhc cilmikis iktitl with a 718 hiph lluns dn lnppiis wtic puimrd wlun ii u lnc joulans lift stood up lo win ihf liuilius i 1 a looil studs hil jiun cunnuilhani dul things in a iiili wa uul knoikiil oil llu puik m ns wiii oiului uilh a hut oss til iotltlt llu llllllil plililllils ot c oiioli 1u uihai i s uul sii il dp till how lllil i t ovt i ttu ii af iill win won hv ail hufii roh uilh it ii mv ohl ik h mil culii maishalt ami that aminos wnuls n up auios lluit u open lo 4h 1wh cuir clim mcmluhh exhlhlilnu uiccu in i ho 4h conuulllloii thf htiiir iniiht ik- wciuluil dtulnu muv ami ih wt- in i itll nuahi ul llu end ol i lie five irionlh leeillnu i itll ml iuh ktiii nuut yiiln an iiveiuu nl 2 poinuu hi hiiv in oiilfi to hialllv in mldlllon iliih clu1 mt nihil iiiiihi nhialn 7sh ol die lohil pnlnls iillollftl in llir 4 ii clnh pioyi amine meeting speakers offered by mental health association ihe ho ud ol dlictlois of hie on tile pmgiess ol ihe iiiiiulll million loiinlv llianeh of die meiiiluishlp dilve mis led i via canadlaii mental lliallh assocla ol mlllon is lnial i hull man ul lion met iviinlly al the home nl the incmhcishlp loinnilltce mis i ii ittvvcs oakville paul lluve hpaiikarlil lin ul luillnuluii inlill cduuiuuic in uietiull hi the chaii giatllylnu upoiis weie given itipsontouringl biggest prizes ever at y bingo draw nl ling to hi a tiadiiion hiii is tlll lllllliul s mills ullklv thaw it ii lu niuk ti linn hiiilo in tin y iiluuli dn i mix i in vmuk sonu will hi i 11 l u1h hlulll till kls tltlfl s will hi winiu i s ol a s lust pi ii spui il in biiijii lime spl it tls ot ski uul lo spintls l si llu s ue thi biiiesi pncs ever tilliiid it this iul luiul iais mt ivint thanks my i express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the voters who sup ported me in last tuesdays election seasons greetings to all franklin prouse enjoy complete heating service from thompson fuels your ba solar heat distributor reyaiilless ot the weatlui some wo nun miisi tliivc heii liushunils to woik ni ihc i all loul slition and 1 mi ihilthiii lo tf3 suiimii it vou ne one ol lluse wonun hete aie some lulptiil mili stntiis he sun l he tat has tlitins loi snow pu kt tl oi u v loails on p u kul snow il likis hlttl lu slop- withoiii thuiis willi- 1 hams 2a leii on u ll hi liltuus aie l6 ami b ihe hlkuiuc loulil he ilal ft i slat i on a shppi rv stnlaie usi seioiul itiu mil slni slowlv thtt tlts mil- i n nuui hailiou anil ii will he uss likely lo slide sidewav tuni slowly whin making a niivc on an uv load tuin ihe wluii slowly ii you po into a skid wlun hiakmn he iu tin n the stoniiy whul in the ihilition tlu iiu wluils sliili pump tlu hnikts pmllv 1 his is i spt i ii 1 1 v impoi hit il ou havi powi i hi ikes with powii hiikis uul pown stillllll ollll lltlll 1 lllosl lul ltd touih its iisv iti lock llu hiikis and ovu slui niii stai slop or i hane clnu lions suddenlv and kitp a imhi disl inn hehind ihe iu in liont dul hioic you ivcn siu t wml ci ilininjl he small llae llu ladialor l linked and limhi and tiict put m dont kt the wca i her blup ou cold check these important advantages ia sou hutidtnlitony e8nimiidl t tin you muimum hut vilua ud dun bum- ui tthdincy la uui pjtfrm inllcambion butmut l yoni iimi ul link m iumet huiujt biyiunu tor kiitini oil iprtmwl0mwltti ba stovx oil delivered in quantities of 25 gallons or more dehhdiledeuvebt-iulomtiljllid- ujtd to wuthei conditiou i hut1ws fwtnce kamlor both n i iitmca iiutsllitiors ind convtivons idm down biymtnltnuu uttyinf chtttafivt yws is thompsonhfuels ljvsgai- 43 main st n acton phone 69 when hold up nl u level iiukulnii uluiuyn klm vmir im well liuck 1 1 in tliu tniclti thu liiluilu hufply lciijiiu vvuiim i lui