Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1961, p. 5

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osmunoe banqueters forget calories birthday accident in news the christmas meeting of ihe womens inilllule win held wed nestlny afternoon lit the home or mm t tines with n jood intend ance mn c archibald presided and mrs k sluhbiniilon read the minutes and correspondence roll call slimiest ions for used christmas taids brought forth several new ideas makinp scrap books for chlldrcns wards of hos pitols sending to missionaries covering waste paper baskets and making gift enclosure lags mrs d g ruheitson read in formation on ping shue cheng the refugee child the branch is helping sponsoi the euchres are cancelled dur ing the hohdiv season the com mfttee for the opening one later in january are mrs w macphcr son mrs a tanslev mrs d win ter and mrs m jackson imrs archibald and mrs stub blngton were named to buv more folding chairs and the flower com mittce were gien approval to send cheer boxes to the sick anil shut ins for christmas mrs a mcciae gave a erv helpful dcmonsiialton on chnst mas clccoiations a foam santa and a wieath or caiuh cane made of plastic bags complete with pine cone decoration mrs p taylor home econo mics and health convener read al tides on hobbles and keep the medicine cabinet uptoclale doris fines aeted as santa clans for tile exchange of gills bull tooir bob humphrey northern eloctric worker tests the wot cell batteries at the new dial building prior to the switchover sunday at 2 a m during normal operation of the dial equip- roent the batteries are used to a small extent and are kopt fully charged in the event of an electrical power failure if this happens the batteries will keep the equipment in operation until a portable generator is installedorjhe powerrestored name doug shaw president to head halton eqa producers under the directum of the halton federation of agriculture the halton cpg producers held a recent organization meeting this meeting uas held on wed nesda november 29 at the extension branch office of thi ontario department of agruul ture main st milton cnur- meh of the meeting wcu ken ella and doug shaw picmous toronto meetings were repoi ltd on b dt legates otto konig and doug shiv they outlined the piupostd tele- tpe sstem for eggs similai to the svmapi usod jjo market hogs a elsct offlcen officers elected nt presi dent doug shaw r uepusi psm dent olio konig sccretan tnasuier mis ken tlla trade pied auckland tsqiusing alex watson trafalgir hairy lou den butlinglon george coul sctn nassagaueva claude in glis a resolution of the halton fgg prtidiiltrs wjs thin passed rceomme ndmg twujegulir meet ings he held prturabl in march and octoher with diiec tors to hold meetings six times a vcir a provision for calling emerge n meetings wis inelud cd and such a meeting can he cnltod b the request of any 10 epproducer pinner meeting plans wcie made for an egy pioduceis dinner meeting to be held in januar all egg produc eis in halton are invited to at lend this meeting highlight ol the jjiiuarv meeting will he a lull repoi t ol the provincial meeting held in toronto on december 6 all egg pioduiers in hal ion legardless ol the sie of hock aie eligible to oin the egg pioilueers assoeialion melll beislup is av nlable foi the leg istration lee of 5100 and can be made b conlacling the town ship director or sending direct to the secretary treasurei bv ap plying eaj iv egg producers in halton will he kept informed ol the important changes inking place in the pioduciion and marketing ot eggs campbellville skit carols poems form womens christmas meeting mrs frank quinlan uas host ess io the chi isim is nice tmg of the campbcluillc women s in stitute with mis william webb presiding and opening with a chiisimas pomi the imliluu ode was sung in unison nul m u stewait eollett icpcaied in urn son mrs stewar t c lamp g iu tlu bccreiaiv s upon mis a i moore he linancial icpdi l mi douglas lnglis ihe eluci upoit mis allied pete i son upoilnl on agi ic ul tin e mid i c anadian in dustrv mis haiek puul on u tienship and edik it ion mis geoige blae k icpoi lid oil llu sewing eotu si and main utuks ueu on ctisplav tin ilu achuu me ni da hi id in mium ilu rut da in st hiik i mud thuuh biindav v hool room the loll eall wis mswiiul lu v i idles n iming i lu is tin is tradition ilu lov mis webb annoutued ilu nu nltlk u i tuud eamass ummntul to 27 ouecti t liabe ih collie spoons we it sold a niicauu subs i ip lion was doniuil io ii unm tn icnnial miiun and shut ins iu to be ic iik mlu 1 1 d plug i or