Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1961, p. 7

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christmas buying or selling use free press classified ads either way a 4fts coming evfntt conttnimd classified advertising rates no charge lor announcement of blrthi marriages deaths arid engagements in memor- lams 75c plus 10c per line for verses articles for sale rent etc 3c a word minimum cash 50c billed 75c box no to this office 25c additional coming events 75c minimum first five uric each additional line 10c card of thanks 75c for first 5 lines each additional line 10c accounts are rendered monday following insertion dltest insertion time 100 vm wednesday h1one660 births marriages deaths etc bo un lynch mr and mrs tom lynch ore pleased to announce the birth of their son thomas mlehacl on november 23 at guelph general hospital curric ronn and wayne arc hnppy to announce the birth ol their son michael edward on thursdny november 30 1961 st mount hamilton hospital hamilton ontario pries wayne and judy nee sargent an happy lo an nouncc the birth ol rheir daughter klmnerly ann on wednesday november 22 at georgetown memorial hospi tnl died sanrord on wednedav dec ember 6 1961 at her home stewarttown ont minnie f taylor in her 77th year wife of the late joseph edward san ford mothlr or thl late ed ward and dear grandmother ol bill sanlord sister or dorothy mrs heath or clarkson resting at the mcclure funeral ihome 34 edith st georgetown where funeral services will be held triday arternoon nt 3 oclock interment in green wood cemetery anderson at the guelph gen eral hospital on tuesday dee ember 5 1961 john hume an demon in his 61st year belov cd husband of elizabeth jtne thompson dear father or mrs ray thompson ftleen mrs douglas melior betlv and john c all of guelph brother or mrsg evans aliee ot winghum mrs d holmes edilhe or at ion mrs j torster mearl or welland mis t seigman elsie ol dristun bob and william iholh of aeton roland ol ormstown one mrs h for ester anne norman and nell all of guelph and the ink farl also survived t eight grandchildren runeril scrviee wis held at the milntvre and wilfcu tunirnl home guelplu this altinuion thursdnv at 2 p m internunt two showing of gullivers travels at vmca i pm ond 3pm saturday children 25c adults 50c sponsored by actorr ys mens club a 247219 election night of the north hallon assoelntlon for rcturdcd children will be at j m denycs school milton on december 14 at 8 pm a 24 7229 christmas dance sponsored hv acton junior farmers 1 ndav december 15 nt brookville hall admission 75c per person a 24 7232 turkey shoot hallon sports men s association saturday december 16 12 noon gord le farm hornby trap an ta 12 gauge shotguns b29 2 20ll for sale es tor sale girl s white skit sitc 2 phone 483j a 247217 tor sale 1952 pontiac club coupe radio direction lights and seat covers phone 720j s tor sale christmas lrtes all kinds of no i irees tlee de livery in aclon apply 132 bow cr ave or phone 951 a 247132 for sale pure bred m ile boxer dog 2 years old good with children phone 8569645 rock wood a 247130 tor sale turkeys tram wil ictts turkey tarm over 20 ihs 39c joe allan erin phone 8332422 a 247215 tl tor sale large tncclc ind trailer sunbeam excellent condition