Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1961, p. 14

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14 the acton free proti thursday december 14 1961 honor merry alexander ford woodley at 4h awards night club leader addison woodley and senior 4h club members ernes alexander bob merry and dclmitr ford were recog nized friday for l heir tine work when the ii 4h clubs of hnl- ton county held ihelr annual awards night at the milton dis trict hiah school as other club leaders receiv ed leadership certificates for their vears in guidinu the youth of halton through annual pro- ect57mrtwowlluyreceivedoml commemorating 26 years as a club leader ernest alexander of norval a membfr ol the jersev-guern- scy tractor and cam clubs re ceived the j e whheluck tro phy presented by the kingswny kiwann club to the outstand ing club member by winning the trophy he is nominated hal- tons representative to national 4h club week in thanking the donors he said it was a great honor to win the award espec ially when it yas presented in honor ol former agricultural representative j e whitelock one of the greatest men in 4h club work ernest also received the ontario jersey breeders spe cial halton jersev breeders spe cial warwick seed corn co special central ontario cattle breeders special and the w t dales award as high man in the tractor club many awards bob merry vicepresident ol becfand tractor clubs president of the potato and forestry clubs received a lengthy list of awards he got the ontario shorthorn association special katherine merry his sisters trophy for high in beef beef club trophy tor high beef judge swine trophy lor high swine judge grain trophv lor high score in grain small seeds trophy for high score in small seeds norval junior farmers trophy for champion judge in livestock and seed ontario de partment of agriculture 100 award for having the champion shorthorn steer central ontario cottle breeders special john willmott award lor champion beef showman and the new courtney agnew memorial tropin for being named club member of th yea idelmar ford wumernipa cerl i- ficutc for completing 18 projects la a member of the holsteiow tractor corn and swine clubs and received a hoktcin club special warwick corn special mac alexander special ol 10 t h mecee trophv as high in holstein club halton hog pro ducers trophv for high in swine club forage trophy lur high judge in hav forage and weeds royawbank irophv for high con testant in seed judging compel i- tion james mckav award lor be- wells m ing named champion livestock he king acton 4h calf club had a successful year in halton 4h club work and all 16 members completed the project to earn 100 per cent completion and ihepremier club of the year award shown with the trophy they received friday at ihe annual awards night are in front brian phillips thea trysseriaar janet aitken murray fatt russell murray frank anthony neiti tryssenaar wayne aitken bruce coles rear row roy rognvaldson john kranendonk jim aitken assistant leaders mel mccullough and fyfe somcrvilte leader nino braida grant van gils gord van gils and chris kranendonk jim howard was absent when the photo was taken house arthur lawson bill robertson duiglu mav ami bruce pew tress dennis sinclair was high in forestry and receiv ed the w ii merry tropin and larry gardhousc was high dairv judge and received ihe dairy cat tle tropin arthur lawson reced ed a kingsway scholarship six completed aw a ilei cerlilicates for com pleting six projects were jean hunter marion hunter russell murray doris picket john slitll linda swackhamer ed van hoe- kelen donald peacock uu har old thompson kingswa kiuanis club scholarships went to mar ion hunter ed van hoekelen don peacock and harold thomp son while don peacock won the milton llardwaie tropin lor high in potato club ami ed van hue- kelen received ihe acton forage club trophy the 4h club members com- 7ilctmgnvotnticnnntteciswcrc daniel allen sandia carne earle clugsion murrav dawson lome ella colin- elliott gary gowhind donald harris mar garet hunler ann king bnan marshall charles martin mild red martin bill mtcartnc tom mcdonald adricnne nurse bill patterson larry pellelterio lin- 1 tla pellelterio larrv puket bill sinclair m a r i i n sherwood charles twiss grant van gils charles vansicuc and norm riln sherwood received wav kiwanis club