Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1961, p. 9

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zdtfoalpfz indian summer minstrels a hit the history of minstrel shows in acton has always been a food one and although 18 years have paisedafnce the last we re member a new gerjeion hat produced one that continues that fine history for three nights the robert little school auditorium echoed to the laughter produced by the end men and cast of the acton lions club minstrel show its good to tee that a cast of so car till be assembled convinced they should devote lime in varying degrees to an am azing number of tasks ust to stage three rilgnls of entertainment obviously the lions club had the motive of making money to assist in their varied program of community service we will be willing to predict though that they claimed a number of byproductt e suitable facilities as announced in the legislature novem ber 23 by the honourable w a goodfellow minister of highways the government has decided on a policy regarding the establish- rrtant of tervlce facilities on highway 401 while the details of this policy are still being worked on the minister stated that plans are being prepared to establish service areas at six or seven strategic points between london and marysville 14 miles east of belleville so that motorists can obtain the essential services required for their com fort end safety the minister slated that the construction of these areas will be proceed ed with es soon as possible and that during the construction period it is planned to have temporary facilities available to provide the motorists with their essential requirements the necessity of service facilities has been clearly evident to those who have been driving some of the longer open stretches of the highway failure of any part of the car through lack of gas or any other cause can become quite serious weve heard of people climbing farm fonces and heading toward the only light visible to seek aid an accident with no tele phone available conveniently to summon aid is equally a difficult situation the new york throughway has restaurant and service rations convoniently located that provide an opportunity to stop and at least a series of lights to break the road monotony that can develop on a long trip were pleased to know that a policy is being developed on 401 that may lead to the provision of suitable facilities campaign time is seven days long enough for candidates to present their wares to the electors does it give voters time to hear the candidates mull over the views and make up their minds those who drew up the municipal act fait it was the shortest permissible time nomination meetings must be held not less than seven days prlono election day jhe maximum length of time between nominations and election is also set down in the act six weeks each municipality is at liberty to decide itself the nomination and election dates it wants between nov is and jan 2 the time interval allows for one thing meetings to be held with an invitation to candidates to come and present their plat- forms if you exclude election day and the sunday which is bound to be present in a sovenday interval there aront too many days left for campaigning in most districts various organizations would already have activities planned for that week and it becomes difficult for those interested to find a time free for a political meeting it is not only important that we get out and vote it is equally important that we know for whom tnd for what we ere voting the ways to find out of course arc to meet the candidates personally if possible and to hear them speak much can be learn ed by reading of their activities in the papers but that cant take the place of personal pb- servation its easier to udge the whole man if we see him and listen to him leaving too short an interval between nominations and election day means run ning the risk of electors voting blind sins of the fathers most of the worlds troubles today have their roots in history to take only one ex ample the division of germany with the isolation of berlin in the