large doll crib nesv phone 887 j 2 a 24 7238 for sale 1951 inlernationil panel truck in good running ton dilion i owner phone ul 4475 a 247234 for sale brewer s ye isi sunflower seeds bonemeal ik tree samplv eopv or prevention mailed on request phoni 1046 for sale 1953 chen in good shape will trade tor older e ir mcmullcn sales phonl 66 a 247236 pok iau coahnimtl viking rioor a suspended type milkers electric cream separators stainless steel no oiling call john vandermefr r r i limehouse tr 7 3821 a 187 beejay cab sales 58 dodgr v8 haidlop 58 mftror rule in sedin 57 oldsmobii e seel in 57buickhardtop 57 chevrolet sed in 56 oi dsmobii e sednn 56 pi ymouth station wagon 56 rambler sednn 55 buick sedan 53 dodge v 8 sedan 52 plymouth sed in 51 hudson sedan 50 chevroli t sedan all bee jiv enrs are umteii7td safetycheeked ind guirinleed ross ballentine and herb jobb oueen si nt churchill r 1 phone 1149 open evenings a 24 for rent tor rent apartment avail able immediately easy to heat phone 610 a6241 tt tor rfsit 4 room apnn mm l is he iud liound moor phont 59m 247216 tor rtml 1 irge sitlcon timid minimum hnttd nparl menl phont 718 tvtninis i 247222 11 ror sai e used eleelnt mi tors oneeighth one sixth tint quarter hp radios car pirls chrome high chair aeton auto wreckers 124w 5 a 247237 wuodlmin ccmetcrv caui of thanks for sale 18 h p johnson outboard motor ho electric train set 2 diesel units 6 ears track transiormci and 2 switch cs phone 507 tor ttrnt 5room house ill tonvtnitntts immtdiatc possess ino 60 month 3ioom lit heel ipirtmenl 1 4room ipirlment mt mullen silts phont 66 i 247235 tor sale winter wtdding dress while faille and frtnth lace floor length size 1012 pntt ji0oo0 mrs john zions 774j a 247218 tor rtnt 2 3 btdioom hous es in gltnlta subdivision alum intim windows ind doors oil lumiti 43 mt ulvale rd avul iblt jan 1 46 rosttord ttrnitt a247230 n ill ihlt jin 15 applv eultne bi ml i 284 outtn st atton phont 139 n 247134 lost and found for sale rubber stamps made to order hist delivtrv i iost 3 ik re lord t ikts 2 stamp pads and inks dills stat bulls and i litiltr utiehi about loncry 56 mill st phone 603 soo lbs list sun on 6th lint a466349tf of issilivvti ihout 1 mile noiih ol sptvsum ciossioul lluv mtehl bt ip n t rtw irtl a illtniurt avion phont 290v4 i24ns hltp wantft continued help wanted eorn your spending money ond still hive your evenings free reliability seir confidence and safesmnnshlp arc acquired when you handle a globe and mail nornlng paper loule riflv cuslomers nets j7 00 route available in aeton phone 932m a 24 7223 miscellaneous kitchener upholstery ex pert reiipholstering reflnlshmg and repairing or all kinds of furs niture tor tree estimates and prompt service call walthos grotetena 853 2830 atton n if rloor rerinishing we now have a modern sander and edger we will refinish your floors or rent you the equipment to do the job yourself j b frank phone 377 47 frederick st s acton a tf upholstering chrome phnirs chtsttrficlds restyling anil rebuilding modern and an lique rurniture odd chairs e ir ind irutk seats call triple t upholstering co rockwood 8564369 a 23-7200- 1 1 reimer upholstery spc- caihring in reupholstering all types or rupniture best quality matenal yunc workmanship prompt service