Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 21, 1961, p. 7

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e merriest christmas to all of you from all of the want ad staff cards o thanks con classified advertising rates no charge lor amtouneetpent of blrlha marriage death arid engagement in memeir- iaifh 75c plut 15c per line for verse article for aale rent etc 3c a word minimum cmh 50c billed 75c box no to this office 25c additional coming event 75c minimum flr five lines each additional line 10c card of thank 75c ror flnit 5 line each additional line 10c accounts are rendered monday following insertion latest insertion time tjgthmlavwednesday phone 8532010 births marriages deaths etc oatm lott mr and mrs cordon lot arc hippy u inwmnee the birth or thllr inn rieharel paul on deeemher 18 1i it guelph general hnspilal a brother for shirry and cindy uitbrwyk mr and mrs h uiterwvk arc h ippv t in nounee thl birlh of iheir son divid drinl at glielph gcnenl motpili on saturday deeem bcr 2 1961 a brother for dc borah and heiulrik died allison at truro novt sto- tii on tucsdav december 12 1i in his 42nd ve ir mitlhew allison beliiveel hush intl oil helena rudick and dtar luher of david hnrvev larrv anl ilia and brother of mis noun braida acton kfnnfy on mcinel i deeem her 18 11ai it return gene nil hnspii il celnh simpson wife of dr ailhur kennev il maple creik sask the lunei il wis held wednes dav di umbei 20 il maple creek sisk lqvell at the cuclph gene ril hospital on ineln dec ember is 1qa1 tlsie barlou i bjjuvicl vfe of john w lovell ancf dear mirihet of len and gordon of acton and thchn i mrs cecil gibbons uf exeter runeial semcc vv is held on monti iv december 18 il si al ruins church acton interment faimtu eemelerv matthrws snelelenlv on vvid msdi december- 20 ixvl al ice hall in loved wile cit clinics a g miltheus 22 gleliallan rd toionio dc n mothe i of bill and g i i riends m iv c ill it ihc trull fumnl hnmt 2704 eincic st tti- ronto pi l lie service illcliv ll ttrnoon power lrnicfullv clel cllned stuckty al the- guclph gene j i il llospu il on thursehn deeelllbil t4 li flllel bel lllee weiods beloved vvllc eit lied stllekcv mel drrr llleitlici ol willi mi ami jo anne mrs barr inscekl ot ac i m mel lovinc jir uulmolhe i ot robin sistel ot leisepll md biltllii wouclsailcl mis ii ink gibbons till nil ol gutlph hcih peiev and jlis chfl bi telle s inle i i ill of v i ill iiu mis gcellle i mill- ll llle i e i gciil ee line il i line ml seivi e was held on s unlet l le e tube 1 lv i si alb hi s clllll ell ae t iii llllel lllcllt 1 lllvlevv eculctciv ulick l ins ii line t imp 1 lilt oil i i lei iv de e lube l is lsv1 willi mi t itn le m ills 8 lie cli beloved husband eit i ellla laplev md ele u lllhcl ot saellc i mis hemv ke lis 1 sptvsicle nut mill i v mis geiui1 r bells ml k ibl i le tlsel sill v ive el hv 10 e1 111 i shllelle ii rillle i ll se i v i e vv is lu 1 e ll mon t iv il the m keisie tiinei i home infi inii nl n i unpk ii vllle ee nit le ls b i vvlnh lo thank the one who found and put in the mall my family allowance cheque which was loot inst saturday thanks again and a merry christmas a 26 7274 mr horry shortill i wish to thank mv friends and neighbors for their e nils flowers dlfts and visits ilso dr gnrrelt dr j seoll and the nurse of the second floor dur ingmy stay in guclph geneial mrs frank freemin tou salf carrrinimki tor sai f fresh holslein oracle cow and hcitcr tr 86271 b32 213 ilirht ol rigmy sti hospital a 26 7270 coniing events eden mill community club christmns dance eden mills hall saturday december 21 8 30pm curric s orchestra spot prizes admission si 25 pel couple 7se single l 267273 holuliv parlv euchre mel dincc indaj december 29 siewarttown hall it 8 30 pm good