Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 21, 1961, p. 11

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m at the acton bowling lanes by ken hulctnl high school dec h hot dofys are mill top dogs despite nlwo and total lo to rockcls because comet were getting thc same treat men from dunblovdns electras were the big winner they took em all from foulprs ducky harris took over the leagues triple and single record with 806 316 other irlcount honors went to gnry mosaics 702 jim bullough 69 terry mosaics 603 singles were posted by mike mattocks 221 don enrlc 200 murray smith 240 league alandlng hot dogs 51 comets 49 dtinwowins 43 elec tros 41 rockets 37 foulers 31 beardmore dec 11- ii was all or noth ing between mugwumps and untouchables with the mugs getting nil anil untouchables nothing tor the winners tln- nle mosaics 69 329 and berl fowler 212 took care of bob browns 614 and fred cnpps 209 with millie rbian 610 jovcc masales 613 lvlc cnpps 200 ken pnpillon 231 and ermn tavro 220209 hep cats won the first dropped the second then came back to snare the finale by 12 pins from the primroses for the shorlenders dennis crooks 649 hec 1 ambert 213 he len lesucur 214203 and arlie while 222 went well johnnys crew made if two games against strike ahcnds winning the last ennto bv five pins strike aheads grabbed the odd point for totals alec spurrell 211 td parent 22 alice wnldic 203 john robson 209 made the single pla teau for the crew rotter mur ray 609 harrv rogers 200 and al pavli 222 were the shooiers for strike aheads luckv seven found the range and brought vii hipps low with a two and totals win with john dennis 606 eva williams 64s helen yatemin 601 alex commando 2 v pol wnldie 218 lopping the irundl- ing high for the hopps won- phil lesueur 77s sheldon ben nell 227 league standing hep cats 64 mugwumps 46 primroses 4s johnnvs crcu 41 strike aheads 42 luckv seven 40 lliilouchabl- es 32 hi hopps 24 legion ladies dec ii the hrsl place riip flops will have lc watch out for walch outs said walch outs with phyllis angeil 601 and mam le allen ml paced walch outs to a two and totals win over flip riops dot earle 639 anil svlvia tolev 216 topped the flip tlops trundling no blows uilh ivv martin 761 and jean bui lough 224 heading them upf took all three fiom jets to move up into a contending position league standing tlip flops 47 walch outs 46 no blows 41 jets 14 blue springs dec 12 with acmes mciii ncss ms wanella smith 218 carnations look the firsi irom glads verna mages 221 look care of dorothv milsons 210 in the second and games vvcie squared nvwiv milson rang up a 218 in the third hut glads wen on the bit with sophie oehlnch 287 sharon owen 282 and amu van de polder 212 lo make u two and totals the singles ol wuia hewitt 204 audrey urqu- hart 207 and adcle nolan 208 sparked mums two and totals win from the roses who had eleanor gov 604 and shirley hunter 202 in the mentlonables beryl jordans 208213 railed lo get asters going and violets grabbed a seven pointer wlih mary daley 200 and cheryl morton 209 doing thc pointing league standing carnations 51 mums 52 roses 47 violels 47 glads 42 asters 32 micro plastic dec 12 when the geons and bell ringers who were tied loi lop spot hoolccd up it didnt leave much doubt who was going to remain there geons sparked by joan knights 711 and bob dnnkwalters 624 7croed the bell ringers dot earlc with 224220 tried to gel bell ringers rolling but no dice a hot 758 from rose cook plus single ol heinz schubert 212 jack doher iv 214 cvrll leighlon 221 bill clling 202 put all games in ihc die beaters win bag jim gib son flexed his muscles for a 619 for ihc- losing flcxihlcs hi im pacts weie in for ihc- hrsl then dropped the next ivvo to the scrappv scrappcts who came up vvilh hank ru le 697 and earl waller 222 impacts chalked up singles with km i llaelner 210 gib joidan 229 208 bools gnschow- 212 