also furniture reftnishing and rug cleaning phone 88 marks grocery acton atl walnut rancti ltdi allan carey highest cash prices paid tor alive or dead cows and hors es lie 124c 61 lie 78 rp 61 24hour service 7 dnys per week call collect waterdoiam mu 96691 all paconi dead stock removal pavs si 00 per 100 lbs tor dead cows and horses disabled slock mote ottording to si7c and con dilion old horses 5c a lb small animals removed free 7 davs a week 24 hour strvice just dial operator and akk for 7emth 9- 7950 we pay tho toll charge lie 80c61 5rp6l all the aclon free press thursday december 7th 1961 fame president urges farmers join new marketime enterprise secral cu7lii n issiaruvlva farmers tjithered in brutkvilh commtinitv itall wulnistlv cvl ninp niulmtiblr 29 to hiar sever al tpeilurs inuutling chaiks mcginn formei president ol the oniiitio hotf prod uli p anil now prlsulinl of rrmtrs allied miat rnltitpnus taml the meeting was spon sortil bv ihc n issiy uti reeletation ol atti culture archie st met a njss hjiulv t firmti ind 2ml vice pitsitlcnt nt taivir u is named th iirman ol llk mcliinn imroilutinii hit speikers anil conducting the di scussions mr mcginms stated we in igriclilturc me till to lace with sume serious problems farming is a uav of lift is being thieiltn cd hl cvplined people utrt at icmptifiu lo tuin i inning into strieth i business proposition i hope uc never net lo iht slant where fanning is a business iht produtlion of food in toopen tion ultb mturc is more ban husmtss it uil is m un i on us stilus mr mcgtnnis st ittd tirmtis dtnvn through the t irs hc tlcvtloped a community hie which piodutts friendship eonip in ion ship tins tommunii life is beinp thicnlenetl btt lust ol eco nomy cnndiiions in 19m c in ulnn rarmeis made sjoooooo less thai thev did in i9s9 the tosi of jptriitnj w is up 7 000000 ind ihe people ol c in id i pod 162000 000 more lor their real estate continued tor sale sheaffer pens nl wavs a useful gift for nn oclj sion a complete assortment at dills stationery 56 mill st ac ton a4a63sl it for sale pure bred hoi i steins cows and heiftrs tiesh and spnnjrtrs albert brooks r r 2 acton phone 200- v 2 l 247241 wanted for sale rtyisititd retire men i sa uigs plans sue on in come tax while ou sue lot re tirement for inleirmation evi john lud aeton 621 a 242 72 m u n n 111 ll sit vl i ill me lv t hid mi i min i luldi n i i miiul loi mothei ph mt 28 m wooel or null turn i 2472 m w ishls ilkllll the biblr companion the hol sli ipiuies ire ihk 10 m ike ihcc wist unio sili i turn 2 tim 1 is the best w l to re id ihe bible is ti l id 11 h the tlbles ol the ulhl coinp in ion which ir inslornis the bibu in lo iik most inure s in md i nlilhttninc uiook m the world b ihis seit inle rpietlill swtem ell word ol the o tl tesi imeni is re id onee anel th t ol the tw twice in the e u mi- onl 20 inmules d ul copies fitt ind post ret phonl 1046 a 24 properties are still selling sold 88 ciiurunu i road 90 vi un strli t north do you want your property sold or just listed tor action contact sydney k lamb re lllor 8 mill slleel avion plume 524 auction sales food ihis is a sxhoiin sltui lion and one whlih tnnnot he illowtd lo yo on he mentioned rhat io and molt years niio the averifte f aimer produetd enough