Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 21, 1961, p. 17

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classy christmas revels for nobles in medieval limes christmas was a great church festival cele brated by the king and his bar ons and the clergy but by hard ly anyone else gradually the gbaervance became widespread i and by the time henry the eighth ascended the throne christmas was a redletter day throughout the land edward the sixth observed christmas with great lavishness at did queen elizabeth the first during the early part of her reign the celebration lost some of iti- splendor towards the end of her rule but it was restored when james the first succeeded her in 3603 it is recorded that he substituted turkey for boars head at christmas feasts popular xoute geraldton the new trans- cmada route of highway 17 around the north shore of lake srperior opened last fall is pro- ting popular with american victors nvbo composed thrce- qparters of those enjoying the provincial parks adjacent to it tkis summer ontario travellers ttp 63h of those using jhe w 11 highway route and americans formed 745h of those using the no 17 highway route yule tree once telling story of where did our christmas treel come from the first enchanted glimpse ol the sparkling evergreen tree hung with delicate ornaments of een shape and color twink ling with fairy lights and charm- mg us with the sweet fragrance of christmas this delightful vision convinces us every year that christmas trees must sure ly hae come from heaven briifging evergreens into our homes in december is a very old custom indeed it goes back ev en beyond once upon a time so far back that people have forgotten who first started the custom evergreen branches and plants remind us that in spite of ice and gray skies and the cold of winter the davs will grow long again spring will come again trees will be green again and birds will sing again so what could be more de lightful than to decorate an ev ergreen tree with glass balls of many colors to remind us of fruit with stars and animals and well beloved things tiny elecj trie lights make us think of snow sparkling in the moonlight of icicles that flash tiny rain- our wuh u simple but 1nttre moii jou enjoy a hernj christmas acton motors 6 main st 5 acton ont part of play lords life bows in the sunlight in grand- mothers day wax candles were used but they had to be uatched carefully to prevent dreadful fires j charms court the decorated christmas treej came to canada and the united stales from germany and cen tral europe queen victorias husband prince albert charmed the english court in 14i with a christmas tree and the idea spread rapidly throughout eng land and america but the custom of having a christmas tree or chnstbaum as it is called in germany goes back to the old miracle plays about bible stories that used to be acted in front of the churches in the middle ages one play about adam and eve was ery popular at christmas lime to indicate the garden of eden there was always a fir tree hung with apples and this was called the paradeisbuam or tree of paradise the play ended with the story of bethle hem and the coming of christ to save men from sin which had caused adam and eve to be driv en from the garden of eden the custom developed ot having paradise trees in the homes and of decorating them not only with apples but cakes and cookies in the shapes ot stars angels shepherds sheep wise men and camels other ani mals and flowers were added as time went on finally the christ mas candles were placed on the tree representing christ as the light of the world i burn log properly i no evil on house i the custom of burning a spe- ciallv chosen and prepared log at the festive time of christmas goes back into antiquity when fire and the log were held in special reverence it was bx lieved that evil would not de scend upon households where the yule log had been properly burned i mistletoe myths like frankincense and rrvrrh also associated with chris mas mistleloe was once hailed lor us medicinal properties the aruent druids of bntainnitlribute i mv- stic powers to the njitstleloc lant and believed iteffixtive against diseases poisons alftd witch rati to announce an engaument vviih a kiss beneath itsbcrnes was considered ihe best guarmte ot happiness good fortune kiitihty and long life mo winter fishing sault ste marie as a result of several years of study of the lake trout fishery in elliot lake the lake not the town it is planned to close the lake to winter fishing or reduce wint er fishing to protect present laic stocks fishing effort and suc cess reached an alltime high last winter with an estimated harvest bv anglers of two tons of lake trout the ontario department ot lands and forests reports this is about four pounds per acre it is generally felt that if the lake trout harvest in ontano waters exceeds one pound per acre it is excessive and should be reduced eiffel tower the eiffel tower in paris cost more than one million dollars to build ledgers iga nam st n acton ont t jack ridley cartage tell disillusioned children santa is spirit of christmas this is the question with whuh hundreds of mothers uil be faced this vear it ihc idea of santa claus is handled wise- 1 thirv iniil be nu heartbreak ing suhs nor