and maiv cooncv 213 league standing geons 48 die bealers 46 bell ringers 41 scrappers 41 hi impactt 18 flcxiblcs 38 industrialcommercial dec ii i edgei s i g a hounc cd back inlo conlention with a three game win over dobliic rncll s tiufilihicis rookie terrv masales made a good elc hut tor iga with a 68s the resilrrecled vcteian martin oehl rich also went well with 601 als snack bar and reliable taxi siaiieel out with a lie etame ihen taxis appncnllv lthi lee in then fuel line and il w is als lor ihc big shaic- ol the 61 lo spike spues 801 don giein 667 and ross men ton 671 headed up ihc- win sehoolhov tiver willi 614 vyis taxi s lone t don deforcst was on for al deliver with 651 and it spat k ed a three- game win ovci pauls men s wear aague standing als snack bitt62 ledgers iga 60 a 1 dehvirv 52 pauls mens weal so reliable taxi 44 1iielighlcis s acton ladies dee 11 guess deis olke s fotclol te use- the needle on his ets culse- lllev lost the vvolks to leivell bios the- win put lo ve us in lop sped fle flvel pusleel a 671 feir lovell s anel got hcisell a silver speion in domi so ilelen illumes 210 and laura love ii 226 tot ihc- singles snlei- inc foi the vets were peerere i aw son 217 maiv suncv 208 ailene buiec- 206 anel cina ai bic 217 cameos eame on with a three game win liom piemse molors lo move intei seeonel place mamie melleii 620 joan ban 207 bellv oakes 201 je in mphlll 204 lllel helen otlclbelll 2c8 hiijhhhuil the win joan met list l 220 lllel slel pe v e 11 1 sniltleel loi piouse s u callutn s senile ellel ok in the first then lamb real estate look aver and mode it iwu itud totals with ina mellon 614 nnd doteen mclruyrc 214 being the paceis marlon storeys 671 stood out for mccallums league standing lovell bros 50 cameos 48 lamb real es tate 47 mccallum services 45 the vets 44 prouse motors 39 thursday toppers dec 14 blowers eorraljed iho- tlger cots in thc first let em escape in the second bv 20 pins then roped em back in for the finale bv eight pins for good mcnsjire blowers took the odd point tor totals pudge jordans 236 single for blowers stood out in this go ivv martins singles or 218208 put happy hopeluls on ihe win trail for o two and totals victory against the wish till thinkers the thinkers saved race bv winning the lasl go busy bees got bv with a first game win bv thc scant margin of iwo pins then look a back seal as cameov came on with a rush lo annex the last two and totals ada peals 218 solo loi cameos was lops league standing tiger cats 60 blowers 52 cameos- 51 wishlul thinkers 48 busy bees 44 hap py hopcuils 39 acton major dec 14 in a mediocre displav or bowling tiger cals put the- 7cro sign on ihe tenpro score sheet jack bullough 679 and pele hornet 643 weie t c s tops goid coiihghan and phil i csu cur maintained iheir average loi tenpio with 719 and 672 in lhal outer acton billiards put fire- rihlcis hehinel the eiphl ball in the fust two then the tuc-right- eis caught fire in ihe thud to aveit a shuloiil jcfl frvei 724 bill johnstone 696 and tel mc gillowav 616 goi top billing lor billiards chief holmes was all bv his ownsomc for the hose toters with 612 acton soccer club who iic- building fiom the giound up ihev cant go anv oihei wav dtopped the bundle- to dominion hotel bert towlcr 677 dee deforcst 627 and red beat anderson 611 were the wasowic7 wallopers best league standing ac tern bil hards 71 tiger cats 70 tenpio 54 donuniun hotel 44 tire hghlers 10 aclon soeeei club 4 acton friends dee 14 tor the seconel week in a iew the league icaehng un touch ibles failed to register a win slowpokes gave em the eio business thils week orv chapman s 201 andxlila alkin stn s 211 solos hcailvil up slow pikes win clara tavlor hail a 225 in untouuiiables cause yak- ketv yaks joy over their first game win from sigar jets was shoi l livedjhcv lost ilu next two john cutmingham 240 end mike- davics 205 topped jcls uiindlinc