Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1961, p. 4

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mmmmm iw actort fte pretk wirtday decmby 7th 1961 personal notes of actonlant vlililno oooftown point and of vlillofi in acton hornet frlendi arc glad lo ice mr doug mnn the hvdro superln- leiulenl home from liowpltul mr and mrs don wiggins johnnie and karen of kingsion called on friends in acton on sunday mr and mrs- ed manning with kalhv and bob or oakvillc islt il with the krapeks and ander sons sunday mr and mrs eail lamheit mrs nelson lamberl and mrs mary micaulv spent sunday wilh mrimdmrs frank ritchie and ann of likknou some from loun were down lo milton saturday afternoon foi lite sjnla clans parade there acton cmens band formed pirt or the gav parade in which 300 took pari weekend isitors at the home of mr and mrs g w mckenie included cousins mr and mrs g d scotchmer and mr and mrs g g scotchmer and families of bayfield her brother mr lawr ence mclnncs of toronto and her sisier and her husband mr and mrs r wadell of slreetsville mrs j wood is vlalllng rtils week in st cathailnen with her son and daughterinlaw mr and mr w j wood iirtd steven mrs james premon take ave town office clerk and her bro- ihei peter cnrnp meadvale road reccked word sunday morning uf the death of their father in england ttirv left malton inter that day lo altcndslhe runcral attei the inst pel fori ihe 1 ions club mlnnrol slum satuuliy nlgm a group ol hull convened bvmis rvftlcmotkv senetl lunch lo the pcilormein backstage assistants wives and guests altei sandwiches and re lishes came slices horn a large cake teed in puiplc and gold lions club colon and bcai ing ihe lellenng mam thanks irom ihe acton uons clith when the serxieites uere passed a plain white one was suntplitimisk in eluded among the ga chnstim ones the person who took the white one mrs daid ben ham wite ol the accompanist found she was the winner of a lot civ chi ist mas table centu donated by the lions club atatl pliotft liipe memberships were presented to william chisholm and jack newton during acton firefighters ladies night held in the legion auditorium friday evoning pictured left to right are chief mick holmes mr chisholm and mr newton both men have been fire chief and served on the brigade for a number of years former chiefs honored receive life membership frula eeninp was ladies i present thief milk holmes night lor the wucs of acton fin rnndc the presentation and prais fighters but one uf ilu mam ed bn mcn for tumi luabk hikhhyhts ol ihe calmuiuj was su thc department presentation ol lilt membership eaul ltd was presented uith certificates to two former lhiefs red rosc 0s s entered the leyton auditorium members ot honored during the evening the legion ladies aimlinr tat i uere past fne thiol jack nev nul foi tht dinner ton and willia chisholm v ho al tlu tontluson of tht mtal retired irom tlie department sev a number enjocd taids and c eral ears ago and has serci in tront danced to tht music of the tapati ol thief mtr lolton s otthestia onl 14 shopping das until c hristmas uith chiisimas appro uning main oi gama l ions jie postpon ing nuttings mini altei tlu huh da si isun family night party to assist retarded again this in tlu at ion s tish oaiive club is holding a himih night lhtistmis patt t lo piouk iiiitiils books musit and liaiuluoi k matti lals lor ttu thifdien in ttu sunsluiu school for retarded childun in milton its this satui da in the robtit little school audiioiium consuleun tht betutus ol ih events mrs 1 browne wiolc tlu totknmtig thf gift or cimimc by cjinria browne in tlu agi ot organized h i u the gtti ot i mg is i in l ip pi et iatt d it is bv coming sir h an automatic action to donau imuuv to souu am i isi to di stitbuti that i iaix hat ilu person d pit isui ol guing puuh lor tlu o ot shat nig re tauk j childtxn know tlu io ot sh u ing shaimg compaiuouship with friends uho are suited to tluim own limited abilities shaimg tlu simple niomiunt ot imisu aiul rh thin shat ing tlu nmr ot i e tognismg simple vouls and names and ol using then hands lo makt uselul articles we tot can haw a share m these simplt os b suppumni the isloith halton assentation uu retarded children while supp ing thiougbt the ciu cioulons the palt cake polka etc at the chnitmas frt in tlu robert utile auditorium on satunln december 9 remember that each article uu donate and buv at the bring and bu gift table is a personal share in equipping the north halloa school for retard ed children the gift ol giving la your to enjoy photo by kalhrr taylni pat stennyt and andrew adam were married in knox pres bylenan church acton saturday afternoon december 2 a reception followed in ihe church parlor pat sterritt andrew adam wed at knox church on december 2 33fo nassagaweya vote names council trustees newcomer ro