Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1961, p. 7

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want ads are santas busiest christmas helpers rhone 600 classified advertising rates no charge for announcement of births marriages deaths and engagements in memor- iams 75c plus ioc per line for verse article for tale rent etc 3c a word minimum cash soc billed 75c boa no to this office 25c additional coming events 75c minimum first five lines each additional hne 10c card of thanks 75c for first 5 lines each additional line 10c accounts are rendered monday following insertion latest insertion time im tm wednesday phone 600 st births marriages deaths etc masters bill and marlon m ters are happy to announce the birth of their son william tcrrv on fridav december 8 nl st josephs hospital guclph manes mr and mrs die mams are pleased to announce the birth of their son miehacl david on december 6 191 at the georgetown memorial llos pita kidd dan and jeanne r r 2 rockwood are happv to an nounec the arris al of a son ernest paul at guelph gener al hospital december 4 a brother for susan jimmv lr ene leslie and vetc danny cunningham mr and mrs john cunningham nee hen dcrson arc happ to announce the birth of a daughter at st joseph s hospital guelph on thursday december 7 111 sandra ellen a sister lor sharon cmos of thanks cant to all who remembered me with flowers cards and visit while in hospital and since mv return home i wish to ixprcss mv deep appreciation a257255 mrs sam holmei coming events holiday partv euchre aml dance fridav december 2 slewarttown hall at 110 hm good prlics lunch hull s ukh estra sponsored bv bnllinilnd w i admission 75c a 21 2724 for sale rorjsale walnut dining room extension table and chairs phone 47j acton a 25713 for sale boy s i7c 10 hluc irev tweed sport jacket phone 7m a 257241 for salechllds inrge size pedal car food ns nexx 111 guelph st phone 65g i 25 7242 for sale playpen excellent condition also bibv sxxlnj phone 792 j j a 25 7254 for sale child s white fig lire skates sl7c i0i mrs vic patrick phone 548w i 2571v for sal e cirl s c c 1 hi cycle yyllh ill cxiiis phone i07aj a25 725m in mimomaw patterson in loxing memory of a dor mother mrs robert patterson who passed axa december 14 190 in our hearts vour memory lingers sxvcallv tender fond and true thcra is not day dear mother that we do not think of vou sadly missed bj all her sons and families a 257257 mcgllloway in loving mem ory of our dear father and grandfather william mcgillo- ycay who passed auav decern ber 15 105 so munv things hase happened since you cere called auav so many things to sh ire xxith you had you been left to st ly eyery day in some small ycav memories of you come our yyay though absent you are ever near loymgly remembered but sad ly missed by sun jim daugh tcrln lays freda and erand children a 257247 cards of thanks mere eyords arc inadequate to express my gratitude to euh and everyone who has helped me through these days ol orroxx with beautiful floycers ycorlls ot sympathy and deeds of intinilc kindness 1 c in only say thank vou so much a 25 mr gordon r tajlor many thanks to all my fnends for their cirds flowers and good ysishes ilso to dr ken ncy dr johnson and all the staff at the toronto gener il hospital tor their kindnesses during my stay attci im opera hon a 25725 mrs charles jough i wish to thank all my friends i and neighbors for the kind ads flowers ind cards during my stay in guelph general llospit il speciil thanks io doctor tiuutl alt dubv and al kirkncss t r their prompt wrxtve whui 1 xx is iniured j2s72so doug mison the acton scottish dance club wishes to thank exerxonx who helped to make ihc christ mas dance party a success a a result of this cttort sec are