ernie iawson 225 don deroresl 211207 and alice wilkinson 204 were in a like vein lot thc 1 aks in was a two anel totals win for popov ers act ainsl the bel buiivs vvilh had dcrolcst 661 jack mccuteheon 254 212 belh brears 206 anel sheila beiehme 221 featuring the win tor bell bueivs harold ter guson 251220 bub smith 266 anel charlie walker 217 were hesl league standing- lntouehablcs y scoops from speyside school room 1 they nrc busy gett- ing ready for chrislmns in art they have made while paper candles for the windows and n small christmas tree with red paper bells on il written on the hells arc new words ihev are tak ing thc children are going lo act out thc christmas story on the flannel board and have in vlled ihe giade threes and fours thev are also taking about dil- lerent kinds of evergreens room 2 our art is very intc- lesling last week ihe class made a picture or the santa claus pa rade then we cul them mil and made a displav ot them in our class room later we round it wars our turn to put something on the bulletin board and moved it out there we all worked verv hard on it i iui n n cecrx 51 yakkelv yaks 50 popovers 49 sugar jcls 49 slowpokes 40 bell bums 12 acton mixed dec- 15 aloms improved themselves poinlwise when ver na arbic anil ld browne came up with 228 anel 243 in that order lo give them the edge lor a two and lolals win from strag glers carl jacksons 615 tuple and the singles ot jim pope 204 and joanne duval 221 224 looked good on stragglers score sheet turtles got the iirst from eagl es then eagles started to fly high and wound up with the big part of the 52 go eagles win was centred around thc singles of maria funk 221 mar- lin oehlnch 214 and boh la7cn in 218 201 tnplewise it was turtles with bob martin 615 and ben rodv 600 ron whilham and shirley moore made with the singles 206 and 201 raiders had clippers number bv one pin in ihe tirsl bill then il was cur tains roi raiders clippers gralv hing the next two anel totals a 222 single fiom raiders sophie ochliictl was top trundling in this affair league standing turtles 55 stiagglcrs 49 eagles 48 raid eis 4f clippers 43 atoms 32 teennunder dec 16 lucky strikes luck ran out when they met thc mav ericks thev lost both games reptiles scored a 12 pin win irom devils in the first then devils won the next and totals flinlslones and eagles took one game aptece hul the odd point for totals went to riinlstones top ten bowlers on the morn ing s loll were trank morion 157 201 158 treel landrv 144- 167 111 maiv phillips 110162 292 lorna macpherson 141142 285 harrv oehlnch 91157 258 weildv almond 121 136 257 bob turkos 108148 256 maries- mi swain 112 117 249 lvnn vale 111 115 246 sandra slingeiland 110121 211 guess vve 11 have lo make il ihe lop bowl owl for pleasure l bowl for health make it a saturday night dati go bowling acton bowling lanes phone isuin member obpjs is main st mayfair restaurant open christmas weekend sl50 serving special turkey dinner 150 with all the trimmings bring the family or makx up a party we re ready to serve you a delicious homecookeo dinner christmas eve christmas day boxing day elizabeth arden revlon yardleys shulton evening in paris max factor tosca and 4711 from 100 to 1850 boxed chocolates from 75c to 500 smokers supplies cameras accessories complete line of mens needs london wallets coutts christmas cards boxed and individual specials brownie starflash outfit reg s13s0 special 999 electric blanket double bed sizo single control special 1895 coopers drug store si mill st htamm 5u31 acton ont room i this week in nrl pci iod we made picture or ihe liist christmas in chalk the girls put on 1 christmas program al ihe red cross meeting last rruil room 4 manv i lines mr dawkins our leather has told us that for everv paper he i mils on the floui he will take one min ute oft nt our next noon hour or recess hhweicr he has not et had a chance to pul