Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1961, p. 2

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fl the acton fr preit thunday dpcwnber 4 1961 hum rimln dial exchange in acton sunday will tee the familiar switchboard pictured above put out of use telephone customers will have to acquaint themselves with using the dial phone and not rely on operators pictured above left to right at the switchboard aro mrs beatrice chew mvs margaret ford chief operator and miss sylvia mages union commission at loggerheads continued from pace one out any alternative the commis sion was quite willing to listen in conclusion he stated you arc the fellows who can point out our error if there has been one but the commission had to be l governed according to the clause in the agreement promotion deferred in his own defense mr and erson stated he should have qualified as a class b linesman but somehow his promotion was deferred the chairman recalling the instance stated at that time you were advised there wasnt an opening for a clasps b lines man and it was suggested it you werent satisfied to remain in your present capacilv to look for another job mr anderson replied if you are trying to save monev whv keep on top linesmen i could work as a groundsman and il required could qualify in a higier category and you would still only have two men and a v superintendent uie judgment tony green enquired why the superintendent was not at the meeting and when informed he was off on compensation after a recent accident he asked what would happen in the event bf an ice storm with only two em ployees left to cope with anv trouble in reply mr bcatty stated we would have lo use our best judgment mr green suggested a small utility should be ready for r ex pansion and noted the fire and police departments are always ready to cope with emergencies in the event ol anyone being in jured another employee should be available lo fill the vacancy he felt he alsu disagreed with the policy of the superintendent handling tools an i an oft ice employee reading meters in a humane sens the only reason vou ire lieu is to keep this man ut irking quipped commissioner arbic 12- year program tony green told the commis sion he was surprised the didnt have a reconstruction halion growers participate n fruit tree census program e f muir frurit and vege table extension specialist in hal- ton county has announced that commercial truit growers in hal- ton will take part in a iruit tree census starling december 1 commer cial fruit growers in ontario and the extension branch of the ont ario depart mem ot agriculture are cooperating in a iruit tree ton aie taking part in a iruit tree and grapevine census it is live years since such a count was made during the first week in de cember census tonus were mailed lo each tnut grower lrom the office ot the extension branch in milton included with the lorm was a sell addressed a n d stamped envelope plus a short lelter ot explanation- each grow er was asked to till in the form as it applies to his orchard and return it bv mail in the stamped addressed envelope flints covered in the census will he apples pears plums cher ries and grapes then hac been many changes in the indiistn since nsfv savs e f muir new varieties have been miruduied some iruit growing areas have increased while others hae decreased were especially interested in the amount ot increase in duarting ami scmidwarting roots locks for apples in order for anv industry to succeed it must know and pre dict its source and volume ot raw products only through a count ot the ttuit trees and grape vines can the industry gear itself tor the tuture during 1jm some other fuit- producing- provinces completed a census their iigua- coupled with ontarios will give a nation al figure and will help in deve loping export markets on a con tinuous basis the future and present figures will help when trade and tarilt agreements arc reviewed the provincial marketing groups make use of the figures too when theyre negotiating lor processing and fresh market prices the census will show the trends in variety plantings the age groups and the number ot trees in different districts of the province this information will help research and extension people when theyre searching lor new management practices all information answered on the census forms will be treated as confidential department olfieials are interested in the totals onl he suggests that growers mail their replies as soon as possible to avoid the rush of christmas mail program planned and stated it was poor policy not uj have a progressive policy lined up in delense ol the commission mi tvler informed the delegates a 12vear reconstruction program had just been completed and noted that for the lirst lime it vears only a sj600 capital bud gel expenditure was laid out lor next year j in conclusion t green thank ed the commission for