gordon was elected to ihe w62 niissuunweya towmhlp iounill moncliv ns 11 per tinl of ihf lounships tu gihlc votvrs went lo ihv null lo fleet three toiintillois mil lluve thool trnmee lor ihe itirniiip yeai mr gordon ttplues huks thomson on loiinul mi i horn sun plncul mill in ihe mnnmu retllliuil lo iiiunui wilt hill coullii who heiileil ihe poll mil di b i yiniiik siinnil in ihe ine niwionilis kin austin mul john henry lom their hltl to inke u council sent j rjmephull ciilvln milnlv re mul flouiee lllvlh inuimhent school nren trustees were nil ic turned to ihe hoaul murquk oillleji n newcomei in the school hoaul race was ilcfenletl at the culler nomination meet nil reevejohn a milne and le pntv reeve john rolunson wen iiliinhd lo oil lie hv aiclima lln mere is how nissiyaweva voted mi i com ti r fr h l yodnd ross cordon rill austen chulis itioinsnn jolin hi in v nm coiinciii ohs poll i poll 2 poll 1 poll 4 poll s total 71 47 2k h 21 22 72 72 41 m -vr- ior philllt s j r mipiiaii i cai v1n milniyki ilouatr iii yl ii ll m oilluh 20 ks 44 27 72 ii -2- iiooi trllstrk 67 114 m 41 87 76 11 j0 ft 20 47 44 ft v ii 47 -m- 12 2h v 1 12 9- 20 27 ii 1a 2ha 2u 22a ih7 -ir- 14 s 2w 244 178 daughters of knox see santa mrs j ladouceur given gift sihuol tlulditn ut busy pit p u uiji tin mini i hi isiin is i mi 11 lis a diei is shuhtlv iniird hut i st ipt d win n il litii into i mi oil llitdtw i 7 m ti d nii luvvn i lid iv ii iiust d 2s d mi tied lo tlu l ii llkiuph disliul o i p luitkiu u it is hit hem mmul imm mund is in hui hunt on ilu mu iiij nuns lllltnll olllltv llld tile lislllll kill 1111 piks kfll mi it siiiiuiintluik h im ill on u mils pi t t illon njnw hhtsl t ii linns n i h i ml u i in ill si ttu down to w ml 111 istin is i lu is k n i on limit s in mil iluh white lhrsanthemums uirmed the setlinr in knox pieslnluiin muilh attun on satuidiv d ternonn detembti 2 ulun pit una jo sleintt ind andieu adim exchanged i ings thl r a h mtkcnit hlaid tht ovs and r a hansen plaed n o gun tht bride is the dauyhtu ot mi and mis chlloid sttiii ol 18 brutk at at ton tht i hm of 2003 laueshute highui oakxilu is the son of mr and mis james adam 9 binnu st mitton the bruit uoie a lull luvlm goun ol uhiu nlon and kits on prmttss lints stquitis a i i pearls outlined tlu mm u u t nteklmt ol the laee h mum j bod let dtsintd uith a low v at th back tht long hl pointed sltl es of laet and nlon mie gem med with pearls and sequins reemhioidtied losts tnhiik d tht lines ot the bouflmt sk t which swept into a slight ti i n htr fingeitip til oi silk illusion was held h a trovn ol p us and stquins she eauietl i win t bible st l in rt d roses five attendants maid ol honor was miss lois brown the bridesmaids hwkn hammond dai lent l nnbi 1 1 liitiuls ol tlu hi itu hti siswi in w mis i du utl sitrntl ot george tomi ind the i low i gn i miss k ut n colts the si nioi attendants won wall length utl tltt il os with diaptd towl iiceklnus uul fitted boditts iht einiti while mulls the woie match ing red shots and caps ol n- eiling tht fluwti girl worx green eltt with a niitvhmg hit uul earned i white mutt tht bi ide was gut n in m u i uige in lu i lathi i diuiuiimii in was iddit sitintt biothei ol h hi idi 4 sin l s wele omil ad mil aiul 1 in ajam biothtis u ilu giooni honi milton nut re adam i i lk ml ol tlu gi nun hum at ion reception follows a ieteptlon u is held 111 ilu ihim h p ii lot w hi n ttu iuk in 1 1 1 uli s wile pie st iii itom ii oigt town hamilton lu loii brampton malton rutkuood stitetsmlle milton and ac ion tlu bi ult s motlui chose a g n dation ihess with beigt uhaji ies aiul a eiiisage ol w jul i u nations the gioums niuilu woie a gilin talk l i dicss w h in igt an t ssoi us ni a mi sit ol w hiu e u u ilions 1 lu wedding take was n uk b mis chlloid stou mi dais tilsiii v is i mi si ot i m oi llle couple lilt till a lloik moon tup to butlalo the uul woie a gieell wool suit w illl beige antssoiiis anil a misit of itd lostltis tlu ait m 1 n ilu ii honu in ai ton hi toit lu i m u i iigt tl hudi wis nitst ot hoiioi at a show e i noienihui lt given b j lu i maid ol bonoi miss lois blown uul il pel son u show ei niiumhu 22 gum b lit n hammond aiul alice wdkm son j bert wood would like to take this opportunity to thank those who voted for him and wishes the people of acton the compliments of the season l thin art in canul i motc ilnn hall a million ulois but iiss ihm 200 000 uiilimus robf r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly e p ikad phone gueiph ta 42071 58 si gaorges square specials california nol celery stalks size 24 ea 23c 24oz poly bag parsnips 2 for 35c selected baking potatoes idaho 5 for 33c ceo grade macintosh apples 10 lbs for 59c acton creamery limited main st n free delivery join our christmas layaway club viult our biuemen toy land lidinrs tox- truias sluglis 1 uhii