Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1961, p. 8

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juit 14 nhopplng day until chrutmus hliih school cxnminre over monday people meeting on ihe street lire saving lovely wenlher for spring i willi h the town on ice snlur cnv n sign s iii announce if theres public skating lor sure so fin they think sol sunilas ivenmn on the iikv news on kilihemi tv theix uue shuls ol 1 hi minstrel slum niul the lt shut ol ne in tin flieni tin irivmui will be 1 ailing tlmir loilooi monjn with in fmmitum ihout luv nils allei ihi 1i111i ihangeosci thaus in imiiiimim whiih 1111 he ol vital iinpoitinie 10 eseishiuls mans lneinls lieiv ueiv ile- lightest 10 whih dehhie unil di ane boiisliclil on teles isutn irom hamilton last sunilas nfleinoon the mmgsieis ilannil with their usual enthusiasm anil ueren t nenous at all ha iron 4h in queens m1 membcrx from halton ex hi sued ihc cram champion i shorthorn lecr and the raml champion group o three steers tivm an eouim or di mhsl rskvi uit milton was tin exhibitor ol the grand champion shorthorn mir and liroln ganjhoum lam gard house and bob mem all of milion liv the evi hio ot the chimpion group ot shoi thorn stevi- h ion coun had lixe vomptiuoi n i v iun ma vn svnvwl bah if on ui a v iiihmn a snr soi evr vh h placed t s pre j vap ha n tia 1 v kr jorvajra vc w isiro ma w i 1 01 p jic tn iayi s ou sji tonip i oa s opa to 4h sect ta 1 k j mersrrs ehib ur v rr nr 4h sope sip tv s cv sc we fsed d max aj v wtthevi ijjin at lv tj of st rc roci feeding vi ej v k -rs- j i ai acax v v pe- da i cjs o aa s i- add or ea c vlr- rv jn o i tv- i td v 4h cb r sn st i up j j ri j legion auxiliary visits sunnybrook c t 1- sj1 c l 1 x tsj- x s ta s i j sn k ho- s t l s n s i u 1 a u- ui jrv paid xv s s x j n i n xvlws nj d nu lj paic s amou i in to mv ol tlhsdi uf las mva s jadiln iiinsu id piuis tl jiaitllts ian s mix tiui p and i mu uiax si mn l m uk ihl ti p v mm i inns md d stnhuti hits mis it is ini i ii thi u i i pn si nu d i tilixisiun si md xx hul ii i im us b tin p ihi nts m ikirij tin i i is uik xiti mis rihi nl mrs doli roin mis m j mns mts tn m pks im mis t huuh uk mis kin tamp i ulu s in ikm hi ii it ui m i d ix hkllldi i mis ti i iril mis j mus 1 u ill mis aimi coidoii mis hank i ti k mis jim uiidstllu uul mis hi iii widi outoftown vulturm nlwny comment on our lovely chrkt- miim decorations heiv the main m reels aiv gnvor than ever only local him lo muke a hid mcnallv constniltfon lias been handed the lontiatt to build lie million dotlui teihnlcal winji jo upiwiul geoijietiiwn hijih hihiuil in late 10a2 most ol the loiistimtion will he xiihiunnni ed to luiil lompantls at ion s men h chih held the it imni silutdav die moon mole last ueiktnd anil tlu ies ponse was so hea thai two shows ni tn iessai f insli id ot tin oiu planind hetou tin hjihtt uerethmmetl hu tho tum shovxin a hii iiowil ol ounn sins had lo tv tin ni it axxax mu letuined toi a kitei alleinoon nun le wontlei how to yel ihosc n is a model lot the seilts ol pu inns the phointiinphet took ol man watson shopping in alton lass just he the hist prison he happens to met i when lies readv to shiuii huui l pill t wns that ihe tuiks in the sious weix lust too hus waitiny on iiisioni us to pom xith the llxo maioltt pack auditorium during threenight ministrel show jnmmcd lo the doors three nliihln the roherl i llllc school iiikllioiluiit runii with music anil imilthtcr when ihe lioim dull sponsored inch fhsl nniiiuil mln hlrcl show with an all male caul of 4s of aclonh bunt slneis lal thin silus niduy and saiuuliiy the liinil mlslnu eieni was leu slliiessful willi ticket sales lolalllnu hw atliuilinii the last two nights was up to 4cuh millll isllill olheis whod liiiml ol the silniss ol the shim ioiiiii mil ohialn liikels ihnuiilils