prizes lunch hull s oreh cstm sponsored by rillintfad wi admission 7se a 25 2 7249 for sale for sai t oni pm ol puis sle 4 sk lies phone 853 26s6 i 26 7278 tor sai f child s incvclc in 46 vcus uootl condition is phone 8vyj47 i 267271 tor sai t childs luge crib like new ji5 phone 8svi067 a 267275 tor sai t sunshine tncvclc intl ii nlci like new si0 phone 85v0778 1 267284 for sai e i chiomc tilth hill 2 piece slc 3 snow sllll i bulmci 8532467 1 267282 tor salr 1952 austin hodv cood cnltinc needing vvoik best ollcl phone lllcl 6 85v2664 i 207272 tor sai r while htmc skn es sit 3 ind while lube sic 5 i p iii t ip shoes misses sic i phone 853 1109 26 7281 tor sm i i9s7 boiek ccn iuiv povvel sleellne llllolll lllc mel i lebo pn ilc s tie 1 58 jet lrc si aelon 1 267286 tor sai l rubber si imps tmdc to order fist delivery st imp p ids and inks dills stat loncrv 56 mill si phone 8532030 1466 34 9tt for sai t i olhee t pi until desk 53s i old limine i ihle 1 14 ll wink bindi pi ink lop 15 phone 853 2445 43 me ulv lie rel i 2v7270 tor salt she irfei pens ll v ivs n usellll ciltl itu inv occ 1 sum a tomplctt issoriment it dills stitionm 5i mill st ac ion ilh6351 tl for sai t hereford bull from rculslcrcd stock 18 months old i wninei electric 500 cluck brooder lot 11 concession 1 tnn township phone 8569714 a 26 7281 tor smi i seel e ii puis chilclllors tiles fenders etc ell hid house i lell s e le iiu 111 i ois aelon am i wieckcts 851 2i9 i2 2m i hor sai e sui c1 iss oil stainless steel pipeline nilikels t vneuuin pumps bucket nulkinl hid dei ipe ele sialic el pole buns sites md seiviee hoi uc lorn i linson bi impiein gle nil lie i 11275 b 6011 ior sm i i le iiu llllel l i ll lu iv v elellv stove h ll ell sole 21 iv lis lie i is broiellooill hill vv it itobe liwnl movm i 4 v le i vv ihc lb u l w i illel s e ii i 11 dill 8sl2stst pit 11 1411 rcpills to ill ill ikes relltil mi e littles lu llle vv e k p i thlts usui tl 111 l so s iiu i lies snivels i sewing machines i i lee 11 line he 111 mslt ill ills town i si wing ci ml r i 1 orgl 1ls r 4 3 3 1 ac10 gordon hrinri ltd i it wood slabs ior sm i 5 pe i s n e lllll s n i catths ot thanks i won d ike i e he ss in i prceiuion utul th inks i il tnv ileir litcnds ie 1 hives in 1 church tnuips tm t s insii lute who h iv e v isl e i 111 le lllelllheli llle wi h ll is ml gifts uhn i hive kell ml 1 i in hospn il i i di m i i it s s ters nurses m i i les nl st j scph s ii sp t il k mi n l v ion i tor km 1 i ss lit nuts i can i hate leeelveet i i svl i rev mi brooks rev mi m kenrie acton res mt gr i flths rev mr connot ind mr elltot ot rtkkuehkl vvh i i i ministered rhe elements of sic rameni tei me to the ladiis ot the salvation arms for setklv isits ami ir crv m deep est thanks and i wish vou ill i vers mem christmas and a happv new year for isyo a26726s thcnia lamb hume saw mill uk 1 i 1 i s i s i i 1 i j w 40 i i l iovv i k v hi p sl ml le i i vv iii e i v ms kin j 1 1 ii m u i 1 i hi ll i it 1 i 11 v e i ii n i isv i ll vv i p v lit tl p tn h s v e park lane tv towers cm iph i si- n i 4 tor sai e typewriters by smlthcorona portables as low as 69 95 kpcwiilcr ribbons for nil machines carbon paper tcv ral qualities tvping paper and scratch p ids enquiry invited for typewriter rental dills slat lonery 56 mill st acfon a466350lf for rent for rtnt 4room npirl mini giound floor gas he ited dnl 853 0237 a 267285 tor rent apartment avail able immediately easy to belt phone 610 a241 tt tor rent 4 room house huliroom lull bisement vtetoi it ave phone 125 8530544 n a 25 7258 tor rent large selleon lamed i bedroom hi ited apart mcnl phone 718 evenings i 247222 ll tor rtnt 3 mom sclreon t lined he ilcd ipirtmcnt in ip tllmcnl building h irdwood tloois built in cupboirds phone 85v2204 125 