food loi lumself and his wile now ihe aeritfe turner products inouyh foi hlmstlf his wile uul i mm 100 to iso otheis vt i the stindaid ol livinp has tert iinh not impiocd cot respoiulinjjh the tami president yae the chief tx ison which he believes is rt sponsible for the low st uul ud ol living of riimtis we is i um people have been intcrcsiid in onlv one tbinyi producing we hue made hllle or no intsti gatfon into the marketing of om pioduce because of ihis we aie foixed to take what the truli will live us for our pioduce the tndc ets our prices and so out st indird of hing it has come lo the point when uiu tint to io i hllli bit ftu lb 1 1 von h hi he lie i ih in s20 invtstttl lo ixtiv si ol tht oilier ttllow el on tot less ill ill 40 tints on he doll tr while tin olhti it how jot betln thin 60 taints how loii t in llus hi illow eel to to on pikes lit not deli i milled h llle liws ol sup pl uul dt in uul hut in niniipiili lion uul pnec lixinv il iu ex pi use ind thil ol tin consume i wiuil lhisisjiuiujt un vu as lutneis iii be i iii seiiecid out the i c h is be i il i mow mt nt un on y pnuiiilli stn past mini t lis lo tin inio m nki imp ihis is our llstehuiee om onl hope lo s it ili it ul i uit if we ue ymnij to save the i unilv linn tin i 1 1 in luinmuiuin we must lit into llus busintsst mai kit inn mint ue lour piessliies keeping pi lets diwn ihe eh un sioie ihe wholes de i ihe pioeesse i r s zvvt aockwood euchre bazaar meetings highlight district news sponsored by rockwood dis met tish md ci unt piotttllw assoeiition a kimci number in leicsted in welfare of wild lite were pivsetil at ihe town hill tu thursda evening when icpie sentihvcs ol the lands and i oi esls deputmellt wclc prtselll to idltss llle uidlellee hid show 1 l films cle ilinu wilb life in mush c i ins th pi ml w in ihe stinil i stln hi s mud i ilu moon as i usull ol llle idi il i ill wclulct silllllels uul hu els ol dllleltllt v lilt iks ll li been llot leetl se impel ill uiuinjl the shrohheiv also linn deti hive been noleinl ne ll in mill be n m muni lluv ue inn wh il s ml t on fo i uuls siuh is wild low mil lroes m smkis ih it inhabit low king pi lees lltf iccllt to bush i uul tiink kelso introduced i mc id iws lo givd in ulditss which wis inttitsimti lo ilwise piestnl al tht tontlusion ol his iddicss i ltnplhv discussion w is he ul di anlhonv kmscolt i tl en mills wis ilso piesent md j ive hi lilelle ss g millhtws hid diufe of l lit pioeetion m iihitu uul shown uioihei him dc ilinj wilh hunt lllj ind elilljieis ol hie to olll us some ot i hose who wcie hunting wore brighi colored om xi s to w irn olhcis one section of ilu film elnlt with woik m connection with imhuhmi- is sismntt ind the rtmov il ol in llluleel hunter progressive tuchrc the plogressive euchre spoil sored in ilu rock wo ut bov stouls iu cubs held in ilu town hill on rndiv evcniiil wis i successful all ur 10 t iblcs we re in pliv followed hv tl ine inc a nice sum w is leahed lot ilu seouis md cubs 1i insp u d and he count iv hover tlust loices nuslhe oveiiiiltltn ile said mm it would be necc4- siiv loi lift lanpeis to go into iniikelinu in a big vv iy lo build new picking pi in is atioss the piovinee uul lo df this unite in i i in null w iv if we sel aside one cent in cxirv