ot ii iepiil jieiloi nianir inie siouhcd slu n ii was liiini i some ol llle iisl anil plain t ioiiki uol in iiailahle tuneful llur llnrei iigiilnnhle mi loilloiis loin p ii i hu mom ill ii u tiilril ihe sniiiiit ol hu i inn us mu i the dun hon ol mlmuil niiiyi musst lie t minn iniiil irlened lo llu tl iil and imtple pmuiun and pu i limit and haul al llu ioilhluk liaiuiis liiiihlluhiid in lu siulil mniiths sou iimld im ills deleit nwii lllaida utnti ken dink cil vlaliolm hiilu i horn son don i let i llii hi i loli s kav atliliw lleilli dillies hen lld lulas allan 1 atulei alei joint son lid lslei ji mm i u llai ilsoii irtlin han jet iv jiioin inni miilkn iinel hnsi nuipi members exhibitors guineas competition irossmi alwaxs stop xoin t n iu automobile 1 1 axel linn too lasi well haik troni the iniikt ihe to stop in lime omaiio sattt league warns this is n lous depiesston that vats halted tlose to the renhmls woikin and exeiv ti uks hue heiii in mi pi d into bod s hmke at least we dulu thi path ot the nam h a tollow hae to work in ihe tat one ujllzkhm ljxlt tsjt a c v name h h hinton president to head chamber of commerce i last nights n iu i tl nuitiiiji ot thi mu l hours ol loin nil ii hi id in tlu dominion hi- i ihi iompk sati ot ottuii ahii in b thi ikmiun iiinj i01111 m x is iistid bx lull 11 l s i tv li xx inll ixi 0uiis km k xs r lr- u pusidin h h h i i i i it kepnsukn rx h mkcnu siond sisp imjiii- ri- 0 h wist sin i i- mui rax h u i ison 1 1 ui si i ii m ukax e e id din ors tor 1 txi car term were fred gordon i j n ledi- b i benson and j b vossj i r tlu hiihlihi ol the imiuni was a pivsintaliob niuli to past in isinei wallet woiulbmn xxlui is kniiit to am pi a position in tlu hiad otlin ol ilu bank ol o i sioti i in loionto llu pusintition ww in uk bx jim lidjm on bihalt ol tlu i h mi hi i luaiiiii and nunibiis mi oodbui n 1 1 vei i il an t ni ax id disk iijaielte liejiki bilon the mittin uliourmil it x is proposed and adopted lhaj the date ol the eiuial meeting be mt fo january 17 when u town pirking lot pioint will be discussed mrs w denny new president of st albans parish guild tlu rxstnitxr mix ting of st ms pansh guild was held tn thi pmsh hill with mis f b u n pusiilint th ri d h wist i pi lid he ilueling xxitb p ixii t hnxiid bx ihi guild pttfii thi mmutis ot tlu last mu nif win ii id h the sniit aia mrs l cluki tolloxxed bx tlu lii isuui s re poit bx mis 1 i i tnklin ci lespoiuling sisni lrx mis c taxloi gaxe hi i i e port t 1 the nominating eomnuttct was mi s bi istoxx and mi n c i eathei land 1 it xxas deiided ih it the janu hnll hugh orourke burry in- keoe i eslle diirby gcoruc hol- mth vk brihlow grenvllle tmu- sides pele pnpillon hamilion real mil keith black in ihe hudllluriul manner juk doheriv fut at ease in ihe mid tile of his dumilhed tompmilons lo link louemcr lltelr jokj many with dilations ixteieiue lo ai ion plaees ami people and theii soiihh he was hanked bv the slv endiiui who wlltlh rolled theii ees and drawied i hell speieh they were john millnuh i d owen ka aihle rie wisl wallei dubois and i lank spn bout never llrore 1 he audieiu e went wllh ihe i hoi us down menmiv i aite aiul nut some ihaiuteis lluvd iuii iiieoimleitd heloie on atieet ui itaueibv ibe seasiuc hioiilii oiu lohn illuuilell mid lalni uul phil ungei as slmi nmg halhinu beaulles hilt 1 tyloi u a a3luqklkfi ta aw fruit growers counting trees i i muii luiit and vegetable i kusion spuialist in halion lountv has aimouiued thai eom nuiiial lniil gioweis in halion uill lake pail in a hull dec em mis mailing dm inlui i mmnm i ml him gioweis in onlaiui uul llu i xknsiou biaiiih ol llu out atio dipatinunl ol agiuuiiuc will loopnak in a 1 1 ill t lue and gntpi ille ee llslis 1 1 is llt sius siiue suili a eounl xxas made dm ing the lusl week ui dei em be i eiiisus fui ins