Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 21, 1961, p. 1

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j3 sskfr- vim ss elghtysevdmh year no 26 acton ontario thursday december 21st 1961 twenlyeiohl pafjosseubn cenli rv s huic imimim mayor john ooy dropped the first puck 10 officially open intermediate hockey in acton arena this year he ll pictured prior to ihe start of the elora acton game friday evening as centres beaver baxter of acton and carl schaofer from elora wait the drop of thu puck elora defeat- ed acton 31 with actons flashy centre ice mm pictured above scoring the lone counter celebrate dial arrival at preconversion party vtlhit boiupicms 111 ippietl i lion til i he siniu extended hv the bell telephone tuuptim were expiessul h diunit mes am untf 0 quests at lending a pu conversion huful dlnim tins tut hv clf3li ic l ininaicr t lux s keith thursday tvenmy dice in ber 14 in the ixuiun auditorium voicing praise for he bell ser vice find inltfntcd in thu area 77 year ju uere sun hall m pp fur htllun mavoi juhn gov ol atlon kicvi lain simian ot esqm wufi tuw nslup uul re c c jh k miliu ol nins in ivui n tiff el dinner tin mini m 1 jit lope tin i u railed cilchrilt tin otlitiil ton version nt tin hill telephone wstcin m acton lo did on sun da dcecmbt r 17 tin ludtd i hullet stvk tlinnn mivui in tin at ion iitiion 1 nlus auilin nil was eiiovcd bv atlon nnl dislik t i n and puss it pic eiitalics prioi m tin iltmni pin sis h nl an oppot i unit ot t li iitui with hovl c s kiiih unl mhu hill orfmin ami witi kits usponsihk cor the niovl 1111 it ion ot tin btll svsum dunn in inloimd spmli tin manai i nii ntiom d tv ins t ill i l ton ol i in in si swm hbo ud in malted in a ion in is4 in 1 i k u in s di uc slou this t ent took plni 10 i ns il it t i hi lint in ion ot tin u it plu in unl beardmore party f tutu vtiis pi loi to in hill lilt phutit comp tin hi mi nnoi poi i lied i ilrst cull i mi ki hh noted 111 il mioi i o liul 111 ult on lnsl iiljuiil iliil l ill thai altcriioon dm inn an assunbu at ailon dhi oislrul hijji school when a special net up uf equipment hud m title this poftitlhli1 and pointed nut tin i mayor hud addntmri the stud tills at the suiu tlnu he wai iltlntiiiik tin idduss tin m i ins spiith us in iil lliiouiili oni the roheit 1 nilc ami m burnt it puhlu s h hv nn uis ot l ipt ucoiduifcs m uli lsl pt i bis mloim il t- iltn unci is iunptiil unh tin tiiits ol tin iltitiiihin to iiionnii m tin poll nit slip ot plotless in tin lilt o hit town ol avion nnl uiv tniik ithan s ml tin lit ii m in i j 1 1 ink sinnl i nioinuii at it mi will om i in 1 it 1 1 m twin k ol ih il toiniihinu ition on tin not th nn i n in ton lunni nul uiiuv in inn i i h imla ot stiui with itoit town unl roiuu i with ut in hint ois t hilt i ll ii ti s ileal sen he unit alue in totnlnsion i hi host it m ii kt j 1 wnul i hki to ihink th it with tin mi il ii ni ision sun i i tins sums up tin ill ut i ii h t in itu i nip in thiotirli us tinplovtts lo pvt t ni unl itistiii i tin k si p is sibli stimti ami v ilin wt mist 1 1 t i it st ic on well ami hive i ti i ustouili s itislat tton wt hope that at ion ami us ptoplc will tontinue la piuspcr in in luiuu as they ha t done in i in past hell oiriciau present ai tin din net included mr keith tretl reld tiaftic ftuptflinjeddenl clt- chuim ail lylimtn miporvic ins engineer kitchener huuh wallord mipcixisini nisi illation lorcnian om iph will tun ii icr ljins pi ml wuc chief guelph jkk i tins jostph pull ml mil ro vvalnm uutlii miuici s dm iph i mi 1 tin in puhln u lrt ions oil k 1 1 unl i hn i opt i i loi mis m ii tu t i nul ol tin lot ll olliit municipal guchu i sijllt mi1l hilt iss i iwt i inwnships wt 1 1 it pu st n it il in iln ii it i t s c nn sun 1 ni in i i i k milm mt minis ol at nn touinil pi i stilt wiu mimii john ritvt juk h nti oc tp- uu ktti m ii ilinion c mn iill us wilh mi oiiitik i is huln unl i i uik loih v d nlm ti iln i ia mitnlm i miuism nn i s i i it i si unl oul mil ult h in tu