Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1961, p. 13

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sfilhkg ffw fwff at the acton bowling lanes by ken hullord high school deo 4 with john dunn 218 and jim bullough 230 inking euro of terry mosaics 230 hot dogs won thefirm from electro bur the next two went electros way plus totals pouters gained ground pointwltte when after dropping the first canto to duntblowlns they gathered up the next two nnd totals dot thompsons 207 featured the win comets outrollcd rockets for the works with don enrle 615 bui brlggs 212 and keith andrews 256 being cornells shin ing lights league standing hot dogs 40 comets 47 dunblowins 38 electros 34 rockets 32 toulers 31 beardmor dec 4- hep cats sunk john nys crew with nnry a trace of a win with joyce mosaics 668 ken paplllon 637 ond ermo tov ro 617 doing the scuttling el mcr whites 2ib solo was the crews best primroses with hec lambert 670 helen lcsueur 655 303 and dennis crooks 645 went for broke agpinst strike abends but missed out in the las sposm and settled for two and totals bill howell 630 roger murray 676 went well for thc osers tncounts of 790 642 and 631 irom pot walclte helen yatcman and john dennis in trait order gave lucky seven a 52 decision over mugwumps ben anderson 659 and minstrel mnn mosolcs 627 upheld the honor of mugwumps hi hopps and untouchables had a real go both- teams tied the first game the hopps snared the second by three pins and ciimc on to win the finale results were 61 for hi hopps phil lesueur 727 bill oost 224 bill momullen 229 were high for the hopps chuck sunter 204 fred cripps 211 got cm for untouchables league handing hep cats 59 primroses n johnnys crew 39 strike aheads 39 mugwumps 19 lucky seven 15 untuulhables 32 hi hopps 22 legion ladies dec 4 the tatlcnders gained ground pointwise with the list place jets taking the first plate lip hops for rwo and totals third place no blows gaie the same treatment jp the second place wnlth outp triple honors for the night went lotjot enrle 740 mamie allen 637 and iv martin 628 the gals tried but it was an off night for high singles league standing flip flops 45 watch outs 41 no blows m jets 34 blue springe dec 5 carnations staited out ok b winning the first then roses took over and won the next two and totals with elei noi gov 204 marg hufadgcl 222 and joanne insioe 210 soloing terry arbn tripled for cama lions with 642 and millie stilt singled 226221 aulic nolans 309 single stood oiu for mums nnd their s2 win from asters got them closei to the leaders as ters were lalking in the men lionables glacis had the pouei pla going in tlu fust and were glad the did because it gut them one and lolals violets won the second and third games sharon owen 262 and sophie ochlrich 275 were on tor glads with linda gordon 211 and lil wagner 215 dittoing for violets league standing carnations 51 mums 47 roses 45 violets 40 glads 17 asteis 32 micro plastic dec 5 a twimii tie for first place resulted trom suappcis taking geons toi two nut loi nls ant belt ringers biaiing die bealeis likewise in the scrappvisgeons go hank i nrle 619 orsal daih 212 and hugo schmidt 217 weu in toi srip pers with bub oiinkvvilui 27 toi geons willi bell ringeis aiul die heiteis tlu iiuntioiiahk- were all bell ringeis with wo mcglllimi os isli riulke 211 uneu dot i it k 2is llcmhlcs made it a two nut totals win fitinl hi impacts with glen jackson 6m jim gibson 22s uk fred melon 212 highlighting the win mare ceione 722 aiul llei man besseni 202 weu impuis high seoiels vlosl eonsislent bowler ten the niglil km t hoetnei t7 157 17 league atundlng geons 41 bell ringeis 41 du be ale is id flexibles 18 hi impacts in scrappers 1o 1 industrialcommercial dec 6 with bill williams 774 315 bill johnstone c91 and don grein 16 al s snuk bit itkik pauls mens cu lot two and totals to hang onu tust place dies pfwhi 722 jim gibson t6 and scutch vk cutcheon tn weie paul s best ledgers iga got be reliable taxi in the tirst with a onepin margin tucked awa the second then fell apart and reliable highgeared the finale lor one and totals tor ledgers jim bullough 75 and martin ochl rich 608 were tops jeff frver tripled ms for reliable