tvu mrs juk wluikhnn uii i ill ladies u ion tlu milion llospu il auxiliaiv aiul itiiiut t tie it ui on jamiaiv ft mis loin mil lull in viled all to aitind tlu sinishiiu sehool hi istmas i nu 1 1 deein lur 21 in uoi lauwii mis 1 mkic ilnu took ihl ehau lot the chiisimas pui uu when mis i iod ciawfoid led in i no singing a skit mail oitlei hat w is diicitcd b mrs munav mcphad the east in i eluded mesdames lennaid and rws rigmild austin urhiam me 111 ell geoige ing is llovd bavlev and tom mrtcliell mrs a j i mooie ic id two poems what iwkn chiisimas nu m to iik and i he uk aning ol chiisimas main table turns ueie made b nu mix i s uul displavcd mis iltit ii uiiblv presented ml s all 1 1 d pe ti i son hid ml s gunge hi lek willi iwo clips 1111 s ui i rs i idi lot u wiling ilu m w lllg i 1 iss a ill lit urns c hi ist m is lunch was skived mid a social hall houi lollovvcd home again dou 1 is luwkliv b is list ai ned home horn milton hospi l il mis j urns robe i is ol milton spent two davs with mi uul mis willi llll robe i ts this wick i l ic mils ol mi s russc 11 hill ill iii soi iv io lu it she is sill iii jose ph hi ml llospu il bui 1 llllon we wlsll lie i i speedv ic e ve i v ml hid mis alled peulsoll mi nul mis 1 lout wi d ind ml hid mis noio lllils well dllllil lllisls vvtih mi uul mis how son i ush on mond iv mi uul mis willi mi slew n i i il oikwlle mi nul mis w iltci woolveih b111i111l1011 mi tint mis 1 nusi mui i ui tl hulling ton mi uul mis cimidm ol and also played the piano for carol singing forget about culorle following the meeting all nd journed to the recreation room for the annual turkey dinner a bountiful dinner was served nnd for once taloiies and waist lines were forgotten mrs w awrcv expressed ap preciation nnd ihnnks to the host ess and all who hnparticipated io make this nmuuilevtnl such a success 84th birthday miss emma baldic quietly eel brated her 84th birthday cin hi dnv december 8 miss baldic re eeived numerous cards gifts nnd flood wishes close neighbors cal ed and enjoyed a cup of tea with her she does not go out very much in the winter but great ly enos flowers and during the summer she spends many happy bonis caring for her lovely flow er gaiden which adds color and charm to the village tragic accident the tragic accident on tridav evening which claimed the lives of john e fiankxcilch and his wife barhaia and severly injured their seven earold granddaught ei cast a gloom over the entire comniunitv frank had farmed all his hie on ihe vd i ine above ihe highw iv their onlv child mai eolm lives at sheffield where he u is building a new home his parents were returning to their home from assisting in the huild nig when the tragedy occured mi wilhamlslev dnverofone of the other cars involved lives in the village he is confined to st josephs hospitil guclph where he underwent surgery on his arm on monday wardens banquet mr and mrs stan filler mr and mis david slevvart and mrs an mrs wird bruce attended the wardens banquet in guclph last wednesday mrs bruce recited several numbers during the pro gram mrs archie sinclair sr has been in guclph at the home of her son and daughter in law arn old and mrs sinclair her son elgin who has been a patient at hamilton sanitorium for several years was moved on sunday to tiecpoil for otherreatment chrlntmaitr mr and mrs george grundv left on thursday for kitchener where they udl spend ihe next two weeks disposing of their huge slock of christmas trees mr and mrs h r howard attended the funeral of ilu kilters aunt miss robertson in brant ford recently several of ihe merqbers ol ihe local 411 cluh attended the banquet and pichcntalmn in guelph on thursday evening friends of mr k kloosler who was io undergo a secontl operation at guelph hospital last week were sorrv to learn he had contracted virus pneumonia nee essiiating the postponement ol lie operation to 1 1 iler d lie mr and mrs gordon ail ken spent sunil iv with the kilters father rev foreman a i the home of his daughter and son in law rev and mrs hugh mooichuose 11 woodstock lorraine gordon there to claim 60 prize when the name i orrainc gor don wis tailed saturda at the merchants draw she wis right there to accept her j60 jn vouch ers from ben rachbn hers was the first name called she is the daughter of mr and mrs harold gordon 92 mill st there are only two more chaws in the current series cou pons are given w ith purchases at the stores of pu impaling merchants cardboard is made from pulp harvey laverty heating plumbing and eavestroughing repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners sales and