u pu suit lioni tton itviiro lltiiik conmiissi mi in i puss upu i iiixts uiiliuliit boh ii inn jk c lilies ill 1 miss i slhtl i nloi liim hit cm iph mi i tu unl 0 oi i oilk unl d n kwki limn tin uion i itt puss post of the hush now on the nish is nn jml the rejpil ar ant four casual putt i ulike eniployccs aic inpintf with the cluislniah mail ami by salui day tvtinnif will hne sorted an ctplllctl hoooq pieces ol christ mas mail postmasltr ciouton mckeown it ported on wednesday that mail mill riirin i inin as eulv as last veai chusimis cauls bey an pour my in iiiila llns vcai and usual iv ihe itish inyins tour duys e nlm iii spite ol the laic rush tile post olllte so4t tlldn i pltss tin p mie hiition and ktpt abieisi ot i ik m id 130 nuuu a uy mi mi ki own upoi letl that ippiumin itt l 1 10 bays of mail tu itttnttl unl shippctt daily sunt iln stall ot the huh nnri in we dm sd iv c c mny i ifl d00 two tt nl stamps hid been sold suite the siail ol ih chuslmas mailuiy an clii limit has been n inspoiiiiiy in nl horn toronto to at ion ami u tin ii i mptotts tie on duly almost ti omul iln e lot k with ihu ev tt pi ion ol l in horns belweeti h p in ami 1 1 p in at niyhl damage 850 trucks collide damayl was stimalcd around sttso when i hu ul tank driven hy peter alkus guelph and a hoi innk driven hv rainond spem e ii tin 1 1 ton we it in colli sum it the cm ih i nl lakevii w am unl no 7 miyhway mon di illeiilooii corptn il ray mason ol the acitm o p p detuctyncnt uivtsli it a led and reported ihe tare id truck proceeding west on no 7 hiyhuun uas attemptingr a lelt hand tin n onto uikniew ave il the s uiic linn the truil tiuck w ts itn mpniil to pass iln toipoi il itpoiicd tin hn ul dink w is siricswipcd and jiiitniri dam iye tsiimatiil iiouml 57h ulult ihe ollnr i im it imleil iii in i lit south elite ii i unl kitiiul in appioxim ite j1v il nn ift t nlm di ncr was in ule il takes two minutes to switch to dial- last eight operators off icials watch in less than tuo minutes ac ton biihseiiheis had then tele hones cxsiuerud to did at a ni suiulav iiioininy tin old manual ssum w itiston tinued and the new dial ssuin put into optialion the eoineision v is pitted d by cxcilcment ami nntiiv it both the utd otlnt m muu street and tin mw di il i change huildiny ai tin toimi ol chtlleh and i i l ill slliils oil bund to witness tin tiinvi i sim from the balleiv sslein lo did were the last ciyhl opeiaiois ami i t ail lake i im olliii ils tioin the ik 11 leltphom tin up in ami noi llui n i led in lompan until i houi iniitil tlmt opi i moi ml s m ll t- o t i i old iml l ui 111 opt i iltn mis mi i 111 ii u m ss ii maim d on dtil tt tin ol i swiiillhotllt jo pi ul t tils oilm opi i iiois pusiiii lo ww iuss iln hisloiii t w ul il hn old olliti u n mis il miti i in w mis i 1 mill i mis phil mt list ill mis j p skippui miss ismi m ii s iml mfss mu th i liukos willi tlniu win iln ci 10 e us wilt mel acluiu and mis mcraclutn he s now caiclakci ol ihe new buildliiy i tlithntaiulu uf cutty j ik flmliri il1i itltphoiu nisi ill i up iii in in win n iln sijjn il t ts yivtn uppeil out thou s illlls ill i ll iolls liisis pio let liny iln suhst iiht i s inn 1 1 oni luyh voli lyt it tin old otlnt mi imvliik noi iln i u ii 1 1 li n i ii i m 1 1 s si itiom tt ti iln di il t u h 11111 on clnu i it siutl pullid mids wlinh win ii liiliid to sin ill plugs pu villi my tin dial swiulns liom opt i i operation dial went into effect at 7 i m sunday morning rind one of thu norll setvicemen is pictured above as he pulled the cords lo throw the dial system into e dignitaries from northern electric and the bell tdephoi e company were present switchover at the moment ru w equipment ut tin dial building was put into old system at the former bell telephone building was discontinued si4fr iimii iorn electric ffeel many to see the service the lint and ihe dial svbtum wis in optialion iln tomeision to dial wis id ide h7 tiis lollowiny the in million ol tin itliphouc and 77 m ii s al ti i tin