al de livery moved up a notch with a sevenpointer from firefighters bob taylor 615 carl deforest 613 delivered tor al dobble frlwell caught fire for the fighters with 607 310 league standing als snack bar 56 ledgers iga 53 pauls mens wdur 50 al delivery 45 reliable taxi 43 firefighters 5 acton ladies dec 6- vets got on their high horses nnd rode o winning pace for two nnd tolols against mc callums service peggy lawson 690 vcrnn arbic 652 and lnvernn mcenchcrn 224 were riding for vets morion storey flushed n 275 solo tor the macs despite n 617 triple nnd n 230 solo from jean mcphnil nnd mnrnle mel- lor cameos were on the short end of o 52 go wjlh lomb real eslote dlnne spiehogel 207 and pauline herrington 213 singled in the lambs cause prouse mot ors gunned it in the first drop ped the second by nine pins nnd faded out of the picture in the third but salvaged the odd point for totals norma robin son 634 elsie swift 224 214 highlighted lovell s roll nan hurst 605 chnrlotte holmes 214- 220 were prouses highlighters league standing the vets 44 mccallumt service 43 lovell bros 43 lamb real estate 42 cameos 41 prouse motors 39 acton major dec 7 acton soccer club who htne three teams one coming one going and one bowling still havent come up with a winning combo and dropped three to acton billiards fred kenlner 750 leo mcgilloway 694 nnd bill johnstone 6s4 were up to scratch for the cue boys tiger cats turned back domin ion hotel with narv a win mike bennet 672 don grein 6s2 and bill williams 606 were tiger cats ttirnees tinnic masalcs 628 was the hotel s tops with their fearless leader mick holm es setting the pace with 659 followeel bv john krapekl 604 and jack pink 678 firefighters handed tenpro an upset ia the two and totals route almost grabbed the works but dropped the middle canto by 14 pins phil lesueur 735 nnd ken john son 604 were the pros for tenrro seleactl standing acton bil llnrtls 66 tiger cats 61 tenpro 54 dominion hotel 37 fire fighters 28 soccer club 4 acton friends dec 7 untouchables had their big lead trimmed considerably when sugar jets picked on em loi a three game win anne thomson soloed lor the winners with 218 beavei baxlci like wised loi the losers with 224 akkety aks were also a seven point winner liom the bell buoes the buoys almost rang tlu bell in the thud but missed it be 10 pins don dctorcsi 647 ernie lawson 201 tripled and singled lor the yaks hart coles posted a 247 single for the losers popovcrs popped over a 10 pin win on the slowpokes in the fust then earned on to an nex the next two with had de forest 601 stella bmnelle 202 and sheila boehme 211 sparking the win ore chapman saeccl slowpokes tace with a 240 solo league standing uniouchubtcs 51 yakketv yaks 48 popovcrs 44 sugai jets 44 slowpokes 11 the acfon free press thursday december 14 1961 13 thursday toppers dec 7 tiger cats added to their league lead with a three game win over happy hopefuls despite a 642 tricounl from ivy martin vema arblc soloed a 241 for the cats with lll marshall 221 in the first and elsie john son 290 in the third wishful thinkers made it tevo and totals from cameos cameos enme through in the clutch in the second for their win blowers dropped the first to busy bees by plenty grabbed the second by two pins and hung on to snnre the inst by 18 for n two- game win with the odd totals point going to the bees the mcntlonobles were locking in this go league standing tiger cnls 58 blowers 47 wishful think ers 46 cameos 46 busy bees 42 happy hopefuls 34 acton mixed dec 8 clippers failed to clip the turtles nnd ended up with a zero lount on the score sheet ben rody 603 bob martin 225 ron whithnm 235 nnd shirley moore 233 hnd em where they counted for turtles raiders were in n point grabbing mood and snared em nil from atoms gerry runic 653 pearl jnckson 655 and lcs gidmin 240228 top ped raiders trundling eel browne 203 and vcrnn arbil 281 soloed for atoms stragglers brought down the eagles with a two and totals win with carl jnckson 213 terry masales 211 anel joanne ducal 244 soloing the big ones tom roach 214 bob lnenbv 206 and martin ochl rich 215 made the single pla tcau for eagles league standing turtles 53 stragglers 47 raiders 44 eagles 