7248 11 tor rent 5room house all tonvcnicnccs immeth lie possess mo jtio month 3 room healed ipitlmcnl 1 4room apartment me mullen silcs phone 8512161 a 24721s tor rtsr 2 1 bedroom hints cs m glcnli i subdivision ilum mum vvintlows inel dooi s oil luinicc 41 mc ulv de rd i ul iblc jin 1 46 roscford lerricc iv ul ihle jin 15 applv rucne bi ltd i 284 ollccn si aelon phone 851 1124 i 26727b lost and found 1 ost in aelon aieni s itui el iv ille i noon bov s new bunt hiekev sk lies sic 5 rewitel phoni 8512916 1267277 lost pirt gcimin shiphtrd pup 4 months oltl insvvirs to cillo re linn 14 willow ave i 261827 wanted u anted hilton poullrv pi ithtets tit dcis in live ind tiicssed poullrv md ircsh egt c ttstoin killing phone milton tr 84401 a tl help wanted misctuantous continucml reimer upholstery sr calllzlng in reuphouterlng all type of furniture best quality material fine workmanship prompt service also furniture rofliilshln anil rug cleaning phone 8530310 marks grocery acton all paconi dead stock removal pays tl 00 per 100 lbs for dead cows and horses disabled stock more according to size and con elltlon old horses 5c a h small animals removed free 7 days a week 24 hour service just dial operator and ask for 7enlth 9 7950 we pay the toll charge lie b0c61 5lrp61 all we wish to thank all our surge milker users and olhei friends and customers a very happv and joyous christmas ind pros perous new year horace tomlinson surge dealrr leslie francis surge serviceman walnut ranch ltd allan carey highest cash prices paid tor alive or dead cows and hors cs lie 124c 61 lie 78 rp 61 24hour service 7 days per week call collect waterdown mu s69t a if seasons greetings to rvfryonc s id motoring dining mil mohd i st ison beejay car sales ross ballentine ind herb jobb queen si tl churchill rd phone 8512940 open evenings uoal continued real estate iii 1 p wwii d l idles do vein tic c cl ttiotlev be llle vein lepiese 111 ilive 111 vou1 com itilin iv openings in el ill n is sieivvivi i t linos i i seillcsllle i ivvilsil ps i i llltlll 111 llloit vv lite l phone mis m stock s hi lies ve kl she lie 1 i is men 18 50 i ar m1 1 1 r sm nil sin v iv ioin till canadian army special militia training programme 10ll i s 1 n wee k lilt s st tl is j til i i v s 1 2 i ii w 1 v n i i v iii nine le i s el ivs i week s oil w i live ll ll tile 111 i le c iv i 1 s lllle p iv is lie gill it sol he i i ills i sep it lit itv i t ll lovv ulve re til lit olfl e s w optn mo il iii i i in l i p 111 s i si nl i 1 tl bt mi n n tin iiiiv 12 ch i ii si is v 11 i v i lllll ii ii l iii 111 x 1 i ilt 1 ll pi si hvvv 4ui so lies 15 v jlk lllle i i i hius in i b irn hoi md cold wllel it picssltle jlsooo willi s4iki0 deiwn 61 le r s so work iblc goid spilll site mi lute b irn jlstkk wnh skx down 4betlrooni home on luce lol in ir town eentrc jl 000 down bilanee u ringed like rent asking 8 000 mike ill oflei be st w islus for i ii ippv in i pit spc inns rumie i i all our tiee pi ss re ulers bill mil r v wm j mcleod hi i rstrr ill inc roy goodwin 1 ssi 1 legal christmas trees all mds sd si7i s laifcc in j sm ill sherwood hume 141 bell street mlltod tr r2pm a 24 i miscellaneous mtciil si r i philsttrs i s pel leuphilsl lute telllllshllt in i i p mine t ill kin ts ol tur ii lire 1 i tl im iii ilt s iii 1 pi unfit si rv e e ill w llttl s 1 giikii i vvsl v tl i ll i phol si i risc ell 11 his is 1 1 i s v n mel rrsu ling m itn ill in tqiu lutn tin e ii ins it mel irn k se lis c i irple t i ph ls e i 1j c r ekvv id ssvlcs j 2v2ihmt 1 floor rfrlmshing wei now hivi a nitdtrn sindtr and rdter we will refinish muii tloor or rint sou the tquipmtnl lu do the ob vourself j b lrillk ph lle 8sv21v40 4 tied i disk si s aelon a tt tou ol- ct court of revision r ike tl t l it itu com