service main street n rockwood phone ul 60934 rockwood 24 hour svrvle bui ford and mrs ann talmagc ot hamilton were sundav guests of mr and mis geoige inghs and family st john tirst aid certilicatcs and huttons were presented to 28 guides ot the campbellville compnnv iucsdav evening bv st john inslrucloi s mi haggcrtv and mr wriglev in ihe absence ol commissioiki mis joan liar iv captain mrs bavnlon called on mrs watson mil mis i e w is lo pr 1 sell ted the badges m w llwmhcrs ol guides attended the nice ting the lollowing girls were pre sented willi olllcl b ldges shi i i lev i lla bouii tuaki i siiihc will ct athlete lehkhls hid ilk 1 e por u 1 and lukci marv collins i wi itci ic poi ic 1 hike 1 and athlete 1 1 ml 1 smith u iigious and liti uul alhleu d igm n on tube child nuisc i 0111 girls j iniee m ithus diwu v in bus kit k sus m wolslcv w i mi u t kinruv wuc enrolled as uules to the electors of erin township i wish to thank you for the splendid support which you gave me at the polls on december 4 electing me a member of the township council for 1962 i assure you that i will endeavour to work for the advancement of the municipality and best inter ests of everyone wishing you the compliments of the season harold griffin a gift of flowers for christmas i the most woiuteitul vvav in tlu world to sav meitv cluistiuas to voui loved oius see our selection of holiday plants and flowers today flowers expressed anywhere at minimum rates e t marks phone acton ont fresh turkeys hens 12 to 15 lbs avg toms 1 8 to 25 lbs avg large roasting chickens ducks and geese kuukkmklikmmoolm mfcv full line of ready to serve hams decorated christmas hams ready to eat bradleys meat market county winners top locals too louise pickimi of hornby nnd trunk valhv of oakullu winners of hi hal ion counlv tiro prcien tion bureaus annual poster con itsl were also ihe winners of ihe oukiille rrafjltfjr tire prevention bureau contest this year a lumh eon was held in their honor mon day when oakvllle and trafnljjnr rireflijhlers- presented the winners with a dcsk pen set harlier ihe halton bureau had awarded the two winners pen sets and challenge trophies al a hin quel in milton i oiuse plated first and frank second in the oakvillfttrafdluar contest third pnye wenvvma aircl i ision of trafalgar while only a scvenlh of cana das annual fires jie tagged cause unknown the dollar da mage of these fires is mote 111 in hil the total loss this is the unions pallim of ligtues eirlv assembled hy the domm ion fire commissioner nnd pub lished under ihe title slalistl cal report of tire losses in canada the acton free press thurtday december a 1961 s jdhn members enjoy dinner skits caiol singlnk and hilarious skits lopped off n lurkev dinner when members of st john ambul ance brigade husbands wives and special guests held a christ mas parlv al the home of supei inlendenl r s hart and mrs hart salutday evening after consuming a 25 pound turkey complete with all the trim minus everyone joined in carol singing led bv mis mel mccul lough a 7any skit entitled oper allon starred doctors george haigrave and wally gordon and patient tom laenby both pat ient and doctors recuperated tuv iv from the modern ivpc opera tion complete with mnliettypc an aesthetic with onlv u mere red patch on the seat of the trousers of ihe p ifienl i aughs wens many when a gioup ol ihe ladies proved that punhllng didnt pay as thev itntf- ecl a mock poker lame the party wis ihe second annual held by ihe brigade spruce trees grow in muskegs teens childrens babies wear specialty shop wear 1 revolving crkoiy 200 dawn up lo 26 walc to pay junior modes 14 miil st e acton ont candv as a gift or a treat you are always sure to please your friends ft we have an excellent assort ment all deliciously fresh and gaily gift wrapped for christmas of boxed chocolates choose yours now while ihe supply lasts from rowntrees neiuons moirs jenny uno tired from christmas shopping drop in for a snack or full course meal and relax bring your christmas photos to us for fast 24 hour photo finishing service barbq chicken special to go ti 49 neilsons ice cream special xmas assortment other gift suggntioni choose from our com plete line of smokers supplies and camera accessories watsons dairy bar 14 mill st acton phone 8534300 closed christmas and new years day fcicccciccciciccicicccf wwmwi gift suggestions for the doityourself mani planes 615 1125 saws 695 1075 hammers 595 levels 1385 brace bit 680 chjsel sets 1500 metal tool boxes 375 j b mackenzie son ltd phomf 33160

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