meeting with the delegation but in part ing reminded the members tlu grievance would be submitted for arbitration regarding lb meter readers certification and the superintendent winking with louls name new officers for walker lodge election of o jeers for the com ing year took precedent over the regular meeting of walker lodge af am monday evening and named as worshipful master was lome youngblutt other officers elected during tie meeting included w brd s k joe ipm bro m h bauer sw bro g w beattv jw bro e e barr chaplain wor bro r h elliott treasurer very wor bro h l ritohie secretary bro h b ramsden sd bro t s newton jd wor bro j h reid dc bio e g franklin ig bro g c lee ss bro d w van fleet js bio r west ot gainst and bro john lambert tyler the new officers will be install ed during the january meeting and committee members will be named scheduled for the evening was the presentation of a 50vear jew el lo charlie matthews of toron to mr matthews was unable to be present and his jewel will be mailed to him first dial call continued from page one potrillon after you have turned it around lo the finger stop thats wiry it i important lhat yon let il ride back by it self not lorcing it as the dial lolales hack there k a click rot- each unit of hie digit you dialed ihree clicks for the figiire 3 fnup clicks for ihe figure 4 and so on fach click sends a pulse ol electric cnrreivt to the mech smisin in the central office the mechanism ihen proceeds to put the call through for you each aelimi is simple bin ihe over all ellcel is a complicated one thai is getting vour call through to i in one lelephone out o ihe millions ihroughnul ihe world lhat you want to reach the coming of the dial tele phone is a very imporianl step in the communications history ol acton bul il is cerlainly not i he liival awe starling sunday well he able lo dial our own iikmi calls i a lew veais well he able lo star dialing our long distance calls the cfial central office which we know today will be succeed ed bv uhaf is called an elec tronic central office such l- mces are already in use tin a trial basis thev dont simply connect calls bul also do many oihcr things for inslaiue when vou are served bv siuh an olltte vou mighl belore leaving vour home or olfite dial a code which would instruct ihe elec tronic equipment lo transfer anv calls to a number at which vou might he reached il would also remule incoming calls to an other line it your line was busy it would enable vou lo use ihe exlension telephones throughout vour home lor intercommunica tions it would enable our mo- ther to call the lamilv tor din ner bv dialing a code which would ring a buzzer and it would make it pos- ible lor a person wailing lor a tall tree the commumtv christmas tree was hoisted up in tiont ol the post office wedncsdav morning bv hvdio and town men its donated bv mansell nellis vvho supplies the tiees lor the ys mens sale lights garland the kill lice saturday excursions to rotonto good going and returning same saturday only excursion return lira from acton 155 corresponding fares from intermediate points full information from agents canadian national mm ctsj acton creamery li m i ted specials cabbage lb 5c spinach io wv 2 for 35c carrots 2 for 25c fancy mixed nuts lb 47c free delivery phone 8531910 neilsons cocoa tej 67c 47c 1 pound allot ice time to groups schedule centre program lust thursday evanlng rtpre- wnlntive f lha various iirour inlirimud in ihe me of the fiu- ililtls nt ihe cfimmunlly cynlrv met willi ihe acton council tlrtrunnlll is respunilhlc lor ihe operation of ihe arena until the parks board takes over in january 162 the meelitm con sidered the requests or the vur- ious groups and set a schedule which will be in erred until jan uary tlte rees to lie churned lor the use of ihe ice were out lined to the various uroups monday even inn has been nl- iciled to ihe curling club howev- er curling will not he comp letely ornanl7cd until january so in the meantime the lime is he- inn used lor additional practices tuesday evening the mlditets practice from r- and the inlet- mediates from 910 i on wednesday evenlne ill dantams lead olf from 67 the pee wees from 78 willi public skating rrom 810 pm ice tlma thursday the midliets go rrom one day visit 7830 and then ihe juveniles lake over from viow prhluv ihe iee wee appear nl 141a41 rollowed bv ihe illin iums rrom 7hai h41llie inler- mediates play tlielr home uaiueh suluiday hliiinliu mutc will be chlldiens skallnu from ml minor sporls come in liom 11 fill- ihelr leauue in the evening rrom h10 there will be public skating sunday iiflornnnn he family skating during ihe week school will use the lce ternoon i hem the will high vlll use the ice in ihe al- fiir ihelr pliycltiir educa tion program anv changes finm the publu skating schedule will be an nounced bv a sign in the town oh ice window in ihe y mca pees set were