i i r s s 1 1 tppe lis ij ims tt strl v s s lie tit f ih t svn i 11 se e i e i 1 1 c 11 l 1 i i s u i e town iull acton from 10 00 in nrciubfr 20 i and 22 di ci uber 27 2 and 24 proclamation j urum ticrk boxing day tn complnncc uitli tht cuslom wiiilii has prlnlitl lor manv yttrs tuesday drcrmbrit 26th mill lll hslill is 1 out hull div for 1961 ind i htitby pm- cl urn ih il div is i cute iioli d v for auon and rtspctlfullv rlqutsi thii nil our liuliis oh stnc il as such a26 john h goy mnor notice to creditors and others in the haute or walter broad bent laic of the town of ac ton in the county of llalton gentleman deceased all pirtils having u urns g iinst ihc iroilmtniiomcl i st uc of wilier broidhcnl who died on or iboui iiil tmni fifth dn of ollohti 11 lit nqtin td lo hk proof thtrtof with mu undersigned fxctiitor of llu s lite on or before the oth tin ol deeember 1961 nftu whieh d lie thl eslite will be disli ibllled hiunj iegird onl to the el urns then tiled datrd it aeton oniino this twent first di of noember 196 c f lcatiirrland ot aeton oni n 10 reeiitor 1 2s notice to creditors and others in the estate of laura i uelln miller lute of the town of ac ion in ihc county of ilnlton widow deceased all pithes huinj ilnms iz lirist the lloiellu lltlotllll i st lie ot i mi i i lilu i milki wh died on ol bout tlu njineteenlll el l of october 1 iil nquiled lo ilk pi oof llle i l of willi the 1111 detmgned sollelloi lol tile ct ntoi s on or bt tote the oili il i ot dellmher 1961 tl lei whieh d lie the fst lie will he distiibuttd inv me iekrd onl o the el urns then filed datcd it acton ontario this twentieth di of november 1961 c f lcathfrland oc av ton out ii io solle llor fen llle cxee lltors news to north came south to acton school eskimo girl is now editor chatelnine mngnlnc for de cember hid n short article about a voting fsklmu woman mu p inegnosho th it s pnrtieulirh inlereilink to aeton people m in v will remember the young ltiil who after never attending jh re gulir school tn her life e wtu here to live at he home ul mr mil mrs alfred frvir bowel ave intl to attend school ul fotc th it she ind just ind les sons horn in anglican mission m and two mountics one ol ilum the timers son clavton she ilso u tended night school art clisses here tinder miss dorolln stone who noted icr artistic t llcnl here s whit the article sas a t dented twenty i wove it old cftenezer auction sales candlelight service sponsored by choir f benter church was well till ed sunt n evening for the eliltlle light e irol service sponsoi eel h tht ehou the sinitlltiv of the church wis be lutifiillv tluiil iteet bv members etf ihe pll with poinsettns pine hr inches chi is tm is tices mil in rrn of lighted e indies ind coloied lights spteiil music b the choir willi senpllire pissiges lllll j i onlc e liols with ihc ctilliegi lion tuning in were interspers eel throughout this fine chnst ni is pioc1 im doris moff it and doug 1e i e tn two nu mhe rs of t hi y p i issisted rev r ii ideoik in the re tiling of tin scripture a u emmus retiring collection will tssisi the choir willi then k ti vitus throughout llu c ir in the nioining m in white lifls wtie pi est nil d b llle sun d i sih ot ehildu n nut cliui membe i s tv se llft s gi sehool i tl liiis wiulii is spin s red e tell t ir hv tile nillllhels of this huuli creetlng the nter tonimunitv c unpht llville the l lelless wish lo send w uniest jnciins lo the aeton tlee piess so to i fine editor uul stuff from all of us hen a vieirv meirv christm is and i ii ipp ni w yc ir fskimo girl sits in llu ediloi s eh ih ol om ol tht most uniisti tl m ig tints in tlu woild m in pancgoosho i n itie of pond intel ii il i in kl md gtlluis wnlcs idits md iltusit ttes much of the mileiid in inukilttn in i