torwarding a 50 cheque to mr jcffares ot the sunshine vhoeil to buy musu hoeiles materials for hyndtcrafts etc for the re tarded students a 2s72m in the midst of our sorross eye wuh to express our hcaiifclt thanks and appreciation to our mans relatises tricnds and neighbors toi the kindness end sympathy shoven us in the loss of our beloyeel husband and father james richmond hilt i we especially ysish to thunk rex donald h west for his consol tnf words all the donors of the beautiful floral offerings cards pallbearers and vic bristow for their kindness and the rumlev shoemaker funeral home lor their kind and efficient manage ment of the sere ices mrs clara lltltz and family a 257245 ror sai f skates gii i s lig urc sue i or 2 boys bucket skitcs sue 5 phone 402 r a 25 727 for sal cantmmmn for sai e registered retire ment saving plans save on in come tux while vou saxe lor re tirement toi information e il john llovil acton ml a 242 721 j ror sai e ib h p johnson outluiard motor ho electric train set 2 dlesel units ears hack transformer and 2 sxvltcli es phone 507 a 24 7210 for sale rcgktcrect rnnlc fleagle i vears old excellent huntct femile 9 months old 4 pups 7 weeks old ixan mai lend tr 8141 b 11 202 tor sale surge glass or sttinless steel pipeline- milkers vacuum pumps bucket milkers and donne designed pole hams sales and service horace tom- linson biampton glendale i 1275 b93 tf wood slabs tor salr s3 per single euul rob suwmill hume saw mill v 8sv0177 or alton 686vxm 3rd line lsqucsing lot 21 i 254eow for sale mercurv 1952 n dio nexy tires good running con dmon 175 phone 900w n 2572 for sale 1951 chcx uilo- malie 4door sedan minor oxer hulled 1956 mortis conxe ruble phone acton i 25 721 for sale turkeys from wil letls turkev firm oyer 20 lbs 19c joe allan erin phone 8112422 a 2472imi for sale llasc your paiccls hctiitifully gift xxnipped hx ben sons shoes at 50c per parcel for sale table top cleetia range good condition re isonab- ly priced for chnstinis 240 mill street east as72l for sale 1 pin ixluii liguu skates sire i pin white lube skites size 4 phone i09w 2572si for sale chnstmis trees all kinds of no i trees tree de livery in actun apply 112 bow er ave or phone 91 i 27118 for sale rubber stimps made to order fast delixerv stamp pads and mks dills stat loncry 56 mill st phone 03 a4cse349tf for sale shcaffcr pens al yxavs a useful gift for any occa siun a complete assortment at dills stationery 56 mill st ac ton a4fr635l tf special asphalt shingles 3 in 1 210 lbs any color 6 85 square self sealing 7 65 square tenpro distributors ltd acton ontario phone 519 a tf cnristmas trees all kinds and s17ls latgc uu sm ill sherwood hume 141 bell street milton tr 8 221 124 1 wantid cshihflimrft wanted hnlton poultry products dealers in live and dressed poultry and fresh eggs custom killing phone milton tr 84401 atf wanted room on ground floor wills ground floor buth- tuum privileges write miss e hiidglns co mrs j brllton olemkile 10974 r r 2 bramp ton a 25725 wanted flock owners want cd to supplv hatching eggs xveek iv on a vcarlv basis large pre mium paid over miuket price- apply box 49 acton tree press u 25724 lost and found lost purl german shepherd pup 4 months old wearing choke chain vicinity willow axe acton reward return to 14 willow ave 0 25582 new 1962 volkswagen 1695 phil prici milhist i iik in illou wul louist urms 6u fuiincirttf aero way motor company bi impion ont gl 10709 a 25 for rent for rent apartment axai ible immcdiitely easy to heat phone 610 a6241 tl tor rl t 4 mom ip lit mint cround tlooi g is he heel phone ssvm a 2s76u lost 3 hereford calves 2 bulls and i heifer xveighl about 500 lbs lust seen on 6th line of nassagaxveva about i mie north of spevslde crossroad thex might