doll u of pro line e we would h uv time mill ion doll us i vt ir we tan ind should imd wins ind mean he infoiimd ilu imlntue list ei il thev e oil 111 e xpee t tami lo do il the firnurs did out and lllli i milketllie- is sllgetsltll it wt do to ii veh it is i ami going lo do loi us i lit problem is th it pilti livtls in loo low rile filst nihil- we h iw lo do lo l hinge lhisjs lo it hi iiniipi 1 1 1 ion b being in i lit i e uul bidding lo i use pr ne ii vils mother gtt il oppoi unilv is the surpluses stir pluses ne ket ping pi uc it ve is dow ii wi ean ge i in llle it hid ll unlit iht si stil pluses loi ilu in ru lit of piothiters r tt ll t l 111 in llle btuelll ol ll ulc sill pluses he he lilg used to push pints down whin pmpli ut go ing lo bed si living ii would p iv an id i lo givi sin pi usi s iw iv uul would do mm h looii is will in t losing mr mcomnts isktd art wi 11 uk to issiliiu ilu it sponsibihlv 01 in wt 11 idv lo lo ilu ul md loiiiinut to piav to fml 10 cue us 1 ii u i st he n lllow it llle lo list ii to ilun hint fn lis not so mik h whil wtie c hiil 10 lt 1 out ol il but wh il wi 1 in do lot mankind lot busi ru ss lot ilu i um toinmunitv i wll gins us ilu opportu miv lo hilp m iki this a belter world wlu 11 htti pnstiorud on con it 1 l i uiniiil mi m ciinnts s ud ih it ih isi iihoim d 111 llus ue e miwdiug iht mi il1 piodui lt ml ol business he s ud in 1 lew vi us eiilui lluv in coing to bt in eonliol 01 we is pio- dlinis will h ive e till 1 1 i lollee live iv nut toopt 1 ihvelv i ami uivts us iht oppiitumiv of beiiif m 1 t oiiliollnil i witioii ol he 1 in real estate auction sale of good modern tools ftc furniture mi ami mr clurlu gin si wish to thwv the 11 leliiiwn mil tfen nitdrniitnne nn irlmuls lot niivine the ueeasun tenpro distributors ltd special asphalt shingles 1 in 1 210 lbs am eolor j6 8s square self sealing 17 6s sein ire wwii d to um ipitlniliu erimnil iidui in i k in uul ii u phuni hi ink 1 n 1sl 4 7hi 4noni 111lisi 22 i ol then sodi miiklult ar sin h a ii ipp one nuns i s a47j2s aetun phone 519 ontario n wtld hilton piiultrs eliltils 111 lle anil a tf iliessed poullrs mil frish egjjs c usiom killing phone mlllun tr 81401 atf for sale surge glass or alms thanks to all our trie nds slecl pipeime milkers foi then eauls anil gihiil vnslus xacuum pump bueket milkers also to llrs mailntush anil an d designed pole barns brewster and thi stifr of the su allj serine home fom groigitoun hospital lor lhin brampton glendale ean during nn slas irttr m 127s rk91 tf kut uio4 reiint opeiiuum i a 247140 ron doue1 is for sale tpewiilers b s wti d r kim on round lloor with l1011u1i lloor btlh i ti 111 pilllliis willi miss i hoiims 1 o mis j brillon i r r bi imp a 24 22s coming events fuehrc and ihnstmis pins snurdi diiimbei 1 al 8 p m lol hall i re suns i ornrrv pnisesids tor jol 4s t24i like side iodf ihnstmis parts desemvrr 12 legion h ii with pit luik supper at 0 pm exchange of gifts a 2422p bingo satunjas deccnrtirr 1 8 p m al ymca admission oe sponsored bv alton s mens club a 2471211 aclon seottish danee hub christmas parts deeember th robert little auditorium 7 su p m sharp vaneis prou a daneing demonstration b mng scottish countrs dancers from roscdale presbvlcnan clunh toronto bring and buy