ins doll curt miles dolls limns anil musiiil tis push this miihiniiil tins conking sols i i a amutr depoalt will hold any article until december 22nd hintons 5c to 100 store harvey laverty heating jhumb1no and eavestroikjhino repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners sales and service main street n rockwood phoni ul 4jws4 iockwooo 34 hour larwlca order now you tolv your shopping p rob urn with a fw strokes of your pen you delight your friends by giving them the samo publication you yoursalf enjoy a subscription to the acton free press a gift that repeats itself with a new issue every week 52 weeks of the year if you order today we will have time to send a gift card in your name for each subscription you order subscription prices pah in advance for 1 year 3 00 m canada 4 00 n england and other commonwealth countries 5 00 in ihe un ted stales and otner fore gn countries remember a gift subscription to the acton free press is easy to give and inexpensive too a bountiful luikoy liniut mi veil until alt i lie live clnkl inns dt ltiriitlfiiih by kjmv ind ics aid wns injoveil hv tlu diuitlm is ol knox ihk wuk ai the liituliihiiin ul tliir nuiil mis m suimii ihiinkttl l he hulks mul ilu n piclilfiil mrs a m mmlmu rsnn itplful a cluisimas worship mtui wjs iniululliil hv mi a mf im rs mis m jfiulun mish ii llnlm ih ii ml mis a j nirhnnni mis jiilii tlnk diic mil siotv ami cilnrv shiint akiuiui hnnln arrived a piriuil nl uiiol sinking is injtmil mul mis a j niuhinin liu i lending umilii siil di ill lilid in iill sinill suns l nu m hits now thai december lleie a number of orluiiml ynmp utif couduiled hv mri c kiniismll amid ninth meiru mini i lien to ihe ncoinpani- mtnt nf jingle ikllv santo c inns fslniniiely reminiscent mis w mil nc hern arriietl unit his p uk full of uifls at iht i niilliihiun of the eien- bill mis john i idoiiliiir uho is moving shortk unh htr fam ily lo onnsi wis mil- recipient ol a cup and saum in makmtf tlu presentation mis william inlh cxpusstd tlu inotips ruttll at losing so ihud a tin inhti uul uislud th i miik iiiiilii yood loilum aiul liippnuss m a rn y t han ics your support in our recent municipal election was most appreciated best wishes for christmas and the mew year ray arbic under new management mayfair restaurant mr and mrs h martin wish to an nounce that they have taken over the management of the mayfair restaurant we welcome both new and old patrons specializing in fine foods at moderate prices for home cooked meals viit mayfair restaurant bell lies by c s keith your telephone manager seasons greetings mu hon sunvldo of guelph will be on ihe job chrutmu day making sure your calls go through bell folk will be spending christmiu in much the ume way at families in actun theyll be enjoying turkey dinners and plum puddings singing carols opening brightly colored presents and till ihe other exciting activities that go with this joyous lime of the year there will alio be time lo relun and enjoy the company or friend und relatives yes we at ibe bell enjoy the same sort or christmus ou do ejeept for one thing many of us will he on the job during somepurt of christmas keeping our vital services open i ven though you und i can take a holiday tele phone sen ice must gn on hut working on christmas day is not without its compensation theres a happy friendly spirit everywhere which adds u special quality to this one day in ihe ear and incidentally christmas is one of our busiest days we handle a tremendous number of calls culls to neighbors culls to distant cities on this continent and on occasion calls to other parts of ihe world hut ibe nice thing about the great majority of these calls is ihut they carry greetings of joy and good withes perhaps this is why telephone people gel so much en- joment nut of the mle they play at christmas on behalf of all of us here at the bell i would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very merry christmas and the best in health and happiness for the coming year our optiitois in dun tllnl upon to xiuisi i if il di 1 1 ut i k i mil diplomacy hun jh tinus whin itu iiiusl asmu eld ih people in plating tdu or sew canad- uiin who imht noi uiul island calling in- itiik nuns 4ii ilu blind uhi oiiu times need lulp in tindint numbtfis yes the operator is pipand lr almost ecrvthing including tht ik wisitmal ountsur uho will call up at this hint ul ihe near and ask tu spe ik to santa claus but in itmiii ttu sin pi isc of out operator we heard a4xjul recently who tieiixid a i all in he middle t julv requesting to sneak to the heaided old pcntlcman at the north pole at this lime of the veii asked the opeiatoi in amaipicnj yes replied the young oiu i itist totind mu ot his himits in dads closet i thought he might rued tt txlorc next chiutmas csxu

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