hi ipirl rcxx ird a vlllcmnirc acton phone 290w4 24 2 7135 help wanted auction sales auction sale of fvrfumht equipment vmtm implamants may 9mw lui br and tool iu i p wanted rdlubll imii w mtccl for riiuil work must innc own paiul iriick and be vullirtl to luitkl own route top commission box m ac ion ircc picss i 2s 726 111 p want d i ulics du mu need muiil j be i ik axon upiistni uixe in niir com imiiiitx opt nine s in rnn n in s ig ixxex i li hints i lstpilsinn townships toi mini m ilion milk oi phone mis m stock 78 duihcss axe kitchener i 2s 7 7244 for sale tprvnters b smithcorona portjblcs as low as 699 tpcunttr ribbons for ail machinr curbun paper vcv ral qualities tvpmg dapcr uhl cratch pads enquire invited for tvpeunter rental dills sta ionrr mill st actun a4tvms0lf repairs to all makes rental ma v nines bv the week portabus uicd from j29 so see the latest singers sewing machines free home demonstrations toune sfwing center georgetown tr 74 u i acton gordon 1urdware ltd ail beejay car sales free christmas tl rk1 xcllh eavh pcirchlse 9 ciierct scdarc m plymouth 8 sedan s mftior limn scdm s7 oldialobill sedan 7 bl ick 4door h irdtop s cllfrolet scdin v cmdsmobilf sexhin so plvmouth station xxa bu1ck sedan pi mol th si i in il dttdol 8 scdm all bccjix c irs ire xxin tcncd safe tv cheeked and guaranteed ross ballentine and herb jobb oueen si at churchill r j phone 1149 tor rtnt 4room house n ithukim lull hiscment victoi il axe phone i2s 8iv0s44 12172s8 men 1850 i rn ani i 1 arn n ition it sm x ix il join tut canadian army special militia training programme today next 6xcek colllse sttrts j n nary 8 1962 ou will be gixcn all chx tnining for s diss a xmck you will live it home ind reccne the simc pix is i re gul ir sol dicr plus i sep irate lixing al loxxinvc rtcruitinp office nox open mon to hi 9 a m to 9 p m sat 9 i m lo 6 p in briniplon armours 12 ch ipcl st ciooigc loxxn aimoiirx tnr grounds denison armours toronto dufrcim st il hxxs 401 h2w tor rlt lirgc siltcon i unid 1 bedroom he itcd ipart mull phone 718 cxininls i 247222 ii i or ri st 1 room sill-con- t 1 1 lie el hciicd ipirtmcui in ap utniciil binldini hudxxckid tlnns buill in ciipbouds phone 91 1 2724811 lor rl t ollicc spi sq it plus b isciiiclll i 000 lull ccntril iik ition he tied ix ill mi j in 1 190 vsni j iiuck1 i phone 2h ac ton i 2s7261 for restlioom ikiusc til coilxclllcnccs linuudlate possess ino sf0 m inth lioom he iteil tpirtiiunl i 4 room apirtiuont me mullen silcs phone 66 124 721s for rl t apiiimeni veil nil location 2 bcelim nils lis inc room kitchen and bull he itcd aluminum stoinis iml sereins- iimtitn blunts p issc ss ion jin i i90 wm j mele el nhoiic a ion 201 i2s2r miscellaneous kitchenlr upholsterv ex pert reupholstcrinr refinishing ind reptinnit of all kinds of fur niture for tree estim lies and prompt service call walfho s groceteria 8sv2810 aelon all wanted floor refinishing we now h ue a modern sander and edger ue will refinish sour floors or rent you the equipment to do the job xoursclf j b frank phone 377 47 frederick st s acton a tf iphoisti ring chrome churs chesicificlds rest line ind rehiiildiii in idem ind an iqui fin nitui c ojd churs c u in i tnivk se ils ctll tnple t i ph intcnnc co rockxxood 8stv49 a2v720otl reimer upholstery spe c uli7iriu in reupholstenng all ix pes of furniture best quality in itc ml fine workmanship prompt service also furniture refinishing ind nig cleaning phone 88 maiks grocery acton atf the undersigned lime reeelv cd liintniuloiih hum duff alexander to sell bv public auction at lot 4 con 6 lwp of nnssngmveva 1 miles east ol camphcllvillc at kelso on wednesdayuec 27 1w1 at 2 o clock the following farm implements etc rerguson tinetoi overhauled inst vear 2 lurrow lergusun