installation nl iln tusi svuuhho ml m at ion 1 he i utott i in o lett months pi milium and installation ot nihi eil wius und tinipnn utd i online s euiitd o h noillnrn iletllle ellgiileeis on hand lo set tin eoni isi w ts i loi im i ae touite lh ii wood who is division man 1 1 loi tin noithein t leitric i in s kulli distiitt in in ii toi hn hell leltphom wililiss id itn chtnueoiii al the main slice i olliit li mis ol injjimtis and woik nun liom both iln bell tele phom co and not tin in i leelile co win pit still lo m ike jii lain i vt i limit uuit smoothly soon itu i tin i onvi iston took pi u i did i iupniciit in the in w oil in wis woi kniii lucpient l is siihsijihiis pined their liisi c ills m spue ot the early liom consfant racket jn dial building i ikt listening lo a bunch til woiiun t ilkmu lhal s imw oilt m iii dtstulbes tile noise in sldt llle hi w ill ll ixellllllje build iih4 i hue is i constant unking is uuiuikis hi diikd i ach fl tue diulid makes u noise and when time aie plenty ol ealu all lomliji through ut once the re sult is like a loolllful of addlrtff lliae llltics uoinu lull tilt or uioup ol people ehallcrinu ul u pi i ll i ill anolhu sound o add to ihe i u ki i is hut ot a yorik which sounds whimvti i tusc hlowfa or i phom is oui ol orthi and ki i ps sotinduiit until it p uis are m idi it e in in in ml rinipnir win ii i in tks he made irom dm iph fast talker nets 850 bilks acton resident award liquor store contract santa claus gives out 375 parcels after variety show on wednesday sint i t taus h in l 1 out l 1 isi ippt u i n in si it wis t viitmouns i tin t ntt ton paick lo ihililun unl cintul in pitil pipii i musnim who meiit ttnl uiiioilmt it tin nioiis a iiviwdt i nnht nun i i t 1 tht uvoulion piun 1 nts iu iutm m t nn tits is rom i l i it lu pul i i 1 i i s i i i s iinv il in mus in ld s i in knp i sn i mio 1 m sd i il t i u h n w t i t ni i 1 n in i i nt i ir t u 1 s n vt i p i i i 1 i u iln bis intursl is t i t n ik i i v i t t i i n o i sh nnut ami e omp i m r r puki iiil i hum i nip s s nivii omi i 1 s i nt t s j sit ull t till lit l s is i to s i in ii i i i u i t i i p ii e 1 w i ippsil in in li ii e hi m is p tjv i his iss s in s nn unl ed hi aulmoix otlu t i i i 1 n inn s i i i i it il out p i it in in i r r riikii pliol to s 1 i s l x s childicii ami h ill is n i u u rvnls tiiiotil i u ii mo i n stapil h pmlissii n il i il i fmm tounii i om t n h h lurhts tt iln pioj nn i is sus ic i li miiil himp i i i w h pttlotultil ul lls i ks l h he i it iiiki iknii 1 1 llnitis hum in ihnnp tluw i 1 nn tp- pl uist horn ihi h vn dun ami patents mane i unl i tn vi i in m and wile ic im ot in unt iinknvk lidtis xi to nnd hn oh taking awts is tln who til around and aiemnd tin stai on the smjtewlicsltil thnl a man and witt tt on nannil the cottontails pet formed mans niaic nis and sleitibitti hand tricks much to the plea suix ol their llllcrestcd audlcilte find definite rabies warn of dead animals otlmiii iwis r i ihies hiiv ii dii mi i ukil t sh xi tin to hen i uiiii in ii nhiin ii ill ni i uiu j ntt rr i uii nnl in mijjib nni iu is t lll nun ulll si iui i 1 t u i i i nl n i t i l lx t 1i1k in v ni u 1mlh x tin i tu iui i nm t vthnh in tlili uttrwun tntuniti itlsll u li si till s ls i loin ki- wiiitsis ut tlkst muund mm is n tm iln v io wn sun snppmt u v s ls lin xlv thi tusii pssn i us kiwitn fc khls llk iun p id unl leoiwciown llu tllin liumin ismu oi sue i iwiietl h hti i bt n t n ot linnhoitst w is toiunl i ihul htlnctl hnun hv a wild it nnsi ihi d st isi i n l tspt vii hunting ilus w h t h touul iiiuit mio iontiit with wilil ihs iut is t ism than honii t u witii w li iipi sh old n i filiated inim il whik in p isiuit i ihul ikij w is sh l ni sttw ti llimtl ulsl vttck u ltifcliwinh1 lamiu ol ut is i ikuil puntul i ihits sinus tollowmi in death ol then jv i ix ul mnn in should not be dti oik to i in nhl up lnle- lhed as tin tin can urn the wikhis main siict and a man disease slioi tun m his bain hilditn sbouui lx itisiruttcd