43 clippers 38 atoms 27- teennunder dec 9 lucky strikes had it lucky again against the deeds in the first then the latter got renl devilish and won the last two and totals eagles hnd the first against the reptiles then went into a decline and it was reptiles for one and tetas flintstones roped and hogticd mavericks for a twogame win in a couple of close tuvslcs making the top ten were mar lee mcswun 194184 178 trank morton 149203 152 sandra slingerland 220116 336 harrv oehlnch 152 172 324 merl hams 149150 299 jeanette spires 177118 295 linda varcy 135160 295 bob biowne 129- 157 286 rita mecrei 151110 283 jim coonev 148134 282 league standing luckv sink es 36 reptiles 10 devils 29 flmtstoncs 28 mnv encks 21 eagles 21 headpin hilites it took the gals to save the day for acton on the inter- county scene aclonettes were at home to the ookvillc westsld ers nnd won a two nnd totals decision acton combines were hostiollhe lnkeshore lynns and were onrthc short end of all games acton merchants tra velled to georgetown and wishgd they hndsepjied home they lost em all allele nolan got in enrlv with a 309 singlc and it stood up to win the ledger iga voucher pnt wnldle did the snme thing with n 790 triple to pick up puuls mens wear award and dot enrle rates the services of streetsvllle dry clean ers with a 740 tricounl snndra shngerlnnd marlee meswnin bob andrews and terry church ill by villue of bowling bes over rheir averages got the bot tled beverages of reinharts cocacola and seven up for their efforts nnd their tenm mnles were hnppy gurglers thnt winds it up amlgos adlos poets corner a chrlitmas thought i wish i had been there that fir i christmas dav to see our lord jesus asleep on the hay i know it uas him that la sound asleep beluise through the small urulous the angels did picp oh it makes me so sad to rcc christmas change from the night love was born it does seem so strange that now all we do is drink toasts to our pals and stagger around as wc dance uth the gals but to me christmas is and ilwayb shall he a day full of gladness because it is he who gnes us our fieedom irom sm and deceit and on christmas da it is him i will greet by sue walters concerning owl prmbroke name of the arctic tundra the snou owl is being seen in southern ontario ik peuochc isits so far south eomcide with the lemming crash in the arctic hich occurs usualu at four er internals disappearance of the lemmings which form a large part of he snowv owls diet lorce migra lion south in search of food bill blhhs m acton ys mens club bingo at ymca saturday december 16 1961 8 pm giant prize 50 3 specials 10 each 16 prizes 4 each refreshments admission 50c enjoy complete heating service from thompson fuels your ba solar heat distributor i check these important advantages i a ttui hutsdaaafleiry eassjwundad to ii yw auinia kut walw tod dun buta- inialfteiaaqf i ssim mjltnmulfcmtmlon tf ailment ol your imi til lulu m twcet hjmbtty aasaants tot hasting oil spread ottr 10 months ba stove oil dallvared in quantities of 25 gallons or more dtrtmiilu delivery- utomitically ad- juilad to wtathal conditions la heatinfi fttlsmce punlof both ntw ftiiiuc instillations and coiwenioas loa down lytwtftaall csirymj chaijaliv ywts la pay r thompson fuels 49 main st n acton phone adams lease expires 15000 worth of stock to be cleared irrespective of cost yes cleared to the bare walls portable electric organ 6995 kr0ehler swivel rocker rag 5995 2995 12 cu ft automatic refrigerator rag 32995 25995 fleetwood portable stereo rag 5095 39 simmons feather pillows unfinished dresser 6 drawer rag 59 95 3995 smoothtop mattress spring iliad rag 3995 2495 kroehler 2 pc chesterfield rag 23995 14995 serta 2 pc davenport rag 19995 15995 hostess chair reg 1595 995 wardrobe double glassed door rag 5995 3995 3 pc bedroom set harvest finish rag 179 95 12995 spacesaver davenport rag 5995 399s blankets viscosa and nylon 495 brass magazine racks 295 5 pc dinette suite bronzetone rag 99 95 5995 findlay 30 automatic range rao 23995 1 7995 brass record player stand 695 ontarios largest home furnishers 27 mill st east taupltom 1085 no depositup to 36 months to pay t

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