midst of commun ist territory was possible because president franklin d roosevelt and his successor presi dent harry truman wore more ready to agree with stalin than with churchill there had been few causes of conflict between the united states and russia but united states history since 1776 hod been fairly based on resistance to britain and it would have been unrealistic to expect a statesman from that country to forger overnight all he had learned true or false about perfidious albion this is not to say that the british have always been correct in their dealings with the united states or other nations in the british diplomacy was inclined to favor the south and came close to recognizing the confederacy as a legitimate government in spite of the alabama claims in favor of the states the official british attitude at that time has never been wholly forgiven now that the united stales has succeed ed to britain s place as the leading western power assuming responsibilities all over the globe she may be expected to realize how the sins of the fathers can be visited on the children foreign aid to underde veloped countries seems to be winning her as few friends as britain gained when she was painting a good part of the world map red the sincere good will of those who are trying to help the impoverished and backward to improve their lot is met with suspicion and remembrtincc of exploitations of the past unfortunately the maintenance of order in the world has to be the responsibility of one of the powerful nations the choice now that britain can no longer afford to assume the task is between russia and the united states it is certain that the united states will receive little gratitude from the people she helps but she will earn the re spect of the rest of the world for her effort whether or not it is successful in the long run future generations may find there is justice in visiting the virtues of the fathers as well as their sins upon their children in lighter vein the big dog licked the child s face and the youngster screamed did he bite you asked the dog s own er no sobbed the child but he tasted me i husband that s a beautiful necklace you re wearing wfe i thought you d recognize it i found it on the back seat of your car the acton free press published by the dills printing and publishing co ltd founded in 1875 and published eerv thursday at 59 wiiionn st auon ontario member ot the audit bureau ot circulations the c w na and the ontonoouchcc dimmon of the cwnj advertising rates on request suhsinphuns paablc in adanic 13 00 in canada j4 00 in england and other cummonucsrm countries sqo in the united slates and uther fureign countries single topics 7c authorized us second class mail post oldie department ottawa the oeriy paper ewer published in acton c a dills editorifrchiei david r dills managing editor business and editorial office phone 60 1 acton the gopd old days like renewed club enthusiasm new mem- r and new strength as well as a lot of fun produced by the many rehearsals before television the production of am ateur entertainment was not a novel ap proach to raising funds then someone dis covered it was considerably less work to sell some draw tickets and probably raise ust as much after the constant inundation of tickets perhaps the cycle is complete and renewed interest will be sparked in the pro duction of amateur shows where every ticket carries a real value rathor than a chance toihe dlroctors through the entire calf and those who served in the many minor but necessary tasks considerable praise is due we hope probably like a lot of others that there will be future appearances tinrv v ta p mj l ra y havf r v tlmm rty fruitier lun suytvt utd sfuce by bill smiley 1 lion ilkh s diiuh once 1 vuld mil uixillv aus 1 1 1 1 1 in ik l nielli iih to ik sptllius 111 i n hnu i hi 111m lute diet ilu u11 ind js happ is 1 tniiit lint i v pin suiiih his 11 si nullum in in do miii kntm somlhni we a tpuul cinidiin hnfnl an nilmnil choicui 1hctc mi such tlwiiy is 1 ipi lii csiiiuliii wc ic pis 1 tnm unlormcd ylob ol human hcings ulu happen lo live in the same ast hunk