will hemaikd to euh 1 1 ml gtoxvei horn ihe ol i us ol ihc 1 xtension hi null in milton i iu link d wild ihe im m will hi a si ii addiessed and skimped e in i lope plus a shoi t kiln ol explanation i uh glow it will be askul lo till in the loim as it apphls to his onhatil uul i e tin n u bv mail ui the skimped id du ssed ellxilopt i mils eoxeud in the niisiis will be apples pi us plums i hei i its and giapes iimchouse illness visits in weeks column mi ami mis dennis hill ol kingston e died on lornui in ends in the village one day last xxxx k we legnt ibat mis tied broun is ill in geoi geloxxn and dish ie i hospital but hope for he i impiov eiue nt in health mi uul mrs haivev noiton md mi ami mrs ted morrow xisikd the litkis d uightei and lu t husband in ottawa last week end mis albeit neiitil and little son ot bui lord aie spending a xmik with lui motlili mis l jaiissell llel look the unlikely mile rote ol if you knew suhic norm bialtla and john blumtell mude strolling thlouuh the puik ti hot bill tnylor minced utros the plat rorm with the muun in shine on harvest moon while john ban took the solo and lu i lie finale show me ihe wnv to go home pele paplllon veiy obvious ly needed helpand um it hum his peiky pup who lit si night only did likks john bliuulellh eedai sprout eairied neross the hlngl iail in ihe show blossomed inlo a ine bv liosiiiu lime bring diiwn i lot me lambo hank splekogtl hiought down tlu liouse with hk tentative and linallv enthiisi aslu sofl shoe diiue whuh was wlldlv eneoied coiiulnuhavt a niinsh uilu iw without maiumv and john me hughs iimiditinn was annli i showstoppei wllh lans demanding more rue west had iwo i m wot oh live five hhukhiid and carollhu in he moining allan laiidu old a sioiy whiih held the yniingskis spt llboiinil hluhtnillnu it with a ihvn pei lounanet on ihe haimouua and ol unil se an rnmie in line xoin vie bilslnw ham illon peal keith hlaek and i is tie ouby sang coinlii itl milodks a little i lose hatiminv and flu lavoiile dry boius i hi v vviu aeeompauied by gmige hall lluie had to hi h uio s and kiiih ii u1u i and uiihud kind i iskv nl wav down ou ih in gmigiiown pi ived ihtm out ol ihuieki toi llu show hu sptii ally well nulled wen aeeoidion mimhe i s by pianist david hen ham they roared again ihe iweillles loaied again when foul gorgeoiu ditmes dl played whai wtut iiclunlly an ex lellent teiullllun of ihe favmile cluu lenton ihe tlappeih who were hipping ibeli wlyn were noi mini 111 akin juhii hlumli ii bill tayloi and phil linger lluv had leshoiih fiom daiitlnii leuli ei mis joyce ciupenlei some deelaied kiev lmigliiit till ihey tiled and he tiiiisi ul the ttius was huny lluiiy hiiiiv a n muling iiiunllied by ihe most lusciniih hahes in ifwn wllh i oloivd mops ol hah on i hiding pin pie and buucalh llu nulllls hum llallbwt tn vii pails win ray aihii fwilh n i on hi iu his hliioiiiris id owi n ami walk i dubois paul llnbtil baldwin uigin di alt i hoiu giuigt town playid m oigan in lou tin show i ininllis ajjjug as ushus and giving mil piogitms wi it jo nun mikuiu list rilkt dwiii i audi i and i iki maiki many llumkh mu ii vxi n many pi opk fm lions piisiduti ray ailm to thank at llu i ml ol llu last p i i or i nam i ih pu sunli d lo ill fetiui mis rulli musm iu a iu i k hue fo diopi musm lit a pill and puuil si l aiul to david hi n ham a w dlt i iu tspnially thtnkid thnst ill llu iyisl lioin niitsidi llu iluh who hid mnlnhiikd 1 if in illnil and tali ill mis musselle and in i i il lit i in i iw in both i xpt i tern id diililiiis and piodiuid a mm the aclon free preii thurtday december 7lh 1961 9 ror applianci and tv repairs manning electric call 230 acton teen town sponsored by the acton lions club dance this friday dec 8th 8 30 to 12 00 p m acton legion auditorium presents terry and the pirates ihi miilinc was llu