pee wees himi an hour minor sporls iiu00 ror saturday iltcrnoon intermed iate hockey a 6040 split includ ing one hour practice a week all oiher ice time at j7w per hour curling will be charged tlooo an hour until the etd ot december four new members join lions club pour new memheis were induct ed into the lluns club tuesday nl ihe regular dinner meeting in the station hotel tuesday vic itristow muiiay itairisou john llliindeli and llaillev coles pele paplllon and alec johnson con ducted the ceremony assisted by allan latidcr art gordon and llinle marks alter dinner films taken u i the minstrel show rehearsal by tom mullen wrie shown by jack do- hetlv the club is making plans lor ilmskntlpb carnival under the chairmanship ol alec johnson jack doherty and ray arbc wrie piesenled with special awards lor membership month acton teen town sponsored by aclon llon club dance this friday dec 15th 830 to 12 pm legion auditorium presenting the road runners commissioner recruits aid to form st john council with husv line to be eonneeteil it is soon as the previous ton- lersatiun was completed pictures next bul een the eleelionie cen tral oil ice is not ihe linal slnrv later tm im told well have pictures eon nee led with our telephones it miyht be called a isiphone or a videophone people will be able to meet bv telephone seeing and talking to each other at the same time this would make it unnecessary lor instance lor a linn to bring its salesmen in from scattered points across the country lor a conlereme thev could meet bv telephone and even slud charts new models ol their pioduqt and so there will many more field of communications durirjg a oncitav visit rrom provincial commissioner brigadier krie snow of toronto proved fruitful to the local st john ambulance brfymtlc thursday december 7 and as a lesull of the visit form- alion ol a local branch ot the ontario council is quite evident spending a week in the fergus guelph and acton area the com missioner is endeavoring to get j local branches of the ontario council established in order to have a public relations group of interested citizens to offer assist ance to the st john ambulance brigade alter making a personal visit lo several interested citizens and conducting an interview brigadier snow is quite confident a local branch will he developed vol unteering to act as chairman op such a council is sydney k lamb dining the dav 12 other citizens will of course he developments in tje your lifetime thev will make lile easier ami more interesting lor you enable you to get things done more quickly and simply so when you start us ing our own dial telephone on sunday youll know that acton has taken a giant step into a bright new communications fut ure lovell bros modern meat market where quality is higher than the price free delivery in acton phone 178 give lasting pleasure for everyone in thh family a admiral poutauf can he enoved where vou prefer h hcm 19995 symon hardware 6transistoa radio a tccnjjjers delight 2450 admiral comet modal 27995 volunteered to assist the local hi igade local branch superintendent r s hart this week staled hisplcas- uic at the response when the ujiii- missioner was in acton and is hopeful ot a branch council be ing established in acton during his slay in acton com missioner snow remained during the evening and attended the reg ular meeting ol the brigade and members had an opportunity of discussing various problems with him the weather has been un- chrisimaslike and many are hop ing for some snow to make it i while christmas in memoriam donstlora to mpport re search in eaiuer can b a constructive in memorlam your local undertaker will receive donations and tv official receipts we stock and order simplicity mccall butterick patterns hintons 5c to 100 store y fa alt everyone needs and loves lo find new slippers on christmas morn yours in a treefull of styles colors from bensons shoes the friendly store 19 mill st e acton ont phone 8534360 paulette fashion pauls mens boys shop wear your christmas shopping headquarters for him i for her gloves 1 49 698 nylon slip and panties per set 298 nylon baby doll pyjamas 298 all wool scarves a gloves set 498 pyjamas duster coat 598 slippers 198 298 full length nightgown and bed jacket per set 698 night gowns and negligees 1298 quilted nylon duster 798 chiffon scarves 129 159 banlon sweaters 398 598 bulky knit cardigan 598 1098 quirted lounging pyjamas 998 gloves 298 598 wool scarves 298 398 white terylene scarves 298 pyjamas 398 650 dressing robes 698 1298 white shirts 395 795 jockey all wool sox pr 150 tie sox set 298 bulky knit pullover 698 reversible vests 798 banlon shirts 698 banlon v necks 698 orion v necks 998 sweater coats 1095 45 mill st phont 1531730 ii for the boy bulky knit sweaters 498 pyjamas 298 tom sawyer shirts 298 gloves 198 boy ties 100 sox pr 59e

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