ol jjeogi aphv isnt thai a line state of 1 1 lair- chrim- mtu lomins un and cvciyuum i liminnl this while leading a couple- ol rica hooks annul canada this unk the aulhois and clunk mis old man was a uk111m1n wc uiie in piisun camp loh 1 liu and vun 11 ihc russians vmic jlliirik dost he laiilchl nu i sa hon i slutoi in russian he wu a firiniale 1 11 1 1011121 au ltm i htanl he uas in vaiaomei a tpical canadian j ami llnet icinls oik wis a juiiid not onl disimbed but qua i siiidml who hottidit a clispkasid hliuim thev weie vidian pisiol horn un altu ilu unthlc lo put down a list ol wn ami paid nu ji0 mme than adieituis pimiil mumphaniu vvuilh bnausi i mtdtil and sa nun ou an a tpi mom ik s manauv ilu si cd canadian drs ik iwi 1 11 due tin pi i s at si 1 1 mi ml and on uk ision a upital canadian this siauh lor a canadian idcnliu has hiuiiiii a nulai par lot jaiik limine wiiius and inklkiltitk i lind ilu whok pio- blem 11nt11 kabh iindisiuihinn id itihu hi a ixpuil human be mi limn ipual tmiduiflt llm iwhimuwwiiwww he was 1 01 1 and 111 1 led it ulnliilu hai k in ins not un i 11 ian a lpual c an nil in i lu ihud n 01 m tisi d lo hi a uh iii was in a 1 nun nlialioii imp dm iii tin wai now lus a dutllst in aiiada has a spill km iiuim 1 ihihi 1111 and 1 led lumdll to pnuiji so miikii iinonn li a tvpild canadian i cm lliiuk ol a dtitti olhets the count rv is lull ol chatai-l- us tin i iluu s no sin h ilunu as i typical canadian any more than lime is an aw 1 ilu man i lot oiu am hintilv klad ol it who wants lo he a lvpuil o ou want to ik a tvpnal i ti tin 1 ot l pi a i nu iihint 01 lpn il lihotii 01 likil ousimu i ilii a inpual million un noi a hit ol il no tnoi 1 1 hiu i w ml lo be a ivpntl school kk lui a not in 1 doic 11 jaul the vinks loi btumiir otk 111 tin 7 in 1 ml ilun ilu l h it nt 1 1 s iboi hii in loninioii is lliit ilu livi in his i on 11 1 1 v iu lit- w 11 ol ihi2 ik vcnt imi to 11 and ihii lois loi iik too ho udl si inidi a uiilhon hcton dioiil oii votieni notmd that win 11 piopk sa mis a ipnal ariicinan 01 i tvhshnian liciuhman dci man lhc don t nican it as a complumnl huwi mi in the 111u nsis ol pun 1 1 11 1 it i iltoiilihl i d look hack thioiih a niimki ol liicnds anil uquamtaircs and sn wlutlui 1 lould conn up with a tpnal c anadi in altu illoll ill mi a0 uiin ol ioi1su1i 111 with tin spiins 1 inn was a lui happ hi l scoops f from speysite school i inliiuud loi lisl utk infill wi liul viiih 11 ilium ik room i iludlitk uiie anil spi llni mil piinlin im ihul n hm pupils lini bun lius ill i lit liilui pul ul mil hinl tiiniiud iink wiikil lillitt ili lil4 ttltk um tx hooks ami 1 sloiv lllll m lllll whom i oik tinneil isinilii 111 11iis ilikt 1k 1 u iul hn uiiiim o 1 i ko pn ilu ilul ol 1 inuil tinuhin nninui ik- ililn 1 liine win sp lll lhllll l ol nn lllll slllol w1 pupils nnllolll in 01 siklil posilion dili jikn w1 u mis roiin 1i1i iiikiiui piisulnl ot 1 in llmiil son l il tin pupils nil 11 mill il ilu ion iintils loolhill iluh is loini ill ulil llu-si- iiins a npi iil cinailiin j imn onh ilu 1 1i1 mi do in is up out pu itn missiil kiiin hn ilu liiilui iiins in ditkiiif room 3 loi ilu psl ilu nmlks nn nl llull lllnlll ixllllim llllllls lo oil lllsl rpoll lllll posilion on llii s111m cluis pir 1i1 01 son 111i1 1 2 i11 bn dunns miclmi itui nnis ihos iii as sloin ol till nnllk iii klmjiu i the sdnltt cluut purudc sl nmill iii llll slllll ci his tllilik ul in that l ihiin l think pin h- nnihhihiiii hi 1 puhllll hill 111 tl11 a ph1111 l sinn 1 nnhii1 hlisi- nniiki1 nnit 1111 i nnllltiltll 0k ul sinn llll fill illllunniili nnis nniiitlll hlll ill innii till hllsllll is fills iii thill nn is 1 skllllln stirnil looking hill lin a ioiiii nniio nnis so shlkn pilnsuliln 1111 niin nnilll nnllls ills ullll nnis jamii s ivilissoi janus rlllkn pu i 1l innni ll ii ini hsl ami nil ii ol i n nn in i i nu in s ilftn jl u i n pi ial callailia i lliiiennis ik i un lit an 1 1 in kill nniio nn nk i nnilll in as hi i hop on i lu 1 iki boa s h loi ilu nnii winn hi siiiuil ill i si n nut hi kninn onu hi nnois il i nlisli a ol ikiii hiil i on in t ik p hoiiihr nniuii i sinn