st hoi- firs i year members who receiv ed awards were donald brmder ronnie brainier margaret brown- ridge brian bussell bruce coles kenneth elliott jo everell gail gowtand murray harrk bnue hart dan i leal tiering ton le- nard hoogenbooni janice john ston barrv malum murray mt caig john mcgee anne mcgilh- varv fltabeth norringlon brian phillips rov rognvaklson ray mond si u ii carol swackhamer verna thompson and larrv wat son john mcgee was ihe winner the cne shield lor high no- iivcsttkk judging trophy donors donors ol trophies aiul other aw arils are as lollows hallon count council repre- senieil hv campbell sinclair chairman ol the agricultural com mittee prov ideil tinancial assist- il the c v kc i n ance lo suppoi i the w hole 4h program halton agricultiual society re presented bv presiileni will led croier vand secrelai ynvasiirei mis g e eailhead donated prize money lo the jei se guern sey polrio swine holstein and forage clubs esqiiesing agi iciiltlirit socieu represented b gu licit ugdli- varv presitlent pi ovideil corn club prize inonev acton alii iciillinal socielv president nino braida and sec- ictai vlnasitvr mis c wswaik- luimer acton call and aclon for age clubs prize nione lt mile creek conservation aulhoiiiv chairman robert mar shal 1 donated prize moiiev to the au foiesht club the 12 and 16 mile- creek aulhoiities joinllv spjnsor ihe innd judging competi tion rnlnry sponnomhlp rolarv club mlllon chairman ed chilton ol the agricultural commit lee donated prize money to ihe tractor club and mr chit- ton presented an award to the high member in the coin club halton holstein club piesident t ii mcgee donated new hall eis to lirs year membeis and blushes lo all other members ex hibiting holstein calves mr mi gcednnaredjhcltttphyfnrhiph member in the club ilallon and peel guernsey club secielary don jovie donated each member exhibiting an an gus call hallon jeisev club president don matthews doualed 12 lo each member exhibiting a jersey call and the don matthews tro phy went in the high member in the jersevgueinsev call ilub onlai io angus bieedei s as- soi ialion piesident tom jh k- son don tied a special plale to each mcmhci exhibiting an angue call shorthorn shield ontario shgrlhoin club icpie- senled bv keloid gaidhousc do- naleil a pen lo shorthoin exhibi- lors ami piesented the cn 1- shield lor high novice in the judg ing competilion central ontario callle hieed- eis association duiuan mollat donated a desk pen set lo each call club member halton hog piodllceis associa tion piesident llovd may donat ed ihe assueialionv liophv lo the high swine club member mac alexander awaidsv a cash special to each swine club mem- bei and as leader ol the swine club presenteti ihe club trophy lo the champion swine showman also ihe rosegale fauns irav lo the hih jeisev club member ontario jeisev club hallon di rector ken ella donated a halter crest and ceitilicate lo first ear membeis and a blanket and cerli- licate lo senior members who ex hibited a jeisev avrshire catite club ol ontario continued on page fifteen bauinamd wi plan christmas parly see flower demonstration the december meellng7of ihe womens institute was held on december 6 at ihe home of mi leo jandfson the picsidenl mis iliiie mceneiv presided the meeling opened with the wi ode and maiv slwail tolled several hems of imsi ness wen dealt wilh lollowing ihe minutes plans weie made lor a chrislmas pailv onljeirm bei 2 a stewai mown walt h lor p it lii ulai s iain mis win mi lean onvenei ol home ei oiminii s trail a piei e ml s an hie i awi hail iiiiienl evenls vvlm h in lui alv seme weie lead by mts robe 1 1 mienei v a paper was lead bv mis mclean in plue nl the iihiltti mis reid who was in have given a demon si ration mi mak mg wood llhie lloweis was un able lo be piesenl bill mis win mi lean look lici place and did vei v well showing all how lo make llowei s whit h every one enjoyed roll call was an- sweied by an idea loi chrislmas such as dei oi i i ions oi lood audi exi hange ol gilts whiiji was in sweied by l lliembei s i a veiv niie llliu h was seied b mis esse mieneiy mrs iluwl mt lean ami mis kav swlndlehumt iissjslcil hv ihe hostess the meetliili closed with ihe oueen the closing meeting of the evening auxiliary of ihe wm s was held a i ihe home ol mis i- j shoililt 14 members two assoi tales and ouu vis