table box luneh admission so child nn 25c all proceeds for re tarded children of north hallon tf provide books musie hand work immrtal escryone we come y aj47i2 sinithcoton 1 poitiblis is low is ys uptimiur nbbons tor 11 maihiues carbon piper si 1 tal qualities tpin niner n1 sxratih pids enqoirs insitisd lor tspeutiler rental hills sta lonen sft mill st aeton 1 amw f repiirs to all makes rental ma chines b the week port ibles used from t2 so sec the latest j singers sfwing aaachines i free home demonstrations 1 towve sewing center gforgetown tr 41 acton gordon hardware ltd a if w n11 o e i pi in s t i 1111 1 in ns mill 11 ns i 1 pi 11 wnii b 1 11s i mil d i i 1i1 c in id in mil ik im 1 11 ill si lip ion uul sl vl n fii 1 4 sss tttmid i ck cuius 1 1 su ml ll l ll hj i fs mil k 1 1 m u 1 hi r ii i pi i mill 11 put uii inuki pi in aiu imi id 1 chi k 11 1 hui s i 1 11 1 i 1 us onl 11 11 a ls021-eov- help wanted 6900 full price 2 btih 0011 home on mam i id ill toiivlllle rues curies s8 a iiiunih skuii si ikk eiuvui 5300 full price hmellll home t lose 1 itllllt ul i un v ik 1 th spi i in rut is otle r cuius jso i m n h c u d bi dimttetl into 2 ip t nun hs askirii j4m tu p i me iii for rent immtdiatr possrssion one month s rent free vbulronii luick biin ilos 1 loininii mis sydney k lamb rt ltor insurnittr and m uil iy bi ver 8 mill st c aeton phuin 24 siir il e irs of liithic tnthu 1 isis liom kotkwooel tlieiuleel c ollmiiwootl ihe bi monihh tut lire it os miss i 1 une c onn n ititnle tin riidi e tiling 14 i ibl lml es were it pi l m lul vtls r j ilu 111 un irietuts of arthur i iiuih kikturui thoni is v ill ih pit iseel to knuve mr uul mis i it n r his u mill i ion is muth impioeel tele n mills l itionjn his c hnsiin is i liti til nuniei his pitsiiils a tltolip of mltiesletl loek mil t iu tnlhiihi isis 1 1 om jiitlph nl ill u i i ills uul ilu untied st llls ulll iii lilt i ii il1 dm n l llle vtee ke nil txplnill suiloillltt ii1js ml uul mis lit hi i iel s llet hotist uliutiil to xhibit ion pirk is l1h111 iuhil uul isj spmh ie uk lor ilu hi u k i nine b point uul tlsi le sllll hiollu is ot i i i i hi he blis uilll ihe e upetllit uoik rtu lint we libel it u llll ll is bit ii f ioi ihk tot ilu w ii k i mentis of ml uul mis uni i oi ion u jjiel id h it 11 llle ii in hnl sou is i p ilu ill ill un iph n rur ll hospil i uul hope i 1 specelv ltsoei y vulllny mi uul mis i tslte hson ol i ol 10lc ilk wilt ittelll t llltisl m ilu ill ilk when on ilu it w lo ttkn mills to isir nhtms recent mel wee ke ml i si lot s mr ind mis j i i unbe 1 1 iiiul i unil s u in i mi mil mis p mil rullon ni lyu i tills mt ind mis john s unt n ilk rune kill mi md mis cordon its n i ll ow tl 111 isle l s 1 i loll i i m it i pit suit lit ot tmi leilel ueil pill ol ml me i tupli isie lilt th nujiiion ol lie 111 111 h lltldi l tile pusellt s sli in iii in v i il llle l s hi loin d lo snjj wilk nil ilu 1 il tu lo suppli un nl iht it iiuoiiu mi live sum i th 1 1 lit iu i i obv lolls loi i slioile ol l nil itioil willi un m ih m prisntenl ot i illoii coopll ll iv e supplies eh ill limn ale lilt selmtt set ont i viee pitsitleill ol i ami roy oullel uul cllll iii iwil ptesl lit it i ol iht ii dlon i ttlti 1 1 ion ol lti dilute spike btlellv till ph isiuih iu linpoil