his iianu in ilu papn ilu o hn lin as ilistin iiuiulxi ul ilu il 11 ouibti in pi sal cauallall ouill ot mlll nllll si us si sinn sin i clans nnilll a nil hat room 2 on iliuisiin son illlhl s oiu siiumii hail paiiills bauinafad hold bazaar united church olll ll on 1111 nni llln 1 iii 1 oiu pal in ul ik hllll in lllali i ial loi hi llll klls as pul ol oiu oiiisias kiln iliitaiu in rnl t loss room 4 in iiiiiin 4 nn iouiii lllll nnl ll ill l poil 111 hit l llss hit nam is maislia kohtlson anil this is lu i po in a queer loidy lllll nnis an illll laih 1 1 1 il imi nn is s i in iul slu hinl in a lull ul llousi ullll a liltli fii n inoiisi slu slpt in n nlj fashion bnl i mil she nnis ikai so slu sail room 3 fi uli i vhl is tak uv about ilu siulll hloik in iiisioin fu ul un is iakm i aial nniio ik uiil tin lust bisli op in sinn i mini oiu an lisson uas niin nun isluv ui ilisini a in tor l7 simi lxiknl hkn his i in u v hi il i iit siiinss tul baau on saluidin altiinmiu in ilu i tun i ti basniiiiit ml anil mis janus millar mil iliililiui also mis millar si ol ionium nlsilnl al mis miiiii s honw nnuh mr anil mis i ionii hki boats and others liki spate thin nniii a iiiupli ol niiuii marshall ships snennhalls nniio nniou and plan- lim the wi liie uiiitui all mir txim nl in iiiiiiln skils nnhm i nnis sj lnd m cllilph malions and souii nnoii i isn al al iminiisiin il luiii 1 sinn altnuliil aljiiielmn ol the hall ihuuvh olluis nnih niin diltuull iliiin nnis ui a lukip shonn onii t 1cl i tliui sday mthl anevn juumbir ul the siiii mr sias tlun had impi utd 1 sinn ml siiiiliall suuulis doan nnis killid sjluuljv morn lliein on lelev ision the utlui mr and mr all himcs vias mu in a liatlu undent in slral myhl thev le jjellihy bn as tailed to windsor to see a brolh- lord flowers were sent ointlv wavne and bhusler tpital ca- ei ot mrs hnnes who had a very hv the student tountil and ihe aadian kexiuiu ppcrulion staif back in 1911 taken from thfl imu ot lh fre prtut thurdy dc 7 1911 trior to lht ivtnovnl or i hi family of mr w j johiistont lo sullon unv the kihool miuik ol miss ulv jnhnsiniil- iiiid miss iolhtlr her uulihi pivxcnictl lui with u lumitlful nibtu a hhik ami buttle ol liioilc per hunt a complaint was fundi wist week thai on ihc picvituik sun dtv scleral tinplovees of iht tonsil net ion tompanv niuklnu he ui minus unit fllllnus lot the heatdinoie sidlnji wen enamttl in plowing on ihi evukiillons last siinclny clilet i aw son wmi lo the works and foun oia itnti a nil several meirat wui it and iinoiher team helnu dtlien up he utilised ihat ihc work in slopped fnimedialilv as it was a liolallon of ihe inds lav ail ihe wotk was slopped 1 he vounji men inuauctl in siiit hl4 on toipniilion pond on sunday alteiiinon did jiot jiiow in ihe esteem ol the i illens who witnessed ilu it sabhulh hi ea kiii i his piu in e of skat inn n miudav should he slop pul imiiudinlelv and i illens who ne holheied hv these aits hit lu mjov the sibbith pio pel lv mi w 1 tvei has leasid the aim ol mis alheil sievvatt si iond line fot a nuinhei ol veu s ihe ihiecdtty haiai held hv st josephs hitnh impiovs meiil soi letv was a huye sin tcfi and ihe ladlis in ihnye imtt teahid si mm loi thru efloils i in kv iiiiwh weie pleiililul ami eiei lone uiuvelli d at i lie qua i ml ol the ijnods sold in chatee of he eients wete mis a j i thin in mrs deoijie mulhid land mrs neil mtlnlosh mis john mellon mis m riwlot mis john olhhons mis i catty mrs james iihhnns mis d lliiiluii mitiscs i holmes m mtlnlosh auuic mulhollaud itnl a ciihhiiiik lummy mot tons hulni shop his heen moved lo the snui d block and mr motion lost no nine in gelt inn ihe snips woi k uu alter he inst ol the etpiljv un nl was installed 1 back in 1941 taken from lh uau of th free pre thursday dec ii 1941 dm inn the council meellnu on mumlav evenlnii u letter wan tend fiom i he sihool hoard re iiiivtluu dial some ptotetuon he id hn drd children al the tur ner of willow and mill si icon ll iuis auieed hy tuimcil lo have chlel hat lop jit lanye tor pio lei lion hi i tin thlltlien trimrilnu ihe siiert ul this busy tnteistt- tion chiel ilaitop is