i can linllcd ilnvc in lliu mucin luivtf liccn liunikl into llu- piilli of llu it ulli lv u lullmv inil utiliiniuhlle fiiivelllnu liui lun in nl up in line li this u lottay depresilon ivui v4xjdyh wiirklnu and every- iviily limike al leant wd dldn iiuva in work in die iml one kumr vcoikuin imvt lots or liclui uiulvo when its lima lo lie i up uiul ttu home yen sir ihuvic ihc iiiicu wlm gut flrod willi clllllllkluhlll thanks ins ol nuntiinllncxs u n major ailivilvol ihe hiaiuh ihe ediitu llonal immlllte umlei in ihili inaiiship of j w slnulelon ol hiiilhiiilun in now leady p vide spcaku h lo inli u slid yioiips upon u i mi paul i an hmllnulnn u eial convent t nl llu chi islnuis cdm inipiilijii- ieoited that plans weie well undei wny lo tolled hoyai champ moiloik heisy a duil puipose shoithont liom llu heul ol thu tiue ivaioik mlllon was un ioi ihampion liinalc in its i lass al llu- uuiil uoyal wiulii i all ihc louiptiition tame jujiii sonu ol tlu lop lu r ils ol dual 1111 post slim ihoins ol onlaiio ouihii nova siolia and iiiiki i ilwtid island kills o hiiny tluei and eiuotir iyiiiun lo pa tit nts lu ihe onlaiio llospiial llamilion day to mwt tour chrktmas mail rat local ocuvuv post oovomosm man on flma too this arssnd ii first smail class i rvtlsl radcarpat traalmant rloht up to tha ioat door consult your post ohies uarmier auilna disdlliiss carlalmas silskas atn ao aiaea aiora ra ihay arriva it for 0 ckhstausi pollock and campbell manufucturcni of high grade memociais memorial engraving 63 watar s north oait telephone 2i7su h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 36 cork st east guelph phone taylor 27130 may i express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the voters who sup ported mo in last tuesdays election seasons greetings to all toarv watson save yourself the inconvenience of an accident malts sure your snow tlrs traads are good carry tire chains in your trunk have brakes balanced and make sure the steorlng systems in shape for winter install antl freeze check windshield wipers to make sure youll see where youre going heaters end defrosters should work properly so should headlights and tail lights and do you recall any news stories about carbon monoxide poisoning check your exhaust system for leaks get your car in shape for winter now you might save yourself tho inconvenionce of an accident n r vv0ui driviho s driving conditions are worse in winter winterize your driving as well as your car highway safety branch ontario department of transport hen h l 0 c mlnltltr who is our ilsopiin customer j boiuewife in hamilton a joungslcr in yarmouth a fanner in fruitvale frankly wed just be gucming lhu jcir our totil cm lomer toured above the threemillion mark but which new emtomer in our network of 875 branches was the one between 2999999 and 3000001 we have no way of knowing but we do know our 3nullionth cus tomer will probably ue the b of m in nuny vvt to ave for the things h wants to finance his automobile at low emi to pay hit household bills and to keep hu valuables safe if he is a btmncuman he might use c irudu s drt hank lo in a nee his day to- jjv operation to pay his eniploee to collect and remit money the world over if he is a farmer my bank might be called upon to finance new trucks modern barns and laboursaving electrtj cal equipment he s very important to ui that j- millionth pustomcr never before in our long history have we been privileged to serve so many we number with a good deal of pride those three million expres sions of trust from people who call lb bank of montreal my bank bank xjmontreal wo t t no with canadians in ivfly wau op um timcl ml mm ia rt

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