line ol eo- ipt i ihvt s mil tht net tl loi l p i we t iul i ii tin is oil mi it ton churchill ili i wm i n id tht pioperlv of thomas t ii rclsom 12 m ii ke i st i oilti town on saturday dicimi1ir 9lh j at i k sh up ilu lollowin- blond oik 21 ineh wtstinp housl t blond oik t r i ill uul ui tl pi iv i i spttel blon i o ik limine i tbli uul 4 h his h n t o ik kl khlet siiifle htd with box spring i hi uul in ihiljnv bnlt mi suite vvnh twin hitls mr uul mis tin ssi r hisr ot di iwi i s m i i iun i nikht nh i blond maple 2 piikt iniptn d umtimpor ir be il m k j ni s in 1 1 with 2 n 1 1 h i ihlt s uul to un m ill re ss 2 ihilds tiihs hirth kntthol desk ind eh ur we sllllkliouse ii ft ie frilh r it ir with freeer wis tm hem i 0111 ll 4pl lie tl i ie i sloxi with illlonialu iui is d r inisu t i mi in i le i ie r with til u hme ills i buish f ir p hsher kidnrv ttex i iblt i iv it v ihiir intl s i i t rtu i step i iblt fire u is lio k sii pillow mission rleitti sh ivti hab ho t t p iv ii n sit ilur dish ts w s oikh om iu m tlu v is i w s use iulom i s ii r dti 1 1 nt the pist week foilowinl i mr uul mi iiteni illness i hi uul ilkv ihe bi monihlv tuthit sponsor i miss c uol w ills witilhim it hvst jhn s chureh w a w is i mr uul mis jun sunmuhl well p iltoille ll i is i we tint sli l r uulv hid rohm w i litis i t vt tiitil vv iu i 11 i ibles win iii miss dms mil mr it i ll in pi iv on pm tuber h m iih i inpw i i loi i u hu will hi lultl uul ivirv mi in i mis r ss ml m i h idv is wik um lo iiuiul tcu und bazaar wt ithil eontllllitlis vllt uli ll lot ilu dliltioon lit md hiin sp nsoiid hv ihe united c hui i h osptinoe presentation held for mckeown family j pit st in in m vv is hi id it nn hi i hi no k s h i il on s iiuitl iv iv mini i mi md mis r ilph me hu tut ke iwu md t unilv who ul j mount lo note owil ul the ninl mi r but bmtli un mi s f u tl i unht 1 1 v sistt i mrs m irlh i j ospi iiii rt i nilv t ion ii d in i mrs m jackson 80 family holds party lool s 2 vi- rc i 11 3 24 christmas trees all kisds ad si7e laryr anil snull sherwood hume ml bell slrtsrt millon tr 82621 j liri p wash d li niiilill us nan i ii m li hitosimork anil susinision il ihi ilivn hbrral i nie ii m it ii f i lirlp stl s iniiii mi vhani ujntill in lt ailon ilia somi knoiikjiii ol puss notk issnitul plus thi ihiliu lo ii ul mil hate fcencnl hjikgnuinil ol shop repairs apph in urtuiid 10 lnuril irr faslcni r tonipam 2l gar aisr 0111 hamilton ontrio a 247214 1 si ibi 11 1 hi s hi ir ii sii 1 il s iii i s ji i h 11 1 hi in spi inklei cel ir irr 1 innsli ini 1 1 si i pro- 1 with grass hv ilulv 4 kiscil 1 bill k mrs m jiekson eelcbraled in 80tti liiillulil on tuisilav nov imbtr 28 mrs d robeilson anil mrs f jukson of ouilph visit id miih hit during tin tlur noon in ilu inninii 4 uliliis liom kikkinhkl rami hill hillsbtiiili mil contngsbs hid a bnihilin pnl forlur mis j u k sill nil s kill he il th ml is nil 1 nit her gardiil and lluuei in of gri it inli list to in r nn in i show pi isi dur nt tin suiiiinii al ih i 1 nionlhk riiiliu in tiiilii i milk sponsornl h the woinn instituti 14 tabli s unt 111 pi is lliili siours ucu mrs 11 biiilm mil mr t slims mis but kobiitson tmsnlinc i is ihk 10 ii uc ihe guelph 11 spi 1 n sunda lomomng tin 11 i101111 1 11 ilu