an rr 2 c alt don m in shot to keep mi itom mini its unl his beadle pup alter it was attack i to siax awi imm household pets cd h a lo in the middle ot the i il thev act pcctiliaru an at ion in in is poorer h tt is tin u suit ol a i tst smooth t ilkine sit iitiit who pmmised io utotii 51 lik ilit aiiuiunl paid lt itiiiniuuui stni in windows iln sh tiil1 a ti i mil at the lo t d muis dooi im enquired it itu ttsidiiii w ts satishtd uith tin nisi dl iii mi ul itn new ulltun inuin wind ics uttiith installed winn toll h ilu aeion man in hid p oil m 7i0 loi the window unl hihtmi in h id paid loo uunh tin sti mti si itnl he itki hi i httn t lktn in hv tin sjnn v imp nn lmuuil itn toint rnti ion tin sii uiti si iittl he had enimlxd k iti i him sn tit ami prom istd tht i k il mm jsiiiuiioii ot tin lull iimuini ol si 700 upon p ivm ul ot itn s demand cml whui i titled t cheque tor tills nn unit tin sn i riper rtluseil m on tht piittint it would have t lx hiifiil ii oust his own pet n il iiki mi t tint is il was i 1 i i t i ilu i kal nun cash j ul i tx n ii ss u- i i ivinj ihe stiariir it his h nn the hxil man u ilkttl to itn h ink wnhditw the jko ami i hi it 1 it tht strantt tin i l it- tisiiliiii u is assuittl lh il p i nn nl ot tin ss0 woultl be in ul t tht i uup tn who install cd i in w tin i w s ind a u 1 1 diet i i out i i iln lull amount ol si ii w i i l it uniul jo him tin v it in n h id hoil tiilorm 1 iu hitp ml ti dl much i l 1 1 it t i tht iriin il installation f t ilu tinl ws and institution w iiki k ni uli vol ifles police 1 p hit wut m titled dlcr the usui ni rralletl tu hid nul rx j itutd i rettipt and hcan to i hilt it hi bid been pepped i puliii ut itntsiiaimy in liopts lions dance the lions club dance in the legion rnda ccninp was again wtll nitndtd the club chape r j ins n t btart hallidav murlc alun sidm k lamb alee i johnson hartlc cole and jack l dohcrt i ol natkiiil down tin sti mu i unt noitiiu tin at tun m in s mon e wedllcstltv eltllllll oipoi it r i m isou ol ih at ion pl ik i khnnnt uilointtd iln i nt il i ss lo willi ill itsldillls u udiiil ttt ilin wnli sli uiliis ik mittsttd lh il point in ton i itlid it in pi i soli shntlui d ittlil tin li l dii ol in it uis it 1 1 hi willi s i s r ki mil i msi t u lion ouip x 1 1 in que si ion del icd iln si ni i oi r i nui his in i ii iw ud p ins id ih nil ul lo build i uoi mo a i ii ii i viii il v tin pi opt t owiu i kill ii s ol iu i iii 111 lllillil it i on i p ii tion in w i 1 in t i ol ihu t i its on jim n slut t t i t u i ist ol in nits mo i ns hv j j sttw nl w is omit i oplion ihe i iquot conhol hoard of on i mo loi i litpjoi stoic outlet al li i tin pi opt flv had been put h tst d iln i iquoi control hood m idi appln tluili lo oil pi ininiiy bond lo loom two ot tin lots disifpiiiid icsidliillal to i oiiinu u i tl io i tstv i ut i loi i sol i n l i u nn uuili i ind ii ih ii linn i p il ll in nl i in pi opi i iv wis it hi ni pit n ii in i opi inn of one i liom u suit nil d to iin i lit n w sun w is hi irin ilk st in meiciil winn- pi uis im iln annoum im nl ol the awarding lull i f ii kiihii ot thu i ii listvlut i ult d io m iu 1 1 ihi ol i he eoniracl wis made llus hot in ippli iti n li tin fit in tin pioptilv vc is sold lo w j wick hill date ol ihe start ot ii in b u i in it oiuiif i in pio mi ill v w ti in nn n u sold it to t oust i ut lion is not known high school students were given the opportunity last friday the gymnasium as they watch aaayor goy dial 8531000 to tpak afternoon of seeing mayor john h goy make the first official lo bell district manager clare s keith following th cadi aar dial phone call prior to the official conversion early sunday goy addressed the students pupils in the robert little and nl mormng special arrangements were made m the system to allow z bennett public schools were able to hear the speech by meant the call pictured above are some of the students assembled m of a prerecorded message j a

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