it mtv el- led as immediately aiter he speaks evrrvone picks the moor clean of cvcrvlhinu room 5 giade seven won in spllluilt litis week to pi adc eights disappomtmenl andv spiece won thc contest we had to llesiyn n front cover for oui schools vear book han cv tavlor and don dredge were runnei s up in our last phvsilal education 11 j pevcha rolled 143w league landing luckv strik es vt reptiles 32 devils 2 riintstonts l maveruks 26 i ae1es 23 headpin hilitos inlercountv action saw acton muihants wignini all games hum the town rivals adon combines on ihe female side ot things it was the adondies going to dixie plaza and salva ing one game from the dixie debs ivv martins 7f3 triple which included a 290 iingle won for her both the ledgeis it a award and the stteetsville drv cleaners ditto donald harris better known to his associates as dutkv rolled a ton id 806 tritount in the hieh siliool league and picks up ihe pauls mens wear voinher as a re suit for the best over avei age in the teen irunder it was bill mixurdv mary phillips joan ross and bob aikiilws and the liquid njicshmmts ol cocacola remharts and selii up disappeaud in shot t ouili thai amigos winds it up ad ios robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometbists formerly e p head phone guelph ta 42071 sb si georges square seasons greetings period we learned a new tollt danee called the basket we lane recorded our choral readmit of a poem lo send to an other school in this area that has a tape recorder it was sent to glen williams school and here are some of their commenul i it wan done quite well 2 it had too much rhythm it is loo much like a recitation 1 the individual voices were good in expression however the hi imps expression wits not as ctooil in final dictation trade seven had a total or one word wrontf lo grade eights nine words the aclon free press thursday december 21t 1961 its everywhere everywhere everywhere chrisl mns tonight 1 chrislmns in lands or the rirtrce nnd pine chrlstmns in innds of thc palm- ttee nnd vine christmas where snow peaks stand solemn nnd while chrhtmn where corn ileitis stand sunny and hriithl christmas where children nrc nopoful mil tjav chrislmns where old men are patient and gray chrlslmas wherf peace like a dove in his flight broods oer hruve men in the thick of the riuht everywhere everywhere christ mas tonight 1 for ihe chrlslchlld who comes is the master of nil no pulnce too great no cottage too small phillip brooks 1 8351 893 listen hard according lo nn old legend nnimnls have the power ot speech on christmas nlghl aujaj coka o coca cou belli luda nuiht mtio ina piodutl ol coca cola ltd have plenty of cocacola on hand when friends drop in unexoectedlv orangeville bottling works limited orangeville ontario authcimro dottlth or coca col undeh costhact with coca coia lto hope youre enjoying your new dial service in acton last sunday three new telephone features war introduced in actea dial smvici 7hguii numbers and tollfree dialing between actonnd the two town of georgetown and rock- wood we hope your new service will greatly in create the usefulness end pleasure of your telephone throw away your old directory usr the new itcr phone book wr mail d to vou at tmi lnd of last month it lomaikb all tml nrw nuw urns as will as 1 l t aling in r ohm bring your blue book up to date a all number calling zfrgurb pcrasr pkurmttn to dial all srvstn i rt or rvcnv nr you call 11 and thc ro ft nuucracs of the nuubi vou want to c acm lilhs vo r i occasional ly wfll as imoh von f m t nt town nia qn i book s ari aval abcc at tmt til t phone 9umniss of fice remind your friends g c vo i nrw n user to mrbon ac and duiinui fr end and hi mind tmt ones n glokcitovvn and rockwooo t h a i vou can now call thfm without l o n o distance chamccs c s keith manager the iell telephone coiipany of canada

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