si ml i mi i 1st link miss join 11kn1 ih 1 iu ii 1 1 dun i in i i ii 1 in i si ink ailkn vi h in illi 11 in wistun limnsits i mil 111 in 11 ii mi i 11 ilu n k 11 i uith tin it p in ills mi in i mis ul 11 nk 11 mis sunt 1 spi 111 ilu i k nt mill in 1 s ti uul tltilliln n i iu m 1 i 11 il mis sum 1 ii si 1 11 1 i lis 111 i 11111 i i ll mini in i iu 1 ti mild 1111i1i1 1 lit it ilu 1 nili i i linn ii ll 1 1 mi uul mi ii k 11 m 11 i i 1 s 11 i 1 1 111 mi 1 i m ruben a trng niimnkit future m 11 sptou i ia is i 111 islu ol iiu iii um s loi i i ih ii t v pi ili 1111 i i llosl i ikllll p 11 i 111 thi pio- i 1 iii mill llll in i robi 1 t di n n i mil l i i liisoii k llhv su 11 kll mi 1 i 1 sh ii inline i ul hun uul i i nl m inlmi mi uul mis mikiown win 1ii1 i 1 ilu in 111 md miss i i i 1 1 pi hi 11 11 ul ilu 1 idress ci 11 11 1 dinni mil c i iimn ii iul i h pi si ih i 1 1 ml willi i lllllll i 1i1 1 i p 1 1 i i 1 ili anil i u i ii ii k ii lh in uk luting 11 in s v uli lunih is is hi me pu p hi i 1 s mk si ml u is iii id a k i 1 mis lulu h u is si 1 ii tl i attend wedding mi uul mis r i 1 unison 11 i mi in i mis will un i lioiti pson snnl tlu unkind uith mis mot mi ilun i nd ninl ii i i kn in mil ul ml 1 ti i i i mi s iu iul m mul 11 ui i 1 lin ii in 1 11 si pit 1 s i nil i h 1 i siiillun r i i i l is i 1 i t i milji ml- 11 s 11 i simula mi in i mi ii t h t m l 1 ii 1 i 1 i 1 n sund n hi mi ill mis s in 11 for m i mi hui i 1 uli u 1 iiih ind mi an i i irouto sunbe nn reicnl surprr r in 1 rnbbi 1 i 8 it ss slllll- i i sun p iul mi s s u hi mefw in spnt thr wiikillel wilh mis jik il s 1 cninh mr k klister is j paiitnt it dm ph ccneial h jsptt il where hi underwent urrrrv list thursdjv his kondiiion is quite s ilisf ul l v sold farm mr ind mr vim macphcr son hive sold their farm f orm- real teskl lot clean t tru cumt farm lo mr and r nd f r thi owmrs sinder of oakilll the uitr mrs j lloyd heads guild m mo 1 ui mil t in h 1 11 mi i we i m s in i 1 sun i 1 s ii 1 ind hiuthi r i mts v ml ham tin m i ms r ilph mkroun pi in- 1 lluir hum or the luting h a mil 11 ii paint anit len hosi qu inti if told ng il or bithrioni funi un linish luriiii a 1 im pit 1 vi 1 h inn sink and post i irmnl fiirii a i p nil i this is and will 1 1 tile annual mil i ill ir fnnld f s a inn 1 r a ion 1 mk plan 1 11b i 4 in i hi p 11 h h s ininu 1 ins an 1 1 ii 1 is illuirs i r ihi i imin w 1 inn hi d with tliesi risulls pusiilint mrs j ihn i i ivtl s miss mare tok mrs rulh icalhir in moving to si 7ia and so m icphlrsmis uill be mining to lonnner mis priview farm near hombv sshkrh their selles din nnienu mi tfrms cash son ron purchased earlier ihis resdvnn niak pettll auctioneer telephone tr 7 28m mr and mrs carman griffin m m in i n 1 m 11 i mis i f un k ol cooksil mi 1 i mis n 1 1 ii 11 1 in v ilu distnit i u 1 and e si 11 i with ild s hindi 1 mil b24of mishawaka indiana relumed west winter works l n hr tlu g ui mm nt s uinler 11 irks pi igi nn nun n lemui- i- irrss and scrub al the ec- inf niitrrs lo reelaim land for plots and m an espansion program the inlcral jfovrrnment pavs vi per the meeting uas ilosed wilh i nt thlr provlnie 2s per ecnl of prascr bv tht rietor re d ihe eosi and ihe town ihe ba-

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