lor at tended ihe piesident mis nor man sim lair opened the meel ing with a i all lo woiship she lead a hiisimas piavii and ihe gioiip juined in singing seveial i aiols mis leo jaiuieson led the lit- voiional period leading si tip tine 1 1 fin i is b t haptei nuie a business hist iissiuii billowed the membeis joined in piesenl- it ign varied pi oprattl nf i ivmp lugs iirul a singsong followrd bv an exchange or sunshine sis- ler gifts terminate group al ihe conclusion of the pro- mi am the president formally letininaled ihe groups meet ings prior lo ihe formation of new units in the coming united chinch women j he wms be nediction was repeated and a social half hour and delicious pot link lunch weie enjoyed by all mi and mis llovd marshall aiicndeil ihe waulens dinner held in itielph on wednesday nighi mi and mis i ockie mckav of monsonee sask aie visitjng wilh jiei sisier mrs jack mc- fnei v of silveureek mi and mis dun atkinson visiled with mi and mis fjea- tjn on sunday mr atkinson i who is al lending emmanuel col- lli loronio uis guest speaker l ihe morning set v ice h s holden optometrist eycs examined glasses fitted 36 cork st eat guelph phone taylor 27150 christmas greetings from jlajzwieiu choice potted plants and cut flowers potted mums cyclamen poinsettias begonias memorial artificial wreaths for the convenience of customers we will be located at the corner of mill and agnes streets next to lovell bros during the christmas season phone 8532200 acton mill st w showman central ontario cattle breeders special duiuan rohin- son trophv lor lop pain show man and swine club tiophv lot top swine showman over 12 projects those ject carol v burn 16 bob mem ifi ivln ford 19 harold patterson l and ernest alexander 2v miss iud- arship mildred mai tin and ciarv gnu land reicived showmanship awards second year members second v ear members receiving js weie janet ailken w sc complelinj ovet 12 proaiikin li ink am hum joan weie allen brownnde 14 beatv robert beau oouvu cir- n gardhouse 15 john ilefv nevmuiiav fail hon id feaihei- stone claieiu e i i ilepbiu n jim how son mai yard km rolvil x bii lack- y chi is ki mv house was awarded the hallon endonk sheirim mm lav kenneih coopeialive supplies tiophv as vvlandv elie ieatotk knlvi i hijih in the forage c tub ivddie joanne sherwood don t completing 12 pioiec is vveie shei wo id mauieen sweet man bill alexander 1 winiiei ol ihe netiv 1 i ssenaai i hea i i ssena kiniiswav kiwanis scholarship at ralph van halen goidun an nd ihe rosegale jeisiv tai m gils jim wihin nul keniuih tray as hiyh mcmhei in ihe jei- vvinmii hi iiunibei in the jei mv call club ilunald swack sev guei nsev aul cm n dubs hamei rleanoi tavun winnei ol claieiue liviini won the hon the halton laud judiny s mattheus lupln and the id as htih coulestant and geoi ye clinton awaul bilu ju ksm won stull a sttowmanslnp awaid and janet those completing seven to it an ken wun the kmeswav kivvan- pixects weie james aitken john is l uh sholaislup aiul w s i kranendonk jelliev nurse keith munav avvaul loi lnyh in the ella dennis suk ian lam iaixl- adon call dub snow ptowing f industrial commercial residential no job too big or too small reasonable prices 24 hours c vc towing service 24 hours when your car fails to start give us a call b p service station peter broekhoven prop 341 queen st e acton after december 17 dial 8530041 phone 194 only nine shopping days left but there is still a good selection ofchristmas gifts to choose from at the holland shop may we offer a few syggestions are choosing drop in and see for the man who smokes all brands of cigarettes in special gift packs imported cigars and pipe tobaccos a pleasure to smoke for her a good selection of boxed chocolates specially gift wrapped flower vases in brass and copper finish many more for your them for that special someone delfts giftwares in beautiful blue and white color combina tion in sets or individual pieces for the children chocolate decorations wrapped in gay sparkling foil to hang on the christmas tree see our selection of dutch dolls for the unuvual in gifts visit the for the little miss in your family holland shop 71 mill st e acton phone 8530950 i for 32 years we have been partners in actons progress service that satisfies since 1929 tyler transport limited

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