tinitur plow tciguson eiiltlvator ter guson side rike rerguson seiop feiguson rear blade tel guson tiaelor pullev 26 circular saw and finme int fertilier grain chill ihoe deering gniin bin del 6 int mower 1 it 4- seetlon seed hairoxvs rubber tired larm wagon high speed fliit huv rack 2 drive hells hav tedder m h hav loadei grain grindei ii plate 2 lanmng mills crenm separilor grnm ire itci plitform scales 2000 lbs 2 grain sheaf clex hors 20 ft anil 10 ft 12 cow chains xx liking plinx cullei steel xvllecl wagon sclllltel com shcllet hanil culling box no of steel hog houghs h iv folk lope ind polices no ol sheds of ituminuiii roofing sexcril piles ut sciap iron mil c istings hay straw and i iimbir 6 ton ol bilcel li n s ton ut loose sll ixx 1 qilllllltv ol nexx ilr pun lumber 1 2 2 bv 4 i qu units of nec drv elm luni real estate stone house 7 rimims 2 bubs 2 kite ileus complclch model ii good sic lot s2 000 down sll 000 full puce close to ccntle ol town sydney k lamb r realtor insurance and moitmnc broker 8 mill st e ac i on phone 52 dec 17 onu irds 8s3i01o i25 open evenings a 25 tenders wanted tinders will ht nuc until i mn tutsjuv ixaiir i 11 txr pjintiut iht interior it mill m mihis pubhv vh kji iht iu i t hi doiit juiin cl is 111 is hoik ls am wills to tint ont uut imt h uk uul ishroonis i i hn l wo oiin io i tilitu of four tcct titnn tikr a 1 punted wtodu rk t be pnipcru te ind ind simted ind two eoats et punt lpphed all mturil uihklwork to be winded sm kith ind one i it ot varnish applied lowest or an tender not ntv ess inu aeeptcd i tenders io b sent to school area no 1 rsouesing h e batkm see tre is r r 1 georgetown b2s wintertime bargains opportunitn lor hmdvmin 4- roum bungituw full hiscment piititioncd and 1 ithed wiied iknl well llltl ehleken house on icie lot 7 miles from acton 1s00 will hninee 99 icies ne ir acton s loom huill i low l4ioel h nil hoc pens uul eillmlll shed i jiood bit i turn i oi quick s tie will include h he id c lltle 17 pis 2 ti ittois plow mil oih et implements sl 000 ii lit e ish oi hire turn with spimj- possession ji2s00 with js000 dow n tvroom stiii ei ilummum doors mil will lows oil helled fe lie nl lot ecnu il io ilion 0x wuh 521xh down wm j mcleod rt l i stti phone roy goodwin v ton 127 oi lru md ss2ftlo christmas buys older type 1 1 jiood iomliti n net tiltd uui h iukc i moors lots ot i lust t spi i iloniiruini suiims svnelln md el ois r ies ullv jifts i another older type r in bn k downti en lot i it n li huridv ti rjnmn 4 hi ill ooms v e jluod e ondi ti m thniuhuui ill moile rn e mui ouis ill hi etiis auction saus clulnwj ber 2 bv 12 bv 12- a no ol square limners a quantity ol used lumber tine blocking mm erltil tools rurniturb etc hand power drill cunt hooki huv knives majtels scylhei 1 croeiscut suwk fence stretcher light double pulleys slloulili i garden spravcr iron pof logging chains leg vise wl ol pipe dies anvil blacksmith tools blacksmith material slid whcelburruw lawn mower store senluxi 20 aluminum lad der double ptillevs small axv frame apple dryer hanel maxes planes and other curpenlei tools furks shovels bars etc puxcei s uisage grinder 6 kit chen chairs couch 2 rucking clnirs tlrms cash settlement with clcik day of sale no reserve farm sold j a elliott tl 3 holmes auctioneers tr 81211 milton b 308 actun don mcmillan clerk b2s2 auction sale of modem and other furnilure tool etc the properly of john pttost 7 relil couit ielrcx cjecirgi town on saturday dfcrmber i at i 10 sharp the lollowing 1 i ciieli pioiiuia couch md chili 4pieee section il ehesler field upholstered wing chin upholsleicd oeeasion il ch lir lirye upholstered ii ithcr inn eh iii phillips 21 tv modern ipirtnunt sie 9 piece dining loom sii i le 2 leather top ma- hoji m