bitter disillusion ment simplv a formal aul jija- dual rsauation ot laets there is a santa claus anil there in t we uin tell the children there is not a real flesh and blood man with hiyh boots muffler and snuvvv beaid how euuld he get in chimnevs on christmas eve but this is not oil the storv for there is a santa claus mure kind able to bring iovs to all of us than the one vuuve heard about if santa ctaus were a real man like dadeh he i would have been dead lung ago the reason santa claus is alive todav as much as he was 100 vears ago is because he is made of something which lasts forever a thoughr people hous es rees sta here onl a short time but a thought if enough will pass on from mind to mind and will last forever sometimes human thoughts take on human form and so it is with santa claus he w a good thought which has passed on at christmas time through the ages he was here long before we were and will be lung after we go santa is the spirit of christmas and was first seen because of love the thought of love has been passed on at christmas through the ages and as long as we have love in our hearts at christ mas time just so long will the image of santa he with us to gladden us at that season too bad we could nut have mure things as guod and real and wurtln oi long life as santa claus the world would be a better place to live in santa claus is a living thought but jesu- christ is muvh more than that he is real he was an actual mesh and blid child who reallv lived and grew tu manhood and became the greatest of all teachers christ mas was named after hm children should be told santa ciaus work is to do the chris childs wiil at christmas time and to make evervune happv cheer the skk and icruiv nu make evervune glad that the christ child came and taught us yes tell the children to believe in santa claus but to believe in him as the spirit of thus mas then the older thev grow the better thev will understand him and the more thev will realize the happv influence- he has on their lives let them hang up their stockings and get a lutuh for him if thev wish pla with them about santa in fun as a part of christmas thus santa is like manv fairies in stun books and it will be more delightful than u think uf him as a reallv true man it is dangeious tu tell ihetn untruths about anvthing which breeds untruthfulness and kills influences which he should and dues have on followers read evernew story to experience joy if you want to enjov christ mas as never before begin the dj of davs bv reading over the old vet ever new storv of that first christmas when cuki s supreme gift to the world ar- nved it is found in matthew and lukes gospel chapter two j he very best of holiday wishes to all our frlendy caroline nurseries garden centre pearl and jack rol warmer iban eer and tbftrirr loo arc i lie holiday wishes were stndinj ti m acton lumber and supply overheating overeating mar holiday pleasure overheating i as mikh a holi generates almost as much heat vlav hazard as overeating its is t 2m watt bub and in a the rigorous round of too auwl stuffv room the heat itteiallv j parties and the hot stuffv has no piue to go the results looms that tatise as mjn idses ti feeling lethargy and lat of hohdav its as the spuv iue foods the ruh desserts and the y t t rrnosiit setting extra spirits ilt n jree- uhle the paitv i to aoid the usual poshouiav pri lru as ihe enrvvd utjown its wise to prolyl the iuunj jml f tul departs omfori and health 1 ur tani u v t hl inc i e iv and quests bv keeping votit tnu j mfortame tr home well ventilated and p ci ma u11 n hi voll mr kp ii cool fr tii i t nt k muinl hi if iu re cun- a riip fr 4 u1 ri a pi urn hc hcrmui innmi ir timiip iml vliin joun j l- jrcin i- nf t npirls pi tu- is hi numhit- ixpn unli- i- a mnmtnl ir miri-im- uim ipirls bt rw k j hiil pnuiiit b ihi- jtuik 1p h ilhtnh hiiiini pii will iiiniihiiu- p f mirmti p n ruhilur lo muih if ihi- room i hot i wi i 1 jrun- i lht us mil urilii iijvis in ilup iin cpris pijmt out a pcrion in u inn lock flash gfts for motorists women who do christmas shopping can get ideas foi the motorists on heir lists fiorn thi si- kerns i in11 nu-isuit- or umpu mg i v i d stiiues h u own no mtur how ind n the roid just rol the htti wheel over the joule mvii ami tlk jniluipi- is i ai uavd i auiomatuallv i a travel iron in a icahei case foi a bit nire add a i tti pat i laundr v kit t on airing folding hangers t puis and a plastit container lor snip flakes travel sippcrs that d into a nialthirij iih dri it fi it motel slops thev 11 aso he most wiiorne while motoini j flash and driver i i a flashlight with meal bja eket on i head that liolds urns d meruit sv jew dnters lhi s j uat for am snth t meie iu v repairs at nih oi ill ilaik eur i ers ui ihc uii the jh i mows it ihjh on vwiatevei jti aie tim n nru i on iu aci i i pittas m ie lail tie hi kvep a i l foi 11- hi i ol a tea i nu i ea itieii nip oi he b i a e a ai i i n i illte i ii iv i vk i l ho ei dis and ilrawes i e lies il pals i n adapted i u niak r th t paijs is for fo ks vvh aie led ol i- s i 1 i tllcc ot newtons 5c to all our super 9 1 1 mill st company 1 1 mill st s acton ont my you noy truly mtrry 0ritmj karl gathof abc fathht amd son imk tv unita t1 4 acton

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