nghsli tlu i skimo v i llfl p lee 111 iv iuie pilbllslud hue linns t ii in tin d put nu n i ol nni tin in ml uis in ol l iw i ind disiiibuiid to i sktuios tlliouglioul he lille inukiliin emus news uim lllle les stones uul dt twines md goes to uiht ihousind i skim i nni hi s m un tichnu tl piobkin is ih it llu m tg iuie must hi ptintcel m llu stindiiel ilph tin i foi i skimos in ihc e istitn ami ind m s ii ilia s m ilph ihe t d ist il hv mission tins toi f skimos in the vvestun itu she is d iulhu r ol in ul mp spin tl nisi ihle out of in i d t s iwo i skuiio rt mp ollui is in siimnu i slu i u s n i th is in inliipit h i tho ud tlu i e hn ikti c i ii ii sh w nk d is i mil st s ndt in ii imili mi llu n m td i i on tw i in 10ss t do i skim ii ins ih in in ih nil seivi i slu w is nllui i th e i tntship nl luukiluii when it fust ippeued in 1959 now 1 hills mult slu isuuil1 known lluoughont tile ale he association sees films of scholars i lu spevsldi home md school ssol i tti in in lit its december trtlt ting tl the si hool tcecntlv wnh i veiv gi tiilviiil number or p m e ills pi i si ml llu piisldellt n i 1 in u i opined lu luismcss meet i n j billowed bv llu snixtirv s in poll mii 1rrmis n douglas md tlu in tsuui s upoit given in mis i i ilot i olm ititih piuuipil of spcv suli school spoke on miltcis per nnnil to si hool it tiv itus 1 dins wm shown of much in litis i isp liiiiv llu sinks llu li tihi itinii h iiitte i ind nihil sehoul tuiulions nu hiding llu bus tup to loionto in the suinnn i i hi ist m is uols we ie sung u e in n mu i in llu pi mo bv ii i uul i i ink h md i st i tl h tlf hour hi nielli llu nioible meeting lo i litis r mrs horace blyth hostess for wi christmas party the chilsimv put this e u mis willi un it ink i ii le i ul 1 1 u l i kl it i auction sale of ferguson equipment farm implements hay straw i urn her and tools had mt use the undersigned hive leeelv td instruct i ns hum duff al fxander to sell h public uktton it lot 4 eim t twp ot iss ig rwe v i miles e ist i f c imphcllvilk it kelso on wrorsda ore 27 i96i at 2 o 1 ck the foil win 1 rvrm impitmtsts i tc pel r ii ii le i i a l i h tllli 1 i tsl e 11 2 lurr t i e rguson u ul i p iw fellllson etllliv l lot i el lus 111 sale r ike ftijus m s ixip i iph n re 11 hluk 1 1 rgusi n it i 11 pulle 26 lu ul u saw in 1 1 1 ime hit fe in itr ci un ii ill h 1 deirmj ji i n bin 1 1 6 im tninur s ii 4 sc i ion seetl h u rows ruhbe r t led t inn vv igon hifli spttd tl ii h i 1 1 k 2 tlnu lulls h i ddtr mm h n 1 1 1 it i ujn i mdt r 11 pi he 2 f inning nulls c rt im sipu nor lrnn n e itt r pi 1 1 hum sc lies 2 ikk lbs 2 j1 un sh if eltv uors 20 m tn 1 0 tt 12 w ch nns w liking pi m tutur sin w hit i s ii m si ut 1u r mill ji mi i h uul in un b ix n i sttll h j i milll i t ik pt uul jiu i e- n i shit k t t uminum r f n st c t il s t s i ip ut n m i iims ww strw si i i mbi w m t b ilttl h iv i in t ni nt i qu tllll i i iu 1 i u lunilur i 2 2 h 4 i 1 i i rt tv f iur r elm luni t 2 b 12 b 12 i n i i mjii in tirnbt rs t cj i u i iini i uinl i i i hi k k i h m i i ul txh s ii rmtl rf ir hind pi wer dnl int h k i knius m k ithes irosmiit nicvn feme sire tt her jhl ihnihlc pul es sh mldtr c trden vpravcr in n pots 4 i fgmg ch uns leg ise si t ol i p thes anil blacksmith i n hi uksmith mate n tl til w u i lhnrrtn iwn mwti i it n il s t j umiihim lil it i i uh t ni it s stu i i saw tianie ipp c trvei bind is pluus and jthir irpenur tools forks shovels hais et power s uis nc giinur 6 kit chin shirs coudi 2 nkkuil chairs terms cash settlement with new members of knox church ev mi ru hi is mi iv id into kn pi t sh ti 1 1 in cliuuh on suiul iv dlci mhit 17 ihn in l the ii i 111 stl v lie wire bv piolts st in i i re il t ii m uioii of t ulh mi uul mis ndiew ad mi 12 