end tahles twin 4 poster mdiolinv beds with box springs ind mitliess vpilcl maple bed room suite with spring miiltitss birch junioi bed eonlintntil luil 2 home wood inaplo bed side tibles child h chest nl ill iweis ood old vpieee ik mil room suite mahogany knee hole desk sm ill eined oak bid fei walnut hall tahle m ihoej mv centre table thiee speed record player slighilv d unalild old knee holt desk blue axmmstcr nn 9x9 blue axnunstei run with pit tern 99 nest of t iblcs w il mil walnut end i ihle 2 sin ill book she e s mof f it 40 die trie stnie like new chrome kit chin t ihle ind 4 chairs sun beam electric deep cooker west inghouse frying pan g e kt t tie m intel radio electric eloek plate wall mirror 2 pair large tabic lamps 2 undcrpid for nigs 12x12 and i2xlr bed tahli picnic cooler coleman etnip sloe childien s 12 tolumc en eclupcdi i christmas liyhts ind deeontions books dishes cooking utensils child s i irjt tncele tluminum tobogi in 3 ilummum liwn thiir ind ihle c ir top ski carrier alum mum ihitsc iouiill skis ind poles lubber tired whiclhar row h ilf h p hihiver motor new c uden tmik bench isi sm ill tools md other iriiclcs this is t good titan lot proprietor toing to ew 7cj i ind in case of bad weather will be sold inside no preview terms cash frank petch auctioneer tel tr 7 2b64 legal notice fo creditors and others la the estate of welter flroad bent late of the town of ac ton in the county of hallon gentleman deceased all piriies hawntf el urns ag unst the atoiementiunext tstatc if waller bioadbenl who died m oi ihout the twenl fifth a ol xtiber 1961 arc retjuir ed ti tile proof ihcieof with tin undertime lxecutor of the is tatr on oi before the wih d i ot december 19i after which datt the estate will be distributed hwing rt iard onh to the claims then tiled dati d al aeton ontario this tuini lirst da ol so ember 1961 c r leathfrlasd oc a t in ontino i esuor a 2s ioin mru christmas parties elections reunion cup winner in news the unnnli nice liny for i he tl ttlioii of tonne il w is held uttnt l in the vlllum hall arul mint ed wtic heih gilbirtson i i ink smith and john funk allan reunion mr uul mrs mob gilherlson tllendtd the allun reunion in iht rovnl hotel saluidi loi i din net musts of mr i e iinun lltomp son who cute tl lined he pol o 21 it ills home lilei iii tile ee ning wayt san tit the tdtn cusi md rdtn mills iiislitules hi id t combined chiisi mis pirt in iht siiml iv seliikil rihim ol tht united chuiih mon day t veiling with a in ye lutuoul those takiuy put in he proyi un weie remlinus mis dunbar mis roy mrs llaniei mis l isbv mrs mcdouuiii duet sevei il contests yames etc wtie plivtd uul iht txihinitc or yills mis n m it sh ill j i m ide i cood s in i i ci ins llowllng parly 1 hi hall club im mhe i s md i in it wivi s spi nt s it ut tl i et mny bowliuy ind weri tiilciliin ed lite i it the ivriv imnu i i i siippir new club officer ope n house wis in id fhui sd i mile in i xttntive ikivne wrlyhl ron m ii lui mimn tollon jack t h inibt 1 1 mi md prntsi ptry wiuucis lot lardswtre ladies mis j ilheiison mrs k slcv t nson join lowiit men niesl puiv mtlvn lolton llowird jillllt s wins cup wi hi plotld ol i loise wltkon loi wimiiny ihc rup lor public spi ikmy ol iht 4 11 club il aber lovli h ill leitntlv chrlilmuu concert dm mills pitsbvteii in church siind i siikmii conciit wis held fndiv txtniny with mr fred austin isihiiimm tlu protinim wis v irutl with sldis md plays miss i le hum mcalpmc s class skil ii i were mis s ml i claus mis hut huts chiisim is away in i m inyt i mis i isbv s a spun sli sunt mrs w mcdonalds juniors chiisimis time md the st u o tin t ist sus in milhrs ci iss hi ist in is in other i mils ind i n itiviiv p iyt ml by all the si honl ki hi iiions wi ndy