also ft stntcted to lie safely education lo some ol ihe oldei pupils al ihe school and when this cotise is completed ihe hoys will handle the dttlies of dlieclhiji lothet ihlldten ititoss t l dminhhie council meeting wmnin was piesent to dlscusi the athatd toluitioti tonliact and only altei lie was ulven ch phi ft insliiiitioiis teniudiny the pickup was ihe louinict an oiuiiiiijj in i km lot ihc ye at signed one ol ihe hiidlh f nt ac ion womenv insliinie dec cm het nici liiili was ihe iiiuiiimh piotnain and mil tall was an swtied hi white i intend lo spend luisliiias day miss vcl he aitdeison jjni an itileieslmu lalk on cluisliuas in korei mid vjapan anil di sullied ihe dccoiit lions and ptepaiaiion in the 1 linn it and homi s mis iudl nei sinn hiisliu is solo in het usual happv ww and nun it tl ihe jp m muisliiias mi ols a in atly vol ol thanks was lpiveii to the hostess mis v c iilhct al it 1 wliu h the meellnu ilnsetl hy sittuinu a t hi ihtinas taiol i uiiih was scived to tout lode a happv centitu some 1 0111 c pi ion of itn valiti of si tap and waste materials itn he ohsi 1 ved f mm hyurcs sullied liom the auon and vutnilv wai si 1 me i 1 aoe nn det whose auspiits litis work laniitl on willi mis di w fi c ullt 11 supi iinlemling to date js j2s pounds of scrap have lit en ollei led sime the dtive started and 4m 70 hai hecn teicned loi ihe loiidjfor wai wotk ihe louiiuiiite nun to make il j km a mouth and eitiy one is asked lo lu ip v ui trhu u 3mrmaucyjwjawuajew professional directory and travellers guide 1 m iv mcdical rilnhsl likkctob dr w g c kenney phyiiclan and suruenn oltlce in symnn illnck 43a mill si e aelim office phone 711 raidcnct iis church st e ptionc 110 dr d a garrett phyalcian and surifimin cnrnir of wiiionw and tllver su entrante hlvcr st acton ont ilione 2311 dr robert d buckner imiywielan and summon 39 wellington si aclun ont phone ot0 office ifihir flr pm aftornoons by aiipointmrnl appraihinq and inhijbance f i wright 20 wlllmr st acton ont irlo phone 01 appriilher and insurance ovi r 50 ycira in acton dr h leib drntal sunli on office cirnir mill ani fridcnck slnet office hours hv appimtincnt tfukpiiont is dr a j buchanan denial surkcin officla mill street offcr ii mr p am in u pm cloud widnraday aftirnoon telephone 1h leoal c f leatheriand qc iljnitr a solicitor n itary puhhc offir hiiuj tnilo am isoi pm 10 00 pm 1110 pm stiirtin by ajipoinment only offui 22 ph ne rcj ul acton phone 000 nloit or day uruce k shoeinuker mffr optical ani iieaaino aidg e l buchner r o optomitrut conuictlerues he irlnff alda ii mill st t aelon in aclon widnisdini o jly 2 00 p rn b 00 p ni for appointment ptionc 1 is robt r hamilton oplnmctrist 70 st nure squjrc gui i ill i ur ippulnlnient phone ta 46180 iiouis it ulv execipt weil w mun si north okgi i own i or appointment phone tr 7 971 witliiesiliv 9 i m 9 p in mon an j iii 7 p m 9 p m afuitino alcoiinttno lever hoskin charl red accountants 11 main si n 212 kinn st w hramplon t ront i 1 phonei ol 1 b24 em 4 0131 traviuers guide gray coach lines oaciirh iravr actov slarularit 1 wiin i tstbouml iiiin extpl sun 8 a in ii h am sou p in ft u p in 111 l pin l sun and a braida ba barritrr soliclor notary publc 173 main st s acton ont ptiorte 576 off ce it urn ii pm 0pm 1pm opm saturday 15 cork st f guclph ta 42243 office hours 0 am 5 pm saturdays dam 12 a m chiropractor david w gohn dc 25 mill st c phone 1053 tntrame on willow st office hours mon wed frl i to 9 p m tue thur 9 m lo 6 pm saturday 9 m to i pan ft t 1 ml nut m i i 2iw pin f ti p in llol i wisthounil 10 27 i m 12 i7 p ni 2 7 pin 27 pm 7 27 p ni 9 12 p in u 2 p in 10 jm fn sal sun and llol i railways canadian national i astern sianlard time i anthound ft 44 am to toronto dail e- icpl sunlan 911 a in lo tu- rmlo ex cpl sundj 7 07 pm lo toronto djiiv except sat jnd sun 8 01 p m lo torontu sun dan onl westhoiind 8 vi ajn lu slatlord dail ev eept sun 62a p m to stratford daily except sat and sun 7 07 p m lo stafford daily estept sun 1229 am to stratford 7 days a week 122 pjn jo stratford saturday only

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