mill si i w tne binson 2h mill si i miss lois i blown it 7 m tin si s mi md mis goid n w coiptr 37 mc u rlt rd mis d gir diwkins i i igin si mi ind mis j b iruik 47 rrtdtruk st hudon it rocque 6 victomi ave tnd h tt iiishr if ni titu ilt mi uul mrs ji hn t h ill 61 sln hi t ml mr nidi mis ii irrv c j i iws n 42 bi ck avt mrs 1 hi 1 l i i r ijui 6 id ni i ave mrs gn m ilk mihnmn m 11 si i md mi md mrs i gl in i n i i hi is 61 stnoii wis ttlehiiteil b ihe iiiiinbiis ol dublin wonutis histuutt list ihuisdiv ivciuiil dittmhti 14 it llu honu ol mis hoi ill bimii hllll spi uils ro ill iss il iwl i i lu honu vv is in uiiihillv tin u it td with llu it uliiion il tm is will is ulllei lllllls smuhoht nl the chi islm lshde mis c tlvin milntxii is pusi tk nt eondtii ltd tlu opt u inc t hit i ill t ill in mis billion ujs itspt mini to in ills l i i t h 1 1 h impt i mis v mi inlvit ind mis not m m i limit ohiniii mt o tssist it tlu c in til imu in ton n t nionili i i nil1 nu nis wi 1 1 m tdt i i i tun pit ti t eim 1 1 in i miii ii uul mis iiiuli rohiilson oltii d hn la mu toi llu quill int i in shut ms will lu it uieinbc tttl il cluist m is committees win chosen for the pciim silt uul i iu hit to bt lie lil t ti h m j mu u m the mca clon ssi vied hv mis t ihomson look th irgi of llu t hi is i in is pi om mi which ti imiuutttl willi tlu sung the nu it wt eil toliilui tlu hippur vm will h i in it it itlings win livin cost mis inoihci i nuts m s i w llsnn lit istm is ii und iiu wotld hv mis alex v it uul luisini is sviubuls in mis i c l mils uucs tnd nl is uii tuiidu ictl bv mis i t ink mil mt s i h iiiimiii s int i i nis in llu pi i s in it e ol mis a u issisti d in miss pi clv hlvih thsinbutttl mhs tm ill hiisim is c im is wm sung with ii tomp uii tin ul tl mis g ruin i is hi hi t ii siiil mis j uiits m i let i nil llu c hnsim is pi im i diii whth god bt with it till wt nu 1 1 il un w is sung h inn 1 1 ous c hi tst mas p u iv wis siivtd in the hosltss mis ru i h issisietl hv the i iilii s on the executive mrh george roh iilson hi w urn thinks to llu hostiss ind ill who h id in inicd sm h i pit is uil evening c iii un 1 ll e lelihli n if iii s l ill 1 llle i llle iilllinilllle 1 ii in ml i l e lolip 1 ill t kll ill 1 ii 111 1 1 e m llle me 1 nil llle 111 i live ii 1 1 ii 1 ll 1 llle 1 ll council thanks reeve sinclair ih nks t i i sqileiillg t huh il w r i i i t ncv mipbi 11 si i i i th t tn it un in i n i ir i il m nun r in w h h h i i i i th s c unt il i i i i t p i t ii i i t i r i i i i il si i u i i 1 i i m 1u i i n 11 i i 1 t i i xi i c it il i w 1 h 1 w s t i i t is in w is u ti u i l p mi su i i w i i h s i n is llll n i mi im nis in i k nli i w i 1 i sv i kh un r 1 th r h h s him 1 in i h u i i n i t anlcrs n uul kc h w t the gi ircit wn high s h k ir i nnr i in 1 ribrd gartlh us i tht milion hieh s hi ar i board acuiun s were passr i 1 r p iv nu ii in li 1 n one for i 1 ki tit i j s i mil r r i i n hot in win k d iv of s tic i rtsirm tarm ld j a filiott j houmfs auttiomcrs tr 821 milton 4i 308 ac t m don mcmillan clerk l2s2 i andy post of aaifton milling co masey ferguson dealer in m i ton recently attended a one week advance technical course at the m f serv ce tra n ng centre in detroit michigan ebteihl si ed to cjt velop bttter customer service at the dealer level fr c ct i tr offers mf dealer personnel a choice of 14 courses ring g f om sr op management to tractor hydraulics the oi e to tout wet courts ensure dealers are up to date on the latest ndustry serv ce ttc nques as well as the mair tennce and operai on of the company s expanding lines 6f agricultural and mdustr al equ pment milton milling co a division of tobln hood flow mills ud milton ont tl 50t

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