ti t ili n mi hi tin rn d 11 west wht iunduilid ihi ilnliun ul ulllil- till iiim llllullll wit hi as tulluws plisulinl mis s lxnni in i i mill nl slis ci t in i ii mlll 111 sls 1 ul 11 1 clllll luimiiii stis ii diinn mi l sp n 1 n si 1 1 i sti s i 1 tiliu iiiikii i nimiiu mis liniiiliin will iu iiiiniinltii slis t sv his mis s limn pitss iii iii mis j v isi j i huwil i iimiui mis c 1 mils i kiulu n i immit ti i miss m r iw is mis i i nut ii 111iv s iiiilluill stls i i i illiiiliinl slis l duliuis us milling hi ihanunl tioml ml ml cioije n pi u i j mu us i to jiiuins 10 and in son ol milton iisilid the aw i in th lurm ol a pails and pot billion s m simdas iuils suppei i conciiuilaiiiins lo mr and tin mutiny closed with ihe mrs hiibm spilei on the ai mipah benediction allei whuh t is d ol i linle daufhler at ihe lunch was sellld bs tile ladles ciln ei low n ulslliel hospital oil in ehaicc bundas to the voters of acton i wish to express my sincere appreciation for your support at the polls on tuesday december 5 seasons greetings g a johnson sincere thanks your confidence in acclaiming me your mayor for another term is sincerely appreciated may pride in progress of acton be ours to share seasons greetings to all john h goy mayor thank you ratepayers of nassagaweya who returned me to the township council in mondays election bill coulter remember to get your christmas gift of boxed chocolates at watsons dairy bar we have a complete lineof rpwntreet moirs neilsons and jenny land let us do your holiday cleaning early oct your cloth all rtady for hw buty hollcuy umn tiut will aoan b br cluck your wardrobe today sy1l do our bott to utitfy you i custom cleaners sum day sarvico escopt saturday in by i am out bv 5 pin cash and carry maim st m hont 7t2 99c sale continues we are pleased to announce our 99c sale offered last week continues by popular demand stock up now and save for christmas and new year sp boneless i boneless dressed pork shoulder 49 cottage rolls 49 cello pale tomatoes grade a pink or white 10 for 19c i grapefruit 49 nlrvl nhow in kmkwoud mr muhnelle lu well known uh u hliiyer lilnueli duvld ilenhum plunlstf coines fiom kolkwood und tenelus now lu fiuelph huh un iiiuarilst und liioii leiidei in kink wood makeup was by u p imkii und mis w spioslon ifinli i ah l johnson tin nay ioslumih wire nil miidi- horn hi i ali h by mis johnson mh d makolltrrw oln mi allan juisuttp mi j ji iniiie und mrt j s reed the wlm were purchiihed j h mulkenle und cu lent phuikliitf unil tom wuhoii pup eiisls for die heullnu he kchool lioaid uuve ihe hull free und tlu wunlfiih ljuve si albuns piv ikh hull tree for prnelltetf inni multeii wm in thurue or olvi i usirili dl malcolm in iiiil ol tiekfts i rule- murks in ihiiltof public reliillnmh piops hy vm hikiow md hurry iiimoi lirhts hy vie mortis sincere thanks to rur voitp or acioii for our voir mid mjppopr in rur prrnir minion compliments of the season vic bristow christmas trees for sale scotch pine spruce and balsam 5 8 spruce 1c 15 sherwood hume ml beu st tr 82621 free deuvery newest gift you can give a man r produced by americas largeit maker of quality wrlllno instrument this if the bold ncwieen mr mendiahftdlrfliiy far the man who damanda and deaervaa the beat pen for men new inlaid point buut to taka man aud praaaura new leaaereef elle grip any fabric maaaive capacity exclualva snorkel pn nodunk filling action nivv trlmnaaa ftta atraight up and down even in a mana hirt pockat cholea of i writing point atylas4olora priced from sjqoo il with matching pncll irom s140s icsrarpfll fn lor men cjyct due lc lcuxcuxci cicij oie 25 or im all a uk a choam from our wld taction of fin chrittmaa carda now on dlaplayu let us imprint your name on these cards 3m jidunimii nj tumuis kla

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