m trlin w im t h unlit 1 1 un doits tulv m in pitsy wnyht mn tin stev i nson k iihy i ashy wcndv i kisi pi mo si in lions drektl i r mist v moist wilson ronnie mike i sit addriss til welcome upctl house wis ih iii i nut sil i tvinny in he hill 1 heme i mmiiiv hmh in m rink vul tsln plived llu put ol sant i i ins i tine ii w is supplied by the i idles altl nun d muling i llu film mill toiumunit club altn in w j niny ot cuds ihc e lie lion nl o i heels limik pi ice is billows pre si tit nt jm inscl i owtu met j le k i nesbilt secret irv norm mush ill ire isurti k iv sieve nson auditois heib ciillkitson md hill legal continued town or acton court of revision r ikt ih ik i ih it the coin t ol riiisi in loi ippi ils il unst the i9m assessment ot iht townul aelon will be lie ut in ilu c inn ell ch i in he rs il the town haix action trom 10 00 i m decembrr 20 21 and 22 drctmurr 27 28 and 29 a22 j mcceachii clerk christmas contests highlight meeting i lie deeilllbci llltctlliy f the duke ol dcwmshiic chipler io i i w is held it tin home ol vlis ikiill y niny chinch si mis mow it is uyuit vclcom tl those pi sent illtl eoililtltletl tilt husllless si ssinil a list ol hiisiinis th tniies wis idopletl is je ul mis ii r i orte y le i erv inliitshny u tl t nr on ihc it il111 il lllc s llivit see ne i in soi i il p ii i f the pn- jt un w ts e untiled b mis w ht ui uul in lutltd i hiistmis i its ice t illltsl some of which v ii ct piolessioti il looking mis d a dills w is hit winnii i a bullet hiiiilleoil ol cold llli lis s il ids lehshes eoukies i tin i pi iik h uul chi isim is cafci v is st i m d with the chnstinis spin lib the til the lust wishes ol the festixe se ison wire tx tended u ill intl yimhtbvcit lo some ol the mtinbtis who will lw sptnd my iht winltt months in the sunny south walnut ranch ltd allan carey migiifst cash prices paid for alive or eteoel xowx anel hors cs lie imc 61 lie 78 rp 61 24hour service 7 eiavs per week call oollexl hill i eli waterdown mu 6691 aif paconi dead stock removal pan 1 00 per 100 lbs fur dead j eoxxs and horses disabled stock more aeeording lo sitm ami con- diuon old horses se a lb small animals removed free 7 das a xecelc 24 hour service just dial operator and ink for zenith 79w we pav the toll charge lie i 80e61 51rp61 all siiitlx ind luhtion ii k ex i llelll 1 k in n xxiih iinlix hx n ill unvn fasx pivnunl onlx t m uilhlv pix 111 u te lee ill i t ixe s c ish if fe r t ikes 1 uiv 6- loom biitk tr fcoo i mthtion i lo ue i v iiim t i 1 ilive ssitles i w 1 ies ot sim further mtormition it the oil e m church street i isi john r holmes rral estate aeton f phone 108 until saturday at 6pm dceember 16 slav phone number 83160 mofidav december i 9 a m seasons greetings notice to creditors ad others n the fatal nf laura lualla iuirr lata of the town of ac ton in tb county of halloa widow decaaaad ali parties having clums a ainst the jforemeniioned estate l liura luella miller uho diesl n ur ibout the inetecnth dax ul oc toner 1961 arc required to hk proof thereef xenth the un dermncd solicitor for the ese eiitors on or before the joth dav of december 1961 after xvhich dale the estate will be distnhutcd hiving regard onlv to the claims then filed i datfd it acton ontario this twentieth dav of november 1961 c f leathbrland qt i aeton ontario i soluiior for the executors i i a 25 i this christmas give haltons pqg the past by gwen clarke a bright collection of factual stories from haltons early days clothbound jar goldstamped well illustrated it an enduring gift if you want a copy for yourself for a friend or for a christmas gift order now price five dollars no extra charge for mail ng dills stationery 56 mill st acton ont

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